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by Scotty
Wed Jan 25, 2023 12:26 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Holes Mafia {TOWN WINS}
Replies: 1518
Views: 23688

Re: Holes Mafia {TOWN WINS}

Budget Winner Banner if you're so inclined: Image
Spoiler: show
by Scotty
Mon Jan 23, 2023 6:12 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Holes Mafia {TOWN WINS}
Replies: 1518
Views: 23688

Re: Holes Mafia {TOWN WINS}

Bad luck to Kate for finding the lizard immediately. It may have actually been to the detriment of mafia that the lizard was discovered so early, as they could maneuver around it.

The tracker is still sitting in D4. I figured I’d keep you all digging regardless of if everything was found, but it wasn’t necessary lol
by Scotty
Mon Jan 23, 2023 5:56 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Holes Mafia {TOWN WINS}
Replies: 1518
Views: 23688

Re: Holes Mafia {Day 4}

End of Day 4

In the chaos of Mr. Sir’s explosive entrance onto the ‘Lake’, all the kids scattered but one. He sat on the dirt next to the Warden’s car, twisting and untwisting some metal wires he found earlier that morning. The kid’s name was Brian, but X-Ray called him Twitch because he was always fidgeting. Twitch had been was assigned Zero's bed after Zero’s passing, but opted to sleep on the ground.
Vacancies don't last long at Camp Green Lake.
Twitch had been arrested for stealing a car. He claimed he could break into a car, disconnect the alarm, and hot-wire the engine, all in less than a minute.
"I never plan to, you know, steal one," he told them when he first arrived. "But sometimes, you know, I'll be walking past a real nice car, parked in a deserted area, and, you know, I'll just start twitching. If you think I twitch now, you should see me when I'm around a car. The next thing I know, I'm behind the wheel."

It doesn’t a take rocket scientist to figure out what happened next.

Stanley could only faintly make out Magnet’s limp body downed by a stray bullet, and could hear the revving engine of the approaching car. It almost sounded like 2 cars were revving. But that couldn’t…

Suddenly, there came a loud *pop* and *clang* and Stanley spun around, expecting it to be related to his shoulder or leg being blown out by a bullet. But it wasn’t that at all.

Mr. Sir was furious. First, the little brats overpower Mr. Pendanski in the field, then do something to his precious Warden. He knew plain as day that the Warden should’ve returned by now, so he high-tailed it out to those good-for-nothings with red clouding his entire vision. Not his Warden. She was sure to go steady with him one of these days. He took out his pistol normally reserved for lizards and fired away, hoping secretly that one caught a kid. Up ahead, it looked like a body of a woman. ‘ couldn’t be!’ He groaned.

Then he saw it- the Warden’s car roared to life, took a left and began peeling out over the dry, holey, pock-marked lake.

The murderer wasn’t escaping on Mr. Sir’s watch. He pulled his gun arm back in and shifted gear to the max, and proceeded to follow about 100 yards back.

Mr. Sir had never gone off road in his pickup before. It would have probably served him to have practiced this at some point in the years he’d put himself out in this hellhole, but that was Pendanski’s job- he was the deliverer. Mr. Sir was the enforcer. And he was the avenger in this moment. He was getting closer to the car ahead. He put his gun arm back out the window.

There was a brief *pop* where the front left wheel caught on a hole, and only the briefest of moments later, the car launched into a barrel roll. Mr. Sir didn’t have time to scream, as the car landed on its side, throwing the man through the driver’s side door into a waiting hole below, completely boxing him in.

When the dust settled, and he got his bearings, Mr. Sir was relieved to find he wasn’t dead. But when he tried to stand up, he realized his legs were pinned under the cab and he was definitely in a world of pain. That pain was only short-lived however, when he heard the unmistakeable hiss…of a yellow spotted lizard. A whole family of them emerged, as if he had just ruined their family barbecue. Mr. Sir turned a pale white, and instinctively reached for his pistol. But it was just out of reach. The lizards approached. They’d be able to finish their family barbecue after all.


Stanley could hear the truck approaching before he saw it, and jumped behind a thin shrub in panic. The tires skidded to a halt right in front of him. He covered his face in his hands and when the dust settled, he looked up.

In the driver’s seat, barely seen in the window was the teensy head of Twitch.

“Twitch?” Stanley Yelnats IV asked incredulously.
The driver shook his head, and then, with a twitch, added, “It’s Brian. Get in.”

They say treasure was buried at Camp Green Lake. The boys that were forced for dig for that treasure never found any physical proof of that. But the ones that lived through the ordeal found their own treasure: separate book deals, and a lump settlement in reparations from gross negligence against minors.

And it was all because of Stanley’s no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing great-great-grandfather!

Lucy has been eliminated. They were
Spoiler: show
Mr. Sir a member of Mafia! Your team wins when you reach parity with town.


Thank you everyone for playing- I hope you all had a good time!

Spoiler: show
by Scotty
Mon Jan 23, 2023 1:16 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Holes Mafia {TOWN WINS}
Replies: 1518
Views: 23688

Re: Holes Mafia {Day 4}

DrWilgy wrote: Mon Jan 23, 2023 12:47 pm
Marmot wrote: Mon Jan 23, 2023 12:45 pm
DrWilgy wrote: Mon Jan 23, 2023 12:25 pm
pyxxy wrote: Sun Jan 22, 2023 8:31 pm oh also uh I dug up the double vote last night so I've got 2x vote power today

any chance that someone used the cop check last night and we can clear another person besides Sabi?
So in the situation where you are wolf, you can pretty much always cause a tie if town isn't unanimous.

Don't like that.

Does wolf Pyxxy just lie here? Does wolf Pyxxy state this?

Maybe not. Idk this makes me think it's just gotta be Lucy.
The mechanically optimal play is to chop pyxxy today if they're POE, because if we don't and the is a wolf, he can do exactly what you say, guarantee at least a tied vote in LYLO and a 50/50 chance at a W.

From my POV, I just don't know if he's quite that POE.
I don't think the ability can be carried over. @Scotty clarification plz?

If so, maybe we just ignore the power altogether.
For clarification, the double vote power is the only one of the 4 powers that automatically is triggered the next cycle
by Scotty
Sun Jan 22, 2023 8:00 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Holes Mafia {TOWN WINS}
Replies: 1518
Views: 23688

Re: Holes Mafia {Day 4}

Day 4

It made no sense to Stanley. Like clockwork, the kids started digging again, as if the curator of their condemnation hadn’t just dropped dead from a poisonous lipstick container.

Everyone saw it, and soon thereafter, X-ray picked up his shovel to get back to digging. Then Magnet. Then the rest of them, until Stanley himself was working on the edges of his five-by-five foot hole. Were their spirits really that broken?

Apparently they were. And Stanley wasn’t going to take it any more.

“Hey guys…guys! I say we just take off. Just walk outta here! There’s bound to be a town or something somewhere out there where we can escape to!” He announced feebly.
Stanley had never been particularly good at public speaking and this was confirmed when no one looked his direction or missed a beat with their digging.

Stanley couldn’t believe it. He sure wished he had a friend that could back him up and go along with him. But alas, he had zero friends.

Just then, he could hear the tires of a distant pickup truck, and a gun shot.

All the boys stopped and looked towards the commotion. Mr. Sir was ostensibly driving full speed towards them. A few more shots were fired in their general direction.

X-ray scrambled out of his hole. “I ain’t staying for this!”

Now the kids were scrambling like cockroaches in a spotlight. Shots continued to be fired. Stanley took off in one direction. Magnet and X-ray sprinted in a different one. Someone dropped. Stanley looked back, but not for long. Mr. Sir was obviously not in a bargaining mood. He ran as hard and as fast towards what looked like distant mountains, and didn’t stop.

Seanzie has died! He was
Spoiler: show
Magnet, town-aligned. You win when all mafia are dead!

It Is now Day 4. If you do not dig a hole today, you must dig two holes tomorrow. When choosing a plot, please do so in the same post as your vote. As a reminder, votes are NOT CHANGEABLE. @DrWilgy and @lucy did not dig a hole yesterday and must dig two today.

Day 4 will end in 48 hours, or whenever the last player has voted.

Spoiler: show
by Scotty
Sat Jan 21, 2023 8:03 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Holes Mafia {TOWN WINS}
Replies: 1518
Views: 23688

Re: Holes Mafia {Night 3}

End of Day 3

The water truck came a little after sunrise. Marmot finished his last drop of water and stepped up in his hole. At this time of day, Marmot sometimes could see some distant hills or mountains on the other side of the lake. They were only visible for a short while and would soon disappear behind the haze of heat and dirt.

A little bit away, Marmot heard DrWilgy stop and ask, presumably, a higher power, “can you change me to a 3p that gets to play as the yellow spotted lizard? I desire to make lizard sounds.” He added the last but with a flourish of hissing noises.

‘Good to know I’m not the only one possibly going insane out here,’ Marmot thought ruefully.

The water truck stopped, and the dust cloud drifted past it. The other kids all leapt to get in line. A tall woman with red hair stepped out of the driver’s seat. She looked even taller than she was, since Marmot was down in his hole. She wore a black cowboy hat and black cowboy boots which were studded with turquoise stones. The sleeves on her shirt were rolled up, and her arms were covered with freckles, as was her face. She walked right up to Lucy.
"Have you found anything useful yet to show me?”

Lucy said nothing and backed up.
"Your good work will be rewarded." She turned to Marmot.
“Marmot, will you come here, please?"
Marmot was surprised she knew his name. He had never seen her. Until she stepped out of the truck, he didn't even know the Warden was a woman.

Marmot inched towards her, head bowed low.

“It’s okay. I don’t bite. The lizards do enough of that for me.” She looked him up and down. “Got anything for me, Marmot?”

Marmot squinted and looked down the road to where he could still spy fingersplints’ body surrounded by carrion birds.

“I…I think I might. It’s in fingersplints’ pocket.”

The Warden turned, only now seeing the decaying body along the road for the first time. She then made a beeline for the boy, and the group could see her shooing away the buzzards and lunging for the body’s pockets with such efficiency, Marmot thought she’d done it before.

After some cursory digging, the Warden stood up with a peculiar tube in her hand. She inspected it and then immediately started applying the remnants of the lipstick to her lips.

With a glow about her, she sauntered back to the boys. And began to sputter. Her tongue felt like it was on fire. Then her throat. Then her chest. Then her heart.

Then she fell, to the stunned confusion of everyone there.

Neon has been eliminated. They were
Spoiler: show
The Warden, a member of Mafia! Your team wins when you reach parity with town.
It Is now Night 3.

Night 3 will end Sunday 1/22 at 7p Eastern.
by Scotty
Sat Jan 21, 2023 8:00 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Holes Mafia {TOWN WINS}
Replies: 1518
Views: 23688

Re: Holes Mafia {Day 3}

End of Day 3 vote total:
(Honoring pyxxy’s vote since it was in thread)
Spoiler: show
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
Voters: Neon
Voters: Seanzie, Sabiplz, Marmot
No votes
Voters: None
Voters: pyxyy
No votes
Voters: None
by Scotty
Thu Jan 19, 2023 8:05 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Holes Mafia {TOWN WINS}
Replies: 1518
Views: 23688

Re: Holes Mafia {Day 3}

As a reminder, @Sabiplz must dig 2 holes today for not digging an eligible hole yesterday
by Scotty
Thu Jan 19, 2023 7:59 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Holes Mafia {TOWN WINS}
Replies: 1518
Views: 23688

Re: Holes Mafia {Day 3}

Day 3

The walk back to camp was brutal. They walked back instead of driving because when Mr. Sir found out the kids had overwhelmingly bombarded Mr. Pendanski with a metric ton of small rocks, there was hell to pay. If walking wasn’t enough of a punishment, he snatched everyone’s shoes and shirts and sped ahead, leaving all the kids to march back in the dark. Even though some raised their voices as to the legality of the situation, it seemed Mr. Sir was taking a devious amount of mirth in this, no doubt.

Once they started moving, Stanley noticed Squid putting something on his lips. Upon closer inspection, it looked like a tube of lipstick.

“Holy smokes, where’s you get that, Squid?”
Stanley couldn’t tell in the dusk, but he was sure he saw Squid blush 4 shades of red.

“Oh, this?” Squid asked, showing off a thin metal tube with a KB on the side. “I just found it earlier. It still had lipstick in it and all!”

“So you thought you’d put it on? You’re out of your mind!” Stanley joked. Squid smacked his lips. “Nah, you’re just jealous.”

It only took 30 minutes for Squid to start sputtering and choking. ‘That lipstick really didn’t agree with him,’ Stanley thought. Squid eventually dropped in the back along the road, but no one stopped to help. This was becoming commonplace, which bothered Stanley.

fingersplints has died! She was
Spoiler: show
Squid, town-aligned. You win when all mafia are dead!


When they arrived back to camp after hours in the now-cold desert, Zigzag booked it straight to the showers. But the handle didn’t turn.

Mr. Sir lurked outside, chewing on fistfuls of sunflower seeds and grinning like a Cheshire Cat.

“Hey, uh, Mr. Sir, sir? Why is the water not on?”

“Water? Why do you need water any more? You made sure to cut off the one that gives you water for your holes, so we cut off the water for you here too.” He spit into the bathhouse.

“But…but we need water to live, man. You can’t do that.”

“I can do whatever I want, Pigpen.”
Zigzag scowled. “It’s Zigzag.”

Mr. Sir frowned. “Not for long. All of you boys will be Pigpen without showers.”

The rest of the boys came around the corner.

“Oh, and if you think this is over, you’re wrong,” Mr. Sir warned. “Because I’m taking from you one for one of my own. Who’s it gonna be?”

Caveman lunged at Mr. Sir, but Magnet and X-ray held him back. “You can’t do that!”

Mr. Sir turned a deep purple with rage. “Oh, CAN’T I?”
It turned silent. Mr. Sir continued, “pick one and send them to my office to get their reward.” Then he threw more seeds into his mouth, about-faced and headed to his cabin.

Everyone deflated. Then sniffed. Then parted, giving the source of the stench a 5 foot by 5 foot buffer.

And so it was that the boys sent that kid to Mr. Sir so the entire sleeping quarters didn’t become a hot lodge of body odor, which would surely kill all of them.


Dennis has died! He was
Spoiler: show
Armpit, town-aligned. You win when all mafia are dead!

It Is now Day 3. If you do not dig a hole today, you must dig two holes tomorrow. When choosing a plot, please do so in the same post as your vote. As a reminder, votes are NOT CHANGEABLE.

Day 3 will end in 48 hours, or whenever the last player has voted.

Spoiler: show
by Scotty
Thu Jan 19, 2023 12:00 am
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Holes Mafia {TOWN WINS}
Replies: 1518
Views: 23688

Re: Holes Mafia {Day 2}

End of Day 2

Dennis’ blisters had ripped open, and new blisters formed. He kept changing his grip on the shovel to try to avoid the pain. Finally, he removed his cap and held it between the shaft of his shovel and his raw hands. This helped, but digging was harder because the cap would slip and slide. The sun beat down on his unprotected head and neck.
Though he tried to convince himself otherwise, he’d been aware for a while that his piles of dirt were too close to his hole. The piles were outside his five-foot circle, but he could see he was going to run out of room. Still, he pretended otherwise and kept adding more dirt to the piles, piles that he would eventually have to move.
The problem was that when the dirt was in the ground, it was compacted. It expanded when it was excavated. The piles were a lot bigger than his hole was deep.

In the distance he could hear Macdougall lament to no one in particular, “Uhhhh I don't wanna solve the gaaaame!”
Dennis didn’t know what game Macdougall was going on about, but he paid it no mind.
He was brought back to his hole dilemma. It was either now or later. Reluctantly, he climbed up out of his hole, and once again dug his shovel into his previously dug dirt.

It was then that he noticed the slick trail of blood coming into his hole. For some reason, the fact that it was messing up his hole is what bothered him, and not that Macdougall himself lie next to his own hole, surrounded by many rocks.

Dennis shrugged. ‘I guess the other kids really didn’t like him calling them by their outside names,’ he thought. Then he continued his hole. It needed to be dug, after all.

Macdougall has been eliminated. They were
Spoiler: show
Mr. Pendanski, a member of Mafia! Your team wins when you reach parity with town.

It Is now Night 2.

Night 2 will be slightly abbreviated to get back onto an earlier schedule and will end Thursday 1/19 at 7p Eastern.
by Scotty
Thu Jan 19, 2023 12:00 am
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Holes Mafia {TOWN WINS}
Replies: 1518
Views: 23688

Re: Holes Mafia {Day 2}

Day 2 votecount
Spoiler: show
Voters: MacDougall, Neon, Marmot, lucy
No votes
Voters: None
Voters: DrWilgy
No votes
Voters: None
Voters: Dennis, pyxxy, Sabiplz, Seanzie
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
by Scotty
Tue Jan 17, 2023 12:04 am
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Holes Mafia {TOWN WINS}
Replies: 1518
Views: 23688

Re: Holes Mafia {Night 1}

Day 2

“This isn't a Girl Scout camp," said Mr. Sir, spitting out a mouthful of sunflower seeds onto the ground, then added, “but I’ll protect you little girls from those yellow-spotted lizards if I have to.”

It seemed to have been lost on Mr. Sir that someone had died from a yellow-spotted lizard earlier that day. Or maybe he truly just didn’t care.

Stanley was led back to the camp with the other campers, who seemed exhausted and grouchy.

There were six large gray tents, and each one had a black letter on it: A, B, C, D, E, or F. The first five tents were for the campers. The counselors slept in F.
Stanley was assigned to D tent. Mr. Pendanski was his counselor.
"My name is easy to remember," said Mr. Pendanski as he shook hands with Stanley just outside the tent. "Three easy words: pen, dance, key."

A boy trudged over with two other boys. They were introduced by Mr. Pendanski as Jose, Theodore, and Ricky. They called themselves Magnet, Armpit, and Zigzag.
"They all have nicknames," explained Mr. Pendanski. "However, I prefer to use the names their parents gave them—the names that society will recognize them by when they return to become useful and hardworking members of society."
"It ain't just a nickname," X-Ray told Mr. Pendanski. He tapped the rim of his glasses. "I can see inside you, Mom. You've got a big fat heart."

Another boy sat alone at a table, motionless. The group didn’t seem concerned. Mr. Pendanski nodded towards the boy.

"That’s Zero. You know why his name's Zero?" asked Mr. Pendanski. "Because there's nothing inside his head." He smiled and playfully shook Zero's shoulder.
Zero said nothing.

Because he was dead.

S~V~S has died! She was
Spoiler: show
Zero, town-aligned. You win when all mafia are dead!

At the top of D2, you will receive the location of the tracker

It Is now Day 2. If you do not dig a hole today, you must dig two holes tomorrow. The following players MUST dig two holes today: @Lucy, @Macdougall, @Marmot and @Neon. If you 4 do not dig your holes, they will be randomized.

When choosing a plot, please do so in the same post as your vote. As a reminder, votes are NOT CHANGEABLE, and must be recorded in the thread to count.

Day 2 will end in 48 hours, or whenever the last player has voted.

Spoiler: show
by Scotty
Sun Jan 15, 2023 8:02 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Holes Mafia {TOWN WINS}
Replies: 1518
Views: 23688

Re: Holes Mafia {Day 1}

End of Day 1

It was hot. That much was clear.

Whether or not this was building character was a quest best solved another day. For now, everyone’s body hurt. Dennis had blisters in places he’d never dreamt he’d ever have blisters. He wiped some errant sweat off his brow and looked down at his hole. Five feet by five feet felt like a football field. Looking over, Seanzie seemingly finished his hole in a matter of seconds and had been lounging at the bottom of his hole attempting to catch some shut-eye in the fraction of a shadow cast from the setting sun. ‘How did he do it that fast?’ Dennis tutted to himself.

“I hope I get lizard,” announced Sabiplz.
Dennis just stared and shook his head in disapproval. Then upon consternation, he thought better of the validity of the comment: “At least if I found a lizard, I’d be able to get a break from this grueling work.’

Suddenly there came a squealing like a chicken with its head cut off- if a headless chicken could make a sound, that is. No, this sound was one long cry, coming from another hole. Everyone threw down their shovel and ran to the commotion.

Lucy was there in shock. “I don’t believe that just happened. I watched a young calf get picked up by a large bird and the large bird drop said calf directly on the top of their head! Oh the humanity! Oh the humanity!”

Sure enough, next to the dead calf was a dead falcon45ca, shovel still in hand. ‘Holey cow,’ Dennis thought. ‘Also why does it smell like onions??’

Someone was certainly cutting onions.

falcon45ca has been eliminated. They were
Spoiler: show
Sam, town-aligned. You win when all mafia are dead!

In a separate hole, Kate had almost finished digging her hole when she heard a clunk. Momentarily startled, she prodded further with the shovel. Clunk.

With conspiratorial eyes, she got down on her knees and started digging around whatever she had discovered with her bare hands. With a grunt, she got a grip of a smooth stone. Dislodging the stone revealed what looked like a den.

Then something hissed.

It struck faster than she was expecting, and all things considered, the Yellow Spotted Lizard bite didn’t hurt initially. The stone turned out to be just that- a stone, and of no note. It’s a shame, and actually quite fitting, that this is how she were to go out. Even if it was far, far too soon.

Kate has found and succumbed to the poison of the Yellow Spotted Lizard. She was
Spoiler: show

Kate Barlow, town-aligned. You win when all mafia are dead!

At the start of D1, you will know 3 digging plots- one containing the vig shot, one containing nothing, and one containing the yellow-spotted lizard- but you won’t know which is which.


It Is now Night 1.

Day 1 will end Monday 1/16 at 7p Eastern.
by Scotty
Sun Jan 15, 2023 8:00 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Holes Mafia {TOWN WINS}
Replies: 1518
Views: 23688

Re: Holes Mafia {Day 1}

End of day Votes

Minus Macdougall because he didn’t put in thread
Spoiler: show
Poll ended at Sun Jan 15, 2023 6:43 pm

No votes
Voters: None
Voters: Marmot, Dennis, pyxxy
Voters: Sabiplz, Kate, S~V~S, fingersplints
Voters: DrWilgy
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
Voters: falcon45ca
Voters: Seanzie
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
by Scotty
Sun Jan 15, 2023 7:10 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Holes Mafia {TOWN WINS}
Replies: 1518
Views: 23688

Re: Holes Mafia {Day 1}

Kate wrote: Sun Jan 15, 2023 6:33 pm @Scotty what happens in the event of a tie?
In the case of a tie, elimination will be randomized
by Scotty
Sat Jan 14, 2023 8:26 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Holes Mafia {TOWN WINS}
Replies: 1518
Views: 23688

Re: Holes Mafia {Day 1}

pyxxy wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 3:57 pm
Marmot wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 1:04 pm
Dennis wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 9:59 am
Marmot wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 2:23 am [VOTE: DrWilgy] aubergine

Votes are not changeable in the poll.
You have to dig in the same post as your vote
Ture, although I don't have to dig today.

I probably should have waited though, pyxxxy made a good point that digging early is pro-town in order to give the powers to the townies.
I don't know if you're allowed to dig in a separate post from you vote? You might be SOL.

@/GM: can people dig in a separate post from their vote?

Specifically my point was that I think digging is pro-town after D1. I think. I wrote that very late at night. And now Seanzie has me wondering if I missed something.
Each day, a player may dig a hole in one spot on the grid (A1-F6).
This must be submitted WITH your vote in the same post during the day.
(i.e. [VOTE: SCOTTY] aubergine Dig F2)
Kate wrote: Sat Jan 14, 2023 4:09 pm @Scotty when the items are found will they be announced to the thread?
You will only be aware of the death by Yellow Spotted Lizard
by Scotty
Fri Jan 13, 2023 8:00 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Holes Mafia {TOWN WINS}
Replies: 1518
Views: 23688

Re: Holes Mafia {Day 1}

Day 1

There is no lake at Camp Green Lake. There once was a very large lake here, the largest lake in Texas. That was over a hundred years ago. Now it is just a dry, flat wasteland.

There used to be a town of Green Lake as well. The town shriveled and dried up along with the lake, and the people who lived there.
During the summer the daytime temperature hovers around ninety-five degrees in the shade— if you can find any shade. There's not much shade in a big dry lake.
The only trees are two old oaks on the eastern edge of the "lake." A hammock is stretched between the two trees, and a log cabin stands behind that.
The campers are forbidden to lie in the hammock. It belongs to the Warden. The Warden owns the shade.
Out on the lake, rattlesnakes and scorpions find shade under rocks and in the holes dug by the campers.
Here's a good rule to remember about rattlesnakes and scorpions: If you don't bother them, they won't bother you.
Being bitten by a scorpion or even a rattlesnake is not the worst thing that can happen to you. You won't die.
Sometimes a camper will try to be bitten by a scorpion, or even a small rattlesnake. Then he will get to spend a day or two recovering in his tent, instead of having to dig a hole out on the lake.
But you don't want to be bitten by a yellow-spotted lizard. That's the worst thing that can happen to you. You will die a slow and painful death.
If you get bitten by a yellow-spotted lizard, you might as well go into the shade of the oak trees and lie in the hammock.
There is nothing anyone can do to you anymore.

You’re probably asking: Why would anyone go to Camp Green Lake?
Most campers weren't given a choice. Camp Green Lake is a camp for bad boys.
If you take a bad boy and make him dig a hole 5 feet by 5 feet every day in the hot sun, it will turn him into a good boy.
That was what some people thought.

The poor souls currently interred at Camp Green Lake, led by the Warden and lackeys Mr. Sir and Mr. Pendanski, have probably dug thousands of holes. But after one of the boys recently found a peculiar item, digging fervor has overtaken the Camp; everyone is digging, looking for…something.

Here’s your shovel. Get to work.

It Is now Day 1. If you do not dig a hole today, you must dig two holes tomorrow. When choosing a plot, please do so in the same post as your vote. As a reminder, votes are NOT CHANGEABLE.

Please vote in the poll when you vote in thread. Try not to select ‘View Without Voting’ as you may be locked out from voting again.

Day 1 will end in 48 hours, or whenever the last player has voted.

Spoiler: show
by Scotty
Thu Jan 12, 2023 5:39 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Holes Mafia {TOWN WINS}
Replies: 1518
Views: 23688

Re: Holes Mafia

Night 0

Every camper at Camp Green Lake got there the same way: handcuffed in the back of an old school bus under the baleful eye of an armed guard staring them down the entire drive through the desert. And if you were lucky, you could hold your bladder on the long journey.

Stanley Yelnats IV was not so lucky.

It was all because of his no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather!

He smiled as he adjusted his wrists in the handcuffs on the bus and tried to ignore the wafts of urine assaulting his senses. It was a family joke. Whenever anything went wrong, they always blamed Stanley's no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather.
Supposedly, he had a great-great-grandfather who had stolen a pig from a one-legged Nomad, and she put a curse on him and all his descendants. Stanley and his parents didn't believe in curses, of course, but whenever anything went wrong, it felt good to be able to blame someone.

Things went wrong a lot. They always seemed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Why would this be any different?

It Is now Night 0. Please submit a Grid Number from A1 to F6: this will represent a plot that will contain nothing. Note that you may share this info or not during the game- it is entirely up to you.

Day 1 will begin January 13th at 7p Eastern.
by Scotty
Thu Jan 12, 2023 5:01 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Holes Mafia {TOWN WINS}
Replies: 1518
Views: 23688

Re: Holes Mafia

Night 0 will start as soon as you get your role card.

Day 1 will start January 13th at 7pm EST.
by Scotty
Thu Jan 12, 2023 4:54 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Holes Mafia {TOWN WINS}
Replies: 1518
Views: 23688

Re: Holes Mafia

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Updated Night 3
by Scotty
Thu Jan 12, 2023 4:49 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: Holes Mafia {TOWN WINS}
Replies: 1518
Views: 23688

Holes Mafia {TOWN WINS}


Open setup:
-[up to*]48/24 phases
-Locked nights
-Character claiming is NOT allowed, but ability claiming is free game.
-Ties will be randomized
-‘Sleep’ aka ‘no elimination’ will be an option only at endgame

-Town- (10)
Stanley Yelnats IV (Caveman)
Kate Barlow

-Mafia- (3)
The Warden
Mr. Sir
Mr. Pendanski

Everyone starts VT, though some players will have an advantage:
At top of D2, Caveman and Zero will each learn the location of the cop check and the tracker, respectively, if available.

Kate Barlow starts the game knowing 3 locations- one containing the vig shot, one containing nothing, and one containing the yellow-spotted lizard- but won’t know which is which.

At the top of D1 I will provide the Mafia with 12 random plots- one of which will have the Yellow Spotted Lizard.

Findable Roles (Treasures):
-1x night vig shot
-1x night alignment cop check
-1x night tracker
(this also will reveal if the target found anything in their hole the previous day phase)
-1x next day double-voter (their one vote secretly counts twice, and they may secretly dig another hole in that day phase provided it is privately messaged to me before the last person votes)

There is a [6x6] grid of plots posted.
Every player on N0 submits a plot on the grid where a treasure is NOT contained. Then, I will place 4 treasures to find in the grid of remaining spaces on D1 (the mafia will collectively know 3 locations the treasures are not).
Be warned: 1 of the plots contains a Yellow-Spotted Lizard. If you dig a hole with it, you will die at end of day.

Each day, a player may dig a hole in one spot on the grid (A1-F6).
This must be submitted WITH your vote in the same post during the day.
(i.e. [VOTE: Scotty] aubergine Dig F2)
IMPORTANT: votes are NOT changeable, and no player may dig a hole in the same spot as another player. This means that digging location priority goes to the players that vote earliest in the day.
If you do not dig a hole one day, or you forget to make a hole selection with your vote, you MUST dig 2 holes the next day, if available. (And if you don’t select a hole then, I will randomly choose 2 for you, you slacker)

Hole selection will resolve at the end of day for everyone (after the elimination) and each player will be privately notified of their reward (or lack thereof). If a player is eliminated by poll, their hole will not be dug that day, thus freeing up that digging spot the following day.
If a player dies from the Yellow Spotted Lizard, their hole will still be dug.

*There is no hammer; however, the day will end early and the thread will lock once the last player votes in a day. Night will be extended as such, but Start of Days will not change.

Living Players {4}
  1. pyxxy - posts
  2. DrWilgy - posts
  3. Marmot - posts
  4. Sabiplz - posts
Dead Players {9}
  1. falcon45ca - Eliminated Day 1 - Sam - posts
  2. Kate - Killed by Yellow-Spotted Lizard Day 1 - Kate Barlow -posts
  3. S~V~S - Killed Night 2 - Zero - posts
  4. Macdougall - Eliminated Day 2 - Mr. Pendanski, Mafia - posts
  5. fingersplints - Killed Night 2 - Squid - posts
  6. Dennis - Killed Night 2 - Armpit - posts
  7. Neon - Eliminated Day 3 - The Warden - posts
  8. Seanzie - Killed Night 3- Magnet - posts
  9. lucy - Eliminated Day 4 - Mr. Sir - posts
Day 1:
Spoiler: show
Poll ended at Sun Jan 15, 2023 6:43 pm

No votes
Voters: None
Voters: Marmot, Dennis, pyxxy
Voters: Sabiplz, Kate, S~V~S, fingersplints
Voters: DrWilgy
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
Voters: falcon45ca
Voters: Seanzie
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
Day 2:
Spoiler: show
Voters: MacDougall, Neon, Marmot, lucy
No votes
Voters: None
Voters: DrWilgy
No votes
Voters: None
Voters: Dennis, pyxxy, Sabiplz, Seanzie
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
Day 3:
Spoiler: show
No votes
Voters: None
No votes
Voters: None
Voters: Neon
Voters: Seanzie, Sabiplz, Marmot
No votes
Voters: None
Voters: pyxyy
No votes
Voters: None

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