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by Cookie
Mon Sep 07, 2015 1:36 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275873

Re: Interrogation Room

Roxy wrote:Cookie:

Hi Happy Sunday :)

1 Which is better sunlight playing on the water or a rainbow in the sky?
2 Volleyball or Soccer?
3 Do you have short or long hair?
4 If you had to have either a pet snake or a pet spider which would you choose?
5 Do you hike? If yes what is your favorite trail like?
6 Pink or purple?
7 Bananas or Pears?
8 What is your favorite Harry Potter movie? Book?
1 Sunlight on the water! As long as I'm wearing sunglasses. It means that I'd hopefully be close to a lake/river/ocean which I would love to be all the time.
2 Volleyball.. I can't run my fatass fast enough for soccer :P
3 Long. I haven't had it cut in two years so it used to be very short. When I first went to get it cut short, the hairdresser said it wouldn't suit my face shape or look good on more "heavyset" people (I'm not obese, just overweight) and didn't want to cut it. So I literally went to the guy beside him and asked for it to be cut short (it was in a salon where the hairdressers rented the hair chair and space) so he cut it beautifully! It was short for about 2 years and I loved it. I'm going to a wedding so I wanted to grow it long and do something nice. I might cut it short after though.
4 Ahh neither!! But if I had to have one, probably a pet spider because I wouldn't need to feed it live mice or something. Just bugs.
5 I don't hike a lot but there is a lake near my city that is gorgeous!! It's a hiking trail mostly for leisure. The path surrounds the lake and at one part, it has a thin log you can walk across for an added challenge. The scenery is quite stunning and there are always people nearby so there are no fears of getting hurt or attacked.
6 I don't really like either :( I prefer green :D If I had to choose, probably pink.
7 Bananas!
8. I will just rank them from best to worst because I generally like all of them and the Harry Potter series is quite dear to my heart.
Best books:
HP & Half Blood Prince
HP & The Deathly Halows
HP & Goblet of Fire
HP & Prisoner of Azkaban
HP & Order of the Phoenix
HP & Philosopher's Stone
HP & Chamber of Secrets

When I was younger and I first started reading the series, the third book was my favourite because it was at my level of reading (emotionally, socially) but as I get older, the first few books seem quite juvenile. I've always hated Chamber of Secrets though.

For the movies:
HP & The Deathly Hallows Part 2
HP & The Prisoner of Azkaban
HP & The Goblet of Fire
HP & Half Blood Prince
HP & The Deathly Hallows Part 1
HP & The Philosopher's Stone
HP & The Chamber of Secrets
HP & The Order of the Phoenix
by Cookie
Mon Sep 07, 2015 1:16 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275873

Re: Interrogation Room

Anchovies are delicious! I've never had them in a cookie before, I didn't know that was possible.
I'm as sexy as they come.
Just Dance and the Lego games are fun! I play a lot of Nintendo games... My favorite are Smash Bros (which I go to tournament for), I speed run pokemon, and play Final Fantasy casually... Oh.. I play alot of hearthstone as well...

I enjoy your answers! I have one final question!
I used to love pokemon games but they got too repetitive for me. That's the problem with video games is that it's the same thing over and over. I binge played Skyrim for 2 months and got bored because the quests were always the same just in different location. Same with Assassin's Creed. Although I still love those games.

I'm not good at math but I think the answer to your equation is 9?
by Cookie
Thu Sep 03, 2015 2:47 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275873

Re: Interrogation Room

DrWilgy wrote:Woo!! Team Texas!! I just finished my move, and it was so that I could live with my ladyfriend.

MP, my favorite is Frengers, and I like afew others but they are in no specific order.
The Devil and God are Raging Inside Me, Hybrid Edgy... Er... Theory, The Ugly Organ, Fables from a Mayfly, Dual Sights, Penguin Project, Latimeria will Dream, the Everglow, Californication, Geogaddi, and Hurtbreak Wonderland.

Cookie!!! *Wilgy runs over to cookie drooling* Ew, dribbler!!
Can I eat you? Well.. Do you like anchovy cookies? Because if not, then no you can't. Or shouldn't.
Do you like Marvel or DC? I.. Uhh.. Will get back to you on that whenever I decide to read anything from Marvel/DC and watch any of the visual products made by either company.
What do you like most about yourself? I like this question. It makes me think of something I like.. Physically, I like my eyes. Regarding my personality, I like my ambition and my motivation to succeed.
How will the world end? War, probably.
Do you think you are as sexy as much as I think that I am sexy? How sexy do you think you are? I don't think I'm as sexy as much as you think you are sexy.
What is your super power? Invisibility and/or walking through stuff (solely so I can rob banks and stuff).
Given 3 fertile chicken eggs and a starving child, what would you do? Feed the child the chicken that laid those eggs and wait for the new chicks to hatch and grow to produce eggs for the child to eat. Hopefully the child doesn't starve while we wait. That's a problem.
And I need your favorite game!
I love Sims 3. I've yet to try Sims 4 but 3 is still very good. On PS3, I like so many: Assassin's Creed, Ratchet and Clank, Little Big Planet, Rock Band (I have so many), Just Dance (also have so many) and Lego games. (What's yours?) :D
by Cookie
Thu Sep 03, 2015 2:37 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275873

Re: Interrogation Room

ok red is easier to read hooray!
by Cookie
Thu Sep 03, 2015 2:35 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275873

Re: Interrogation Room

Ahh that blue is hard to read LOL! sorry
by Cookie
Thu Sep 03, 2015 2:35 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275873

Re: Interrogation Room

HEY GUYS! I haven't been here long so I am shocked I was invited to do this.

MM I will respond in blue.
Metalmarsh89 wrote:Cookie!

Have you ever had grilled cookie dough? No, is that even possible? I only said that so people wouldn't eat me. :D
How did you come to know Sloonei? On a different website that will remain a secret. :D
Are you a member of RYM as well? No
What has been your favorite moment in mafa? (here or elsewhere) Hmm.. There are so many games.. Well, on a different site, I was hosting a game and there were 4 scum. On this site, people are allowed to change their vote any time before the day ends and there is no limit. It was about mid-game, 4 scum left and one in the hot seat, very close to being lynched. She was being bussed by all of her teammates because she appeared the scummiest. She had about 6 votes and 1 other person had 4 or something. Anyway, there was about 2 minutes left before day ended and other players were expressing their apprehension of what her role would be. Anyway, The other scum players had change their votes last minute. The game wasn't over yet because I think they needed to last through 1 more day. Anyway, they all ended up winning because some people didn't read the thread and vote for her again.

tl;dr last minute vote changes made everyone shocked

What has been your favorite mafia game on the Syndicate so far? I didn't read all of it, but I really liked the whole idea of the guess who game. Seeing everyone's avatars was really neat. I've only played 3 and one was the xmen which was pretty fun but stressful and the other one I was killed off straight away. Both times I was scum and I HATE being scum!

Where do you call home? Ontario, Canada! I'm curious where you are from as well :P
Do you like gingersnap cookies? Noooo, My favourite is oatmeal chocolate chip. Sometimes with raisins and sometimes not.
What is your favorite season? I like all of them for different reasons. I like winter the least, though. Probably summer the best.
Where is your favorite place to visit? My mom/dad's house :P
What is your favorite dance move? Probably the sprinkler because I'm awkward like that.
What is your favorite band/album? Uh, this is hard. Any 80s rock. Mullet rock. I love Fleetwood Mac's album Rumours. Queen, MJ, Jounrey, Pink Floyd, etc.
Would you rather jump off a bridge or jump out of a place (with the appropriate safety devices)? I'm assuming you meant plane. If so, then yes, a plane. For different reasons: 1. It's not every day you can say you've jumped out of a plane. 2. There are usually instructors who can help you if any of your gear fails. 3. Bridges have water under them, which also has an undetermined bottom to that water. 4. Parachutes.
What is the farthest distance you have run in your life?Probably like... 1km LOL!

Thanks for all the questions!!
by Cookie
Wed Sep 02, 2015 10:18 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 275873

Re: Interrogation Room

I can tell you right now that grilled cookies are not good. Nope! Really yucky.

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