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by MacDougall
Tue Feb 02, 2016 10:39 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 9 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

Metalmarsh89 wrote:
MacDougall wrote:
Metalmarsh89 wrote:I was trying to get lynched Day 1. Using my behavior from that day phase (Day 0 as well) is not a fair accusation.
Gambit 1 - Zebra is confirmed civ y'all. Result: Gambit fail via Zebra night kill. Action: ... gambit harder to save face!

Gambit 2 - I'm neutral y'all ... Result: Survive Gambit 1 failure. Outcome: Success!

Gambit 3 - I can't win the game now y'all. Result: Survive Gambit 1 failure. Outcome: Success!

Gambit 4 - I'm actually not going to tell you whether or not I can win meaning of course I can ergo I was lying about Gambit 3. Result: Get fucked cunt. Outcome: Death.

Gambit 5 - I was trying to get lynched on day 1 too y'all but Rico did a better job! ... Result: Nope. Outcome: Nope.

Tis time to lynch the Marmot children.
This is not the first time I revealed my intention to get lynched Day 1.

Why do you think I recognized Rico's attempt to do so, and tried to put a stop to it? I had only selfish reasons for doing so, and I understood his plight because mine was the same.
Gambit #6: You knew Rico was trying to get himself lynched and it was the same reason you were trying.

Reason that is bullshit. If you were utterly desperate to outfox him and win the lynch, you would have done a hell of a lot more than you did. That was the most fail attempt at getting lynched on day 1 I have ever seen. I cannot possibly see anything you did on day 1 as that. You are lying, again.

There is no doubt that you must die. If you are a neutral with no win con because you failed to achieve it on day 1, you won't even care. Yet here you are, caring. Your web of lies has been ripped apart.
by MacDougall
Tue Feb 02, 2016 10:36 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 9 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

The answer to "but what if he really is neutral, aren't we still at lylo?" is ...

1. Is not Metalmarsh the most likely player remaining to be scum by virtue of the following:

a) He "tried to get lynched on day 1", which is not true, by saying that Zebra was confirmed town, which was not true, which probably would have had her and he surviving a lot longer had she not been killed off, so that blew up on his face.

b) His neutral claim is most likely an attempt to reduce the impact of his Zebra is confirmed civ claim.

c) He said he can't win, but he clearly can, so he lied again.

Ergo is not Metalmarsh the most likely player remaining to be scum by virtue of lying constantly and having an insane amount of gathered gambits that have now apparently put us in a position where we cannot lynch him because it is lylo?

Question: Are we at lylo?

Answer. No we are not. There are obviously two teams at play and neither are fully deceased meaning one will still need to kill the other to win the game. Ergo there is from what I can see only a minute to zero chance of it being actual lylo.

It is not lylo, Marmot is at best a nefarious independent but far more likely to be Zebra teammate. He must die now or we will probably be at ACTUAL lylo tomorrow.

There is no alternative here. Metalmarsh must die and with his demonstrated lynch escapism it must be with a thorough unanimous verdict.
by MacDougall
Tue Feb 02, 2016 10:30 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 9 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

Metalmarsh89 wrote:I was trying to get lynched Day 1. Using my behavior from that day phase (Day 0 as well) is not a fair accusation.
Gambit 1 - Zebra is confirmed civ y'all. Result: Gambit fail via Zebra night kill. Action: ... gambit harder to save face!

Gambit 2 - I'm neutral y'all ... Result: Survive Gambit 1 failure. Outcome: Success!

Gambit 3 - I can't win the game now y'all. Result: Survive Gambit 1 failure. Outcome: Success!

Gambit 4 - I'm actually not going to tell you whether or not I can win meaning of course I can ergo I was lying about Gambit 3. Result: Get fucked cunt. Outcome: Death.

Gambit 5 - I was trying to get lynched on day 1 too y'all but Rico did a better job! ... Result: Nope. Outcome: Nope.

Tis time to lynch the Marmot children.
by MacDougall
Tue Feb 02, 2016 10:24 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 9 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

Those Zebra defence posts are particularly fucked. I bet Marsh's neutral claim was to cover his tracks for his outward claim of Zebra. One gambit to cloud another gambit.

I do declare that Marsh now has my vote. Kek.
by MacDougall
Tue Feb 02, 2016 7:52 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 9 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

Sorsha wrote:
MacDougall wrote:I find it strange that only now is Metalmarsh drawing an OMGUS line in the sand. I think juliets is totally onto something.
How is it that juliets is "on to something" when Matt has been on to this something for days now? Matt made at least one lengthy post about mm being bad.... But now juliets has a point?
juliets has raised his hackles with her bad indy theory which is totally different to Matt's.
by MacDougall
Tue Feb 02, 2016 7:30 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 9 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

So let me get this straight. Your entire case is juliets thinks you are a bad indy... is there anything other than that at all?
by MacDougall
Tue Feb 02, 2016 7:18 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 9 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

I find it strange that only now is Metalmarsh drawing an OMGUS line in the sand. I think juliets is totally onto something.
by MacDougall
Tue Feb 02, 2016 5:49 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 9 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

If you are benign what reason would you have for not saying so?
by MacDougall
Tue Feb 02, 2016 5:48 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 9 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

How can we justify not lynching you?
by MacDougall
Tue Feb 02, 2016 5:44 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 9 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

Why did you blatantly ignore the other questions?
by MacDougall
Tue Feb 02, 2016 5:40 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 9 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

Hey Metalmarsh. Can you still win the game? Do you have a solo win con or can you win alongside others? What's the capital of Maine?
by MacDougall
Tue Feb 02, 2016 5:23 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 9 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

Draconus is still scum for all the reasons he was scum when I already said he was less the possibility he's on Team Wilgy.

Bea flipping from Drac to Wilgy for barely any reason seemed like an "okay fuck you it won't work anyway" type vote.

FZ voting for Draconus over Wilgy, again her vote doesn't make sense in light of her previous play.

I would go as far as to say the only Drac vote that wasn't haphazardly placed there is mine. My vote is the least Wilgy savey on the wagon. I have a case on Draconus and I had been defending Wilgy, if there's something positive to be said for my behaviour around that it's that it was consistent.

I wouldn't argue to lynching any of the aforementioned. The only player right now who I'm civ reading is DH. I could see a case against everyone else.

Does a Wilgy, Lorab, Bea + FZ team make sense?
by MacDougall
Tue Feb 02, 2016 4:56 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 9 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

My defense of my defense of Wilgy is that I know LC had tricks he was using that were pretty clever + his long term survival really convinced me. Also I think the fact I stayed with my gut and didn't just flip my opinion to get cred on the day he didn't get lynched and my tie stuff isn't careful Mafiaesque play.

Also there is the interractions with Lorab and Zebra as Rico documented. I think even a cursory glance at those shows them to be genuine.

I still believe that Drac is the scummiest player here and isn't getting the attention he deserves.
by MacDougall
Tue Feb 02, 2016 4:49 am
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 9 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

I am voting Draconus. He's still bad for all the reasons that I said. Doubt he's on Team Wilgy since Wilgy made that big monumental case but it was all still rather valid imo.
by MacDougall
Tue Feb 02, 2016 2:00 am
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 9 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

Oh well then fuck me right.
by MacDougall
Tue Feb 02, 2016 1:31 am
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 9 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

I think the idea of sorsha believing that she just magically got pulled off the poll the day after Wilgy got lynched was a magical luck out from a night poll is ridiculous and it was quite an obviously intentional move right? I'm not the only one here who is now 100% sure (DH aside) that she was on Team Wilgy?
by MacDougall
Tue Feb 02, 2016 12:08 am
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 9 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

So you are telling me you have a role that means if you vote position 3 you vanish off the poll... or are you totally guessing here?
by MacDougall
Tue Feb 02, 2016 12:03 am
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 9 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

Why are Matt and I not off the poll then?
by MacDougall
Mon Feb 01, 2016 11:41 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 9 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

Why are you off the poll sorsha?
by MacDougall
Mon Feb 01, 2016 8:45 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 8 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

juliets wrote:sorsha's not on the poll mac
Yes, I realised. You would have realised I realised in your linki but you posted it anyway. Noted.
by MacDougall
Mon Feb 01, 2016 8:44 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 8 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

Oh... I can't. Typical.
by MacDougall
Mon Feb 01, 2016 8:43 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 8 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

Putting my vote on sorsha for now. I seriously have no defense, I know what's going to be said against me so you can just vote me and I won't even argue.
by MacDougall
Mon Feb 01, 2016 8:40 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 8 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

My only defense is wifom. I'm not even going to bother with it. I'm just going to focus on figuring out Wilgy's actual teammates aside from Sorsha. Looking at bea first obviously.
by MacDougall
Mon Feb 01, 2016 8:38 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 8 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

Sorry I doubted you DH.
by MacDougall
Mon Feb 01, 2016 8:38 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 8 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

I don't even know how I can defend myself from this shit. Fucking Wilgy. :disappoint:
by MacDougall
Mon Feb 01, 2016 8:37 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 8 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

Get fucked
by MacDougall
Mon Feb 01, 2016 7:48 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 8 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

DharmaHelper wrote:
juliets wrote:LoL. And fair enough DH I'll wait until we're at a better time.
I mean, that's how I read you right now. If I get the chance to hop off my soapbox RE: Sorsha and Wilgy, maybe once I read you over again you ring true and civ to me. Dunno.
I said stop it.
by MacDougall
Mon Feb 01, 2016 7:45 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 8 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

juliets wrote:LoL. And fair enough DH I'll wait until we're at a better time.
by MacDougall
Mon Feb 01, 2016 7:37 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 8 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

It's cool guys I figured out that you were scum together you can stop this distancing schtick.
by MacDougall
Sun Jan 31, 2016 10:51 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 8 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

I'd like to get this done with so I can take a break from Mafia for a while personally so 24hr days works for me.
by MacDougall
Sun Jan 31, 2016 9:12 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 8 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

If Wilgy is bad, and he was lynchproof in some way or wasn't about to be lynched. Wouldn't his teammates be on HIS wagon for cred?

Something about this don't add up to me. The outcome of Wilgy not being lynched just to be bad and for all his teammies to be on Dracowagon, it's just not how I think Wilgy being scum would have gone down there...

Unless they only decided to stop the lynch when the save attempt failed?
by MacDougall
Sun Jan 31, 2016 9:06 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 8 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

Why would they be trying to save Wilgy if he wasn't ever going to get lynched?
by MacDougall
Sun Jan 31, 2016 8:53 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 8 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

Draconus wrote:Sexy. But not what I was hoping to see.
How exactly is that sexy?
by MacDougall
Sun Jan 31, 2016 8:49 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 8 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

Willow Rosenberg hahaha. That's a trap for sure.
by MacDougall
Sun Jan 31, 2016 8:24 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 8 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

Well fuck
by MacDougall
Sun Jan 31, 2016 8:22 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 8 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

MacDougall wrote:OI DOWN HERE CUNT
MacDougall wrote:
Here are the best reasons for Draconus.

1. Top of LC's scumlist
2. Last major breadcrumb left by HB before he died
3. Major suspect of Dom
4. Obvious buddying of DH, Metalmarsh and Ricochet
5. Earlier scum read of DH now resolving in buddying, scum read disappeareth!
6. Is just voting for whoever DH votes for
7. Hasn't made any of his own cases
8. Has compelling teammate connection with FZ
9. Told me to fuck off, how rude!
10. I read him scum early in the game and I am legendary at that
by MacDougall
Sun Jan 31, 2016 8:20 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 8 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

MacDougall wrote:
Here are the best reasons for Draconus.

1. Top of LC's scumlist
2. Last major breadcrumb left by HB before he died
3. Major suspect of Dom
4. Obvious buddying of DH, Metalmarsh and Ricochet
5. Earlier scum read of DH now resolving in buddying, scum read disappeareth!
6. Is just voting for whoever DH votes for
7. Hasn't made any of his own cases
8. Has compelling teammate connection with FZ
9. Told me to fuck off, how rude!
10. I read him scum early in the game and I am legendary at that
by MacDougall
Sun Jan 31, 2016 8:10 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 8 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

Metalmarsh89 wrote:
DharmaHelper wrote:If Wilgy is civ I will legitimately delete my account.
You cannot delete your account by yourself. You must appeal to the mafia gods and hope they will sympathize with you.

Until then, you're stuck in mafia land with the rest of us.
Metalmarsh confirmed prepping DH for Wilgy civ flip that he knows is incoming. Metalmarsh confirmed scum. CFD him.
by MacDougall
Sun Jan 31, 2016 8:04 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 8 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

Unusually quiet round here.
by MacDougall
Sun Jan 31, 2016 7:56 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 8 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

Draconus wrote:
MacDougall wrote:
Ricochet wrote:
MacDougall wrote:
Ricochet wrote:But...nobody switched from Draco for blowing up.
bea is nobody got it
She didn't do it for that. I pressured her to reason her vote and she went "ok, Wilgs then".
Yes because it wasn't a build up of things, it was just you. Draco's swears had nothing to do with it.

At any rate, you asked her to reason her vote then she swapped to a vote that she has far far less reason for. Not good. :sigh:
The swears were all directed at Matt. That last bit where I addressed everyone else, had no cursing. If anyone other than Matt felt moved/irked by the swearing... :shrug: don't really care right now.
by MacDougall
Sun Jan 31, 2016 7:29 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 8 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

Rico you are such a Willow Rosenberg. Chowchow yourself.
by MacDougall
Sun Jan 31, 2016 7:27 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 8 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

Shut your face
by MacDougall
Sun Jan 31, 2016 7:25 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 8 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

Ricochet wrote:Maybe you're bad.

Metalmarsh89 wrote:Mac, just because the only baddie we've lynched this game came from a 4-way tie, doesn't mean that's the only way to catch them. :P
How is that what I said?
by MacDougall
Sun Jan 31, 2016 7:21 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 8 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

Makes me think that neither of these guys are bad tbh. No alternative lynch candidate arises. Votes on both wagons with little reason. Seems like comfy scum. Especially on a day we should be panicking.
by MacDougall
Sun Jan 31, 2016 7:18 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 8 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

Ricochet wrote:
MacDougall wrote:
Ricochet wrote:But...nobody switched from Draco for blowing up.
bea is nobody got it
She didn't do it for that. I pressured her to reason her vote and she went "ok, Wilgs then".
Yes because it wasn't a build up of things, it was just you. Draco's swears had nothing to do with it.

At any rate, you asked her to reason her vote then she swapped to a vote that she has far far less reason for. Not good. :sigh:
by MacDougall
Sun Jan 31, 2016 7:15 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 8 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

Ricochet wrote:But...nobody switched from Draco for blowing up.
bea is nobody got it
by MacDougall
Sun Jan 31, 2016 7:12 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: Day 12 ~ 2015 Game of Champions
Replies: 8411
Views: 201080

Re: Day 8 ~ 2015 Game of Champions

Draconus intimidating the thread into changing their vote. Smooth move.

I know when I am scum it works every time. "Gee he sounds sincere" they all say. Just throw a fuck here and an exclamation mark in there and everyone is like by golly you just can't fake that kind of anger.

Please note that Draco's "angry post" completely ignored the significant case on him presented by Wilgy and the other presented by yours truly.

Abusive, aggressive, angry. Got it, those are civtells now. Ignoring cases against you. Civtells. Got it. Good work team.

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