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by a2thezebra
Tue Dec 29, 2015 8:06 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [END] Pikmin Mafia

I'm going to PhD in misreading sig
by a2thezebra
Mon Dec 28, 2015 3:04 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [END] Pikmin Mafia

Nice job bosses!
by a2thezebra
Tue Dec 15, 2015 6:45 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 2] Pikmin Mafia

Thank you Glorfindel. :noble:
by a2thezebra
Mon Dec 14, 2015 5:26 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

Dragon D. Luffy wrote:Gonna respond to this either way, although she is already dead.
by a2thezebra
Mon Dec 14, 2015 2:54 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [NIGHT 1] Pikmin Mafia

Matt wrote:Bye Zeebs :(
ih beleive inn yuo :hugs:
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 10:17 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [NIGHT 1] Pikmin Mafia

kneel4justice wrote:Well, that sucks.
Sorry we didn't get to play longer together, zebra. One of these days..
One of these days indeed! I'm not going anywhere. :beer:
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 10:13 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [NIGHT 1] Pikmin Mafia

It's because the Red Pikmin didn't get enough votes Day 0. :(

Good luck town!
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 10:12 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

Nice ninja Epi
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 10:11 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

sig wrote:I'd rather lynch Epi today, but a Zebra lynch is good to. If she flips mafia or civ my opinion of Epi won't have changed that much.

linki: why Enrique?
Hahahahahaha you better be lynched tomorrow.
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 10:10 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

I have hope for you, town. A forest of hope, I mean it.

by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 10:08 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

Boomslang wrote:Apologies for being gone all of today; it was my family's Christmas decorating session, which took up a lot of my time. I'm reading through now, thoughts/vote to come shortly. Because it kind of has to :/
Because of the underlined portion, in case anyone doesn't get why I thought that.

linki - Not enough time, and right now I'd prefer a sig lynch anyway.
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 10:06 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

It's okay k4j, I'll catch you in the next game. Follow my reads and stay strong, everyone. :)


Or you folks could use these five minutes to lynch an actual baddie, but that's asking too much I guess. :meany:

linki@Boomslang - What am I desperate about? Where is my baddie motivation? I had a feeling your vote would be as opportunistic as Typhoony's.
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 10:03 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

kneel4justice wrote:I wish there were more than 24 hours.
Right now it doesn't make sense for Zebra to have done what she did, if bad.
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 10:01 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

Dragon D. Luffy




linki - Yeah it WILL provide good info. But even if it didn't, I still don't object to your lynch since I think you're bad regardless.
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 9:57 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

sig wrote: My bet is Zebra and Epi could be on team team, if not both then one of them. I will also be keeping my eye on DDL.

Zebra's logic for voting for me is illogical she doesn't agree with EPi, yet she thinks I'm on a teamwith Simon and we are both scum and that I would make such a mistake.
My day 1 scum team
I didn't agree with Epi's hypocrisy but I suspect that it was a gambit to gauge reactions. It's just too illogical to be anything else, knowing Epi. Not to mention I did the same thing at the same time. I do not know if you are on a team with Simon or not, and that is what I wish to find out. I have a baddie read of you regardless so the teammate possibility has little effect on my decision to vote for you. What mistake has anyone implied you making?
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 9:55 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

I did not believe Simon and sig were teammates. However, I was leaning towards it I admit, and I needed a way to be sure. I sensed ulterior motives from a number of players including Simon and sig themselves, so I pulled some WIFOM out of my butt to gauge reactions. At the time I disagreed with either one of them being lynched, there really wasn't any information or connections that could be analyzed from their flip, whatever that may be. Not enough anyway. Now, there is tons of content related directly to the different interpretations of what's really going on, so a lynching of either of them (especially sig) will prove massively helpful. I am still not sure if they are teammates or not, but I think a sig lynch will be beneficial because for one, I think he is bad regardless of whether Simon slipped or not, if he is teammates then we've got two of the bosses with plenty of time left to get the third, and if he is good we can look at the Epi/Simon theory that has been proposed (and denied by Epi because he wouldn't bus his own son? Nonsense, of course he would) and see if it has any merit. A sig lynch will immensely beneficial, in stark contrast to both an Enrique lynch and a me lynch.

I left "too early" ambiguous on purpose.

linki - My death might be informative as well.
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 9:47 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

Enrique wrote:
a2thezebra wrote:
Epignosis wrote:Voting sig.
Finally you're seeing sense.

I saw this statement and decided to turn it on Epi since I found the logic behind it so pitifully hypocritical. If you don't recall, I do think sig is bad.
Epignosis wrote:If you want to see sense and vote for Simon or sig, I'll move my vote.
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 9:47 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

I like Soneji already.
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 9:44 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

Epignosis wrote:Voting sig.
Finally you're seeing sense.

by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 9:38 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

But not as bad as I...somehow!
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 9:36 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

Dragon D. Luffy wrote:Sorry I can't agree with that. If you have confirmed mafia, you kill them first. Not only you spare a potential civ that would be lynched otherwise, but you remove one or more abilities from the mafia. Plus the information obtained is much more valuable.

At least Epi seems to be wanting for someone else to vote for them so he can make it a lynch, so that's sort of justifiable? But you being so sure of it but wanting to shoot in the dark doesn't make sense.
We will have to agree to disagree about the first part. All of it.

As for the second part, that is just nonsense. How is Epi even sort of justifiable by putting the responsibility of the lynch on everyone else (because as he pointed out himself to criticize town, there is not a single vote for either sig or Simon) when he himself won't own up to that same responsibility? What exempts him? The fact that there are no votes on what he believes to be two confirmed baddies is all the more reason he should be the change he wants to see in the world. Also, you are wrong about me in both suggestions. For one, I am not sure of it. I am not sure of anything actually, which is why I am not comfortable with taking the easy route with two confirmed baddies, whether they are actually bad or not. Two, I am not shooting in the dark. You may find my vote of Enrique suspicious, and that's fine, but anyone who looks at our back-and-forth would be stretching to conclude that my suspicion of him (if I'm civ, and it is therefore genuine suspicion) is a shot in the dark. Enrique being bad is the closest I am to be sure of anything so far in the game, so a shot in the dark it is anything but.
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 9:26 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

Dragon D. Luffy wrote:No, you are bad because I don't like how you approached the whole Enrique issue, as well as all the other suspicions you have approached.

If you think it's "too easy", they why were you calling them "confirmed" a few pages ago?
Because it is too easy. Whether it is accurate or not is irrelevant, in my opinion. We need more meat, as I've said.
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 9:24 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

Enrique wrote:
a2thezebra wrote:Too easy. That's what I said too but I'm bad for it.
No. You said they were bad. You said they were bad but you refused to vote for them. Don't act like you're agreeing with him.
I said they are bad (meaning both sig and Simon), and I also said that sig is not bad based on my theory that he is being framed. He's voting for me, so I'm obviously not acting like I'm in agreement with him.
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 9:21 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

sig wrote:huge block post about civs almost never winning
It's parody/satire, hence the orange font.
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 9:13 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

Too easy. That's what I said too but I'm bad for it.
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 9:08 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

Dragon D. Luffy wrote:
sig wrote:Okay so just got back, I've got no clue what is going on, but why are we lynching Zebra? Though I see no one is voting for me.
We aren't, but literally everybody is discussing the idea of voting for you.

What do you think of Simon's post in defense of you?
More importantly, what do you think of it? You must not think it to be a confirmation that either of them is bad, otherwise you still wouldn't be voting for me. Unless of course your name is Epignosis.
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 9:00 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

No votes

No votes

Golly it sure is dumb for town to not vote for the two people I'm not voting for, I'd rather vote for the person who admits that there isn't much value in voting for these two people that I am not voting for for the very reason that she is admitting that there is no value in it, which I disagree with despite me voting for her for voting for not voting for the two people I'm not voting for, which I think is dumb because town should vote for one of these two people that I'm not voting for because it would benefit town and my interests are totally in benefitting town which is why I am not voting for the cause that I claim would benefit town immensely and am instead choosing to vote for the person that disagrees with this view and has indirectly caused me to prove her right in a number of ways hence me voting for her which is why town should also vote for her because town should vote for the two people that I am not voting for because it sure is dumb for town to not vote for the two people I'm not voting for, golly.
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:54 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

I would wish you good luck, but, I don't.
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:53 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

Epignosis wrote:
a2thezebra wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
a2thezebra wrote:The implication I get from this is that sig is not one of the team in this scenario, because sig did nothing but over-defend (as I now am willing to acknowledge) as he tends to do. It is more likely that Epi and Simon are on a team to perform the ultimate bus on Simon first (which explains why Epi voted Simon instead of sig based on a connection when Simon hadn't even posted yet) then sig who flips civ, then town is left with nothing to go on to far into the game to recover, while Epi and the third baddie (who I suspect to be Enrique, although it is not essential to this theory at all) coast to the endgame.
You think I'd throw my own kid under the bus the first opportunity he got to be bad?

I'm voting for you because I don't want to hear such nonsense anymore.

If you want to see sense and vote for Simon or sig, I'll move my vote.
I absolutely think that. Also, yay policy lynch over two players you believe are confirmed scum. You want me to prove that I see sense by voting for one of the two people that you're not voting for. If town doesn't realize how suspicious that is then they've lost the game already.

You're right. I am being a tad hypocritical.

I'm fine lynching you. :nicenod:
"a tad"
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:53 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

Enrique wrote:
a2thezebra wrote:
Enrique wrote:Zebra this is our first game together where I can't follow you at all. I wasn't sure I could even see you as a baddie, but yup, here you are. So bad. Everything in that post is wrong and I can't take it seriously.
That's a cop out. By saying you can't take my posts seriously you attempt to justify not having to respond to them and in doing so avoid the risk of making yourself look even worse.
I don't even understand what kind of answer you want from me.

"ur wrong"

There u go. Don't think you're making any point.
Yup keep pretending my posts are gibberish. It may work for me but see how long it works with other players.
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:51 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

Epignosis wrote:
a2thezebra wrote:The implication I get from this is that sig is not one of the team in this scenario, because sig did nothing but over-defend (as I now am willing to acknowledge) as he tends to do. It is more likely that Epi and Simon are on a team to perform the ultimate bus on Simon first (which explains why Epi voted Simon instead of sig based on a connection when Simon hadn't even posted yet) then sig who flips civ, then town is left with nothing to go on to far into the game to recover, while Epi and the third baddie (who I suspect to be Enrique, although it is not essential to this theory at all) coast to the endgame.
You think I'd throw my own kid under the bus the first opportunity he got to be bad?

I'm voting for you because I don't want to hear such nonsense anymore.

If you want to see sense and vote for Simon or sig, I'll move my vote.
I absolutely think that. Also, yay policy lynch over two players you believe are confirmed scum. You want me to prove that I see sense by voting for one of the two people that you're not voting for. If town doesn't realize how suspicious that is then they've lost the game already.

by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:48 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

Enrique wrote:Zebra this is our first game together where I can't follow you at all. I wasn't sure I could even see you as a baddie, but yup, here you are. So bad. Everything in that post is wrong and I can't take it seriously.
That's a cop out. By saying you can't take my posts seriously you attempt to justify not having to respond to them and in doing so avoid the risk of making yourself look even worse.
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:42 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

DrWilgy wrote:
Typhoony wrote:
Scotty wrote:
Typhoony wrote:
Scotty wrote: In other news, I want to hear more from Typhoony and Soneji.
Is this enough?
I mean, if that is what you have to add to the discussion, then that's pretty piss poor.

What do you think of...anything that's going on in this day 1?
Don't really have anything to add.

I don't have time to read everything properly. I see Enrique and Zebra are leading the lynch...
Zebra it is.
Yeah, I don't like this vote either. Probably my least liked vote.
There's a lot of competition though.
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:41 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

I'm not sold on that theory being a guarantee either, which is why I'm voting for you and not Simon or Epi. Nice "nah" by the way.
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:38 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

Glorfindel wrote:
Enrique wrote:He was acting funny, it was early into Day 1, I could change my vote. Now I'm more than happy to leave it there because he jumped into the opportunity to kill me so easily.
I was "acting funny"? I don't think so... My behaviour is (and has been) completely normal for me and I'd like to know what point of reference you're using to judge otherwise? As for 'jumping into the opportunity to kill you so easily', that is clearly untrue. I defended you and refused to vote for you in Star Wars and was deceived so you can't argue that I wouldn't give you the benefit of the doubt now. I also find your insinuation that I would take voting for you or anyone else lightly as somewhat hypocritical given the flippancy with which you voted for me ("For the fun of it").
Tell 'em
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:37 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

The implication I get from this is that sig is not one of the team in this scenario, because sig did nothing but over-defend (as I now am willing to acknowledge) as he tends to do. It is more likely that Epi and Simon are on a team to perform the ultimate bus on Simon first (which explains why Epi voted Simon instead of sig based on a connection when Simon hadn't even posted yet) then sig who flips civ, then town is left with nothing to go on to far into the game to recover, while Epi and the third baddie (who I suspect to be Enrique, although it is not essential to this theory at all) coast to the endgame.
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:34 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

DrWilgy wrote:Hold on... Here's the part that doesn't make sense, if Simon is really bad, wouldn't his team tell him to stop defending as hard? or at least provide some coaching given his dire situation? With what Simon has stated, I don't believe that he and Sig are on the same team if he's bad.

Unless, he is working with his team on a huge day 1 set up. Someone tells Simon to defend Sig hard, teammate "catches" Simon, and then the ultimate bus is formed, one that would draw players into the chaos and ultimately lead to several civilian deaths.
The teammate that "catches" Simon most likely being Epi, seeing as how his initial suspicion of Simon and sig being teammates came out of nowhere and was completely unwarranted yet by chance now appears accurate.
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:32 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

Enrique wrote:
Epignosis wrote:Why are people not voting Simon and sig? Are you really that much more confident in your crummy little Day 1 reads?
I'm more confident in Zebra, yeah. You know him best but is it wrong to give Simon a bit more credit than assuming he just outed himself and his teammate? I mean, wasn't he also saving people all over the place in Star Wars?
Quick recap:

1. You vote for Glorfindel for no reason for what you later claim to be what was then a temporary vote.
2. Your vote on him stays for phony reasons.
3. You pretend I am projecting and that these same observations apply to me when they don't.
4. You mimic Epi's disapproval of my opinion not to consider the day effectively over because of two confirmed baddies.
5. Yet you don't even consider them to be confirmed baddies yourself and would rather lynch me because you don't like my logic.

This, folks, is exactly why Epi's idea of focusing on the obvious is not realistically beneficial to town in the long run. If we had all followed his direction, everyone would vote for either Simon or sig, there would be no more discussion, and Enrique would've lost the opportunity to reveal how suspicious he is when seen in practice.
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:28 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

Enrique wrote:Image
You got me there, I didn't think of this argument.
Epignosis wrote:Why are people not voting Simon and sig? Are you really that much more confident in your crummy little Day 1 reads?
Do you really think that's why people aren't voting for them?

linki - Now this is some telling stuff.
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:24 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

Epignosis wrote:Image
You got me there, I didn't think of this argument.
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:23 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

Enrique wrote:
a2thezebra wrote:
Enrique wrote:You know what you're doing.

u bad

What am I doing? I already know, so please answer that question for everyone else, not me.
You're projecting all your baddieness on to me and saving what you call "obvious" lynches for later. That's bad.
Keep this post for the records, folks. We need the third boss.
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:18 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

Speak for yourself. I vote to get closer to winning the game.
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:17 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

Enrique wrote:You know what you're doing.

u bad

What am I doing? I already know, so please answer that question for everyone else, not me.
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:16 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

Sorsha wrote:
a2thezebra wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
a2thezebra wrote:
Epignosis wrote: I don't see how this isn't open and shut for Day 1.
Too easy and too soon, we need more meat.
How hard and how far out would you prefer it to be?
You miss the point. Lynching either will give us no connections and nothing to go on. Day 2 and Day 3 will be as aimless as Day 1.
Explain how this makes sense.

What if one is Mafia? That will give us nothing to go on? Unless you know that neither is Mafia and that no one voting for them is Mafia?
They're both Mafia. Look at both of their post histories and explain how lynching either one of them will give us anything to go on.
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:15 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

Epignosis wrote:
a2thezebra wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
a2thezebra wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
a2thezebra wrote:
Epignosis wrote: I don't see how this isn't open and shut for Day 1.
Too easy and too soon, we need more meat.
How hard and how far out would you prefer it to be?
You miss the point. Lynching either will give us no connections and nothing to go on. Day 2 and Day 3 will be as aimless as Day 1.
Lynching either will give you MAFIA. I'm not playing for connections. I'm playing for heads. Keep this up and I will vote for you. :)
Keep what up, exactly?
Peddling the idea that lynching to get connections is superior to lynching to get Mafia. You protecting Simon and sig?
Yes, I'm protecting confirmed baddies.
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:14 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

Enrique wrote:Let's make this clear. Zebra, do you believe Simon and sig are Mafia teammates? Would you rather lynch me anyway?
Yes to the first question, no to the second. I'm voting for you, not lynching you.
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:12 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

Also lol at you threatening to vote for me over two practically confirmed baddies. Does that mean you're going to do what you'll be voting me for doing?
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:11 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

Epignosis wrote:
a2thezebra wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
a2thezebra wrote:
Epignosis wrote: I don't see how this isn't open and shut for Day 1.
Too easy and too soon, we need more meat.
How hard and how far out would you prefer it to be?
You miss the point. Lynching either will give us no connections and nothing to go on. Day 2 and Day 3 will be as aimless as Day 1.
Lynching either will give you MAFIA. I'm not playing for connections. I'm playing for heads. Keep this up and I will vote for you. :)
Keep what up, exactly?
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:10 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

Enrique wrote:The goal of the game is to lynch the mafia. You remember that, right?
Exactly, the mafia. Not a mafia. We need meat.

linki - This applies to this post as well.
by a2thezebra
Sun Dec 13, 2015 8:08 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: [END] Pikmin Mafia
Replies: 1493
Views: 45702

Re: [DAY 1] Pikmin Mafia

Enrique wrote:Convenient that your unjustified temporary vote turned into an unjustified permanent vote. I'm not convinced that you actually believe I was acting funny (that's not what you said when you initially voted for me, nor did you even imply it at the time) and if you think my OMGUS is baddie-motivated, that is, assuming it even is an OMGUS, you're not just kidding yourself, you're trying to deceive everyone else. You saw me in Tree Mafia so you know just as well as I do that I am yet to do anything questionable. You're the one doing what you are accusing me of doing.

Or something. Bottomline is, you're projecting hard.
I'm not projecting. You're bad. Also, it would've been wiser to say that I'm doing what I'm accusing you of doing without copy-pasting my suspicion of you, because anyone who reads it and has read the thread will know that it applies to you perfectly and doesn't apply to me at all.

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