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by dunya
Wed May 05, 2021 9:02 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: Mental Health Awareness Month
Replies: 11
Views: 6835

Re: Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health Awareness Month
5th of May
Personal Experience Story: vanity.

Today, we are sharing @vanity.'s story and experience. Thank you so much for sharing with us, van! Please only open if you are comfortable reading.

Spoiler: show
 ! Message from: vanity.
Hello, my name is vanessa, otherwise known as vanity. i've already essentially shared my experiences with mental health before in the discord, but i still want to go into detail about my general experience regarding it.

for me, this traces all the way back to elementary school. i have a developmental disability known as autism spectrum disorder. i was diagnosed with it at a very young age, and as a result i was always given special remedial privileges as a result. i had a private class to help with speech for example, but i suppose i eventually moved past it. i was actually a decently social kid all the way up to 7th grade. i did have some issues making friends during elementary school, but it wasn't cripplingly bad, to say the very least. i am on the high functioning end of autism, but it's still a struggle for me to this day.

in 6th grade, i was... crude, to say the least. there was a small group of us who would constantly say inappropriate jokes and make fun of others because we thought it was funny. this is probably the point in my life i look back at the least fondly, but what's more important is what happened when i graduated to middle school. it basically felt like i was left behind. all i was good at was being funny and inappropriate, so once more people funneled into this group who had better social skills, i just felt left behind. around this time my parents also talked to me and told me i had autism. honestly i wish i wasn't told this until i was much older. i actually shared this in front of a whole class, which... was a mistake in retrospect. i had no idea what "autism" meant at the time and how that affected me. i was just a naive kid. eventually any special aid i had was removed with the consent of my parents, teachers, and myself. i partially did it because i wanted to feel normal, but in retrospect that should never had happened. i feel like it's partially responsible for the path i've gone along.

as time went on, i became more anti-social, and my crude personality didn't go away. others were maturing, and i was trying to figure out how to adjust with said maturity. i became nihilistic and standoffish, and by high school i became a complete loner. i self-isolated, and my social interactions during class plummeted even further. a couple years of isolation later, and i started feeling major indicators of depression.

around the same time, i was decently active in an online community known as intox gaming, which was a clan that hosted servers of tf2 mods. i was decently active in that community, and was even a member at a time. eventually i stepped away and it became exceedingly obvious that people took reservations with how i was placing my mental instabilities on display and was always being a debbie downer. i eventually left the community for said reason, but it ingrained this mentality in my head that no one actually wants to hear about mental struggles. it made me think they were inherently unpleasant, and instilled this mentality into me where i had to "fake it till i made it". while that certainly works for some people, but i was nowhere near resilient enough with my emotions to convince myself of that.

as i started transitioning out of high school, i was facing severe love-sickness and my motivation to do most activities completely sank. i don't really remember my brief time during college well, but i was more quiet in college than ever before. this is around when i started developing a pretty bad social anxiety that i still struggle with to this day. my social anxiety is even what caused me to almost fail college due to the volunteer work i was required to do that i simply didn't due to social anxiety and other unfortunate circumstances. it felt like my life was falling apart at the seams.

when i started eventually working, i started developing a feeling of worthlessness. i never had a job before, it was only a mediocre retail job, and i was doing poorly. i felt like i had no talent and no calling in life, and to this day, i'm still uncertain about my future in any career. however, i did recognize that it was my fault in the end. i could've been doing better, but instead i felt like i was somewhere that would be the equivalent of purgatory. i labelled myself as a fuck up, my social skills were still terrible, and it didn't feel like i was improving at my job.

this story does have somewhat of a happy ending though, i suppose. after deliberation about my own identity and my own place in the word, i started identifying as non-binary, and later as a transgender woman. this was the first time i actually felt like i was someone i wanted to be. for the longest time, i didn't think much of gender, but i actually did feel dysphoria tracing all the way back to high school unwittingly. i don't want to go in complete detail about my trans awakening for personal reasons, but it was also around this time i started acting way more self-deprecating. i have struggled with self-loathing for a very long time, and only around then did it feel like i was actually putting it on display again just like i was when i was at intox gaming. and i know, it absolutely is unpleasant, but i couldn't help myself. it felt compulsive, as if i couldn't help it.

i feel like my mental state is better than it has been in a while though! i still struggle with general motivation, loneliness, worthlessness, social anxiety, and self-loathing, which includes signs of depression, but it's not crippling. i love being transgender, and all the love i get from people around the mu community makes it worth it. it's not all well and good though. i still feel pressure to stay closeted. it frustrates me, but the world isn't exactly welcoming to transgender individuals. however, no matter what your identity is, it's valuable and beautiful. so is mine, and hopefully one day i can build up enough courage to completely come out of the closet! i've been doing training for vocal feminization, so maybe it's coming sooner rather than later.

as a note to end on, your mental health is something you need to value. even now i don't completely value my mental health. i've never seen a counselor or psychiatrist, and i absolutely should. a part of the reason i haven't is because of my budget. there are people that love and value you though, and that's the reason i'm still around. if i didn't feel valued, i would have committed suicide a long time ago. self-worth is important, but it's not the end all be all. you're a massive void that would be missing from your friends and family if you were gone. take this with a grain of salt, because i'm not a psychologist or a psychiatrist, but... it does feel like there's verity to my words.

that's all i have to say regarding my own struggles with mental health. thanks for reading.

This thread is locked to prevent it getting cluttered. But please feel free to leave a comment or note on the above story by visiting our Discussion Thread.
If you choose to comment on this, we expect a respectful tone.
You can also leave a comment at the Discussion Thread on Mafia Universe!


  • There has been some interest for an opt-in Discord channel, where you can discuss anything, including mental health on the MU discord server. If you are interested in joining the channel, contact @dyachei either here, or on Discord (dyachei#0333) for access.
  • @Syn has presented a writing prompt event, currently in a brainstorming phase — with enough interest, it might take off! Both potential writers and readers are wanted, check that out on MU!
  • Don't forget to submit your categories to the Smallrus we're hosting. Feel free to drop a comment in the ongoing Discussion Thread or PM me, @juliets or @nutellla

    a reminder of the categories for Smallrus:
    Spoiler: show
    Category 1: Give us whimsical! A playful, imaginative mood. Something transporting us from earth - takes our feet off the ground - pretend the world doesn't exist - translate that however you like!

    Category 2: Give us dreamy! Sometimes when tired, you might have laid in bed, in a state of neither being asleep nor awake. Often a lovely state where you actually live your dreams. It could be that you feel like you are aware of actually flying, in a dream with that theme, or something else wonderful. What song would be the best one to experience, in this state?

    Category 3: give us euphoria! That feeling of first falling in love, butterflies. Reading the good part of your favorite book. Finally reaching a goal you had been working on for a while. All of that. Those feelings. Give us a song that encompasses that.[/BOX]

    Deadline for submissions will be the 15th of May! Depending on how many submissions we get, reveals might be spread across several occasions, towards the end of the month.

    The smallrus will be revealed live on discord in the MU music channel, and in it's own forum thread - we will announce this later into the month.
  • Movie Night! Between 14th and 19th of May! We are still taking suggestions for which movie to watch.
  • There will also be a full day next week where we'll blast 90's bangers in the discord all day, for anyone to join in and hang out - exact day TBD!
  • If you have interest in arranging something - feel free to do this!
If you are interested in submitting a "story", with your name or anonymously, or have any other questions, you can do so through the following form**: or by PM'ing any of juliets, dunya or nutella here. You can also DM us on discord.

**nutella and MU staff members Arapocalypse and dobby/Roro__b are the only ones with access to the Google form.
by dunya
Tue May 04, 2021 7:44 pm
Forum: Announcements
Topic: Mental Health Awareness Month
Replies: 11
Views: 6835

Re: Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health Awareness Month
4th of May
Personal Experience Story: Wisdom

Today, we are sharing Wisdom's story and collection of beautiful poems. Again, Wisdom's story will be shared in spoilers to avoid triggering anyone since the story may contain elements of mental struggles/abuse. Please only open if you are comfortable reading such material.

Spoiler: show
 ! Message from: Wisdom
Hi, I'm Wisdom!

Some of you might know me as someone who always does their best to bring hype to all the games, and some of you have seen me struggle with energy, a few of you have seen one of the couple of breakdowns I've had in games. I think the best way to get to know who I am and where I come from mentally is to read a couple of poem's I've written about my childhood:

Poem collection on Google Docs

But long story short is that I was abused in both school and at home with no safe place to be except when I was playing videogames. I was taught to ignore the problems rather than acknowledging them, which certainly didn't help. I started having suicidal thoughts when I was 7 years old and that was before things became rough for real. However, moving away from home at the age of 16 and becoming independent with a new set of people did wonders for me. It took me until I was in uni (and most of all meeting other people who struggled) to realize what problems I really had with anxiety and it wasn't until I was really deep down in the darkness, after losing a couple of friends to suicide while also graduating uni and being left alone in the "world of the adults" that I decided to get professional help.

And for me that worked. It helped me realize I was both polyamorous and nonbinary, what internal fights I was dealing with and why some relationships were toxic for me. And at the age of 27 I decided to give it my all to get rid of the suicidal thoughts after having them with me for so long. And it worked! Not in the "never thinking about death again" sense, but as in actually wanting to live for my own sake for the first time that I can remember.

Am I fixed now? Of course not! I still feel like an outsider whenever I reflect on life, I still get stuck in my own head sometimes, and I get anxious and tired being around new people or in noisy places. I could certainly be diagnosed with one thing and the other (Pretty sure I have both ADD and some kind of cronial exhaustion). But I've reached a point in the transitioning where I'm comfortable with my body. I have cut the ties with my family to a degree that I can keep them on a distance without thinking too much about them. I work as a teacher and even though I can't work full time without burning out, it's something that works very well for me. I love helping others and being a good hearted and open minded teacher seems to help my students a lot. I have friends who genuinely seem to care for and understand me, how I function and what I need. And even though I used to have panic anxiety attacks regurarly, I haven't had one for three years and counting. So, just as I'm wishing that my playstyle in mafia can bring some hype, maybe this story can give someone struggling a little bit of hope. Feel free to talk to me if anything here is something you would like to reflect on!

This thread is locked to prevent it getting cluttered. But please feel free to leave a comment or note on the above story by visiting our Discussion Thread.
If you choose to comment on this, we expect a respectful tone.
You can also leave a comment at the Discussion Thread on Mafia Universe!


@Syn has presented a writing prompt event, currently in a brainstorming phase — with enough interest, it might take off! Both potential writers and readers are wanted, check that out on MU!

Lastly, we have an infograph we would like to share, including tips on how to ask for help at an early stage, which could work for some.
Spoiler: show
If you are interested in submitting a "story", with your name or anonymously, or have any other questions, you can do so through the following form**: or by PM'ing any of juliets, dunya or nutella here. You can also DM us on discord.

**nutella and MU staff members Arapocalypse and dobby/Roro__b are the only ones with access to the Google form.

Don't forget to submit your categories to the Smallrus we're hosting, and we're also taking suggestions for Movie Night, later this month. Feel free to drop a comment in the ongoing Discussion Thread.

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