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by Serge
Wed Jun 22, 2016 4:16 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 276762

Re: Interrogation Room

Why Dex?
Have you seen Dexter?
What's your most endearing quality according to people who know you?
Star Wars or Star Trek?
by Serge
Sun Jun 19, 2016 1:30 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 276762

Re: Interrogation Room

sig wrote:Favorite book series?Right now I'm going to disappoint everyone and just sat y A Song of Ice and Fire
Favorite TV Show/Movie?Was already asked by bea but I'll obligr:Arrested Development and for film let's pick Spirited Away this time around
What is one conspiracy theory that you think is true?I'm no conspiracy theorist but someone somewhere has irrefutable proof that aliens exist
Do you believe in aliens?If we can exist then why not aliens? Just us existing is truly amazing and just plain awe-inspiring to contemplate
If you could have one super power what would it be and why?Teleportation with no limits. Say I'll be able to teleport anywhere if I just visualize a place and I will be taken to the nearest possible place that it looks like. It'll be awesome.
by Serge
Wed Jun 15, 2016 6:19 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 276762

Re: Interrogation Room

S~V~S wrote:Lions or tigers?
Cats or dogs?Tigers. I feel like they're more ferocious.
Apples or oranges?Apples! I love apples very much.
Bears or bears? Bears or bears? I suppose I like bears if they're not the one that tries to maul you.
How far is the farthest from home that you have traveled? A few hundred kilometers south, I think. First time I rode a plane too. That trip felt like a dream. Still haven't left ny country, though.
Where is you favorite place other than your hometown? Thrift book stores. Feels like heaven!
What would you bring from that place to your hometown (it could be an object, or a building or a park, or it could be an intangible, like an attitude or the weather)?Well since it's a book store I'll be bringing home books. Books contains worlds. The possibilities are endless! Books are a uniquely portable magic :)
motel room wrote:Hi serge, remember Serge from Beverly Hills Cop? Wasn't he great?I don't remember watching that film so I watched a clip on Youtube and Serge looks like a cool cat
by Serge
Tue Jun 14, 2016 3:57 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 276762

Re: Interrogation Room

bea wrote:awe serge - your answer about soulmates is sweet. :hug:
Thanks :)
do you have a special someone? I had one but I lost her. I just didn't appreciate her when we were together. It's true what they say that sometimes you only know how valuable things are when you lose them.
are you in school? If so, what are you studying? I have graduated for years now, and I studied computers! I thought I was going to be a video game maker but I'm bad with numbers :D
besides mafia, what do you do to unwind? Music, first and foremost. Video games, and recently I have taken up swimming. It's fun!
what are you passionate about? I am passionate about music, games, and anything that celebrates life. I especially love making people happy.
do you have any siblings? Yep, I have two beautiful sisters.
in general terms, where are you located? I am located in the southeastern part of the globe, I guess that depends where your starting point is, eh?
what did you want to be when you grew up at age 10? I wanted to be an astronaut, but that's just a dream. Also, surprisingly common.
what do you want to be when you grow up now? I want to be the very best, like no one ever was... Kidding aside, I just want to have my own farm of food.
How close are you to doing that? We actually did have some stuff planted like red pepper and leafy greens but I didn't participate in any farming, jusy harvesting, I guess.
Do you like me? You ask good questions so I suppose I like you :)
do you cook? if so, what do you most enjoy cooking? if not, have you ever wanted to learn? I can cook breakfast but that's it. I'd love to learn how to cook but it must come hand on hand with farming and harvesting skills. How else would I feed people when we get stranded on a deserted island?
where is some place you would like to travel to and why do you want to go there? I would love to go to Iran. I saw a few films set there and the place looks really beautiful.
if you feel comfortable talking about it, could you share a time where you made a mistake but as time passed it ended up helping you? I can't recall anything particularly juicy, but I guess when I was a student I heard this scream. I was surprised, and when I saw it was just the daughter of my teacher I said aloud "I thought it was a dog". You can imagine how my teacher felt when she heard that. So from that day on I decided to think before I speak, and it has helped me a lot, I guess mostly with my demeanor which I'd like to think is pretty calm.
what is your favorite kind of doggie? Mongrels because they're all I've ever had as family for dogs and tehy're really sweet if you show them care and affection. People disregard mongrels because they're not pure and it's quite sad.
do you have pets? Dogs! Two of them and they love me very much(I love them too).
what would people be surprised to know about you? I guess people are often surprised how easygoing and jolly I am because it never fails for people who don't know me that well to tell me I look hard to approach, that I always look brooding and I am mad at something.
what do you wish someone would ask you but know no one will? What is the answer to said question? Would you want to eat on a buffee for free? And the answer would be yes :D
if I came to visit you, what would you most like to show/do with me? I'd tour you all around my country! Isands, beaches, historical siyes, huge modern slabs of concrete, it'll be fun!
If you came out here to the desert (AZ) what would you most like to do? Grand Canyon! Also I'd love to be a cowboy for a day.
Do you still like me? Welll with the promise Arizona, of course :)
Is it weird that I just assumed that your answer the first time I asked that was yes? Not at all
Am I annoying yet? It's hard for me to get annoyed, you have to try really, really hard because being annoyed isn't really something I become.
Favorite books, movies and tv shows? I love horror and science fiction, like Stephen King and Robert Heinlein. I guess The Stand is one of my favorite books of all time. Films, that's a tough one. I guess I'll go with Kill Bill Vol. 1 for now. TV shows, definitely Arrested Development. I love comedy.
Have you ever hosted? Nope
Do you want to? I guess I do
What sorts of themes would a serge hosted game have?I'd love to host a South Park game but it'll be pretty offensive and everyone who knows me will disown me, I guess. Also, something desigend around the comic book Locke & Key.
bea wrote:oh also - what do you do to pay the bills? I mean, if you have bills to pay.
Do you enjoy it? why or why not?I work tinkering with computers and I guess it's not that bad until you come across something that seems impossible to surmount. But most of the time I just surf sites because I often finish my work waaaaaaay ahead of time that there's nothing else to do but while away the hours. Or days. Weeks. Months . :)
by Serge
Mon Jun 13, 2016 12:00 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 276762

Re: Interrogation Room

sig wrote:Serge,
What is your favorite color, shape, animal and number?
Color would be sky blue. Shape? I have no clue. I guess squares because it's hip. Animal, dogd. Number, 1. Because I'm competitive, I guess.
What is your favorite mafia alignment.
Town. I view Mafia games as detective games and lying isn't particularly fun for me. I don't think I've ever enjoyed a single game as scum.
What was your favorite mafia ability/role.
I like being a cop. Knowing who's bad or not is awesome, and it's kinda hilarious seeing people lie when you know they're bad.
Sugar or Splenda]Sugar. I love it. Haven't ever used Splenda, maybe I should.
Nerolunar wrote:Hey Serge!
Hey Nero!
Favorite mafia game?
In this site I would have to say the Futurama game. Town played that really well, would've been one of my favorites of all time have not someone got me mislynched in the last day phase. If I account all Mafia games I've played on, I really liked the ones where we could all send PMs and no one was posting in the thread because everyone had backroom dealings, and we really showed the scum in that game.
What are the thoughts behind your avatar? Why did you choose it?It's from a game called Chrono Cross, the sequel to Chrono Trigger. The boy in the drawing is named Serge, and that's my name here. I like it because it's so peaceful. Maybe I need a mkre menacing avatar so people will take me more seriously in the Mafia games :)

If you believe in soulmates, what would be some of the major characteristics of that person?I think a soulmate is someone who will never ever leave your life even through your worst or your best, and even if that person and you are physically separated by a thousand miles, your bonds will never break, and if you meet again it's like both of you never left each other's company.
by Serge
Fri Jun 10, 2016 8:41 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 276762

Re: Interrogation Room

Do you believe in ghosts?
What is the most bizarre thing that happened to you?
What is your dream?
by Serge
Mon Jun 06, 2016 5:13 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 276762

Re: Interrogation Room

Why Nerolunar?

Who is the most important person in the world for you?

Biggest fear?

Are you fond of anything silly?

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