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by Nerolunar
Sun Jun 12, 2016 2:38 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 295262

Re: Interrogation Room

Hey Serge!

Favorite mafia game?

What are the thoughts behind your avatar? Why did you choose it?

If you believe in soulmates, what would be some of the major characteristics of that person?
by Nerolunar
Sat Jun 11, 2016 4:36 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 295262

Re: Interrogation Room

Okay, sounds good! I'm always eager to let people read my stuff. Give criticism if you like. :nicenod:

Epignosis, send me your email adress.
by Nerolunar
Fri Jun 10, 2016 6:38 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 295262

Re: Interrogation Room

bea wrote:What do you write? Do you have anything I can read? Hey Bea! Sure, I wrote a short story a few months ago. Is it possible to send files through pm?
by Nerolunar
Fri Jun 10, 2016 1:39 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 295262

Re: Interrogation Room

sig wrote:Once again proving my point about Europeans Magnus. :srsnod:

When are you going to come visit me in the United States? Probably never. I wasn't picked to go to Phoenixville :(
If I ever come over there can I sleep on your couch for free? Sure!
What is one thing you most regret doing? Being a dick to my former classmates. I can barely look them in the eyes now. At the time I thought they were the dicks, I was so wrong.
What is your favorite memory? The last day of my boarding school last summer. Many tears were shed, many hugs were exchanged.
Do you have/want any pets? I have a cute dog :D
What is your favorite animal? Crocodiles or sea horses. I don't really know why, I just think they are so damn cool.
Speaking of animals, what is your favorite food? Nachos with kebab. Ice cream is also pretty great, especially the obscure flavors. I love trying new things in general.
Serge wrote:Do you believe in ghosts? No.
What is the most bizarre thing that happened to you? I was pretty sure I heard voices one night a few months ago. My room is isolated compared to the rest of the house, and it was the middle of the night. Made me scared, and a little worried. It hasn't happened since.
What is your dream? Bestselling author! Being able to schedule my own workdays and benefit from simply working on something I enjoy.
by Nerolunar
Thu Jun 09, 2016 5:49 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 295262

Re: Interrogation Room

S~V~S wrote:
Nerolunar wrote:
S~V~S wrote:Who is your favorite evil cylon? John Cavil obviously :nicenod:
What are the top two items on your bucket list? Writing a book, live in a mansion.
Norway or Sweden? Norway definitely.
What is the greatest city you have visited? Seoul.
What city do you think is the greatest city in the world? Difficult question. Probably Los Angeles.
In Europe? Berlin, no doubt.
These are the right answers. We can be friends :D Yaaay :beer:

The others did not have right/wrong answers.

What did you best like about Seoul? That is was so huge! There were scyscrapers even at the edge of the city, and everything just brimmed with life and optimism.
Least Like? Smelled like cabbage everywhere. Not a fan of Korean cuisine.
What would you take from Seoul and bring to your home town (it could be a concept, it does not have to be a physical thing like a building, but it could be that, too)? Their openness. Even if strangers don't smile that much, once you get acquainted with someone, South Korean people are some of the most warm and welcoming people I have ever met. Compared to us Danes who tend to be a little cold and elitist maybe, it was a nice change.
by Nerolunar
Wed Jun 08, 2016 9:06 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 295262

Re: Interrogation Room

S~V~S wrote:Who is your favorite evil cylon? John Cavil obviously :nicenod:
What are the top two items on your bucket list? Writing a book, live in a mansion.
Norway or Sweden? Norway definitely.
What is the greatest city you have visited? Seoul.
What city do you think is the greatest city in the world? Difficult question. Probably Los Angeles.
In Europe? Berlin, no doubt.
by Nerolunar
Tue Jun 07, 2016 4:19 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 295262

Re: Interrogation Room

Serge wrote:Why Nerolunar? Can't remember how I came up with it. I used it the first time on my Minecraft account in 7th grade.

Who is the most important person in the world for you?Probably my mother or my best friend.

Biggest fear? Death, rollercoasters, everyone I love leaving me, crippling loneliness at an older age. Yeah.

Are you fond of anything silly? Playing mafia :P I also love playfighting with my siblings/friends.
Illyria wrote:Nero--

Favorite meal you have ever eaten? Nachos with kebab. My local takeaway serves it, I feel so blessed.

Favorite curse word? I use fuck alot, but mostly just to enhance the severity of the sentence. It has gotten to a point where I'm not even conscious of it.

Noise that you love/hate? I hate birds in the morning, cars and babies screaming. I love the sound of water both as waves and in small rivers, and I also love the sound of laughter.

Are you a student? what are you studying? Im currently a junior. I main English, Social Science and Psychology. Also Germany as a side language but it looks like I might fail that so :shrug:

If not, are you working? What do you do? Do you like it? I have never worked and I regret it so much. Will be hard finding a job later on, which is why I need better grades to stand a chance.

Place you would love to live and why? The Netherlands. It's like Denmark but more libertarian and free. At least that is my perception of it.
by Nerolunar
Mon Jun 06, 2016 4:00 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 295262

Re: Interrogation Room

Typhoony wrote:
rabbit8 wrote:
Tranq wrote:What's your favorite color?

Blue, you nub bitch.

How hard would you slap Tranq if your daughter came home with him?
I would take em both
Spoiler: show
by Nerolunar
Mon Jun 06, 2016 3:32 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 295262

Re: Interrogation Room

sig wrote:In American that's 71.653 inches so you might be a bit taller then me. :(
Are you a big spoon or a little spoon? :P I like both, but leaning big spoon.
Also why not do you think little innocent and pure me would ever abuse that trust. :cloud9:

What is your favorite mafia alignment? Probably mafia. I always feel very powerless being civ and lots of time passes before I ground myself in a game. I tend to get lynched early because of my trouble getting reads, but it seems more fair when you are mafia.
What was your favorite game and why? Turf wars, hands down. I stuck around until the end so that is a huge plus, and the whole game was just a wild ride with the prisoners and all. I searched for my lover in every person except my actual lover(Quin) and I also was 100% sure Chaindeath was scum and tunneled on him all game. He was civ :faint: The Ika/Silverwolf dynamic was also pretty interesting.
And who would you most like to have BTSC with. Tough question. Probably Dr.Wilgy, Golden or Epignosis. They are all great players with different styles. I believe I could learn alot by having BTSC with them.
indiglo wrote:Where do you live?
I live on the island of Fünen in Denmark.
How long have you lived there?
All my life :)
Do you see yourself living there in 10 years?
Maybe not this exact island, I am most likely going to move to Copenhagen or Århus at some point. Bigger cities suit me better.
What (if anything) would you change about yourself, if you were given the opportunity?
I have had some kind of social anxiety all my life up until a few years ago. I wish I didn't spend my childhood/prebuscent years being afraid of interacting with people. Also, less acne :P
What is your favorite thing to do if you have a surprise free day or weekend?
Running, playing computer games and just generally relaxing. I also sometimes eat lunch or dinner with my friends in the nearest city.
If you won a lot of money suddenly, what kind of stuff would you do with it?
I would probably spend a little on fun stuff to celebrate it, but I would save the rest. At this moment I am fairly wealthy as it is so I don't feel the need to spend more than usual. I rarely spend money anyways.
What is your mother tongue? And do you speak any additional languages?
by Nerolunar
Sun Jun 05, 2016 4:58 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 295262

Re: Interrogation Room

Oh my.
sig wrote:I'll start,
Nero where did you bury the bodies? :P The nearest playground.
What's your favorite color? Im very fond of blue and purple. Black is also very nice. I despise yellow and red.
If you could travel to any city in the world which would you pick? Probably Seoul. I have many fond memories from a class trip in Seoul and I want to return there someday.
When is your birthday? 23th of January.
How tall are you? 182 centimeters. Taller than you that's for sure :P.
On a scale of one to ten how much am I your favorite TS member?
1 being your favorite member here
10 being your most absolutely awesomeness super cool who you'd do anything for favorite member. :P
8. You are the best but I won´t do anything for you. :beer:
Epignosis wrote:How awesome is it being named "Magnus?"

It's a fairly normal name here, but people on the internet find my name to be amazing. That's pretty nice I guess :P

Edit: This is pretty funny. Hit me up guys!

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