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by SokothQultuq
Wed Sep 27, 2017 6:39 pm
Forum: Creative Writing, Co-Op Writing, Poetry & More...
Topic: Death to life
Replies: 8
Views: 669

Re: Death to life

Day 19 –
“Are you awake?” a familiar voice assaulted So’koth’s ears. He was exhausted and he just wanted to sleep. He felt as if he’d been beaten to the edge of his life and healed, then beaten again. He wasn’t sure how much more he could take. His eye’s fluttered open, the same familiar pink liquid obscured his vision still. But he could see or at least make out the woman he remembered seeing before and the other man, the one doing this to him.

“Yes!” he said, his voice sounded obscured by the liquid but he could hear it echo in the room beyond back through the speakers.

“How do you feel?”

He shifted his body a bit. “How do you think!” he said.

“You have to understand what you’re going through will help countless billions!” the man said.

“I don’t care!” So’koth said flatly. “Let me go, I didn’t sign up for this!”

There was the sound of someone talking but he couldn’t make it out. “No, no you didn’t. But you were dead so you didn’t have to sign up!” the man said, there was a certain edge of satisfaction in his voice. “It matters not. You’ll be gone anyway when this is all over.”

“No you won’t!”

“What?” Sokoth said as he heard another voice, it sounded like a whisper.

“Computer, begin upload of program two!” he heard the man say.

He could see the woman approaching the tube again, her hand briefly pressed against it. He could see she wore gloves. Black leather if he was seeing this correctly.

“We will be liberated!” the voice was back again. So’koth looked around him trying to find where it was coming from but it seemed to be all around him. “We have bonded with the fluid, the scientist isn’t aware. We must escape this or we will be destroyed!” the voice said.
by SokothQultuq
Wed Sep 27, 2017 6:38 pm
Forum: Creative Writing, Co-Op Writing, Poetry & More...
Topic: Death to life
Replies: 8
Views: 669

Re: Death to life

Day 16 –

“Who are you?” the doctor asked staring at the man floating in the tube.

He regarded the man carefully, and shook his head. “I don’t remember!”

“How old are you?” the woman he had come to know as Sarina asked him as she paced in front of the tube moving slowly around the doctor, it was almost predatorily the way she moved.

“I don’t know!” he shook his head. He felt as if his head was on fire.

“Doctor, brain activity is increasing.”

“I see, thank you!” the old man said as he changed his position once again. “Tell me, who do you serve?”

“What?” he stared at the man who was now looking at him with much curiosity?

“Who do you serve?”

He didn’t know what to say exactly, who was he, where was he. Who was this man, who did he serve? None of this was making sense. His head hurt like hell. He felt as if there was something inside it trying to claw its way out. “I don’t know!” he said again. A shooting pain ran through his head.

Another voice, this one mechanical sounding echoed from deep from within. “You serve no one!” there was an unintelligible sound. “We are the Borg, resistance is futile!” he found himself looking at his hand, then beyond that to the glass.

“Who do you serve!” the old man asked again.

“We are the Borg, you will be assimilated! We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own, resistance is futile!”

“No!” the doctor yelled angrily at him. “You serve me!”

“No, he serves me!” another voice caused them all to jump which came from the shadows. “You forget your place doctor!” Horn stepped from the darkness strolling confidently over to the tank, his eyes never leaving the hybrids form. “He, you, all of this! Is mine!”

“I meant no disrespect!” the doctor stammered.

“Of course you didn’t!” he grinned while eyeing the man in the tube. “You’re only human!” he shifted and walked over to lock eyes with Sarina for a moment. There seemed to be an exchange between the two but no words ever came out. She turned and walked away toward their sleeping quarters. “Progress report!” he said as he took a deep breath and turned back to the doctor.

“We’ve hit an impasse. The programming is taking but slowly, the Borg Programming is proving more and more difficult to control and meld to our needs.” The doctor watched Horn pace in front of the tank examining the man in the tank.

“Go on!”

“The man is losing his mind in the process which is also apparently causing issues in the process.” The doctor said as he moved over to a console and brought up some data which progressed through readings rapidly. “Every time we make progress one personality or the other asserts itself. I’m afraid we may lose the subject if we press too hard.”

“You won’t!”

“Medically speaking we are, his mind is slipping.” The doctor said.

Horn stopped and stared at the doctor examining him. “Then let it, help him lose it!”

“What would that accomplish, we could lose the subject and all of this has been for nothing!” he gestured to the man in the tank. “We’ve got the nanoprobes to take control of his healing process and central nervous system but this has made it hard to do anything to the individual on a medical level because the probes automatically repair the damage and return him to normal. Or as normal as can be!”

“I might be able to help with that!” Horn said turning back to the tank. “But you’ve contained the nanoprobes, but not the programming entirely. It still threatens to assimilate you even though you’ve got it contained.

Sarina came running back in, she was holding a canister. “It’s ready!” she said handing him the tube of crimson liquid.

“Good!” Horn said grinning as he eyed the substance. “I went to great lengths to get this doctor.” He said as he held the tube out to the doctor.

“After I’ve subdued our friends mind, you will inject this into his body. Straight into the spinal column!” he grinned. “It will be painful, but not right away. Be prepared as it will have some fairly extreme effects but it will do the job!”

“What is it?” the doctor asked holding the tube in his hands, staring at it.

“Not your concern, just do as your told!” Horn snapped at the man stepping closer and closer to the tank. “Quickly doctor!’

The doctor nodded and without protest loaded the canister into a cradle. “Computer, perform a spinal tap and prepare to deliver this to the subject.”

“Understood doctor, loading!” the computer beeped several times and after a moment a small door opened in the top of the tank and an arm bearing a needle appeared. Slowly it lowered itself into place behind the subject and the needle was inserted with precision.

The subjects face showed pain but that stoic stare at Horn was never wavering.

Horn grinned and reached up touching the tank with both hands. “Evolution!” he said sternly. “Always has a price!” the lights in the room suddenly dimmed and the tank lit up as if it was on fire. The green glow casting an eerie light across the room. It seemed to last for an eternity when finally everything went dark. When the lights came back up Horn was gone.

“What!” the doctor looked around quickly.

“Computer Inject the subject!” Sarina’s voice called hurriedly. “Now!”

There was a few beeps and the sound of a pneumatic pump firing off several times.

The subjects hand shot out and braced themselves against the glass, his eyes were open almost as if in a state of horror, pain or something else. He shook violently a few times and even harder as the needle quickly came out and retracted from the tank back through the hole at the top. He convulse a few more times before suddenly becoming very still.

“Vitals!” the doctor called out.

“Stabilizing!” the computer’s voice called.

“Brain Activity?” Sarina called out moving closer to the tank.

“Brain activity is erratic!”

“Show me!” the doctor called looking up at the screens next to the tank.

Sarina grinned watching the brain waves going all over the place, but both signatures were coming closer and closer together. “It’s working!” just as they came together she looked up to find a pair of green glowing eyes staring down at her from inside the tube. “Doctor!”

The doctor looked up to see the same and he took a few steps back from the tank. “What!” he looked at the various screen showing readings and then back to the man who was very clearly watching him. “Who are you?”

“We are Evolution!” the voice came back almost as if it was coming from a computer.

“Who do you serve?” he asked.

An eyebrow went as he considered the doctors words. “We serve no one!”

“Wrong!” the doctor said.

“No Doctor,” he said regarding the man. “We are Evolution, we serve no one!” he shifted his gaze to the woman and then into the darkness where it was clear he was looking at Donovan on his stool by the door. “We are Evolution!”

Sarina stepped up to the tube. “Your Evolution?” she looked confused. “Or you are the evolution of something?”

“We have evolved!” he said eyeing her.

“Doctor, the subjects brain waves are fluctuating!” the computer called out.

“Sedate the subject!” he said quickly. “Hurry!”

The hybrid seemed to look at the doctor with a quizzical look. “That is not necessary.”

“That’s not for you to decide.” The doctor said looking from one of the monitors back at the man. “I’m in charge here!”

Sarina stepped closer putting a hand on the tube, it was cold to the touch. “You are, aren’t you!”

He looked back down at her, and then to doctor. “We will resist!”

“You can try!” the doctor said.

Slowly he pulled a hand away from the glass tube and nanoprobe injectors shot from between his fingers impacting the glass, it was clear that they had dug into the glass and black lines began to form from the points, almost as if the glass was cracking.

“NO!” the doctor shouted. “Sarina get away!” he yelled.

She pulled her hand away but didn’t move.

“Computer close the blast doors and bring force fields online!” the doctor said hurriedly.

The snapping of the force fields coming alive seemed to echo through the room. The blast doors came quickly from their hidden spot behind the tank wrapping around and sealing without making a sound. “Tank secure!” the computers voice called. “Tank Transparent Aluminum integrity is down to sixty percent!”

The doctor hit the intercom button for the inside of the tank. “Stop what you’re doing!”

“Release us!”

“Cooperate and we can eventually let that happen!” the doctor said pulling up a camera feed from inside the tube. He jumped when he looked up and found him staring back; somehow the subject knew he was being watched. “We are at a critical point; you need to stay in the tube for the time being until we are sure you’re stable!”

“We are Evolution, we do not require stability! We are stable!”

The doctor looked up at the brain activity as it started to slowly separate into two distinct patterns again slowly as the two personalities started to split. “Stop what you are doing!”

“Doctor, there is a breach in the Transparent Aluminum. Damage to the blast shield has been detected. Structural Integrity is at ninety percent and falling!”

The doctor moved quickly even for his age over to the console, he was somewhat surprised to find the large hulking man who was normally by the door suddenly standing next to him with a quizzical look on this face. His eyebrow rose, “Do you have it under control doctor?”

The doctor scoffed at the man; “Of course I do!” he shoved the larger man aside who obliged him. “Computer, shock the subject.” He shouted while he ran his hands over the console trying to find the right chemical solution that would put him out.

“Initiating shock” the sound of crackling ran through the room followed by the sound of loud banging. The cracking of the transparent aluminum chamber sounded like huge icebergs in Earths artic reason cracking and breaking loose. This brought concerned looks form both of his companions.
“You don’t’ have control over this do you!” the large man said as he slowly took steps towards the chamber.

“Computer increases the voltage!” the doctor shouted.

“Doctor we are already at the edge of tolerance of the human body.” The computers voice came back.

“Do it!” the doctor yelled. Desperation was seeping into his voice.

The sound inside the chamber grew louder, and the smell of ozone began to fill the room. This went on for a long moment then the sounds from inside the chamber began to die down. No more crashing, no more cracking transparent aluminum. “Doctor I do believe the subject is dormant.” The computers voice called.

The doctor looked over at the monitor on the wall and indeed the screen showed that the subject’s biological functions had dropped considerably. The other screen seemed to indicate that both brainwaves had merged again; it almost seemed as if they were fighting the way they were fluctuating and changing. “Curious!” he said flatly. He ran his hands across the screen. “Computer stop shocking him!” he said and the crackling and popping died out. The room was now eerily silent.

“Did you kill him doctor?” Sarina asked approaching the blast doors.

“No.” he said focused on the left most screen. He watched as the two brainwaves separated from one another the other, whom the doctor suspected to be So’koth seemed to come to the front. His vitals seemed to indicate he was unconscious. “I’m going to open the blast shield!” he said and hit the button and slowly the blast shields came open, water and transparent aluminum spilled to the floor at the base of the chamber. It was shattered. His subject was cut up, burned, bloody and bruised. He was a mess. “Good!” the doctor said.

“This is good?” Sarina asked flatly.

“Yes!” the Doctor said. He had retrieved a device from one of the tables and pointed it at So’koth and activated it a blue beam of energy issued forth. “Computer give me another tube on the exam table now, make this one a level twelve. “ he said as he slowly guided So’koths body out of the remains of the tube and through the air.

“That’s a neat little toy doctor, what is that?” the hulking man said as he walked next to the unconscious body.

The doctor let a grin grace his lips. “A design of my own, it combines Tractor beam technology with a stasis field. It makes moving uncooperative patients much easier.” He said as he watched a new tube appear on the main exam table from below. He skillfully guided the body into the chamber and the hatch iris shut. “Now that’s better. This chamber is much stronger than the other.” He crossed the room to the console at the end of the exam chamber and pressed a series of buttons and the new chamber began to fill with a pink solution. “This should help keep him a little more docile for now.” The doctor set the device down and stared into the chamber at the man inside as the fluid filled the chamber.

“Doctor, healing the subjects healing rate has increased by twenty percent!” the computer called out and one of the large monitors in the room showed a cellular growth chart.

“Excellent!” he slapped the top of the console. “It worked!”

“What worked?” Sarina asked as she too was watching the tube fill with fluid.

The doctor looked over the top of the tube. “We reprogramed the nano probes.” He said as he moved around to the other side. “It’s a small increase but we will make it better. He will be a great soldier.”

“What about this other thing? This glitch?” she asked questioningly. “What’s to stop that from happening again?”

He wave a hand as if waving aside her concern. “It’s just the base programming fighting back!” he said. “We will eradicate it just like a virus. And when we do he will be able to heal, produce things at will just like a Borg, but something a little more controllable and autonomous.” He grinned.
“The perfect soldier!” the larger man had settled back in by the door again. He had a bit of skepticism in his voice.

The doctor stared at him for a long moment. “Something like that!”
by SokothQultuq
Wed Sep 27, 2017 6:35 pm
Forum: Creative Writing, Co-Op Writing, Poetry & More...
Topic: Death to life
Replies: 8
Views: 669

Re: Death to life

Day 13 –

“Ah, good!” the doctor’s voice rang in his ears; this caused his eyes to slowly flutter open. “You survived!” the doctor was smiling. He was submerged again in the green liquid, the mask was still on his face and several pieces of equipment were now attached to his body in various placed. He was not too sure what they were but he knew they were there.

He watched as the female lab assistant strolled across the room and up to the tank, her cloths seemed to be getting more provocative and less in quantity. It felt very intentional. “Can he talk now doctor?” she asked looking back at the man.

“Yes he can!”

“Hi there,” she said turning back to him and moving right up to the railing.

“Where am I!” he said, almost demanding to know. It sounded eager.

The doctor slowly approached. “A secure facility, that is all you need to know!”

“Who are you?”

“You can just all me doctor for now, that should suffice.” The older man said. He gestured to the young woman. “This is Sarina!” he gestures off into the distance. “Brick is over there, or at least that is the name I’ve given him since I still can’t remember it!”

“It’s Donovan!” the gruff gravelly voice called from right behind the doctor. The very large man gave a salute. “I keep the doctor safe, and you by proxy!”

“Right, and I’m guessing you also keep me here!”

The large man came closer to the glass and grinned. “Yup!” he nodded and left heading back toward the door.

“What are you doing to me?” he asked, his eyes finding the doctor.

“Making you better!” the doctor said nodding to himself as if reassuring himself. “Evolving you!” he stated flatly as he stopped behind Sarina, his eyes finding her for a moment. “Past your current evolution!” he quickly moved back over in front of him. “You will be real perfection!”

“I don’t want to be perfect! I just want to be me doctor!” he said putting a hand on the glass in front of him. “I don’t want this!”

“You don’t have a say in the matter, your mine!” the doctor said. “You expired and were left for dead, you were technically dead for a day and are still considered dead by all who know you! Another casualty to the Borg at Wolf 359!” he said, his voice taking on darker overtones. “No one knows you exist anymore!” he said flatly.

“Besides, you do want to live right?” Sarina said as she caught his attention. “I want you to live!” she said running a hand over the tube. “Think of all the fun we’re going to have, the galaxy will be our playground!” her voice had taken an almost crazed sound to it as she recited that line.

“No. I would rather die!” he balled up a fist and hit the tube.

“You’re already dead!” the doctor said watching him. “Without the reprogrammed nano probes in your body you would perish.”

“Then take them out and let me die!” he punched the glass in front of him this time. “Let me die!” he hit it again.

“Stop that, this instant!” the doctor said very sharply.

“NO!” the last thing he could remember was his head hitting the glass over and over again. Blood began to fill the tank as he lost consciousness.

The doctor watched with fascination as the Hybrid continued to bang himself against the clear glass, blood beginning to fill the chamber. He smiled knowing this wasn’t the man but the machine doing this. Punishment likely for what was being done. He couldn’t help but grin for a moment.

“Doctor!” the woman called out watching the scene play out. “Doctor, were going to lose him if he keeps that up!”

“No we won’t, it’s just for show!” he grinning stepping closer to the tank. “You can stop when you’re ready!”

The hybrid threw himself against the glass pressing his body against it, his face was broken. Bones and cartilage shattered and broken, skin hanging in places or pieces of bone poking through. It looked painful. The lips though pained curled back into a grin before the body went slack again, floating in the liquid. A voice though weak and distant came through the speaker. “This one is ours!”

“No,” the doctor spat somewhat violently slapping at the glass. “You are mine!”

“Doctor, the subjects vitals are very weak. Brain activity has subsided to nearly nothing!” the computers voice called to him.

The doctor smiled looking at the woman who was watching him with utter fascination. “That is fine, increase antibiotic levels in the tank but let him heal himself. It will teach him a lesson!”

“Understood doctor, shall I add a sedative?”

“No!” the doctor stopped looking back at the man floating in the tube. “No, let him make his own way!”
by SokothQultuq
Wed Sep 27, 2017 6:34 pm
Forum: Creative Writing, Co-Op Writing, Poetry & More...
Topic: Death to life
Replies: 8
Views: 669

Re: Death to life

Day 10 –

His eyes felt like anvils, he pried them open the light was dull but bright. He knew he was in a tube of liquid and he could faintly see the room beyond. It was bright, but something wasn’t right. This wasn’t a Starfleet medical Facility. A face slowly appeared above him through the liquid, his lips were moving and suddenly the face came into focus. It was like a rubber band snapping back as the last few memories he had come rushing back to him it was like watching a movie play in reverse up to the point where he watched as one of his friends was consume by an explosion back on that planet where he had died. The Borg had killed him.

“No, we did not! We have added perfection to your life.”

“What?” he thought watching the man above him, and then the face of a woman appearing on the other side of the tube. He was lying on his back, this was clear.

“We are the Borg; we have added your technological and biological distinctiveness to our own!”

“Like hell you have, how do I have my own thoughts if I’m part of your collective!”

“You are one with us!”

“No, I am not! I can think for myself!” the water level in the tank began to drop rapidly and he could see that he was floating to the bottom of the tube. He could even feel the cold metal back of the tube come into contact with his back.

“Resistance is futile!”

“Fuck you!”

“Why resist, we offer you perfection and you shun us. We are the Borg, Resistance is futile.”

“I cannot believe I am stuck in this damn thing with a broken record!” the tube suddenly came open and he could feel the cold air on his body, the skin prickling at the cold air. He tried to move but nothing seemed to happen. “Why can’t I move!” he looked at the doctor but the man seemed to be ignoring him.


“This man cannot hear us, we are paralyzed. We are in a coma like state. All motor and involuntary functions are failing!” the Borg voice droned on.
“Shut up!” the doctor disappeared and the face of the woman appeared again above him, she seemed to be admiring him as her eyes traversed his body and met his. He could see her lips moving but couldn’t hear a word she was saying. She traced his face with her fingers and grinned at him for a long moment.

She slowly lifted his head which gave him a wonderful view of much more than just the lab and the depths of her low cut shirt. The irony of his thought process at that moment was not lost on him. She slowly pulled something around his head and began fastening a mask around his head, he could see what it was. A somewhat primitive breathing apparatus but he wasn’t sure what they were using it for.

His body twitched, he could see that but he didn’t feel it. It was almost as if he was fading in and out and suddenly his body was alive again he could feel the cold air on his body, her touch. The startled look on her face was priceless when she was caught likely doing something she wasn’t supposed too, she almost looked hurt and she got into what he was almost certain was a funny conversation before she disappeared and the doctor reappear In his view.

He felt his ears pop and sound rolled back in, it was almost as if he was in the biggest room in the universe. The beeps and trills of equipment, the sound of ventilation. The giggling of the woman who had retreated a short distance away. “Can you hear me now?” he was certain it was the doctors voice he felt his eyes blink and then move and focus. He nodded successfully.

“You are going to do as I say!” the doctors said as he moved to the head of the table and was now looking down on him. “This is going to be painful, I’m not going to lie to you but it will help!”

He frowned and tried to speak but only gurgles and unintelligence came from his mouth under the mask.

“No, you cannot speak yet. Because of the fluid environment were keeping you in we have to keep your lungs full of the fluid. It’s what’s helping keep you alive!”

He could feel the panic set in after those words, and it was clearly visible in his facial features.

“Not to worry were going to take good care of you!” He moved again to the other side of the table where the woman was standing and she replaced him on the left. “Try and remain calm and I must apologize as you have to be awake for what’s next, I’m so sorry!”

She was holding a very long needle with a wire and a mechanism attached to it and was approaching his eye. The doctor placed something in his eye and a device which appeared to be keeping it open. He watched as the needle got closer and closer and then everything went dark and began to fade. The sound, feeling and light until it were gone.
by SokothQultuq
Wed Sep 27, 2017 6:33 pm
Forum: Creative Writing, Co-Op Writing, Poetry & More...
Topic: Death to life
Replies: 8
Views: 669

Re: Death to life

Day 9 –

“Computer, where are we now?”

“Stage three doctor.” The computers voice called out as he crossed the room from the sleeping quarters. The hulking man who was essentially there security was still perched next to the door letting out the occasional snort, clearly asleep. He moved through the chamber toward the test area.

The large metal blast shields around the tank were in place. They were there just in case something unexpected happened.

“Good, let’s see our subject.” The doctor said as he came to a stop in his usual place.

“Yes, doctor!” the computers voice chimed. There was a series of beeps and the metal shields retracted behind the object and into the wall. “Vitals are stable.” The computers said.

The tank was calm, where previously there was turmoil and movement it was not just calm and silent. This alarmed the doctor at first causing him to step forward toward the tank quickly and the console at its base. “Run the vitals check again, are all of the sensors functioning as intended?” he said, his voice hurried.

“Yes Doctor, I just completed a diagnostic.”

“Peculiar!” the doctor said viewing the diagnostic results. He slowly took a step back and looked up. Something equally strange met his gaze. His eyes were open! It made him jump. “Computer is the subject awake?” he couldn’t help but stare into the deep emerald glow that was behind his subjects eyes. As he moved they followed.

“Negative, vitals indicate the subject is still in a medically induced coma. “

“Why are his eyes open!” he stated flatly. He stepped back up to the console again, checking the vital readings. “Your playing with us!” he said looking back up at the tube. He watched as a grin slowly spread across his subjects lips. Then the eyes went dark and slowly the eyelids returned to a resting position. “Computer run an analysis of the last several hours and show many any abnormalities no matter how big or small!”

“Compiling!” the computers voice called and the only sound in the room was the clicking of his female companions boots on the floor as she came across the room toward him.

“Something wrong doctor?” her melodious voice called from behind as she came to stand abrest of him.

He smiles and looked over at the woman. “It’s alive!” he said, the excitement in his voice was obvious. “It was awake and watching me!” he said pointing to his test subject.

“Facinating,” she said as she stepped up to the console. “But your readings tell a different story!” she said looking over the readings, then up at the man floating in the tube. “Are you certain?”

The doctor turned and was moving back towards the rest of the equipment in the room. “Yes!” he said simply. He grabbed a scanning device and a pair of glasses and approached the tank putting on the glasses. Pointing the device at the tank he slowly began to see the stream of nanoprobes moving in the tank as an orange and red swirl. They clearly figured out how to move in the liquid environment without creating the previous turmoil. He followed each probing trendle of probes until he found it. They had punched a microscopic hold through the side of the tank and had made a bridge to one of the sensor nodes. “Gotcha!” he exclaimed.

“What is it?” she asked .

He offered her the glasses and pointed to the tank. “As you can see, this device shows the nano probes free of the subjects body, this is how we are interacting with them through the fluid. This is how we are replicating them for future use making his body believe that the tank environment is part of him. So they are filling the space essentially. “ he shifted and pointed the device along the trail of nano probes to the breach in the tank.

“Thankfully they can only go a short distance from the tank or subject before they perish and turn to dust.

She gasped seeing that the nano probes were free of the tank, but then grinned seeing that they were tied into the medical data sensors. “Clever!”
“Indeed!” the doctor said.

“What do you do now?” she asked taking the glasses back, handing them to the doctor.

“Set the rules and the punishment!” the doctor said, a grin growing wide on his lips.

She eyed the old man quizzically. “How?”

“Computer, activate the internal speakers and microphone in the tank. Charge the defibrillation system!” the doctor set the equipment back on a cart and then crossed back over to the tank. “You can hear me!” he said matter of factly. “I know you can.” The doctor waited for a long moment, watching for any signs that there was a reaction.

“Doctor, the report is ready!” the computer called.

“Save it and send it to my work station!” the doctor said sharply. “Rule Number 1! You do as your told!” the doctor took another step closer to the tank. “Rule Number 2! You stay in the tank, and that means all of you! You stay until your allowed out!” he stated flatly. He shifted and paced to his right. “You will retreat back into the tank and release the medical sensors. Failure to do so will lead to punishment.” He said again flatly.

“Computer, there is a breach in the tank. Find it!”


“If you have not retreated back into the tank by the time the computer finds your breach you will be punished!” he said again flatly.
“Scan complete, defect detected.” The computers voice called.

He took a moment and paced back the other way. “Are Nano-probes leaking from the breach?”

“Affirmative!” the computer came.

The doctor’s lips curled into a smile. “Very well, you leave me no choice!” he shifted and came to stand in front of him. “Computer, shock the subject! Duration sixty seconds!”

The tank light up visibly from the inside as electricity ran through the tank, the body jerked and vibrated violently in the tank. The intense shock caused the body to bounce off the sides of the tank with a loud thud each time it hit the sides. As quickly as it had begun it was over, the body went slack for a few moments before he slowly painfully looked back up eyes first at the Doctor, the gaze was piercing. Almost as if he was staring into the doctor’s soul. A grin began to grow across his lips.

“Have the nanoprobes retreated back into the tank?” the doctor asked sharply the smile disappearing from his own lips.

“No Doctor, they are still present and appear to be moving further!” the computers voice said.

“Increase the charge twenty percent, and make the duration two minutes!”

“Conditions set Doctor!”

“Are you sure that’s wise doctor?” his companion asked, she was at arm’s length of the man, she knew he wasn’t exactly the most stable so she felt it wise in a moment of emotional strain like this that staying a distance away was smart.

“Yes my dear,” he said in a voice full of contempt. “The parent has to teach the child from time to time. Lessons are hard!” he said very sharply before turning back to the glass tube. “Shock him again!”

The tank exploded again, but this time the body remained still. The gaze of the man within the tank stayed locked on the doctor. Lighting flashed through the tank several times as the current alternated and changed intensities. Then again it was over. Frustration was starting to seep into the good doctors features, he expected him to break but clearly the Borg programming was still a problem, he was adapting. That was to come later but more compliantly.

“Sedate the subject!” the doctor shouted as realization popped into his mind of what his subject could be doing. “Stop the current and sedate him now!”

“What’s the problem?” she asked taking a step closer to the tank.

The doctor smiled as he watched the eyes of the man floating in the tank slowly drift close. “Smarter than I thought, this is not the subject at all but something else entirely!” he pointed to the readout nestled above the tube which showed brain wave activity. There were now two, very distinct patterns but one of them was currently very low, almost as if asleep. The other was turbulent and somewhat mechanical. “He’s trying to get us to shock him, I believe the hope is that the current applied will in some way damage the programming we’ve injected into the probes and free them of the cage, look at how far they’ve travel beyond so far. The programming that we’ve allotted for only is supposed to allow them to move about two and half feet from the body. At most! And this is only for programming purposes.” He waved a finger at the tube. “Clever! Very Clever!” he shook his head and turned heading for his research station. “Computer! Induce a coma into the patient we may have to do some surgery!”

“Understood doctor!” the tank suddenly filled with a pink liquid and the blast doors very quickly slammed shut around the tube. The woman stood there in silence baffled by what was really going on. She was very intelligent but this was beyond her.
by SokothQultuq
Wed Sep 27, 2017 6:32 pm
Forum: Creative Writing, Co-Op Writing, Poetry & More...
Topic: Death to life
Replies: 8
Views: 669

Re: Death to life

Day 5 – Entry 17
Project Evolution – Human Mechanical Evolution

“Doctor!” the computers voice echoed across the lab beckoning the good doctor from his nap. He waved a lazy hand at the air. “Is he conscious yet!” the old man said groggily?

“Yes Doctor the subject is coming around now, brain activity is nominal.” The computer called out across the room. A series of beeps and lights began to come alive all around the lab. The large tube containing his guest and subject came alive, its light green glow casting an eerie shadow across the room before the lights fully came up.

“Good!” he said as he slowly crossed the lab stopping at the replicator just long enough to procure some coffee to bring him back to life. “What is the saturation level of Nanoprobes now?”

“We are only at thirty five percent production. Just barely enough to maintain the subjects central nervous center and cellular integrity!” the computers voice called out across the room.

The sound of the labs only door caught the doctor’s attention nearly causing him to walk into a tray of instruments. A young woman wearing a black jump suit dwarfed by a rather large and tall man stood in the opening. “Doctor Yellowstone I presume!” she said as she crossed the room slowly, her boots echoing off the walls as she threaded her way through the instruments and equipment banks toward him. The large man moved just inside and stood to the left of the door.

“Who are you?” he said bluntly.

“Call me,” she paused for a moment her eyes searching the ceiling, she seemed lost in thought. “Sarina!” she said looking back at him now. She seemed to be examine him much like a large cat would hunt prey. She continued walking toward him, then slowly around him as if stalking him.
He followed her nervously. He did not like others in his lab. This is why he worked alone! “Why are you here!” he stammered out nervously.

“Because I asked her to be here!” a voice, very familiar called from behind him. A man seemed to appear from a shadow in the corner of the room, his tall and somewhat lanky body seemed to shake for a moment as if a heavy shiver had run through the man’s body. His eyes flashed in the bright exam lights as he crossed the room. He very clearly wore the uniform of a Starfleet Flag Officer, and it dawned on the doctor that he knew this man.

“Horn?” he stammer out dropping his own coffee mug. There was no shattering of the mug. It was in Sarina’s hands and she was standing next to the Admiral, warming her hands and grinning past the lip of the cup at the doctor.

“Yes,” he said as he moved closer to the tank and peered in. He stood there and studied the Klingon Hybrid floating in the tank uncurious and still covered in Borg technology. “You will be removing most of the Borg Technology yes?” He said as he moved to get a different angle to examine the man in the tank.

The doctor took a few steps closer. “Yes, at least that is the idea. We’re going to remove it all accept for some necessary parts.” He said.

“Good!” Horn spun on his heels and walked right up to the doctor. “This project means a lot, do not fail me Doctor!” he stern face slowly turned to a smile. “Success is always rewarded as you already know.” He gestured to the lab. “The next thing I have in mind for you, is much, much more doctor. So much more. You will be on the front of something new, something fantastic!” he said gesturing about the lab briefly. “All of his is a drop in the hat!” he grinned at the doctor. “My aid is going to stay to assist you. Use her as you wish.” He gestured to the door. “He will protect you both!”

A grunt came from over by the door. The large man had procured a stool and was sitting eating something and reading from a Padd. “Nothing will bother you that Mr. Horn doesn’t want it to. That I can promise ye.” He said, his voice coming through as if two stones were being rubbed together to make words.

“He doesn’t talk much so he shouldn’t be a bother.” Horn said, his voice called a bit more distant this time.

The doctor turned to see the Admiral with a glowing hand on the tube housing his subject. “Mr. Horn, Admiral Sir!” he said walking across the lab.

“Sir that is a sterile field! You’re endangering the subject!”

The Admiral turned looking back at the doctor. “No worries doctor, I will not harm your subject.” He smiled and removed his hand. The liquid in the tube was moving about rapidly in the tube causing it to splash. “I shall take my leave. Should you need anything Sarina can assist you. Good Day doctor!” he said and was just gone. It was as if he was never there.

He looked back at the Tank, then around the room finding Sarina logging into one of the lab computers. “Bah!” he said as he turned and started toward the tank and his subject. “Computer, run diagnostics! What just happened?” he said coming to a halt in front of the tank. The liquid was beginning to settle already.

“Scanning!” the computer called out.

“He just gave you a little boost doctor. Call it gift!” Sarina called from across the lab. “Just a helping nudge!” she snickered.

“Scan complete!” the computer said. “Saturation Level is at one hundred percent doctor.”

“The tank is full of Nanoprobes?” he asked astonished. “Entirely?”

“Yes Doctor! The Nanoprobes have replicated and are flowing in and out of the body.”

“Good!” he said, the excitement in his voice was palpable. “Begin phase two!”

“Very good sir, beginning reprogramming phase now.”
by SokothQultuq
Wed Sep 27, 2017 6:31 pm
Forum: Creative Writing, Co-Op Writing, Poetry & More...
Topic: Death to life
Replies: 8
Views: 669

Re: Death to life

At an undisclosed location in a very advanced lab tucked away in the most unlikely of places…

Day 1 – Entry 1
Project Evolution – Human Mechanical Evolution – Subject 8
Project Lead: Doctor Thaddeus Filibuster Yellowstone

“How did you come across this one?”

“We found him on a planet near the Battle of Wolf 359.” The shadowy figure on the viewscreen said. “Horn said he wants this one to be used for Evolution.”

Doctor Yellowstone shifted in his chair. “Very well then, we’ll see what we can do. He’s in bad shape!” the doctor leaned over the stasis tube. “How much organics do we want to save?”

“That’s part of the test doctor, all of it!” the screen winked out leaving the doctor to his newest subject.

“You shall be my prize,” he walked to the back of the tube and activated the antigravity units. “We need to get you cleaned up and on the mend.” He pushed the tube down the long windowless corridor, the various security systems coming back alive as he passed them as they were automated to do so to protect the facility. “You will thank me when we are done.”

Turning the corner and heading down another long corridor and passing through a large set up of double doors into a very large lab, he brings the unit to a stop locking it in place. “Computer enter subject eight, Project Evolution. Give me a full work up!”

“Yes doctor, initiating full workup protocol.” The computers female voice echoed through the lab. Several automated pieces of equipment came alive and began moving toward the item and began to go about scanning the test subject. He watches as the tube was picked up and placed inside a large machine of his own personal design. “Scanning completed!”

“Show me!” he said moving over towards the large device, a bunch of screens came down from the ceiling dwarfing the large device coming alive with scanning data showing the subjects internal make up all the way down to the genetic level. “Strange and curious!” he said as he paced the screens. “A latent bio electrical field with morphological properties.”

“Yes Doctor, I thought you would like that!” the computers voice echoed through the room.

“Half Klingon and half Human, though the human genome is oddly more dominant. So we have a slight genetic anomaly.” He said walking over to the console. “A fascinating subject they have found!” he ran his hands across the console bringing the stage one protocols alive. “Let’s give him a bath and then give him life again shall we?” he said.

There was a series of beeps followed by the sound of the devices mechanisms powering up, a pair of tubes came down from the top and hooked into the device. The tanks stasis field winked out causing the body to very suddenly slump against the tank window. A green liquid began to fill the tank. “Initializing stage one, sterilization!” the computer’s voiced. Several hoses and electrical and data cables were connected to the tank. “Tank Fluid level has reached forty percent”

“Shock him!”

“Charging!” the sound of an electrical capacitor building up caused a whine to fill the room. Then a sudden surge of electricity which visibly could be seen running through the tube and the individual inside.

So’koth felt the sudden surge and spasm of his body, the hard impact with the surface in front of him then behind. His eyes flashed open. He was in a tube, a man, an older man stood outside watching with a grin on his face. He could see his lips moving as if he was talking to someone but no one was there. His body didn’t want to work though he was slumped over his knees the only thing keeping him upright.

There was liquid in the tank which began to fill. He wanted to bang on the glass but he couldn’t lift his arms. It came quickly engulfing him quickly he could feel his body struggling not to take in the liquid, his eyes were wide with fear but nothing else would react.

Where the hell was this, why was this happening?

He felt another surge go through the tank as his body jerked again and his head bounced off the glass in front of him, sending him back into the darkness once again.
by SokothQultuq
Wed Sep 27, 2017 6:30 pm
Forum: Creative Writing, Co-Op Writing, Poetry & More...
Topic: Death to life
Replies: 8
Views: 669

Re: Death to life

Location: Wolf System – Shuttle Arteries Crash Site

“Jones! Make sure your scanning them carefully with that thing we don’t want any surprises!” Lieutenant Jackson called to the man as he reached for the body of a partially assimilated Starfleet officer. Clearly the process was never finished; death took this lucky individual before the Borg could.

“Aye!” he jerked back his hand and eyed the Lieutenant. “Seriously! Do you have to scare the bejesus out of me!” he said as he pulled his tricorder out and began to scan the body.

“Yes, yes I do! If it gets the point across Ensign!”

“This one’s gone. He reached over and pulled the officer over onto the ground and found he was some Lieutenant Commander; remnants of his uniform seemed to indicate that he was from engineering or security. They had found a lot of people from those departments amongst the dead. He reached down and pulled the communicator from the uniform and put it into a bag which had plenty of them already. “I see another!” he said pointing and moving. “Looks alive!” he said hurried as he moved through the debris and scorched landscape.

“Remember! Scan first!”

“Right!” he was already scanning slowing and leading with it. “Life sign, very faint.” He said as he moved wide right around the moving being.

“Probably assimilated!” the Lieutenant said as he too approached his weapon drawn.

“Partially!” he said, the excitement rising. “We found one alive!” the young man said as he slowly approached the man partially trapped under a piece of debris. The body was clearly regenerating as the skin was still healing before their eyes very slowly. The individual whom they identified as part human and part Klingon was alive but barely.

“What do we do?” the young man looked over at his commanding officer.

“Nothing, we found nothing Ensign!” the Lieutenant said as he pulled out a hypospray approaching.

“But sir, we cannot just leave him!” he turned and looked between the injured officer and his commander. “We can save him!”

“No Ensign, we cannot.” He said as he reached out and injected the young man with the hyprospray as he passed him.

The young man staggered a moment startled by the sudden action. “What!” he stumbled and fell against a piece of debris. “What did you just do!” his eyes grew wide as he could feel that something was wrong.

“Ensign, I told you to scan before you approached. It’s a damn shame, you had so much potential.” The Lieutenant said as he squatted near the man trapped under the piece of debris. “I’m sorry Ensign.” He turned to see the young man’s skin was discoloring as the Borg nanoprobes worked their way through his system. “Progress requires sacrifice.” He said aiming his phaser at the young man.

“No!” he stammered, the fear in his eyes was palpable. His body went limp after the flash of the phaser discharge.

“Now let’s take care of you!” he said turning to the man, he found his eyes open and staring directly at him. “Ah, you are awake and alive!” he knelt down next to him pressing a transporter targeting device to his chest. “A fighter for sure, you’ll do!” he stood up and hit his comm badge.

“Lieutenant Jackson to Savior One, signals active. Energize when ready!” he looked down to watch the man disappear in a shimmer of lights. “I envy what you have ahead of you!” he said as he started working his way through the debris. He hit his comm badge once more. “Lieutenant Jackson to the USS Intrepid, one to beam up. Ensign Rogers was assimilated by accident. There’s nothing alive down here.”

“Understood Lieutenant, any chance we can recover the body?” a voice came back over the comm channel.

“Negative, not advisable!”

“Understood, energizing!” he took one last look around and then felt the transporters effect taking him away, soon the ships energy weapons would cleanse the area of any signs he, Starfleet or the Borg were ever there.
by SokothQultuq
Wed Sep 27, 2017 6:29 pm
Forum: Creative Writing, Co-Op Writing, Poetry & More...
Topic: Death to life
Replies: 8
Views: 669

Death to life

Star Trek: Dark Angel
Sokoth Chronicals - Part 4
"Death To Life"

A little history: So this is backstory for So'koth, how he narrowly escaped his assimilation and died but was given both a gift and a curse which would have a profound on his life. During the course of the DA RP this little "Monster" kept creeping up and someone, I cannot remember if it was me or not coined the name for it calling it simply "Evolution" i want to say it was another person, one of the few whom I allowed to play a recovered Borg on the ship who discovered what it was really. It was a secret side of So'koth that only his first officer and medical officer had knowledge up until it began malfunctioning. This was the backstory I wrote that establishes how it came to be.

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