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by ObscureAllure
Wed Jun 08, 2016 11:22 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 295432

Re: Interrogation Room

All of the names on here I haven't seen in forever... Wow. :love:
by ObscureAllure
Wed Jun 08, 2016 11:13 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 295432

Re: Interrogation Room

Illyria wrote:
Epignosis wrote:Let's say you're really nervous and your hands are shaking. Do people consider that stuttering?
LOL, no but you CAN stutter with ASL. I have only been that nervous once or twice and it was my fault both times. For the big time gigs I occasionally get, I have to get myself centered and my brain quiet about 10 minutes before I start because if I dont the adrenaline will win that fight. :grin:

I didn't know you knew ASL! I know ASL too! (Although I am more of a PSE signer due to the local accent.) I have two degrees in deaf education. Small world!
by ObscureAllure
Thu May 19, 2016 12:36 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 295432

Re: Interrogation Room

MovingPictures07 wrote:
ObscureAllure wrote:
Dom wrote:It's nice to see you, OA! :)

What've you been up to?
Slowly suffocating under mounds of research. Lol. Glad to be here.
I can relate! Neat to see another PhD student who shares my suffering. :p I just finished up my 2nd year (and all coursework) for my PhD in Accounting. I have a 2nd year paper that I'm working on now over the summer, along with teaching and then studying for comprehensive exams, then after all of that noise it'll be dissertation time. :omg: im one class shy of finishing my second year.

Has anyone asked music questions yet? Because that's my job.

What kind of music do you like? acoustic & singer songwriter types. Although I listen to a bit of everything
What are some of your favorite bands/musical artists? Nirvana, Ramsteinn, Adele, Muse, Coldplay, Metallica, Dave Matthews Band, Aerosmith, Tool, Ray LeMontagne, Avett Brothers, Blue Man Group, Michael Jackson...
What bands/musical artists have you seen in concert, if any? no way to list them all but I've seen Tool 11 times and Blue Man Group 7 or 8.
Which concert(s) are your favorite and why? the two listed above because it's more than just music, it's performance
Do you play any musical instruments? piano but not well
by ObscureAllure
Thu May 19, 2016 12:31 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 295432

Re: Interrogation Room

sig wrote:Do you like living in New Orleans? culturqlly, yes. Economic and safety, no.
Have you ever read GoT? tried to, but I kept getting caught up on the names. Now that's I've been watching for so long I might try again.
What are three places you'd like to visit? Seattle, Europe, Japan
by ObscureAllure
Thu May 19, 2016 12:10 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 295432

Re: Interrogation Room

bea wrote:OA!!! So glad to have you back with us!!! thank you!

What are you studying? Educational Administration in Higher Education
What do you most enjoy about it? I'm more of a practitioner than a researcher so it's probably the toughest thing I've ever done. But I suppose my favorite part is learning from my peers who are also In the field.
What is your favorite comfort food? crawfish. This is my favorite season of the year.
What did you want to be when you grew up at age 5? teacher, which is what I am.
If you weren't studying your field, what do you think you would be doing? sleeping more with lower blood pressure. Lol.
If you feel comfortable sharing, can you tell us about a time you made a mistake but in the end the mistake actually helped you or you learned something? every single mistake I've every made is a learning experience. I recently got divorced and although I'd never call my marriage a mistake, I made the mistake of getting comfortable and stopping working towards the relationship. Biggest mistake anyone can make IMO.
Do you cook? If so what is your specialty? yes! Cajun food and Cakes. Although my spaghetti and meatballs are pretty famous lol
Do you have a significant other? divorced my best friend almost two years ago after 13 years together, but it was very amicable and we are still best friends. I've been dating a new guy for about a year now.
Where abouts do you live? New Orleans, AKA fat city
If I came to visit you what would we do? eat. A lot.
If you came to AZ to visit me, what would you like to do? honestly I'd like to just hang out and chill and talk because I'd like to get to know you better. Beyond that, I'd let you decide.
Do you have any siblings? Where do you fall in the line? only child
What would suprise us to learn about you? i have severe social anxiety in many situations
What other hobbies do you have? I'm a Jeeper!!! #JeepLife
What do you like to read or watch on tv? i don't get much time for pleasure reading anymore but I'll read anything. Right now my fave shows are GoT and TWD
by ObscureAllure
Mon May 16, 2016 9:41 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 295432

Re: Interrogation Room

Dom wrote:It's nice to see you, OA! :)

What've you been up to?
Slowly suffocating under mounds of research. Lol. Glad to be here.
by ObscureAllure
Mon May 16, 2016 6:33 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 295432

Re: Interrogation Room

Thank you BlackRock! :hug:
sig wrote:HI OA!

I'll start with a few questions.
Favorite color? Blueeeeeee
Favorite number? Number 19 - Image
Favorite shape? Triangle because it can be used for so many calculations.
How long have you been playing mafia for and why did you decide to come back? I started playing "Are you a warewolf" (which turned into mafia) when I was a young kid at gaming conventions. You have a room full of people, everyone get a card with their role, you have set times to talk to each other around the room. At the end of the day time, there's a lynch. Then during the night period, everyone closes their eyes. The werewolves point to who they want to die. The doctor points to who he wants to save. Etc. It's a lot of fun. Then, around 2008ish maybe? a website called Spoiler TV started playing the online version of it now called mafia. Some of the people on this site started with me there, I believe. Around 2013 or 2014 I had a bad experience just as I started my PhD program and decided I just didn't have the time or energy to do it anymore so I stopped playing. Then, out of the blue a week ago I ended up at the old STV site. Saw the old threads, which made me ask of FB if anyone still played. Which sent me here.
What area do you live in? The Big Easy - AKA New Orleans
Hi sig!
Black Rock wrote:Hi OA!

What is your favourite Mafia moment?
I know this sounds cheesy as hell, but coming on here last week and seeing names of people who stuck around and kept playing together after all this time was pretty damn awesome and amazing. It kind of felt like coming "home," even if it's a new site.
Outside of that, I really couldn't tell you one specific moment but I really do enjoy being a mafia. I love the BTSC and the plotting and scheming. I've made some great connections with people over the years from our time spent with our heads together in one of those crappy chatrooms (what were those things called?). I also love the moments when I'm a townie and I think I completely know what's going on and I'm completely and utterly wrong and blindsided with my wrongness. LOL.

S~V~S wrote:How far is the farthest you have traveled from your hometown? I have gone to Mexico on cruises, that's it. I'm a loser.
How long is the the longest you have lived away from it? I lived in TN for a few years to help family out. Was miserable and crawled back.
Cats or dogs? That's a hard one because I adore both for different reasons. Dogs are so loyal and affectionate, but I love the sass of a cat. I can take my dog camping and conieing with me, can't take the cat. But the cat is probably closer to my personality. lol.
Sunrise or sunset?Sunsets over water or through the trees. :cloud9:
Do you like pina coladas? Don't like coconut, so no m'am.
Name something on your bucket list that you are close to achieving. I'm trying REALLY hard to finish my PhD but it looks like I'm running out of funding this semester and will be forced to quit when I'm like almost done my classes. That's top of my bucket list.
After that, I want to travel to another country, either Italy, France, NZ, or Greece. Working on it.

Great questions guys.

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