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by Kitsune
Tue May 15, 2018 7:55 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)
Replies: 70
Views: 14412

Re: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)

The hotel resort was on the far side of the town separated by the rivers and on top of hillside overlooking the cities bay. From here the City didn't look so bad, though it still looked like dirt compared to this area.

Low parked the car down the block were they could have a semi clear view of the front while remaining inconspicuous. The Hotels fountain and the cars in the turn about were the only obstructions.

Kit could make out two bellhops, a Valet at his station and a doormen. Other then that there were no hotel staff present, no external security teams. Kit scanned the buildingsides, he could not make out any cameras. “Well I guess we will have to maintain our own surveillance. I would have liked to tap into a surveillance feed but whatever.”

Many hours passed when three white cars pulled around and parked in front of the hotel. The drivers were Hotel employees.

“Ok we got something!”

Low woke up and deedra looked up from her book.

After a few minutes Nine men exited the hotel in a perfect defencive formation escorting a central figure to his vehicle, securing him and then each getting into their assigned car. This began to worry Kit, that was no mear rent a guard team.

“We following them?”


“What!?” deerdra looked upset.

“They will be coming back and I think it would be better to test their reaction time when they get back, then to risk being spotted tailing them and cause them to rabbit while we are so divided.” Kit exited the vehicle and wandered down an alley. He was looking for scrap metal and wood to make a clacker. He searched two alleys to no avail, there was nothing but plastics and glass bottles. “Alright Plan B!” Kit got back in the car and resumed his watch, this time he was searching for something to make a loud metallic noise. Bingo a Luggage cart made of brass and a nearby brass sign. Man these luxury hotels are old school kit thought. “Alright Listen, one of us needs to get up high to spot them on their return, another needs to get up close to record them when they return. Since its a highly likely that we will stand out if we just sit there taking pictures of them we will have to play it smooth up front.”

“I will go up High.” Low said.

“Alright let us know when you see them, however if you can record them from your position too that be great. Might not be the best quality but you might see something we can't.” Kit looked at the two possible elevated positions low could use, unfortunately the hotel roof was the only feasible one. And since it had wings that came out to help incompass the turn about it would have a decent view of the front door. “Now this is the plan. Me and deedra will walk up to the hotel like guests, visiting the Cafe they have inside. I will place that metal sign behind the Valet station up against that baggage cart, once the targets are close buy I will have the baggage cart moved either by my self or hotel staff. The resulting sound will at least be a startle for most people. I want to see how they react to the unexpected. While this is going on we will record them via a device placed near by. Now Deerdra we will also have to act surprised even though we know the sounds coming. We will stick out if everyone ducks and we are standing there looking at the team.”

“Right!” the woman said peering over her book. She looked bored, or at the very least unimpressed.

“Once that has occurred, we will follow behind them after six seconds. Watch where they go, and hopefully we can see what floor they go up too. Now I know we are planning an ambush but knowing everything we can can not hurt should plans change. Afterwards we will meet up in the Cafe, order something as to be legit and then fall back to the hideout.” Kit made hand quotes with his fingers. “Low you too, meet up in the hotel from the roof as if you were a guest coming down to dine with some friends in the cafe.”

To deerdra this appeared to be a solid plan for intel gathering, but it didn't get her a plan for the ambush. However she thought it was best to go along, she did not do this sort of thing but she needed something to report.

“Oh and Low, I want you to pay close attention to there vehicles, I want you to see if you can spot any abnormalities Like is it riding low weighed down by armor, custom suspension, the engine sounds overhauled…. Everything, I want to know what they are capable of when the ambush happens.”


“Lastly, we have it narrowed down to three routes, but we are going to need to scout those routes for decent enough ambush positions. So once we are done here Low I am going to need you to drive the three routes and look for good bottle necks and other clog points.I would prefer a spot where the road is surrounded by buildings without alleys on all sides but I am not expecting miracles. Deerdra and I will brief the others once you drop us off at our hotel.”

Low handed Kit a small wireless earpiece.

“And what about mine?” Deerdra asked.

“We only have the one so…. Share?” He exited the car and headed for the hotel.

“I’m going to take a piss since we might be here a while and he is not in position yet.” Deerdra nodded but watched Kit exit the car and made his way back into the alley. As he was draining his lizard low came over the ear coms.

“I got to say man, this is a totally different side of you. I was expecting you to be a dribbling womanizing mess around her but you have been surprisingly calm and collected.” Low commented as he made his way to his position.

“Never mix business and pleasure my friend.” Kit said.

“Is that right? Well she is plenty attractive enough, I figured you would at least try to throw the D at her. I mean after your reaction back at the Dark Estate I figured you’d be hard up enough to throw yourself at just about anything.”

“She's also pretty cold hearted and has a evil presence about her. Like I always say beauty is only skin deep and it's what's underneath that counts.” Kitsunes said.

“When, when have you said that?” Low asked, there was a hint of amusement in his voice.

“Oh shut up!”

Low laughed, he had successfully gained entry to the rooftop garden and was now looking down over the city. He searched for three white cars, which in this relatively dirty city would be easy to spot. “So why do you think they would leave their hotel room as a group? Why not just send out runners, unless they were meeting a buyer for what's ever in that case?” Low asked Kit over the radio.

“Could very well be, but I doubt they would reserve a three day rental without needing it. As for the why leave in mass, well the same reason we didn't just hit them when they left. It's hard to attack a well trained group with everything being on the fly. We don't know where they were going, we couldn't set up an ambush and we would need at least four times there numbers and that tends to stand out don't you think? No they are confident, no one will hit them at random and the more guards on the case the better in my opinion. Now if the case stayed and a few left and believe me I would call everyone in and hit them while they are static and have depleted numbers.”

“Oh and how is that?” Deerdra asked and it transmitted to Low.

“Well let's say two left, that would leave them with seven In all including you and me, and we have eight. They are static in a room or rooms adjacent. We would have the mobility of the hallway and if they were in two or more separate rooms which i doubt this feels like a penthouse group to me. They would be separated by a wall. Couple well placed RPG into the windows or a few grenades tossed through the door, we could take most of them. But since I dont know whats in the case I’d have to say the explosives route is out. We could also do flamethrowers in a confined space, they are easy enough to build. So all in all them being static works to our advantage when we have greater numbers.”

“What about hotel security?” she asked.

“That's why we would need greater numbers, while I doubt the security there is to rated, being pressed from two fronts is hardly ideal and trying to escape is going to get harder as our loses mount, so unless we have greater numbers and terrain advantage in there I wouldn't even try it.”

“This doesn't make me confident, then how are you going to pull the ambush off?” she regarded kit with what seemed to be a contemptuous look.

“Well surprise for starters, and like the rooms they are in confined spaces in those cars, If we hit the forward and rear vehicles with those RPG’s Sean ordered we can remove most of the guards and possibly render the second car inoperable. Then we will have both numbers, terrain, and the initiative…… If everything goes to plan.” Kit noticed two police units moving up the road looking in cars. “Not good, we got cops!”

Deerdra looked over her shoulder. The two cars were driving side by side looking into cars, but what were they looking for. She then acted knowing they can't just pull away, she leaned in and began Kissing Kit, sliding from her seat into his lap. Kit was caught off guard, but caught on quickly.

The cops pulled along side and hesitated for a moment, staring at the scene. He then tapped on the window through his.

Kit and Deerdra both turned to look at the cop at the same time her lipstick still marked his face.

“Prostitution is legal here in New Boston, however public indecency is not, you will need to get a room.”

“Will do officer!” Deerdra said Kissing Kit one more time then slid back into her seat.

The cops radioed in and drove on, clearly they were here because of them. He made a mental note to check the police records to see what the call was about. “Guess we will move onto phase two, lets head to the hotel” he said as he opened his door and she followed suit.

They walked to the hotel, Deerdra coming up alongside Kit and hugging his arm like an affectionate girlfriend. Low couldn't help but throw taunts at Kit.

“Ooo love birds” Low chuckled under his breath “ Go ahead grab her butt.”

“Shut it Low!” Kit said through his clenched teeth and a forced smile.

Low burst out laughing he almost fell over. But out of the corner of his eye he saw movement at the bottom of the hill. “They’re back. Bottom of the hill eta five minutes.”

With plenty of time Kit walked passed the valet and set up the trap. Deerdra went back to the car pulling it around to the edge of the turn about, she then waited for the target group to get out before standing next to the car. Kit had placed her book his glasses and his recording device on the concrete flower box in front of the hotel overlooking the entrance and valet station.

“Excuse me sir, I think that young lady over there needs a baggage cart.” Kit said to one of the Hotel staff standing there. The target team had all exited their cars and assembled around the man with the case when kits trap was sprung. The sign fell over creating a loud metallic crash. The Guards sprung into action four surrounding the package man while two ran on ahead of the door and to clear the lobby while two turned and covered their withdraw. The man with the case was no slouch either kit saw as he produced a small snub nose .38 special from his coat arm into his hand.

“Fuck my life.” was all kit said.

Their team slowly settled down after they realised what had happened and put away their guns before entering the Hotel.

“Did you see that.” Low said over the radio.

“Yea, thats not good”

“Continue on with the plan?” Low asked.

“Yea,” Deerdra had walked up to kit by now. “Let's give it a minute gather my things and head in.”

Low made his way down from the roof.

“Remember what I said about taking the place right now? Well I lied, even if we had the standard three times their number I still wouldn't make a move here.” Kit said.

The three dined a joyless quiet meal. The cooking was fine but no one could have guessed it by the looks on their faces.

Low had dropped Kit and Deerdra off at the hotel and drove on to scout out possible ambush sites along the route.

In the Hallway Kit stopped Deerdra. “Look I need to know what's in that case, they are too well armed and trained for it to be a trifling thing.”

She hesitated for a moment.

“I can deduce a few things about what's in the container, like for instance; it doesn't do well at high altitudes or adapt well to changing pressures. Otherwise why travel by land? Unless it's a road show, taking the item to prospective buyers along each route in order to entice them into the purchase.” He shrugged. “Then again knocking a ship from the sky has a high probability of killing all the crew and leaving the case unattended so that might be another reason to keep it on the ground assuming the cased item could survive a crash. Similarly its not traveling by train, while I admit I do not know the transit layout of this planet and whether there is a line from here to their destination. So my guess is it's some sort of navigational disruption device, and or a device that gives computers false reading.” He paused as if to add a flare for the dramatic. “In which case, an auto piloted train and an altimeter would be highly dangerous to use. Vehicles are manually operated and rely on the person's senses more than a computer which provides the least risk.”

“Aren't we perceptive.” she said frowning deeply which in some ways only served to affirm Kitsunes deduction. She hesitated and then began to explain, “It's a computer that broadcasts and manipulates global positioning signals and code that interferes with altimeter and speed controls.... a train moving just 3 kilometers an hour more than its usual can have disastrous results. Adversely a ship heading for its destination that is being told its destination is in another direction will never arrive. This is very advanced tech and can be a real boon to have. Imagine being able to clear your territory and keep people from getting in, never finding it, you would have absolute rule. Everything in your area of concern would grind to a halt if you so chose it.” there was a sort of reverence in her voice as she spoke.

“However that would not stop a person with a map and a compass.” Kitsunes remarked.

“Indeed, but it would still be difficult and as I said, misjudging your speed can prove to be fatal, either by misreading your stopping distance or preset fail safes activating to late. Without a reliable global positioning system most all travel will be brought lower than earth that was tech. and we will be the ones who chose who can and can not here on harvest.“

That is indeed a very dangerous device, and yet its here on Harvest, not a core world under government control which makes me wonder. Kit pondered a few dozen possibilities, including which the fact that an agent was in play on this. then he realised something. "Don't tell me this computer was designed with these satellites in mind specifically?"

"From what we have learned it was, it was placed in all harvest satellites code prior to launch by Peplum military contract industries, and they created the computer to control it. Not only did they gain a monopoly on satellite usage here but have also gained the leverage to use it against harvest’s people at their leisure. But since their primary funding comes from the Alliance, they don't use it and comply with all rules and regulations. However the device was made before the war and with the intent of using it should the alliance no longer exert control here. Now the fact that every ship links into the satellites for weather updates, landing clearance, and other activities prior to their arrival they are all subject to the computers attack, which would make whomever controlled this device in actual fact, the owner of the planet.”

The picture became clear to Kit now. Elrick Davion, was not just trying to buy up land, he was trying to control it. If he wanted just the land and legal ownership of it, he wouldn't need this device, if he wanted this computer he wouldn't need to push so hard for the land. Which mean there is something on that land, something so valuable you would kill for it and need absolute control over it. Spies could get in but could never leave with significant quantities of the item if he controlled the biosphere. It also explained the small army and why he is using such brutal methods to run off the people of Clint. This was a Horrifying development.
by Kitsune
Tue May 15, 2018 7:55 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)
Replies: 70
Views: 14412

Re: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)

The group had evacuated the warehouse and travelled by car to a shabby hotel along the probable route the convoy was to take. The spaceport was not to far off, giving the group a good cover for why they were bringing in so much luggage. Kit got paired in a room with Larry and Low. The agent, and Jean were in the room next door. Deerdra and her team stayed at a hotel three blocks up closer to the spaceport along another possible route. Kit suspected it was also to keep any connection with the team hard to figure out.

This part of the city was the new part of New Boston, built after the space port. It was attached to the older city part long after the original settlers had struggled to build a city here. Yet, while not new in any sense of the world, this hotel in this part of the city felt Dirtier. Water stains from leakage, peeling wallpaper, foul smells. Kit was planning on cooking some dinner for the team but not now, he felt he needed a tetanus shot just looking at the inroom stove.

Kit turned to the sink faucet to get some water, however what came out could not be classified as anything of the sort. At first dirt fell as kit turned the handle, it must have vibrated some dirt loose, what was to follow would haunt kits nightmares that night. A foul black liquidish, something more akin to slime slowly oozed out, the stench was so revolting Kit almost throw up. His hands quickly turned the valve back off, but the damage was done.

“You gotta let it run for a minute” Larry said from over kits shoulder his fingers on his nose.

“I will do no such thing.” Kit said disgusted.

“THe water had just settled for a long time and mixed with the dust, after a few minutes it will clear up I promise.”

“I would sooner lick the back end of a Diuretic camel before I used the water from there.” Kit thought to himself, ‘This is going to be a long and disgusting time.’ If the faucet was bad the shower would be equally so in his mind. “I am going to go get us some supplies!”

“I’ll go too.” Low said.


“By the time you get back I should have everything set up.” Larry said “Anyone got dibs on the bed?”

Kit didn't even hesitate “Nope all yours.” there was no way Kit was going to take any chances in this place, the bed was probably as equally disgusting as the rest of the facility. He would clean up a nice spot in a corner somewhere and sleep there. Low followed suit waiving a negative with his hands.

The two stepped out and knocked on the other members room, before entering. Jean was looking out the window with a pair of binoculars the suit was setting up some electronics.

“We are going to get some supplies you all need anything? Kit asked.

“No I am good” Jean replied and turned to the man in the suit “Mr. Smith?”

“No, I am good here too.”

Mr. Smith that's what his name was kit thought to himself. Man these guys are so unimaginative when it comes to names. “You guys sure? The water here is abysmal!”

“You have to let it run for a minute, then it will be fine” Jean said returning to his watch.

Kit almost horked in his mouth again at the thought of the water. Still he would pick up some sort of drinks and food for them. After he made some clear silicate finger tips for him and low. He thought. Best not to leave fingerprints.

Kit and Low visited a Pharmacy, a hardware store, and a cheap quicky mart with two guys hanging out front who kept asking ladies if they ever had their butthole licked by a fat guy in an overcoat. With the purchase of all the elements to make the artificial fingertips Kit turned to Low

“Ok partner this is going to hurt…. Alot. Like sticking your fingers on a hot pan. Just stick your fingers in the gel, tips and nails. Your skin will be coated and sealed so it won't be able to form a blister. Make sure to coat it all, it will form a very durable, flexible coat that will be able to stand up to a beating for days. It won't even interfere with using your fingers or gripping anything. Good news is when your fingernails grow out enough to dislodge it your skin will have healed.”

Low looked at him with a dubious look.

Kit led the way, his fingers burned in the bubbling liquid. It coated everything filling in the groves of his fingerprints and the parts surrounding his nail. This would help anchor it to his fingers as it dried.

The two sat there grimacing at the pain until it became bearable.

“Fuck that hurt!” Low said, shaking both his hands trying to will away the pain.

“Well it can't be helped, we needed something that would last for days and this is it. Silicon, Oxygen, Salt, and Rock Mineral plasma is probably the only thing that could do the trick.” Kit scrapped his finger on the ruff bricks of the building to show Low how durable the covering was. “It's kind of like coating your fingers in a flexible glass.”

Low didn't care it just hurt like hell and it was all Kits fault. “Let's just get back….. Oh and you are carrying the bags!”

They delivered bottles of water and self heating food pouches to the team. Food stuff rations being as expensive as they were was not something a group like this would be carrying around. So the MRE’s seemed the right way to go. This was not ideal for Kit as he did not approve of this type of food but it was far better than the alternative. Kit, Low and Larry sat in their room, Kit ate from a pouch labeled corn beef hash when low spoke up.

“Ugghhh, this cream of corn is not my favorite. Already hate the stuff, but this sure as hell is much worse.” he said.

“Wait what?” Kit became concerned “I gave you the Deviled Ham!”

Lows jaw dropped as he stopped eating, what little was in his mouth dropping to the floor. “Oh god..”

Kit grabbed his bag and looked at the expiration date. “Jesus Low, this stuffs been on planet since colonization.”

Deerdra had walked up to the open door during this chatter and on the last comment she burst out laughing. “I'm sorry,” she snorted...... “I’m sorry that shit was funny. Come on you two I have a job for you.”

Low spit a couple times and tried scraping his tongue with his napkin, but try as he might the taste would not go away. Cutting out his tongue out seemed to be suddenly on the table, but he shrugged it off and followed.

As they walked she filled them in “We have received word the target has arrived in the city, and will be staying at the Vierge Del Mar in the resort district for a few days.”

This was good Kit thought, would give them the change to observe the target and get some solid intel for the coming shit show. “I thought this was a rush job, why are they taking a few days break?”

“We don't know, but we do know they made reservations for three days.”

“Well, let's go!” Kit pointed “ To the Pristine Sea”

by Kitsune
Tue May 15, 2018 7:54 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)
Replies: 70
Views: 14412

Re: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)

The meeting place was near an old stone bridge, it was a little scenic pass that ran under and around back to the main road for people to view the river from, or fish if they liked. The four of them were parked in the parking zone their vehicle facing the quazi tunnel that ran underneath the bridge were it meet the shore. Kit could not help but notice how dimly lit the area was, though he doubted people used this area much at night.

“Always a waiting game.” sean said he moved to light the cigarette he put in his mouth.

“Mind not” kit said.

Low shot the Frenchman a look that could peel paint.

Sean held his pose for a second then removed the cigarette and put in on his ear. “Bad for the night vision yea?”

A few seconds passed when Jean spoke up “There they are.” he said pointing between them out the front window.

A single small vehicle came from the tunnel underneath the bridge and stopped mid lot, flashes its lights twice and then turned off its lights.

Low started up their vehicle and moved up to a car length away from the other.

Two men got out of the other vehicle, Kit could clearly see there was no one else in the vehicle unless they were laying down in the back. Unlikely as there were no headrests visible.

“Do you have the list?” Sean asked Jean.

“Yes, I have it.” jean replied.

“Give it to me” Sean asked and after a brief seconds Jean handed him the list. “Money?”

Jean patted his coat.

“Ok, follow my lead” he said looking around at everyone. “Just make sure you watch my back.”

Low was the only one to remain in the car. Sean began to move forward exchanging warnings with the other group about no sudden moves.

“You want to back him up?” Jean asked Kit.

Kit looked at the group and made a ‘ehh’ face, shrugging his shoulders.

Jean nodded “I’ll watch the back.” he moved over to the side of the car Sean was on and remained a few feet back. Kit moved up along the opposite side of the car his hands in his coat pockets.

“Is it all here?” Sean asked the seller.

“Oh aye, come check.” He motioned for them to follow to the back of the vehicle.

Kit circled wide to the right as sean moved with the seller to the trunk, the sellers mate moving back behind his friend. Sean began to search the containers while Jean and Kit watched the two men.

“It’s not all here!” Sean said “It’s not all here Jean!”

“This true?” Jean asked the dealer.

“Uh, no no no its in the other vehicle.“ He turned and looked down the tunnel. “Ah, there it's here!” a second vehicle entered just enough into the tunnel and stopped. “Come, come you see it's all here.” the two merchants started walking back toward the new car. “It's all good, our boss just wants to check the money himself. We are good no problems” he held out the keys to this vehicle “Here take the keys, see no problem, on good faith yes.”

Sean took the keys and turned back to Jean. “Ok...Ok give me some of the money.”

Jean looked at him then at the group and back to sean, he pulled out one of the stacks and handed it to sean. The two merchants still walking backwards to the vehicle.

“You are not going in there?” Kit questioned Sean.

“Yea I am, and so are you.”

“Why am I going in there?” Kit responded.

“Why to protect me.” Sean replied.

“There is no protection in there. If its a Come-on we are fish in a barrel. Why do they want you in there? What are you thinking, are you crazy?”

“You know you think to much.”

“No one's ever told me that before, But I wouldn't go in there.”

“What is it Chris” Jean turned to Kit stopping him in place

“I don't like it, look at it”

“Okey okey lets just do it and be done yea?” Sean interrupted

“You don't want to go in there” Kit told Jean

“I am getting paid to go.” jean replied a bit of apprehension in his voice “It's that simple.”

Kit stopped him this time “If anything goes down get close to one of those guys, if there is a sniper he might hesitate from shooting his own guys.”

Jean nodded and followed Sean into the tunnel.

Lows pulse quickened as the three men started to make their way deeper under the overpass, his finger instinctively rolling the hammer back on his sidearm, that subtle click reassuring as the hammer locked into place. After a breath, Low brought his vehicle up behind the first got out and started unloading the open trunk of cargo into his vehicle.

When the two got about half way down the tunnel one of the merchants shouted. “Stop!” a man dressed like a big shot but about the size of a toddler stepped out of the vehicle and the two began conversing. It was then an arrant headlight from a car across the river illuminated a shooter in the steel support rafters of the bridge.

Kit instinctively drew his weapon and began firing up at the would be sniper. This caused the shooter to flinch and fire a stray round which ricochet away into the night. Sean and Jean flinched as well at the sudden report of the weapon and the flash accompanying it. The driver of this new vehicle hit his head lights to high beams, which signaled that it was intentionally done to blind the companions..

“Fuck I cant see!” Sean shouted covering his eyes but not moving.

Jean grabbed him and pulled him into one of the decorative archways under the bridge not knowing where the shooter was or how exposed they were. It only provided partial cover from the group ahead of them. Jean began firing his pistol immediately hitting the big shot, several rounds finding purchase on his body sent him spinning to the pavement. The car emptied, and two more people joined the exchange of fire.

Kit still focused on the sniper fired two more rounds one hitting the man in the left temple snapping his head back, the other hit him in neck sending a gout of blood into the air, and he went down.

The group from the car began firing at Sean and Jean, the man who was backing up the merchant from the first car pulled out a submachine gun and began spraying shots at them. The merchant laid on the ground near the driver side and the two new members fired from behind the trunk.

Sean over his original shock had drawn his submachine gun and began shooting wildly at the cars hitting a few of the headlights in the process, a lucky shot hit the merchant laying by the wheel. “Come on! Have some of this!!! YEA GET SOME!! FUCKERS GET SOME!!” Sean shouted like a midlife gamer would. He continued to spray wildly.

The firefight caught Low off guard for a split second while his back was turned, when it erupted. But a quick check back at his companions told him they had it well in hand, he slipped his sidearm back into its holster and continued to load the vehicle in an attempt to get as much of the gear they needed as he could before they made their retreat.

Jean fired hitting one of the men by the trunk, sending him sprawling to the ground in a heap.

Kit joined the fire fight, seeing the submachine gun toting assailant was out of cover from his vantage point, he put him down with a couple of quick shots.

The final man tried to run while firing over his shoulder but was was sent sprawling to the ground from a couple of well placed shots by Sean.

The lul in fire cued the group up to the sounds of approaching sirens the local constabulary had clearly been alerted to the exchange of gunfire at the edge of town.

“Come on!” Kit yelled over his shoulder, as he fell back to the car.

Low having loaded all the crates got back into the driver's seat and pulled up to the group to help expedite things with the group now collapsing back to the end of the tunnel. Everyone hastily piled into the vehicle and Low gunned it passing by the corpses of those they just gunned down beginning a high speed get away into the city.

“Is anybody hurt?” Kit asked the group.

“We’re fine” Jean responded.

“Almost a bit of raspberry jam back there yea, almost a bit of raspberry jam!” Sean said, still pumped on adrenalin. “Got the swag! Kept the money! Job well done job well done!”

After about three minutes Kit pointed to a darkened ally way. “There, that looks good!” he told Low. He made the turn and killed the lights on the vehicle, and no sooner did they do this did they hear the sound of two sets of jet engines buzz low overhead.

“I think I need to get out!” Sean said, and hastily got out of the car and moved towards its rear.

Jean watch over his shoulder for a second and then turned to kit. “Thank you!”

Kit nodded in return. The moment was ruined as the sounds of Sean losing his cookies all over the street echoed back to them.

“Why did you take this job?” Jean asked Kit.

“My friend, I need the money.” Kit replied looking back ahead.

“Voici l'argent” (Here is the money) Patting his coat. Indicating he could have gotten more money then his pay if he had let Jean die and took it from him, or that they could go right now with more than their pay.

It was a long silence, as the team waited about an hour before heading back to base. While they did not get all the guns and equipment they needed they got a majority of it. The light passed uneventfully and dawn broke to Deerdra assembling the group for a updated briefing.

“I have the information, we will be moving soon. It will definitely be an ambush somewhere between New Boston and Clint. We will anticipate a three car convoy with a back up team.” Deerdra detailed out on a diagram.

“What's in the case?” Kit asked.

“That information isn’t necessary!” Deerdra said sternly.

“Is it heavy? Is it explosive,? Is it chained to some guys wrist and will we have to cut it off of them?” Kitsune said. “These are important facts so that were prepared when we get on target.”

“Alright, but I am not under any obligation to let you know……”

“If you’re not then the price has to go up. I will get you the case but the price has got to go up. If it is going to be ameture night, I want 100,000 upfront in a bank account, and 100,000 when you get the case.” Kit said with no uncertainty in his voice.

Lows eyebrow rose as he looked between Deerdra and Kitsune. He certainly wasn’t alone. The entire group looked to Deerdra seeing how she would react. An angered look clearly acrossed her features. A few moments passed when she picked up a communication device and started to walk away.

About that time Sean spoke up. “Alright listen up, we are going to have shooters here.” drawing them on the pseudo diagram of the route’ “And here, I will tell you an old regimental trick.” the shooters were Directly across the drawn road from each other.

Kit had had enough, he finished pouring a hot cup of coffee when he turned to sean. “Draw it again”

“What?” Sean retorted.

Kit advanced placing his cup of coffee on a table behind Sean snatching the marker. “Draw it again!” He went about erasing the diagram and drew the road again using another marker. “Draw it again!”

Sean looked at him trying to catch up and regain his composure after being thrust into an awkward position for him. “Shooters Here, and here, across the road from each other, cars come thru, shooters kill each other dead in the crossfire.”

The room ceased all movement their attention focused on Kit and Sean.

“Brilliant where did you learn that?” Kitsune asked.

“Wha?” Sean asked.

“Where did you learn that?”

“The 381st special air detachment” Sean said.

“The boys at Hereford?” The man in the suit spoke up

“What color is the Shipyard at Hereford?” Kit steps toward Sean.

“Wha?” unable to gain his ground.

“What color is the shipyard at Hereford?” taking another step forcing sean back.

Sean placed his hand on the handle of his side arm.

“Go ahead draw, I am unarmed, draw!” stepping one last time at Sean.

Sean backed up once more however he bumped the table and a coffee cup spilled hot coffee on his leg. Surprised he turned to look and opened his mouth. Kit took this chance and grabbed sean by the throat and pushed his head back forcing him over the window sill behind him.

While Sean tried to regain his balance and get back in from the window Kit grabbed his gun and put in under his ribs. “You want to talk about an ambush? I just ambushed you with a cup of coffee!”

Deerdra had regained the group at this time. “You will get your money!”

“For the rest of them too!” he said, pulling away and waving his hand at the rest of the crew.

“That is my understanding.” Deerdra said.

She approached Sean and handed him a small stack of money. “For your services.” he took it still a little shaken up. “Need I say you should forget us? Because we won't forget you.” two of Deerdras men escorted Sean away without another word.

The man in the suit came up alongside Kit. “So what is the color of the Shipyard at Hereford?”

“How should I know.”

“Alright, we’re moving out grab your gear.” Deerdra said to the group.

Low came up alongside Kit and whispered to him. “Wow you got everyone here thinking you're some sort of badass.”

“Me? You have hardly said a word since we have been here, half the guys here are scared of you….. Which by the way is totally working in our favor.”

Looking over to the man in the suit who went back to working on some kind of electronics. “I still have not figured out who he is, not even his name.” Low said.

Kitsune shook his head. “Nor Have I, but from what I have seen and heard, coupled with the fact that they brought him in special, I believe he may be a former agent.”

“Really?” Low asked, an eyebrow rising.

“I can't say for sure, but the way he moves, acts, even speaks, the fact we have yet to see any of his cards and that a old agent’s ship landed here not to long back, makes me believe it, what are the odds two such people are on this planet?”

“Well what shall we do?” Low asked.

“We should be very cautious of him, don't let your guard down for a moment, and don't leave behind anything of your self, no hair or fingerprints. If he exposes us we are in for a shit load of trouble.”

Deerdra approached Kit and Low. “We have learned the Package will be here in new boston tomorrow. Our outriders have spotted their convoy about a half a days drive away.”

Kit knew who she worked for and knew, to a fair degree, the extent of the operation here, and knew why they wanted outside help instead of doing it themselves. He even knew that Deerdra was not going to remain on world after this mission, possibly a worker for her boss on another planet with a different branch. She surely could not remain if she was seen with the group, which so far she has managed to only be seen as a waitress serving them as customers in a cafe.

What he didn't know was who the opposing team was, what was in the case, and why on Harvest of all places and why New Salem. Kit never liked gaps in his knowledge. He needed to get this information.

by Kitsune
Tue May 15, 2018 7:53 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)
Replies: 70
Views: 14412

Re: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)

Hours passed and night had fallen on the town once again and Jean returned with a car that Low had specified as well as a meet location for the remainder of the items they had all requested.

“Man this is playing out like a scene from Ronin” Kit said to Low.

Low looked at him questioningly.

“I will let you borrow a copy when we get back.”

The group began to assemble around the car. “Interrogation?” the strung out man who they learned was called Sean said.

“What?” Low asked as it was clear he was talking to him.

“Methods of withstanding interrogation” Sean asked again.

“You have done that?” The man in the suit said from a good distance away, clearly eavesdropping.

“We were taught to hold out indefinitely.” Sean continued on.

“Nobody can hold out indefinitely” Kit replied.

“Is that so?” San said in an annoyed voice.

“Yea, everyone has their limits. I have been interrogated once”

“Did they make it hard on you” The man in the hat said who had come to be known as Larry.

Kit looked at him like he was stupid “They don't make it easy.” turning back “It was unpleasant and I held out as long as i could. But in the end the got to me.”

“Yea and how did they get to you?” Larry asked.

“Lets see, they gave me a Grasshopper” Kit said.

“A Grasshopper?” Larry said, his curiosity clearly piqued.

“Yea its two parts Gin, two parts brandy, and one part crem de mint” Kit said with a slight grin.

“Fucking smart ass” Sean said turning away to retrieve his sub machine gun off the table.

Jean walked up to Low. the Lady right behind him “Can you get to this place?”

Low glanced down at the location specified, and looked up at the man scowling.

“That's where they want to make the exchange.” She handed Jean a stack of bills.

“You are going to exchange for Cash” Kit asked.

“Aye” she said.

“You know these people? Either of you?”

“My people know them” she replied.

“Your people have done business with them before? Or did their people give your people a number?”

She took the paper Jean had and burned it smearing it on the ground when she was finished she walked away ignoring the question completely, again clearly exasperated by all the questions..

Jean also a bit worried moved over to the table and picked up a gun from it putting it into his waistband.

“Ok if we are going to do it, let’s do the goddamn thing right!” Sean said releasing the slide on his weapon and slipped into the back seat of the car. From the window he shouted to the man in the suit “Hey!”

“I’m busy” is all the man in the suit said.

“Ok let's go then!” Sean said.

Deerdra walked back up to the group, addressing Kit “The answers to your questions, I will have the answers for you when I get back.”

“I’ll go with you then.” kit said.

“You’ll go with them!” she said nodding to the car.

Kit hesitated for a moment and then got into the back seat next to Sean. Low settled into the driver seat, and Jean took the shotgun spot.

by Kitsune
Tue May 15, 2018 7:53 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)
Replies: 70
Views: 14412

Re: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)

Hours passed and the group ate an equally pitiful breakfast made up of sandwiches very possibly the same ones from last night. The group that had stayed in the office came out carrying a white board with pictures taped to it. Setting it down in front of the table were the food was. Everyone began to gather around, looks of curiosity as they examined the board. The lady placed a large stack of credits on the table.

“As per the agreement twenty thousand in advance for each of ya. An additional five hundred a day till completion of the mission. At which time you will receive the additional twenty thousand agreed upon.” she leaned back onto a wooden crate behind her “And by the way my name is Deerdra.”

Everyone at the table took a stack. Kit placed his in the inner coat pocket he kept his daranger in.

Low picked up his share and squirreled it away in one of the pockets of his duster, then returned his attention to the board. A slight scowl appearing on his face for a moment.

She began speaking again pointing to the board next to her. “The broad outlines what the mission objectives are…….” she was cut off

“Who are our principles?” The man who who still looked strung out said bluntly.

“For you there is no one else but me self.” she replied.

“And what can we infer from your Charming irish lilt?” he spoke up again.

“Anything you would like.” she responded.

“Where's the equipment?” the man from the bar with the newsboy cap asked

“Tell me what you need or make a list and give it to Jean.” she said gesturing to the frenchman.

The man in the suit spoke up “Some of the equipment I need will be hard to come by.”

“If it's on Harvest, I will find it” Jean answered.

She continued on with the brief pointing to a picture of a metal case. “This is what we are after.” turning to look at them again. “We need to take it intact from several people who will be intent on preventing us.”

“How many men?” Kit asked.

Low nodded in agreement, pointing to Kit.

“We believe between five and eight, we think no more than eight”

“You think?” the man in the suit said. “You are not sure?”

“Not now but we will know for sure before the event.”

“If you don't know then why say between five and eight” The strung out guy asked a smugg superior look on his face.

“Because there is two to three cars the group will be traveling in.”

“So they are not In New Boston?” Jean said.

“Where are they” Low asked, which caused most to turn and look his way.

“You will find out soon enough” she replied.

Low simply nodded.

“So it does speak!” The strung out guys said grinning. “Was starting to think you were a mute or something.”

“What's in the case?” Kit asked.

Ignoring that question she continued on. “Our plan in a broad stroke is an ambush, it’s to hit the cars in transit and take the case from them.”

“Transit, in the City, Country…?” Kit pressed on trying to garner more information from her.

“As I said, as of right now I don't know, but we are to move very quickly. We will have to improvise as we don't know their route just yet.” she leaned forward a angered look on her face, it was becoming clear she was becoming annoyed with all the questions. “We will start with this, an ambush on two to three vehicles, an assault on five to eight men and the successful retrieval of the case. Now tell Jean what it is you will need for this and let's get it.” she was clearly agitated.

“So what do we know about them? Are they Feds, Civilians, Raiders? Who are they?” Kit asked using a crossword puzzle book as a notepad.

“All you need to know right now is they are unpleasant”

Low grinned, and chuckled.

Jean leaned over to kit “Have you done this kind of thing before?”

Kit shrugged and gave a ‘meh’ sound.

“How difficult can it be?” Jean asked him.

Low regarded the Frenchman for a moment, a look of concern on his face, he shook his head in dismay and let out an exasperated sigh.

“We have no idea how these men will be armed?” The man in the suit asked.

“It would seem they will be very well armed indeed.” she replied now standing again.

“Where are we going, how are we getting there, and how are we getting back?” Kit asked.

“It will be between here and New Salem, and we will be travelling by car and regrouping at a saloon in Clint. At which point we will disband.”

“What does she mean, disband?” Jean asked Kit quietly.

“She means from that point we will be on our own, money in our accounts.” Kit replied.

“Liam can you tell Jean what it is that you will need?” She spoke talking to Low.

“Yea sure um..” turning to Jean “I am going to need something with stability, plenty of speed and can shove if need be, probably an Audi or an BMW.” again he drew there attention as he spoke.

“I will have it to you by this afternoon.” Jean replied.

“Probably going to need custom suspension too for a wheeled vehicle.” Low said as he was about to turn away.

Jean nodded.

“What do you use, I mean weapons wise, I am a weapons man” the strung out guy said to Kit.

“Weapons man?” Kit said, an eyebrow arching.


“Okay” he said.

“They tend to settle arguments, so what do you favor?” he asked kit again.

“Eh, you know whatever works, Kinda partial to revolvers myself, .38 special is fine.”

“Ah, a oldie” the strung out man said sneering to reveal a frightening sight of his mangled teeth.

“Yea you know it does the trick.” Kit said.

“You Ex-Military?” The strung out man asked.

“No, I got my job thru the Osiris Times.” Kit said, it was said in a tone that said he was serious.

The man backed away looking like he couldn't take kit seriously any longer.

Jean leaned over “ne le laisse pas t'arriver” (Don't let him get to you)

“ne signifie rien pour moi” (dont mean nothing to me) Kit replied.

“You ex military” the man in the suit asked the strung out man.

He only replied with a smile and a shrug.

“The boys in brown?” he asked the same guy.

“Na, no way?”

“I’m sorry I would like to go over what we know again” Kit said turning his attention back to the woman.

“What are you worried about saving your own skin?” the strung out guy said.

“Yea, it kind of covers my body. We are setting up to cause some serious annomacity over here and I want to get a vague notion of the opposition and who, and how many might be coming after us.” kit replied.

Low nodded sagely and pointed to Kit.

“All your concerns will be addressed before we leave, let's just focus on getting what you will need to do the job” she replied.

Kit stood up and walked over to where she was sitting and the coffee pot was, and began to make a cup. The man in the suit came up and stood next to him.

“So what brought you here” he asked Kit.


“For whom?” the smart dressed man asked.

“The reaper” Kit said name dropping to see what reaction it would bring.

“Reyes” the man said in a lower tone.

Kit shrugged and began pouring a cup of coffee but purposefully to spilled some as if by accident. While he wiped it up he knocked over a glass near the edge of the table which the man in the suit caught before it even fully departed the table.

“Good Reflexes” kit said, now having a clearer picture of who this guy was and why he unsettled Kit.

“Yea, they die hard” The man said realizing Kit had just tested him.

by Kitsune
Tue May 15, 2018 7:52 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)
Replies: 70
Views: 14412

Re: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)

Location: Jenny Wren

Kit had just finished loading some things into the Trunk of Dark’s taxi vehicles. The plan was to head for New Boston under the pretext of just having arrived on the planet on an Orca class ship. The ships name was Durandal which was easy enough to remember should the question come up. Low had already gotten into the vehicle.

“Lets go” Kit said as he got into the Passenger seat.

The ride was long and uncomfortable, the Driver, a sweaty fat asian man who one would have guessed loved the onion cologne a little too much, didn't have much to say as he probably felt this was an annoyance having to drive them instead of working on some of Dark’s facility maintenance issues.

Low leaned back in the back seat, and slowly pulled his hat down over his eyes, certain that it was going to be a long ride. He glanced out from under. “Don’t worry large round, you’ll be back before you know it.” he said with a grin.

The stout asian man shot him a sharp look.

“Hey…” Low held up his hand. “Short round wouldn’t fit.” he said grinning and covering his eyes again.

By the time they had arrived darkness had fallen upon the town, the streets were still wet and slick from the rain that had just mercifully let up. Otherwise they would have had to walk seven blocks in it. Kit crossed the street and walked a dozen or so yards ahead of Low. The walk was rather uneventful, the city was rather quiet in this area. Its old buildings were clearly built by hand, and glistened in the moonlight from the water left over from the rain. An absurd amount of graffiti marked just about every clear surface. The cobblestone streets, with their well worn stones, created a rhythmic sound as a vehicles passed.

The Cafe came into view, a pale cream colored building with a brown clay shingle roof adorning its multiple stories. The building nestled next to a long flight of stairs leading to another main street further up the hill, it was separated from the other buildings by two back alleys. Kit walked up those steps till he found an old doorway nailed shut and immersed himself in the shadows there. Low went into the Corner Market across from the Cafe and started looking over some items in one of the shops windows.

Kit could see thru one of the Cafe’s windows, there was a Man behind a Bar like counter with two patrons sitting in front of him. Behind them Tucked away in a booth was a man in a brown jacket his hair mussed from the newsboy cap he had been wearing. The other few tables were empty.Kit checked his watch, they still had about thirty minutes, he was going to check the alleys now.

No sooner had he finished that thought a slow moving van pulled up along the front and let out a passenger. It was a thin average shaped woman, with blonde flowing hair more then shoulder length, wearing a grey winter coat. She went behind the bar and took her coat off behind the counter and put on an apron.

‘Why would an employee be arriving this late.’, kit thought to himself before heading down to the street.

As he approached he saw a few groups of people heading his way, so he pretended to read the Cafe menu posted in the window at the front of the store. One of them went into the Cafe, a Tall slender man with facial stubble and a crooked nose. He too wore a brown windbreaker and a skull cap, his shoes were a working mans pair of brown leather boots and his bearing gave him away as someone not afraid to be walking around this part of town.

After all groups had passed Kit strode down the gap between the stairs and the building heading for its back alley. There he found a hodgepodge of rear doors to all the surrounding building, however the closest one was the Cafe’s. He noticed a few crates with empty wine bottles in them, perhaps for a distributor to collect when making deliveries so they may recycle the bottles.

Kit pulled a stack away from the wall and placed a revolver in the crevasse, he did not know what to expect inside so he would go in with only a derringer in his jacket pocket and a folding blade in his boot, he would try passing himself off as a customer. Once that was done he continued around completing the circuit as he eyes the buildings for windows and or doorways. Having made his way back to the front Kit entered the Cafe.

“Sorry we are closing up soon” the man behind the counter said to Kit as he entered.

“qǐng gěi wǒ yì bēi xiǎo yǐn liào” (just a small drink please) Kit replied

The man looked over to the lady who gave him a small nod.

“wèi shēng jiān” (The toilet?) Kit asked

The man pointed over his shoulder to the back.

Kit walked to the back and began unlocking the back door. He opened it a crack and looked back at the guy who he had been talking to with a quizzical look on his face.

The man pointed a little to the left of kit who in turn nodded in understanding and closed the back door, but he did not lock it. Kit walked into the restroom and relieved his bladder. When he exited he made note of the back door as it had clearly not been locked.

Kit went back to the counter where the man had poured him a small glass of brandy. Kit made note that the sign on the door had been flipped to closed but that door too remained unlocked. He sat and drank his brandy quietly as if he was just there for a drink. It was about that time that Low walked in with a newspaper in hand. Low was not met with the we are closed statement. Could the man tell that Low was armed?

Low tipped his hat to the two behind the bar and settled against the jam of the door leaning back into it watching the patrons peering just under the brim of his hat.

Kit finished his glass of Brandy “xiè xiè” he said placing three coins on the counter when the woman approached him.

“What's your hurry?” she asked Kit. At this time the couple that had been sitting at the bar left out the front door pushing past low with careful ease unsure of what to think of this quiet man.

Kit feigned ignorance “wǒ bù míng bái” (I dont understand)

“I said what's your hurry”

Kit raised an eyebrow questioningly.

“Our man contacted you about the meet.” she asked, giving him a quizzical glance.

Kit switched to english “What man?”

“The man about the Job” She replied.

Just then a horn sounded with three tones from behind the Cafe. The lady went around to the back door while the man locked up the front.

Low eyed the man as he approached shifting his weight, and lowering a hand to his side. He watched as the man went about his business locking the front door of the place, and never took his eyes off him, it was almost as if he was daring him to do something.

She went to unlock the deadbolt on the back door when she noticed it was already unlocked. She drew a pistol from behind her that had been tucked into her pants line and nodded over to the door while looking at the man who just locked up. He quickly raised a hand in an stop gesture and had a calm expression on his face as he walked over to her. The remaining patrons had all gotten up now and began making their way to the door with Low in tow bringing up the rear.

When Kit reached the door the Lady spoke “What where you doing back here?”

Kit stepped out and picked up his gun “Lady I never walk into a place I don't know how to walk out of.” Putting the gun back into his pocket.

“Then why would you get into that Van?” she replied a penetrating gaze upon kit.

“You know the reason.” stepping into the sliding hatchway.

Her coworker was the last to exit and locked the door before getting in the back with the rest while she rode shotgun.

The ride was short, maybe 15 blocks or so but they were now in a warehouse district. The Streets were lined with fencing and large quonset hut style buildings crammed against each other in an attempt to maximize space. It was to one such warehouse they pulled up to, a solitary man opening the rusty metal gate to allow them entry.

The van was driven into the building where Kit could make out a lot of crates and conex containers. Up in the rafters on a catwalk crossing the warehouse was a man in shabby clothes who clearly looked like he had been strung out on something, or a prolific drunk. The man just stood there leaning against the rail smoking, watching as they entered, no sign of a weapon on him so clearly not a guard, but from his appearance not management either.

Low paused for a moment slowly surveying the room, his eyes also finding the man staring down at them from above, an eyebrow slowly rose in curiosity and without saying a word he continued to follow the rest of the rabble, still without having said a word.

The lady lead them up a set of stairs to a small building connected to the catwalks and an office of sorts behind that. As the group entered Kit noticed another party coming in from the opposite end where the office was. One man was dressed like the rest of them, the other was in a well made suit, he wore glasses and had a rather stylish yet tight hairstyle. His hands were gloved with brown leather and he carried two metal briefcases. This guy wasn't Management either or the guy behind him would be carrying the cases. He gave Kit the spidey senses.

The lady spoke to the larger group “Make yourselves at home.” she then turned to the man in the suit “You’ve come a long way, my client thanks you.”

Clearly not wanting to waste time Kit asked her “What's the job?”

“There is some people who have something we require.” she answered. “And we want you to get it from them.”

The man with the crooked nose spoke up “Does it involve shooting?” His accent was clearly of French origin, yet he didn't seem like a core worlder, perhaps a fallen member of high society.

“You all must be tired, we will tell you all tomorrow.” she avoided the question, her and her group heading into the back office.

Kit noticed there were a few cots with sleeping bags on them, a table with sandwiches and coffee and a few crossword puzzle books. Clearly it was meant for them to house here for a while so Kit decided to play along. Going over to the sandwich table. Low and the frenchman went over with him. The man from the catwalk came in and joined them.

Low picked up one of the sandwiches, and peeled back the bread scowling. He shrugged and walked over to one of those cots staring down at it as if he expected it to suddenly get more comfortable. He suddenly caught a whiff of something, he knew it was from his memory and not from the room, the smell of sulfur. A common scent back in the mines, the cot reminded him of those times and clearly triggered the memory. He scowled deeper taking a bite of his sandwich.

“Seven fat years and seven lean years” the French man said while looking at one of the sandwiches.

“That's what it says in the bible.” Kit replied taking a bite of the sandwich he picked up. It was a low grade sandwich with processed meat but Kit was not going to let food go to waste. The man in the suit did not approach the table, clearly he did not think highly of it.

Then the strunge out looking guy leaned over to kit. “Ever kill anybody?”

Kit acted nonchalant but clearly thought to himself who is this guy “I hurt a man's feelings once. Might have even been some permanent emotional damage.”

The frenchman looked up at kit slowly

The man shrugged it off taking kits answer at value. He slowed his chewing and then looked back at kit. “Hey don't I know you?”

Low tensed up, glancing over at the men gathered at the table.

“Na!” kit responded still eating his sandwich “Don't think so, I would remember.”

The man looked kit over and slowly backed away before turning to speak to everyone else. “Ok mates, two four hour shifts.”

Low joined them back at the table again, watching the inquisitive one carefully, he took another bite of his sandwich.

Kit remained at the table eating his sandwich, Low was standing across from him and the frenchman at the tables end. Kit heard the man from behind him tell the other guy not in the suit he would watch the front if that guy would watch the back.

The french man offered Kit a smoke.

“Merci” Kit replied accepting the cigarette.

The french man just simply nodded in acknowledgement before offering one to Low who declined.

Having finished up They went to their bunks, Kits was on the opposite end from Low’s but next to the frenchmans. The rest of the night went on like one would expect from a group of strangers sharing a room. When morning came Kit squinted to adjust his eyes as the fluorescent lights were on high now.

“You awake then” Kit heard the frenchman say to him.

Low looked between the frenchman and Kit and shook his head giving them a rueful look.

“Hummm” kit wiped his eyes and looked over to the frenchman. “How we doing?”

The man just nodded and made the universal not bad face then offered kit a smoke again.

“Yup” Kit unzipped his bag and swung himself into a sitting position. Taking the smoke and lighting it before he spoke. “You labor or management?”

“If I was Managment I would not have given you a cigarette. “ he said with a smile. “No I am the tour guide” waving with one arm to his right, “Over here we have the blackwatch mountains, and over here the toilet.”

“What do I call you?” Kit asked

“Jean, Jean Reno” he offed kit his hand.

“Chris” he said shaking the offered hand.

by Kitsune
Fri Apr 20, 2018 5:38 am
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)
Replies: 70
Views: 14412

Re: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)

Location: Harvest, enroute to the Jenny

“Why do I get the distinct feeling that this is going to be more interesting than we initially thought.”

“It’s looking like.” Kit said

As they pulled into the Jenny Kit noticed the cargo had been moved. The bay was more open with less obstructions.

“Expecting trouble?” It said as he caught line of sight of Ellie.

“No just being prepared” Ellie looked from Kit to Low then back “How did it go?”

“As expected, I have a pretty good picture of what's going on here, only one point of view left to see this from. Though to be honest I don't think its going to change much. But i do believe we are going to have to get Hired on here as Hired guns…… Well at least Low and I”

“Wait why are you volunteering me” Low looked at Kit quizzically

“Well you are a Driver and not to bad in a pinch…… and not really needed here as we are not going anywhere yet. Speaking of how are the repairs going?”

“Slow but we will manage, Lets just hurry up and get the Job done so we can get back to Vegas and pick up our lost baggage.”

“Right, I just got a few things to check into and we will get back out there.” Kit walked off to his room to access the cortex.

He pulled up an old contact and gave him a ring. This contact was more like an Agent, picking up jobs and making the connections for Kit.

“Hey, its been a minute Kit, How you been?” A slightly pudgy pasty skinned man appeared on Kits vid screen. “Oh and thank you buy the way for my cut on that last bounty, it was quite a tiddy some.”

“Yea no problem Thompson.”

“So what can I do for you today?”

“Ever hear of Elrick Davion?”

“You mean Former CEO of Sledge PMC, wealthy businessman, who now owns 5 counties which qualifies him to run for Planetary Representative on harvest and is currently buying up most of my contracties Elrick Davion?”

“One and the same”

“Yea what do you need, don't tell me you are thinking of joining up?”

“Yea, I am going to need you to pull up the contact and sign me and one other up under some aliases.”

Thompson began pulling up the files. “Huh, looks like Mr. Davion has put out a second contract, this one has a time limit.”

“What's it about”

“Hold on I am looking it over now, but it looks more like a pay you to leave type job”

“So a Hit?”

“Possibly, it doesn't give many details, but it is definitely a shorter term mission” Thompson tapped his desk “You know this might be a better route for you if you are using aliases, seeing how long term hires might have their backgrounds examined with greater frequency”

“Good point a pay to leave usually goes on the word of a trusted contact”

“My thoughts exactly”

“Sign us up for that one”


“Go with Liam Lowkowski and lets use a golden oldie Chris Evans”

“From those jobs you did with the Irish while working undercover”


“Oh ho ho ho I had a great idea.”


“Remember that Wanker Reyes who used to smuggle guns and do hits for Nishka?”


“Give me a sec here” Thompson began working on his console “I am going to have him vouch for you, I just forged some paperwork and hacked into his personal frequency and sent your acceptance from there.”

“Oh you are an evil fuck”

“The best part is since we could never nail him down, whatever you happens as the man who vouched for you they will be going after him.”

“I am loving this plan”

“Alright, you are all set, I am forwarding you the data now, seems they are Gathering in New Boston.”

“I think I have been there before its a fairly big city for an red sun world”

“Of Harvests 12 Million population 2 million live in new Boston, though it is more expensive then it is a metropolis, doubt there is anything over 10 stories there.”

“Thanks Thompson”, kit ran his finger over a pad he had in hand swiping to the left

Thompson looked down at his console “No thank you its always a pleasure doing business with you.”

“As with you, great work by the way” Kit was reading over the documents “Well worth the price”

“I appreciate the praise. Well best of luck to you hit me up if you need anything else”


The vid screen went blank before for a second as they disconnected then kit began working on the local net.

He began by searching the location of the meet and all pertinent surrounding info. Seems they were meeting at a Café, a small rung of nothing in the poorer section of town. Kit then pulled up the space port to look at local arrivals. One ship stood out like a sore thumb. A GSF, Gunderbat class ship the herzogenaurach. “Now why would a ship like that be here” Kit pondered it for a moment. That was a class of ship primarily used by old Union operatives prior to the war. That's as out of place as it gets, he thought to himself and it just arrived so who ever is on board is not leaving just yet.

Kit put this on the things to ponder over later list. He began searching the incoming ships till he found on. A huge fucking Orca class vessel, now that is something he could work with.

Having worked out a plan and backstory for him and Low, Kit emerged from his room and headed to find Low and Ellie.

The two were sitting in the Dining area going over something's

“Alright got our way in” Kit said as he pulled up a chair and sat at the table with them.

The three of them disgust Kits plan in great detail, going over and memorizing everything.

As they finished up and we about to head to their prospective quarters for the night low asked “Where did you pick my cover name form”

“Well it needs to be natural, something that if someone says you will respond to. General rule of thumb is use your real first name, and I worked in Low too, this way no matter what you will hear it and respond.”

“Alright, just checking, But don't think I look like a Lowkowski”

“Pfffft says you….well maybe with some Irish in ya.”

Low just shrugged a little and the two parted ways.
by Kitsune
Wed Apr 18, 2018 6:28 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)
Replies: 70
Views: 14412

Re: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)

Location: Harvest, Clint Saloon

Kit and Low exited the saloon, it was sunset, the sky a tapestry of purple and orange, the red sun barely visible behind the distant mountain range. The city in general seemed a touch more peaceful in this light, the shadows cast from the falling sun, interrupted by little pockets of light from houses. The smell of dinner and home fires filled the air with a pleasant scent. Kit thought to himself, must be a real nice place if you exclude the violence.

“Lets head back to the ship” Kit said as he hopped into the back of the Mule.

“Roger” Low following suit into the pilots seat.

As they sped off the light from the sun vanished, only the light of the stars, and the headlights illuminated their path.

“In about half a kilometer there is a large rock formation with a valley behind it, kill the lights and use the valley as a defilade. We will head west from there to out clients house.”

“Understood” Low killed the lights as they made the turn and began deftly piloting the mule between the shadows.

Kit couldn't see anything at this speed and was surprised they had not hit anything yet, though he doubted a ragged tree found on this world would really stop the mule. As the house came into view Kit tapped Low on the shoulder and said “pull over here”


The Mule came to a stop a fair distance from the house, the two began scanning the barely lit horizon, when just as kit picked a spot Low pointed right to it. “Yea if I were a betting man it be right there.” Kit gesture to the left, “You go around the left side I will take the right”

The two began a large arching pincer movement to the area, Kits path was rocky and filled with steep slopes but it provided near perfect cover from the position in question. Still it took him the better part of 20 minutes to emerge within sight of the spot. Drawing his gun Kit stopped and listened for a minute. It was completely silent so he began to advance from behind the position when he saw low near a bush looking down onto the position.

“Anything” kit said in a whisper, lows response was a shake of the head

“Alright Im going in” Kit slowly began to move over the rocks till he was on top of the outcropping. No one was there. “Clear” he called back.

Low came up alongside holstering his repeater. “I counted at least six different sets of footprints"

Kit positioned to the Trash laying about the sight. Empty food wrappers, smokes, what he hoped was not a condom but a water balloon.

“You think they repositioned?” low asked

Kit bent down and touched the ashes. “No this cigar is cold they have not been here for hours.” tossing it back aside “I am betting they went to get some booze, and the way this sight is kept its nothing but a group of rank amateurs watching over the place.”

Kit looked around one last time. “Alright…”

“I will reposition and keep an eye on here” Low interrupted

“Huh…. that's a good idea let's do that. I will backtrack and head over to the house.”

Kit and Low traveled back along the route with the most footprints till they came alone side of a rock formation and split up from there.

Low went on to find a decent sized shrub with enough room under it for him to fit, the branches would serve as great camoflauge and the shadows it cast would keep from any metal on his person from giving him away. This position gave a good view of the outcropping as well as solid line of sight on Kit as he approached the house.

House was an understatement, this was a veritable mansion, though even it has the all to familiar patchwork sections. The wall that once extended around the perimeter of the property was in shambles, the yard was filled with overturned trees and craters. The picture was becoming clearer. Kit had a good idea what happened here, slipping thru the debri up to the poarch. Kit halted in his place, he saw a myriad of traps. Most of them near perfectly hidden and would have been impossible to see had it had been daylight. Kit guess at where a few others were based on what he saw, clearly they didn't want company. Kit spun around on his heels in place and surveyed the yard. Fuck me he thought to himself as it had to been a miracle that he didn't see or set of any of the traps out there.

Inching his way up to the door his hands covering his genitals most of the way until he was sure he had passed most of it.

He knocked and what followed was clearly the sound of people rushing toward the door and the all too familiar sound of firearms wracking. “Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu” he said in a low tone of voice there was no way for him to jump away without hitting at least one booby trap.

A gruff older gentleman opened the door a sawed off shotgun in hand pointed at kits mid section. Kits eyes darted about noticing a young man atop the the stairs laying down a repeater rifle pointed at kits head from over the old man's shoulder. And a young boy beneath the stairs a bold action rifle bearing on Kit from the gap between the man and the door jam. And what Kit had barely noticed before speaking he say a teenage girl, two rooms over, with a scoped rifle aiming at him from a rested position behind the couch.

“Would you believe me if I said I was here to see if you had a moment to talk about our lord and savior Jesus Christ?” Kits arms raising above his head

The old man cocked the second barrel of his shotgun.

“I am really here to talk to you about your missing…” looking over to see the girl was clearly the younger “Oldest daughter.”

The old man motioned Kit to come in with the barrel of his gun and secured the door behind him. The boys barrels never straying from Kit. The old man then turned to Kit and immediately removed Kits firearms without even missing a beat he found them all.

“Huh, do a fair bit of body searches have ya?” his arms still up.

The old man then motioned for Kit to enter the adjacent room “Put ya hands down ya Idget” the old man said in a grizzled voice.

A couple hours passed

Low had not moved from his position not even an inch, when out of the corner of his eye he saw the house door open and Kit exit and wave. Must have meant that Low could collapse back in onto Kits position.

Kit was shown out after getting everything he needed when he turned to ask the man for the path out. However he was met with a closed door in his face. “Excuse me but How do i get out of here?” Kit asked the door

“You made it in here you can make it out.” the old man said and the lights inside dimmed.

Kits face went to friendly and jovial to slightly worried.

Low watched as Kit rolled and hopped about the property, sometimes even belly crawling, and a few cartwheels thrown in for good measure. The only thing else Low noticed was the worried look and the drenching perspiration.

The two meet in the road just beyond the property.

“Does the jumping and rolling help” Low asked

Kit game him an annoyed look “You have no idea”

“Get what you needed?”

“And then sum” kit walked with low back to the mule his head hung and an odd limp to his step.

Low peered behind Kit and said “Hey you got something stuck there”

“I knoooooo oww!!” Kit said as low pulled out a sharp needle from Kits back side

“Looks painful” low held it in front of him so Kit could see

“Fuck you mate” Kit snacked it away and tossed it aside.
by Kitsune
Fri Apr 13, 2018 6:09 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)
Replies: 70
Views: 14412

Re: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)

Location: Clint - Saloon

The bartender detailed out the events of the past several months as heard thru idle chatter or what his girls picked up from wrongfully used wagging tongues. It seemed as though this situation was more involved then Kit expected, or liked. Surprisingly the bartender here had quiet good intel on things that one would not normally have. He knew of a couple safe houses for citizens as well as hideouts for the hired guns more illegal activities. Kit thought to him-self, man these must be the dumbest guns in all the worlds, blabbering like they did.

the Bartender began telling Kit about some of the hired guns, stuff like who they are, where they had been or what they had done, both here and on other worlds. Then It became clear to kit. This bartender was the one seeking aid from the Sheriff and the outside world. He was the one who was spear heading the citizens defiance. No one would have this kind of information unless they were planning on using it.

"You know I think you know to much there Barkeep, How do you know I wont turn you in for a reward, or that I am not with those guys." Kit asked mildly as if he now had the upper hand.

"Do you believe I am some sort of Back birth hick? Did you get that impression of me?"
The bartender replied.

He was right this man didn't give off the airs of a moron, he was sharp, little too sharp for Kits liking.

A few seconds of tension was interrupted as the Sheriff entered the saloon and headed strait for them.

"Jim" the sheriff said to the bartender with familiarity tones in his voice, which clearly bothered the bartender

"Sheriff Gilzeen" The bartender replied with a well concealed sneer of disgust.

"Well lookie here we have our selves a fancy new outsider come to our little hovel of a town" Darkness began

"You don't need to act Dark, they are fully aware we came in from your property, not as if we hid our landing."

Danny seemed hurt that he was so dismissed, and that he didn't get to act out the stranger. "Well I just stopped in to say Howdy, and see what's been going on since you left or if you found anything, but I know when I am not needed, so If you gents will excuse me the Reigning Jenga champion is going to defend his title down at the Parkinsons center in New Salem."

"Your humor is as foul as always" kit hanging his head as if embarrassed to know the guy

"It may be foul but its Like a Child with Cancer,...... it never gets old." Dark amused him self and burst out laughing. "And its like this towns shipment of lifesaving Medicine, ... Not everyone gets it. Bwahahah" he was clearly having trouble breathing he was laughing so hard.

Kit was unsure if that was a hint, a threat , or something that Dark just let slip. But it was defiantly another problem on Kits plate and a new layer to this enigma.

As the Sheriff left Low came back in from his watch and walked over to Kit. "What's next? Did you get what we came for?"

"Yea I got a lot more then that too, Lets head over to our Clients now and get the situation from their point of view." Kit pushed of the bar and flicked a platinum coin at the bartender, who caught it in a blur of a and swipe.
by Kitsune
Tue Apr 03, 2018 5:47 am
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)
Replies: 70
Views: 14412

Re: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)

Location: Clint Saloon

Kit picked up his cloths hearing, Low behind him, and some onlookers out on the street. Kit didn't get embarrassed, he had to value the peoples opinion in order for it to matter. Taking his cloths he went around back and got changed in the little alcove the ladies of the establishment took their break in.

having gotten dressed Kit came back into the Bar, walking up to the bar Keep again. He leaned in folding his arms under him as he leaned onto the bar. "Alright now a blind dog could see what's going on here, so why not fill me in on the detail."

The barkeep began telling him about how one of the Rich residence is buying out everyone, and those who wont sell are getting muscled out. He's hiring every gun who would help him. It seemed to the barkeep that there was something of value in these parts the man wants and can only get if he owns all the land. He also suspects the wealthy man of Kidnapping to force peoples hands. This caught Kits attention as a possibility for the Missing persons. The Barkeep went on the tell Kit how the Sheriff is useless, and only interested in keeping his own business running. That didn't surprise Kit. A huge fragment of the big picture got filled in for Kit, as Bartenders are usually the ones most in the know.
by Kitsune
Sun Mar 25, 2018 3:23 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)
Replies: 70
Views: 14412

Re: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)


Kit was down to a few coins left, when he was able to remove his target. Now to get to work he thought to himself. “Guys play the next one without me I got to take a Wicked Pissah.” Pushing off from the table and heading out the front door and around to the back. THere he found three ladies of the establishment smoking. “Ladies, Ladies do I have a job for you. “ they all looked at kit. “I need you to try and rush the Big guy and the burnt out wreck playing cards with me.” pulling out what had to have been more than enough to cover them for two nights of work. He clearly had their attention. “Seduce, tease, talk sweet nothings, it's fine, just stroke their egos and get them up stairs…..oh and if you could do me a favor and return my cloths to me that would be great.”

The ladies agreed and went back in side, while kit returned thru the front door and proceeded to the bar. Kit had worked enough Vice cases to know every gambling establishment had rigged decks so the house could win. “Barkeep can I get two Rumbleboozes”

“Running low on funds I see” The bartender replied

“Yea it's not going so hot.” With his back in between the table and the barkeep Kit ferrets out a bag of hard currency and places it gently on the counter, and in a low voice. “I am also going to need your dealer to use a number 2 deck for an all in push.”

The bartender picked up the bag and gave an ok hand gesture so Kit could see. He was happy to help this stranger get one over on these mouth breathers.

Kit returned to the table to begin playing again while the barkeep brought out warm Rumbleboozes to him.

The Big guy had the most coins followed by smokey.

The ladies arrived and began to work their magic. Two of them started hanging of the big guy, calling him platitudes about his winnings. One a thicker lady began working on the mad hatter here.

Kit eyed his partner in the corner near the end of the bar watching the events, most other patrons had cleared out. Good didn't need an audience for what's next.

The beginning of the first round began, kit began betting as usual, however the big guy raised beyond kits limit.

“All out of coins?” the big guy asked.

“I maybe but I do believe I said I was leaving here with pockets of coin or no pockets at all. I bet my suit. All of it It’s high thread count Orisain Cotton, easily worth double your pot….Now I know what you are thinking jumbo- what am I going to do with those clothes, and you would be right it would probably be no better than a napkin for you…..which, by your attire I doubt you have ever seen either. But you could always sell them to pyro the magic dragon here I am sure he would like to burn something so valuable.”

The fat guy grunted and the blondy retorted “I do explosives not fires”

“My apologies” Kit stand up and begins to unbutton his shirts and places them in the pot followed by starting on his pans.

“What about them fancy six shooters you got there?” The big one replied.

“Um I’m going to need something to win my clothes back with if you win the pot.” kit responded "Besides, who gives up their guns. Clothes, sure, boots, maybe, but guns that's like asking a man to hand in his life." tapping his other holsters "That's why I brought more then one"

The hand played out as Kit expected, he lost and was now sitting there naked in his boots and holsters.

“Last hand” placing one of his guns on the table.

The ladies of the establishment have been working their wilds and the two were definitely taking the bait. The cards were dealt. Kit knew the second hand of the deck was fixed for the second seat. The first seat would get an amazing hand, similar in poker to 4 of a kind but the second seats was better akin to a straight flush. This prompted all in or other massive bets.

As expected Kits hand was phenomenal, and the Tall card was plum. Even if Kit didn't take the tall card he couldn't lose this hand. Kit winked at one of the girls on the big man. He noticed and like a greedy pig took offense and wanted this over with to keep kit from them.

“All in he shouted a smile on his face.”

“All in then” sliding his gun forward but then noticed his clothes not in the pot. “Not putting in the cloths?”

“Na I think my pots is good enough, for that six shooter. Beside, even if I were to lose I still win if I have your cloths.”

The little guy went all in as well. Jumbo revealed first, great hand, this prompted the skinny guy to curse and throw his cards down. His card were not bad and he definitely could have used the tall card. Kit let out a sigh of depression and tossed his cards down to reveal his hands. The big guy scowled and made a sound one could only describe as a pig grunt. Kit let out a ha type retort.

“Good luck carrying the money without any pants” the fat man stood up and with a few hardy chuckles took a lady in both arms and headed up the stairs Kits clothes draped over his shoulder. The blond guy following suit.

Kit re-holstered his weapon, began sorting the money and tipped the dealer rather well. While he waited a few minutes he downed the Rumbleboozes he had left, then stood up. The bar keep who was ready to head up himself shook his head. One of the girls still not attended came walking up to kit a smile on her face.

“Why don’t you take me up stairs champ, I would love to show your pet iguana a good time.”

“Why does everyone keep calling it that.” Handing her the same amount he gave the ladies up stairs. “Forgive me miss I would love to but I still have to get a few things done, so please accept this as an apology.”

Kit walked over to the bar. “Thanks for your help Sir, what's the damage?”

“Welp, your paid up on the drinks and I thank you for the generosity today, but I am going to have to ask you to get some clothes on in the serving area.” said the Bartender.

“Alright No problem, just while I am at that mind cooking me up something, Don't mind what long as it has some grease to it.” Kit covered himself as he walked to the front door, “Laundries about to be dropped off anyway.” as if on cue his clothes fell down onto the street.
by Kitsune
Sun Mar 25, 2018 3:14 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)
Replies: 70
Views: 14412

Re: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)

Location: Harvest, Clint

The sun was high in the sky casting its hot grace across the land. Low pulled his hat brim down to help try and mitigate the glare but in landscape like this it only did so well. He could feel the heat through his clothes, it was oppressing but welcome. From spending time on stations and other planets he had come to appreciate the heat when he could get it. The cold made old wounds ache. The town of Clint was ahead of them on the old dirt road, the mule speeding towards it a small cloud of dust having been kicked up behind it as they drove along. It wasn’t as if they were trying to hide their approach.

He hazard a glance over at Kitsune who was sitting back and seeming to enjoy the ride. He could see the man’s eyes peering into the distance, he figured it was either that he was looking for trouble, or still thinking about those ladies they had run into at their meeting with the new pseudo employer.

They continued the rest of the way just the same, in silence. Low was certainly scanning for trouble as they came into the town. He slowed the mule as they crossed the town line, the streets were well kept for dirt, and the town itself seemed to be in decent shape. He noticed almost immediately that the streets had cleared as they approached, which was never a good sign. Usually meant trouble, but the question burning in the back of his mind was did they consider them trouble, or something else.

He pulled the mule to a stop near a saloon, and glanced over at Kitsune. “Friendly bunch, they scattered as we came into town.” he said as he dismounted from the vehicle setting the parking brake and shutting down the engine. He slowly slung his rifle, and scanned the buildings. He could see the occasional set of eyes squinting through curtains, or peering around sils or doorjams. “You’d think they were expecting trouble.” he smirked at the thought glancing back over at Kitsune.

“I think they live in trouble and want to keep it to a minimum. Just hope that doesn’t leave us with an empty bar, unable to gather information from talkative drinkers.” Kit replied. He ran over the lists in his mind. Missing persons, hired guns, oppressed people and a greedy land shark. This had a lot of stink on it for him. Kit began taking in the surrounding noting all the oddities. He noticed a lot of piping and wiring running around the outside of buildings and houses. Definitely quickly constructed, or cheaply. Yet the cleared streets showed a touch of care given to the town. Perhaps these were patch jobs for frequent repairs. The pipes would indicate a good sized plant of some sort, the might be running water but Kit would hazard it was a gas or something valuable. The presence of a few old solar farms and wind turbines might have meant the power was frequently interrupted or that its non existent. Also the lack of water collection barrels or devices concerned him, clearly this wasn't a place super hard up on its luck, or a people who are used to the hardships. He didn't get the feeling this town was formed around an every man for himself mentality. “I get the feeling when Dark said he doesn’t get missing persons here, he meant it.” Looking to Low. “Might have stuck our noses into something here.”

Low stepped up onto the wooden porch in front of the Saloon, turning to survey the buildings once more, nodding in agreeance with Kitsune. “Yeah, it is somewhat peculiar from what were used to seeing out in these parts of the verse. A bit contradictory even. Low turned and pushed his way through the doors to the Saloon, he grinned at the irony and cliche swinging door entrance. “Lucky day I suppose.” he said under his breath observing several people situated around the bar, some at tables, some standing and chatting, and a handful at the bar.

Kit scanned the room too, indeed it had a decent crowded, however Kit could easily recognise mercenaries. Most every patron was a hired gun, only one he figured was truly dangerous and he sat quietly alone at the end of the bar. A few citizens were present huddle in small groups at tables their hanging heads and silence giving them away. In a low voice, “Let's get a drink do a quick pass then I will engage the larger groups while you try to talk to the citizens discreetly as possible.” Kit began to walk to the bar, eyeing the selection. Pure rotgut or worse, garbage. Oh well least he won't be drinking much of it.

Low smiled as he watched Kitsune head towards the bar, “Discreet.” he muttered to himself. “We do discreet?” it was more of a rhetorical question, and half said under his breath, as thus far his experience with this man was anything but. He shrugged, and gave the Bartender a nod and turned to walk towards a small group of huddling citizens.

The group got quiet as one of them noted his approach. “Yes, I’m not from around here, and I only bite when you get quiet.” he said with a sneer, his voice kept low. “Names Low.” he said tipping his hat. “Figured if there was something to be learned about your nice little town here you might be able to help?” he asked knowing that they would likely hesitate.

“Nope.” one of them said quietly.

“Yeah,” another nervously took a drink of some obviously watered down swill. “Nothing we can help you with.” he said after flinching from the after effects of whatever it was he had just consumed.

The others just kept their eyes down, Low noticed that a few of the Mercenaries were trying very hard not to look like they were watching, but that feeling was unmistakable. Low nodded. “Very well, you fellas have a good day.” he said and tipped his hat, then glanced around to each of them, then finally settled on the man sitting at the end of the bar.

Low started walking towards him and he could feel the tension suddenly escalate in the room and Low noted the man dropping a pistol on the bar in front of him, his hand resting on the grip, his eyes slowly came up as Low approached.

Low gave him a nod, and settled onto the stool.

“Seat’s taken!” he said in a gruff voice.

“Yes it is.” Low said, and nodded to the keep. “I’ll have what he’s having, and you can refill his on my dime.” he said then turned his attention slowly back to the man who was regarding him carefully.

“You don’t take a hint well do ya?”

“Nope. Enjoy the drink on me. I’m not here for trouble, just information.” he said picking up the recently poured drink now sitting on front of him. It tasted like solvent, with a touch of cherry. It went down hard, and made him pause for a moment. “Okay maybe don’t enjoy the drink,” he regarded the glass and the liquid within. “Wow…”

The man seemed to tense up, staring at him, it took him a moment but he finished his current drink without looking away.

“You know if I was here to kill ya or start trouble I would have just shot you from the door, or across the street or something.” he said patting his rifles sling. “I’m a fair shot. Point is, as I said, were not here to cause trouble. Just looking for information.” he shifted in his chair taking another drink this time more cautiously. “Do you know how cliche that is?” he asked.


“Seats taken.” Low said with a smirk.

“Sounded good at the time.” the man said, and slowly returned the pistol to its place on his belt hidden from sight. “What kind of information?”

Kit ordered two bottles of the finest, which on any other world would be tantamount to toilet water. There was a strong yet familiar smell lingering in the Bar. Rumblebooze, a hideous concoction that can be found in most any bar in the outer worlds. Each bars was different yet the same, it mixed a lot of leftover booze notably rum and ale. Mixed in with eggs, sugar, spices, bread crumb leftovers and served warm. It was good enough for a cheap booze or a cheap meal, if you had the intestinal fortitude for it. It had an additional benefit which Kit was going to need. It was a great medium for hangovers. Especially when taken with a greasy meal, which Kit was willing to bet would be the only thing found here.

Noticing Low he slapped his own face. Just wow he thought. Still to get the mercs attention he decided to shout to the bar. “Whos got cards!!” both bottles raised above his head. “Cause I ain't leavin without a pocket full of coin or no pockets at all.” This drew a large groups attention as the waved him over and pulled out a chair for him. A few of the side groups standing around began to crowed the table. “Hay Bar Keep, keep them coming dont wanna see any dry glasses in this place….the drunker they get the better my odds” Kit chuckled.

This was part of his plan, keep eyes on him, get the drunk maybe talkative drunk and happy, as they are getting drinks and money.

Low was pretty intent on keeping his eye on this Mercenary, but the ruckus was too much to resist, he took a glance over his shoulder at the commotion going on behind him, not entirely surprised, and even gave a bit of a chuckle.

The Bartender looked at Kit like he was a moron and shrugged grabbing three more bottles and heading to the table. When he got there “Coin first” he told Kit.

“Of course, of course” Kit put some Credits on the table prompting a look of disgust on the Barkeeps face. The hired guns on the other hand seemed more delighted at this notion. Probably thinking a Fancy man with credits is an easy mark, and Kit had every intention to playing to that.

Low returned his attention to the Mercenary, his eyes stopping on one particular tattoo, a familiar one. An eyebrow arched in curiosity. “Spent some times in the mines?” he asked, then pulled aside his shirt to show what was left of a similar tattoo on his shoulder, a bullet wound from not long ago had damaged it, but it was still discernible.

“Yup,” he said draining his glass. “But you didn’t come to compare tats. And we certainly aren't bonding, so speak your peace and then get out of my face!” he said rather gruffly, then pointed to his glass to which the bartender filled in a hurry.

Low nodded. “Straight to the point I guess. What do you know of missing persons around here?” he asked also going straight to the point.

Kit downed a shot and then readied for his hand. The cards were dealt and finally the Tall card was Red Diamond. Kit was sitting pretty if he was playing to win, but discarded three and got three in return. His hand was now officially trash.

The portly man next to him picked up the tall card, which probably meant he was going to be beating large this round. Kit sized him up. He was covered in dirt, more so than the rest of the patrons...a lot more. Loaded with tattoos and had a Sawed off Double Barrel Shotgun on his hip. He also had a series of small knives and a Meat hook on his other hip. Kit thought to himself, Really a meat hook. Clearly this guy was going for intimidation factor to get him out of some situations but was probably as dangerous as the Dealer. To round it all out he had studded biker gloves on.

The Skinny blond fellow on the other side of him folded. Kit couldn't help but notice the large amount of soot on his face, or GSR. The man's hair had a slight burnt look to it too. And His cloths well it was obvious now the man had been to close to some fire recently. When the man moved his right leg around it made a mechanical sound and when it bumped a table, it clanked. Clearly it was a prosthetic. The overall picture of this man was becoming clear.

Next to the Big guy was a Hispanic male, with a lot and not an exaggeration but a lot of facial scarring. One would think with a mug like that he would be wearing a mask. He wore a black trench coat with all black clothing. Kit could make out two distinct bulges on his hips and an X shaped belt across his waist confirmed dual weapons. Though much bigger than a pistol maybe some sort of repeater, possibly a shotgun. This was the guy Kit had to beat, couldn't let him remain in the game till the end, though not because he might be a good player he was just in the seat Kit needed to empty up.

“Missing persons…” he said indulging in his drink once more. “Can’t say that I do. People go missing, it happens.”

Low nodded slowly regarding him. “Right, I suppose I should have specified. How about recently? Any young kids, girls, mothers?” he asked taking another swallow of the rotgut, regretting it every time. “We were asked to look into the possibility of a missing young woman.”

The mercenary nodded slowly. “Yup. Couple days back. Don’t know more than that, though some guy fancied her, and she kept turning him away. Older guy, but she wouldn’t give him the time of day. Too young, I had half a mind to put a couple in him.” he said.

Low’s eyebrow rose again. A mercenary with a moral compass, that was hard to come by these days. Fascinating prospect, but Low could see that was about all he was going to get from this guy and simply nodded again. “Were just here looking for work, not to cause trouble for anyone that don’t need it.”

“It’s no secret who’s employing ya. Everyone say you burn in, just no one knew what to expect of you. You won't get much cooperation from people, they assume your being paid off by that two timing, good for nothing sheriff. Why do you think were out here.” he said pushing off his stool. “I’d watch your back, and that’s not a threat. Good advice.” he said as he headed for the door. “Good luck.”

Low watched the man leave, he stopped long enough to glance both ways down the street before disappeared out of sight. He slowly turned his attention to Kitsune and his game, this should be interesting he thought to himself.
by Kitsune
Sat Dec 16, 2017 8:24 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)
Replies: 70
Views: 14412

Re: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)

Location: Behind a rock on Darks property

"We good?" peaking slightly over the rock

"I think so" Low replied

"You think so?" Kit replied continuing to scan the hill. Well sitting here isn't going to get anything done, he thought. so slowly he stood up.

"Yea the dust plums are heading away, I think they are leaving."

"Good thing they are not LEAVING a sharp shooter behind." holstering his weapon "lets get back to the ship and update the crew."
by Kitsune
Fri Nov 03, 2017 3:08 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)
Replies: 70
Views: 14412

Re: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)

Kit's mind unsettled but he overcame it so that he might continue on with his information gathering. "Could there be a rival group apposing the guy on the job posting?"

"Anything's possible but I don't think anyone on harvest could compete..... But that's besides the point lets get you back onto the missing persons case for me. "


"the data is all there in the file, but I would recommend going back to follow up with the family and friends your self, see if anything new has developed or if their stories have changed."

still a bit of his brain preoccupied the moment his sister was mentioned. "Roger standard fact finding I can do."

"Great this will be a real big help you just don't know."

Lows voice rang out from the mule in mid conversation. "You expecting any other company Dark?"

Both Kit and Dark stopped talking, Kit instinctively drawing his weapon at the tone in Lows voice, the girls and Dark moving with purpose to the mule for cover. Kit moving to a large decretive rock formation meters away from the mule. Now kit would really like to have had a long rifle on him of any sort.

"Not on that ridge, That's just beyond my property line. But the Man who owns that parcel is 98 years old and I have not seen him off of his porch since I arrived."
by Kitsune
Wed Nov 01, 2017 4:23 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)
Replies: 70
Views: 14412

Re: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)

Location : Dark's Property

Kit looked to the direction Teddy had advised of a glint then back to the group. "You three head on back to the ship and get what ever you need I will talk to Dark and see what's going on and maybe coax some more information out of him related to this job." Tipping his hat to them he turned and headed back towards Dark's entourage.

"So you're the Law-Man, what made you go back?" Kit asked Dark.

"Well you know, you just cant get it out of your blood no matter how hard it gets."

"I know what you mean."

"I see that, bounty hunter P.I., Has to be entertaining"

"Not as much as you think some times."
Playing coy

"Then why not join up here, you know I don't care about your past."
placing his index finger on kits chest " and I know a guy, highly regarded here who could perhaps pull some strings and get you on the payroll, I have it on good authority he's the Law around these parts."

"Perhaps, It would be good to get back into uniform again" Kit knew he was not going to join up, he had something more important to do.

"To be honest though I really could use a man like you right about now. You know that Kid your sister hung out with back in the day, the lanky one with the red curly hair, loads of freckles. Newton."

Kit immediately snapped to and had a serious look on his face at the mention of his sister and her associates.

"He's here on planet, got here nine days ago and since his arrival our homicide rate has gone up more then 800%. I hear he's an arms merchant these day's and I am willing to bet a years wages, some of those deaths were product demonstration."

"You think he's selling to the guy hiring out all your guns?"

"Absolutely, I just cant prove it." shifting slightly to one leg "and around these parts you don't do anything with out proof"

"What is going on, on this rock"
Kit mubled to him self. He might not have gotten anything on the missing persons, but he got much much more.
by Kitsune
Sun Oct 22, 2017 8:09 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)
Replies: 70
Views: 14412

Re: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)


Location: Jenny cargo ramp.

Low nodded, then turned and disappeared heading back into the ship, figured he would likely need his rifle just in case. It didn’t take him long to get to his quarters, pull the thing off the wall and sling it before heading back to the Cargo Hold. “I’m good to go!” he said glancing about.

While Low was heading away Kit walked up the ramp again and measured the distance from the top of the ramp to the upper part of the ship using his body. The Mule would fit by his reckoning. “I think we can get her out without scratching the paint” He said to the captain.

“Scratching the paint adds character.” Low said with a smirk.

Ellie glanced between Low and Kitsune, “If either of you scratches the mule, you’re repainting it!”

Low chuckles. “So she’s driving apparently.” he says eyeing the mule dubiously.

Kit jumped up onto the back and layed down on his back “Well I know I’m not.” crossing one leg over the other and tipping his hat down over his eyes. Teddy meanwhile, squeezed into what little space Kitsune left him.

Low exchanged glances with Ellie, “Isn’t he directing this show?” he peers over the edge of the mule. “I take it were visiting the owner of this property? I assume so since we landed here.”

“Well we were going to his fuel depot and that’s probably where he was heading when he picked up our transponder signal entering atmo, buuutttt… cant rightfully say now.” Kit said still lazily reclined in the mule.

“Good place as any to start I suppose.” he looked over at Ellie. “Want me to drive, or do you want the wheel this time?”

“Well you got us this far alive, what’s another short jaunt?” She climbed into the passenger seat and looked at Kitsune in the back, “Does you friend have a name?”

“Danny Gilzeen, was called The Darkness, back in the day, cause he is darker than midnight on a sunless moon.I mean pure soul sucking creepy” Kit scoffed

Low nodded and climbed into the driver's seat taking a moment to belt himself in, then flipped the switches to start the motor and waited while it warmed up and the thing went through its own self diagnostic tests. Reaching down between the seats he pulled up on the long lever and depressed the button on its end releasing it from its mooring that kept it in place. “And away we go!” he said putting it in gear and giving it some gas. He slowly guided it out the cargo hold, and over the ramp and had to give it a bit more gas to get it through the mud bog at the base of the ramp but soon they were on dry land and he increased speed directing the craft towards the distant buildings.

As the landscape zipped by Low pointed towards a series of tanks and a gantry in the distance not far from the building they could see. “Betting that’s the refueling depot.” he said as he turned the vehicle toward that location.

Kit lifted the brim of his hat just a bit to see what Low was talking about. “I reckon or he is stockpiling a shit ton of cow shit.”

“Could be both.” Low said with a chuckle.

“Well we can’t fly Jenny on cow shit, so let’s hope it’s the fuel,” Ellie remarked.

“Ah, but methane is one of the many chemicals that are used in fuel production so, it’s more likely an export than a fuel source.” he said, starting to slow the mule as they got closer to the depot.

“Wow I did not see the Encyclopedia Britannica coming out of that guy.” tipping his hat back down over his eyes.

Low simply gave him the finger, while laughing, then brought the Mule to a stop.

Kit lifted the brim of his hat yet again confused to why they stopped then realized. “Well guess we have arrived.” Getting up and hopping of the mule.

In the distance a small group of people started approaching them a slender pale man with dark black clothing and black facial hair and semi long black hair, who was accompanied by three ladies two of whom looked like grease monkeys, or scavengers (One carrying a giant ass wrench) and one businesswoman.

Low took a moment to set the parking brake, and then shut the motor off. He glanced at his other two companions, then unbelted himself and slid from the vehicle standing beside it.

Climbing out of the mule, she watched the group approaching them. She hoped Kit’s friend was trustworthy, it was always so hard to tell on some of the Border planets.

Teddy’s eyes narrowed at the sight of the group approaching, he didn’t like the look of them. Ellie noticed his hesitance and said, “Why don’t you hang back, keep an eye on the whole picture, make sure we’re covered for anything we might be too close to notice?” He gave her a nod and climbed out of the mule. He leaned up against the side facing the approaching group, and while his stance looked casual, Ellie knew he was in a prime spot and position to take someone out should the need arise. She smiled and gave him a knowing nod before turning back to the other two.

Kit noticed the ladies approaching. And made a strange sound “HUWAAAAA!!! I LOVE LADIES!" And took off at a run toward them spouting all kinds of unintelligible words with great enthusiasm.

“This is not going to end well…” Low muttered.

Ellie nodded her agreement, “But at least he’s bugging someone other than me, so I’m not going to complain. Besides, I think we can handle it even if it does go sideways, which it most likely will.” She grins jokingly at Low.

As he ran kit passed by a shrub with blooming flowers and in a blink of an eye had snatched a large hand full without slowing his pace. When he was within arms reach hi same spinning to a halt on one knee and offering up the flowers. “wéi nǐ , wǒ de fū rén” Presenting it to the taller of the mechanically inclined females.

Low took his hand off the rifle sitting down next to the chair. “Naa, he’s totally got this.” he couldn’t help but smile watching what he was pretty sure was about to be a train wreck of biblical proportions.

She shifted her toothpick in her mouth looking at kit with utter dubiousness and took the flowers he had just snatched off their trees, but said nothing.

The man with them spoke up “So how many did you lose just now in the crash, I hope it was a few” wringing his hands together “Hogs have not had fine fiddles in some time” evilly grinning

“It was more like a controlled, crash landing.” Low said walking forward. “Just a few bumps and bruises. You must be, the Darkness?” he felt weird saying it like that but it seemed fitting.

The man’s voice sent a chill up kits spine and made him want to vomit. Such a sinister sounding man who even kit couldn’t read or ever get used to. Standing he gained his composure and seriousness. He handed Dan the bottle of thousand needles. “Sorry about the cow pasture”
Turning slightly “Let me introduce you, Daniel this is our Captain Ellie McKee and our pilot Liam Owen Whelan or Low."

Low gave a nod. “Nice to meet ya.” he said as he walked up to the man to shake his hand. Low felt the hair stand up on the back of his neck as the man seemed to grip his hand for an incredibly awkward amount of time, the look he gave staring at his hand and skin was enough to creep anyone out.

Ellie wondered if it really was nice to meet him, but all she did was give a small nod as well, her face passive as she simply said, “Hello.”

Dan spoke. “Nice grip you go there son, and your skin color, why I have not had such a good grip from someone with that skin tone since that stabbing vic on Osiris decades back…. Man she had a grip on her…… rigamortis and what not.”

Low glanced down at their hands. “Gonna need that back, or I’m going to have to start charging by the minute.” he said. If felt awkward, that look made his stomach churn a bit.

As Ellie observed this exchange she couldn’t help but wonder if everyone in Kitsune’s sphere was so prone to extremes. She certainly never knew what to expect, and couldn’t have guessed this was who they would be dealing with. She only hoped they could get the fuel and get a move on.

“Well on to business, that’s why you’re here” Daniel began “ Now as I said in my wave fuel out here is at a premium, it runs about twenty two times the rate you would find on most worlds” he looked to the captain “And I can assure you, you will not find a better rate than what I’m given ya, what with you hauling this sorry sack around.” pointing to kit.

Ellie’s eyebrow lifted, as she registered this news. She said aside to Low and Kitsune, “Or last job won’t cover that.”

“Maybe we could come to an agreement, you got anything you need moved off world?” he asked. “Maybe we can haggle on that price a bit?” Low asked taking a few steps away for comfort.

“Well to be honest folks I don't need anything moved off world, Most of my business is here on Harvest but as I am sure Kit knows I am the local Sheriff for these here parts, and I don't have the manpower to tend to all that needs tending too. Ifen you all need work I just got landed with a missing person's case that we just don't have time for. Daughter of a landowner here in my county…… course there's other work to be had here too.” Handing Kit a pad from the business lady. “One of our county’s wealthier citizens is hiring a mess load of hired guns, says to protect his mine and what not. Couple banks who could use extra hands during their pay day delivery….” leaving it at that for them to look it over.

Kit looked at the job offerings, there was a few but one listing caught his eye, not a single viewing, and the posting only said we need help but we can't pay much. He handed the pad over to the captain.

Her eyes skimmed the list. They didn’t have time to work for a mine. And she tried not to get involved with payrolls, it was like painting a big target on your back, messy. “Any kind of reward in the missing persons case?” she asked without looking up from the list.

“Oh aye they are offering pay that would damn near cover your fuel cost, but I warn ya I don’t think it’s a missing persons. We don't have missing persons here on Harvest, it's likely she ran away off world or got knocked up by some rich fella and he's keeping her round till he has what's owed him. She went missing near Clint, a small town a few miles west of here. If that's where you're heading I suggest you stick to your task and don't let the people there try to get you to do their side jobs. Every time I go there they hound me to no end.”

Clint was the name of the town on the help request on the job listing Kit realized.

Finally Ellie looked up at the guys, she handed the list to Low and asked them both, “Well what do you guys think? Whatever we do, we’re going to be working the job together so I’m open to input here.”

“We could pool all the money and side money we got from Vegas and pay for the gas but I am pretty sure once we get back we will be stranded on vegas…. Not a place we want to be seeing how we just high tailed it out of there” kit noted. “So i say we take the job find her and get a going. Like he said she probably left or is with someone, either way we can find out.”

Ellie sighed, “The problem is you don’t get good reward money for telling them she left with someone, you get good reward money for finding the missing person and getting them home safe. I don’t want to waste my time. We have our own missing person to find, remember?”

“You’re right, but I figure getting this off his plate and her parents off his back will ingratiate him to use some what, perhaps enough to get us the fuel we need and money left over for fuel once there.” Kit hoped, though he thought he hoped the money they got on vegas would have been enough for fuel too and look where that got him.

“If we don’t find her, we don’t get the parents off his back or the job off his plate,” Ellie remained unconvinced.

Low finally decided to chime in listening to the two go back and forth for a time. “How about we go inquire on the details of that, see if there is a deadline to complete that missing persons thing, do another task or two that will get us some quick money now and then get off this rock?” he shrugged. “Kill two birds with one stone, and get paid on the back end.”

“Well it seems you both want to take the missing persons case, so let’s go ahead,” she was hesitant still, but not because she didn’t like the work. She had enough experience with this sort of business back on Whitefall. She just wasn’t entirely convinced they weren’t going on a snipe hunt.

“No, not what I meant. I said we should at least get more information on it to see if it’s something viable we can do on the long term, that kind of pay we shouldn’t just pass on lightly.” he said.

“Either way it’s the only job that pays enough, and doesn’t require a long stay…. Aside from bank work.” Kit responded. “And they do that whole taxes thing, background checks and that pesky reporting to the FDIC stuff.”

She shrugged, “Let’s do it. We can look for other work while we are at it, like Low suggested.”
by Kitsune
Fri Oct 13, 2017 4:55 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)
Replies: 70
Views: 14412

Re: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)

Location: Cargo Bay

"What are you laying around for lad, can't you see our pilot's dodging incoming space?" Teddy laughed heartedly

Kit waved he hand above his head and picked him self up taking a second glance at the bottle while he dusted him self off.

"Alright Kit, it's your connection, so how about you take lead?" Ellie said from behind him.

Looking back over his shoulder "Yea sure" heading over to the ramp and opening both sets of doors. The ramp however lowered till it got to a 25 degree incline. "Huh" kit examined and headed up the ramp to check it out. They appeared to have landed in a pasture and not a refueling depot. a few small streams traveled around the jenny, the ground was pure mud. Shaking his head and cursing to him self he turned back to the rest.

"Hope you're not wearing your good cloths." Which Kit was wearing some. A type of cow approached the ship, clearly it was not afraid. Kit saw this and replied back "good news I think we found a ride" though he knew they would not be riding a cow.
by Kitsune
Fri Oct 13, 2017 4:03 am
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)
Replies: 70
Views: 14412

Re: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)

Location: Jenny cargo hold

Kit left the captain and headed to a wooden crate he had at the aft side of the cargo bay. Foam bumpers lined the edges of the crate. Kit unlocked both locks and opened the crate. Inside was a few dozen bottles of liquids of varying sizes shapes and colors, surrounded by artificial straws. He ran his fingers across the tops of several bottles searching. He finally found a bottle of thousand needles tequila. Most of the time he would keep a few dozen bottles of every sorts on him, for cooking, gifts, maybe bribes or just to drink. This stuff was made from stage cactuses and was going for a hefty price, but was probably the least useful for his cooking. Now drinking that was what this was good for and for an ex cop it was probably the best gift.

placing the bottle on the floor he secured he crate, storing it back where it was. Once that was done he picked up the bottle and began to walk back toward the stairs. Suddenly the ship shook violently throwing Kit from his feet. He landed back first 15 feet back the way he came slamming into a support beam. Two storage containers landing on him as he hit the floor. "UGH!" Kit coughed and dragged him self out from under the crates. "Son of a bitch" crawling further on the floor through the debris "What the fuck was that". As Kit sat up to his surprise the bottle was sitting there staring at him in an upright position undamaged like it had stuck a perfect landing and Kit did not. He picked up the bottle and looked at the label.

by Kitsune
Thu Oct 12, 2017 6:11 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)
Replies: 70
Views: 14412

Re: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)

Location: Kits Quarters

Kit sent the information he received to the cockpit. Liam was most likely there and would receive the location.

Once that was complete Kit began to dress him self in a nice suit, orange shirt with black vertical lines, a black vest, tie and pant. under that was his usual body armor. He wore a should holster for his 608, a couple .410 derringers in pockets and a knife in one boot a snub nosed .38 in the other. He was not expecting trouble so he was traveling light.

After he was all set he heard an intercom announcement. "Ladies and Gentlemen this is your pilot speak'n, we'll be putting in at Harvest here in a short time, gonna ask that ye start securing everything you can including yourself as this is likely to be a bit turbulent. Estimating about fifteen minutes at present speed to atmo entry.”

"Well best go get a thank you gift from the cargo hold."
Kit thought a bottle of Thousand Needles would do just fine. heading down to the hold. On his way he bumped into the captain coming up from below.

"Hey Cap, I found a place we can Refuel and go, no docking fee's, inspections, or anything to slow us down."

Location: top of the stairs
TAG: [mention]Ellie[/mention]
by Kitsune
Mon Oct 09, 2017 3:42 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)
Replies: 70
Views: 14412

Re: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)

Location: Cockpit

Chris waited for the remaining two's input or responses for the briefest of seconds before following after the captain. As he stepped out he saw her walk away from her door and head toward the shuttles. Her demeanor and presence betrayed her emotional distress ever so slightly. He decided to follow her but when he reached the hatchway he heard her sob and he stopped. He was never good at these things. His presence would be pure alcohol on an open flame. Spinning around and to the side he leaned his back against the wall next to the hatch. His hands reached into his vest pocket and pulled out his cinnamon stick bag and pulled out a few by the white wrapper with the gold trim line. This always helped him think, and for millennia untold always helped with peoples moods. He placed a few on the floor outside the hatchway after he rubbed them together a short bit. the final one he placed under his nose and began to breath it in. A plan began to take shape as his mind began to focus, he would check the cortex see if there were any CI or contacts on Harvest that he knew of who might help them refuel and get back to Vegas as quickly as possible.

Shoving off the wall he headed to his room to get on the cortex. He had friends both official and most not so much on most worlds, surely someone settled on Harvest. Once inside he headed strait for the terminal, turned it on, and began to search.

A short while later he found what he was looking for. The former president of the police officers union and lead detective for major crimes when Chris was a cop had settled there. Seemed he bought up a decent sized ranch outside the city of New Boston. "Seems he did alright for him self." reading the file present. Danny "The Dark" Gilzeen as he were was now a siting congressman and elected county sheriff. Clearly this planet had some wild west zones. "Well lets give it a shot" Opening a wave to Dan's office.

"Hello" A scruffy slightly grizzled man appeared after a few seconds who then took a hit off a green liquid in a glass that looked semi congealed or at best chunky if you will. "Oh! Kit, hey long time man, how is life treating you man?"

"Its Not to bad, How about your self? But before you say another word what is that." Kit replied

"Kale and spinach puree, ain't to bad when you get used to it, you should try it." Dan replied

"Fuck no!, if I wanted to suck of the Jolly green Giant, I would at least have him take me on a date first." Kit replied as if disgusted

"Its doing wonders for my heath I really do recommend it."

"Yea good, you go back to drinking your jolly green giant jiz and I will go back to keeping food down." They both paused for a second then chuckled.

"So what do I owe the pleasure" Dan replied

"I am heading into Harvest but need to refuel and go as soon as possible. A member of our team is in trouble and we have to go help."

"Say no more I know just the place..... Mine stop on by I have a fueling station on my back forty that can handle most small to mid sized freighters. Have to warn you though fuel prices here are Ludacris to say the least, and I am going to have to charge full rate, I have a business to run."

"Not a problem I have that covered, See you shortly." Kit raised his hand as to end the call and receive the coordinates to the fueling depot when Dan spoke.

"I know your in a rush but, when your matters are settled, I would like to request your services here on harvest. You are still a Bounty Hunter are you not. We can talk about it when you get here." Dan took another tug off his puree before closing the vid and sending the info.

Location: Kits Quarters
by Kitsune
Fri Oct 06, 2017 2:50 am
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)
Replies: 70
Views: 14412

Re: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)

Location: Outside cockpit.

Kitsune noticed movement ahead of him, causing him to pause a moment, his mind focusing on his surroundings now.

after that brief momentary pause he continued on to the cockpit. He knocked on the frame of the hatch as he entered. "Knock Knock anyone seen Timmy?" he said as to cover all points of conversation on this matter. "Hes not at his post nor anywhere on the ship that I can find."

He waited for the three to reply.

TAG: Teddy, Elly, Liam
by Kitsune
Sun Oct 01, 2017 6:56 am
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)
Replies: 70
Views: 14412

Re: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)

Location: Outside of Ellie's quarters.

Lost in thought about where Timmy might be, as they were on a ship in space, so literally no place to go. His thought drifted towards perhaps he's with the captain.

Lost in total thought kit was awaken from his fug state by a voice

"Something I can do for you?" Graham asked.

"OH! sorry didn't see you there, Yea any idea where the captain is?" replying, as he did though he heard voices from the cockpit. "Never Mind" he started walking to the cockpit. "Oh and I almost forgot if your hungry there is stuffed quail in the galley, enough for everyone" saying it over his shoulder. his mind still trying to solve the puzzle of that odd boy Timmy.

by Kitsune
Sun Oct 01, 2017 12:37 am
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)
Replies: 70
Views: 14412

Re: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)

Location: Hatchway to the bridge.

Kit headed to the cockpit with Liam. The idea of stopping off at harvest was interesting. Agricultural planets were the best. they had the best produced and meats, fresh and quality. But the Black markets there were better, well stocked, because trading for fresh foods and herbs always has a market it this universe, almost like a core world but with less Law. Perhaps he might even find something like real Butter, Lobster or fresh milk.

"That's good. that's real good." said low

Patting him on the shoulder as he turned to head back to the galley to grab another plate for Timmy.

Once he had the plate he headed for the engine room.

"Hey Tim, I brought Dinner" as he knocked on the side of the wall.

There was no response. "Tim?" looking around inside. The hairs on the back of his began to stand up and instinctively he covered him bum and spun around. "Tim" he said warily.

If he was being stalked, Timmy was very good at it. However it didn't seem like this to Kit, something was off something was different. it felt like Tim was leaving work undone and that didn't seem right.

After a few more minutes of searching kit left the food and headed to search the rest of the ship. The search to a while but he could not find Tim anywhere.

"Well this doesn't seem right, better ask the Captain" Kit said to him self. heading toward the captains quarters.

Location: Outside the Captains room
by Kitsune
Sat Sep 09, 2017 9:28 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)
Replies: 70
Views: 14412

Re: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)

Location: Jenny's Kitchen.

Chris began prepping tonight's meal. Taking out the ingredients, a few small pheasants, (Quail) Cabbage, Rice, eggs, Onions, Canned Ground Chicken, Salt, Black Pepper, Butter, a carton of Cream, a bottle of Milk, Sugar, Honey, Soy Sauce, a bottle of Red Wine, a bottle of Madeira Wine and a carton of veal stock.

He starts by preparing a risotto. using chopped onions, rice, cream, veal stock, egg, (made extra creamy by milk and butter), then slowing adding in ground chicken. He then begins to boil the cabbage in saltwater till its malleable. while it boiled he poaches some eggs too place on the side of the dish. on the back heater he had a sauce going of the wines honey, soy sauce and some sugar.

once all the items were ready, Chris placed the risotto inside the cabbage leafs as a sort of container and placed the whole package inside the quail. He then began to sear the quail in oil to make the skin crispy before he baked it.

They had just left port so everyone still doing their own thing for right now, so gathering up to eat probably was not going to be possible. "Oh well" he thought but he could still bring these dishes to them.

"Hope I get all the dishes back tonight, I would hate to be a few plates and utensils short for tomorrow." pulling out plates, sharp knives and forks enough for the crew. He placed on egg and risotto stuffed quail and two poached eggs on each place and a light coating of the sauce over top. "Now where is everyone."

He knew where Low was common since he was in the cockpit.

Grabbing one plate and utensils he headed to the cockpit.


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