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by S~V~S
Thu May 26, 2016 9:36 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199734

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Six

Drum, read what I wrote please. About the glowy metallic personage. Geez, think about it. Dex did not want to specify for fear.I don;t want to specify for fear. If the next time you see me I am cursed to speak Swahili or whatever, you did that to me ;)

Have a fun night folks.

Linki @ Epi,it was a guess :shrug2:
by S~V~S
Thu May 26, 2016 9:30 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199734

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Six

Because your suspicions are way off base? That is usually the best reason not to kill someone who is widely trusted.
by S~V~S
Thu May 26, 2016 9:24 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199734

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Six

DrumBeats wrote:
Matt wrote:
S~V~S wrote:Ah but you need to go back and read how I replied to that post of BRs you quoted, Rabbit. I DID think all cylons were bad at the start of the game. I never saw this show. No one made any mention of potential civ cylons until after Epi was rezzed that I can recall.
I did. :biggrin:

Specifically listed Athena too, as I recall.

3J asked why I believe Wilgy is a confirmed civvie...I don't. But Dex (and maybe someone else, I think it was Rico who said I was on drugs) asked me to read the rest of the thread before I do that, so I thought maybe he became one.

Yeah, he's definitely not. Basically my understand of things is that Dex provided very solid reasoning as to why we likely have two more civ cylons other than Epig, Cap Six and Leo. However, I have seen nothing that points to Wilgy being one of them.
Did you go back in Wilgys posts and look for what Dex said to look for? You should make the effort,imo.

If Glorfindel claims, and if the votes stay as they are, Zeebbit is gonna die, and I don't think he is bad. And I want to go to bed, so I gotta vote now.

So as a counterwagon, I am gonna vote sig as a just in case Glorf claims, since a few days ago everyone thought he was bad, and he has dropped way down since then, and I think him more likely to be bad than Rabbit, Wilgy or OA, the other people with votes.

Linki @Drum, maybe Dex is reluctant to talk about it becasue there may be certain things a certain glowy yellow metallic personage may not want him to say. Maybe think about that.

*voting sig*
by S~V~S
Thu May 26, 2016 7:28 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199734

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Six

insertnamehere wrote:Somewhere around page 25 in the catch-up that I probably won't ever finish.

For a lack of knowledge or better ideas, I'm gonna honor my predecessor's vote and stick with Glorfindel.
Never mind, I just found this.
by S~V~S
Thu May 26, 2016 7:27 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199734

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Six

INH, for where you are caught up to, do you agree with Silvers vote on Glorfindel?
by S~V~S
Thu May 26, 2016 5:17 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199734

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Six

insertnamehere wrote:so there's like 160 pages here

would anyone be super nice and give me some basic cliffnotes?
Up your PPP count; I only have 108 pages. Seems more manageable.

Linki, Skim the avatars on each new page before reading it, if a page is all the same two people,feel free skim those pages.We have had a lot of that in this game. Otherwise, this game can't really be cliff noted.
by S~V~S
Thu May 26, 2016 5:03 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199734

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Six

rabbit8 wrote:
You defend SVS a lot. And Zeebs. I had to rethink SVS a lot going over your posts and fucking A, I think SVS might actually be a civvie.

Expect that, SVS?
by S~V~S
Thu May 26, 2016 4:39 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199734

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Six

Matt wrote:
S~V~S wrote:
Vompatti wrote:So say we all. :beer:

I thought we already sunk all the Cylon Battleships?
I immediately saw this post from Vomps and started laughing at his silliness.

And I'm wondering why SVS responded to it so seriously. Hrm.

SVS is actually one of my topsie civ reads based on "other stuff" but her game thread speak has given me the heebies.

Also, I have to take a break for about an hour pretty soon, then I'll only have an hour left or so after that before work, and I'm still about 8 or 9 pages behind.

I'm trying!

Right now, I'm leaning on a Wilgy vote because I'm not a fan that he didn't claim until the bitter end of the last day phase. Also, did he officially claim that day? Epi said something about "10:02 eastern", I'm still not entirely sure if Wilgy made his claim before or after the phase was over.
Welcme Back!

I like talking to Vomps. I find him charming.

Welcome INH,it's old home week allover again, I am probably going to vote Glorfindel, but want to read back on today.

Linki, Image
by S~V~S
Thu May 26, 2016 7:03 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199734

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Six

Vompatti wrote:
Glorfindel wrote:I personally believe that there are some things more important than winning a Mafia game.
You don't seem very motivated. :ponder:

I'm Keanu Reeves.
Keanu Reeves is supposed to be a very nice man. And no, he does not seem very motivated.

So essentially, Glorfindel, you suspect G Man cause he's a meanie?

Sorry to say Glorfindel, but that just moved you up my list. Like to the top of my list, tbh. For me it was sig or you, and you really only cause I trust Silvers read here, but now it is you, and sig if you claim.

I can wait towards the end to vote, though, if there is a claim. Glorfindel did not claim yet, did he?

@JJJ, where it started for BR is when Epi was lynched, I said something like, "OMG he's a rezzed baddie?" and she said, rather sharply, "Why did you say that?". That remark of mine pinged her, and tbh her quick question is the main reason I think she is a civ, and have thought so all game. Bad BR would never do that imo. That was Day 1 that we lunched Epi, right? So she has had at least some level of suspicion of me pretty much the entire game. It just came to a head during the Cain thing.

Linki, why shouldn't Epi keep his claim?
by S~V~S
Wed May 25, 2016 8:12 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199734

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Six

rabbit8 wrote:
S~V~S wrote:Like I said, I never saw it. And I am not the only one. So please show these posts to the other people that thought that as well. Once it was directly explained to me, I got it.

I know you did. I think you saw those posts. I will get into more of your posts later. This is only beginning. :feb:
I expected it :D
by S~V~S
Wed May 25, 2016 7:30 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199734

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Six

Like I said, I never saw it. And I am not the only one. So please show these posts to the other people that thought that as well. Once it was directly explained to me, I got it.
by S~V~S
Wed May 25, 2016 5:59 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199734

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Six

And this is the post I was working on when I saw the host post. BBL, moderation calls.
G-Man wrote:
S~V~S wrote:
G-Man wrote:So say we all. (A lot of posts from Golden back there. Thought I'd throw that in for insurance)
Epignosis wrote:
Polo wrote:Glorfindel's posts seem to be full of words but devoid of content.
I'd use a stronger verb than "seem."
I hear you.

As for Black Rock, I'm curious to hear more from her. Any time an accuser goes back a long way with the accused, I can't help but perk my ears up. It happened after SVS seemed to waffle on one or two stances.

DrumBeats fell out of my civ reads for his bizarre advocation to put Nero ahead of LoRab Day 3. That defied the whole purpose of squeezing a claim out of LoRab while she was on top.

I think 'nonconfirmed Cylon' might mean a Cylon of undetermined alignment. That would be my guess at least. And to be picky, it should be 'unconfirmed' and not 'nonconfirmed.' I can see your angle on putting Polo in a lose-lose situation. Drum feels quiet overall, probably because he disappears for longish stretches of time. I'm not really one to condemn anyone for that though.

Linki: :ponder:
What did I waffle on? And I also would like to hear more from BR, I think she may have misunderstood something I said to be snide (and I can see why) when I did not intend it that way, and whether she thinks I am bad or not, I hope she is not staying away becasue of me.
According to my last read on you:
G-Man wrote:S~V~S- She drops from a civ read due to what I see as backpedaling on the claim issue. She seemed very much in favor about everyone claiming initially but as holdouts emerged and continue to hold out the past two game days, her stance has softened because pressuring people to claim seems too 1984-ish. Her angle on taking out Cain before Cavil strikes me as odd because Cavil's part of a team, which can be rooted out, while Cain is one player, an indy most likely. It's not impossible to find Cain but it's a harder process that may take more time than we have available if we do need both Cavil and Cain dead. She still has a few reads that mesh with mine though, which counts for something. Her insistence that Long Con is Cain is something I'm still trying to wrap my head around.
And we had a realllly good idea of who Cain was, and I thought he was a bad indy, and I still think that. Anyone who makes it harder for ciovvies to win is bad in my book. And apparently there are as many good cylons as bad ones, so how can a role that wants ALL cylons dead to win be protown?

If anyone had had as strong as idea who Cavil was as we did of who Cain was, I would have been gung ho, but we didn't. And a baddie in the hand is worth two in the bush. I don't see why this is bad behavior, any more than I see how thinking cylons are all bad on day one is bad behavior, either.

And I don't see how favoring everyone claiming is the same as forcing people to claim via lynching them. What if they are not cylons? Or what if they are a good cylon? I very much dislike it when the same two people kept harping on that, like it was a litmus test. If people do it, I feel better about them. If they don't they don't.

Again,not seeing how this is bad.

I do agree with you about Drum, he seemed to have changed his activity level & demeanor, maybe Matts recruiting theory could be right?
Dex wrote:The Defence of DrWilgy

I'm going to try this one last time before the votes start to fall in earnest

1. I am as certain that Wilgs is a civ cylon as I was the LC was Cain. You'll recall that I pushed hard for an LC lynch. Now that Cain is dead, everyone's life is better. Particularly civ cylons.

2. My belief that Wilgs is a civ cylon is not a hunch or gut-based. It is a logical deduction that follows from his posts. The only question is rather or not Wilgs was being honest. I think in context its quite apparent he was. I'd say he's been perfectly honest ever since he declared.

3. For those posting that Wilgs can't be a civ cylon because Caprica 6 is the last one and the math doesn't work, you are incorrect. Leoben is also a civ cylon.

A. He sided against Cavil in the cylon rebellion, along with D'Anna, Caprica 6, and Athena. He also aids Roslin during Gaeta's mutiny, and has a Starbuck connection. He is not part of the Cavil clique, group, faction, or whatever you want to call it.
B. It makes more sense in terms of game balance that this role be civ.

Since Wilgy never claimed to be Caprica 6 and has frequently pointed this out, I'm guessing he is Leoben. The only people with an interest in killing Leoben are Cavil's faction and any humans who still want to kill all cylons.
I agree that the post I *THINK* you are talking about seems one without artifice. It seems to me that he just said it without thinking much of it, which is kind of why it feels real.
rabbit8 wrote:Did anyone actually capture the polls or am I supposed to make a fraking vote list myself? Because I hate that shit...

Day 2 and 3 done.
You're gone for a few months and all the jargon changes lol.
DrWilgy wrote:ObsureAllure

If Glorf claims and negates a lynch on him, I wouldn't mind OA or Sig being in second (or being in first for that matter). I don't know where BR is, but I feel like I can give her benefit of the doubt when compared to OA (who has been here and posting, just choosing to ignore me).

I think BR is a civ, and I am not sure I think OA is bad, really. I trust her so far. But I can agree re sig.
by S~V~S
Wed May 25, 2016 5:58 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199734

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Six

rabbit8 wrote:
S~V~S wrote:Ah but you need to go back and read how I replied to that post of BRs you quoted, Rabbit. I DID think all cylons were bad at the start of the game. I never saw this show. No one made any mention of potential civ cylons until after Epi was rezzed that I can recall.

But about what I expected, Bugs :p

Just got home,reading back to this AM.

Matt wrote:Btw, in the show, the Final Five were actually good guys who still fought the Cylons after finding out who they really were. I don't know what impact that will have in the game, but just sayin'.
Matt wrote:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:Matt, do you genuinely suspect Scotty?
Well it's a little early, but I was pinged by it. But that's probably my paranoia and I'd be saying that about anyone who solved it.

As for the Final Five thing, I was thinking about the show, and realized that there's potentially one of the Final Five who could turn scum. Without giving too much away about the show, there is one of the Final Five who absolutely deserved to die and...did. :)
Matt wrote:
Ricochet wrote:
Matt wrote:You got a read on me yet Rico?
I have a policy lynch, if it would please you, instead. :nicenod:
Can't get rid of me that easy, but k. :shifty:

Anyway, looking over the Cylon roles...some of them have different colored names. I wonder if the Cylons are split into two btsc teams.

Weird, tho, because both Sharons, Athena and Boomer, are the same color, but I would imagine they wouldn't be on the same team because they were quite opposite in the show.

Boomer started off thinking she was human, but ended up taking on the Cylon cause. Athena knew she was a Cylon from the get go, but then rebelled against them and fought with the humans. I'm starting to wonder if the bad guys solely consist of Cylons or if some of the humans are Mafia, as well.
Should I go on?
The first few posts were about the final five, who I am assuming have not been triggered yet. I meant Cylons 1-8. And the last post you quote says "Maybe 2 BTS Teams" NOT that any of them might be civvies. And that post from someone who seems to know alot about the show.

So yeah, keep going, lol.

Also feel better Golden :hugs:
by S~V~S
Wed May 25, 2016 5:30 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199734

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Six

Ah but you need to go back and read how I replied to that post of BRs you quoted, Rabbit. I DID think all cylons were bad at the start of the game. I never saw this show. No one made any mention of potential civ cylons until after Epi was rezzed that I can recall.

But about what I expected, Bugs :p

Just got home,reading back to this AM.
by S~V~S
Wed May 25, 2016 7:31 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199734

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Six

Have I not said like umpteen times that you sound exactly the same to me? I have been avoiding discussing you as much as possible becasue I felt that I was behind you leaving Mafia after the last game, and to me, you sound just like that. So not sure why you are making frowny face at me here.

I do not trust my own opinion on you, so I am turning to the opinions of people I do trust.
by S~V~S
Wed May 25, 2016 7:25 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199734

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Six

Hrm, that first quote should have been from Sokoth, not Silver, the "Huh" not sure how I did that.
by S~V~S
Wed May 25, 2016 7:23 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199734

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Six

Silverwolf wrote:
S~V~S (F) - Huh?
G-Man wrote:So say we all. (A lot of posts from Golden back there. Thought I'd throw that in for insurance)
Epignosis wrote:
Polo wrote:Glorfindel's posts seem to be full of words but devoid of content.
I'd use a stronger verb than "seem."
I hear you.

As for Black Rock, I'm curious to hear more from her. Any time an accuser goes back a long way with the accused, I can't help but perk my ears up. It happened after SVS seemed to waffle on one or two stances.

DrumBeats fell out of my civ reads for his bizarre advocation to put Nero ahead of LoRab Day 3. That defied the whole purpose of squeezing a claim out of LoRab while she was on top.

I think 'nonconfirmed Cylon' might mean a Cylon of undetermined alignment. That would be my guess at least. And to be picky, it should be 'unconfirmed' and not 'nonconfirmed.' I can see your angle on putting Polo in a lose-lose situation. Drum feels quiet overall, probably because he disappears for longish stretches of time. I'm not really one to condemn anyone for that though.

Linki: :ponder:
What did I waffle on? And I also would like to hear more from BR, I think she may have misunderstood something I said to be snide (and I can see why) when I did not intend it that way, and whether she thinks I am bad or not, I hope she is not staying away becasue of me.
Epignosis wrote:
Glorfindel wrote:
sig wrote:@Glorfindel you came in, made a post then poof. :(

Current thoughts on the game?
So Say We All

Yeah, I thought it was important to check in (without reading the rules carefully first) - nothing like starting the game screwed from your first post... :mad:

From what I (skim) read I feel happy so far about Zebs (I wonder if I've developed some skill in reading her now given our rocky start). There's a lot of players here I've not encountered before which is something of a challenge. I thought Matt's remark about the different coloured font in the profiles of our Cylon friends was interesting. I'd not noticed that's til he mentioned it. What if anything that is indicative of I have absolutely no clue. I notice my friend IAWY hasn't posted yet :(

Oh, and congratulations on the Ambassador thing. To be honest, this site has no more passionate and insistent promoter than you.
This is Glorfindel's second post.

If you begin with zebra's post prior to this:
a2thezebra wrote:I find it most unusual.
...and if you work backwards, you will see that there is no basis in the thread for Glorfindel to think zebra is good or to even think he has developed some special skill involving zebra.

I bring this up because zebra adamantly defended Glorfindel, and there's no way Glorfindel has enough experience with a2thezebra to have that puzzle solved Day 1.
I am not sure what you are getting at here (not sarcasm, I honestly don't understand it). I think Zeebs was a civ; I think when she is civ she cares less what people think and just says what comes to mind. I base this on prior games not this one. Are you only talking about this game, or reads in general?

In any case, having read back on Wilgy with an eye for topics that the host may not like discussing, I think I get what Dex meant, I won't be voting for Wilgy today. Will probably go for Glorfindel; while he looks pretty much the same to me as the last game we played, someone I trust has a strong opinion there, so I am inclined to trust that. Unless he claims. Or sig. He has dropped way down in the face of the Wilgy & Glorfindel suspicions;he is one of the top third posters, but his last post was: Tue May 24, 2016 10:51:00 am,
sig wrote:@Drum why should I be lynched?
But if Glorfindel does claim, we need to think about seconds. I will be around tonight.

Looking forward to Rabbit accusing me, that's always fun.

Linki @Glorfindel, are you gonna claim?
by S~V~S
Tue May 24, 2016 7:38 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199734

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Six

Welcome Bunny Boy.

I just mostly skimmed today, lots of esoteric kind of arguments. Time to read back.
by S~V~S
Tue May 24, 2016 6:16 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199734

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Six

Vompatti wrote:So say we all. :beer:

I thought we already sunk all the Cylon Battleships?
by S~V~S
Tue May 24, 2016 6:08 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199734

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Six

a2thezebra wrote:
G-Man wrote:A2thezebra, what I gather from your posts is that you have jack on either Glorfindel or Wilgy and are merely stating your opinions as facts, which is lazy at best.
Gather what you will but that's a load of bullshit and you know it. I have not once claimed that anything I have said in this thread is factually true, and I have no given reason for anyone to believe that I desire to give off that impression. If you have an issue with my play style take it up with the mods please, I'm not adjusting it because you think it's "lazy at best" give me a fucking break.
As a mod, I am gonna say I disagree here. Playstyle critique is a way to gauge suspicion. If I am modding a game, and someone complains to me about a playstyle that is NOT mean or disrespectful, I tell them to pound dirt (very politely & nicely).

HOWEVER, also as a game mod (putting on mod hat)


Lets all take a deep breath. No need to call each other names. You are all super smart people. Let's respect each other :) Let's try to be more like Glorfindel, my friends.

Crazy day at work, time to catch up.
by S~V~S
Tue May 24, 2016 10:05 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199734

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Six

So say we all. Just in case.

I think I maybe see what comment Wilgy made that Dex was referring to. So I will continue to defer to Dex on this. I still feel pretty much the same about sig. I am not understanding why anyone thinks Zeebs is bad. I felt that Glorfindel sounded exactly the same as when he was a civ; G Mans case was somewhat subjective, but Silvers hard push for him out of the gate today makes me want to take a harder look.
bea wrote:
Black Rock wrote:
Epignosis wrote:Black Rock! I want an update on S~V~S and your accusation of her. What say you?
Sorry, I just spent the last 10 mins screaming at the top of my lungs at my selfish 17 year old. I think LC thinks I went insane.

I do need to get back on that track and expand on SVS. Really a lot of my thoughts are when she first came into the game she seemed to be Anti-Cylon. Like she thought it was the "in" thing. Then when a consensus came in that you were not evil she seemed to jump on the Cylon train. It just seems way to convenient and opportunistic. Which is words I would use to describe Mafia. I also do not trust any other listed Cylons. If the final five are like the final five of the show then I'm not too worried. I really don't know half the shit that's going on. I am with the humans (with the exception of your role), I do not trust Cylons.

I feel like I just did a tangent. My brain is filled with rage. Anyways SVS = opportunistic = no trust.

Although Black Rock =\= trusting Cylons is likely I will vote Dr Wilgy first. I do need to finish my catch up though.

Please show me exactly where svs was opportunistic
I am interested in seeing this as well. I think that LC was pro human, which is not the same as pro town.

Also re being anti cylon at the beginning, well yeah. I grew up with original BSG, where all the cylons WERE bad, and had never seen this version. Once I started listening to people and reading the wikis, I realized it was not so black & white. This is a huge part of the reason why I thought LC was not playing for the town, just for the humans. So lack of topic knowledge =/= convenient or opportunistic.

Linki, this is a good question. We need a consensus back up candidate just in case he does claim.
by S~V~S
Mon May 23, 2016 7:49 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199734

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night Five

a2thezebra wrote:You would be mistaken. I'm positive that you've been lurking deliberately to avoid suspicious spotlight.
No. Vompatti is not a baddie. I will bet all of my winnings from being right about LC on it :slick:
by S~V~S
Mon May 23, 2016 3:56 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199734

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night Five

Thanks, and yeah I knew what you have had opinions on since you started taking suspish, lol.

Based on what he said, I think there is primarily one topic to which his insight may have applied. So I will look for it when I get home. Had you known what he meant it might have made it easier to find since that might imply you intentionally said it for emphasis.
by S~V~S
Mon May 23, 2016 3:35 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199734

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night Five

EBWOP, I am not asking you to say it, I am just looking for yes or no.
by S~V~S
Mon May 23, 2016 3:33 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199734

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night Five

Just a quick question, though; do you know to what Dex was referring when he said he saw something in your posts? If you addressed this already, I am sorry, I missed it. I have a few ideas what it could be, and I was going to go look for it tonight when I am not at work.
by S~V~S
Mon May 23, 2016 3:29 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199734

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night Five

I think it is a valid reasoning, even if you do not. Even in games where you are using alternative playstyles, you still show up and tend to be somewhat of a thread leader rather than otherwise. It seems to me that you were wallflowering to me :shrug2: My reasoning is my reasoning, and I am sorry it displeases you, but it works for me.

And even having read every post you made up until you started taking votes just this weekend, I don't recall a single opinion you have held.

I have also said that I am going to take Dex' word for whatever he saw, but I am also not going to apologize for or backpedal from how I felt before the lynch. So can you please dial back the aggression a tad?
by S~V~S
Mon May 23, 2016 1:44 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199734

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night Five

Dex wrote:
S~V~S wrote:Have you read his ISO before he came under fire and actually started playing the game? I hope you are not basing all of this on associative evidence, like the bolded above, as opposed to thread based evidence (Wilgy acting as sketchy as all hell). Now he is acting all indignant as if he were confirmed civilian, and you are saying you will suspect people for suspecting him?

I am inclined to trust you on this since this is very much something I do myself, but please keep the saber rattling down since you aren't defending someone who was acting like a model citizen.
I am not basing this on associative evidence. I was willing to vote Wilgy in the spirit of fostering civ cooperation before I decided to go all Cain mutiny instead. I am not defending Wilgy's playstyle. But after the lynch post, I saw that he was telling the truth.
Silverwolf wrote:Dex-My problem is that you are assuming that Wilgy is one of the good ones. Your reasons are vague and can't talk about it and asking people to trust you. This isn't good enough for me. I need to know why, outside of something you can't say, he's a good cylon. If I was a bad cylon, my tactic would be to try to convince everyone I'm good. I'd start acting like it by hunting people immediately to get the focus on others. Wilgy has been better since he claimed but he waited until the last minute to do so. We are lucky this interference in the lynch turned out the way it did and not the way it would have in the Nero/LoRab situation. I don't know the lore like the rest of you. My play is based on scumhunting like I always do. Like I said, I'm willing to go along with their being non-Cavil cylons and leaving them alone, but I don't know if Wilgy is one of those or one of the Cavil ones and if he's one of the Cavil ones, I want him gone.
I get that Silver. I am only assuming that Wilgy is one of the good ones in the same sense I was assuming LC was Cain. The evidence is in-thread. I understand that you can't just take my word for it and that not being able to be specific about it is really unsatisfactory. You've got to go by your gut.
Fine, you believe he is telling the truth, for mystery reasons you can't share. I get it, and I am willing to trust you. That is not my problem.

My problem is you trying to imply that other people finding him suspicious BEFORE THE LYNCH without benefit of your mystery reason are themselves suspicious. Do you see the distinction I am making?

@Wilgy, I made one or two posts about it, but for me it was your entire game. You seemed disinterested and uninvolved UNTIL you were being lynched. While I can't expect civ Wilgy to be the civ Wilgy from Recruitment in every game, I can expect to see flashes of that guy. I saw no flashes. So my interpretation of you as sketchy is based more on what didn't happen than on what did happen, if that makes sense.
by S~V~S
Mon May 23, 2016 1:11 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night Five

Dex wrote:
Spacedaisy wrote:You can say it looks however you like. I definitely human and I am not mafia. Additionally, I believe that there is a high likelihood that win cons are fluid for various roles based on events and time in the game. Yep those two may have a win con that might be conducive with the humans, but can you say based on their earlier actions in the series that they are civilian aligned? I can't. I'm not inclined to trust them easily. I would trust Athena right now, and that is about it. This game is designed with a lot of gray area I think. Anyway Wilgy has made a request and I'll look into it, if not tonight then tomorrow. I don't feel anymore trusting of sig than others do, so we will see if it changes my mind about who to give my vote to next.
It's a mistake to limit our consideration of cylon alignment to their behavior in the show alone; there's also game balance to consider. Back before I subbed in 3J established that 20:8:1 was hardly balanced. Then people grudingly accepted that maybe Athena was civ friendly; is 21:7:1 all that different? What number of BTSC cylons do we find reasonable? We shouldn't be looking at Leoben, say, in terms of "At this point in the show he was truly evil, but at that point in the show he was anti-Cavil, so who knows?" We should be looking at Leoben in terms of how many non-BTSC cylons do we think there are, and, given that number, who, according to the lore might they be?

Again, in my opinion, the cylon rebellion simply hands us the answer. Four for Cavil's BTSC faction (three remain) and three or four for the anti-Cavil faction (depending on whether Caprica 6 is an Indy or not). Given the rez-ship advantage and the x-factor of the Final Five, this sounds about right to me.

We've been uncannily good at uncovering non-BTSC cylons. Epi right off the bat, then LoRab, now Wilgy. And so soon as we do, the BTSC cylons pile on. We have to stop treating anti-Cavil cylons as second class civs. Who knows what LoRabs power was? Maybe we are sorely hampered without it.

I'm looking at players who kept pushing for an Epi lynch even after he flipped Athena. I'm really looking at players who just complacently gave in to martial law - "Well, Epi might be good, LoRab might be good, but all cylons must die, whaddya gonna do?" I'm looking at players who jumped at the LoRab bandwagon, and I'll be looking at players pushing hard for Wilgy.

After doing an ISO on you, Daisy, I see that you do not fit this criteria. So I'll just ask you to trust me on Wilgy.
Have you read his ISO before he came under fire and actually started playing the game? I hope you are not basing all of this on associative evidence, like the bolded above, as opposed to thread based evidence (Wilgy acting as sketchy as all hell). Now he is acting all indignant as if he were confirmed civilian, and you are saying you will suspect people for suspecting him?

I am inclined to trust you on this since this is very much something I do myself, but please keep the saber rattling down since you aren't defending someone who was acting like a model citizen.
by S~V~S
Mon May 23, 2016 12:53 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night Five

Metalmarsh89 wrote:
S~V~S wrote:I was ignoring the Cain imposed restrictions; I thought he was bad becasue of the way he was acting :shrug2:
So now Cain is in time-out.
I was talking about Wilgy when I said : "I thought he was bad becasue of the way he was acting". My vote for him had nothing to do with him being a Cylon and Cains "All Cylons Must Die" directive was the point. I was not talking about Cain.
by S~V~S
Mon May 23, 2016 12:15 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night Five

I was ignoring the Cain imposed restrictions; I thought he was bad becasue of the way he was acting :shrug2:
by S~V~S
Mon May 23, 2016 10:27 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night Five

Metalmarsh89 wrote:
S~V~S wrote:@Rico, I did not go through with it becasue LC has this knack for making me feel like an idiot. **I DO NOT THINK HE DOES IT INTENTIONALLY**, it is definitely me, not him, but this is how I react to him and always have, not sure why. Maybe because I do respect him tons as a player of the top tier, and in general, his opinion of me matters to me. SO I am very very susceptible to scorn/sarco/etc. from him. When I feel stupid I back off. It is a problem I also have IRL. It is the same reason I have issues with a few other people, but in any case, it is why I backed down from him here.

And @Dex, OK, as someone who flies off of my gut, I can respect that. But he really was not sounding town before the lynch, imo.
I think LC tends speaks in a calculated manner, which is why I always think he is evil.
Perhaps, but I was addressing my specific reactions, in that historically, I tend to back down from LC. As I said, it is me, not him, 100%. And while I know I am far from a stupid woman, I tend to feel that way when LC takes a certain tone with me. This is my failing, not LCs. Now that the last few games have made me aware of it, I hope to deal with it better in the future.
by S~V~S
Mon May 23, 2016 9:49 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night Five

@Rico, I did not go through with it becasue LC has this knack for making me feel like an idiot. **I DO NOT THINK HE DOES IT INTENTIONALLY**, it is definitely me, not him, but this is how I react to him and always have, not sure why. Maybe because I do respect him tons as a player of the top tier, and in general, his opinion of me matters to me. SO I am very very susceptible to scorn/sarco/etc. from him. When I feel stupid I back off. It is a problem I also have IRL. It is the same reason I have issues with a few other people, but in any case, it is why I backed down from him here.

And @Dex, OK, as someone who flies off of my gut, I can respect that. But he really was not sounding town before the lynch, imo.
by S~V~S
Mon May 23, 2016 9:06 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night Five

Dex wrote:
I have no idea what his role is, but I'm certain he's in the anti-Cavil faction. Again, it's NOT for no reason. This is no whim.
I would like to hear the reason, becasue I specifically feel he is bad. He stepped up to the plate to defend himself, but before that, he was *not* town Wilgy, imo.

Certain tends to mean "info"; that is why when I was certain about LC, I clarified it that I did NOT have info. I assume you are not implying this. But I want you to clarify this. I DO trust you, but just becasue you are a civ does not mean you are correct.

If you have a reason, I would like to hear it.
by S~V~S
Mon May 23, 2016 8:54 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night Five

Glorfindel wrote:The fact that DrWilgy turned out to be a Cylon doesn't really surprise me but I think there is a significant difference between a good Cylon and a bad Cylon and I personally hold the view that the latter are a minority. I too am reassessing my thoughts on him but I wouldn't consider lynching him on his species alone. May I ask S-V-S - what it was specifically about his behaviour that struck you as 'bad'?
His total lack of engagement as compared to other games where he was a civ.
by S~V~S
Mon May 23, 2016 7:04 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night Five

Bye LC, I still think Cain was bad news for the civs. I was waiting to see (hopefully) just what exactly LC did other than declaring Martial law. I had thought that perhaps LC insanified Rico, the insanifier seemed more insane than it used to be, and LC is the inventor. But simple insanifying seems a bit tame for the super secret secret role, so perhaps I am OK not having found out.

Civs are mostly human, but not all, it seems. So someones strategy of having an unclaimed person as first lynch,and a prior claimer as back up seemed to have worked :)

Now that Wilgy is taking the game seriously, I will reassess him. I still think he sounded "bad" prior to becoming a lynch candidate,not just "cylon", but specifically bad.
by S~V~S
Sun May 22, 2016 7:42 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Five

Long Con wrote:
Dex wrote:
S~V~S wrote:This is a good point this has to mean SOMETHING for game purposes, or Golden would not have done it. Kind of like why I think Cain is not just another civvie as LC would have us believe; why havea super secret role thatis just another civvie? Golden has put an insane amount of thought (and I do mean insane, Golden, you need help) into this game. Those locations mean something. Canon people, any ideas?
There's a chance the Galactica will be destroyed in a Cylon attack. I'm not sure there's any more significance regarding location than that.
I agree with this. I think that further speculation on this is as useful as trying to figure out who Cavil might be able to recruit. As of now, the only thing one's presence on Galactica affects is Cylon attacks... which we haven't even seen yet. We don't even know if it is a triggered event, a planned event, or a Cylon-chosen event.

I've been looking over Wilgy's posts to see if he's someone I want to vote for. His accusation of OA over a "slip" that I don't think looks too sliplike doesn't look very good on him. He's pretty light on content - I just played as a baddie against Civ Wilgy, and he was this other person, a keen-minded detective that was figuring out all my schemes while I chuckled nervously and denied it. I would be willing to follow you on a Wilgy vote as you ask, S~V~S.

*Votes Dr Wilgy*
by S~V~S
Sun May 22, 2016 12:58 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Five

The insanifier seems more insane that it used to seem. I recall being able to at least kind of decipher it, but not it is totally incomprehensible :confused2:

Poor Rico. I look forward to hearing what he has to say when he is able to say it. Glorfindel sounds pretty much exactly the same to me as he did the last two games I went hard for him, and he was a civ. I also agree with him about IAWY/Wilgy.

I am going to resume my Wilgy reread. As of now, it is still either him or LC for me. I am trying to recall if Wilgy was blendier in the GoC game; I seem to recall that he was. I tend to think of Wilgy as being more present and a voice in the thread when he is civ, although his recent experimental playstyles have fuzzed his meta, which I suppose is the point of experimental playstyles.
a2thezebra wrote:Do you honestly think that that's all that means? That Golden would go to the trouble of making that distinction for every character if it didn't have a major effect on the game? Yeah sure, he might as well have adjusted the size of the font based on the characters' height, like just for shits and giggles you know. It's not like it could possibly mean something more relevant to the direction the game is going or anything. :sigh:
This is a good point this has to mean SOMETHING for game purposes, or Golden would not have done it. Kind of like why I think Cain is not just another civvie as LC would have us believe; why havea super secret role thatis just another civvie? Golden has put an insane amount of thought (and I do mean insane, Golden, you need help) into this game. Those locations mean something. Canon people, any ideas?
by S~V~S
Sat May 21, 2016 6:48 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
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Views: 199734

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Five

Depends on the host and the role;some hosts tell you who targeted you. I did not think so in this game, but it was worth asking.
by S~V~S
Sat May 21, 2016 6:43 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
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Views: 199734

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Five

Ricochet wrote:
Matt wrote:Btw townies, don't let the two possible Cains and Athena herself distract you...

I'd like everyone (or anyone who cares I guess) to give their thoughts on my questions regarding a possible recruit(s?) by Cavil.
I did and you misconstrued what I optimates to say, can I watch episodes of restlessness Office in misclassified now?

Rico, I am NOT asking you to info dump or anything of that nature. I have a yes/no question for you.

Do you know what role targeted you with this (if you are allowed to say; if not totally cool)?

Long Con wrote:
S~V~S wrote:@Daisy, I did not back off. I said I would give him time. I don;t have to vote until the end, or close to it.

:| By "more time", I didn't mean later in the same phase.

Please give me a couple of days, and I promise you I will be able to change your (and everybody else's) minds about me. And you will be satisfied with the result, and glad you gave me the time.

I would have come in here today gunning hard for you, but BR made me feel bad. So I did not. I still think you are an anti-town role. I think you are probably anti-Cavil, but also anti Adama. You are pro-you. This would make you a danger to everyone, not just cylons. But I could be wrong and Golden made his super secret role just another civvie.

One day at a time, lets see how today goes. I think Wilgy is a cylon, and i want to lynch him. But everyone in here is flogging their own agendas. Helpmelynch Wilgy, then i am not lynching you.

linki, I don;t believe that, LC. I think you will throw humans in your way into an airlock (is that the right terminology?).
by S~V~S
Sat May 21, 2016 6:34 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
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Views: 199734

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Five

Matt wrote:SVS, I'm probably wrong but I see you as totes civ this game...

Too bad we can't seem to get on the same page. :disappoint:

What do you think of Sokoth?
I think he sounds very sincere,and totally uncoached. I think if he had teammates, he would be making more efforts to conform. He is couching the game in his own terms, as he understands it. It does not sound like anyone has really explained it to him, other than a very basic explanation. His background is role play, and he is playing this like roleplay. I don't think he has BTS.

Re the recruit thing.Not unlike what LC said, anything is possible. This is certianly possible. But I have not intention of suspecting people based on "possible". I need "probable",and based on canon, I find it unlikely.

Linki @Epi, it also means he is the humans enemy. And more important, the towns enemy.
by S~V~S
Sat May 21, 2016 6:24 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Five

Matt wrote:
Long Con wrote:Linki: Yeah, so basically what Rico said.
I think you were joking haha.

Can't tell for sure, but it looked like Rico said what I was alluding to, that Epi isn't what he appears to be.

Rico, smile for yes, frownface for no.
It looks tome like you are spitballing,tbh. Trying to find reasons to suspect people.

Based on his behavior, I have no reason to think Epi is bad. I have no reason to think the sorties are anything but random.

@Daisy, I did not back off. I said I would give him time. I don;t have to vote until the end, or close to it. I still think the other shoe is going to drop. Golden would not make the secret role a benign kinda-townie role, IMO. The Secret Role is probably very awesome and I am jealous of LC for getting it (presumably & imo). But this role is not just a counterweight to Cavil & Cylons, i would think; it is probably also a counterweight to Adama.

I will be voting for either Wilgy or LC. I think of everyone with votes, Wilgy is sketchy as all fuck, WAY sketchier than OA for sure.
by S~V~S
Sat May 21, 2016 8:15 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Five

IAWYs first game post, Sunday 5/8 at 12:11 AM; IAWY was WIlgys original incarnation.
Inawordyes wrote:So say we all.

I hate to just post and run but I didn't realize the game was starting so soon and I don't have any time to be able to do anything significant. I did read over half of the current posts but I'm stopping here and I'm gonna continue tomorrow.

Quick observations: I've got a town read on Sikverwolf and - and I completely acknowledge that I'm being a hypocrite in thinking this, btw - a slight scum read on Nerolunar. He popped in and out in the same manor I did/am doing, but I have conformation bias on my side to know why I couldn't be here. Was at a family gathering of sorts all day. He just basically said "I can't be here, here's my post, see ya later". It feels like making an excuse not to post, which isn't good for a multitude of reasons and at best is anti-town. I'm also probably overthinking this too haha.

Normally, because I'm used to it culturally, I'd vote him to get him to talk, but I can't do that here because votes, once cast, are permanent (if I read correctly), so I'm gonna put a big FoS on Nero and hopefully he'll say or will have said more stuff.

I should be back tomorrow and able to do more, so feel free to run me into the ground for this post while I'm absent, I expect it to happen because it always does regardless of alignment so I'm not too overly concerned with how I'm coming across. I'm also tired haha, so I just don't quite care in general. :p
IAWYs Third post Wednesday 5/11, 12:11 AM (there was one in between basically saying OMG I am so behind help me glug glug)
Inawordyes wrote:@Silverwolf, Ika

A quick side point, but judging my scum meta to be that I'm a no-show inactive lurker because I couldn't be here for the last game is not a fair assessment to read me as scum in this game just because the same IRL circumstances are playing a part here too. How active I am is not alignment-indicative, especially at the moment where I can't be as active as I used to, and if that's the was the crux of your whole scumread argument on me D1, it's a bad one.
Yeah, the last game he referenced,he was bad in that game.

This is interesting becasue in them he casts suspish on Nero for doing the same thing he did (making excuses for lack of participation), then he defends himself for doing that thing to Silver & Ika. I recalled this second post, I think I even commented on it at the time, since activity levels is very much alignment indicative, for some more than for others.

Then after his needing a replacement was announced, he posted again, throwing out several names, and another emphasizing that he was still posting until he had a replacement so his replacement would not be suspected for his, IAWYs, un-game related absence.

Wilgy subbed in; his first post was "Hi Friends", then he made a "I am NOT reading all these posts, cold I get the cliffnotes" type post, then this:
DrWilgy wrote:
Ricochet wrote:
Epignosis wrote:Scanning...


Mafia team: DrWilgy, Vompatti, MetalMarsh89


Chance of civilian success: 0%
Vompatti would just tell us he's bad and you've been warned about MetalMarsh89 from the very beginning.

That does leave tricksy Wilgy, indeed.
What If I just tell you that I'm bad :P

Hmm... So I read myself... (it's fun because it feels like I experienced amnesia and am now discovering who I am once again) and I'm unsure why you'd get scummy lurky instead of just lurky. IAWY had afew main points to his posts and one of which was his business an inability to keep up. If we could have a detailed discussion to his scumminess to throw me into the game, I'd appreciate it!

Linki - Thanks everyone. Glorf, what of IAWY... or mine would you describe as erratic compared to his normal behavior? I should probably check the player list and past votes now...
Where he basically plays the counterbalance to IAWYs last post, "don't suspect me/my replacement for being lurky"

Then shortly aferwards, he banters a bit with SIlver,
DrWilgy wrote:
Silverwolf wrote:
DrWilgy wrote:
Silverwolf wrote:I think the next time I draw scum on this site, I'll say I'm busy, barely post, say I'm trying to catch up once in awhile, then sit back and laugh as the town continues to defend me for not being here.
I mean... That's what I do.
I'm sure you are not the only one...........
No, I definitely am.
Followed three hours later with his vote, and no mention of what he saw in those past votes he was going to look at. THREE DAYS LATER,his next post.
DrWilgy wrote:*Slithers into sight*
How did we not lynch him before this?

I have to go live life for a few hours, I will be back to finish reading & analyzing my thoughts on Wilgy.

Linki, OH SHIT!!!!

RIP Juliets:(
by S~V~S
Sat May 21, 2016 6:51 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
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Views: 199734

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Five

Matt wrote:
Ricochet wrote:And so the AaronLittleton hunt begins.
I actually wanted to vote you too, and I think more people would be willing to follow that vote tbh, but I don't trust OA in the slightest.

I believe it's convenient that you were "insanified", and I think it's weird you're allowed to talk about only one player. Again, has anyone ever seen insanity work like that before?
Just cause I have never seen it before doesn't mean it can't happen. Every game something I have never seen before happens. That's one of the reasons I keep playing, hosts always amaze me with fresh thoughts.

I think Rico maybe found a loophole or something in a curse?

In any case what is convenient about it? What possible benefit would he get from this?

And Dex, I have complex thoughts on this. I have to walk dog, play with basement kittah and take a shower, and will try to gather said thoughts.
by S~V~S
Fri May 20, 2016 5:50 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
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Views: 199734

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Five

@Dex, who are your top three? Before you subbed in Faraday would have been one of mine, but you are doing a good job of redeeming him.
by S~V~S
Fri May 20, 2016 5:47 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
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Views: 199734

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Five

Dex wrote:
Silverwolf wrote:I'd also still be willing to lynch Long Con. Black Rock's support of him holds some weight and he definitely is showing a lot of effort and not knowing about certain things that'd I'd expect him too seems genuine but I have a bad feeling about him I can't shake.
Is anyone else willing to vote LC? Can I convince you, S~V~S? It might be good to have the most votes on him before the night is half over, to ensure he won't jump the fleet early and all the votes will count. Assuming he's Cain. Which I do.
I said I would give him time,which to me means until the end of the day. If nothing Cain related happens,I can then more to the next day and wait. I would love to lynch him, but he makes be feel bad, and BR makes me feel worse, but when I was trying to push for that,no one else seemed to be hearing what I was saying, or if they were, they did not agree. This is a huge part of the problem the civs have on this site in general; everyone wants to flog their own suspects, and no one is willing to listen to anyone else. We have one guy going on about JJJ, and tbh, that is the worst possible lynch, imo. Everybody only cares about their own suspects.

This is why I asked everyone to picl their top three last night, maybe we can come to a consensus.

I think Wilgy is likely to be cylon. I thought IAWY was a cylon, the only person who has history with IAWY thought he was a cylon, and Wilgy is not acting like a civ. He is my primary candidate for a cylon.
by S~V~S
Fri May 20, 2016 11:43 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Five

Well, it might happen in they are lynched & rezzed. Otherwise I don't see it.

And speaking of rezzes, I sent a sortie at 6:41 AM, about 5 hours ago. I may or may not be here in an hour, depends on work. SO someone might want to pick that up.
by S~V~S
Fri May 20, 2016 11:40 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
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Views: 199734

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Five

Long Con wrote:
S~V~S wrote:
Long Con wrote: The situation right now is not the same as it was three days ago. Three days from now, I think it is highly likely that the situation will also be not the same as right now. Players like Epignosis need to focus on the endgame, not only the present.
What's gonna happen in three days?

I might just be teasing you, I am not sure, tbh. I might also be asking a serious question. That just seems kind of ominous. But I may also be wearing a tinfoil hat that encloses my entire body at this point. Is three days the amount of time you were asking for when you asked for time?
Three days would be just fine for enough time. I wasn't hinting at some three-days-from-now event of any kind. I just used three days as an arbitrary number of days ago that was far enough back to justify calling it a "different situation"... and then mirrored that forward in time in order to illustrate the point that the game will likely have changed shape in some way again by that point. It's total speculation - it's entirely possible that the game will be exactly the same as much as it can be at that point.

That's not really *the* point of what I said. You have not received the communication that I set out to convey. Is the failing mine or yours? Intentional or unintentional?
I got all of it, but that specific time frame got my eye when you had said you wanted time. That was why I pulled that out to comment on. I have not voted you, right?

And yeah, re "confirmed" this means the host made a post saying these people are"insert civ role here". This did not happen. This will not happen, if I know Golden. And I do.
by S~V~S
Fri May 20, 2016 10:53 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199734

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Five

Long Con wrote: The situation right now is not the same as it was three days ago. Three days from now, I think it is highly likely that the situation will also be not the same as right now. Players like Epignosis need to focus on the endgame, not only the present.
What's gonna happen in three days?

I might just be teasing you, I am not sure, tbh. I might also be asking a serious question. That just seems kind of ominous. But I may also be wearing a tinfoil hat that encloses my entire body at this point. Is three days the amount of time you were asking for when you asked for time?
by S~V~S
Fri May 20, 2016 10:11 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 199734

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Five

Long Con wrote:
S~V~S wrote:
ObscureAllure wrote:So say we all -

what about a Wigly lynch?
I could do this, he is in my top 3. I think IAWY was bad, the only person who really knows him said he was bad, and Wilgy has not come in here and made me feel any better about him.

I think LC is a risk to the town in general, but if we collectively believe we have a lynchable cylon, I am OK with that too. This way when Cain starts killing people or whatever anti town thing it is that his role does besides imposing black & white rules on a grey situation, I can get to say "I told you so" which I enjoy immensely whenever it happens.
:shrug2: If Cain has any other effects on the game, especially starting to kill, then even I will be forced to re-evaluate my stance on her. Like I said, for a player like me, Cain has not changed a thing about my game or goals. We haven't seen any sort of the dire effects you are prognosticating, so I'm glad that it seems like you aren't putting the cart before the horse anymore.
I hate that Cain put black & white conditions on a grey situation. I don't like being imposed upon, tbh. At least one person who was town, and possibly more, now has no reason to play as town, and I am not sure why I seem to be the only one to find this disturbing :shrug2:

I said during the night that if the win con change was nullified or mitigated somehow, I would be happy to back off. Instead the Prez gave us a fluff law, which tells me that the Prez can't do that.

You said to give you time. I am willing to do so. But I myself do not think Cain is on the side of the town, I don't see how she possibly could be. She is pro human, yes, but will not hesitate to toss humans to the side if they get in her way. But if Cain proves to be benign, I am content to wait and watch.

What are your thoughts on Wilgy?
Long Con wrote:
a2thezebra wrote:Long Con, JaggedJimmyJay, and to an extent Ricochet, are all confirmed town along with at least a dozen other players.
"How do you know that?" he asked, knowing that zebra will intentionally refrain from clarifying a damn thing.
This ^^

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