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by S~V~S
Fri Jul 25, 2014 10:32 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE
Replies: 530
Views: 15933

Re: [NIGHT 2] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE

Llama, not a big fan of the whole "Us Against Them" thing that you seemed pretty instrumental in fostering. It looks very like a baddie manipulation tactic. But it also looks like a "Llama" thing to do, so :shrug:

I would say I am keeping an eye on you, but I don't plan on coming back here it did not feel friendly. I will be going to DC every other day, and seeing the sights in other places in between.
by S~V~S
Fri Jul 25, 2014 7:07 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE
Replies: 530
Views: 15933

Re: [NIGHT 2] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE

Did Kate vote? I only see MP?
by S~V~S
Fri Jul 25, 2014 6:50 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE
Replies: 530
Views: 15933

Re: [NIGHT 2] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE

Also, I have to say that one thing that strikes me as suspicious is people trying to foster an "us against them" city/thread dynamic. That is EXACTLY what I did as a baddie in Survivor, and it worked for our team, I was in the final two with my civvie teammate. I convinced my tribe mates that the OTHER tribe was the enemy, not the baddies. We worked them up good :) The win cons were similar to here~ the civs win with each other, not with only their city.

The other threads are NOT the enemy; Project Mayhem IS. We need to keep that in sight.

Linki~ she might not be in this thread? Or maybe you did. I have not seen her name at the bottom on the main page, and she is not one to go invisible. Hopefully in DC we run into someone from your original city, and they can tell you for sure.
by S~V~S
Fri Jul 25, 2014 6:42 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE
Replies: 530
Views: 15933

Re: [NIGHT 2] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE

That's OK, his stay at home group did not seem to trust him enough to put him to the test, and if tomorrows new people read back in the thread with all his talk of killing people once he has the POWAH and about how he thinks the new people should be ganged up upon (a grammar nightmare that sentence was, I know), I don't visualize him getting many skill points that lead to POWAH in the near future.

I was hoping to fight tomorrow at DC against another first timer. I think one way to eliminate baddies will be to let many people build up power levels, and try to shut out those who are suspicious. So I think talking suspicions is a good idea. Then if we don't let them fight, and then MAKE them fight someone with several skill levels, that could be one way to handle it, if MP does not have something up his sleeve (or sock more likely).

I think we should keep track of who did and did not fight in each thread, maybe when we vote? Like say, *Voting BlahBlah* And I have not fought (or i have fought one time) or some other kind of tracking.
by S~V~S
Thu Jul 24, 2014 10:00 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE
Replies: 530
Views: 15933

Re: [NIGHT 2] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE

I am going back to Delaware City.

Good Luck Bullz & Sorsha!!
by S~V~S
Thu Jul 24, 2014 8:16 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE
Replies: 530
Views: 15933

Re: [DAY 2] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE

Mister Rearranger wrote:@SVS: One of my high school friends had a bunny. It was huge, smelly, and not as adorable though. >.>
DharmaHelper wrote:Marla you fucking tourist.
Your scrappiness this game has been unrivaled. :p

Good luck, Bullz and Sorsha!
I had a friend in High School who had bunnies, but they were trained like cats; they had the run of the house, they did their business in a litter box. They climbed up in your lap if you sat on the floor. So those are my ideal bunnies, I guess. I have always had dogs, so could not have free roaming bunnies. I am sure i idealize them
by S~V~S
Thu Jul 24, 2014 6:50 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE
Replies: 530
Views: 15933

Re: [DAY 2] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE

Mister Rearranger wrote:Image
You should have posted this at the beginning of the day~ you would have had my vote; love cute l'il bunnies and always had a soft spot for Cool James Image

And good luck to both fighters :fishslap:
by S~V~S
Wed Jul 23, 2014 9:29 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE
Replies: 530
Views: 15933

Re: [DAY 2] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE

thellama73 wrote:
Dom wrote:Says the person who wants all the newcomers (me) dead.
That may be, but I lack the power to kill you right now, so we might as well get along, don't you think?
I know who I want to have power never, lol.
by S~V~S
Wed Jul 23, 2014 7:52 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE
Replies: 530
Views: 15933

Re: [DAY 2] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE

Roxy wrote:Well then I am so sorry SVS! I even read your posts before I voted! derp-la-derp
No worries, I appreciate the thought, though! I have to go back and reread your post, I just skimmed it on phone. It had some meat to it :D
by S~V~S
Wed Jul 23, 2014 7:47 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE
Replies: 530
Views: 15933

Re: [DAY 2] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE

I missed this earlier.
Long Con wrote:Let me fight someone - I also self-vote! :noble:

I may have to stick with my old pals SVS and DH, going to DC next time.
Yay! The more the merrier :fiesta:

I was going to say, "Yay, we'll be The Merry Pranksters", but while we are all pranksters of sorts, I wouldn't call us three "merry", exactly. But the "Brooding, Intense Pranksters" just doesn't have the same ring.

I am thinking it is wise to get a lot more level ones their first fight before we start sending folks for their second. I have already voted, but i will be happy to support you in the future, if you don't get more votes today.

Linki~ good point :ponder:
by S~V~S
Wed Jul 23, 2014 4:09 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE
Replies: 530
Views: 15933

Re: [DAY 2] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE

Rox, I did say I do not wish to fight here just in case. I posted in my prior thread that I was coming back after a day here, and I don't want to take chances on not being able to move on.

I want to fight there tomorrow if possible. Today I will throw my vote to Bullz.

And Llama, just because we always do something does not mean we HAVE to keep doing it ;)
by S~V~S
Wed Jul 23, 2014 6:05 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE
Replies: 530
Views: 15933

Re: [DAY 2] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE

thellama73 wrote:I reckon I should probably fight S~V~S since, let's be honest, it's going to happen eventually.
Why do you say this?

Since it appears that losing fighters do not move on (based on Aces wanting to come here, but not being here after being defeated by BWT), I would prefer not to fight here. I hope to be chosen tomorrow back in DC.

I am planning on voting for a Level 1 fighter, someone who has not fought yet, who wants to fight.
by S~V~S
Tue Jul 22, 2014 9:27 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE
Replies: 530
Views: 15933

Re: [DAY 2] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE

Thanks, I am trying to catch up with the pre change posts in the thread and keep up with post merge~ I am sorry if i missed where you said it before, MR.

Linki~ since fighters gain experience point from fighting, i might feel better putting people who have not fought yet forward. Once we have a better feel for the group, there might be a reason to battle from strength, but for now not letting anyone get too powerful might be a good idea.
by S~V~S
Tue Jul 22, 2014 9:06 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE
Replies: 530
Views: 15933

Re: [DAY 2] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE

Did anybody in NJ & New Castle keep track of who went where?
by S~V~S
Tue Jul 22, 2014 8:37 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE
Replies: 530
Views: 15933

Re: [DAY 2] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE

Dom was not in DC. We were only 9:

S~V~S, Elohcin, AceofSpaces, Black Rock, Nevinera, birdwithteeth11, insertnamehere, DisgruntledPorcupine,
by S~V~S
Tue Jul 22, 2014 8:19 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE
Replies: 530
Views: 15933

Re: [DAY 2] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE

I was planning on going back to DC every other day, to see who has been there, and who has learned what. I think if we all post what we know in the various cities we visit, then we can make informed decisions. I see DC as a baseline of sorts, but I don't trust the people there more than anyone else.

If you want to come to DC tomorrow, DH, I will be happy to travel with you.
by S~V~S
Tue Jul 22, 2014 7:55 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE
Replies: 530
Views: 15933

Re: [DAY 2] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE

Disgruntled Porcupine stayed in Delaware City by choice. The rest of us wanted to explore, see what was out there.
by S~V~S
Tue Jul 22, 2014 7:41 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE
Replies: 530
Views: 15933

Re: [NIGHT 1] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE

thellama73 wrote:
bea wrote:
thellama73 wrote:
Keterman wrote:So it is the top two candidates that we voted for pitted against each other. Because of that, staying here seems like a bad idea. I imagine we would only lower our numbers without making any progress. Maybe not, but moving feels like much less of a risk at this point.
Isn't it reasonable to assume that other towns face exactly the same problem though? They will reduce their numbers as well, and some of them will doubtless move here.

I propose a Wilmington Alliance, where we stay here and then make the newcomers fight each other when they arrive.
I don't understand your thinking here. How is this any different from leaving? Are we assuming we'll have some sort of home field advantage over a fight we still haven't learned the details of? I'm assuming you're proposing a voting block? Which we would (I hope) have regardless of traveling or not. What am I missing?

If every town has a chance to travel, and one of their travel destinations is here, it is reasonable to assume we will see some new players tomorrow. Every town will see its population decrease by the number of players who leave minues the number of players who arrive. If we all stay here, we will have a population increase rather than a population decrease, which seems to me to be a good thing. Moreover, we have all been chatting for a couple of days which means we are beginning to feel each other out. New arrivals, or if we arrive in a new town full of strangers, will be a mystery.

Ergo, it is to our advantage, for now at least, to stick together and kill off the newcomers as they arrive, rather than allow oursleves to be killed by those from other towns. Suppose the New Castle folks came to this same conclusion? Any of you voting to move there will be walking into a death trap. Not me, thanks. Better the devil you know.
You seem to be treating this as if it were your city against others; it is not. It is us against Project Mayhem. The majority of the players start as civs, or civ aligned like the police.

But to be fair, this is something i have seen in this particular thread as i have been reading back. A touch of zenophobia from several people, not just Llama. But this particular post was exceptionally overt. From his tone, I doubt llama is Tyler Durden. I think he would be being more careful if he was.

But is this reasoning why most of you chose to stay here? If so, tbh, you won't be seeing me again, lol.
by S~V~S
Tue Jul 22, 2014 7:29 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE
Replies: 530
Views: 15933

Re: [DAY 1] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE

thellama73 wrote:I have a question for our magnanimous host. Are we voting for someone to fight Tyler Durden, or will the top two vote-getters fight each other, or something else, or will you just respond to this post with a feb smiley?
This is an interesting question. We had some theories in DC, but we seemed to be gravitating to the winner in each presumed thread fight each other.

Since the poll only called for one person, it never occurred to us (or if it did occur to anyone, I don't recall them saying so in thread) that two people from the same thread might fight. I was rather surprised when both BWT & Aces were set to fight. IIRC, we all were.

And reading back, I see Roxy is playing :daisy

Glad to see you, I did not pester you about this since i knew you were on break, but glad to see you!

Hedgeowl wrote:
thellama73 wrote:
Hedgeowl wrote:Hey game! This is an exciting start!

Llama, which hometown? Past, current?

I have no idea about who to pick. Does anybody besides Sorsha want to volunteer?
I meant the town that is the name of this thread. Does nobody read the name of the thread but me?
I saw that, but it didnt mean anything to me. So you think other people are in a different hometown?
I saw that Timmer mentioned this tonight, and I kinda see his point. I have played games where the baddies did not know certain things based on what was in the civvies PMs (Rox, I want to say Survivor was set up that way?) so you had to be realllllly careful about what you said. It could also be that Hedge just read the "You are a civ" part, and did not pay much attention to the location.

I see you guys also had volunteers.
Devin the Omniscient wrote:Also, like boogs, I was expecting the game to continue in the other forum yesterday and no one was posting. Today I decided to be more observant :)
What other forum? Did you guys have access to another thread?
thellama73 wrote:I feel I've waited long enough and we only have a few hours to go. I'm voting for >SpaghettiEverywhere.

Let me explain.

Since we don't know the consequences of fighting, and we don't know who is good or bad, I believe selecting a non-participant as a Guinea Pig minimizes risk to our group, while hopefully giving us information. Others should follow my vote, because I am smart and it is the right choice.

Or you could choose to tie the vote like Bea is insisting we do (madness.)
Ha ha ha!! when I saw that Llama had a method, I KNEW IT WAS LOW POSTERS. Ha ha ha.
thellama73 wrote:I don't know yet, but I can tell you one thing: I'm never going to stupid New Jersey!
i said something very similar~

I am at my quote limit.

Linki~ thanks DH, I will check that out momentarily.
by S~V~S
Tue Jul 22, 2014 7:07 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE
Replies: 530
Views: 15933

Re: [DAY 2] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE

BWT, I took a screencap on my phone of the poll, it is hard to read, but you, me, Aces & Nevin are coming here. INH missed the poll.
Congrats on winning! Is Aces OK?


Did Llama really say that? If so, he has my vote, that is VERY un civ friendly, since almost all of us are civs; there is one Tyler, and maybe he got a recruit or two last night. This is exactly what Nevin & Boom were warning us against in Delaware City.

OK, off to see what has happened here.
by S~V~S
Tue Jul 22, 2014 5:45 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: [NIGHT 4] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE
Replies: 530
Views: 15933

Re: [DAY 2] Fight Club Mafia - Wilmington, DE

Look there are a lot of people here :D

On phone on the train, will read the thread when I get home. I see that only the fight results for this thread are here, no Delaware City results. Did anyone here go there?

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