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by S~V~S
Tue May 24, 2016 9:42 am
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: The Time and Sleep Discussion Thread
Replies: 55
Views: 1695

Re: The Time and Sleep Discussion Thread

When I was younger I used to be a night owl. I even had a night job. But over time, I started to find that no matter when I went to bed, my eyes just popped open & stayed open earlier & earlier as the years passed. Now the seem to have stabilized at 5:30 AM. So I get to see that sunrise too, most of the time. My circadian rhythm just kind of reset itself :shrug:

Gonna pick the Bronze Age ( I want to see those early inventions invented), the 1940's (<3 FDR, and my nation reinvented itself amidst war) and 100 years from now, long enough for "Wow what progress" but not long enough for "Are these still even people or what??".
by S~V~S
Sun Apr 03, 2016 12:09 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: The Time and Sleep Discussion Thread
Replies: 55
Views: 1695

Re: The Time and Sleep Discussion Thread

I used to be a night owl, but now I am somehow a morning person. For years I worked 11-7 for just that reason, then when I got a job that required earlier hours (which I dreaded) I adapted to it. It took a few years. But now sleeping past 7 is sleeping late.

But I have noticed that when I have several days off, like long weekends or vacations, I tend to start reverting back to up late, sleep late. So perhaps I am still a night owl,just not living in my natural habitat.
by S~V~S
Sun Mar 20, 2016 12:26 pm
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: The Time and Sleep Discussion Thread
Replies: 55
Views: 1695

Re: The Time and Sleep Discussion Thread

Scotty wrote:I actually just discussed this with my gf and she said she wishes she had a superpower that allowed her to skip sleeping entirely and still be fully awake at all times. It would be glorious.

I haven't gone to bed before midnight in years. I'm most creative from 1-4am so my brain is hotwired to stay awake and write or talk to me. It's kind of a curse. I'll usually get 5-6 hours of sleep every night, and have gotten to the point where I wake up 5 minutes before my alarm- which sucks donkey dick because I always try to wake up with an alarm, and instead of waking up once, I have to wake up twice in a couple minutes time.

Lately, I've been traveling A LOT, and it's fucking with my sleep cycle. The other day, I was on the west coast, flew to the east coast (+3 hours), stayed for a day, took a bus (in which I can't sleep on for whatever reason) west to South Dakota (-2 hours) for 2 days, during which daylight savings time happened (+1 hour) and now I'm bussing to Wyoming and Montana where I will probably lose another hour. Pile on a diet where nothing is open for food around me after I get out of my show at night, and I'm eating pizza EVERY NIGHT FOR 5 DAYS STRAIGHT and I'm turning into a pizza with a slight case of insomnia.

Tl;dr: I don't like the advent of sleeping. I wish it didn't exist.
And if it's Dakota/Wyoming/Montana pizza, it sucks.

I feel for you.
by S~V~S
Sun Mar 20, 2016 10:11 am
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: The Time and Sleep Discussion Thread
Replies: 55
Views: 1695

Re: The Time and Sleep Discussion Thread

My alarm goes off on weekdays only, but it is a "just in case", I am always awake when it goes off.

When I was younger I was more like that, In my 20's I could sleep 12 hours easy, and I slept through alarms fairly regularly. My husband told me he would be in another room and hear the alarm, and go in the bedroom & I would be laying there snoozing away, with the alarm 6 inches from my head going "BLAAAAT BLAAAAAT BLAAAAT". The only think that ever woke me up when I was asleep was dogs barking.
by S~V~S
Sun Mar 20, 2016 9:41 am
Forum: The Speakeasy
Topic: The Time and Sleep Discussion Thread
Replies: 55
Views: 1695

Re: The Time and Sleep Discussion Thread

I like 7 or 8, but my eyes pop open after about 6. I still lay in bed, read, pet the pets, whatever, but I am still not sleeping :)

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