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by speedchuck
Mon Apr 15, 2019 2:40 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: The Anime/Manga Topic
Replies: 34
Views: 2089

Re: The Anime/Manga Topic

novaselinenever wrote: Sun Apr 14, 2019 10:17 pm I read its manga :nicenod:

Are you up to date?

Not on the anime or the manga. I only binged 6 episodes on Saturday. Planning on watching the rest this weekend.
by speedchuck
Sun Apr 14, 2019 9:40 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: The Anime/Manga Topic
Replies: 34
Views: 2089

Re: The Anime/Manga Topic

The Promised Neverland is amazing. No spoilers. Watch it.
by speedchuck
Tue Jan 15, 2019 5:33 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: The Anime/Manga Topic
Replies: 34
Views: 2089

Re: The Anime/Manga Topic

Mob Psycho 100, the only Manga I've read to fruition, is getting further adapted and it is glorious. I love every minute of it.
by speedchuck
Fri Mar 30, 2018 10:45 am
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: The Anime/Manga Topic
Replies: 34
Views: 2089

Re: The Anime/Manga Topic

Quin wrote: Thu Mar 29, 2018 10:48 pm I just posted an updated Top 10 and now I'm remembering all these other shows that were incredible and I'm ashamed I forgot about them.

My Hero Academia
The Monogatari series
I see you are a man of culture as well.
by speedchuck
Thu Mar 29, 2018 1:37 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: The Anime/Manga Topic
Replies: 34
Views: 2089

Re: The Anime/Manga Topic

Thanks. I'll look into those.
by speedchuck
Thu Mar 29, 2018 12:59 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: The Anime/Manga Topic
Replies: 34
Views: 2089

Re: The Anime/Manga Topic

Dragon D. Luffy wrote: Thu Mar 29, 2018 12:52 pm Right now I'm reading 7 manga: One Piece, Hero Academia, Hunter x Hunter, Dr. Stone, Shingeki no Kyojin, Tokyo Ghoul and Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai. Some of them have animes (I absolutely recommend the anime for Hero Academia), but some animes are bad or in hiatus or non-existant.
One Piece is too long.

I might read Hero Academia... after season 3. I'm currently caught up on the anime. :( I need more.
Hunter x Hunter I've seen up to the end of the Election Arc.

Are there any... finished manga you'd recommend? Maybe where the anime turned out not so great?
(I don't like spoiling anime that I'm going to watch. Maybe that's why I don't read manga much. :fist: )
by speedchuck
Thu Mar 29, 2018 12:48 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: The Anime/Manga Topic
Replies: 34
Views: 2089

Re: The Anime/Manga Topic

G-Man wrote: Thu Mar 29, 2018 12:26 pm Is there any way to ease into the world of anime? For instance, what are some quality feature-length anime films I can test the waters with? My wife and I have watched every Disney animated film made except for Coco and Cars 3, so that more or less informs our understanding/biases of the animation genre.
Given that anime is just Japanese animation, it depends on what part of the genre you want to visit. If you're like me, it's helpful to have a friend who watches tons of anime as a filter. Lots of anime is pretty standard, tropey, cringey, fetishy, or boring. So even once you get into anime, it might be nice to have recommendations.

Best place to start, for someone who likes Disney (GO SEE COCO IT'S GREAT), would probably be the Studio Ghibli films. They're a little bit artsy for my tastes at times, but even I consider them masterpieces. Disney actually dubbed most if not all of them. Top among my recommendations there would be Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle. These capture the imagination and weirdness of Japanese animation, and the high-quality English versions might help ease the transition.

Your Name is also a beautifully animated film that came out last year. From what I've seen, some of the dialogue really only works in the original language with good subtitles, but the english-dubbed version miiiight be good? Anyway, despite a couple of minor plot issues, this is one of my favorite animated movies.

Most of the anime I've seen come in serial format, so if you were asking for recommendations there I would find it a lot easier.

linki: I completely agree with DDL. Death Note and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood are my go-to starter anime series. Death Note is 37 episodes, each 23 minutes long. FMA:B is 64 episodes long, 23 minutes each. Both are great in English.

Death Note is a story about an absurdly intelligent high-schooler who receives a notebook that lets him kill people. He then decides to purge the world of evil, while trying to avoid being caught by the world's greatest detectives (Batman not included.) The show is written very intelligently, though the second season (last 12 episodes) were a little bit rushed.

FullMetal Alchemist is a fantasy story in a world where everyone can use Alchemy like magic. I will spoil nothing. I consider this to be the most well-rounded epic story I've ever experienced, and it is in total about the length of 8 movies. I have seen it 5 or 6 times, and I am totally ready to watch it again.

If you want to see a really short anime that is good in English (and don't mind a ton of violence), try Bacanno! It's (from what I've heard, given my limited experience) basically animated Tarantino with the anime humor flair. It's pretty, it's fun, it jumps around in time like crazy, and it's set in Prohibition-Era America. 13 episodes long, 23 minutes each. (There are an extra 3 episodes that basically provide a small sequel-ish story to wrap up some characters that needed resolution, so 16 episodes total.) This is not very Disney-ish, though haha.

Hope this helps. I have other recommendations.
by speedchuck
Thu Mar 29, 2018 12:28 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: The Anime/Manga Topic
Replies: 34
Views: 2089

Re: The Anime/Manga Topic

[mention]Dragon D. Luffy[/mention] I'll have to try that out.


I've seen like 30+ animes. But I've never read a single volume of manga, just light novels (Haruhi and Baccano and DRRR). Assuming that I want to try a good manga, what would be a good starter? Keep in mind that I don't want to spend literally all of the moneys on it either.

linki: I'll get to that in a second.
by speedchuck
Thu Mar 29, 2018 12:09 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: The Anime/Manga Topic
Replies: 34
Views: 2089

Re: The Anime/Manga Topic

Dragon D. Luffy wrote: Thu Mar 29, 2018 12:07 pm Season 2 might fix it, though the way you describe it covering 10 books in 12 episodes scares me for different reasons.
It should.

I'm reading the books right now. They fit most of the key scenes in there, word for word. But they don't have enough time for the characters to mull over anything.

So in season two, you see what happens, and it's like "Why is Mikado suddenly going completely insane?"
by speedchuck
Thu Mar 29, 2018 12:02 pm
Forum: Tinsel Town
Topic: The Anime/Manga Topic
Replies: 34
Views: 2089

Re: The Anime/Manga Topic

Dragon D. Luffy wrote: Thu Mar 29, 2018 11:54 am other plots that were building up went nowhere and the ending was not satisfying.
The other plot of Izaya's, about 'starting a war in Ikebukuro', continues to be a thing later on. But the problem is, there are two kinds of climaxes. Durarara has character climaxes, especially near the end of the second season. Things come to a head, and all of the main (and even side) characters have their arcs culminate in something that MEANS something to them. For one person, it might be holding back a driving hatred that they've never been able to control. For another, it might be breaking free of an escalating desire to experience danger. For another, it might be saving life for the first time instead of destroying it, or being faced with a choice that they've been putting off. (I'm being super vague, these things are more dramatic than they sound.)

But as far as the epic 'war' and 'battle' and 'death' climaxes, Durarara just doesn't do that. Life goes on. Very few people over the course of the series die, and those that die generally don't have names. Many of the climaxes result in de-escalation, which can feel like a cop-out. Those that were trying for war and conflict fail, and peace ends up undercutting the conflict before it resolves in full-on violence.

So it's not for everyone. It's not for people that seek plot.

linki: That'd be cool.

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