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by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:52 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Jane wrote:Location: Jenny Wren Cockpit

Jane’s struggles eased a bit and she knew without looking over at the Captain that she had taken over the other controls and was helping keep the ship somewhat stabilized. Jane felt a vibration of a different kind, “Aaahhh there we go.”[/i] Timothy did it; Jane eased pressure off the controls as she slowly brought full power to the Podds. Once power was equalized Jane leveled them off and slowed their decent to a typical landing attitude, there was still a little access speed when Jane finally touched down, there was only so much she could do, the landing wasn’t the smoothest, but it didn’t do any further damage. “Hmmm, not the best landing, but we ain’t dead, so that’s a plus.” [/i] Ellie sat for a moment, still gripping the controls tightly before letting out a sigh of relief, while Jane checked to make sure they didn’t attract any unwanted attention. “Don’t look like any folk saw that little fireworks display, or if they did they ain’t questioning us.” [/i] Ellie turned to Jane; a grin plastered on her face and commented, "If that doesn't get your blood pumping I don't know what will!" [/i] Jane just chuckled, glad that at least Ellie had enjoyed herself. Standing up Ellie went on, "Once everything is shut down meet me in the Cargo Bay. We're going to organize a bit of work and some supply stocking." [/i] Jane nodded and started the engine shut down, followed by other systems to conserve power.

Once the cockpit was secure Jane strapped on her weapons and made her way down to the cargo bay, it looked like most everyone else was there already. Even the so called ex-alliance bastard, Jane had done her best to avoid him; surely with Jane being so popular with the Feds he would have recognized her by now. Maybe he was just being macho and wasn’t high enough in rank to be privy to information on wanted folk. Jane just shrugged and listened as Ellie handed out assignments. After talking with everyone else Ellie moved on to Jane, "Boros is crawling with Alliance and you... well you kind of stand out. I need someone with the ship, if you would be willing to wait here and watch over her for me..." [/i] It was the best idea Jane had heard all day, she smiled, trying not to let the relief she felt creep onto her face, the surface was the last place she wanted to be, while she had done quite a bit to change her appearance since her initial warrant, there was only so much one could do. “I’d be glad to keep an eye on things here.” [/i]

Ellie motioned in the general direction of the flight deck "Come back up to the cockpit with me, I need to show you something." [/i] Casting a look at Teddy on the way out the door she told him, "Take a few minutes if you need to get anything, I'll meet you at the cargo exit in five." [/i] Jane suppressed a chuckle; she knew a ‘go away’ order when she heard it. Jane followed Ellie back to the flight deck, once they reentered the cockpit, Ellie moved over to the cortex screen and brought up a reading on the console. It looked like radar and had a small blinking blue blip that appeared to be on the move. "This," [/i] she said tapping the blue light, "is Timmy." [/i] Jane cocked her head to the side and sent Ellie a questioning look. "Timmy..." [/i] Ellie seemed to struggle for words, "Timmy requires special attention. He is physically capable of taking care of himself but he doesn't pay attention to his surroundings and he can tend to wander into predicaments. After the last time I convinced him to let me implant a locator in his arm. Well, I didn't do it myself or anything..." [/i] Ellie chuckled a bit, Jane didn’t get the inside joke, but nodded for Ellie to continue "Anyway, if you could keep track of him, it would be helpful. If he wanders beyond the scrap yard, let me know right off." [/i] Jane thought it was a very odd order, she had never been one for being controlled, and she felt bad that Timothy seemed to be on a leash, but Ellie didn’t seem to be the type to be controlling in that way, so there had to be something behind the request. With a somewhat concerned glance at the radar screen she responded. “Sure I’ll keep an eye on him.” [/i] Ellie made her way to the door, pausing just before she left she added "Good work on setting us down by the way. If you would consider sticking with us for a while, I could use a pilot like yourself long term." [/i] Ellie smiled, "Just something to think on." [/i] Jane smiled in return, “Thank you, not the best landin for the books, but we be here.” [/i] Jane knew she didn’t answer Ellie’s proposal, Jane cast another worried glance at the screen, she had learned from experience that even the friendliest of people will stab you in the back when it came down to it.

Things seemed to be fairly quiet; Jane kept an eye on proximity sensors and made the occasional tour of the ship to make sure all was well.

Jane looked over to the radar screen and noticed the ‘blue blip’ seemed to be wavering, Jane watched it for a few moments, not sure if she was crying wolf. She called Ellie, “Our blue blip has strayed.” [/i] And gave her the lat/long of Timothy’s location, Jane tried to keep the transmission ambiguous just in case someone was listening that Ellie didn’t want listening.

Location: Jenny Wren Cockpit

OOC Note: [/b] Not sure if Timothy ‘wandering’ meant that he was out of range or not, if not disregard the final paragraph.
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:51 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Ellie wrote:Location: Boros, The Drinking Dog

So, why are we meeting this ‘Garret’?” he asked her as he placed his order. She ordered a whiskey as well and the waiter raised an eyebrow as he gave her a once over, "You sure about that miss? It's got quite a kick."

She gave him an irritated glance, "I'm sure."

He shrugged and trotted off towards the bar to get their order before Ellie answered the question Teddy had asked her, "He is a friend of Mal's, don't rightly know what Mal did to help him out but whatever it is, Garret is pretty grateful. He keeps his ear to the ground for jobs for him." She smirked a bit at him, "Don't worry, he's not a hardened criminal type or a bounty hunter that I am planning on selling you out to."

“So, what are your plans outside of getting the ship repaired, if I may ask?”

"What most people in my position plan on doing. Finding work, and keep my bird in the sky. I suppose you've seen enough like myself to know that already though. What about you; now that you're on the wrong side of the law what do you plan on doing?"

Their order arrived and once the waiter had left she leaned in on the table and studied Teddy for a moment, "Why did you pick my ship? Out of all the ships you could have bought passage on, why Jenny?"

Location: Boros, The Drinking Dog
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:49 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Teddy wrote:Location: Corridor outside of the Cockpit

With the landing successful, Theodore exhaled deeply “God, I do so miss the fullness of Cruisers and Alliance Assault Drop ships…” he moaned to himself. His wounds were healing nicely, considering their severity and the short amount of time it’s been from injury to date. He lifted, and lowered, his shoulders, rotating the jarred joints, and twisted his neck trying to ‘reset it’, and it cracked stiffly; he moaned as the pain shot through his back, then went away. “Almost as good as landing under fire; just without the harness.” He smiled at himself, and stood, almost at attention, outside of the Cockpit when he heard the order to assemble in the Cargo Bay. He tugged on his black rimmed cap, pulling it down just over his eyebrows, and headed off to the Cargo Bay to see what was in-store for them now.

He listened with practiced ease as assignments were handed out, and he nodded curtly at her request. “I’m at your disposal Ma… Captain.” He grinned at his correction, as it was hard to break certain habits, but he was a solider thru-and-thru, so he’d just keep at it. “I still have a few tricks up my sleeve.” His grin stretching from ear-to-ear, eager to be doing something productive. He did quirk an eyebrow at her mention of the ‘finest establishment’, as he knew of a couple stand-outs on Boros, but wasn’t sure if they were the ones she was thinking of. He nodded and headed to his quarters when Ellie said he had a few minutes before they left.

At his quarters, he picked up a utility key from his bag, placing it in one of his pockets, and secured his Shotgun in the case, knowing that was too much of an advertisement to anyone, and he was sure that Ellie wanted to attract as little attention as possible. He kept his sidearm in its holster, easily displayable, but readjusted his sword. Although he never liked carrying it anywhere else other then on his left side, he did have a back rigging that allowed it to be secured in the center of his back, with the handle just above his buttocks; this would allow him to sit comfortably and not show signs of him being armed, and the high collar of his stormcoat kept the tip of the blade concealed as well. He wouldn’t be as quick to draw it as he normally would, but if necessary, he’d still be armed, and he knew that was what was important.

He re-entered the Cargo Bay at about the same time as Ellie did, his black stormcoat as dark as a starless sky, and his cap pulled down just above his eyes; his goal was to look intimidating and like a hired body guard (which wouldn’t be uncommon in this environment), and he pulled the look off well. He motioned with his hand, and his restrained humor, “After you.” and with that, they headed off into the crowd and on with their mission.

Ellie walked with a purpose and determination of a woman who knew where she was going and what she wanted, but she kept her eyes low in an attempt not to draw attention. It was a good ploy, because Teddy’s job was to be the opposite. His height was never anything of show, but his bulk, his walk and the aura of his presence was enough to help ‘part the tide’, he looked dangerous, the only people paying him much attention where the ‘guards’ of others; the few Alliance Soldiers around didn’t pay him much attention, as they were all to accustomed to ‘his type’ being around. Teddy scoffed, “It’s complacency that’s the cause of so many security problems; these shoulders should be flogged…” his voice spoken softly, so soft that he’d be surprised if Ellie even heard him.

After walking for a bit, Ellie indicated a specific building, and Teddy nodded, adjusting his walk and pace with practiced ease. “Aye, that they do.” He replied, referring to her comment about them having a mean whiskey “I know of a few ‘tough men’ who ended up in the care of our Medicae because of this place; and it wasn’t because of a fight.” Teddy was a drinker of the hard liquor, it was almost a requirement of Alliance Officers for social events and such, the alcohol here was strong enough to even irk his stomach.

He followed Ellie inside, and eyed the guard as much as the guard eyed him, a glimmer of equal respect passing between the two of them; two dangerous men, both knowing the other to be, both knowing they had a duty to perform. Theodore walked up, placed his sidearm in the box, retrieved the key and the machine cycled to the next box. He turned to take a step when the guard stopped him “Not so fast Mister; spread’m.” Theodore stopped, and turned slowly. “Excuse me?” he replied straightly, and the guard and him locked eyes. Theodore was preparing for a fight, but his soldiering instincts were shouting at him to relax, as the idea was to keep a low profile, picking a fight with the guard would be slightly opposite that goal.

The guard didn’t miss a beat, however. “I said spread’m; you’ve done this work long enough to know that a man of your stature should be double checked for weapons, you can’t blame me for knowing my trade.” Theodore’s face turned from anger to a smile, “Ha! Jolly good my dear friend, your attention to detail is much higher then that of the Alliance lackeys that infest this place.” Theodore spread his legs, and raised his hands, “I have a small blade in my boot, an old bayonet, but that’s it; I’m not even carrying a back up weapon.” The guard looked at him oddly “No back-up weapon? You’re either very gutsy, or very stupid.” The guard patted Teddy down, arms, legs, boots, removed the small bayonet, crotch and arm pits, “A little bit of both, probably.” He answered the guard’s question. Teddy had had the bayonet as a ‘drop weapon’, it would work out well to voluntarily surrender a weapon that appeared to be being snuck in.

Having no reason to check Teddy’s back, and having hit all the known places to carry weapons, even his pockets, the guard nodded and let Teddy enter the establishment proper. He followed Ellie to a table, and pulled a chair that allowed him watch the door, keeping the minimal amount of people behind him. “So, why are we meeting this ‘Garret’?” he asked, as he ordered a whiskey from the waitress, and a local burger. He leaned back in his rickety chair, still comfortable, not rigid, even with the sword scabbard in line with his spine; he’d been in the service way to long. “So, what are you plans outside of getting the ship repaired, if I may ask?”

Location: Boros; The Drinking Dog bar
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:49 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Spark wrote:She the surprise on his face was evident but it soon got replaced by fear. He was so baffled that he sat on his hat. She was sure he couldn’t see her but she could see him perfectly. He threatened her by means of a weapon but the only thing close to a weapon he could find was his shoe. She was amused by his courage when the shoe actually flew towards her. A quick step to her right saved her from it. She was amazed by his accuracy. She was still standing there when he awkwardly ran out of the room, tripped over his own feet but still kept running. It was easy for her to follow him through the dark ship. She was amazed by the fact that he knew his way through this strange ship but what disturbed her most was that she knew her way around it too. She could pin point the exits of this ship without even trying. She saw found him going out a hole in the side of the ship. He seemed disoriented as he ran out of the ship. Without any effort she was out of the ship and right on his heel. What she didn’t understand was why he was running. She didn’t seem dangerous. And nor was it her intent to hurt him. The fact amused her that he could tell she was a ‘gal’ as he said. His thoughts poured out of his mouth instead of being in his head. His actions and thought pattern made him seem too unsure of himself and his actions yet he was confident in his abilities to protect himself. He was aware that she was behind him and it surprised her when he halted and turned around abruptly saying, ‘Ma’am? Sorry to run out on yah but you scared me. Who are you? I mean, is this your ship? I. You’re no Purple Belly...... I mean Alliance. Umm, I’m just an honest to god kid looking for parts for me ship.’

She stood and stared at him speechless. It had been some time before she had really talked to someone. Every one she worked with knew she didn’t really converse with anyone. She came as she pleased. Only responded to yes and no questions and only responded with a nod or a shake of her head. His questions intrigued her. So she cleared her head and with the simplest response said, “No need to worry. I apologize if I scared you. It was not my intent. I, um, that ship is not mine. It just seemed familiar so I thought why not check it out. I am most defiantly not Alliance. If I were your surely don’t think Alliance would wait around in a Junkyard. Any Alliance officer can buy parts at any Alliance supply yards or where ever they get repairs from. I am here in need for some parts for my ship which I have not been able to find. I heard you were looking for parts for your ship. My ship is beyond repair so maybe we can make a deal. I will give you my ship parts if you can get me a ride on your ship. It is legally registered right. I mean your ship is legally registered. If not than you can move along and I will find some other ship. If you are interested my ship is right across from the ship I just chased you out of. So come and find me.” With that she walked away quietly to her ship. She had purposely left out her name form this conversation because she had not anticipated his question of her whereabouts. This one sided conversation had been the most she had talked to anyone in a long time. Something inside told her that she would have to talk a lot of she were to do this mission. She still could not understand why she had agreed to do this but since she was here she would accomplish her goal even if she had to lie to everyone around her but she had found and easy access to the Jenny Wren space craft and she also knew she could use him to get what she had come after. She reached her ship, leaned against it, closed her eyes and waited for him to come to her. She was sure he would come. Just like she had been drawn to him she knew he would be drawn to her and he would come for sure.
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:48 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Timmy wrote:As distracted Timothy was, he had only turned about subconsciously. He felt the presents of a person not reckoning if being a gal or lad. He accepted a possibly when he entered the derelict Alliance ship. Where he often blinded himself to ignore; wasn’t too bright but could be. Tim always placed himself in to problems that Ellie sometimes regretted. However, if he had done so would notice it would have been a god darn woman. From his reaction of being startled he leaped roughly a foot in to the air. Nearly scaling the bulkhead as soon as his feet landed. Timmy patted his trouser for his guns, however, hadn’t pulled through. Ended up stumbling back and hitting his noggin and dropped to the floor. When his tight bottom met the ground. His black rimmed hat had soften his fall, which at that point he realized he had dropped it. He didn’t know what to say; his response was either of the two actions. Fight or flight, which then he had grab anything he could get his hands upon and took a defensive stance. In hand he had an object which later the stranger learned it to be a ‘shoe’. Timothy was too surprised to think soundly all he could do was to say, ‘Who’s there? I’m armed!’ Not bothering to wait he through the object but sadly hitting the adjacent bulkhead. That pathetic act was to distract his stalker but only found to give him some hope. Timmy ran out of the room and tripped over his on feet to only manage to get his Pìgu yǎn oddly still runnin. At the moment his thoughts where to get Shang high out of there. Further more he only manages to get lost in the bái mù ship, which if only he turned around there was a gapping hole for his escape. His sad attempts probably gave a humorous show, though he did find himself out side. As he utters to himself aloud, ‘Mighty shiny to smell the open air!’ Some reason came over him that mad him such clumsy. He had acted smarter then he spoke but this time he was careless. Something about that ship or that thing or person he felt something. By now he would have been gone but again he was kept to know who the hell that person was. ‘She feels like a gal but ain’t too sure. I reckon…’ He thought aloud but now knew she was indeed behind him. ‘Ma’am? Sorry to run out on yah but you scared me. Who are you? I mean, is this your ship? I. You’re no Purple Belly...... I mean Alliance. Umm, I’m just an honest to god kid looking for parts for me ship.’
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:47 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Spark wrote:She saw him through the panned window. He was wandering around the junk yard looking for something. She did not know what it was but she would know once he got close enough. It seemed like a stupid idea to wait in the junk yard with her crap of a ship, but she had no other choice. At this point in her search she could only take one path and that was to find a way in to this Jenny Wern aircraft. She was never that patient but she was tired of being presented with the right time to get her job done so she decided to use other methods. Though it didn't sit right with her ethics she was willing to try it. Thinking of ethics made her laugh. A voice in her head called out to her saying, ‘ Who are you to talk about ethics. People for should i say "Beings" like you have not ethics. So don't humanize yourself. ’ The voice was what was left of her conscience. She had long since gotten rid of it. Her profession did not allow such emotions or any emotions at all. So she waited for him to come. She heard him curse Boros. She agreed with him on that. She know he would be fascinated by ships and by the train of thoughts he was having she knew he was looking for parts for his ship. She saw him enter the ship across from hers and found a strange pull towards him. She walked out of the shadow of her ship. He was looking around the corridor of the ship when she walked in behind him. She saw the drawing on the wall and stopped dead in her tracks. She knew the drawing but she couldn't place it in her mind. She was about to touch him on the shoulder when he turned around. He jumped about a foot in the air and backed away from her. As he jumped she saw a ‘faded jagged’ line of a scar across his right shoulder snakeing it's way to his neck. She got the wind knocked out of her barely working lungs. She know him but she didn't know how. The way he stared at her she knew he knew her too. Her plan seemed simple but now she had him where she wanted him but she didn't know what to do. So she looked at him in anticipation and waited for him to say something.
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:46 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Timmy wrote:Timmy didn't needing be had told of what to do from Ellie. He looked as if he was listening but was darn too busy fiddling with his attire and all the gadgets that he kept with him. He pulled out his most loved pistol, a Colt .45 DX Pistol (High Gauge Clip) and kissed it as if it was that mighty fine Doctor Tam. Course he didn't care or even notice if anyone had be watchin him. It didn't stop him doing any 'activities' that should be had in closed doors. After which he fixes his black rim hat and goes forth and opens the cargo slip door. (A small door meant for folk to come and forth to, instead of using the entire cargo door.) If he wasn't 'making out' with his 'pistol' he would have drooled over the 'Priestess' instead. Now on his way out for parts for Jenny Wren. That mighty shiny Kaylee gave him ah list of places of part to be had. Where he’d rather get a ‘tune up’ by that pretty doctor. The thought didn’t fade for a while; he had wondered quite a bit before Timmy had realized he was turned about. ‘Boros was a purple belly pits’ he thought, course he had spouted aloud. Though many of his thoughts seem to be said outward, meant to be inwards. He came upon a construction yard a lot of junk and a few shiny bits. Timothy knew what was worth looking after other wise he be looking at ‘hóng rì’. Typically he would pass it but something caught his eye. Trans R he figured one of em god on proto Alliance ships. One would think that be typical but this was nil likely. Something took him over or was it in his character to slip through the cracks. As many times that he done; he found a side access panel. Pulled em off and pushed him self throw. Crawled a bit and found himself between the bulkheads to a room. Where he had pushed the grill and found em room to be a corridor. There was something about this ship the draw him. Familiarity of the smell it had and the feeln as he walked within it. Tim came upon a room as he daze walked he had; there was a faded pictures drawn on the wall. He came upon it by means of a blind need, pressing his nose and hands on the surface. His short-rimmed black hat fell as moved his head against the bulkhead. He had turned…
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:45 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Ellie wrote:Location: Jenny Wren, Bridge

Ellie sat for a moment, still gripping the controls tightly before letting out a sigh of relief. Between Jane and Timmy's combined skills they had managed to land Jenny safely on the planet's surface. What was even more amazing was the fact that no ground control had even questioned them on their overly fast entry. She turned to Jane, a grin plastered on her face and commented, "If that doesn't get your blood pumping I don't know what will!" It wasn't exactly the way Ellie would prefer to enter a planet's atmo, but at least they were all still alive. Standing up she said to Jane, "Once everything is shut down meet me in the Cargo Bay. We're going to organize a bit of work and some supply stocking."

She hit the comm, "All passengers and crew to the Cargo Bay."

Once everyone had gathered in the Cargo Bay she addressed them. "Timmy, you've got your list. Think you can handle getting the items on it from the scrap yard?"

"And figure out whatever we need to fix that missing plating, I don't want to put Jenny through another descent like that again if I can avoid it."

Nodding at Timmy's response she smiled and said, "Go to it then. Stay out of trouble this time ok?" She could not hide the slightly maternal concern in her voice. Given their history it was understandable. She watched him scamper off before continuing.

Turning now to Teddy she asked, "You offered your help. I don't know that I need a sword or gun just yet but I could use someone who can help keep me clear of Alliance attention while we pick up some work. You up for a little visit to one of Boros' finest establishments?" There was more than a hint of sarcasm regarding the place they would be visiting, but she was sure Teddy knew what to expect already. And though she hated the idea of depending on him, the last thing she wanted to do was let him out of her sight. Besides that, his knowledge of the Alliance could help her fly under the radar while on the planet's surface.

After talking with Teddy she gave her attention to the newest addition to the ship, "So Priestess," Ellie used her new nickname for the woman without thinking about it and only after the fact regretted it. She hoped it did not sound too disrespectful as she didn't mean it as such, but she just went on as if it were intentional, "We will be here for 24 hrs. You are free to ply your trade as you see fit if you can just be back here before we lift off this time tomorrow." She knew that the damage they took on the way down might delay their departure but she did not think it best to mention it. If she could hurry everyone along she would prefer to get off the planet as close to the original planned time as possible.

Finally Ellie moved on to Jane, "Boros is crawling with Alliance and you... well you kind of stand out. I need someone with the ship, if you would be willing to wait here and watch over her for me..." It was more of a request than an order. Of all the people on the ship Jane had gained her respect most quickly. Timmy was talented in more ways than one but he was also incredibly naive in other ways. In Jane she felt like she had a peer more than a subordinate.

"Come back up to the cockpit with me, I need to show you something." Casting a look at Teddy on the way out the door she told him, "Take a few minutes if you need to get anything, I'll meet you at the cargo exit in five."

They reentered the cockpit and Ellie moved over to the cortex screen and brought up a reading on the console. It looked like a radar and had a small blinking blue blip that appeared to be on the move. "This," she said tapping the blue light, "is Timmy." She looked at Jane and noticed her questioning eyes. "Timmy..." Ellie sought for the right words to explain, "Timmy requires special attention. He is physically capable of taking care of himself but he doesn't pay attention to his surroundings and he can tend to wander into predicaments. After the last time I convinced him to let me implant a locator in his arm. Well, I didn't do it myself or anything..." she chuckled a bit as she remembered the gruff irish doctor that had scared the living crap out of Timmy with the size of the needle he used. "Anyway, if you could keep track of him, it would be helpful. If he wanders beyond the scrap yard, let me know right off."

She paused at the door and said, "Good work on setting us down by the way. If you would consider sticking with us for a while, I could use a pilot like yourself long term." Ellie smiled, "Just something to think on." Then she headed back to the Cargo bay to meet up again with Teddy. Stopping back by her quarters she picked up her leather jacket and slipped into it and grabbed a tie to pull her hair back into a loose and messy pony tail. Pausing for a moment she considered bringing her peacekeeper as well but decided too much firepower might make the Alliance eye her closer. Best to look as casual as possible.

Finally she rejoined Teddy in the Cargo Bay and nodding at him she asked, "Shall we?"

At his response she headed out the small side door by the larger cargo door and moved purposefully off towards the dives at the outskirts of the city. As they wove through the crowds of people going about their daily business she avoided eye contact as much as possible and tried to move as if it were just a normal day. One in which she was not walking side by side with a wanted criminal. Inwardly she laughed to herself, the good thing was that unless they knew what they were looking for, common Purple Bellies usually missed what was right under their noses. It was the highly trained ones or the freelance mercenaries that you really had to watch out for. Most of them would not be on Boros though because most people with an Alliance bounty on their head avoided Boros. Nothing like hiding in plain sight.

Mal had suggested a contact on Boros for her and she spied the bar down the street. With a look at Teddy and a quick jerk of her head she indicated a rickety old saloon. The sign above the entrance said, "饮用水狗" She offered Teddy a wry smile, "That's the place. I hear they serve a pretty mean whiskey."

Stepping inside she paused in the doorway for a moment as her eyes adjusted in the dim lighting. A guard stood at the door, "Deposit your weapons," he instructed them brusquely as he pointed at the wheel of lock boxes. She dropped her side arm in the first open box, locked it and took the key with her. Once she was standing just inside the bar room she scanned the crowd as she waited for Teddy to join her. She felt him at her side and said quietly, "We're looking for a man named Garret; Mal said he plays the keys here but it doesn't look like anyone is playing right now. So I guess we get a drink and wait for him to show up."

Location: Boros, "饮用水狗" (The Drinking Dog)

OOC: Everyone feel free to write your responses to what Ellie said in and then take control of whatever area your character was given. We have a story line, but you all have the freedomw to play within that and make it fuller. :) Josh, feel free to take the lead on whatever conversation we might make until Garret appears. :) I will roll with it. Perhaps Ellie and Teddy need a little time to get to know each other. :p
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:44 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

BDH Narrator wrote:Narrative

Jenny Wren finally landed on the surface of Boros just on the outskirts of the Industrial District. Their dramatic atmospheric show was surprisingly unseen from below. Folk had went on their business without deterrence like any other sunrise. The mid size transport made dock on ‘Lǜsè’ (Green) 34 sector, just of the edge of the Docks. It was the quickest access to both the City and the Industrial area. This spot would make it easy for Timothy to search for the needed replacement materials from Kaylee’s list. Within the City there would be establishments to fairy passengers and or future business deals. This would be the time Ellie would having Jane and or Teddy to tag along. They would stay on this planet a little longer then they had hope due to the damage.

A man by the name of Remington Kaempfe sat in a room by himself. He held on to an old photograph in the dark. It had a weathered hue of browns, it was torn and had folds through the image. The only thing that kept the picture seen was a narrow ray of light, which had came from a small crack in a closed window. The man weeped and mumbled, his voice crackled and the tone was heavy with anger. The picture showed a young lad; perhaps in his early to mid twenties. “Oh, my boy. Mmy de…ar boy. H…e wil paay……..

In another part of the city much closer to Jenny Wren some place in the center of the Industrial Sector. Between many structures another ship had a similar entry as the Dragonfly. However, this ship had not seen the darkness of space for a large amount of time. Her origins came from a distant predecessors of vessels older then any Alliance ships. So old that no one has seen it before, all those who have are dead and dust. The ship’s cavities were exposed to the elements. Enough time to have weeds to find shelter from within her. There is a chamber deeply contained by this structure that calls to two folk, a man and a woman. One would not know why to be drawn to the dead ship and the other would have been drawn to the one.
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:43 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Teddy wrote:Location: Cargo Bay

Having grabbed a bite to eat, and noting that most of the crew wasn’t in a talkative mood, either because of his presence or simply their current situation, he’d eaten his ‘bowl’ and then headed back to walking. As he heard over the intercom that they were getting close to Boros, he knew that the Alliance had a rather large, and impressive, shipyard around Ares. Theodore found himself standing at the starboard side window, looking out; he whistled. “Those are beauties…” he said, as he looked upon the ships under construction.

Cruisers built up the bulk of The Alliance fleet, and were sharp looking and deadly efficient ships. They still weren’t anything compared to an Alliance Dreadnaught, but a ‘wolf pack’ of Cruisers with even mildly competent Captains, they were incredibly dangerous. Teddy had served on quiet a few Starships, and the Cruiser was definitely one of his favorites.

Yet, it was this fond memory that also brought him great sadness, as his betrayal and his choices of the past week weighed on him heavily. But, before he could reminisce too much, he felt the ship slightly vibrate, and continue to do so. “Hrmm… That can’t be right.” He said to himself. A moment later, he was picking himself up off the decking, his recently sutured injuries tearing in a few places "Bullock!” he shouted, as he grunted through the pain.

Even hurt, he picked himself up off the ground and headed towards the main deck. He wasn’t going to enter The Bridge, as there wasn’t much he could do, as he wasn’t even a basic pilot, nor was he going to run to engineering as he wasn’t a mechanic either. He didn’t hear any of the standard ‘weapon fire’ or ‘impacts’, so he was pretty sure they weren’t under attack, but he placed himself in between the Cockpit and anyone that would try to rush the bridge crew; simply out of habit.

Now that he was prepared, he rode out the shaking easily with veteran ‘sea legs’. “This is fun…” he thought to himself, being completely helpless given the current circumstance.

Location: Corridor just to the rear of the Cockpit
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:42 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Teddy wrote:Location: Cargo Bay

Theodore was taken aback, albeit regrettably not surprised, at Ellie’s comments. But, from his long life of soldiering, he took the brow beating like the best of them. He was only hurt, however, by her attack at his use of ‘maddam’, as he was trying to be extremely respectful and using an old term of ‘miss’; but mentally he simply shrugged.

He knew his uniform, or rather since he wasn’t wearing it anymore simply his past, was going to be causing problems for him. Instead of taking things personally, he simply took on a professional angle of looking at things, and decided it was just going to be the way it was. “Aye, Captain.” he replied as she departed. He looked back at the newly arrived passenger, then back at Ellie “Definitely not the same…” he said under his breath softly, smirked, and with a chipper in his step, he turned and walked back through the ship.

He knew he was hungry, and his options for food were limited, so he figured he’d stop in to grab something to eat with the crew and passengers in a bit, but wanted to walk a bit first. He whistled an old tune as he did so, and off he went.

Location: Strolling through the ship
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:40 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Timmy wrote:He landed on his twinky ass while he slides around on the floor. At some point during the ‘skills’ of Jane, Timothy had room to think. ‘This is why we don’t let em’ stranger touch our girl’ He starts to pet the floor trying to comfort Jenny Wren. All these rough handlings made him feel like the ship was much of a whore as he was. Over the radio he heard Jane tell him to get the engine back. ‘What do you think I’m doing? Sitting on em’ ass, Zhu tou,’ He said; as the rest faded off, ‘Qin wode pigu! Gan ni niang.’ Timmy was on his ass though; where he stood up quickly ran on top of the side of the Engine room and pulled a bar. Then jump down to only fall back on his ass to roll over and crawl under the turbine to push a button. Where he crawled again and ran back up to pull on the handle to pump it more. He didn’t hear or feel what he wanted to hear. So he jump back down on to the floor to hug a part of the Jenny’s well endowed engine. ‘Please work for your daddy!?’ He even kissed it a few times thinking some none whore loving would get it going. Where he started to think that all this roughness by ‘Pink’ on the cockpit. Made Jenny be all corrupted and naughty. He gave the engine’s 3x49 type A Compressor a good smack! Then ran back up to pump the handle again. The power fluctuation started back again, however, it was the process of getting the engine back. He never would have thought that his Jenny was kinky. Timmy never had to smack anything before to get anything going. ‘I hope that Companion could bless you clean you from this! There can’t be two whores on this boat!’
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:39 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Ellie wrote:Location: Jenny Wren, bridge

Jane responded to Ellie's question gruffly, “Had a panel rip off, power fluctuations, and lost an engine, we are working on it. Now grab your controls and help me keep the ass end of this ship from pointin at the ground.”

Ellie didn't hesitate to jump into action, not at all bothered by Jane's order. In another circumstance or if it were someone else she might not have taken it so well, but in a situation like this she knew it was only because Jane was fighting to keep them all alive. As she took hold of the controls she could feel the strain of Jenny's weight as they moved much too quickly toward the planet's surface. She struggled to help pull the tail end up all the while wondering where was Timmy with the engine? If the landing got too messy they would have the Alliance around to check up on them, and that was the last thing the people on this ship needed...

Location: Jenny Wren, bridge
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:38 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Jane wrote:Location: Jenny Wren Cockpit

Jane bounced her foot nervously as she slowed Jenny Wren to appropriate inner system speeds. She didn’t want to draw Alliance attention by hot dogging it in, better to follow the rules and hopefully avoid inspection. The Alliance were everywhere, and Jane’s stomach churned unpleasantly, she didn’t want to be here, she vowed a long time ago that she would never come anywhere near Ares. Yet here she was, and her gaze couldn’t help but drift over to the moon as they approached Boros. It hadn’t changed much since she was there, the orbital construction rigs were still at work building those ‘prized’ Alliance vessels… Jane wondered if her escape from the prison on the surface of Ares several years earlier changed any of the security protocols in the system. “Well we shall soon be findin out.”[/i] She muttered as an alarm blinked on her consol indicating an incoming transmission.

Jane was surprised the landing restrictions hadn’t changed much, and it was relatively easy to get clearance to land. Jane wiped the beads of sweat off her forehead, and tried to relax her stomach a bit before she would severely regret her protein mush breakfast. Keeping her voice calm Jane opened the shipwide comm. “We have just received clearance to land at Boros and should be entering atmo shortly.” [/i]

Jane set up the pods for a slow decent, not wanting to gain too much speed off the get go. Everything seemed to be going by the book as the outer hull started heating and glowing, typical instrument indications for a normal atmo entry. Until Jane heard a slight tearing sound and a piece of some panel ripping off the ship and flying past the window, Jane head whipped around as she watched the piece fly by. “Gorramnit that cant be good.” [/i] Idiot lights went crazy indicating power fluctuations across the board, and the vibrations Jane was feeling under her feet couldn’t be good… just when Jane thought that it couldn’t get any worse the ominous sound of the engine pod failure warning horn went off, Jane immediately reduced power to the other engine to avoid a deadly spin, the deck bucked beneath Jane’s feet as she threw out all the drag devices, in an attempt to keep them from getting too fast, while she rotated the good pod and added a bit of power to keep the tail heavy ship from descending ass first into the ground, but not enough power to induce a spin.

Opening the comm. to the engine room, Jane was by no means a mechanic, but she did her best. “Timothy I had a panel rip off the ship, causing power fluctuations, now I don’t have an engine, I’ll be need that engine back if we want to avoid bein a stain on the surface.” [/i] Jane could certainly attempt a dead stick landing, though at these speeds and with the size of the ship being what it was, it wouldn’t be pretty, they would probably survive, but poor Jenny Wren would need some belly work.

With everything going on Jane didn’t hear Ellie stumble onto the flight deck. But soon heard her question "Talk to me, what's going on?" [/i] Jane didn’t look back to her, she was to busy with trying to keep the ship upright, and even though her shoulder had had a few days to heal, it was beginning to ache, making it all the more difficult to keep a firm grip on the control stick. “Had a panel rip off, power fluctuations, and lost an engine, we are working on it. Now grab your controls and help me keep the ass end of this ship from pointin at the ground.” [/i] Jane answered the captain’s question curtly through gritted teeth, from the effort she was exerting, frustration, and a good amount of fear. She didn’t really care that she just gave the captain an order, its what needed to be done.

Location: Jenny Wren Cockpit
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:37 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Ellie wrote:Location: Jenny Wren, Captain's Quarters

Word had just come from Jane on the bridge a few minutes ago that they would be entering Boros' atmo in less than ten minutes, so Ellie had drug herself out of her somewhat comfortable bed and begun to pull on some clothes. She grabbed a shirt off the back of her desk chair and slipped it on over her head then tied her hair back in a loose and messy pony tail. Anything to keep it out of her face. She had contemplated cutting it short a while back but could never bring herself to do it. Her mother had always loved her hair long and it was that memory that held Ellie back from chopping it off.

She went over to the small sink and turned the water on, splashed some on her face and then quickly washed her hands all the while begin careful to use the water sparingly. There was a limited supply on a ship and she was all to aware of it. They could fill up with water as well on Boros. reaching for a towel, she stopped mid-motion as she felt the ship vibrate slightly beneath her feet. She snatched the towel and quickly dried off her face and hands then dropped it on the sink's edge as she darted from the room. Her quarters were quite close to the bridge so she was there in almost no time at all. Just as she entered the ship vibrated again, this time enough to send her stumbling into the co-pilot seat. As she dropped down into it she could hear Jane and Timmy communicating about the problem but she didn't catch what they were saying exactly. It was obvious they were handling it but it didn't make Ellie any less anxious to know what had gone wrong.

"Talk to me, what's going on?" she asked Jane.

Location: Jenny Wren, Bridge
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:36 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Timmy wrote:‘This sky is free, clear from purple belly pigs! A leaf in the wind! The sky! This sky? Aah ummm’ He looks around dumbfound thinking of the next words. Lost in thought standing in the middle of the engine room. Unaware of the floor beneath him faintly vibrating. He holds on hand a Terrorsaur (since he liked big things…..) and the other a model plane that Kaylee phrased being ‘shiny’. Timmy moves the plane like a crop-duster sputtering in the imaginary skies. Where Kaylee wears a pumpkin over her head and a hot pink jumpsuit. He spoke in a slow and piggish style, ‘I Kayleeee oink oink the bucket oink duster! Is not worthy of the oink oink hotty and adorable Doc, Simon oink oink.’ Not long his mind drifted off and daydreamed over the daydream. As the naughty thoughts of the dark hair, clean and soft spoken man walked forth towards he. Simon manifested ‘alone’ with Timmy, as his mind didn’t take any chances if this was a dream or an actual fact. He ran and locked the door of the engine room to keep Kaylee and dear oh Ellie out. In reality he was just standing holding the two toys. Extremely deep in his daydream he could taste, touch, and see Doctor Tam. The amazing awe of his clean soft skin His thin lips! His dark eyes! And his hands! What such talented hands Timothy thought. Still standing with his arms up and fingers almost loosing grip of his toys. His arms began to move towards each other to an embrace. In his mind he could hear Simon call his name, which in reality could be from anyone but he could just about filter anything to what he wanted. Timmy’s heart starts to beat hard then drop followed by a feeling in his brain. A sensation that felt as if it was ‘leaking’. He began to pucker his lips to receive a sweet and hard……. LIFT from the ground! The vibration started to become slightly stronger with a few hard shakes. Of course Timmy woke from his dream to only go back to his first dream of the Terrorsaur and the piggy Kaylee, ‘Your not free! This sky is mine!’ Where he spoke in an evil tone and moves his hand with the flying dinosaur and dives towards the crop duster Kaylee piglet! ‘No! No! oink oink Oh flying teeth-o-oink-sour! Lets be oink friends!’ He uttered in oink’anese keeping Kaylee the crop duster from dodging the wing creature. Next a big jump from the floor knocked him off his feet. He then fell back and slid across the floor. At this moment he was well out of his playful dream and on his ass. Soon after his back and head thuds on to the bulkhead. ‘ Gan ni niang’
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:36 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

BDH Narrator wrote:Cluster System 34 Tauri (White Sun) / Bai Hu (White Tiger)(2020)
Plantary Category – Boarder Planets
Star – 34 Tauri C (Georgia) / Huang Long (Yellow Dragon); 3rd orbiting Star – type G0
Planet – Boros, the 3rd planet
Location – Industeral District Docks
Mission – 24 hour duration; acquiring parts and supplies.

Note(s) –
“Boros is too big. It's crawling with Alliance.”[/center]
A civilized planet with a more strict Alliance presence than Persephone (due somewhat to its support of Independent forces during the Unification War). Ares, one of Boros' moons, is home to Alliance military shipyards. Up to five Alliance cruisers can be seen being constructed in orbit around Ares any given time -- these take about six years to complete. The Alliance presence here is as large as it gets outside the Core. Boros is known for its' scrap metal industry. Much of the overstocks, castoffs and junk from Ares finds its way to Boros, much of which can be had for a decent price. Merchants appreciate the few landing restrictions on Boros.


Jenny Wren approaches the Yellow Dragon System and heads directly to Boros. Along the Dragonfly’s view ports the planet quickly grows in to sight with a few of her moons. One of which is Ares a significant Alliance military shipyards. Several cruisers can be seen in various stages of construction off in the distance of orbit. From Jane's view Boros is quickly filling up the cockpit's windows. During atmospheric descent there would be a few problems. She would be the frist to be aware of these issues as she watches a panel ripping off from the ship. Which leads to power fluctuations and one of the engine turbines to stop. Where Jane would work with Timothy to safely land Jenny Wren. The mid sized transport would at first feel small vibrations then moderate turbulence. Enough to knock anyone down; in the Galley & Lounge pots and pans or anything that isn’t bolted down is ‘shaken’. In the Companion’s transport a state of serenity quickly changes to a rude awakening. Once and if they have survived landing Jenny Wren would head towards the the Industrial District to dock. In the surrounding area there would be many places to acquire parts, supplies and possibly passengers who can ‘pay’.
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:35 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Ellie wrote:Location: Cargo Bay, Catwalk

“I figured you’d be happy to know that you don’t have to worry about hiding an Alliance Officer aboard, I don’t plan on putting that uniform back on again for quiet sometimes; lots has to change before I every do again.”

Ellie kept an even gaze on him, without answering. She was simply waiting for him to get to the point. Seemed like this man on a high horse used a lot of fine words but didn't know how to cut to the chase very well...

He cleared his throat before continuing “With respect, m’lady Captain, as I’m but a guest aboard your ship, I was curious if you’d let me in on what your plans where for the short term.”

She raised an eyebrow at him, he was obviously proud of his new get up, or thought it would somehow reassure her about his good intentions. It did not. "We're making for Boros as we speak, we should arrive in a couple days. Only be staying for twenty four hours. We have some supplies to stock. Any other questions?"

“I don’t really expect you to understand, let along sympathize, my current predicament; it is a decision that I made and I’m proud of it. I don’t really know what the rest of my story will tell, nor what my calling will become; I’ve got some soul searching to do. But none of that matters to you, m’lady Captain. You didn’t have to take me aboard this ship, whether you did it for pities sake, or because of the credits or what; it doesn’t matter to me. As far as I’m concerned, you saved my life, and have given me a chance to make right that which is wrong. I’m no expert pilot, no great computer expert, no medicae or engineering.” He tapped the sword and pistol on his hips “But a better fighter, you’d be hard pressed to find; and a more loyal one, I don’t think exists. Unlike people who blindly follow a person, or just follow orders, I follow an ideal, a belief. For some reason, on a certain level, I think it’s close to the one you do, and considering what it must take to keep a ‘privateer’ running, I believe you could use one of my skills. So, until the time comes when our paths must part, or the great stalker of death claims either of us, I’ll vow to insure your personal safety. That, and that of this ship and crew as if she was my own, and am your general disposal; Madam Ellie.”

There was a moment of silence after his speech to her. Finally Ellie spoke, "You're mistaken about my not understanding or not sympathizing. Quite frankly, I don't care enough about your problems to even consider them. You're just a passenger to me."

She crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back slightly in a bit of defiance, "See, all your pretty words and fine ideals don't mean go se to me. And as far as what you wear, well you can dress a doxy up in all kinda finery, but she's still a doxy. What I've learned during my little life time is that the proof is in the pudding. So I don't give a rat's ass about your promise of protection, I didn't ask for it. The day comes that I need your gun or sword, I'll ask. Until then, I don't want any ma fuhn from you. Dohn luh mah?"

She turned and took the stairs down to the cargo bay floor two at a time, then thought of something else. Turning and looking up at him she said, "Oh, and don't call me Madam. Do I look like a Madam? Our newest passenger is a Madam, not me. Ellie or Captain from here on out. Got no use for empty words."

As she headed through the door toward the spiral staircase she called back to him, "Supper be on in the galley later, come if you like. Or starve, it ain't no concern of mine."

Location: Cargo Bay
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:34 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Teddy wrote:Location: Cargo Bay; Catwalk

Theodore had quickly re-sunk into the depths of his mind, replying the horrific events that had caused him to have to flee and end up where he is now, so lost in thought he hadn’t heard the elegant Captain walk up to him. Her question actually startled him slightly, yet, his outward appearance kept in check and there was no reaction to show it. "You find your room suitable for your needs?" Teddy turned towards Ellie “Ah, yes; quiet sporty I say.” It was a true enough comment. He’d spent many years in bunks and barracks smaller, and more uncomfortable then his quarters aboard this ship. “My walk’s answered my first question I had intended to ask, now knowing that we’re off that planet.” He looked off in the direction that the woman that had just boarded had walked off in “And I see we got another passenger, so that’s a plus for our little personal ship society.” He smiled a wide smile, trying to stay warm and friendly; we was aware that he was truly ‘alone’ aboard this ship, he could understand why they hard horrible feelings to him. “I figured you’d be happy to know that you don’t have to worry about hiding an Alliance Officer aboard,” he tugged on his duty belt again, readjusting it to sit comfortably “I don’t plan on putting that uniform back on again for quiet sometimes; lots has to change before I every do again.”

He cleared his throat before continuing “With respect, m’lady Captain, as I’m but a guest aboard your ship, I was curious if you’d let me in on what your plans where for the short term.” He tugged on his newly acquired full brim cap, readjusting it on his head. He listened, and conversed with her on this topic before continuing.

Tugging on his tunic, to straighten out the white silk and gold boarding of his shirt, he touched another sensitive topic “I don’t really expect you to understand, let along sympathize, my current predicament; it is a decision that I made and I’m proud of it. I don’t really know what the rest of my story will tell, nor what my calling will become; I’ve got some soul searching to do.” He stood up straight, the military man in him bringing him to full attention “But none of that matters to you, m’lady Captain. You didn’t have to take me aboard this ship, whether you did it for pities sake, or because of the credits or what; it doesn’t matter to me. As far as I’m concerned, you saved my life, and have given me a chance to make right that which is wrong. I’m no expert pilot, no great computer expert, no medicae or engineering.” He tapped the sword and pistol on his hips “But a better fighter, you’d be hard pressed to find; and a more loyal one, I don’t think exists. Unlike people who blindly follow a person, or just follow orders, I follow an ideal, a belief. For some reason, on a certain level, I think it’s close to the one you do, and considering what it must take to keep a ‘privateer’ running, I believe you could use one of my skills.”

His face took on a serious look, locking eyes with Ellie “So, until the time comes when our paths must part, or the great stalker of death claims either of us, I’ll vow to insure your personal safety. That, and that of this ship and crew as if she was my own, and am your general disposal; Madam Ellie.” He bowed, and came up smiling again. Parts of his normal psyche returning, and a level of personal comfort taking hold as well.

Location: Cargo Bay; Catwalk
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:33 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Jane wrote:Location: Jenny Wren, Cockpit

"No, not really. After the we lost the war I did some law enforcement work on White Fall, but I just realized one day that I couldn't play nice with the Alliance anymore. And I'm too damn stubborn to take orders from someone else, so I decided to give it a go on my own ship."

Jane nodded as Ellie went through her history, vaguely wondering how anyone could play nice with the alliance for any length of time, but smiled at Ellie’s new choice of career path and the reasoning behind it.

After Jane activated the comm. she got the impression that Ellie was expecting this person, Jane frowned slightly as she wrestled her heart and stomach back into their proper positions, some information would be nice to know… "This is Captain McKee, we're clearing you to dock," Ellie nodded to Jane, and she returned the nod, understanding that meant to maneuver the ship to accept the shuttle. "We look forward to meeting you."

Ellie stood up, "I suppose I should welcome our new guest. I'm sure you can handle getting us to Boros without me yappin' your ear off. Let me know when we are comin' up on the planet." Jane nodded not looking up from her task “Will do ma’am.”

Jane maneuvered the vessel so that the shuttle could dock in the port side docking bay, and once it was in place initiated the docking clamps. After Jane got the green lights that the shuttle was locked in place and all was well, she added power to the pods and once they had some speed built up, she fired the pulse drive, sending them speeding on their way to Boros. It would take a few days to get there, so Jane figured she would take a few moments to test out the autopilot, which as with most cargo ships was fairly rudimentary, heading holds on the x,y,z axis and power setting hold, all of which seemed to be functioning properly. Jane would monitor the systems to make sure there was no drifting for several minutes before being comfortable enough to stray to far from her station.

Keeping one eye on the heading indicators and alarm panels Jane got up and gathered her things and walked to the crew quarters that were just outside the flight deck. Jane knew that the quarters on the right were for the captain so she tested the door on the left, the single dorm appeared unoccupied, Jane smiled at the sight of the sink, and leaving the door open so she could run out quickly if an idiot horn went off, Jane tossed her pack on the bed, stripped down to her nothings, and went to the sink to wash up. Once she felt that she was sufficiently clean she ran a comb through her wet hair and donned a clean pair of brown cargo pants and a cream sports bra. Jane was never one to be embarrassed about showing skin, if people didn’t like it, don’t look. Jane slipped on her bomber jacket, leaving it unzipped, and put her combat boots, knife, and gun back on before heading back to the cockpit.

Location: Jenny Wren, Cockpit
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:32 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Ellie wrote:Location: Jenny Wren, Shuttle Dock

Despite knowing who was in the shuttle, Ellie couldn't help but feel ill at ease when the shuttle docking door opened. Perhaps because she knew Inara, Ellie was expecting someone more like her. The woman who appeared before her was instead an elegant red head. Her dress was every bit as lovely as anything one would expect a Companion to wear, but it was obvious that the dress only accented the natural beauty of the woman who wore it. Many women would simply look gaudy and ostentatious in such clothing, but someone of this woman's class looked stunning in it.

The woman spoke, “Hěn gāoxìng jiàndào nǐ.”

Ellie had never felt so drab and hickish before in her life. It made her both nervous and somehow angry at the same time. "Don't be ridiculous McKee!" she inwardly chided herself before greeting the newest addition to Jenny's crew. "Welcome to Jenny Wren ma'am. I'm Eloise McKee and we're pleased to have you join us and hope that the arrangement is of mutual benefit."

"I'm sure your journey here has been tiring so I won't press you to tour the ship now, but just to give you an idea of where things are," Ellie turned here to motion in the direction she was explaining and happened to see Teddy standing on the catwalk nearby. She wondered briefly if he took objection to the Companion trade. Somehow he seemed the type that might. Self righteous enough for it anyway. She dismissed the thought and continued her directions, "if you go down to the cargo floor here and through that door to the right you'll see a spiral staircase. If you were to go up those you will find the lounge, galley, bridge and so forth up there. The infirmary is the door to your left here, but hopefully you won't need to be in there anytime soon. Especially since we don't have a doctor yet." Ellie offered a wry grin at this last comment, her sarcastic humor showing through.

"We are heading for Boros right now, should arrive there in a couple days. If you wanted to send ahead and make appointments feel free to use the cortex here on the ship. We won't be staying more than twenty four hours though. Just long enough to pick up some parts so Timmy can keep us flying. We'll have supper on in the galley tonight and you're welcome to join us. Meet the rest of the crew. But it's entirely up to you."

After her conversation with The Priestess (Ellie knew of her former position in the Academy and in her mind had already nicknamed her accordingly), she turned her attention towards Teddy. Something in his manner gave her the distinct impression he had something he wished to discuss with her, though she was hardly enthusiastic about the idea. She quickly made her way along the catwalk to where he stood. "You find your room suitable for your needs?" It seemed a reasonable place to start a discussion with a guest. Even if it was one you could barely stand the sight of.

Location: Jenny Wren, Cargo Bay catwalk
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:31 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Teddy wrote:Location: Crew Quarters; Corridor

Theodore stalked the halls of the ship, a purpose in mind, but his guard only partially engaged. He had felt the ship accelerate, and could tell that they were at least off that Grom forsaken planet; which was a start. With every dozen steps or so, he retagged on his storm coat and pulled up on his duty belt, it was a different feeling then his normal duty uniform, so it would take some getting use to, although to his positive surprise, it was actually rather comfortable; albeit a bit stiff.

Insuring that his sword and revolver were where they were supposed to be, he found himself standing back in the cargo bay, and was looking it over pretty well. Time, experience and training told him to memorize every location for its strengths and weaknesses, how best to attack it and how best to defend it. With every passing moment, he was beginning to feel much better, more confident in himself and his decision. Talking to no one, as he was alone in the bay, he doubled fist slammed the railing “Blind traitorous bastards…” his hands gripped the railing almost to the point that he could have sworn he’d bend the metal with just his fingers.

He heard a noise off to his side, footsteps, and almost pulled a muscle in his neck and back because his first reaction was to spin on the target, but at the same time, he knew that doing so aboard this boat was not the best idea, so he caught himself in mid-turn, enough to send the disagreement pain all the way down to his toes; he gritted his teeth instead of crying out, the motion didn’t help his already possessed current injuries.

He saw Captain Ellie walk towards a docking port, and stand as if she was expecting somebody, which both intrigued and worried him at the same time; it was not out of the question that Ellie would contact the first Alliance ship she could contact and turn Teddy over just to gain favor with them and be rid of Teddy. He watched closely, as the doors started to open, and was ready to draw his weapons if he saw Alliance Soldiers. But, to his dismay, a woman, truly a woman, in light dress and hair the color of a healthy hot fire, stepped off the ship. Coming from his background, with his training and experience, he immediately knew what he was looking at “By jingo, a Companion?” He raised an eyebrow, and looked in befuddlement; he wasn’t sure if this made things better or worse, or how her being here added into the picture.

Yet, at the moment, he stayed back away from the both of them, his manners preventing him from speaking with Ellie like he had intended as she was in a different conversation and obviously busy. Teddy may be many things to many people, and disliked by many more, but he was ever the romantic and gentleman of ‘old’. Slowly, he turned back, readjusted his brimmed hat, and pulled it back down to just above his eyes. “I thought things were interesting before…” he said, under his breath, and re-grasped the handrail with both hands.

Location: Cargo Bay; Gantry
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:30 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Shur'anna wrote:Inara walks out from her shuttle and on to the upper deck of the cargo hold. She saw Jayne, Kaylee and River chatting…where Jayne wasn’t exactly talking but Kaylee seemed to tell him off for some offence he likely did. In all this River observed them with the awe and deep curiosity. Inara walked down towards them…where she had this look of a feather in the wind. River had noticed where Kaylee stopped to watch Inara, “Gee, Inara you look as shiny as shine!”” Where Jayne gawked at her thinking of impure thoughts grabbing at his groin. As his behavior as always were down right uncivilized it was ignored but Kaylee turned to him with disgust, “Gahh!”

Zoe had just walked in the cargo hold, “Inara, we have a message for you. I’ve had it patched through to your shuttle.” Inara would only return a curious look, “From who?” Zoe replied, “High Priestess? All that was said.” Inara face was surprised and quickly ran up to her shuttle. Kaylee had smiled and with curiosity said, “Who? Must be really important. High Priestess sound so civilized and amazing!” Inara turned back before entering and looked to Kaylee but spoke to all, “She’s a Companion but not only but the High Priestess of the Guild. She’s one of my oldest dear friends, Shur’anna.” Closing to the grandeur and excitement that Kaylee gave out…Jayne shared some adulterated thoughts out loud. Where Kaylee and Zoe said, “Jayne!! ” “Jayne!” Where he hadn’t noticed as the fantasy over took him, “I’ll be in my bunk.” Hand in his slacks scampering away.

Upon opening the communication terminal Inara sat and saw Shur’anna’s face appear, “What do I owe this surprise?” Shur’anna hadn’t age or changed since the last they saw one another on Sihnon. Her bright lush red hair were still vibrate and healthy…her dress was a deep green hue that complemented will with her fare youthful complication. She was adorn with many jewelry much more then Inara. “You haven’t age a bit Inara.” Shur’anna replied in a non complement way but not in an insult either. Inara smiled as she had conveyed to a secret that only they kept dear. “I am happy you are all right and it was very hard to locate you after what was showed. Words can not be said those may hear…as you are safe under my warm embrace. As I plea to you to come home! You know if it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t be High Priestess.”

“Now, now Shur’anna. You are kind and you shouldn’t worry. My path isn’t so clear anymore and I want to be lost in the woods. And…” Shur’anna said, “You are a Companion! You are the best of us. Why do you feel as such? Is it from what happened or is it because of him? That piety thief. He has clouded you and even more I feel you should come back home. I would be liao bu qi to have you by my side. The Core worlds is your place and not that shi.” The High Priestess expressed in a such low regard of Malcolm and the Serenity. Something of a small old cargo ship having the honor of a registered companion was insulting to her. Shur’a respected Inara deeply but could not understand why she decides to remain in such conditions. “Hey! This is my home and yes its because of Mal. I can’t leave. I lov…I am just unsure and I need time. If you are my sister you should except my decision”

“I just don’t understand.” Inara didn’t want to talk to Shur’anna in this way…after so long she felt that she had changed. In a great deal that Shur’a couldn’t understand and understood her but Inara needed to have her understand herself. “I know you don’t understand and I can’t go back. They need me here and he needs me. I…” Shur’a listened but cut her off, “Inara! I will except your decision. What I meant was…I think I would be a better Companion if I were to come visit you. Or find my self a ship like yours and see a different way of life.”

“No, oh no. No I mean it would be great to see you but you! Your not going to like it out here its harsh and its nothing like home and Shur’a! You and the boarder worlds are…” She said in such away to help her see its not for everyone and not easy. But Shur’anna insisted and explained to Inara, “If I were to be as good as you I need to do this and also would help me understand. I can’t see that there is more to the boarder worlds then living it for my self.” Inara, “What of the Guild?”

“Let me worry about them. I just need a ship like Serenity…do you think if I would stay till you can find me a respectable transport to fairy me?” Just beyond the doorway River had been listening in. She gave her signature expression of curiosity and watched the two Companions. Ones she caught sight of Shur’anna…River screamed. Inara jumped and turned around to see river histerical. Shur’a could hear this person scream and she could not think other then Inara. She could be in trouble and couldn’t do anything but say, “Inara? Inara! INARA!!! What’s going on? Are you okay? Inara!”

“It isn’t safe! It isn’t safe! It isn’t safe! It isn’t safe! It isn’t safe! It isn’t safe!” River had repeated over and over…Inara slowly walks up to her, “River? What isn’t safe? We are all okay now and you are safe. Simon is safe. We are all safe.” Inara slowly walks towards her to only be pushed away. She fell back on to the bulkhead…luckily next to the opening of the Shuttle. Where she had called out for Simon or anyone.

River had uttered the same words a few more times till she faced the terminal of Shura’anna’s worried face. River had blankly stared at the High Priestess…where Shur’a looked back in fright. “Is Inara all right? Who are you? Please tell me is Inara unharmed! Please” River looked at Shur’anna as if she hadn’t heard her ask. “It isn’t safe.” she said a stoic way. “It isn’t safe? For Inara?” River Tam looked in to Shur’a’s green eyes and replied, “No, for you.”

Shur’anna had a very cold feeling up her spine…she was already tearing up out of freight for Inara but not she was terrified of this girl’s words. River was suddenly pulled back…it was Simon who had pulled her towards him. “Simon?” She looked up at him with confusion, “Where am i? Inara?” River had looked around and found her self in Inara’s Shuttle. She hadn’t remembered what had happened and all she could recall was that she was watching the two Companions. Next there was Simon’s face and everyone was upset, “Simon?”

Inara had ran back in to the room and quickly back to Shur’anna just to find that she had “Hung up.” Simon looked towards Inara and said, “I’m really sorry!” Inara had looked back at the Tams and expressed a feeling of it was all right. “Is she all right? I thought she was getting or was better.” Simon looked up at her unsure in his face and was as lost as they were. “Wha? Is everyone…are you all right Simon?” Kaylee had just ran in to have heard it all echoing down the ship.

Six months later…[/color]

It was strange being alone on a ship that was small enough to be just a third of her bath chamber. It was also new to her to have flown a shuttle on her own. There was many things that where done for her she now had to do for her self. She went to far lengths to try to live a life that her friend had picked. She made her shuttle nearly like of the temple on Sihnon…if the transport was as shi as the Serenity at least her small corner would be not.

The Alliance Cruiser had just dropped her off nearly of orbit of Persephone. The Cruiser had gave her the information that a head was the transport. The one she is to report to…she pondered simply but trusted Inara that this was the best she could find. Shur’a wondered if where Inara was good enough for her the Jenny Wren must be worst. Where nothing out here was civilized and she rethought about what she was doing out here.

Even if she wanted to turn back the Alliance Cruiser had just left…and the Jenny Wren have already detected her and hailed, “This is Captain McKee, we're clearing you to dock. We look forward to meeting you.” While listening to the welcome hail she…pondered to her self found it rather odd that the cruiser left such in a hurry. “Thank you.” she replied.

She maneuvered the shuttle almost like a fighter plane. On the side of the Jenny Wren she was to dock…the design was like how the Firefly Class was. Where the Jenny Wren was just like her but an larger older sister. As the shuttle slowly slid in to the port…Shur’a had powered down it’s systems and prepared her self to meet this captain.

She had really hope for the best and she was scared of all this. Though her feelings where in shocked her body and facial mannerism wouldn’t betray her. She was trained and was one of the best along side of Inara’s class. She had opened the shuttle door and waited for the Jenny Wren’s side to open.

She was dress in her High Priestess garments…they were light, soft to look at and touch. She gave a polite greeting, “Hěn gāoxìng jiàndào nǐ” As she said ones the doors had opened and saw the red head woman stand just ahead of her. Shur’a wasn’t sure if this was Inara’s humor but it wasn’t in her character. Soon after the thought of Malcolm Reynolds and she said under her breath, ‘zázhǒng’
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:28 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Ellie wrote:Location: Jenny Wren,

“So… Uh… How about you? Always wanted to be a ship captain?” Jane asked her.

She shook her head, "No, not really. After the we lost the war I did some law enforcement work on White Fall, but I just realized one day that I couldn't play nice with the Alliance anymore. And I'm too damn stubborn to take orders from someone else, so I decided to give it a go on my own ship." E

Ellie chuckled, "I must've tried out a half dozen pilots with more formal training than you and they can't hold a candle to the way you just took us out." Jane snickered and suppressed a blush, “There is a big difference between readin and doin, as I’m sure you know, nothin replaces real life experience. Plus you need to love what you do, and treat your bird with respect and care.” Ellie shook her head and muttered, "Most of the pilots out there any more are tian di wu yohn." Jane laughed hard, “Well I don’t know about that, they will get you off the ground most of the time, some even do it with style, but are too busy measuring their own diaos to realize that folk have businesses to run.” Jane whipped her head around and her announced, “Proximity alert.” Looking to Ellie Jane cocked her head to the side, confused “It’s a short range shuttle, and its requesting permission to dock.” Betting on the possibility that Ellie would want to respond to this person(s) Jane activated the com.

She nodded, having nearly forgotten that Mal had said Inara made contact with a colleague of hers on the Ellie's behalf and was going to try to set them up with a Companion. Jane had activated the com and so Ellie addressed the shuttle now, "This is Captain McKee, we're clearing you to dock," she gave a nod to Jane as she said this to indicate she was to do what was needed to make it happen. "We look forward to meeting you."

She stood up, "I suppose I should welcome our new guest. I'm sure you can handle getting us to Boros without me yappin' your ear off. Let me know when we are comin' up on the planet."

Ellie left the bridge feeling content with at least two of the people on her ship now. She didn't know how far she could trust Jane, but she liked her well enough. It was an instinctual thing. And at least the girl was on the right side of the Feds. Too bad she didn't feel so sure about Teddy. She tried not to worry herself over it at the moment though as she made her way to where the shuttle would dock and could open into the ship. A companion on her ship, who would have thought it? But Ellie knew it made a certain amount of business sense, so she could hardly say no.

Location: Jenny Wren, Corridor

OOC: Bri, I know we decided to add small personal transport shuttles to outside like Serenity, where would those open into the ship at?
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:27 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Jane wrote:Location: Jenny Wren, Bridge

Ellie leaned back in the co-pilot seat. "I don't want to stay on Boros more'n needed, but there are some defenses we have to get together should we fall into any tight spots..." Jane nodded; defenses were always a plus out in the black. Jane had had her fair share of run-ins with the alliance, not to mention some of the more foreboding things out here.

Jane adjusted their course a bit trying to shave off a few unnecessary minutes, when Ellie asked "So where did you learn to fly?" Jane thought she would lie, like she always did, but for some reason she liked Ellie, and trusted her to a certain degree, plus it was always good to inform the captain of your flight experience, so she went with the truth. “My dad had me flyin with him in his crop-duster long before I can remember, and a friend of mine had a large freight business with several different ships, a dragonfly bein one of em, he taught me the finer points of flyin in the black in all his ships. When the war started he volunteered his ships to the independent army and he had me pilot the one he captained.” Jane wasn’t sure what to say, she had never been the best conversationalist, and prison hadn’t done anything to help that, but she wanted to know more about the situation that she had gotten herself into. “So… Uh… How about you? Always wanted to be a ship captain?” It was a lame question and Jane knew it, but one had to start somewhere.

Ellie chuckled, "I must've tried out a half dozen pilots with more formal training than you and they can't hold a candle to the way you just took us out." Jane snickered and suppressed a blush, “There is a big difference between readin and doin, as I’m sure you know, nothin replaces real life experience. Plus you need to love what you do, and treat your bird with respect and care.” Ellie shook her head and muttered, "Most of the pilots out there any more are tian di wu yohn." Jane laughed hard, “Well I don’t know about that, they will get you off the ground most of the time, some even do it with style, but are too busy measuring their own diaos to realize that folk have businesses to run.” Jane was going to continue but a little flashing idiot light made her head whip around and her adrenaline start pumping, “Proximity alert.” Jane had been running the scanners on just a simple detector mode, energy savings and all, but by flipping a few switches she sent more power to the antenna blisters and frequency generators, trying to get an idea of what the hell was out there. Looking to Ellie Jane cocked her head to the side, confused “It’s a short range shuttle, and its requesting permission to dock.” Betting on the possibility that Ellie would want to respond to this person(s) Jane activated the com.

Jane didn’t want to run over the poor shuttle so she un-feathered the Pods’ turbine blades, and fed hydrogen trough the thrusters, just enough to get them to slow a bit, but not too much that if Ellie deemed this shuttle a threat, Jane could still run it over…

Location: Jenny Wren, Bridge
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 3:50 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Ellie wrote:Location: Jenny Wren, Bridge

Ellie watched her new pilot expertly maneuver the Dragonfly class ship out of atmo. It was evident in her control that she understood not only how to fly but how to do economically, something a Captain such as Ellie could truly appreciate. Most young pilots like hot rodding, showing off their fancy skills, few really considered the cost of fuel. Especially when they weren't footing the bill. She had looked over some prospects for the pilot position, but in truth she had not felt comfortable with any of them. A self respecting captain viewed their ship almost like their child and wouldn't trust them to just anyone. Ellie had taken a chance on this girl, but it was pretty clear from the start she had some serious skills.

“We should be there in no time” Jane informed her.

Ellie leaned back in the co-pilot seat, taking in the view in front of her. "I don't want to stay on Boros more'n needed, but there are some defenses we have to get together should we fall into any tight spots..."

In this line of work, run ins with the Alliance were not uncommon and even more frightening was the prospect of crossing paths with a Reaver ship. Though she did not plan on being that far out in the Rim Worlds right off to have to worry too greatly about Reavers anytime real soon. She hoped anyway.

Making idle chat with Jane, Ellie asked her, "So where did you learn to fly?"

She chuckled a bit to herself, as she replied, "I must've tried out a half dozen pilots with more formal training than you and they can't hold a candle to the way you just took us out." Shaking her head she muttered, "Most of the pilots out there any more are tian di wu yohn."

Location: Jenny Wren, Bridge
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 3:49 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Jane wrote:Location: Jenny Wren, Bridge

Jane was still sitting on the flight deck, her eyes shut, mentally going through the operating procedures of a Dragonfly class, beating away the cobwebs. She heard footsteps approaching, they were light, graceful, a woman’s gate. Jane relaxed a bit, figuring it was Ellie, and wasn’t surprised when she opened her eyes, turned around in her chair, and there stood the captain. "I wasn't expecting you to be up for flying so soon. Your room suit you alright?" Jane smiled and poked at her shoulder, “I’ve had far worse then this, and I hadn’t made it as far as my room yet, was eager to climb back in the saddle, it’s been to long, it's a pilot thing I’m guessin.”

Ellie took a seat in the co-pilot chair, "I'm guessing by the fact you knew just where to hide that you've handled a Dragonfly class before?" Jane almost blushed, but squelched the feeling of embarrassment quickly, “Yes ma’am, it’s been a long time, fret not it’s all comin back to me.” Jane smiled confidently, and didn’t feel like elaborating on her experience at the moment, in time maybe, when trust was earned. “Good. Well, she's pretty much standard to a Dragonfly, but she has her own little quirks. You'll get to know Jenny soon enough." Jane nodded but didn’t add anything; she could tell that Ellie loved this ship very much; this made Jane’s respect for Ellie increase dramatically, you could tell a lot about a person by how they reacted to certain things.

"No use us lolly-gaggin on this hell hole, let's get off the ground!" Ellie said with a grin, and Jane returned one of her own, “Just a second.” She hopped out of her seat, making no threatening moves towards Ellie, and went over to her pack. She pulled out her ‘browncoat’, her dad’s bomber jacket, and put it on. She let the scent of the leather wash over her, now she was ready to fly. “Ok Cap, just point in a direction.” "We make for Boros. Got to get ourselves some parts for some projects that Timmy has to take care of." [/i][/color]Jane hesitated for the briefest moment on the way back to her seat; she was imprisoned on Ares, one of Boros’s moons, and was wanted for prison break and theft on that world. Jane almost said something, but how did she know that this Ellie person, whom she just met, wouldn’t turn her in for the huge bounty? So Jane remained silent, banking on the fact that her appearance had changed radically since she was in that area, hopefully there would be no trouble.

Jane walked back over the controls, sat, and started spooling up the Wing Pods, running them on air-breathing mode, at least while in atmo to keep things fuel efficient. Jane knew very well, from talking to George when she was a kid, the costs of operating these things, so every penny saved was a penny earned. Jane eased Jenny Wren off the ground; she gave it a little boost of extra power, remembering how aft the center of gravity was on these Dragonfly’s. On her way out of atmo, Jane checked and double checked for green lights on all systems (gravity control, power, life support, navigation, sensors, and communications) Jane was sure Ellie would have had the mechanic all over these before they took off, but it was always good to keep an eye on things.

Jane was elated to be flying again; she ignored the pain in her shoulder and took the yolk with both hands, to get a better feel for Jenny Wren’s personality, a ship could tell you all you needed to know through the stick. Once they broke atmo, Jane closed the Pod’s intake irises, no point in trying to suck in air that wasn’t there, and switched them to rocket mode while she charged the pulse drive. When Jane was satisfied that everything was ready she turned the Pods’ turbine blades to a feathered position and activated the pulse drive, satisfied at the small ‘kick’ she felt.

Jane turned and looked at Ellie and smiled, “We should be there in no time”

Location: Jenny Wren, Bridge
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 3:48 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Ellie wrote:Location: Jenny Wren, Cargo Hold

Ellie had not caught any of the interaction between Teddy and Mal. Whichwas probably a good thing because it would have pissed her off. However, she was there front and center for the clash between Jane and Teddy. She suppressed a chuckle as Jane confronted the Fed. She liked this girl already. Even if she was obviously going to be a handful.

Once Timmy had given the go ahead, Mal and his crew members left the ship and Ellie made her way to the bridge, intending to take Jenny up. Stepping into the Bridge she stopped in surprise as she saw Jane was already there, "I wasn't expecting you to be up for flying so soon. Your room suit you alright?"

She took a seat in the co-pilot chair and studied Jane for a moment, "I'm guessing by the fact you knew just where to hide that you've handled a Dragonfly class before?"

Ellie nodded at her new pilot's reply with a smile and settled back in her seat, "Good. Well, she's pretty much standard to a Dragonfly, but she has her own little quirks. You'll get to know Jenny soon enough."

Ellie couldn't help but allow a bit of pride and love for her ship to creep into her voice. Jenny represented freedom to her. About the only freedom left to have was out in the black, thanks to the Alliance.

"No use us lolly-gaggin on this hell hole, let's get off the ground!" Ellie said with a grin. "We make for Boros. Got to get ourselves some parts for some projects that Timmy has to take care of."

Location: Jenny Wren, Bridge
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 3:47 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Teddy wrote:Location: Jenny Wren, out for a walk

As he walked about the ship, with no destination in mind, he found his mind wandering over everything that had transpired, and couldn’t keep from shaking his head in disbelief. What a shock, it was, to find something you’ve believed in for so long so strongly, to be a farce; a perversion of your innocence. Theodore thought of his brothers in arms, those that had served with him, and under him as he’d climbed the ranks in The Service; it was then that he found that he had his eyes closed. When he opened them, he found that he wandered right in front of a mirror, well, it wasn’t a mirror specifically, but it was reflective enough that it worked just the same.

He stared into the reflection for a while, it could have been seconds or hours, he didn’t know; he didn’t care. With a grunt, and gritted teeth, he punched the reflection with his right hand, never feeling the pain of his actions. With a snap, he spun on his heels and head back to his new ‘quarters’. With a scoff, and through bloody fingers, he ripped his uniform off and threw it in the corner of room. Standing there in only his underwear and gauze wrappings, he turned and re-drew his kit bag he’d brought with him, and overturned in onto his bunk; articles, little memorabilia and some clothes fell out onto the bed… and the floor.

With a tussle, some colorful language, and some effort, Theodore made a hell of a change. A few moments later, he found himself looking at a ‘new him’ in the mirror. He stood before it, not as a member of the ‘Glorious Alliance’ that he’d so blindly followed, but as an outlaw, a free lancer, an Old ‘Regulator’ if you will. Although he knew that officially he was designed a criminal and an outlaw, and would be treated as such if caught (which he figured would eventually occur as he knew The Alliance), during his remaining free time he’d do everything he could to bring law to the lawless and order to chaos, both on The Rim and on the Central Worlds; wherever it was needed. He’d to do so with words, credits, sword or the barrel of a gun. With his new look, he exited his room and began wondering the ship again, looking for ‘Miss Ellie’ to see when they were going to take off, and let her know that she no longer had to worry about trying to hide an Alliance Officer in full uniform aboard her ship.

Theodore had adorned a combination of his packed clothes; some of it military issue, some civilian, some personal. He put on his comfortable tactical pants, which had many pockets and places to carry thing credits to ammo, and allowed enough free movement to not hinder his swordsmen ship. He’d kept his black combat boots on, which he’d always found comfortable. He put on his suspenders, which helped support his gears weight, which ran up and over his white under t-shirt. Over his under shirt was his concealable ‘officers body armor’, which itself was covered with a white and gold trimmed button up dress shirt. On top of his pants belt, hung his duty belt, with his revolver above his right hip and his sword just over his left. He’d also retrieved his heavy duty ‘storm coat’ (which is a heavy and thick trench coat), and put that on. He’d also retrieved a decorative large black and gloss brimmed hat, which displayed his former unit’s sigil in the center of it, but nobody outside of The Alliance would know what it is; but then again, it wasn’t unusual for ex-alliance personnel (regardless of their reason for leaving) to display their former units avatars on things.

With renewed confidence, he set off on his mission.

Location: Jenny Wren, out for a walk… again…
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 3:46 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Teddy wrote:Location: Jenny Wren Cargo Hold

Theodore was still standing in the Cargo Hold with Ellie and Mal when the woman they’d pulled from the bulkhead re-entered the area, Theodore’s attention immediately checked her condition, and found that she looked to be in much better shape, true testimony to the effective use of good medicine, and thus allowing her to be more of a threat then she was not to long ago. He made no aggressive action, but put himself internally on high alert just incase. He watched her return to the hole she’d been pulled out of, and retrieve what seemed to be all her personal gear, and that damned obviously dangerous knife.

He couldn’t say he was really surprised when she walked up to him, after getting her stuff, and came within striking distance with that knife, pointing at him. Yet, as he looked at the tip of the blade, then back at the eyes of the woman that wielded it, he didn’t move; not even a hand or a foot step. Theodore was an expert swordsman, and a good fighter; he’d trained and fought for a long time. He was certain that should she try something, he’d be able to deflect the first attack without much effort, and then could draw his sword when needed; but he’d be damned if he was going to start the fight.

But, it seemed she was going to do it for him, as she walked up to him and came ever so close to getting the fight that she seemed so bad to want. “I ain’t care’n what your story is. Nee Tzao Se Mah? Lio Coh Jwei Ji Neong Hur Ho Deh Buhn Jah J’wohn, Gwon Ni Tze Jee Duh Shr.” she said, and he made no reply, he just locked eyes with her. She seemed so dead set on portraying this superiority in fighting, and making herself sound so tuff, that while she was huffing and puffing, he was trying to get a read on her; which was painful to do. Just before she turned to leave, his mouth quirked in a smirk, then she departed up and out of the hold.

“Such a lovely woman, wouldn’t you say?” he said aloud, yet to no one specifically. Although he was no mind reader, not by any stretch of the word, he was a body language reader and an excellent judge of a person’s character. He’d gathered a two main things from that brief look; first off, she wasn’t scared of him, and that bothered him, because for one reason or another, she should be, but he could tell she hated him… or maybe it was the uniform, not something exactly popular in his current surroundings. He could also tell that she was in a lot of pain, not just from the injuries, but she’d been hurt before and it was a serious hurt; which gave her rage strength and ferocity; again an important piece of information for him.

She was a time bomb, in one form or another; he knew it. It was only a matter of time before something finally set her off, and then all bets were off. Teddy didn’t think she’d tell him much, but he knew eventually she’d have to say something, other then finding new and inventive ways to threaten him. Regardless, now wasn’t the time to ponder it, they had a planet to get off and a group of rascals to do it with. He smiled and laughed, “At least things will stay interesting aboard this ship, my dearest Captain!” turning on his heel with military perfection, Theodore strolled away, deciding to take a walk of the ship; and to let his body relax after all the excitement.

Location: Jenny Wren, out for a walk
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 3:45 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Jane wrote:Location: Jenny Wren Cargo Hold

Jane made a beeline for the little space that she had hid in. She did her best to ignore the Alliance man who was still there, and picked up her things, feeling much better now that nutcracker was back in her hand. She couldn’t help herself; she needed to say something to the Purple Belly. She walked up to him, pointed her knife at him, “I ain’t care’n what your story is. Nee Tzao Se Mah? Lio Coh Jwei Ji Neong Hur Ho Deh Buhn Jah J’wohn, Gwon Ni Tze Jee Duh Shr.” Jane didn’t wait for him to respond, she turned on her heal and left the cargo hold. She was going to track Ellie down and figure out where she was sleeping so she could clean up a bit, but the call of the Flight Deck was to powerful, she longed to get back into the saddle.

Jane took the long way up to the Bridge, on purpose, she didn’t want to be around that Purple Belly any longer then she had to. She took the spiral staircase just off the cargo hold up into the lounge, her stomach grumbled longingly for something to digest. Jane hadn’t eaten in several days, but that would have to wait. She stepped onto the Flight Deck, set her pack down and made her way to the controls. It was the same as when she was twelve, a wonderful feeling, she just sat there memorizing where everything was, trying to ignore the pain in her shoulder, and reminiscing of the olden days when it was just Allen, Bella, and her.

Location: Jenny Wren Bridge
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 3:44 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Timmy wrote:When he heard Ellie’s voice he nearly fell on his own feet. He didn’t even hear what she said to him but knew what to get. Her voice just made him go do things without a thought. Timmy had looked up to Ellie like a Ma, however something he’d never share. Although it could be noticeable at times and if confronted he’d always change the subject or avoid. Upon reaching the Infirmary he had no idea what to get. Timmy thought of a box filled with healing stuff. As he grabbed something he thought just as that. He’d had ran out to just see Serenity’s ‘piào liàng’ Doctor and the bleeding woman.

Watching Simon come along with Kaylee from the end of the Cargo Hold. Seeing them quickly moving towards him. Timothy was in simple awe; not of the situation but of Doctor Tam. From watching on the Cargo Hold side face against the Infirmary’s windows. He watches how he worked; he never seen a doctor let along seeing 1 doing doctor things. He sound him sooo ‘piào liàng’ and forgot what Ellie roared him to do. Shortly he heard a girl’s voice, “Oh Simon will help her. so its gonna be OK.” Timmy looked at her; he instantly found her shiny but he didn’t get what she was saying. Until he realized he was holding the med case that he was sent to get. He thought about what Kaylee said. Tim didn’t care for the ‘Nee yin’ rat that was concealed in the wall, however how ‘piào liàng’ the doctor was. He looked so ‘piào liàng’ with the clean fair skin and how he dressed. Along with how Simon’s mannerism kinda like a Companion.

‘Don’t you think there are male Companions?’ Kaylee looked at Timmy in a very strange way then just nodded. ‘Weeeell, Captain tight pants has told me to give you a list. I think this would help you get Jenny Wren flying smoothly like our Serenity in no time! ’ Timothy excepted the list and saw shiny places to get parts and other tips. For that moment he forgot all about the nice ‘Ji ba’ in the infirmary and all on his mind was machines. He led her to the engine room and they exchange complements to each of their ships. From under the spinning turbine they didn’t hear anyone walk in. They were in a heated debate between which of the 2 engines of a 66 31 V9 and a SS 9 31 is better. ‘NO! No, the 66 31 V9 will not fall out of the sky. Not if you bypass the thermal regulators with ice mix regulators!’ Timothy just rolls his eyes but nodded to Kaylee. ‘Look shiny, the 66 31 V9 is just ‘Chou ba guai’. Look at and how it cools its self is be side the point at least the SS 9 31 flies pretty and has better regulators! ’ Kaylee gives him a stern look followed by a playful reply. ‘OK. OK, it maybe ‘Chou ba guai’ but it last far longer!’ Giving Timmy a proud nod.

During this time Simon had left the Infirmary to leave Jane and Ellie alone. Where he had followed the voices of Kaylee and 1 other. Seeing that the were in the engine room he wondered in. Simon didn’t see anyone, however heard them. He couldn’t make out whether they were fighting or talking. Which by looking around the Jenny Wren he said, ‘Wow, looks better then Serenity.’ As his mouth open and his eyes looked about the larger engine room of the Dragonfly. Immediately after the voices between the to mechanics stopped and Kaylee stood up. ‘What do you mean by that?’ She looked at Simon, ‘Serenity is just as nice!’ Simon opens his mouth to say, however Kaylee doesn’t give him a chance and storms out.

Timothy watched as Doctor Tam try to explain himself. Trying to say what he meant and trying to get Kaylee to understand. However, in the distance Kaylee spouted, ‘You just really don’t know how to talk to people, especially to me and Serenity. She a nice no great ship!’ Timmy was agreeing nodding his head but in his mind. He had a different reason why he was nodding…… ‘So? You guys together?’ Before Simon could reason out Timothy’s words Kaylee glared at Timmy and grabbed him out of the engine room. ‘Well all you had to say was ya! And the SS 9 is still better!’
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 3:43 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Jane wrote:Location: Jenny Wren, Infirmary

The Captain smiled at Jane's response, "That suits me fine. I can use a good pilot, even if it's only temporary. As far as the fighting, never know when that will come in handy." Jane returned her smile, “Truer words were never spoken.” Jane added with a hint of sadness, she had learned most of her fighting abilities in prison, were it was a fact of life that you learned to fight or you died.

The Captain hopped off the other bed and said, "I'm Ellie, by the way. I'll go red up a room for you." Jane smiled warmly “Pleased to meet you Ellie, and thank you.” As Ellie headed for the door she stopped and turned back around, "Just so you know, the guy who looks like a Fed out there, ain't exactly what he seems to be. I don't trust him anymore than you do, but he appears to be one of those faces I mentioned earlier. If you're on the run, I'd keep a sharp eye on him, but I think he's too busy watching out for his own hide to give anyone else any trouble. Unless he's lying to me, in which case we'll kill him." She shot Jane a bright smile, which was not at all congruent with her comment. Jane just smirked in return, he better be watching his back, she killed a fed before and she had no problems sticking another one in the Gao wan.

Jane watched as Ellie left, she carefully flexed her fingers, tested her elbow, and finally her shoulder. She hissed in pain, but knew that when the pain meds wore off it would be worse. “Suck it up.” She swung her legs off the bed, stood up, and grabbed the side of the bed for support as the room spun a bit. Once she got her legs under her she made for the cargo hold. She wanted to collect her things and store them in a more secure location, she had a journal in her pack she didn’t want anyone to read, and more importantly she wanted Nutcracker back, which she assumed she dropped when she passed out. She passed a mirror on her way and examined herself. She looked like hell; her hair and face were caked with dried blood, and her clothes were a mess. She needed to wash and change; hopefully she didn’t bleed all over her pack and stain everything in there as well.

Location: Jenny Wren, en-route to the Cargo Hold
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 3:42 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Teddy wrote:OOC Note: Although it would be hard to believe that with the current situation, Mal would allow such an act to occur, I tried to write it as both as realistic as possible to explain how it would have happened and why; trying to explain, in a way, why Theodore is where he is and help give a view into his physicee.

Location: Jenny Wren; Cargo Hold Bulkhead

Theodore found himself eyeing Reynolds a bit more then he liked, but didn’t say much in the company of everyone. When the medic, captain and injured women finally left the Cargo Bay, he put himself within reach of Mr. Reynolds. “Ah, Malcolm Reynolds; the infamous Captain of the space ship Serenity.” He could see the ruttin Brown Coat eye him as carefully as he was judging him, he wasn’t gonna be blind sided completely. “I know a lot of people who would love to be this close to you, and a lot of others would love to have custody of you; you’re worth quite a bit of credits to the right people…” he smiled wickedly, still not making any hostile movements, however both hands resting on his duty belt buckle.

Letting his comments hang for a minute, purposely creating a air of tension, he just looked at the man standing in front of him. After a few moments, he smiled, his pearly white teeth gleaming past his moustache, and let out a laugh “Haha, but it’s a good thing that none of them are here right now; Major Theodore James, formally of the ‘glorious’ Alliance’s Army…” he reached out a hand, airing a friendly atmosphere. He reached out his right hand to shake that of Mal’s “A pleasure of mine to make your acquaintance.” Obviously volunteering his right hand, thus being his strong hand, it was meant to be seen as a gesture of good will, as he’d be exposing himself to attack, by leaving only his ‘weak’ arm available for defense; however this was the idea.

When Malcolm reached for his hand, Theodore quickly countered with his left and struck him right on the jaw, spinning him around and knocking him to the floor. Mal was no push over, and quickly rebounded after the hit, however, when he went to rise, he found Theodore standing over him, saber redrawn, an inch or two from his neck, the electricity in the blade arcing a bit and making contact with his skin; Mal’s hand loosening a bit on his side arm. “We,” (being The Alliance) “lost a lot, A LOT, of good men as a result from your little stunt regarding the world of Miranda (referencing the planet from the movie Serenity). The majority of The Alliance Fleet that was engaged was destroyed, or even crippled; some 75% of those that started got added to the casualty list…” Teddy gritted his teeth, and even a few tears welled up in both his eyes “I lost a couple friends during that little ‘tiff’…” Again, he stayed in the position he was in, holding the ‘air’ for a moment, while both men prepared for what was next.

However, as used to that which ain’t right as Malcolm Reynolds was, he sure wasn’t ready for what happened next. After a moment, Theodore stepped back, re-sheathed his saber, and offered a hand, helping Mal up off the deck. “Yet, it was a worthy reason to die; and it needed to be done.” He took in a deep breath, and continued “I know, or can at least venture, what you think of me, standing here in this uniform, coming from ‘them’; I read your file, your ‘Independent’ service record, and know your kind. I know what you were thinking when you boarded this ship and saw me standing here, I can only imagine the confusion in your head when you saw that Miss Ellie didn’t seem stunned about my presence. Not to mention the fact that she wanted you to ‘watch me’ while she went and checked upon our little stow-away treasure gal we found.” He leaned forward on the tips of his toes, then leaned back on his heels, stretching his hamstrings, yet putting a casual ‘sway’ in his stance, “You expected me to try something, either against Miss Ellie or those that you brought aboard, or you yourself; I figured we wouldn’t have a chance to discuss things like civilized men without first getting over the expected tussle between us both. You showed then that you were not what most people think… my hope is that not only will you see that I’m not what most people think, but maybe some day, The Alliance isn’t want most people think.”

Teddy was not only a seasoned enough solider to get the grip of a battlefield, but also a fairly seasoned politician to know when he was loosing a debate. “I know the mention The Alliance boils your blood; but we’re not all mindless killers.” He sighed inwardly again, the thoughts of past battlefields rushed to the forefront of his memory “There was rumors in the ranks, both of the soldiery and the command staff, about where the Reavers came from, and what to do about them. Most of us considered them to the greatest threat facing not just The Alliance, but Humanity as a whole, and wanted to launch large scale operations against them; to eliminate their infestation of our galaxy. Yet, each time a plan was proposed, it was rejected, for one reason or another. I… I…” he paused for just a moment, recomposing himself “I reckon I’ll never quite come to grips with the fact that they were created by us, by The Alliance, because they were trying to ‘better Humanity’; twas all ruttin rubbish!”

“That engagement against The Reavers, inflicted heavy losses on their fleet as well; inflicting multiple losses of their large ‘butcher ships’ (battleships); it was a fight we needed and a lot of us are happy that it happened… just not exactly glad on how and why it happened; if that makes any sense.” He reached down and offered his hand to help up Malcolm from the floor “I don’t expect you to like m…” He didn’t get to finish the sentence, as Mal clocked him with his free hand once he grabbed his offered hand, causing Theodore to step back a pace or two, but not falling down “Good; I owed you one.” Unlike numerous occasions Teddy had been in before, and against what his reactions were telling him, he just took the hit and stood back up straight, never drawing a weapon or making any hostile moves; he just grinned. “Then, by george, I think we just might have ourselves an understanding.” He said, as he laughed again and slammed both hands against his side, dust poofing of his uniform. “I joined The Alliance Military to better Humanity as a whole, not to serve some spoiled ‘government bodies better then thou’ supremeist dreams. Once that nightmare was confirmed… well, here I am…” he shrugged innocently.

OOC Note: It’s up to Ellie how much, if any, of the conversation between Theodore and Malcolm she’d of caught.

The Captain walked over to them, after getting an update from the ‘boy’ who’d ran off, which Theodore was slightly concerned to find out what the ships mechanic "I get the feeling that with the crowd I got on this boat, it's become a bit more urgent that we get a move on. I don't need no Feds knocking on my door in search of those two," Theodore smiled, and nodded in agreement “That is probably a good choice, my dear Captain.” He waited a moment in the Cargo Hold.

Location: Jenny Wren, Cargo Hold
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 3:39 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Ellie wrote:Location: Jenny Wren, Infirmary

“I would like to go with you, but I don’t have no money, I don’t mind working to pay off my fare. ‘fraid I’m only good at flyin an fightin.” Jane looked at her shoulder, “Though I don’t think I’ll be fightin right away.” She added with a grimace.

Ellie smiled at Jane's response, it was what she hoped for and even expected. "That suits me fine. I can use a good pilot, even if it's only temporary. As far as the fighting, never know when that will come in handy." Despite the fact that Jane was a mystery to her, Ellie trusted her a lot more than Teddy.

She hopped off the bed and said, "I'm Ellie, by the way. I'll go red up a room for you." As she headed for the door she stopped and turned back around, "Just so you know, the guy who looks like a Fed out there, ain't exactly what he seems to be. I don't trust him anymore than you do, but he appears to be one of those faces I mentioned earlier. If you're on the run, I'd keep a sharp eye on him, but I think he's too busy watching out for his own hide to give anyone else any trouble. Unless he's lying to me, in which case we'll kill him." She shot Jane a bright smile, which was not at all congruent with the comment.

She found Mal and the Fed out in the Cargo Hold and went over to the comm. Hitting the button for the engine room she inquired, "Timmy? How long 'til we can get in the air?"

Waiting for her mechanic's answer Ellie smiled at Mal apologetically, "I get the feeling that with the crowd I got on this boat, it's become a bit more urgent that we get a move on. I don't need no Feds knocking on my door in search of those two," Her eyes swept over Teddy and then the direction of the infirmary. The sooner they got off Persephone, the better.

Location: Jenny Wren, Cargo Hold
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 3:38 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Jane wrote:Location: Jenny Wren, Infirmary

As if on cue the woman Jane remembered from the cargo hold walked in, Jane attempted to cross her arms in a defiant motion, winced, and changed her mind. "Well, look who's awake. None other than our own little stow away," Jane frowned a bit, then she asked Simon to leave. Jane was never one to like authority figures, and it was obvious she was in charge, doling out orders and that Alliance man kowtowing to her were Jane’s first clues.

Jane’s eye followed Simon as he left and watched the woman sit down on the edge of the bed across from Jane, placing herself in-between Jane and the door. Jane frowned again; no way was she going to just ‘slip out’. "I'm going to ask your name, even though I know you'll only lie to me about it. But I need to call you something." Jane chortled at the truth of that, “My name is Jane.”

"Ok, Jane. We have ourselves a problem. See, you crawled into my ship and bled all over it.” Jane frowned “Bleedin wasn’t what I wanted to be doin” she added under her breath “I'm guessing you are running from the Feds, judging by your reaction to our guest. So now I find myself faced with two options. I can let you go, but you'll most likely get caught by the Alliance because Persephone is not like a rim world. Unfortunately, if they catch you it will probably be easy to trace you back to me and my ship. I'll be arrested for aiding and abetting a fugitive. Not to mention you've seen a few faces around here that would rather not be nabbed by the Alliance. Seems too risky for me to just let you go." Jane smiled “A few faces? But you have a Fed on your ship. Don’t seem too bright to me if you don’t want your friends seen or caught.” Jane wasn’t going to divulge that she recognized Simon or that she assumed River was with him, the fact that she might know them seemed to be good enough at the moment. Jane let the Captain continue.

"On the other hand, I never did much like making the Alliance's job easier for them. I could take you along. Help you get off Persephone. But I don't take stow aways, there are no free rides. You would have to pull your weight around here. What do you say?" Jane thought for a few moments, the Captains’ offer was exactly what Jane needed, and for some reason Jane felt that this woman knew that. Her father’s words rang in her mind ‘if it’s too good to be true, it usually is’. But what choice did she have. “I would like to go with you, but I don’t have no money, I don’t mind working to pay off my fare. ‘fraid I’m only good at flyin an fightin.” Jane looked at her shoulder, “Though I don’t think I’ll be fightin right away.” She added with a grimace.

Location: Jenny Wren, Infirmary
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 3:36 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Ellie wrote:Location: Jenny Wren, Cargo Hold

Kaylee returned with Simon and in short order he had the mysterious bleeding woman in the infirmary and was working on her. Kaylee had wandered off with Timmy to the engine room to talk about the list and check out Jenny's workin's. Mal eyed the man in an Alliance uniform from across the room and commented warily, "El, care to explain why you got a Fed on your ship?"

"Passenger, well paying passenger in fact."

"Ellie, he's a Fed!"

She shook her head, "Checked him out, he's running from the Alliance, got on their bad side by killing a fellow officer or some such dealin."

"Oh, so instead of a Fed you brought a Fugitive on board?"

"I need the money to get off the ground, Mal. Besides, if he's got ill will toward the Alliance his knowledge of them might come in useful to me. Keep me out of their reach. He'll know more of their weaknesses from being on the inside. And you got no room to talk about carrying fugitives!"

Mal shook his head in disbelief, "Yeah, but I took mine on unknowing. You got some kinda death wish, woman?"

She laughed and replied, "Ain't I always had one?"

He considered this, "True enough. Well, I hope you're right because Kaylee just put Simon and River in a precarious situation if not."

"I hope so too," she commented, "I think I better see to how that Doctor of yours is doing. Keep an eye on him, would you?" she nodded her head towards Teddy at this last comment.

Mal nodded and Ellie made her way to the infirmary. As she approached she could see through the window that the girl was wake and Simon appeared to be talking to her. Slipping the door she greeted the pair.

"Well, look who's awake. None other than our own little stow away," addressing Simon she asked, "Mind giving us a minute to chat Doc?"

After Simon had left, Ellie sat down on the edge of the bed across from the woman (also closest to the door, in case the girl bolted). "I'm going to ask your name, even though I know you'll only lie to me about it. But I need to call you something."

"Ok, Jane. We have ourselves a problem. See, you crawled into my ship and bled all over it. I'm guessing you are running from the Feds, judging by your reaction to our guest. So now I find myself faced with two options. I can let you go, but you'll most likely get caught by the Alliance because Persephone is not like a rim world. Unfortunately, if they catch you it will probably be easy to trace you back to me and my ship. I'll be arrested for aiding and abetting a fugitive. Not to mention you've seen a few faces around here that would rather not be nabbed by the Alliance. Seems too risky for me to just let you go."

"On the other hand, I never did much like making the Alliance's job easier for them. I could take you along. Help you get off Persephone. But I don't take stow aways, there are no free rides. You would have to pull your weight around here. What do you say?"

Ellie watched the girl and waited for her answer. She would not force the girl to leave with them, but she would also not just leave her to roam free and possibly turn in Simon, Mal, or even Teddy.

Location: Jenny Wren, Infirmary
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 3:35 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Jane wrote:Location: Jenny Wren, wall crawl space

As Jane attacked the Alliance man jumped backwards from his knelt position, quickly putting distance between them. Before his feet had reconnected with decking, he’d drawn his saber from his scabbard and held it out pointed directly at her throat; the blade held horizontally and displayed its light blue ‘hue’, as the electrical charges ran through the blade. “Easy their young lady…” He was calm, a professional. Jane stopped her attack in an instant, “I don’t know your story, can’t say I care much either, but if you don’t put that blade down; this’ll be the tear filled last chapter of your book.” He was good, trying to get her to lower her guard by pretending he didn’t know who she was, she had seen all these tricks before, not lowering her blade, she retorted “Well kill me then, I ain’t goin back with you.” She did her best to keep her voice steady, which was almost impossible seeming as her teeth were chattering, her body now trembling uncontrollably.

"Juh Shi Suh Mo Go Dohng Shee? Everyone calm the hell down." Jane saw a woman walk into view; she looked between the Alliance man and the woman, and was confused, they looked like polar opposites, the woman obviously not being an Alliance Fed. The woman shouted at someone Jane couldn’t see. "Infirmary, get the field medical kit, now!" Then turned back to Jane and the Alliance man, "Best step back, you seem to be making her more jittery, person doesn't hide in crawl spaces while they bleed out for no reason. She's running from someone.” Jane was more confused when the Alliance man obeyed, though the look in his eyes said that he would have rather dropped her. Jane forced for body to back up as far as it would go away from the crowd that was gathering at the opening of the crawl space, it protested greatly, it took all her effort not to shout in pain. She didn’t make it very far before wonderful unconsciousness swallowed her again.

Kaylee arrived at Serenity in no time and ran straight to the medical bay; Simon was there fiddling with some medication. He looked up when Kaylee entered, he smiled at her, but that faded a little when he realized that she was obviously in a rush, that meant more then likely someone was injured. “Simon, we need ya at Jenny Wren, friend of Cap has an injured person onboard, stabbed by my guess.” Simon tossed the necessary things into a bag and followed Kaylee out of Serenity. When they arrived Simon went over to where everyone was, Simon stopped at the sight of Theodore “What’s going on?” he said looking at Mal, once reassured he peeked into the crawl space, the woman he saw was in bad shape, there was blood all over in the small area, she was very pale, unconscious, and still bleeding at a fair rate from a stab wound in her upper chest. “Ok we need to get her to the Infirmary”

Jane woke with a start; “Hey there take it easy, your in Jenny Wren’s Infirmary” one glance told her that she wasn’t on an Alliance vessel, but still on the Dragonfly class, she looked at the speaker and recognized him instantly as Simon Tam. The Fed/bounty hunter had been hunting Simon and his sister while Jane was still aboard his ship. There were pictures in the Feds’ office of the most wanted or at least the ones that paid the most. Jane elected not to mention that she knew who he was, but took comfort in the fact that he was still free, even with the Alliance running around. Jane looked down to her wound, it was stitched nicely. “You lost a lot of blood, but should make a full recovery.” Jane nodded “Thank you, I recon I’ll be leavin now, already overstayed my welcome.” She went to sit up but he held her back, “I think you should rest for a bit, I don’t want you to tear what I just fixed.” Simon was stalling, she knew it, and was just waiting for the incoming questions. She needed to get off this rock, not spend more time answering questions, and would bolt for the door the second their backs were turned.

Location: Jenny Wren, Infirmary
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 3:33 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Teddy wrote:Location: Jenny Wren; Cargo Hold Bulkhead

Theodore could tell, from just the quick glance, that the injured woman was a fighter; whether by situation or trade, he wasn’t sure, but the scares, tattoos, physique and weapons warned him of her possible dangerousness. The observation, and quick opinion, probably saved his life. With a start, the woman regained consciousness, shouted “Chi shi! Alliance Wang ba dan!” at him, and lunged at him; a horrid looking knife in her hand.

Granted, the attack was sloppy for an injured woman who’d lost her fair share of blood, but that not withstanding, an untrained person would still have fallen to the sudden attack. Yet, Teddy had trained hard for years in the service, and was himself an expert swordsmen. As the woman came forward, Theodore jumped backwards from his knelt position, quickly putting distance between himself at the now attacker. Before his feet had reconnected with decking, he’d drawn his saber from his scabbard and held it out pointed directly at the throat of this woman; the blade held horizontally and displayed its light blue ‘hue’, as the electrical charges ran through the blade.

“Easy their young lady…” said Theodore, with a freighting soft and controlled voice, one that showed that’d he’d been in his share of battles and the adrenaline influx no longer caught him off guard. “I don’t know your story, can’t say I care much either, but if you don’t put that blade down; this’ll be the tear filled last chapter of your book.” Theodore never grabbed for his sidearm, allowing it to hang easily in his holster, and stood in a rather relaxed stance, still holding out his blade.

A voice bellowed from behind him, and he knew it was the ships Captain, but he never took his eyes off the attacker "Juh Shi Suh Mo Go Dohng Shee? Everyone calm the hell down." Teddy found himself trying not to laugh, as he was as calm as he could be; the blade still held taunt at the unknown woman. He heard Ellie yell at the young man, who appeared to have paid himself no heed, "Infirmary, get the field medical kit, now!"

"Best step back, you seem to be making her more jittery, person doesn't hide in crawl spaces while they bleed out for no reason. She's running from someone.” Teddy hesitated, two decades of military training told him not only should he not do as this Ellie says, but should drop the bleeding woman where she stood, if she was running from something, he guessed it was Alliance related; yet, he also found himself reminding his mind of the current situation, and his stomach churned. With great difficulty, he curtailed his willingness to fight, and slowly lowered his sword and took a few additional steps back, however he did not re-sheath it until the woman dropped hers.

Theodore listened as several people boarded the ship, and he wondered if they were additional crew members or not, but he eyed them carefully. He knew the man standing their, Malcom Reynolds, Captain of Serenity. He’d seen his pictures on multiple warrants, and federal notices, but never had they put a serious and cold cut case against him. He’d never directly met the man, but he was sure he fought against him somewhere, in some form. He didn’t pay much attention to them, not really considering them much of a threat, but made sure the woman was complaint. He didn’t really care for much anybody on this ship, but he needed to make sure that Ellie survived long enough to get him a fair distance away from here before he could do much else.

"Not even left Persephone and already everything goes to hell.” Commented the Captain, and Theodore smiled, looking up at her “Then you’re in good fortune my dear Captain, for ‘Hell is where the true Solider’s heart is’; and you’ve got yourself one of those aboard.” He laughed a bit, and tapped the good Captain on the arm, having put his sword away “We’ll get off and about without any serious trouble.” He smiled again, and found himself listening to their new arrivals ‘explanation’.

Location: Jenny Wren; Cargo Hold Bulkhead
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 3:32 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Ellie wrote:Location: Jenny Wren, Bridge

Ellie was just finishing up her reading material when she heard all manner of ruckus coming from the cargo hold. Yelling and carrying on like Jenny Wren had not yet heard before. Having a former Fed on board made her a might tense, so Ellie was out of her seat and down into the cargo hold faster than she thought she could be.

The sight that accosted her left her momentarily speechless. teddy had arrived there only a couple seconds before she had. Timmy was obviously off his head about something, and there was some guy there she had not met before. Oh yes, and he was only half-dressed... finally she noticed the wall panel that was open and the girl apparently bleeding to death in Ellie's ship. Before she could address any of it, however, Teddy had jumped into action and the girl had jumped into reaction, with the blade of a nasty looking knife. Personally, Ellie didn't much mind the idea of their passenger getting a blade to the neck. He was too gorram arrogant. But that would inevitably lead to questions she would rather not have to answer. It was time to take the situation in hand...

"Juh Shi Suh Mo Go Dohng Shee?" she bellowed, her voice echoing in the large cargo hold. "Everyone calm the hell down."

She stepped closer to take stock of the woman's wounds and shook her head a bit, knowing that they had a medical facility but no one skilled enough for this job. Glancing at Timmy she ordered, "Infirmary, get the field medical kit, now!"

Looking at Teddy she said, "Best step back, you seem to be making her more jittery, person doesn't hide in crawl spaces while they bleed out for no reason. She's running from someone."

Finally she glanced at the half-clad young man standing there holding his trousers, "Get off my ship and don't breathe a word of anything you've seen here to anyone." He didn't need to be asked twice, bolting for the door. Just as he reached it however, there came a loud banging knock on it. The sound brought everyone in the hold to a stand still. Last thing they needed were uninvited visitors. "Who is it?" Ellie called out.

"It's Mal. I got the list for you, brought Kaylee along too so she could make ure your mechanic understands it all."

Ellie felt a flood of relief and nodded to the guy at the door, who pulled it open and let Mal and Kaylee in before darting out, happy to escape the strange and bloody scene inside. Mal looked around in confusion, "Ellie, somebody cross your mood today and you didn't have the patience to deal with them?" he asked as he eyed the wounded woman.

Shaking her head she asked, "Mal, you got a doctor can see to her?"

Kaylee didn't even wait for Mal's answer, just saying "I'll go get Simon," as she bolted back out the small door they had just entered.

"Not even left Persephone and already everything goes to hell," Ellie grumbled under her breath.

Location: Jenny Wren, Cargo Hold
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 3:30 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Timmy wrote:Timmy looked at the ‘Zhu tou’ fellow, surely this man was not something he’d bother to look upon for any reason again. He assumed this must be the guy that Ellie brought aboard. He took the time to wonder, ‘Why does Ellie bring a board such Zhu tou folk’. Snapping out of it the man uttered to him, My God man; what's with the shouting? Immediately Timothy thought ‘oh, we don’t say that on this boat, ‘god’’. At least on his part that don’t go kindly on his favor in all and ‘you been on this ship for how long and your already expecting ‘Shi’’. Don't just stand there; if this bucket's got a med-kit, fetch it! Before it becomes a hearse.

He ‘walks’ over to the comm. and stumbles in to his ‘play mate’ whom still was holding on to his trousers. ‘Your still here? Scat! There’s the door.’ Tim speaks in to the wireless, ‘Your em Alliance ‘Diao’ just called Jenny Wren a bucket. She not a bucket and ummm tha man folk is fighting with em ‘Nee yin’. Ummm Ellie shouldn’t Serenity still be dock? They got em that ‘piào liàng’ Doctor; I don’t em fix bleeding girls and might I add she scary looking. Ellie, I fix em machines.’ He stood firm as he didn’t take orders from Alliance or anyone unless are from me and mine.
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 3:28 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Jane wrote:Location: Jenny Wren, wall crawl space

Somewhere very far away, someone was shouting. Jane was wondering why the heck her mother was up this early and what it was that Jane had done to warrant such shouting and the beating that she was sure would soon follow…

Jane was vaguely aware someone was still trying to wake her, it was a man, not her mother, she hadn’t been with a man in a long time, and with a flash of horror, she wondered if she was back on that alliance vessel with him, coming once again to force himself upon her…

Jane shook her head slightly, trying to shake the cobwebs, none of those thoughts made sense. She left her abusive mother long ago, and she had killed that Fed. The memories of what had happened earlier that day flooded back, the fight, the Feds, Badgers warning, the dagger, and the Dragonfly. She opened her eyes, she saw nothing but bright white light with fuzzy dark shadows, she realized that her good eye must be facing the bedding; she turned her head, only to see an alliance man hovering over her. Instinct took over, fight or flee? Flee sounded safer for her current condition, and the thought was commendable, but put into action was lamentable. Her body refused to work, and in reward for her effort she started trembling from head to toe, she wasn’t sure if it was fear or blood loss. But fighting was the only option left; she drew Nutcracker and lunged at the Alliance man and shouted “Chi shi! Alliance Wang ba dan!” her intentions were to carve a smile across his neck. She knew the attack was dreadfully sloppy, but she felt she had no other option; there was no way they were going to take her again, it wouldn’t even occur to her that he might be there to help.

Location: Jenny Wren, wall crawl space
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 3:26 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Teddy wrote:Location: Jenny Wren; corridor with a view

Theodore found himself day dreaming, remembering some long lost battle he'd fought, some former glory he'd enjoyed, when a shout scattered his mind and brought him back to reality. "Ellie! ‘jìumìng!" a voice rang out, loud and echoed through the ship. Reacting instinctively, Theodore turned, and started at a run, in the direction of the voice; his veteran ears able to triangulate the direction of the voice's source.

Crashing into the Cargo Hold, his sidearm already drawn, his eyes scanned quickly around the area, finding a young man freaking out near one of the side walls. Placing both feet and hands on the ladders railing, he slid down the ladder and landed rather softly, turning and running towards the lad. "My God man; what's with the shouting?" It was then that Teddy noticed the blood, which startled and focused him at the same time. With a quick once over with this eyes of the young man in front of him, he was able to tell that the blood wasn't from him.

He carefully approached the bleeding bulkhead panel, and placed his hands on it, finding it rather loose. With a little effort, the panel came off and he placed it to the side, turning back to find a woman lying on the ground in a small pool of her own blood. Turning quickly, and uncaring if the ship's Captain had arrived, Teddy turned to the young man beside him, who he had no idea who he was, and barked "Don't just stand there; if this bucket's got a med-kit, fetch it! Before it becomes a hearse."

Not turning back to see if the man had left or not, Theodore turned back and grabbed onto the bedding the woman was lying on, and drew his bayonet from his boot, and cut a section from it, enough to use as a compress against the heavy knife wound that was still bleeding. While pressing on the wound, in an attempt to stem the blood flow, he shouted at the woman several times trying to get her to regain consciousness. "Hey! Miss?! You need to open your eyes and talk to me..."

Location: Jenny Wren; Cargo Hold Bulkhead
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 3:25 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Timmy wrote: Post by Timothy Heart't on Jul 14, 2009 at 8:17am
Warning – beware and don’t be ‘too’ curious on some Mandarin words I used on this post.

Timothy sat up from being under the engine turbine; he pulls up his suspenders over his shoulders. His pastel purple fitted sleeveless tee had some smudges of dirt and grease. Like wise with his hands as he paths it on his skinny dark kakis. After they have landed on Eavesdown Docks on Persephone. Timmy had the proper time to look at the high pitch sound that bothered the ‘Cap’. Walking towards the lockers he pulls out his short black jacket and his hat. He sets them down when he got to the lounge and scooted to the galley to wash up. After cleaning up he heads to the spiral stairs just before the opening to the supply lockers. Sliding down them; Tim arrives at the passenger dormitory and out the door to the Cargo Hold. Upon walking on the deck he noticed the cargo doors were still shut. Ellie must be still on the cockpit he thought.

He looks around and mischievously paced along to the side of the cargo hold’s walls. There after being on board ‘Jenny Wren’ he found ‘ways’ to smuggle ‘guests’ on and off the ship without Ellie finding out. This time getting off the boat was what he wanted and did. He knew the Cap wouldn’t check on him per say but long enough to look around and get back. Timothy heads on to the market place towards folk. There he could easily pick off folk’s pockets and get enough crash or ‘stuff’. Anything he didn’t need he would chuck it and walk on. Once getting his legs stretched out he gets back to the ship. Just about to slip back in he sees the Cargo hold small door swing open. Seeing the Cap walk out he utters to self ‘Ellie’s out!’ he chuckles to him self. Just as he was walking up the ramp Timmy sights upon a shiny fellow. He walks over to the ship next door saw a part that he needed for Jenny Wren and another for himself. ‘Nǐ hǎo. wǒ xìng, Timothy. Zhège duōshǎo qián? ’ Timmy opened to the young man.

After a while he returned back under the Dragonfly’s engine getting that kinks out. Nearly 30mins after; Ellie had returned and was headed towards him. Course he was busy and ain’t exactly the engine he was working on. A voice came from under the turbine and it wasn’t Timothy, ‘ Ha wo deh bang.…’ Just after the voice moaned out another voice followed, however it wasn’t the same fellow. It was loud chased by with clattering and it was coming from the open door of the Engine Room. ‘Timmy!’ Timmy’s eyes widen and he pops his head up and hits his head on the slow spinning turbine. He yelps out an uttered, ‘Gou shi!!’

‘Timmy! Look, we got ourselves our first passenger, but I ain't none too pleased about it. He's former Alliance. I want you to steer clear of him as much as possible and avoid tellin' him anything about yourself, if possible. If he's up to no good, the less he knows about you the better.’ Timmy drops back down on the shiny fellow that he had under with him. He gestures to the lad to and said whispering, ‘Ta ma de! Wa Cao(ch-ao)!’ He had raised his head just enough to look at Ellie in the face but she was already moving away. As she walked off she was still talking, ‘ No use in the Alliance bein' after all of us.’

He throws the trousers at the fellow, whom he didn’t even know his name and whispered, ‘Shhhh…..…Cap’s back…..’ He pops back down to say and looks back up towards the doorway. As he pulls up his suspenders; Ellie uttered, ‘Mal's agreed to have his mechanic get us a list of supplies. I'll get it to you when I have it. And as soon as we can get off this joo fuen chse, we'll be making for Boros.’ He pulls up the guy and pulls him up from the floor. Dressed or not he needed to get him off the boat before Ellie comes back or worst yet finding him. Timmy runs out from the Engine Room and through the Supply Lockers Room to see if Ellie was at the Galley but nothing. He pulls the guy and shoves him down the spiral stairs to the Cargo Hold.

At the same place he had slipped out he was going to through the boy out the same way. As he pulled out the side wall to the Cargo hold. Blood started to slowly pour out; his ‘guest’ says, ‘Si lang gou.’ He simply looks at the lad and shakes his head. Tim runs to the comm. and calls to Ellie, ‘Ah, Cap!? There a ‘Chou san ba’ in the Cargo hole where we hide ‘Shi’ or is it a man I can’t tell. Yah oughta ‘jìumìng ā! There’s blood on the floor.’’ Timothy looks closer and in and from the lights of the Cargo Hold he could peer through. It was clear it was a body of a person of what he couldn't tell. ‘Ellie! ‘jìumìng ā!’’ He called out loud echoing through the ship..
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 3:22 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Jane wrote:Location: Persephone, just outside of town.

Jane saw the fist coming, and was thankful that it came from the right; otherwise she wouldn’t have been so lucky. She ducked the blow and responded with a gut check to her opponent, sending him into the ropes clenching his belly and gasping for breath. Jane sidestepped the rebound tackle that her opponent used the rope to execute, and kicked him in the rear on his way by. The shove from her foot sent him off balance, and he slammed face first into the corner pole of the makeshift wrestling ring. She smiled with satisfaction as she heard the resonating ‘crack’ of his nose breaking, and jumped him from behind. She wrapped her arm around his neck, and whispered in his ear as he gasped for breath, “Not so tuff now are you big boy… eh?” He was throwing half assed punches over his shoulders, none doing much damage. Jane smiled again when he stopped fighting and went limp, completely unconscious; the crowd around the ring went wild. Jane stood up and wiped the blood off her face that was freely flowing from a broken nose and a gash over her left eye, complements of the unconscious one, and then threw her arms in the air in victory. The crowd roared again. “The bigger they are the harder they fall!” she shouted at them. “Who’s next?!”

Jane didn’t mind fighting for money, she preferred to fly, but when jobs were scarce one does what one has to do. She had come to Persephone looking for a job, hoping that she could get in with Badger and his gang, she did a few jobs for him, but he was a little late on payment, and she needed to make some quick cash. A gravelly voice from the side of the ring caught her attention, “Patience is a virtue my friend.” Jane looked down to him, “Patience doesn’t fill my belly Badger. And I’m nobody’s friend. Are you here just to give me advice or are you actually going to pay me for the work I did for you.” Badger looked up at her with the slightly amused look that he always seemed to ware. “A little of both I reckon.” Jane rolled her eyes, “Then get to it, I haven’t got time for games.” “Touchy touchy, very well, I have a few pieces of advice for you, they will be payment enough. While I don’t mind employing fugitives, I do mind when they bring Feds to my doorstep snooping around looking for you, or someone who looks a lot like you named JoLynne. I looked up what you were wanted for, just out of curiosity of course. Terrorism? Escape from prison? Murder of a Fed? Tut Tut, they don’t forgive or forget that very easily do they?” Jane tried her best to look as if this information wasn’t a shock; she had done her best to make it so that the Feds wouldn’t find her. “You said you had advice, come out with it.” “Very well, my advice is to get out of here, and fast. You’re very lucky that I owed you a debt; otherwise I would have turned you in, rewards and the such. And this is a bonus tip, listen very closely, only ever turn your back to a corpse.” Jane’s eyes widened and she turned very fast, just in time to catch a dagger, which sunk to its hilt, just under her left collar bone. “Gouzaizi!” She shouted as the world swam; she just caught the parting comment in that same gravelly voice. “The bigger they are the bigger the pride and temper, losing to a girl is always good for both.”

Jane didn’t remember how she got out of the ring, or back to the tent she was staying in. She didn’t remember packing everything she owned (which wasn’t much) into her backpack and setting off for the docks. She jogged, staggering slightly, and coughed into her wrist. She slowed, realizing she was just ambling, without a destination or a plan, instinct had kicked in. She was being chased again, or still rather. “Damn Feds” Jane looked down to the dagger still in her chest; she never pulled them out until she was in a safe area, and had the supplies to stop the flow. Her medical supplies were in her backpack, but she needed a safe place to hide, a place to get her off world, a ship. She had just noticed that her wrist, which she had coughed into, had spots of blood mixed in with the saliva “wo kao, must have nicked my lung.”

Jane hurried along, half here half not, when a ship caught her attention and brought the world back into focus. It was a Dragonfly class transport, beautiful bird; she had flown one a long time ago. Before she knew it she was heading for the Dragonfly, she knew the layout of the dragonfly class not expertly, but she would be able to hide easier than some of these other ships. When the coast was clear, she crept into the cargo hold, and as quite as possible, removed a bulkhead cover, and crawled into the small space, and replaced the bulkhead. The blackness was threatening to swallow her whole. She sat down her backpack and leaned against the wall, a loud scraping noise met her ears, almost screaming in pain and fright, she looked over the shoulder of her useless arm, and the other end of the blade was sticking two inches out of her back. “wo kao” she repeated softly, and started disassembling her pack, laying down bedding, and putting together her med supplies.

Jane did her best to prepare for the pain; she had already set her nose back into place, put gauze on her back, and had more waiting in front, ready to jab it in place before she lost consciousness. Hoping everything went well she pulled out the dagger, and bit down hard on the piece of wood she'd stuck in her mouth to keep from screaming, stuck the gauze in place, then knew no more, lost in the wonderful blackness of unconsciousness.

Her collapse had caused a little ruckus, while muffled by her bedding; anyone nearby would have probably heard something. If they went looking they would find Jane, unconscious, and laying on her own very bloody bedding.

Location: Jenny Wren, wall crawl space
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 3:21 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Teddy wrote:Location: Jenny Wren; Temporary Crew Quarters

He didn’t stay long in his ‘quarters’, long enough to take a few controlled deep breaths and change out his stained bandages; he was horrified at how he looked “Bah! How very unbecoming of an Officer.” he said to his reflection in the mirror. After putting on fresh gauze, and checking to make sure his stitchings was holding together, he grabbed his journal from his bag and spent a few moments writing down a few thoughts and notes (please see his journal entry under the journal tab; Theodore James – Personal Journal).

After finishing his entry, he laid the journal down on the little desk in his quarters, along with a few other articles he’d brought with him; nothing to unique or really initially worth mentioning. Placing the rest of his kit under his drawn bed, and re-tightening his uniform so it looked presentable, he walked out of his quarters and down the hall, searching for the ‘observation deck’, to get a view of the ship and surrounding area, prior to their departure. Teddy passed through the kitchen area, and strolled, rather lightly and casually considering his current predicament, and found himself a window to look out of.

He found himself rummaging through his memories and pulling up what information he could regarding the Dragonfly Class starship; which wasn’t that much as it wasn’t commonly used in Alliance Operations. If anything, he’d boarded a couple, and probably even destroyed one or two over his years; which pained him to think about all that had happened. He rested his hands on his saber and pistol as he glanced out, having left his shotgun in his quarters (its length to much of a pain should he get into a shooting match aboard this ship); and found himself not only wondering what he was going to do next once he got off this rock, his hand tightening around his saber handle in anger and the thought of bleeding the cowards who had brought such shame to humanity; but who else would be aboard this ship; what other kind of ‘rift-raft’.

He waited in the area for a little while…

Location: Jenny Wren; corridor with ‘a view’
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 3:20 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Ellie wrote:Location: Jenny Wren

Ellie felt ill at ease. She hated the thought of a ruttin' Fed walkin' her ship, even a former one. She had shown him to his temporary quarters (fairly close to her own so she might keep an eye on him for the time being) and then made her way straight to the engine room, where she knew she could find Timmy.

"Timmy!" she called as she clattered through the supply locker room. She always tended to storm a bit when she was irate, and she was definitely not happy at the moment.

The door to the engine room was standing open and she entered, glancing around for her engineer, "Timmy!"

He popped his head out from behind whatever he was working on and she eyed him warily, wondering if he didn't hide just for the fun of popping out of unexpected places sometimes. "Look,we got ourselves our first passenger, but I ain't none too pleased about it. He's former Alliance. I want you to steer clear of him as much as possible and avoid tellin' him anything about yourself, if possible. If he's up to no good, the less he knows about you the better."

She didn't even give him time to respond before tromping back out, muttering under her breath as she went, "No use in the Alliance bein' after all of us."

Stopping in the supply room, she hollered back through the doorway, "Mal's agreed to have his mechanic get us a list of supplies. I'll get it to you when I have it. And as soon as we can get off this joo fuen chse, we'll be making for Boros."

If he replied to her, Ellie didn't hear it. Right now she needed to check on the truthfulness of their new guest's current situation. She strode purposefully through the galley and along the corridor. Passing by the crew quarters and up the stairs she entered the bridge and plopped down in a seat. Spinning it around to face a small console, she pulled up the Cortex and ran a search for information on Theodore James. Information scrolled onto her screen and she set about acquainting herself with what info the Feds were willing to put out there on an arrest warrant.

Location: Jenny Wren, Bridge
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 3:19 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Teddy wrote:Location: Persephone; Eavesdown Docks

He was slighted, although not surprised, that she didn’t take his offered hand. "McKee, Ellie McKee." She replied, and he nodded, smiling. “Ellie, hrm…” he said, checking his pronunciation against hers and immediately remembering her name. He watched her scoop up the discarded credits he’d tossed at her feat, behind his stoic facial expressions he smiled. "You looking to get all your gorram money snatched by some street urchin?” Theodore smiled again, now on the outside “I’m not worried; you see how most of these people look at me? They may muck around with Alliance Soldiers; but only the dumbest, or death wish holding Indy’s (Slang for Independents) would attempt to kill a high ranking officer; the simple fear of what would happen to them almost guarantees my safety.” “If you were wise you wouldn't toss this stuff around. It draws a lot of unwanted attention." He nodded slowly, and ran his right hand across his face, removing some of the beaded sweat that had gathered there; the pain from his injuries and the alcohol weren’t exactly the ‘best medicine’. “Correct again, however that was the point.” He looked at her side arm she was carrying, “It goes without saying that these ‘people’,” the word seemed to slither off his tongue “know exactly what you are and what I am, or at least what I represent. Would it be so unbelievable that a lost Alliance Officer, one who’d had a fair amount of drink too, stumbled across a ‘starving’ ‘Indy’ Captain who threatened to cause him great harm if he didn’t turn over his valuables? All so ‘she’ could provide for her ship?”

He took few steps closer to her, and placed both hands on his hips, readjusting his duty belt, “If an Alliance Officer blatantly killed anyone on this ‘traitorous cancer’ of a world, they’d be lucky to last 10 seconds; but an Officer defending himself? Even they couldn’t defend doing anything to that Officer.” He grinned “Consider it a test… I always have a Plan B.” Had she not taken his offer, with what he’d told her, she’d had to have died as she already knew to much, and he’d have dropped her too when she reached for the money bag; all would appear 100% legit to the casual witness. “Nothing personal my dear, but I don’t think you know how much is at stake at the moment.”

"We can find a place for you, but don't go getting too comfortable. First chance we find to send you on your way, we'll be takin' it. If I think for one second you are bringin' trouble down on me and mine, I'll end you." He quirked his head slightly, and that smiled re-emerged, “Ya know, for the first time since started this joust, I think your being honest!” He laughed “Jolly good then my dear, after you!” Of course, he found himself laughing even hard, that an Independent was worried about HIM bringing trouble down on them, as if being such wasn’t enough trouble itself. "Don't ask too many questions, and don't go nosing around. Got it?" He chuckled, and treaded up the ramp of the ship “Quite so my ‘dear Captain’, I think that’s good advice for both of us for the time being.” As he walked up the ramp, past Ellie, he found himself thinking about the fact that she had no idea that due to his murderous actions, he’d saved (hopefully) the lives of tens of thousands of innocents on one of her ‘Independent Worlds’; but then again, he didn’t expect her to understand the ‘big picture’.

After entering the ship, he walked off to discard what few belongings he had along with him at his new temporary quarters, his small kit bag clattered to the floor, but his weapons stayed with him. He took a seat, put his head back, and took a few minutes to gather his thoughts and realize, actually realize, where he was and what he had done.

Location: Jenny Wren; Temporary Crew Quarters
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 3:18 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Ellie & Teddy wrote:Location: Persephone, Eavesdown Docks

As Ellie left the bar and headed for the docks, she shortly became aware of the fact she was being followed. And when she managed to see the person in question it made her wonder what she had done to have the Feds on her already. "Is Mal being watched that close these days?" she wondered to herself. Despite all these thoughts, the woman continued to her ship without giving away her knowledge of the new shadow she had acquired.

She stopped outside and looked up at Jenny Wren, debating whether to go inside or not. After all, the guy doesn't know about Timmy yet and if she could avoid getting him in trouble as well, it would be much preferred. Her inner debate was cut short though when the man spoke to her, “Need a gun hand?”

Turning to him now, she could get a better look at him. The scar on his face told her that he was no stranger to combat, and though she didn't recognize the patch on his uniform she realized he must have been in an elite group within the Alliance stormtroopers. "Even assumin' I was, looks to me like you already have yourself a full time job."

“Had,” Theodore countered, coarsely “being more accurate my dear lady.” The pain still very much fresh in his mind (and about his body) of the sheer ‘treason’ he’d found against Mankind. “Let’s just say, we had a ‘disagreement’ regarding the use of force, then we had ‘reckoning’.” Trying hard not show the extent of his injuries, he argued with body to stay standing erect, at ‘relaxed attention’, while speaking with this women… this ‘brown coat’, his mind quietly corrected; he fought the urge to spit in an effort to clear his throat.

"What kinda fool do you take me for? This stinks to high heaven of Alliance undercover operations.” Theodore raised an eyebrow, and scoffed loudly “Ha, ‘AUOC’ (Alliance Undercover Operations Command) is a joke themselves; couple of my boys could take on their entire office!” The casual reference to his former command pained him again, and he sighed inwardly. “Far as I can tell I haven't done anything illegal though so I'm wonderin' what your angle is," in truth she suspected they were hoping to use her to try to get to Mal and the crew of Serenity. Teddy smiled, to quick to catch himself as he pumped up for a verbal lashing “Aside from being one of those damnable ‘brown coats’; those secessionist traitors. Should have called you ‘turn coats’ to be more accurate…” His stance re-adjusted, becoming for defensive yet ‘political’, his hands jerking in motion as he spoke “Had this been a year ago, 6 months ago, or even yesterday, I’d much likely drop you where you stood and never thought of it; your gender makes no difference when it comes to the honor of ‘Man’.”

He had purposefully used the term ‘Man’, referring to Mankind, instead of The Alliance. Theodore was loyal to The Alliance for the reason as he saw it they were Mankind’s best hope to spread throughout the stars and grow; the species unified under one government with one goal in mind. But, only a few hours ago, he began to see The Alliance, or at least the current military hierarchy of it, for what it really was, and that perversion, more then this ‘fireflies’ Independent status, made him sick. “However, as I’m a man of principle, and those superiors above me are obviously not, a few hours ago change my life; thus you’re still standing.”

"In case you hadn't noticed the color of my coat, I don't think you and I have much in common, 'cept maybe we fought in a few of the same battles..." He nodded, somberly “That my dear lady is more the likely very true; I’ve been in more then 130 military engagements over my years of service…” his temper cooled with every passing moment, for now, he continued “For the sake of insuring both of us continue to stand, I think we’ll leave which ones out of the conversation for the moment.” She watched him intently now, intrigued to see what he was offering to bring to her table to make it worth the risk of bringing a former Alliance trooper onto her boat. It had to be more than a gun.

“I don’t need a wage, I’m not a ‘MERC’, but I do need a ride.” He looked about her ship, aft to stern, then back at the women that stood before him. “More specifically, I need one that isn’t going be to searched as easily as common transport so I can get off this planet and out of the local system; you can probably be ride of me in a week or two.” He reached into his coat pocket, purposefully using his ‘weak hand’ (being his left), which made an awkward movement; this action looked uncomfortable (and was) but it showed that whatever he was doing, he wasn’t going to be drawing a weapon as he’d be no good with it. Theodore pulled out a small bag, full of Alliance Credits, and tossed the bag at the ‘turn coats’ feet; it clanked loudly as it struck. “Consider me a paying passenger, for the time being. I need some time to think, so a ‘corner room’ would be preferred.” His moustache curled as he smiled, his pearly teeth gleaning, he reached out with his right hand to the young women “Name’s Major Theodore James, formally of the 26th Corp, 14th Division, 3rd Brigade, Elite Infantry Stormtroopers; the Bolt Eagles.” He quirked an eyebrow as his hand hung in between them “Do we have a deal? Miss…” He waited to see what she’d say, and stood ready to kill her where she stood if need be.

Ellie had little desire to take this man on board. He was a hard core believer in Alliance ideals, it was written all over his face, dripping from every word. Such a man could be dangerous. Yet the money he was offering could go quite a ways to getting Jenny Wren flying for a while as well as getting some much needed supplies and equipment, and Mal's advice was still ringin in her mind. She ignored his handshake and instead simply said, "McKee, Ellie McKee." Then without taking an eye off him, she quickly snatched the bag off the ground, "You looking to get all your gorram money snatched by some street urchin? If you were wise you wouldn't toss this stuff around. It draws a lot of unwanted attention."

She jerked her head towards the ship, "We can find a place for you, but don't go getting too comfortable. First chance we find to send you on your way, we'll be takin' it. If I think for one second you are bringin' trouble down on me and mine, I'll end you." Even as she said this last sentiment, she knew from the look of him that carrying through on it would be hard, but she also knew there was always a way. And she didn't doubt for a second he would do the same to her if it was in his best interest.

She turned to head into the ship and then stopped to look at him again, "Don't ask too many questions, and don't go nosing around. Got it?"

OOC: Joint Post by Theodore James and Eloise McKee
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 3:14 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7881

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Teddy wrote:Theodore walked into the Galley, freshly treated injuries showing from his face and under his shirt; the gauze and stitching causing unnatural bulges in his here and there. He’d had the sense to drop his torn uniform, but had adorned an Alliance Formal uniform, with the shoulder patches torn away, replaced, simply, by his old unit’s insignia; a lighting bolt through an eagle. That being his last planned thought after his close escape, he headed to the local tavern for a few drinks and to try and plan his next move.

Shotgun on his back, revolver on his hip, sword at his side, he pushed open the door with a grunt not realizing how much ones chest moved during normal motions, inwardly grunting at each flash of pain. Teddy found it hard to concentrate, as he was on an ‘Independent’ world. He easily noticed the dozens and dozens of dozens, of eyes watching him as he walked from the wooded area on the south side of town; abandoning his shuttle in the local lake bed.

He scowled at the on lookers, wishing one to ‘try him’, but they all just stared; he was very much not in the mood to put up with anybody’s attitude. He walked up to the bartender “You there, give your strongest drink…” the bartender looked at him reproachfully, he scowled back, his moustache twitching, he dropped a few Alliance Credits on the counter “and leave the bottle…” Dislike or not, the money was good, and the bartender took it and left the alcohol bottle sitting in front of him. It took him all he could do not to verbally jab the bartender, not to mention, everyone that looked at him funny or openly displayed a ‘brown coat’.

He didn’t even use a glass, the grabbed the liquor, placing the bottle to his mouth, and took three large gulps from it, draining almost half the bottle right away; he hadn’t received any good pain medication from the ‘back woods’ doctor that treated his injuries, and refused the illegal narcotic alternative. He’d also asked for something to eat initially, and received something that he considered barely edible, but he just flipped his mind over to the solider he was, thus removing the taste and appearance concern from everything and just needing the nutrients from it. He placed a fork full in his mouth, and kept an eye on those around him; most were doing the same to him. The attention didn’t bother him, in one form or another, he was used to it.

Finishing his meal, and working on the last of his bottle, in the midst of thinking of his next move and still trying to understand that which has turned his life upside down, he over heard a conversation, rather part of it, from the side of the room. "I wish I could stay… but I got some people to contact. Still looking to fit out a crew… Ain't easy when you don't have an established… …lds!" This peaking his interest, he turned slightly to focus his hearing better, and heard her say "When you're ready you can find me on the docks, look for Jenny Wren!"

He waited for the women to leave, and then followed her out and down to the docks. When the opportunity permitted, he walked up to the women cautiously, “Need a gun hand?” He wasn't sure exactly what he was thinking, but in truth, he wasn't thinking farther then getting off this planet and hopefully getting lost 'out there'. If necessary, he could always abandon the group once they left the system, but he'd worry about that at a later time.

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