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by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:43 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)
Replies: 71
Views: 5289

Re: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)

Ellie wrote:Location: Jenny Wren, galley

"This feels..." Her voice caught in her throat and the galley tilted around her. "This feels..."

She seemed to go flush before crying out for "Help" and started to fall forward. He managed to get an arm under her before she completely went over but the angle was too awkward to do much else than hold her. "Ellie!" he cried out. "Ms. Fiona, its going to be okay!" he said in a reassuring voice. "We've got you." he had seen this before. She was clearly unaccustomed to violence. That was a certain level of innocence that he was certainly not used too. Hopefully she would eventually get there,the galaxy was not too much of a forgiving place for innocents. He was thankful to have Ellie's help getting her leaned back into the chair. His other should as still smarting, and a bit useless at the moment. Though part of him was thankful since it was his bad shoulder to begin with. He slipped off his own chair, to kneel next to Fiona's chair checking her pulse with two of his fingers. "Best get the doc!" he said looking from Fiona to Ellie.

Before she could even respond Graham, hurried the room, "I'm here!" he rushed over to help move Fiona to the floor and checked her pulse. He looked at Ellie, "I left my bag in the pilot's room, can you get it for me El?" Her stress showed clearly on her face as she gave a curt nod and jumped up to run to Jane's cabin. She burst into the room and stopped short as she saw Jane's body covered with a sheet. Jane was dead, the realization made her heart drop into her stomach. "Damn it all to hell," Ellie muttered. She saw his bag sitting on the floor, she grabbed it and left the room, making sure to close the door behind her. The last thing she wanted was someone else stumbling onto the body. She'd rather break the news herself. She carried the bag back into the galley and knelt back down by Ian, "Here's your bag."

Location: Jenny Wren, Galley
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:42 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)
Replies: 71
Views: 5289

Re: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)

Graham wrote:Location: Jenny Wren, Jane's Cabin

Graham cleaned up the cabin as well as Jane's body. He covered her body with a sheet and took one last look around the room. Leaving the room he headed down the corridor toward the galley, but paused just around the corner. He tried to compose himself and figure out what to say. One would think that with as many times as he had to deliver this news before that he would know how to tell her now, but this was hardly the way he imagined his first full conversation with Ellie would go. As he stood there, he could hear Ellie and Low talking. Listening to her share what had happened since the last time they saw each other, he realized that a lot had changed for her. Her friendship with Low was clear, would she be comfortable with his presence here now? He drew in a deep breath and stepped into the galley just in time to see Fiona fall and Low catch her, crying out for Ellie to get the doc.

"I'm here!" he rushed over to help move Fiona to the floor and checked her pulse. He looked at Ellie, "I left my bag in the pilot's room, can you get it for me El?"

He looked over at Low and said, "We probably just need to wake her up, maybe get some juice in her. Could be a blood sugar issue or anxiety. I'm sure she'll be alright."

Location: Jenny Wren, Galley
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:42 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)
Replies: 71
Views: 5289

Re: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)

Low wrote:Location: Jenny Wren, galley

Low's smile was beaming he was happy about this by chance meeting, but very quickly his smile digressed into concern as he watched Fiona start to hyperventilate or at least that's what he thought was going on. Her trembling hand was reaching for a cup of tea but she failed to grasp it as the tremble in her hand was too great.

"This feels..." Her voice caught in her throat and the galley tilted around her. "This feels..."

She seemed to go flush before crying out for "Help" and started to fall forward. He managed to get an arm under her before she completely went over but the angle was too awkward to do much else than hold her. "Ellie!" he cried out. "Ms. Fiona, its going to be okay!" he said in a reassuring voice. "We've got you." he had seen this before. She was clearly unaccustomed to violence. That was a certain level of innocence that he was certainly not used too. Hopefully she would eventually get there,the galaxy was not too much of a forgiving place for innocents. He was thankful to have Ellie's help getting her leaned back into the chair. His other should as still smarting, and a bit useless at the moment. Though part of him was thankful since it was his bad shoulder to begin with. He slipped off his own chair, to kneel next to Fiona's chair checking her pulse with two of his fingers. "Best get the doc!" he said looking from Fiona to Ellie.

Location: Jenny Wren, galley
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:41 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)
Replies: 71
Views: 5289

Re: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)

Fiona wrote:Location: Jenny Wren, Galley

Fiona looked up at the captain, still shaken from the events that had transpired and the time spent next to Jane's bedside. She still wasn't sure if the world was right side up or not, and the vibrations of the ship pressed against her head like a bizarre, far-off cacophony. She wanted to turn her processors off but knew from past experience it was considered rude.

Her hand shook as she reached out for the glass of tea. She suddenly felt very cold and strange. It seemed like the ceiling was pushing down on her chest; she started gulping air. Her heart sped up and her hands went numb.

"This feels..." Her voice caught in her throat and the galley tilted around her. "This feels..."

Her hand missed the glass of tea and she put her hands to her head, still shaking, teeth chattering, trying to stop the room from spinning. She tried to think of a fact, of anything besides the dizziness growing in her head. Nothing came out but one word: "Help."

She slumped forward onto the table.

Tags: Ellie, Low
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:41 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)
Replies: 71
Views: 5289

Re: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)

Ellie wrote:Location: Jenny Wren, Galley

Low reached into a pocket of his duster and slowly pulled an old scratched and scuffed brown bottle from his pocket and set it on the table. "Well," he slowly withdrew the cork allowing a rich sweet smell to release from the bottle. "I woke up in the general store with some old timer taking care of wounded. Seemed the fighting had spilled into the town. The old timer was trying to take care of the wounded and fight off the alliance. Poor old coot didn't know that it was a lost cause. Once I got my wits about me, I took up arms and protected the wounded. That is until a shell landed on the porch. Still kept fighting, up till I ran out of ammo." he put the bottle to his lips then took a drink. He offered the bottle two both of them setting it on the table. "We never did get to finish that drink." he said.

She smirked a bit at the site of the bottle, "I can't believe you've been saving it all this time. If I didn't know better you were anticipating seeing me again." She gave him a wink and took the bottle and took a pull on it before setting it gingerly back down on the table. "Now that was worth waiting for!"

He stayed quiet for a long moment with his head down hiding his eyes. "The alliance took me. They waited their sweet time to provide medical aid which didn't help with the shoulder or my hip. One day I'll get the funds together to get them fixed, but until then I manage. Spent a long while at a mining colony until they finally released me. Made my way back here and started working odd jobs until I got into security. Then this came along." he gestured to his bum shoulder with the bandages on it.

She nodded a bit at his story, it was all too common a tale among her fellow Browncoats. Caught by the Alliance and never the same after they let them go. It was sheer luck her story hadn't been the same. She thought back to the last night she had seen Low, "I was fighting on the front line, opposite side of town from the triage. eventually the Alliance broke through down the line a ways and flanked us, cut us off from the other side of town. No chance for retreat even. I got back up to that bar there in town, a shell fell close by, support beam came loose and knocked me out cold. Apparently the bartender saw it, felt like he owed me a debt of gratitude or somethin' so he pulled me into the bar and hid me down in the cellar. I was unconscious for near on a week. By then the Alliance had cleared out of Regina, seein' as they had beat us. I found my way back to a Browncoat unit on a little moon nearby, was in a few skirmishes after that but nothin' worth speakin' of. Once the surrender was called I went back to Whitefall, spent some time workin' as a small town sheriff, but I couldn't stand watchin' the Alliance operate. Now here I am."

He looked to Ellie. "I'm damn glad you made it off that rock." he offered a half hearten smile. "I'd be honored to work with you again. If you don't mind taking on the trouble. There's some heat at my back from my old employer. I'd understand if you said no."

With a light laugh, Ellie shook her head, "Hell old man, we got each other through most of the war, you think a little small time crime boss makes me shake in my boots? You don't ever need to come askin' me for work, you belong here. You've got a spot on my crew as long as you want it. I can use someone I know I can trust." She grinned, I'll get you set up in quarters once Ian is through, and I'll introduce you to the crew after the boys get back. She nodded her head at Fiona, In the meantime, this little sprite here is Fiona, she's a passenger until such time as she feels the hankerin' to leave. She gave a reassuring smile to Fiona.

Location: Jenny Wren, Galley
Tag: Low, Fiona
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:40 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)
Replies: 71
Views: 5289

Re: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)

Low wrote:Location: Jenny Wren, galley

They made the short walk back to the galley and Ellie dug in a cupboard and put together a small snack for them, nothing fancy, and set it out on the table. Rifling through the refrigerator, she pulled out a pitcher of tea and poured them each a glass, setting them down in front of Fiona and Low each with a slosh, before getting her own and taking a seat on a bench next to Fiona and across from Low. The food was near tasteless, mostly just protein rations with a bit of seasoning, but she ate it slowly. It calmed her nerves a bit, her stomach had been churning since the bar. She raised her gaze to Low's and smiled, "So Regina didn't do either of us in. Can't say I ever believed I'd run into you again, but you won't hear me complainin."

Low reached into a pocket of his duster and slowly pulled an old scratched and scuffed brown bottle from his pocket and set it on the table. "Well," he slowly withdrew the cork allowing a rich sweet smell to release from the bottle. "I woke up in the general store with some old timer taking care of wounded. Seemed the fighting had spilled into the town. The old timer was trying to take care of the wounded and fight off the alliance. Poor old coot didn't know that it was a lost cause. Once I got my wits about me, I took up arms and protected the wounded. That is until a shell landed on the porch. Still kept fighting, up till I ran out of ammo." he put the bottle to his lips then took a drink. He offered the bottle two both of them setting it on the table. "We never did get to finish that drink." he said.

He stayed quiet for a long moment with his head down hiding his eyes. "The alliance took me. They waited their sweet time to provide medical aid which didn't help with the shoulder or my hip. One day I'll get the funds together to get them fixed, but until then i manage. Spent a long while at a mining colony until they finally released me. Made my way back here and started working odd jobs until I got into security. Then this came along." he gestured to his bum shoulder with the bandages on it.

He looked to Ellie. "I'm damn glad you made it off that rock." he offered a half hearten smile. "I'd be honored to work with you again. If you don't mind taking on the trouble. There's some heat at my back from my old employer. I'd understand if you said no."

Location: Jenny Wren, galley
TAG: Ellie, Fiona
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:39 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)
Replies: 71
Views: 5289

Re: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)

Teddy wrote:Location: Cargo Hold; Jenny Wren

Teddy was staring at Kitsune with an unamused look, he wasn't the fondest of this crewmate of his, however, right now, it wasn't his place to judge or make the demands. It wasn't his shift, or his crew, he was simply a member of it. The leadership rank of Major held nothing here, and his nobility and past service record meant nothing as well. He looked at him over his glasses, then pushed them back a top his nose.

His lighting saber laid in it's scabord at his left hip, his oversized revolver sidearm sat holstered on his right side; both always felt very comfortable with him and he was dangerous with both. When Ellie came into the room, he smiled at her and showed his mouth full of teeth "Ah, dear lady Ellie, greetings. Come with our orders now have you?"

She explained the gig, both the legal and the not so much, and Teddy nodded an understanding. "Oh fun, a quick shipping escort of good drink, a waste likely since we could enjoy it!" He laughed heartily, and continued "Then something a bit more shady? Well then, I suppose it would be appropriate for me to go with the young man and make sure we don't all get jammed up and killed then, huh?" He nodded to Kitsune, and slightly bowed to Ellie. "We'll take care of it miss!"

The pair mounted the Mule, and headed out to their destination.

Teddy always preferred the feel of either horse back, or the bridge of an Alliance Starship, but he could deal with the smaller crafts too; he kicked his feet back and held on to the arm rests as Kitsune did the driving... Or what he referred to as driving.

Upon reaching the primary destination, Teddy figured that the basic delivery was easy enough, and he tilted down his hat to take a few winks of rest while the delivered their 'legal' cargo. Kitsune returned and advised Teddy that the deal was done "Bully for them, then."

He lifted his hat slightly, and looked at Kitsune "So now what do we do about the 'other deal'...?"

Location: Mule outside of the Drunken Spacefarer
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:38 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)
Replies: 71
Views: 5289

Re: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)

Graham wrote:Location: Drunken Spacefarer

Low grinned Sheepishly. "Well, perhaps we can talk on the way." he gestured toward the door tossing the rest of his coin on the bar and picking up his things. He limped after them. "I knew you were too stubborn to die on that rock!" he said cheerfully. "So...I was sort of on protection detail for this company. Well we got ambushed just down the road and well all our cargo was lost, and pretty much everyone but me died." he said following her toward the door. "Well everyone I assume is dead, and I'm likely to follow if I don't get off this rock." he held the door for the other two. Ellie shot only the briefest look to Graham and a quick jerk of her head to indicate she wanted him to follow. He clutched his bag tightly and had his duffel bag slung over his shoulder and ducked out the door with them. "They don't exactly take kindly to failure at this place I was employed. Pay was good, but the price is high in that department." he shrugged sheepishly. "Don't suppose you'd take on a working passenger or have room in your crew for someone with my particular talents?"

She was walking quickly next to Low now, leaving Graham to trail behind them a couple steps as she listened to Low's story. Slapping his shoulder she exclaimed, "There is always room for you! I wasn't sure what happened to you after that medic shouldered you off to the triage..." With a shake of her head she went on, "I'd be mighty glad for your help actually. My crew is a little... sparse."

They had passed out of the main drag of town now, she was keeping up a quick pace to get them back to the ship as soon as she was able. They walked down the road with the dense vegetation on either side and Ellie finally looked back at Graham and asked, "How about you, I wouldn't have figured you for a doctor. When did that happen?" She didn't fall back as she listened to his response. Clearing his throat nervously, he said, "Well, after you left Whitefall, and the disease that came through..." he searched for the best way to answer this, "and so many people died, one of them left me a bit of money, so I decided to become a doctor to try and help people who go through that kind of thing." So many details left out, but how could he go into it now? He just hoped he would get a chance at some point.

They followed her into the ship and up to the room where the pilot lay on her bed. He stepped inside and took in the surroundings. It was bare, no personal effects to really give him a feel for the woman he would be working on. It didn't make a difference to his work, but it made him wonder how long this woman had been on board. Ellie was speaking softly to a little girl, who gave him the vague impression of a lost kitten. She led the girl out before turning back into the room. She stepped in close to Graham and he could smell lilacs. He had forgotten she wore a lilac fragrance. It was probably the only truly girly thing about her, she had gotten the perfume from her mother... He forced himself to focus as she said, "I don't know how or why you're here but I am glad for your help Ian. I'll be in the galley, let me know if you need anything." Without pausing to let him respond Ellie turned again and left the room, sliding the door shut behind her with a gentle click as it latched. He exhaled softly, and then turned to the patient.

There was what appeared to be a blood-soaked sweater pressed against the wound. Pulling it back carefully, he deposited it on the floor and examined the wound. The bleeding seemed to have stopped. Under normal circumstances this might be a good thing, but in this particular case it was worrying. He leaned in closer and checked her pulse, watching closely to check her breathing at the same time. There was a pulse, but barely and her breathing was so shallow he could hardly see her chest moving. He took out some gauze and surgical tools. A cursory search of the drawers netted him a couple of towels. He rolled his sleeves up and tossed the fedora over onto the only spare chair in the room. He took out a pair of surgical tongs and carefully removed the bullet he could see lodged inside. As it came out, fresh blood gurgled out of the wound. With a disheartened shake of his head, he carefully cleaned out the wound. It was troubling that the wound hadn't bled more, it should have. This told him she had lost a great deal of blood, too much in fact. He took out the surgical thread and needle and stitched the wound with precision, a trained eye would tell you he was one of the best there was. He saw a wash bowl and went over to where the sink was in the room, there was a bar to pull, releasing the sink and lowering it into place. Turning the tap, a small stream of water flowed forth and he filled the bowl. Using one of the towels he wet it and wiped her torso clean, and as he cleaned he couldn't help but notice all the scars the woman bore with tattoos clearly intended to cover them up. What kind of life must she had seen, and now to be here? A moan softly escaped the woman's blanched lips and she stirred. He leaned over in concern and saw her eyelids flutter, "Try'n lie still ma'am." Her eyes focused on him for a second and he almost thought she was seeing him, but she only coughed and moaned again, trailing off to whimper.

Her head rolled from side to side and it caught his attention, "Tzao goa!" He lifted her head and examined the wound left from Lewis smacking her with a wrench. Taking the towel he cleaned up the blood on the back of her head and saw that it was a very severe head trauma. "Oh God..." He laid her head back gently against the pillow. This was worse than he thought. Ellie brought him here to help his pilot and he knew now, that wasn't going to happen. He leaned back in his chair in despair and rubbed his temples and ran a hand through his hair. She groaned again, and muttered something before letting out a final breath, her head lolling to one side and her eyes glazed over. "Oh God..." he said again. Gathering up his tools gave him time to gather up his thoughts as well, this was a conversation he wasn't looking forward to in the least.

Location: Jenny Wren
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:37 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)
Replies: 71
Views: 5289

Re: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)

Ellie wrote:Location: Greenleaf, Drunken Spacefarer

Low grinned Sheepishly. "Well, perhaps we can talk on the way." he gestured toward the door tossing the rest of his coin on the bar and picking up his things. He limped after them. "I knew you were too stubborn to die on that rock!" he said cheerfully. "So...I was sort of on protection detail for this company. Well we got ambushed just down the road and well all our cargo was lost, and pretty much everyone but me died." he said following her toward the door. "Well everyone I assume is dead, and I'm likely to follow if I don't get off this rock." he held the door for the other two. Ellie shot only the briefest look to Graham and a quick jerk of her head to indicate she wanted him to follow. "They don't exactly take kindly to failure at this place I was employed. Pay was good, but the price is high in that department." he shrugged sheepishly. "Don't suppose you'd take on a working passenger or have room in your crew for someone with my particular talents?"

She was walking quickly next to Low now, leaving Graham to trail behind them a couple steps as she listened to Low's story. Slapping his shoulder she exclaimed, "There is always room for you! I wasn't sure what happened to you after that medic shouldered you off to the triage..." she paused for a moment as she remembered that night so clearly. Even now the smell of gunpowder, mud and blood seemed to crowd her senses. With a shake of her head she went on, "I'd be mighty glad for your help actually. My crew is a little... sparse." She wasn't sure how else to describe them. What word do you use for a teenage girl with some kind of disability, a tail chasing gun for hire, a fugitive ex-Alliance officer, Timmy, and a near dead pilot. She certainly hadn't expected such a tough start to her career running freight and passengers.

They had passed out of the main drag of town now, she was keeping up a quick pace to get them back to the ship as soon as she was able. They walked down the road with the dense vegetation on either side and Ellie finally looked back at Graham and asked, "How about you, I wouldn't have figured you for a doctor. When did that happen?" She didn't fall back as she listened to his response. She had about a million questions for him, but now was definitely not the time. Maybe it never would be the time.

They reached the clearing for the docks and she quickly took the path leading up to Jenny Wren. She smiled at the guys, "Welcome to Jenny Wren." The bay door was still open and she ran her hand lovingly along the door frame as she stepped inside. She didn't linger in the cargo hold, but led them straight into the interior corridor and up the spiral staircase. "I'll save the fifty cent tour for later seein' as how the situation is a bit pressing." She kept right on moving through the galley and into the corridor leading up to the cockpit, but she stopped short of it and entered the door on the right instead. Fiona looked up, her face was pale and Ellie thought she detected tears in her eyes. Ellie knelt next to her and said quietly, "It's alright darlin', I got a doctor to help. Let's get you out of here." She took the wisp of a girl by the arm and helped her stand, then guided her to the door. Once in the hallway she said, "Wait for me here," and turned back into the room. Graham had entered the room after her but Low was still standing outside in the hallway with Fiona now. Ellie stepped in close to Graham and said, "I don't know how or why you're here but I am glad for your help Ian. I'll be in the galley, let me know if you need anything." Without pausing to let him respond Ellie turned again and left the room, sliding the door shut behind her with a gentle click as it latched. She composed herself and turned back to Low and Fiona, "Let's go get something to eat while we let him do his work."

They made the short walk back to the galley and Ellie dug in a cupboard and put together a small snack for them, nothing fancy, and set it out on the table. Rifling through the refrigerator, she pulled out a pitcher of tea and poured them each a glass, setting them down in front of Fiona and Low each with a slosh, before getting her own and taking a seat on a bench next to Fiona and across from Low. The food was near tasteless, mostly just protein rations with a bit of seasoning, but she ate it slowly. It calmed her nerves a bit, her stomach had been churning since the bar. She raised her gaze to Low's and smiled, "So Regina didn't do either of us in. Can't say I ever believed I'd run into you again, but you won't hear me complainin."

Location: Jenny Wren, galley
Tag: Graham, Fiona, Low
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:36 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)
Replies: 71
Views: 5289

Re: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)

Kitsune wrote:Behind the Drunken Space Farer

Kitsune knocks on the back delivery door and awaits for someone to come and sign for the shipment. Moments later a stout man rather plain looking but obvious to anyone he was a worker at the bar.


"Great we were just about to run out. Let me check the shipment and I will get you that signature and you can be on your way."bending looking through the items checking them off the list as he goes." Seems to all be here thank." signing the order and handing it back to Kitsune.

"No problem, you have a nice day partner." Hops back onto the skiff, Teddy still laying in the back his hat over his face.
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:36 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)
Replies: 71
Views: 5289

Re: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)

Low wrote:Location: Greenleaf, Drunken Spacefarer

Ellie cast a questioning look at Low, "What's he on about old man?" She shifted her weight anxiously, she knew Jane was short on time, and wanted to get help to her as quickly as she could, even if that help was in the form of Ian Graham.

He nodded to Graham, "Yup, were acquainted."

Low grinned Sheepishly. "Well, perhaps we can talk on the way." he gestured toward the door tossing the rest of his coin on the bar and picking up his things. He limped after them. "I knew you were too stubborn to die on that rock!" he said cheerfully. "So...I was sort of on protection detail for this company. Well we got ambushed just down the road and well all our cargo was lost, and pretty much everyone but me died." he said following her toward the door. "Well everyone I assume is dead, and I'm likely to follow if I don't get off this rock." he held the door as the other two followed. (Assuming so anyhow) "They don't exactly take kindly to failure at this place I was employed. Pay was good, but the price is high in that department." he shrugged sheepishly. "Don't suppose you'd take on a working passenger or have room in your crew for someone with my particular talents?"

Location: Greenleaf, Drunken Spacefarer
Tag: Ellie, Graham
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:35 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)
Replies: 71
Views: 5289

Re: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)

Ellie wrote:Location: Greenleaf, Drunken Spacefarer

"Ellie? Ellie McKee?"

For the first time, Ellie's attention shifted to the guy sitting next to Ian at the bar. It took her a second to register, but he seemed familiar. She cocked her head a bit to the side and said, "Low? Is it really you? Did my invitation to this little reunion get lost in the mail?"

Her mind reeled a bit, trying to process the fact she came here expecting a doctor she didn't know and instead found two guys she knew pretty well. Graham brought her back to the moment by asking, "You are looking for a Doctor?"

"Jane!" The momentary surprise had knocked her purpose clean out of her mind. "Yes! We had a bit of trouble on our way here, some folk tried to start some trouble and my pilot was on the receiving end of someone's gun. She's lost a lot of blood and I don't know if she can make it."

He fidgeted a bit and then reached down to grab his bag off the floor after she explained the situation, "If you want to take me to her, I can help." He glanced uncomfortably at Low, "Guess you don't need that introduction after all, will you be joining us?"

Ellie cast a questioning look at Low, "What's he on about old man?" She shifted her weight anxiously, she knew Jane was short on time, and wanted to get help to her as quickly as she could, even if that help was in the form of Ian Graham.

Location: Greenleaf, Drunken Spacefarer
Tag: Graham, Low
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:34 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)
Replies: 71
Views: 5289

Re: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)

Graham wrote:Location: Greenleaf, Drunken Spacefarer

Lows eyebrow had risen, that voice was familiar. He'd not heard it for a spell. Slowly he turned in his seat until he could see her. "By the Maker, tis a ghost!" he said then abruptly turned around and downed the last of his drink. He closed his eyes and said a prayer, then slowly turned around with his eyes closed. Slowly he opened one, then closed it tightly. "No. it Canna be!" he muttered. Slowly he opened both eyes. "Ellie? Ellie McKee?" looking between Graham and Ellie. "Wait... this is who you've been waiting for?"

Graham looked in confusion at Low, "Yes. You know her too?"

He turned back to Ellie, "You are looking for a Doctor?" He had thought about what he would say when she finally arrived, but he was just so thrown off balance by her sudden appearance and now it was clear he wasn't the only one here from her past. He fidgeted a bit and then reached down to grab his bag off the floor after she explained the situation, "If you want to take me to her, I can help." He glanced uncomfortably at Low, "Guess you don't need that introduction after all, will you be joining us?"

Location: Greenleaf, Drunken Spacefarer
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:33 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)
Replies: 71
Views: 5289

Re: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)

Low wrote:Location: Greenleaf, Drunken Spacefarer

Low now days seemed to have every excuse under the sun to get a taste of the good life, he tossed a napkin down on his plate and shoved it forward. "You know, for a bar this is mighty good stuff." he said regarding the empty plate. He picked up the tumbler of honey brown liquid sitting there in front of him and spun the glass in his hand. "This stuff isn't bad either." he said with a smile. "It's too bad I've got to skin out of here. But life has a way of giving it to you sweet, and spit'n ya out sour!" he exclaimed.

"Right, now you've gone all philosopher on us eh Low?" the bar keep ask before shaking his head and taking up the plate to summarily toss it through a window. It was received by the startled yelp by the occupant of the kitchen.

"I suppose I could take that up as a profession but I reckon it don't pay much. Besides, when you Philosophize your bound to get noticed." he said taking a drink from the cup.

"Whatever you say Low!" he said walking down the bar and over to a couple of old timers.

Low glanced over at the usually quiet Graham. "What about you Doc, you ever thought of doing something other than just putting the pieces back together? Butcher shop perhaps?" he made a sign with his hands. "Graham's Precision Cuts, has a nice ring to it." he nodded to himself. "Graham's chop house." he regarded the imaginary sign a moment. "Naa, to pretentious." Low heard the doors to the bar swing and the soft sound of boots on the ground, but he paid no mind.

“Hey!” she called out as she headed his direction. The man turned to her with a questioning look. “I need a doctor, and quick!” The man crossed his arms, “Do I know you?” She sighed in irritation and said, “Eloise McKee, I brought the delivery of whiskey, it’s around back. But we ran into trouble on the way and my pilot needs a doctor, like an hour ago, so could you please tell me where I can find a doctor?”

He rolled his eyes, off-worlders were always in such an all fire rush, and everything was the end of the world. He held a hand up to tell her to stop, then motioned for her to follow him. Ellie fell in step with him and he said, “You’re in luck, there is a doctor right over there,” and pointed to the bar. “Hey Doc!” he called out to the man in the fedora, who spun his stool around to face them. She stopped dead in her tracks as she saw his face. “Ian?”

Graham jumped up in surprise, he knew she was coming but hadn’t expected to be thrown into it like this, “Ellie!”

“What are you doing here? And wait, you’re a doctor??”

The bartender looked from Ellie to Graham and back, “Well seems like you two are old acquaintances. Now, if you don’t mind I have to see about a delivery of whiskey.” He slung the towel he was carrying over his shoulder and left them to sort it out while he headed to the back delivery door where Kitsune and Teddy were waiting with the goods.

Lows eyebrow had risen, that voice was familiar. He'd not heard it for a spell. Slowly he turned in his seat until he could see her. "By the Maker, tis a ghost!" he said then abruptly turned around and downed the last of his drink. He closed his eyes and said a prayer, then slowly turned around with his eyes closed. Slowly he opened one, then closed it tightly. "No. it Canna be!" he muttered. Slowly he opened both eyes. "Ellie? Ellie McKee?" looking between Graham and Ellie. "Wait... this is who you've been waiting for?"

Tag: Your it!
Location: Greenleaf, Drunken Spacefarer
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:31 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)
Replies: 71
Views: 5289

Re: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)

Ellie wrote:Location: Jenny Wren, Cargo Hold

Ellie climbed into the driver seat of the skiff and waited while Teddy opened the bay door and climbed into the back seat. She turned on the engine and rolled out of the ship, squinting at the sudden change in light levels. The docks on Greenleaf were nowhere near as busy as a place such as Persephone. Mainly because the government kept such tight control over the travel to and from the planet. Their plant life was such a precious commodity, they didn’t want to give any kind of foothold to the black market. Ellie could understand their point of view, but at the same time she had seen how disease could ravage a Rim planet so denying them access in the name a profit just seemed wrong. Such was life under The Alliance.

As they moved out of the cleared area of the docks, the vegetation on either side of the ground became more dense. Most planets were little more than dust covered terra-formed rocks. Those that had trees and the like didn’t even compare to the lush nature of Greenleaf. The sunlight filtered through the overhanging branches and Ellie was kind of glad that they were each in their own thoughts. She had the very real fear that saving Jane’s life might be a lost cause, but she had to at least give it a shot. The road they were on opened up into the main drag of the town and they passed a general store, a couple specialty shops and a post office before she saw the Drunken Spacefarer ahead on the right. There was a small sign that said “Deliveries” with an arrow pointing down an alley that ran alongside the building. She turned the skiff down the alley and pulled it to a stop at the delivery entrance. Cutting the engine, she climbed out of the vehicle and tossed the keys to Kitsune, “She’s all yours. I’ll see you back at Jenny.”

Around the front of the building she found the front entrance and hurried inside. Her eyes adjusted again to the new light levels, and she spotted the bartender standing beside a table over by the fireplace talking to a couple grizzled old guys who didn’t seem to have a full set of teeth between the two of them. “Hey!” she called out as she headed his direction. The man turned to her with a questioning look. “I need a doctor, and quick!” The man crossed his arms, “Do I know you?” She sighed in irritation and said, “Eloise McKee, I brought the delivery of whiskey, it’s around back. But we ran into trouble on the way and my pilot needs a doctor, like an hour ago, so could you please tell me where I can find a doctor?” He rolled his eyes, off-worlders were always in such an all fire rush, and everything was the end of the world. He held a hand up to tell her to stop, then motioned for her to follow him. Ellie fell in step with him and he said, “You’re in luck, there is a doctor right over there,” and pointed to the bar. “Hey Doc!” he called out to the man in the fedora, who spun his stool around to face them. She stopped dead in her tracks as she saw his face. “Ian?”

Graham jumped up in surprise, he knew she was coming but hadn’t expected to be thrown into it like this, “Ellie!”

“What are you doing here? And wait, you’re a doctor??”

The bartender looked from Ellie to Graham and back, “Well seems like you two are old acquaintances. Now, if you don’t mind I have to see about a delivery of whiskey.” He slung the towel he was carrying over his shoulder and left them to sort it out while he headed to the back delivery door where Kitsune and Teddy were waiting with the goods.

Location: Greenleaf, Drunken Spacefarer
Tag: Kitsune, Teddy, Graham, and Low
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:30 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)
Replies: 71
Views: 5289

Re: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)

Kitsune wrote:"Anything for you Ellie dear." Taking the note from her.
Delivering the Whiskey was strait forward enough, but the Package pick up seemed a little to shady for his liking. The former cop in him said he didn't like it and he tried to convince him self "if I don't open it and stick to the driver rules I will never know and can only assume. The nagging feeling didn't go away however, It would really bother him if he did find out it was a drug pick up. Wearing his usual apparel(see signature line for image)he hopped up onto the mule in the shot gun seat. He decided to occupy his thoughts with something else... something feminine.
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:29 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)
Replies: 71
Views: 5289

Re: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)

Graham wrote:Location: Greenleaf, Drunken Spacefarer, Back room

Liam nodded, "I do not intend on sitting idle while we wait." he slowly rose to his feet. "If my reapers come, I'll be waiting in the open." he said as he grabbed his Buscadero, strapping it about his waist. "Besides, I'm starving!" he pulled the Colt 1873 checking the rounds were still fresh. "What about you? You gonna stay back here waiting?"

"I'll join you in a moment. I need to clean up my tools and get my bag packed back up." Graham motioned to the dresser with his "sewing kit" strewn across it. Liam left and Graham turned to the mess. For having recently operated on a man with a gun shot wound to the shoulder, it really wasn't as bad as one would expect. There were some bed sheets he was sure he was going to be charged for, but otherwise the room had escaped pretty unscathed. A basin with warm water sat at one end of the dresser and Graham picked up the tools he had used one by one and washed them in the water. Then he dug some rubbing alcohol out of his black bag. Dabbing some on a cloth he idly wiped each one down. Even as he went through the motions, his mind was miles away. Raucous laughter floated in from the main room and brought him out of his reverie. The last tool was slipped into it's pocket and Graham rolled the case up and set it inside the bag before closing it with a snap. One last look around the room and Graham followed in the direction Liam had just disappeared.

Graham settled down on the stool next to Liam at the bar again and signaled to the bartender that he wanted another drink. When his glass was delivered he handed him some coin and said, "This is for the beer, and a little extra for the sheets."

The bartender smirked, "First time someone other than a doxie or her john said something like that to me."

His joke was met with a hollow chuckle. Graham felt all sorts of out of place right now. He wasn't a dandy or anything, but he was used to living in a simple small town country life kind of place. People had values and were mostly just hard working stiffs trying to make a better life for their kids and such. Jokes about doxies were far removed from where he made his home now. And though a younger version of himself might have been more at home in such a place, he was a lot older now. A different person, for the most part. Some things hadn't changed though. Looking down at his watch and then casting an anxious glance at the door, Graham sighed before tossing back a swig of his drink. All this waiting was making him feel frayed around the edges.

Location: Greenleaf, Drunken Spacefarer
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:29 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)
Replies: 71
Views: 5289

Re: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)

Low wrote:Location: Greenleaf, back room of the Drunken Spacefarer

With a small shrug he answered, "It's not my ship or my decision. I can see if I can get you an introduction to the ship's captain, but getting a job with the crew will be up to you. I've got enough convincing of my own to do I suspect." He caught the questioning look on Liam's face and replied, "It's a long story." lifting his wrist, he checked the time, "That's funny, they should have arrived by now but I haven't got confirmation of it yet. Hope they didn't run into any problems..."

Liam slowly swung his legs over the side of the bed and sat up, he finished the drink he had been nursing for the last few minutes and nodded to Graham. "To be sure. Never a good thing when one is running late. But if I know one thing it is that trouble always finds you when you don't need it." he felt his vision swim for a moment as he came fully upright but planting his hands on the bed steadied himself. He held a hand up as Graham leaned forward concerned but for a brief moment. "I'm fine."

"You certain?" Graham asked.

Liam nodded, "I do not intend on sitting idle while we wait." he slowly rose to his feet. "If my reapers come, I'll be waiting in the open." he said as he grabbed his Buscadero, strapping it about his waist. "Besides, I'm starving!" he pulled the Colt 1873 checking the rounds were still fresh. "What about you? You gonna stay back here waiting?"

(Assuming a response either way...)

Liam picked up his rifle and craned the lever back allowing the last spent casing to pop free of the breach, and he began loading new rounds into the rifle as he walked out of the room taking but a moment to sling his pack over his good shoulder. His knee ached as he strolled down the short hall back to the bar. He dropped the barrel of his rifle over his shoulder, drawing in a sharp breath as it bounced on his bandage.

Lows eyes slowly surveyed the room starting from the far side slowly to where he was, he looked intently at each person. Each was armed that was certain, but would any of them be looking for him. Greenleaf wasn't exactly the place one went unarmed so that was never a clear sign of danger. No one stood out, he didn't recognize anyone from the company. That was at least a good sign. He dropped into a chair at a table nearby setting the rifle down next to the chair. He caught the bar keep staring at him from behind his station. "What?" he asked.

The bar keep gave a laugh. "What indeed. You done bleeding all over my bar?"

"Not that anyone does not ever bleed in your bar ever, no. I'm done for now." he said offering a smile. "Could I trouble you for some food?" he asked.

The bar keep simply nodded and went into the back of the bar, Liam could hear the sound of a fire and something cooking. He could smell now the scent of cured meat cooking. He pulled his change out and waited watching the others and the door.

Location: Greenleaf, back room of the Drunken Spacefarer
Tag: Garham, and anyone else who might wander in.
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:28 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)
Replies: 71
Views: 5289

Re: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)

Graham wrote:Location: Greenleaf, back room of the Drunken Spacefarer

He held a drink out to Low, "What about you, dare I ask how you got a bullet through the shoulder?"

Low shrugged and cringed for his efforts. "A job!" he took the offered drink. "See I was protection detail for cargo being moved from warehouse to the space port. We got ambushed. Cargo's gone, as is my job." he took a drink. "Now I've got to get myself off world before he shows up. The old bosses do not take failure too well. Matter's not if it was your fault or not."

Graham lifted an eyebrow at his answer, "Stuff like that makes nearly makes me question my decision to leave. Almost. But then I have a rendezvous to make." He gives a little wink and downs the drink in his hand.

"Ye think they might have room on that ship for another?" he glanced over at his shoulder, then began pulling his shirt back on gently over his head. "I can do more than shoot, and bleed. Could use a new job."

With a small shrug he answered, "It's not my ship or my decision. I can see if I can get you an introduction to the ship's captain, but getting a job with the crew will be up to you. I've got enough convincing of my own to do I suspect." He caught the questioning look on Liam's face and replied, "It's a long story." lifting his wrist, he checked the time, "That's funny, they should have arrived by now but I haven't got confirmation of it yet. Hope they didn't run into any problems..."

Location: Greenleaf, back room of the Drunken Spacefarer
Tag: Low
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:26 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)
Replies: 71
Views: 5289

Re: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)

Ellie wrote:Location: Greenleaf port, Jenny Wren, Cockpit

"Your passes have cleared for three to disembark your vessel Ms. McKee. You'll have twenty four hours to complete your business and leave port again. Please be aware that if you do not leave by the specified time, you will be fined and your vessel will be searched." Ellie gave a curt nod and a smile in acknowledgment before cutting the link. She hit the shipwide comm and announced, "Kitsune and Teddy, I got our passes squared away so meet me in the cargo bay in five." She knew she had a small window to act and she wasn't sure how much longer Jane would last, it certainly wasn't looking good for her right now. Ellie hopped up and quickly made her way back to the small cabin that was Jane's. Fiona was in there already and looked up anxiously at Ellie as she entered. Bending over Jane's bed, Ellie quietly observed her for a moment as she checked her pulse. The pilot was still breathing and her heart was still beating, but barely. With a shake of her head Ellie said to Fiona, "Can you take care of her? I'm going to see if I can get a doctor for her. I assume a planet like this, with a booming medical industry, there must be a good doctor's practice here." Ellie straightened up and patted Fiona on the shoulder, "I know I'm asking a lot, but I think you're strong enough to handle it. Just stay with her. I'll be back as soon as I can."

She stopped in her cabin and glanced down at her undershirt and flannel shorts. She hadn't changed since the ordeal with Lewis and his buddies had begun, and her clothes were stained with the blood of Jane as well as the blood of the assholes who were trying to steal Jenny from her. It would definitely draw too much attention outside. She yanked open a drawer and dug through it, pulling out a light blue, v-neck t-shirt she puled the bloody undershirt off and slid the clean shirt over her head. She drew out a pair of faded denim jeans and dropped her sleep shorts to the floor before she slipped the jeans on as well. Finally she threw on her socks and a pair of boots. Then she grabbed her light brown leather jacket and hurried out of her room and down the corridor. As she passed through the galley she yelled to Timmy who was banging around in the engine room, "Timmy, I need this ship ready to go in the next few hours, we have to leave again in 24 hours. Don't let me down kiddo!"

She took the stairs a couple at a time and entered the cargo hold to meet up with Teddy and Kitsune. Teddy was standing stiffly in the center of the room, his military breeding made him seem so formal to Ellie, she still wasn't used to it. Kitsune was leaning against the mule with a sly grin on his face, Ellie got the impression he was trying to antagonize Teddy before she came in, but she hadn't heard their conversation so she wasn't sure. "So here's the deal guys. The mule is loaded," she motioned to the crates already loaded on the mule, "I need your help taking the whiskey to the Drunken Spacefarer. But I also need to find a doctor for Jane. We only have twenty four hours on the planet before we have to leave. And trust me, we don't want to bring the authorities down on us because we out stay our welcome. So can I trust you guys to deliver the whiskey while I get us a doctor? You both will get a cut of the payment of course, just like the rest of my crew..."

She nodded a bit at their answers and then continued on slowly, "There's one more thing. I've arrange for a little... side job while we are here. See, it's very difficult to get a pass to land granted on Greenleaf. The reason has to be completely above board. Since I had a legitimate job lined up, someone got in contact with me about a, shall we say... less legitimate business opportunity. All I we need is for you guys to make your way to this address," she held a slip of paper out for one of them to take, "You'll be picking up two small boxes there. You'll need to conceal them somewhere on the mule where they can't be seen coming back. And whatever happens, avoid drawing attention to yourselves. You don't want caught with that cargo, trust me. Bring it back to the ship, and we will get out of here as soon as we can. So..." she looked from one to the other and asked, "Are you guys in, or what?"

Location: Cargo Hold, Jenny Wren, Greenleaf port
Tag: Fiona, Timmy, Teddy, Kitsune
OOC: Game on! New characters, let's get you in here!
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:25 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)
Replies: 71
Views: 5289

Closed Doors and Open Windows (Chapter 3)

BDH Narrator wrote:

Jenny Wren and her crew arrive on Greenleaf and land with no complications from local authorities. The only ones who are granted passes to disembark the ship are Ellie, Kitsune and Teddy in order to deliver their shipment of whiskey from Earth That Was Distillery to the Drunken Spacefarer. Jane is in critical condition, having lost a great deal of blood and is barely alive at this point. Everyone else must stay on board ship due to the strict regulations in place on visitors to Greenleaf. New players/characters must enter here, so if you have something in the works, now is the time to get with me and get a jump on entering the Jenny Wren story. We're excited to have you on board. Current crew, Drunken Lullabies is still open so that we can tie up the loose ends there. You don't have to wait on that story line to end before you can post here, you can do both. Just don't neglect either story. I'm also looking to keep this game moving at an even pace, as such I need active players. I am asking for at least ONE substantial post a week. This isn't asking a lot, so I hope you can all get on board. If you are MIA for a substantial amount of time I will eventually kill your character off. We need active players to keep the story moving. Now, let's do this! Without any further ado, I give you our adventure beginning on Greenleaf....

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