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by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:41 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

BDH Narrator wrote:ACTION:

Once Lilith's Peal had detached from Jenny Wren and the two ships had parted ways, Jenny Wren left Boros.

Anything sub storylines you wish to continue such as conversations can take place on the sub-sim boards in the appropriate board for whatever room you are in.
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:40 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Kitsune wrote:Location- Kitsuens Quarters

"Na no need Im not interested in anyone on this ship in a work sence only interested in them, Sides I prefer people telling me thier past rather then looking up what someone wrote." Disappointed she didnt sit with him. "So what can I do for you?" Might as well keep the conversation going seeing how the image of the lady who boarded the ship had lost its luster.

Location- Kitsunes Quarters
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:40 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

spark/Zain wrote:Zain saw his back stiffen as soon as he realized who was behind him. Without turning around he told her his last name, paused to remove his coat, talked some more, took off his shirt, told her about how he would like to know everyone else on the ship, took off his vest, stepped out of his boots and turned around and sat on his bed and apologized. He patted the space next to him, indicating for her to sit. She looked at him with amusement. Surely he was not serious about getting clobbered to ease the tension but where it had worked for others, it had not been a tension breaker for her. She looked at him for a second or two before she picked up his clothes off the moved them over to the end of the bed before sitting in the vacant chair. After sitting down she said, Apology accepted. But for the sake of your security Don't touch me again. Ever. I don't like being touched. Which has not earned me friends but that's another case. I admire your courage for getting clobbered to ease tension, smirking she added, but I guess it worked. Now as to why I didn't make a noise, well I have always been that way. Learned to sneak around, if you will, at a young age. Old habits never die I guess. My name's Zain Alexander, you can call me Zain. I have been known as Zain Alex. Zain Al, Alex, Xander. And a lot more that's basically it. My enemy's know me as The Phenix. But that's another story and don't ask me what it is. Now I am sure you will search me in the archives when I leave but I'm asking you not to do it from here. The ip addresses will be tracked. And I would rather not be brought up on the radar. If you have a private connection, be my guest and check it out. But let me know what you find. With that she waited for what and if he had something to say.
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:39 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Ellie wrote:Location: Jenny Wren, Cargo Hold

"Don't you ever shut up? You say you don't care yet you are digging a new hole in my companion. Well, I don't care either. I am starting to like you even less then I do then the Alliance Pigs. I'm exhausted. Can we go get some food and a bed?"

For the first time, Ellie turned her attention to Shur'anna's tag along girlfriend. Her fist clenched and she fought to overwhelming urge to knock this girl in her teeth. Not for the girl's sake but because she didn't doubt this damn Companion would call the Feds right back on her for assault if she did. She said to Arianna, "I don't know who the hell you are, and I don't give a ruttin' rat's ass what you think of me. But stick your goram nose in my business again and I will bloody it."

She didn't give the other woman a chance to respond before looking back at The Priestess. Grabbing the pouch with money in it that Teddy had paid her she took just a bit out in order to pay Timmy and Jane and then tossed the rest of it at her feet, "Payment for the repairs. Now release your goram vessel and get off my ship!" She stormed away, yelling back at her as she went, "And don't forget to take your ruttin' lap dog with you!"

She went up to the bridge and informed Jane that as soon as Lilith's Pearl was detached, they were leaving Boros for Beaumonde. Then she went to her quarters to cool her temper off a bit.

Location: Jenny Wren, Captain's Quarters
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:37 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Arianna wrote:Arianna looked up at the taller woman, the one that she just collided with. The brunette didn't seemed to be as affected by the collision, as she only stumbled a little, dropping her parasol. She would apologize for the collision if it weren't for the two goons that were on her a.. trail. She pleaded with the other woman to come to her aid, even tried to bribe her
Anna is relieved that the woman said that she didn't have to give her anything, but then relief turned to dread as she asked who are the men that were after her. Should she reveal who she is, that she is running away from her father? No. That would be disastrous, making the woman want to walk away without aiding her. So, she stretched the truth a bit telling her that her father was trying to sell her as a sex slave to anyone, just for a profit, man or woman. She could see the surprise on the other woman's face, the relief coming back to Anna as the woman told her that she could come with her, that she is leaving this hell pit for another world. Anna's hand shot up to the other woman's, she noting how warm and soft it felt as she was pulled to her feet.

The voices of the men caught up to her, they telling her that her father was not happy with her and that she needed to go with them. That was an understatement, her father unhappy with her. He wanted to have her killed! Her own father. Regardless of the woman now in front of her in a protective stance, she turned to the men, reaching back for her crossbow, about to tell the men to go to hell or go soak their heads in the sun. She froze in mid action when she saw the other men coming up from behind. Her own eyes widened, seeing the other set of men wore Alliance uniforms! They were also armed and their weapons pointed.. at her pursuers heads. She slowly lowered the arm that was going for her crossbow, only to have said arm be taken and lead away from the men, both the goons and the Alliance scum into a vehicle and taken where this ship is docked. She was busy gawking at the ship when her hand is taken by her benefactress. They walked to the ship and to these other group of men. The woman addressed them, not very happily she noted, the one she spoke to said that they followed the orders of a commander Whitehall. She looked at the woman, seen her upset look. Anna didn't look too comfortable as this Commander Whitehall sounded like an Alliance Officer.

She gave a cool narrow-eyed glance at the chuckling officer, then turned a highly surprised glance to the woman who rescued her, now knowing her as Shur'Anna, a High Priestess of a Companion Guild. She couldn't find a higher class of person then her, or better protection.

She stayed her distance as the officer called his commander over and Shur'anna went to speak with him. She decided that she would steer clear of the Alliance commander, even though he had helped her. As a child, it had been the Alliance to kill her parents and lead her to her father's doorstep.

Once the two Alliance officers left, she would rejoin Shur'anna, entering the cargo hold of the ship, where they would meet the captain of the ship they were entering, not appearing to be happy. Anna stood by and listened to the women as they squawked at each other. She had intended to interject a couple of times but the one named McKee kept shooting her mouth off "This is my ship. You do as I say, I call the shots. yadda, yadda, yadda. She heard all that before from her father, so she learned to shut it out. One thing the blowhard said that caught her attention and she turned her cool exterior and icy attitude on the so-called Captain "Don't you ever shut up? You say you don't care yet you are digging a new hole in my companion." She shrugs her right shoulder "Well, I don't care either. I am starting to like you even less then I do then the Alliance Pigs"

She then turned to the High Priestess, Shur'Anna "I'm exhausted. Can we go get some food and a bed?" She hoped she wasn't being to presumptuous or forward, asking too much in such a short time of the High Priestess

Location: Cargo Bay
Tag: Ellie, Shur'anna
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:36 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Teddy wrote:Location: Boros, enroute scrapyard

Exiting the area, he’d retrieved his side arm, opened/checked/closed the cylinder on it and placed it back in its holster on his hip; he rocked his head from side to side as if he was working on a kink in the muscle, but he often did this to wiggle the blade wrapped along his back to make sure it was still there and sitting right. And, in often hot days/areas, to break it free from sticking to his back; uniformed or not, high heat and/or humidity made carrying the weapons such as this, this way, occasionally uncomfortable. Theodore always believed it was better to ‘be a bit uncomfortable, then un-armed’.

Theodore followed Captain Ellie, a pace to behind and off to her right had side, as they walked through the ‘town’, and headed for the scrap yard where her ‘boy mechanic’ was having issues. He didn’t say much as they walked, but he was paying close attention to their surroundings as they came upon The Yard, and slowly entered.

Leaving his weapons holstered, they inched forward cautiously. After only a short distance, he froze, and signaled for a halt with a hand signal to Ellie. He tapped his ear, then through a series of hand gestures signed “I hear two sounds; two people. I will enter ahead of you, then you follow; on three now… Be cautious.” He count down from three to one on his hand, and proceed around the corner; at some point he’d drew his large caliber sidearm and had it in his right hand.

Around they came, and he found he was right, two people, her boy mechanic and another individual, a female that caused Teddy to be on edge; just by the sight of her. “Easy there boy, that’s a good lad. You’ve gone a made your Captain anxious; very discourteous my dear boy.” Teddy then looked up and met eyes again with the stranger. He immediately felt Ellie’s presence next to him, and stepped to the side to put some distance between then incase a fight came. But, he got the distinct impression that a fight is something Ellie didn’t want here, not now, not like this, and something in this strangers aura seemed to advise it wouldn’t a simple scrap if a fight did occur; the difficulty of it didn’t matter, Theodore was always willing to throw down with anyone if need be.

Theodore was hesitant to re-holster his weapon, but he wasn’t in command here (not formally anyhow, as things were, which he found a bit funny given current circumstances), and only did so after Ellie re-secured hers. He couldn’t stop himself when Timmy re-appeared with a woman’s undergarments in his hand, and had to smirk a bit; but he was too focused on the stranger and the situation. This whole ordeal irked him a bit, and he knew he was at a great tactical disadvantage, and he kept fearing that others were going to jump out of the wood works and attack them.

He listened, uninvolved, in the conversation between Ellie and the stranger; he didn’t have a say as it wasn’t his ship, nor his responsibility. All he wanted was to quickly get going again, and put some more klom’s behind them all for now. He did have to blink, however, when Ellie turned to him with orders. Ellie looked at him again, "Do me a favor and stay with Timmy and our new passenger. Make sure they get back to the ship safely and within the next hour please. I'm going to see our man at the inn."

Teddy hesitated, believing he should go with her, but all things considered at the moment, he decided it better to simply do as ordered in this case, and nodded to her. “Indeed, Captain. We’ll meet you back aboard forthwith, you just be careful yourself; I’d hate to end up in command because we lost our CO on our first mission.” With a large toothly grin, he smiled and indicated the other two “Alright, lets go with you both; let’s make good time back to the Ship.”

In short order, and without incident, they trio arrived back at the Jenny Wren. Still at the back of the pack, Theodore had stopped at the top of the ramp as well, and removed his hat to remove the sweat from his brow; it was warm, but it wasn’t the sole reason he was sweating. He knew that his injuries were having difficulty healing, as he wouldn’t be bed ridden to heal properly, and he was pretty sure he’d have to change some of the bandages again when he got back to his quarters. As the door opened, and Timmy began to comment on his happiness of being home, Teddy froze; he heard a sound that chilled the blood in his veins for the first time, in some time. Boots. Marching Boots… From his guess, there were at least two squads marching up the ramp behind him, and he knew there was no way he could take 20 Alliance Soldiers himself.

As he was trying to figure out what to do, and remembering that he wasn’t in uniform and not known in the area, Timmy provided him a perfect opportunity. When Timmy panicked and called out ‘Purple belly pig!!! YOU! Ex Alliance my arse! You be tricking us, tricking me ‘Cap’.' Theodore quickly lashed out and cuffed Timmy upside the head with the back of his hand “Damn it boy!” Theodore shouted, trying to sound authoritative but not ‘commanding’, “Watch your language and go advise the Captain she has guests…” Timmy shouted ‘Purple belly pigs, em pigs! Cap Ellie! We em been sold out.’ As he took off running into the ship.

Theodore turned, softly ushering the stranger to the side, as the troopers ascended the ramp and started to enter the ship proper; an odd determined look on their face. The Officer of the Squads, an junior Lieutenant, simply nodded as he entered the hold. “We have our orders Mister.” Being completely incapable of doing anything at the time, and having them no paying him much attention, he simply nodded and let him know the Captain would get in touch with them. The Lieutenant headed off, Theodore escorted the stranger off out of the way again, “Bullocks… Ma’am, if you’ll follow me, I’ll have Captain Mckee meet with you as well.” He walked her to the gallery, showed here with the food stuffs were, and headed out to find Ellie.

He met up with Ellie shortly after leaving the gallery upon one of the gantries, with a confident body posture, but an agreed confused look. “Your boy wonder’s gonna hate me more,” referencing having to strike him “and I gather you spoke with the LT…” He watched the troopers go here and there, and shrugged his shoulders (which he again forgot and wished he hadn’t done), “You’ve got me Captain; they’re not being very efficient and I’m not impressed. But, they do seem to be following a strict set of orders…” He turned to look at Ellie directly “Am I wrong in the assumption of your Alliance connections; my guts arguing with me at the moment…” He at least was armed, which made him feel better, but confused at the moment.

Location: Jenny Wren; Main Hold Gantry


OOC Note:

Okay, trying hard to catch back up… This should get me partially current… Sorry for the delay! Hurray for having some time to actually do this much! :)
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:35 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Ellie wrote:Location: Jenny Wren, Cargo Hold

Ellie listened to Shur'anna's response to her and felt a growing sense of frustration. How could this woman just not get it? Jenny Wren was Ellie's property, not hers! You can't just make changes to someone else's property without at least speaking to them first. And her high and mighty attitude only served to infuriate Ellie even more.

"It's not about being grateful or paying or not paying. It's about the principle of the thing. I wouldn't go into your vessel and do something to your stuff. You would hit the ceiling if I did, I'm sure. But maybe you think because you have fancy clothes and get so much respect for your... trade," even as she said this is was obvious in her inflection that she could think of other words she would rather use, "that you have more rights than everyone else. That your stuff is so much more important than anyone else's stuff. You're dead wrong. Don't you ever, ever pull anything like this with my ship again. You don't have to agree with my view of The Alliance. I don't ruttin' care how chummy you are with any of them. But don't you dare think about inviting them onto my ship again without first talking to me. And for the record, I just don't like Feds plain and simple. But I wasn't angry at them, I was angry at you for presuming to think you can do whatever you please on Jenny. So I don't need to chase down your precious Commander and tell him how I feel about him and his Alliance yahoos. I'm sure he already knows just by taking a look at the color of my coat. And you know what? I don't care!"

Location: Jenny Wren, Cargo Hold
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:33 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Shur'Anna wrote:She didn’t even think Captain McKee would have a problem to a ‘free’ repair job to her not so impressive flying Fèihuà. She was impressed with the work done to the spacecraft…by the best of the Alliance of corse it would run better. Would Ellie’s runt looking twink of a mechanic know what to do with it all? Where before this ship wasn’t ‘stable’ for a lack of a better word. It was still to rustic for her taste and old. She was pretty sure that the rest of the crew would have settled in to such trash. As professional and educated as she is…her manner kept a respectful behavior. As her inner thoughts were saying, ‘I hope that wasn’t Shi that I stepped on and ruining my silk slippers.’

Her thoughts were broken when the rustic redhead(, likely fake) started to rudely address her. “You may be important the most important Companion on Sihnon, but on this ship I call the shots! I agreed with Inara to allow you to join us because it was supposed to be a mutually beneficial arrangement. I do not consider it beneficial to have a bunch of goram purple bellies stomping around my ship in their ruttin boots! Maybe you don't mind those pigs putting their hands all over you, but I don't want them putting them all over Jenny! No amount of pay could be worth that,” She waited for the ‘Browncoat’ to finish…before she were to reply to this woman of little class and no gratitude. “If you ever pull go se like that again, our contract will be done and you can find another ship to travel on.”

These people that she saw in Ellie were of no taste and had crude or no education couldn’t see that what was done for Ellie was of mutually benefit. Course as she had ‘no’ intimidation of this woman she replied, “I’ll remember that Captain McKee. What you seem to not see is that…what was done to your ship was of mutual benefit. One nothing was paid to you. Two you didn’t pay for it and three I had your ship repaired…with ‘new’ parts. Where I can now be reassured that this wonderful spacecraft wont fall apart.” …and continued it in a non aggressive manner, “As for as this ‘bunch of goram purple bellies’ Pardon my language, they were not of my doing but of the Commander. If you so wish to express your ‘ill’ respect of him and his company. Ring him back so you can properly and ever so passionately express your gratitude.” Knowing that she won’t and as expected from Browncoats most were cowards with little action but much bark.

Shur’anna’s mind was filled with, ‘What could Inara see in these Libertarians’. “Lastly you do not presume that my clients are composed of troopers nor of pigs. Ending this contract would only bring shame and importantly I see now of what you call purple bellies to your door step. By my presents here has already has the support of the military to leave you’re transport clear from them. Less ‘annual’ searches and to protect your colorful crew.” and oh yes she noticed the hues of each. “Her Where now your small ship is spreading to the Core worlds and beyond that a prominent figure such as I accepted an offer from an ornery person as you. Inara wrote the agreement I simply trusted her judgment. So you should think before you address me and I do have a ship to travel on…” Her stance was firm and showed no form of backing down. She understood to not do any impulse changes to this rust bucket of goram ship. As she pondered to the end of her thoughts to the ‘Browncoat’, ‘…and that ship is sitting on top of yours.’ Shur’a had more thoughts to share when her new friend Arianna interjected.

TAG: Ellie and Arianna

OOC: From the corrections of Brian and Kenny I was sure to fix my ‘befor’ *rolls eyes*
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:32 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Ellie wrote:Location: Jenny Wren, Cargo Hold

Ellie watched in what would accurately be described shock as The Priestess glided in and took command of the situation. The man who was obviously the commander of these troops seem to have it bad for the woman, though Ellie doubted he was the only one. These type of women usually had plenty of clients who would fall all over themselves for her. But nothing was more shocking to Ellie than when Shur'anna walked up to her and said the repairs would be done soon. She only gave Commander Whitehall a cold nod as he apologized for the troopers. Inwardly she was seething, and she had more than a few choice words for this woman who thought she could just come on her ship and invite a whole passel of purple bellies onto her ship and let them cut Jenny up and mess around with her mechanics! She paid a perfectly good mechanic for that reason!

Once Whitehall and his lackeys were gone Ellie rounded on the companion, letting loose with her thoughts. "You may be important the most important Companion on Sihnon, but on this ship I call the shots! I agreed with Inara to allow you to join us because it was supposed to be a mutually beneficial arrangement. I do not consider it beneficial to have a bunch of goram purple bellies stomping around my ship in their ruttin boots! Maybe you don't mind those pigs putting their hands all over you, but I don't want them putting them all over Jenny! No amount of pay could be worth that," she spit the last words out spitefully and then leaned in with a furious glare in her eye and finished her tirade, "If you ever pull go se like that again, our contract will be done and you can find another ship to travel on."

Location: Jenny Wren, Cargo Hold
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:31 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Kistune wrote:Location- Kitsune's quarters

Not turning around since he knew who it was he began to take off his coat. "They call me Kitsune"draping his coat over the chair and beginning to take off his shirt. "But that's only my last name....." draping that over the coat "But i prefer being called Kitsune anyway." tarring at two straps to his vest "Full names Christopher Lee Kitsune. Now your wondering why I'm being so generous with my information" removing his vest and placing that over his shirt "Well its easy I want to get to know everyone, yourself included" undoing his boots and sliding out of them. "But my name is hardly the reason you came in here right, specially since you did it with little to no sound." walking around to the side of the bed. "I highly doubt its to maul me into submission either since you would have done that with out letting me know you were there....." taking a seat "Perhaps an apology is in order, I mean I did touch you inappropriately with out your consent, I do hope you'll forgive me"looking up at her while patting the bed next to him "It was only my intention to lighten the mood by getting clobbered..."

Location- Kitsune's quarters
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:30 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

spark/Zain wrote:Zain heard what the trooper said and realized too late that having the Troopers leave would blow her cover. She should have been more careful. Only if she wasn't too distracted by oddity of her situation. She would have to be more careful. Zain decided to play along with what the Trooper said and pulled out her wallet, handing over a reasonable amount of currency just for the show she was putting in front of Cap'n Ellie. Zain was very aware of the Ellie's eyes on her and the Trooper. She left the trooper at that point and walked out towards the main bay area only to find it empty and the Troopers leaving. She was glad the situation was handled without any bloodshed, yet. If she ever caught that jerk alone she would not be merciful. If he was smart he would get off this ship right now but she somehow knew he would stay and make her journey and her task difficult in the process but she was prepared to deal with whatever he brought her way. But she wasn't in the mood of murder. She just wanted to find the jerk and settle the situation between them. She would at least like one ally in this ship and somehow she felt like he would be a good one to watch her back. Only if he swallowed his pride or his fear and apologized. She wandered towards the main deck looking for the Cap'n so she could have her room assignment. Before she could make it there she saw the jerk enter a rooming chamber. She picked up her pace and stuck her foot in the door before it could close. With out making a sound she entered the room, shut the door and said, "You never told me your name. The introduction you gave was one that is sure to get you killed and I am not in the mood of murder. Yet".
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:29 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Kistune wrote:Location - Cargo hold

Kitsune watched as the troopers began to leave. Obviously there was something going on outside so he decided to wait and see. He noticed the trooper who had entered his room first trailing the group. "Call me some time you sexy vixen" She turned her head slightly and looked at him out the corner of her eye. There's hope, she looked back he thought but was instantly dashed but the appearance of her middle finger. And what was worse is the Big trooper from earlier turned completely around and while walking backwards blow Kitsune a kiss with a sadistic smile. All the other troopers who saw this began to laugh. Ah well just like the good old days he thought, least that never changed about cops and soldiers always looking to laugh. finally the last soldier in the group came up to Kitsunes from behind and leaned a elbow on his shoulder.

Trooper- "So how was it, her butt i mean"

Kitsune's mind flashed back to that instant and his face softened and went googly "So soft and warm" the memory causing him to twitch his fingers.

Trooper- "You do know shes standing right behind you"

Kitsune leaped into the air and latched onto the underside of one of the cat walks and the last trooper and one standing at the door waiting for him began to laugh even harder because Zane wasn't standing behind him and the sight of a grown man latched onto the catwalk with all fours was a trip.

Trooper- "Good luck man, if your ever back on Boros stop by the barracks grab a drink with us a funny guy like you just might make our stay on this ball of dirt just a bit more enjoyable" a sense of honesty and sincerity rang in that troopers voice. Kitsune knew if he ever was back he would probably do just that.

moments later after minutes of hissing and frantically jerking his head about to locate his could be assailant he pealed himself off the bottom of the cat walk and dropped to the floor with out a sound. As he did a shadow emerged into the light that was blinding out all that was behind it from the open cargo bay then came another shadow. Once inside and under the ships light Kitsune could make them out. First came a dark haired light blue eyed girl. She was dressed in dark clothing, had a decent build, and was lightly armed. He thought to him self not bad not bad, perhaps a body guard. Which if was the case gave I'm a common ground and a place to strike up a will you have my baby talk. But she had a slight air of nobility about her, not a nobility like a knight but of upper-class she obviously spent some years talking down to men. Then entered the next figure.

"Oh god I'll be on my bunk" it was a slender female with a fiery aura that matched perfectly with her hair. Her green eyes pierced the room as she entered. Kitsune didn't want to give this one a evaluation he just wanted to get to his bunk the entering image still in his mind.

Location - Cargo Hold
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:28 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Shur'Anna wrote:Shur'anna spent some time with the Commander Whitehall…where they had brunch together at restaurant of whatever is the best out of Boros. She just couldn't leave after all that Oliver has for her and the amount of work he had put in to her ship. He deserved more then a, ‘Thank you’ (…and no! Not that kind of thank you.) They discussed about politics and the latest social events of the year. Oliver was a very kind man and came from a good family on Londinium. He may just be a Commander but his family has a lot of influence in the Government. Before Shur’anna came to be coming a Companion she also was born in political family. Where she saw Oliver Whitehall more then just a client but a good friend…that shared many qualities that she had herself.

Shur’a was greatul to Oliver and agreed to accompany him to a ball on Aerial. It was one of those things that all the political families and officials gathered. It was an annual event that she never missed and love the beauty of it all, it was simply amazing. Ones the two were dome eating and catching up they left and headed back to the Alliance compound. Where she touched him on his mid section to upper back and said, “Thank you my loving Lord Whitehall and I look forward in being your pearl by your side. Now I really must go and return to the Jenny Wren. Captain McKee is expecting me.” She walks out of the compound and down a street where mean while Oliver was calling out to her, “Wait! Are you walking? I'll give you a ride back to the Docks. Shur’anna!” She was far enough to have not heard him. She was a lady of class but she had no problem walking and being on her own. She likes the attention given to her but she also can or learn to do thing for her self.

Just as she looks up to the clear skies of Boros…she thought it would be a great idea to open her umbrella to shade her delicate pale skin from the sun. As she pulls on the umbrella to open a woman seemed to have been running in her direction. Ether of them seemed to have saw one another and the collided in to each other. It was enough to get Shur’a to step a few feet back and drop her umbrella but the woman that had ran in to her fell on her bottom. Befor she could compose her thoughts to ponder what just happened. The stranger started saying, “Help me! They want to kill me. You've got to hide me. I'll do whatever it is you want. I'm a mechanic, I can give you my necklace.” Her mind was bombarded with a lot of thing at ones and getting this woman…she didn’t know what to think of it. She could be anything but then she could be really a woman who needs aid. Where Shur’a couldn’t let anyone who was in distress be left to fend for them selves with no hope.

“My dear lady…you don’t need to give me anything. I will help you but who are these people after you?” Shur’a wasn’t a stupid person but she wasn’t going to expect to be conned ether. Again she was a Companion that knew only of the Core Worlds and rough people from the Border to the Rim Worlds she didn’t know much about. She didn’t have the nature to assume that there are tricksters and or people who would say anything to save their own rears. This Woman seemed to be fearing for her life so it must be more then a piety theft. So didn’t really expected this woman to tell her the truth but on her good conscious she could not just leave her there. “My father is selling me as a sex slave and I am running away. He doesn't care who the buyer is, male or female. He is just interested in the profits.” Shur’anna eyes shot up in surprised…she didn’t think but see how dreadful ones own father could do this to his own child. “Come on, come with me! I’m leaving this planet soon and I can take you to the next world of chance that would take me, us.”

She pulls the woman off the ground…even still not knowing her name. Shur’a could see that she carried a Crossbow on her back and an archer’s quiver attached to her leg. She could judge people pretty well from what they wore and what the held with them. The character she could see of this young woman was that she has values but will do what is needed to live…it may not be of nobility but in a way there are some. Befor they knew it the men that were after this woman came to them. Running away wasn't enough and taking a stand was the only option. Shur’anna picked up her umbrella and stood between Arianna and these men. She was confident and firm with her stance…she wanted to let these people that this is wrong and no lady would ever need to be force in to slavery. “Arianna! You need to come back with us. Niska is very disappointed in you. It be better that you don't fight but then again it would be any fun.”

Shur’anna looked at the men and gave a reaction that wasn’t expected. Arianna would know why Shur’a wasn’t threatened by these men. She pointed at the men as they were confused by her action. Shur’a pointed again but realized she wasn’t pointing at the men but what at the rear of them. There were Alliance troopers standing with their weapons pointed at there heads. There was also Commander Whitehall pointing to Shur’anna that there is a hover vehicle ready to take you to the Docks. She smiled and pulled Arianna in to the hover car and off they went back to where Jenny Wren was docked.

When they arrived Shur’anna could see all the work that was being done to Captain McKee’s spacecraft! How exciting it was all and she had already forgotten what had happen with Arianna. She grabbed Arianna’s hand as Shur’a stepped out of the Alliance craft. She saw that Captain McKee and her crew were in the cargo hold with troopers all around her. “What is the meaning of this?” Her eyes shot up and her face was upset, “Ma’am we are following orders of Commander Whitehall.”

“I doubt that and get him here at ones!” The Alliance trooper chuckled at the Companion and her escort, Arianna. “Excuse me? If you have nothing to fear and confident that you have your orders. Then call your commander here at ones. I am Shur'anna High Priestess of the Companion Guild, I will not be mocked and treated in any ill manner. I demand to that you ring your superior!”

The young man's face turned serious and calls his commander. Through the comms. everyone could hear Oliver yelling at the man and he immediately orders all the troopers off Captain McKee’s spacecraft. They stood in rows in front of the Jenny Wren…Shur'a walked by the young man and strait to captain McKee. “Repairs and additions to the ship should be done soon and we will be on schedule to leave Boros as you said Captain McKee.” Just over head of them all the Lilith's Pearl a Derkken Class ship flies over head. It docks on top of the Jenny can hear the ship make contact with the Dragonfly. It appeared that the additions were completed and what were left were repairs to the ship it’s self. Where Timmy doesn’t have the need to fix anything after all.

When Shur’anna said what she told Ellie it was somewhat more clear repairs and all this excitement was done and caused by her. From within the Jenny Wren a man emerges from the stairwell of the dormitory area…Commander Whitehall appears and walks towards them. He walks strait towards Shur’anna extending towards her hand and he pulls it to his lips kissing it ever so sweetly. Oliver then turns to Captain McKee and said, “Sorry for the troops I just needed to know that my lady is safe. Forgive me for any inconvenience that this has brought you.” Then he turns and walks strait to his men…towards particularly the trooper that had disrespected Shur'a. “You! Come here and apologize to the High Priestess” The soldier held down his weapon and walk to Shur'a. As he kneels in front of her and begs forgiveness. Shur'a paths him on the shoulder and walks off.

Commander Whitehall nods to Shur’anna and Captain McKee and leaves them. All the workers, troops and worker crafts depart leaving any of interest individuals unharmed and safe. When the Commander was back to the Alliance compound a trooper walks up to Oliver. He looks at him and said, “Wait.” He activates a highly sophisticated Operative device that jams any listening ears of all natures. “Now, you can go ahead.” “We scanned one of the crewmember’s Ident Card. I can say the least it was surprising and she had ordered us to leave, which, of its self was strange. If we had left t would have her been discovered who she is.” The Commander found this strange and agreed that the act of ordering his troops to leave would only reveal her self like a sore thumb. “Have her checked out if she is legit do nothing. Forward this to the Parliament and see if this would be needing the Hands of Blue.”
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:27 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Kitsune wrote:Location - Cargo hold

Hearing a voice and looking up to see the captain looking down at him a grin crossed over Kitsunes face. "No I recon that ones no good either" picking him self up "but one day someone will slip and say yes to having my child" looking at her with an even bigger smile "Offers still on the table" notating to him self this priestess comment, hopefully not the celibate type. He recon'd though he would so find out. taking a standing possition the captain sitting just over his right sholder as he looked at the feds, he wasn't ganna start asking questions just yet, he'd listen and get information that way and just enjoy the show.

Location - Cargo hold
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:26 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Ellie wrote:Location: Jenny Wren, Cargo Hold

Ellie watched as Kitsune grabbed the butt of the new passenger whose name she still did not know. She chuckled as the woman promptly responded rather violently. Ellie would have stepped in if she needed to, but the situation was diffused by the Feds, taking the woman aside and holding a conversation with her. Glancing around, Ellie found a large cargo box and hopped up to sit on it while she waited for the purple bellies to have done with whatever it was they were doing. The way she saw it right now, all she could do was ride this thing out. She looked down at Kitsune, who seemed to be getting his breath back after being nearly strangled to death. With a grin she asked, "I'm guessing that line doesn't get you a lot of women either? You seem to have a real knack of getting on the bad side of all the women folk on this ship. might be a fairly lonesome ride at this rate. Of course, there's always The Priestess..." she commented with a smirk, knowing perfectly well that the Priestess would not be interested in him as a client.

She cast a glance over at Zain and the Fed, and wondered what could be going on. She thought she saw the woman pass him an Ident-card and more conversation went on in low tones. Unfortunately, she wasn't able to catch what they were saying. This was mostly due to all the noise of metal being cut and banging going on from what sounded like the upper hull of Jenny. "Timmy must be having a ruttin' nervous break down right about now," Ellie mused inwardly, "All I can say is they better not damage my ship!"

Location: Jenny Wren, Cargo Hold
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:26 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

BDH Narrator wrote:Location: Jenny Wren, Cargo Hold

The Fed looked at her for a moment before a bit of a smirk spread across his face and he asked her quietly, "Oh really? You're going to take care of repairs yourself? Because that's all we're here for, believe it or not. That and checking up on her..." he gave a slight nod toward the captain. Leaning in closer he said, "And it seems to me, that if we release you and all pull out, that's more likely to blow your cover than if we play this out the way we were ordered. So here's what I suggest, pretend to bribe me for the eyes that are watching you right now. I'm going to let you rejoin your friends over there and we'll do our repairs and be on our way." He crossed his arms and leaned back, waiting to see if she agreed with his assessment of the situation.

Location: Jenny Wren, Cargo Hold

OOC: When writing posts, please remember you only control your own character and NPCs created by you, you cannot make a significant change to the storyline without consulting the SM (In this case Ellie) and you cannot control another player's character or created NPC without express permission from them. The SM has a general sketch of where the story needs to start and end, so bear that in mind.

Also, I am about to launch the next storyline since we are just wrapping this one up. However, don't overlook finishing playing out your part in this storyline as you begin posting in the new one. Stay active where ever your character still needs to interact. Thanks guys! :)
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:25 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

spark/Zain wrote:Zain stood with her eyes closed. She waited for the Cap'n to say something when she felt another presence enter the junk yard. She focused on the entity realizing he was headed towards them. She would have done without the knowledge that he was naked but right when she realized and before she could do anything he ran right past her with some inappropriate thought about her and her scars. He made a wise move by stepping away and going far around her. Too bad she was trying to pass as nonthreatening because his train of thought would definitely have earned him a limb tearing. She hoped to never see him again but she somehow felt she would. She heard the Cap'n give the order for them to go to the ship. She followed the boy and the ex alliance officer silently all the while analyzing her target. She realized he did not introduce himself nor did he care for her following him. She looked at Timmy who seemed more interesting in watching the man the look of lust in his eyes. That changed her perspective of him and it made sense of his thought pattern. She watched her surrounding as they made their way towards the Jenny Wern aircraft. As they entered the ship yard she noticed a group of Alliance troopers in the yard. She looked carefully around and realized they were moving towards their direction or more like the direction of the Jenny Wern aircraft. She was confused of the fact the troopers were heading their way. She had not initiated any contact to cause this. She somehow had to get a message across to the officer to leave without causing a scene. As their party of three approached the ship, she could see Timmy's joy and pride in the pitiful Dragonfly class ship. She couldn't complain though. These ships were roomy and spacious and built for surviving impacts. As they made their way up the ship, she heard the clanks of the Alliance trooper’s boots. They were the worst part of the uniform. Always gave then away before they could act but that was just her experience. It didn't help much that she had super hearing. As soon as they reached inside, the Alliance troopers came barging in at ready. The reaction Timmy gave amused Zain. She stood off to the side as the troopers went around the ship gathering the crew and possible passengers. Zain had to think fast to get her plan in action or her other plans would go downhill and she could not afford to be in prison or off this ship. She was trying to formulate a plan when the naked, now clothed, junkyard jerk came into the room looking more amused than anxious or intimidated. She did not like the look on his face nor did she appreciate his thoughts but she knew he was about to do something that would get him a butt kicking and also create enough distraction to get her credentials verified by a trooper so they would leave. She was thinking this when the jerk came around to her left side and said, "Hay there fancy meeting a sexy devil like yourself in a place like this"while grabbing a good amount of her keester. To say she was enraged was not even close to describing her anger. Before he could inhale another breath, she was out of his reach. She grabbed a hold of his left hand that had been on her a second ago, spun behind him, twisting his left arm behind his back while choking him with her right arm snaked around his neck. She felt the panic setting in his body as he clawed at her arm with his right hand. She put more pressure on his wind pipe almost close enough to breaking his solar plexus. If she wanted she could have torn him in half but before she could do anything the troopers pulled their weapons on her while two of them tore the jerk out her arm and two others held her captive in their holds. She wanted to laugh at their stupidity for even trying to hold her but she played along and stayed where she. She looked at the jerk lying on the floor trying to get his breathing back to normal. She knew for a fact that every breath he was taking now was burning all the way down to his lungs. This was just an example of what she was going to do him once the troopers left if she got the chance. She really hoped he was leaving at this station but then again with her luck she knew he would be on the same journey as her. Regardless, she was going to make sure he would think a 1000 times before touching someone like he had tried with her. She would make sure to leave her mark on him. She watched the others looking stunned and still processing what had just happened. She was still thinking when the trooper closest to her said,“To attack someone in the presence of law is a major offense. You seem like the kind of person who has had interactions with the law before. I need an ID and verification of your entrance form to be on this planet”. Zain’s upper right lip quirked up in a smile as she pulled out her credentials along with her ID. As soon as the Trooper scanned it in, his eyes shot up in surprise. Before he could say anything, Zain interjected in a quick whisper,“My suggestion Trooper would be to leave before you give me away. Whatever reason you are here for, I have a stronger one. Whatever your issue is, forward it to me and I will take care of it but now you have to gather your crew and leave or I will not be as merciful as I was with that jerk because you are holding me against my will and I will make it look like an accident while I tear you to limbs. Let me go now.”

Mod Action Edit: Ending cut
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:24 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Kitsune wrote:Location - Kitsune's quarters

Having reviewed his paper work and background briefly the troops left him and his stuff be only asking he join the others out in the cargo hold. Not wishing to be asked in an impolite fashion Kitsune decided to head out to the others. Putting his badge back in the inner pocket, placing the paperwork back in the cub-by and picking up the wood again he left his room. turning to his left he walked down the short hall and passes the skiff to see some of the others. He noticed a little bit of resentment/disgust leaking out from the others. "my my isn't this interesting." wondering what was the reason for this not that it mattered to him, but he made it a point to always gather information. He walk passed the captain and a few others towards the black haired scary chick he saw at the wreck. Obviously there was some tension in there air so he could bust out his patented sexy dance at the risk of making all the men fall in love with him too (though only he believed that's how powerful it was) or he could perhaps take a hit and let him self get clobbered to cause the mood to change from tense to one of shock and surprise. Though if he did what he was thinking he might ruin his chances with this one. he though of a couple other things but in the overall aspect it wouldn't effect the troopers so much as these two plans. And that was the point to get the troopers to lighten up and the crew. He knew the sight of him getting pulverised in the dirt for a blatent act of stupid would make the troops laugh and lighten up maybe a crew member or two as well but he also new it would turn their tention to shock and humiliation of having to be lumped with him which would certainly keep them from acting hastey. "God this is gonna hurt" as he approached her.

"Hay there fancy meeting a sexy devil like your self in a place like this" grabbing a hand-full of Zane's butt as he said it. and thinking here it comes one black eye and a missing testicle, o the price of information.

Location - Cargo Hold
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:23 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Ellie wrote:Location: Jenny Wren, Engine Room

Ellie had barely gotten in the engine room than she heard the sound of a god-awful amount of noise and yelling coming from the cargo bay. She came rushing out of the engine room in time to see Timmy barricading himself in the small hallway, waving a gun around and yelling that they weren't coming in here. She took all this in with some bewilderment and quickly moved over to talk Timmy out of shooting anyone up on board the ship. "Wei! Mind tellin' me what exactly it is you're doin' here?" From Timmy's disjointed response, Ellie gathered there were Feds on the ship. She took a deep breath and calmly told Timmy to put the gun away, "We aren't hiding anything in here, they aren't likely to hurt anything, probably just a routine search for smuggled items. Since we don't have any on board we shouldn't have anything to worry ourselves over." She didn't mention the thing that was worrying her most at the moment, Teddy and Jane. She moved some of the stuff aside and squeezed past the barricade, leaving Timmy to move the rest of it.

Once on the other side she came face to face with a half dozen purple bellies. She smiled a bit and made sure her hand didn't wander towards her gun and give anyone the wrong idea, "I'm Eloise McKee, and this is my ship. I don't quite understand what you fine young officers are looking for here..."

"We're under orders to make some repairs for you and to search the ship," a slightly slow looking kid responded. One of the others shot him a death look, probably because he wasn't authorized to answer these type of questions.

Ellie's eyebrow shot up in surprise, "Make some repairs? By whose orders?"

The purple belly who had cowed the other into silence with his glares replied, "You'd have to take that up with Commander Whitehall, miss."

They moved towards the engine room once again and Ellie moved to block them a moment longer, "Just give me a minute, I've got a sensitive mechanic on my hands, he views Jenny Wren as his baby. Let me get him out of your way before you go messing with anything, it will just make things less complicated."

They glanced at each other and seemed to think they could do that so Ellie went back in and found Timmy still stewing inside, talking to Jenny. She walked over and placed her hand lightly on his shoulder, "Sorry boy, but we need to clear out of the engine room. I don't understand what they are about, but if we fight them, we bring all kinda trouble down on our heads."

After their talk, the two left the engine room and Ellie hurried the boy past the feds before he could do anything rash. As she came out into the deck where the staircase came up she looked up towards the bridge. A Fed was looking over the controls and the ship, but barely even paying attention to Jane! Could it be that the best way to hide her fugitives was to not call attention to them and hide them in plain sight? It certainly would be a lot more suspicious if they found them hidden in a cubby hole somewhere. She decided to just ride this out and see what happened. If all else fails, she'll just have to hope she can claim ignorance.

Ellie took Timmy with her on down to the cargo hold. She figured the more space there was between him and whatever was happening in the engine room, the better. Teddy was there too and seemed to have had the same reception as Jane was getting upstairs. He gave her a bit of a nod with a small grin and she knew he was thinking the same thing she was. Until now, Ellie had thought little of Zain, who was also part of the small group gathered in the cargo bay. As the Feds moved throughout the ship Ellie looked at the people there with her and asked, "What the hell is goin' on here? I've never seen anything like this! They don't seem the least bit interested in any of us."

Location: Jenny Wren, Cargo hold
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:21 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Kitsune wrote:Location - Kitsune's quarters

Sitting down after the captain left he pulled the piece of wood and small knife out of his jacket pocket and continued whittling it while he went over things in his mind. Not much time passed when he heard a ruckus outside his room. "Saw that coming" putting the wood and knife down pulling out the stack of papers and sorting through them. once he had all the ones he wanted he put the rest back and laid them out in a row on the desk. Weapons permits, police acquisition and release forms, registrations, licenses, and his ident card. He also pulled out from an inside jacket pocket his badge and placed it on top of the forms.(Not a police badge)with that being done he picked up the wood leaned back in the chair and began whittling again awaiting the possible. While waiting he began to think up witty comments to say when someone entered. things like Um i requested a slender brunette with d cups. or the drugs are in my socks just don't cavity search me.or your too late copper I already suit cased what your precious cargo you'll have to come and get it. but the best one he could think of was, while waving his hand mysteriously "these aren't the druids your looking for" saying it out loud to see if he nailed the delivery.He knew to a self-important hot head this kinda talk would not go over well, but his name would carry weight seeing how every cop knew what happened to him, the story behind it and still treated him with the same courtesy's they would if he was still on the job, plus the humor with smile combo would help defuse the situation a little.

as one would expect his door slid open and without hesitation he began. waving his hand "These aren't the oh god your hot". what appeared caught him off guard, It wasn't a cop it was a trooper, a slim female who's features stood out just a bit in the tight uniform under the body armor. "Can i change my first words to you too, I suit cased what your looking for you'll have to come and get it?....but be gentle its my first time." just as he finished that a large muscular male trooper entered to back her up and said

Male trooper-"Yes you can but i cant make any promises on the gentle" with a smile

Location - Kitsune's quarters
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:21 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Timmy wrote:Timothy’s body jolted upwards when he heard ‘Cap’ Ellie’s voice. It was a reaction that he always made. ‘Everytime’ he was caught some place he wasn’t suppose to be or doing. He continued to wave this lace purple bra in the air. While his mind went off thinking that how this ‘Stiff’ would look in them. Course it wasn’t for enjoyment but to picture how Zain would look out of her ‘butchy’ attire and in to a more gal like in appearance. During his infinite amount of daydreaming Captain Ellie and Zain would be exchanging a few words. As Timmy would not even hear one word of any of it. It was things he wouldn’t likely understand but why bother? When one could be thinking of Miss ‘Stiff’ could be a real yīndào! He began to gaze upon Zain imagining her in this. Some where looking at the ‘stiff’ Timmy noticed her mouth seemed to be moving and likely be saying something. He wasn’t sure what it was exactly saying, as his immediate thoughts were more interesting at the moment. Before he knew Zain had already walked off out of his sight ‘I guess it’s not yours….’ He was about to drop it when he saw a Ji ba fly by. He snaps out of his dream and looks at the passing man. ‘Not enough of jījī freely running about but what a xiǎo niǎo!’ Ellie called out to Timothy sharply and told to bring Zain back to the Jenny Wren. ‘Aye, ‘Cap’!,’ He picked up his hat from the ground, cleaned it off by hitting it on his pants then placed it on his head. From the strap around his shoulder he adjusted the duffel bag that had the parts. He looked towards Zain then to Teddy and began to walk away from the Zain’s Shi ship. He couldn’t help but his mind to wonder once more but this time he would be shadowing Teddy back to his home. He contemplated the idea that Teddy was more attractive then the naked xiǎo niǎo. Then he thought of Zain and nodded that Teddy was indeed much more interesting to look at then ether of them. For whatever amount of time that would have passed reaching the Jenny Wren his mind would have been caught up in to that. Once they arrived back at the Docks and infront of this well endowned Jenny he said, ‘That’s my beautiful Ji nv Si san ba.’ His eyes lit up when he saw this big rusty old ship. He walked up to a side panel and opened Jenny’s rear end. Her júhuā opened wide and he said, ‘Look it here! Home sweet home!’

As he said to Teddy and Zain. As he grinned proudly to them but just beyond the two walking up the ram. He saw Alliance troops storming towards his direction. The large bag that he was carrying he quickly dropped. His amazed expression on his face turned in to surprise and anger. ‘Purple belly pig!!!’ He shot out! And started pointing at Teddy. ‘YOU! Ex Alliance my arse! You be tricking us, tricking me ‘Cap’.’ As the thoughts of this Teddy would be the only reason that the Alliance would be here. He watched helplessly as the soldiers enter and violate the Jenny Wren. Timothy didn’t waste time as he ran in with his hat flying off his head screaming out, ‘Purple belly pigs, em pigs! Cap Ellie! We em been sold out!’ While he assumed that was the reason that the Alliance was here. He remembered back when he looked Teddy up in the Cortex that he was Alliance or something to that effect. His mind didn’t read all the information that was displayed but as always his attention shifted. As he ran in to the ship, not to run away but to go strait to his engineering room and pulled out his guns. ‘You best be not coming in here!’ As he shouted out down the short corridor. Tim then pushed a bunch of crates and large containers to form a wall for him to hide from and start shooting if any of em Purple big belly shi would enter. Likely Timothy would have over done his reaction but he loved Jenny Wren so greatly he would die for her. About this time the Alliance would have reached where he was; the small locker corridor would make a prefect bottleneck between him and the Alliance.
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:20 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Fiona wrote:Location: Beaumonde

She came every day, just to stare at it. It was, after all, one of the Seven Wonders of her world.

Only three of them still left in the civilized 'Verse, if the Book-Talk Channel on the Cortex was to be believed.

Rowling's Fantastical Universes.

Fiona Fiacha had no real aim, other than to see most of the 'Verse with her fairly decent university stipend burning a metaphorical hole in her metaphorical pocket, but Beaumonde hadn't been an accident. Beaumonde had been on purpose.

She had been there for two weeks and every day was the same. She would get up in the darkness, eat some sort of tasteless protein provided by the sour-faced landlady at the boardinghouse, and then take the two shuttle trains that got her to the University Library. Then she'd request Fantastical Universes from the clerk on duty and set it on the table farthest away from the clerk's prying eyes. She'd shuck off her backpack, kneel on the chair, prop herself up on her elbows, and disappear for the rest of the day.

Metaphorically. She remained in the same room in the University Library, but she was anywhere but there. And for hours upon hours, until the library closed, she would stay in that position, processors off, reverently bent over the closest thing she had to a Bible.

She knew that sooner or later she would have to find another ship, to take her somewhere else, but she couldn't bear to leave Fantastical Universes. It was, to be a little ridiculous, the most fantastic book she had ever seen, or touched, or read, or even shared a room with. And besides, none of the ships she'd seen were right. She couldn't explain exactly what she was looking for, but some part of her was certain she'd know it when she saw it.

On the fifteenth day of her pilgrimage to the Fantastical Universes, a thought occurred to her...

She had to leave Beaumonde... but what was stopping the book from leaving with her?
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:19 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Shur'Anna wrote:
*Back Post*

“Welcome to Jenny Wren ma'am. I'm Eloise McKee and we're pleased to have you join us and hope that the arrangement is of mutual benefit."” Shur’anna gave a nod to the rustic Captain and said, “Certainly hope that this arrangement will bring nobility to you and experience for me, to better expand my knowledge beyond of the Core Worlds.” There was something she were to add but Ellie had started talking ones more and seem to begin to take her about the ship…somewhat. “"I'm sure your journey here has been tiring so I won't press you to tour the ship now, but just to give you an idea of where things are,” Shur’a followed the Captain through the corridors. She didn’t have much to say about the Jenny Wren when she was on approach to her from space. Now seeing her from the inside her thoughts changed. From under her breath, ‘Too zai zi, this will not do.’ As her thoughts were interrupted again by the Captain, “if you go down to the cargo floor here and through that door to the right you'll see a spiral staircase. If you were to go up those you will find the lounge, galley, bridge and so forth up there. The infirmary is the door to your left here, but hopefully you won't need to be in there anytime soon. Especially since we don't have a doctor yet”, Ellie said. Shur’a wasn’t amused by her comments…especially implying that likely there may be a time she would end up in the ill equipped Infirmary. She thought inwardly, ‘Is this what Inara has been doing with her life?’ She knew it wasn’t going to be easy but not so rustic. She didn’t want to offend Ellie so she kept a smile to her comment on having no Doctor of yet.

“We are heading for Boros right now, should arrive there in a couple days. If you wanted to send ahead and make appointments feel free to use the cortex here on the ship. We won't be staying more than twenty four hours though. Just long enough to pick up some parts so Timmy can keep us flying.” As the Captain spoke she wondered who was this’ ‘Timmy?’ “We'll have supper on in the galley tonight and you're welcome to join us. Meet the rest of the crew. But it's entirely up to you.” Shur’a’s mind was elated to know that they were headed for Boros. She had a prominent officer of the Alliance who visited several times on Sihnon and she had a clever thought. Her inwards ponder was broken as Ellie’s attention moved to a man just a head of them. She glanced towards Theodore who had a different manner then Captain Ellie more of nobility…something close to her own demeanor a proper one. Shur’anna left the two persons to talk while she went off and explore the ship. She walked out to the lower decks to the spacious cargo bay. She looked upon it for a moment and stepped back on to the spiral staircase. Where it had led her to the upper deck into the Gallery and Lounge area. To her right was the Engineering Lockers and to her left would in theory led her to the upper section of the cargo bay. When she had pushed through a door she had hope it was what Ellie had told her. It was another open space and some railing that did oversee the lower decks. She continued onward towards the cockpit of the Jenny Wren back towards her Shuttle bay. Shur’a began to send out appointments and arranging her thoughts to reality.

When the Jenny Wren took off from Persephone she had retired to her shuttle to await their arrival at Boros. She didn’t want to exactly meet those on the ship for the moment. Shur’a wasn’t feeling at home yet and maybe after a few days or a week…only then she would venture out to learn more out her shipmates. She disrobed her upper garments to sponge clean her body…when the floor of her chambers started to vibrate. She pondered that this ship must be old and it didn’t have dampeners like newer Alliance vessels. It quickly changed and the floor and bulkheads moved violently. This wasn’t what she expected in her first few days and this wasn’t what she expected at all! “This will not do!” She picked her self from the ground still barely dressed and looked at her chambers. Seeing how everything was on the ground…her mind was still close to at peace but some irritation was to be noticed. She pulled her garment back on and walked out in to the upper deck to see the Captain and that proper man that was seen earlier, Teddy. They looked to have been chatting like when she had seen them last…acting like nothing wrong had happened. “So Priestess, we will be here for 24 hrs. You are free to ply your trade as you see fit if you can just be back here before we lift off this time tomorrow.” “I will try,” as she uttered in a surprised and shaken manner. Turning back to her shuttle she had left to make her appointments but first changing into proper outing attire. She tried to step and avoid broken belonging caused by the crash that was suppose to be a landing. Shur’a just prayed that they had met the ground intact and importantly alive.

Shur’anna walked out of her shuttle to and out with the rest of the people on the ship. Captain Ellie was making more announcements about what was earlier told to her. She had greeted the other crew of the Jenny Wren and walked out out the ship. She brought her umbrella to shade her skin from the sun of Boros. She made sure she knew where her new home was docked. She looked to see and read it was ‘Lǜsè’ (Green) 34 sector, it was just of the edge of the Docks. As it was the quickest access to the City where she needed to meet her appointments.

*Close to current moment to present.*

Shur’anna made to where she needed to be surprisingly was able to locate where that was without any problems. At the Alliance compound she had met the gentleman. The high ranking officer greeted her as such as you would greet a lady and romantically kissed her on the hand and then on her cheek. “Now… High Priestess Shur'anna Artemmisia I can do what you ask. Anything for you my lady. Now just let me show you what we have picked out for you and just tell me where this ship is docked. Where everything that you have asked will be done, as quickly as possible. Are you sure I can’t persuade you to stay a few more days? ” “I’m sorry my wonderful Commander Oliver Whitehall, this captain that fairies me on her ship would like to leave as soon as possible. Otherwise our time would be much spent dining and dancing.” Shur’a smiled and touching Oliver’s knee as they were seated and being served with some tea. The Commander asked, “So? What is this Commercial Liner that is giving you a tour of the Boarder and Rim planets?” Shur’a picked up her tea cup and took a sip from it and said, “I wouldn’t call it a Commercial Liner…its one of those transport ships. It was recommended by my close and good friend Inara Serra. The name of the ship is Jenny Wren, I think maybe a oversize firefly class.” The Commander stood up from his seat and said, “Do you mean a Dragonfly? Are you sure you know what you are doing? It’s likely one of those smuggling ships!” “No! No…don’t be silly my Oliver! Captain McKee is a sweet woman, rustic but a pleasant woman.” The Commander wasn’t convinced but he respected Shur’anna but didn’t want to leave her until he had checked out this Jenny Wren and her captain on the Cortex.

After their tea they left to the Alliance Shipyard Compound to show her a rare but well restored Derkken Class Fast Currier ship. It was small enough but good enough for a High Priestess. “What do you think of her?” As he leads her towards the vessel, “Its not much to look at. Oliver?” The Commander gives an inwards chuckle, “My lovely lady. She is the Lilith’s Pearl…she may not be what Alliance ships are made of but rather an Independent ship.” Shur’a looked at Oliver with a confused and surprised look, “Why such a ship then?” The Commander walks be hide her and embraces her, saying that. “For where you are going. I think it would be best to blend in. Don’t worry my dear Shur’anna I added a few things to her…I can teach you to use her weapons if you are to be needing them. There are still Reavers out there in the Rim.” She gives a jolt, “Oh…Oliver Whitehall! Don’t scare me…I don’t think I can shoot anything.” He gives another grin and chuckles, “My lady I do not believe you at all. For a woman an extraordinary Companion you can hold your own! I seen you fly a ship as if you were apart of her. The way you dance…oh my Shur’a you have nothing and they have everything to worry about you.” She blushes and doesn’t see what he is implying about her. “Do you think you can integrate her on the Jenny Wren?” Oliver nods, “I already have my engineers working on it and I have sent men to scout your Captain McKee’s ship. You said Green Sector? 34?” “Yes, my darling!” Commander Whitehall had sent not only the workers to do the modifications to the Jenny Wren but Alliance troops. He wanted his lady protected and to give a ‘clear’ message across to it’s captain and all her crew…that Shur’anna isn’t just any woman but a dear lady that he will keep a close eye on. With that said he will keep a close tag on the Jenny Wren crew as well!

Whenever their Mechanic young Timothy would return and open it’s main cargo bay doors. He will be up for a surprise along the rest of his crew mates…that’s when the Alliance troops would storm in to the cargo bay. They will search through out the ship to secure its decks and scout if there is any difference within the ship and comparing that of Jenny Wren to their blue prints of the Dragonfly Class. The soldiers would not be looking for anyone in particular but if any problems would be caused by McKee’s crew they will search through he Cortex for them. These men will not care much of any questions, comments but simply ignore anyone who are getting in their way. These Alliance men are not some ordinary group but is specialized and are capable of quickly disabling any who goes over their path. Ones the Alliance men did their sweeps…that was when they started to allow the workers to enter. They will protect their workers from any who would try to stop or hurt them. They boarded the Jenny Wren and brought equipment and worker crafts. These small ships surrounded this mid-bulk transport ship…where one of the worker crafts flew over the Jenny Wren and started cutting a hole on top of her. It used a highly focus lazier beam that cutted through the haul…like a dumpling and a Posh Reaver. Another worker craft waits with a metal thing being lifted by this ship. Ones the cutters were done they lowered a pre assembled module in to the Dragonfly. It was like one of those parasitical flys laying eggs in the Jenny Wren’s abdomen. Quickly the workers started to weld and seal Jenny up tightly like a virgin Nee yinn at prom night. When Shur’anna would return but it wont be after another hour…these Alliance workers wouldn’t still be done in repairs to Jenny Wren and any other modifications that are being put in to place.

Admin TAG - Timothy, after he posts thats when everyone can post on what is happening on board Jenny Wren.

*****Also I added more things to the bottom half of the post. *Karen*

Admin - Karen Karen, you fool! its not Whitehouse its Whitehall! Thats the last name of your favorite comedian Jack Whitehall you dork! and yes i changed it for you already and btw you owe me 10 bucks!
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:17 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Ellie wrote:Location: Jenny Wren, Passengers' Corridor

Ellie took the items with a genuine laugh. With a twinkle in her eye, she replied "You're nothing if not persistent Kitsune. But I'll tell you right now, it's not gonna happen."

As she walked away she thought of something else and turned back around, "By the way, you might want to keep your bounty hunting skills between you and I. It could make people a might skittish around you. Most of my crew and passengers have taken a natural dislike to feds and law figures. Not to imply they've done anything wrong mind you, but it would make your time on Jenny a little simpler if you didn't mention it. And... avoid Jane. I really don't want to have to deal with cleaning up the mess your dead body would make on my ship." She flashed a smile and walked off again, calling over her shoulder, "Welcome aboard!"

She went up the spiral staircase once again and went to her room, shutting the door behind her. Setting the grips aside for the time being, she picked up Tale of Two Cities. with a smile, she opened it and breathed in the smell of the old book. This itself had to have been worth more than the trip he had wanted. No way would she actually have taken six platinum from him on top of it. She may be in this for profit but she wasn't going to rob someone blind. Well, not anyone that didn't deserve it anyway. closing it gently she went over and made space on the shelf, which was not exactly easy in itself. Ellie carefully slid the book into the slot she had made for it and stood back with a satisfied look on her face. It was quite an addition to her collection.

"Now where is my mechanic at?" she wondered to herself as she left her room once again to see if Timmy was back in the engine room yet.

Location: Jenny Wren, Engine Room
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:16 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Arianna wrote:Location: None Specific

Arianna is just 11 years old when the war came to Du-Khang. Her mother wanted to fight along with her husband, and Anna's father, but her dad had convinced her mother that she had someone to protect. So Arianna and her mother fled the advancing Alliance troops, attempting to Arianna to safety. Arianna remembered running for several blocks amid the chaos and the destruction going on around her. She began to fall behind her as her little legs grew tired from running. Suddenly an explosion shook the ground, making her stumble. Worse yet, she heard a painful scream from her mother as she flew backwards. She ran to assist her mother, but from the shrapnel wounds, her mother did not have long to live. Her mother begged her to run, to flee the city but Arianna wanted to stay as long as possible. A family friend, who happened to be passing by long enough to promise her mother that Arianna would be safe before Anna saw her mother's eyes close for the last time.

A couple days pass before she is re-united with her father but her relief is short lived. He is severely injured and doesn't have much time to live. He makes a surprising death bed confession that he is not her biological father, that her mother had a brief affair with the mob boss Adelei Niska. She is handed a handful of letters and told to find Niska, that he would protect her from the Alliance. She promised her father that she would before her father passes away from his injuries.

It takes some time, and several trips on cargo ships, sometimes she would stow away, other times she would offer her services as a mechanic to repair anything that broke down. Sometimes passage required more.. personal services and she had no choice if she wanted to get to Niska places as soon as she could

She is 13 and just coming into her own when she finally arrives at Niska's skyplex. At first, she is refused entrance, the guards not believing she is Niska's natural daughter. She shows proof, through the letters that her mother had received, birth certificate and ID. She finally is granted an audience but Niska's reception of her is not all that warm and welcoming. She had also came with a boyfriend, someone that she grew to trust and like. Niska killed him on the spot, telling her that she is too young to have a boyfriend and to show her that he meant business. At different intervals in her life, 14, 16 and 22 she went out to start a social life of her own but Niska caught wind and disposed of each one of them, telling her that she cannot risk being seen out in public, due to Alliance patrols everywhere, rival mobs and just the fact that he has chosen her to be the heir to his Empire. The latter, she was told on her Eighteenth birthday.

When she learned that her last social contact had been disposed of, She confronted Niska in a bout of fury, telling him that she has a right to her own social life and that she is tired of him bullying and murdering her chpice of suitors. She did not want to be his heir and was going to go to the Alliance Authorities to report his whereabouts and his list of crimes.

In a explosion of fury from Niska, he tells her to leave but watch her back, that he will be hiring people to dispose of her, even though she is his only daughter. She quickly grabbed some things and fled Niska's skyplex, taking a skycar and fleeing Ezra, a couple of henchmen already on her tail.

They give chase but she eventually loses them but she doesn't relax. She travels around and finds herself approaching Boros when she is low on fuel. She would have to find another craft to continue fleeting. With that in mind, she sets down in a near a scrap yard of Boros and none too soon. her fuel was exhausted.

As she negotiates for the price of another ship, she is told that she would have to go find a part to make the ship flyable but before she could do that, the henchmen she had been fleeting arrive and try to capture her.

She attempts to fight them off, but they are too strong. She flees, running for her life. She spots an Alliance headquarters and attempts to make it there to ask for aid and protection when all of a sudden out of nowhere, a woman appears. Arianna cannot avoid a collision and goes down after bouncing off the unsuspecting woman. She sits up and looks to the approaching henchmen. Arianna looks to the woman, pleading with her. "Help me! They want to kill me. You've got to hide me. I'll do whatever it is you want. I'm a mechanic, I can give you my necklace." Anything, She just hoped the woman would help her and not be angry at being ran into

Location: Street corner, near an Alliance compound

TAG - Shur'Anna
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:15 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Kitsune wrote:Location- Kitsunes room

thinking to him self wow i go read like a book. a truthfully he thought the pervy action never got him a hit too date, its more of a testing ones limits and the targets reaction. and mainly to make people loosen up and laugh. through that he usually finds a friend that might go further. "Na it really doesn't. I just have a natural magnetism" Doing the Arnold flex. "But as you wish" picking up the book and the grips he head over to her "But that doesn't mean I'm not gonna try, you never know one day you might slip and say yes" raising his eyebrows twice as he handed them over.

Location- Kitsunes room
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:14 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Ellie wrote:Location: Jenny Wren, Passengers' Corridor

Ellie dropped her hand and chuckled a bit. "Good answer, if you'd have paid that much up front I would've known you weren't on the up and up. Only someone who desperately wanted on my ship in particular would be willing to actually pay that price."

She pointed toward the stuff he had shown her earlier, "I'll just take the grips and book and we'll call it even."

With a smile and a small shrug she explained her change in price, "I've got enough to pay my small crew at the moment so I'm not too worried about being paid in money anyway. And no," she held up her hand to keep him from commenting on that, "I'm not interested in exploiting your body in exchange for passage. Does that stuff actually get you women?" She shook her head again with a laugh and said, "On second thought, don't answer that question. I really don't want to know."

Location: Jenny Wren, Passengers' Corridor
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:14 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Kitsune wrote:Location- Kitsunes room

He thought for a brief second. She obviously didn't go for sexual advances though he knew he would continue them in the future but not now. Offering a reverse cowboy might get him thrown off ship. And while hes pretty sure the inner hull is soft enough to run through i doubt she would forgive human sized hole in her ship. perhaps sense shes here for the truth the honest approach would be the best course of action. "Yea bout that, I do have money........I just seem to not have any on me at the moment."

Location-Kitsunes room
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:13 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Ellie wrote:Location: Passengers' Corridor

She stood still, studying him for a moment. Ellie may have a quick temper and might make some rash decisions, but those that knew her could attest to the fact she also had some pretty scary right on instinct and intuition about people and situations. She would not have allowed the people on her boat that she had so far if she really thought they would be a danger. She may not like them, and she may not trust them 100%, but instinctively she felt it was the right decision. And Ellie trusted her instincts, they had served her well over the years. Aside from misreading that no good piece of go se she married... but that was history.

Finally she gave a slight nod and then smiled and held out her hand, "In that case, I believe you owe me six platinum for the ride."

Location: Jenny Wren, Passengers' Corridor
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:12 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Kitsune wrote:Location-Kitsunes room

"How big a bounty we talkin?" jokingly with a stupid smile on his head, pointing his face at her and scratching his hair. "I'm joking calm down. I'm generally interested in work but at present I'm more interested in getting off Boros for a time. Not that I have anything I'm running from, but the food here gives me a severe case of the mudd butt." looking normal again. "My job here is done, and there's a high probability of more work out there somewhere. So I give you my word your friends will be of no interest to me.........less your friends are Nobles?"

Location- Kitsunes room
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:11 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Ellie wrote:Location: Jenny Wren, Passengers' Corridor

Rolling her eyes Ellie shook her head, "I'm not interested in your demonstrations. You can find yourself a doxy whenever we're planet side and show her your demonstrations. What I am concerned with is whether I need to worry if any of my friends who happen to have a price on their head might be in danger of you deciding to cash in for a bounty? Because in my opinion, not even six platinum could convince me to take you on as a passenger. And if that's the case, " she glanced past him to the room which was already settled into, "you might want to be packing your stuff back up and moving on."

Ellie leaned back and waited to hear what he might have to say. She suspected he was being truthful regarding the type of criminals he went after, but she had to be sure he wasn't going to cause any more conflict on her ship.

Location: Jenny Wren, Passengers' Corridor
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:10 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Kitsune wrote:Location-Inside Kitsunes room

Hearing the captain he slowly creakily turned a scared smile across his face. Think fast he thought to him self keep her mind of the money.
"No one at the moment, I'm just a jack of all trades master of non." figuring she found this out through the cortex she probably has other information and preconceived notions. "I do search the cortex from time to time for jobs, mainly the mid to low level ones that are less dangerous and the target is well lets just say swimming in the shallow end of the gene pool." sitting back down. "It pays the bills and is fairly easy money, but my best source of income comes from PI work. You can only imagine how many unfaithful partners are out there." gaining a little confidence to take the initiative "But that's not the only skills i posses if you care for a personal demonstration."

Location-Inside Kitsunes room
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:10 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Ellie wrote:Location: Jenny Wren, Bridge

After leaving their new passenger, Ellie returned to the bridge to do her check up on his story. Jane glanced at her as she dropped into the copilot seat, but didn't ask what she was doing. Jane was a woman of few words, which Ellie appreciated most of the time. Too many damn talkers on this ship already. She brought up the cortex and did a quick search on the name Christopher Lee Kitsune. She waited a moment while the results came back and she scrolled through the compiled information on him. Born on Osiris, thirty years ago. Looked like he had a career as a cop, but something went south obviously since he was discharged. Ellie leaned in a bit as she read what he had been up to since that time. Looks like he ad done a little bit everything related to protection and investigation. There were a few law enforcement cases his name had been cited in, but not as having charges against him... she studied the screen thoughtfully as two words jumped out at her. "Bounty Hunter."

Ellie shot a glance at Jane, if she knew he was a bounty hunter at any point in his life she would probably either gut him or bolt. And Ellie didn't like the idea of either one. She shut down the cortex and left the bridge without talking to her pilot about what she had just read.

She took the spiral staircase in the corridor directly down into the passenger quarters and walked over to Kitsune's door. Rapping on the door, she crossed her arms and waited for him to answer. When he did she said, "You failed to mention you're a bounty hunter. Who are you hunting now?"

Location: Jenny Wren, Corridor outside Kitsune's quarters
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:09 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Kitsune wrote:Lacation-abord the ship

Returning to his room Kitsune began to unpack. First removing the box and opening it up. Inside the box rested 5 books, 3three small blox of wood, 1 bone, a roll of small chisles /,picks,/ and files, a thread and needle kit and a bound pile of papers. Placing the wood, bone and tool roll onto the desk, the bound papers into a cubby with doors and the needle kit into the only drawer. He then began to pull out the rest of the contents of the bag out. First came a long rifle in two pieces tied at two ends by string. Taking off the strings he began to reassemble the weapon carefully, screwing in the barrel. Once assembled he looks it over, and wiped down the entire weapon lovely. Once finished he placed it between the desk and the wall in a slender gap. It was a cherished item to him and he enjoyed cleaning it. Returning to bag he continues his task, removing 6 black spherical grenades with yellow writing, 5 odey green cylinrical grenades with white writing and 6 grey cylindrical grenades with white writing. Next he removed two gun looking instroments on looking like a hand gun with a square nose the other looking like a rifle with a tessla coil for a barrel. Next came what looks like a stick with a screw bottom. Next came a stack of devises with key pads, which he put away in a second cubby hole. Seting back to the bag he removes a flashlight with a green lense and two large tanks like found on a paintball gun attached to a gun. Then came a hard black mask with only eye slots and a gas mask. Next came a Med pack which he opened took out 3 blocks of Grade-A food stuffs, imunization pack before he reached an ice pack which he set on the bed before returning the removed items. Finaly he removes finished woodwork such as buttstocks, grips and other pieces that he created. These peices of wood represent how he has passed the time in the past and help him make money from time to time. He placed the items,save for one set of grips into the box, once carrying the books and tools. that box is then slid under the desk. The other items are placed orginized into the chest at the foot of the bed. finaly he turns his attention back to the books. He removes the one chosen by the captain then places the rest on top of the stacks of papers whos glow gets snuffed out under the books.
Then it hits him like a punch to the ribs again. "Six platinum!! I could get 6 grade-A food stuffs for that!! I could have an estate room on the Rhine Maiden, with a great view. What the hell did i get my self into." pulling out a draw string bag and looking inside it. "Aieyaaaaaaaaaaa" his eyes growing large and the blue in them making way for absolute white. His jaw popping off its hinge and falling a extra couple centemeters. and his forehead begins to turn blue.
Panic sets in and he begins to have flash backs to the most evil females he has ever meet to see how her survived, because if this captain and her crews personality were anything like he sermised in his many tests then he was in for one hell of a time.

First Image that came to mind was on Osiris in the 8th grade. A girl named Shôko Kirishima. slender, his hight, black hair and fair skin. She demanded he go out on a date with her as punishment for lossing a track race for their team. Handcuffed he complied. and they went to see a movie.

Shôko-"What movie do you wanna see, your pick"

Kitsune-"I don*"

Shôko-(cutting him off) "The history of space travel good choise"

Kitsune-"What!?, that movies over 4 hours long"

Shôko-"fine we'll see it twice, make up for all the time i dont get to spend with you in class"

Kitsune- "Thats it im out."

Shôko-"Oh yea" Pulling out a stungun"i dont think so"

Kitsune-"you dont think what" turning to to one side hands still cuffed. "Oh crap whats EEYAAHHHAAAAAAWWWWWOOOOOOO"

He woke up mid movie and tryed to make a run for it but was stunned again. Waking up mid movie at the same scene again he desided its best not to run and sat through the rest of it with her. Once out in the lobby:

Shôko-"What movie do you wanna see next"

Kitsune-"What no im not seeing any more movies today"

Shôko-pulling out the stunggun again and sparking it up "Thats ok you can just take a nap"

Random girl- "Shôko are you going to see a movie with your boyfriend?"

Shôko-"no my future husband"

Kitsune- "akk" is all he could croak out as he smoldered on the ground

Shivering he thought of another one. Same year same place the girls name was Elizabeth Rader AKA Beth. Athletic redish hair brown eyes.Tomboy fit her but dude fit her better. She was in the same class as Kitsune and was often seen hanging arround with him.The place was the chow hall at the school, Kitsune didnt bring a lunch and his stumach advertised it to the world.

Beth- "Hey Kitsune if you want you can share my lunch with me. I made an extra large one"

Kitsune-"Sure if you dont mind"

Beth- "Not at all let me see......."Looking through her bag "I seem to have forgot it at home"

Kitsune- "Dont pretend its against the laws of nature for you to do girly things like cook croshay"(while falling backwords not a single pause in his sentance) "Just like this spine crushing pile driver" As hes slammed into the ground with a thud.

Beth-"i told you I just forgot to bring it you idiot." Releasing him she stood up and his body flattened out. Unfortunately she stood up right over his head.

Kitsune- "ba ba blue" His nose began to bleed heavly as she walked back to the table. and one of kitsunes friends Kinsaye ran over too him

Kinsaye-"Hay man are you all right hang in there"

Kitsune-"They were blue panties" standing up with Kinsayes help "I'll be all right I was just cought off gaurd by the man chicks panties thats all."

Beth-"Thats it your dead" In the blink of an eye tripping him and putting his leg in a figure four hold "Say you love me or lose the leg"

Kitsune-"you love me or lose the leg"

There was a second long silence that lasted an eternity followed by beths roar and the sound of his leg popping out of socket.

He began to think of the next one when what seemed to be static appeared in his mind then a face with an ominus grin and huge eyes ans everything was warped away from her face. It was Saki Hanajima. A Dark haired slender fema-nazi, who was evil to the core. But she fit his description of perfect at the time. Shork dark hair, big eyes, small breasts, pale smooth skin and 9 inches shorter then him.She asked him to lunch in the 8th Grade two days before the end of the year and he desided to go.

Saki-"Here I made it my self"

Kitsune-"Really thanks" taking a bite of a shrimp tail his body became stiff his eyes lost all color, his mouth locked into place the shrimp still dangling out and his skin turned blue. He began to halusinate about thousands of hands comming out of a void and grabbing him. when he came too he found him self tied to a chair naked and wired hanging from parts of his body.

Saki-"Ah good your awake now we will begin your training, you will submit to all woman kind.....and be my loving man bit**." the last part taking on a demonic tone

Kitsune-"Are you f****** kidding me i would nev" his sentance got inturupted when high energy electrizits hit a SESATIVE spot.the rest began to blurr and all he could truly remember was her saying girls are gods girls are your life but it was all just a blurr then the image of her face appeared in his mind again creeping him the fudge out.

Finaly durring the 8thgrade at the last day of the year the school held a first come first serve treasure hunt were you got the location of the treasure by answering three questions giving you your x,y, and z axis. which located a location in the school. Kitusne was partnered up with Miu Jackson. Imediatly he thought of a plan.

Kitsune-"i finished the first problem set and your not ganna belive this but the location is under your bra" his ands up and his fingers wiggling " you better let me search my self i promise to be gental, and remember were being grade on our preformance and the numbers dont lie"

Miu-"Not now Kitsune, we have to be serious and get these right" she sat down and did the next question set and handed him the location plotting.

Kitsune-"do you know were this is" His eyes growing huge and a evil smile runing across his face "The girls locker room!!"

they ran up to the locker room kitsune meters ahead of Miu. He didnt even wait for her as soon as his hands touched the door be jumped in a camara in hand.

Kitsune-"What were are all the girls"

Miu-"Ah scavanger hunt hello"

Kitsune-"man" just then he spotted a girls uniform in a locker his right nostril began to bleed and he hit the ground with a thug. Standing up he cought a glips of a school swim suit and his left nostril bleed his head whipping back as if hit and slammed into a locker. Dazed he finaly rose again only to see a bra and undergarmet set hanging from a hook in a locker. Both nostrils errupted like valcanos and he was thrown back through the wall and into the hall way.

Miu-"Kitsune are you alright stay there I'll go get help."

Kitsune-"No no im fine" rising shakely "I must do this for all dudes everywere I must go on"

Miu-"WHAT!!" her fist clenched as she realized what he was doing "You were looking at another girls Panties!!?" She kicked him in the gut causing him to bow slightly as she spun on her other foot all the way arround and connected her elbow with the back of his head the force sending him to the ground with a sound reminisent of a sack of potatos. "Oh your not through with me yet i plan on making you my own punching bag tonight" and she ment it he found himself chained to the locker room ceiling and being kicked for a about an hour.

After their trip down abuseive lane they continued their search finaly comming up with one correct answer and wining the prize inside, it was two tickets to a local theme park and to a special wedding experience event. Jut then Shôko Kirishima,Saki Hanajima, and Elizabeth Rader exploded into the room.





Kitsune-"Now now girls you can all go with me I will buy more tickets then you can all marry me, plenty of me to go arround and i love you all"

this triggered a simotaniouse surge of demonic aura from all of them as they slowly shakely turned and faced him with looks that make livid seem like a giggling babys laugh. the lights began to flicker and went out till all he could see was the moonlight off thier evil eyes. and in unison they all said "what did you say" in angry voices. The memory of what happend next was so traumatic his mind erased it completely.

Snapping back to reality "Fudge that was messed up and that was all in the 8th grade" Looking down again at the pouch "oh man what am i going to do this is bad this is real bad. The Captains eyes could rend my soul assunder with just a look, Her pilot has a mean jab, theres that deadly looking chick from the yard"....his mind went right back to its usual mode. "But how id like to crawl in bed with the lot of them hehehehe" imagining them all laying with thier heads on him saying how much they loved him his face burning red. then he noticed in his mind that timmy kid from the yard their too and jupped out of his seat.
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:07 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Ellie & Kitsune wrote:Location: Boros, Boarding House

While waiting out side the in Kitsune whittled on some wood till she finally emerged. “Oh, hi there again pretty lady may I have a moment of your time?”

A voice interrupted her thoughts as she exited the boarding house and she looked up with a start and glanced around to see if there was someone else this stranger might be talking to, “Me?”

Kitsune said, “But of course not too many pretty lady’s around here”, pointing to the hag at the stall selling necklaces

“I do not need another complication today,” Ellie thought but simply replied, “Flattery gets you no where and I really am in a hurry. Things to do, ship to repair, planet to get the hell off of. You know how it is.” She brushed past him.

“Well that’s the point I was hoping to get to talk to you about? I too am getting off this rock and most ships are heading for the core.....not that the core is a bad place just not the place I was wishing to go.”

“Sounds like a personal problem.” Ellie eyed him distrustfully. They hadn’t advertised for passengers, so one cropping up out of nowhere seemed a might suspicious to her.

taking a step back from her look, “true enough, and that’s why I’m asking. you don’t have to say yes , but I do have money and goods in trade if your in need of your ship a passenger ship? might of asked that first I guess”

“She’s a freighter, but what’s really pressin’ on my mind is how you even know I have a ship for you to hitch a ride on?”

“Well first clue would be when you said, ship to repair planet to get the hell off of, but I also overheard you at the deralect telling people to go back to a ship,” waving his hands in front of him “not that I meant to be eaves dropping.”

“Shi ma? Awful convenient then that you should happen to over hear me talkin’ to my people. For the record, I have some well paying passengers already. I’m not wanting for passengers. And I don’t see any reason to trust you.”

“Fair ‘nough, but if your not full up might you consider it?” looking her over again, “Perhaps you could consider it for an exchange. A fair consideration for....” opening his duffel bag and taking out the box and folded duffel. “lets see a Colt Python Hunters special with stainless finish shouldn’t have rubber grips,” pulls out a revolver grip and holds it up....”Nope needs to be an 8th of an inch shorter” pulls out three more, and placing them on the ground then opening the box and pulling out 3 books. “You can have one from each group for a fair consideration, and if its a yes your going rate as well, besides I’d be remiss not to give such a pretty lady something nice.”The books were labeled: When we were very young by A.A.Milne, A tale of two cities by Charles Dickens, & Karma Sutra no author(which was badly used and worn). The revolver handles were of bone and depicted a rose, two dragons in a yin yang fashion and a set of Celtic knots with two wolves.

Crossing her arms she looked from the goods he just spread out on the ground back to him. Now she knew he wasn’t trustworthy... but she couldn’t say no to a book. “You got a destination in mind or just want to get off of Boros? And you got trouble on your tail that I should know about before I agree?”

“To be honest I have no particulars on destination just hoping from rock to rock looking for odd jobs. Trouble on my tail, no my work here is done my client got what he wanted and those who wanted it the other way know they lost out and have no reason to chase me. But truth be told a man who has done the things I have done and sinned the way I have most likely has people who don’t like him, though I doubt they have any ill designs for me.”

Ellie nodded, “In that case I’ll take the Dickens’ novel and the Celtic Knots. Now pack the stuff up and let’s get moving, you can give it to me on Jenny Wren. Like I already said, I have stuff to get done and can’t be standin’ around here in the street yappin’ with you.” She headed off down the street and called back over her shoulder, “And by the way, if you don’t stop calling me pretty lady I will shoot you.”

Packing up everything back into the duffel quickly he sighed a heavy sigh thankful for those eyes surrounded by freckles to be off him. “Anything you wish me to call you Ma’am?” slinging his bag over his shoulder and starting off after her.

“Captain works just fine for now,” she replied, “What do you go by?” Ellie needed to run a check on him on the cortex to check his story, though she wouldn’t tell him that.

“Names Christopher Lee Kitsune, got plenty of names, but most just call me Kitsune.” trying his limits once more “But I reckon you can call me what ever Captain.”

She came to a stop in front her ship and smiled proudly, “This is it. Meet Jenny.” She motioned to the Dragonfly class ship docked in front of them. “She may not be much to look at, but there ain’t ship to hold a candle to her.”

“Nice, ain’t been in one of these before” Placing a copper piece in front of the landing bay heads up of course then thinking to himself as hes looked at the captain, she chose the oldest of the books and the dog handles wonder if she will be my Lealaps then waited for her to invite him on,.

Ellie took the hatch on the side of the hull, since the cargo dock was closed. She assumed Timmy must not be back with Teddy and the woman yet, so it should just be Jane holding down the fort. She realized he had not followed her in and poked her head back out the door, “You plan on comin’ on board or just gonna cling to the hull when we break atmo?”

Not waiting for here piercing eyes to look at him again, he hopped on board through the hatch she went in. “Thank you kindly”

Once inside she said, “So, ready for the fifty cent tour?” But she didn’t wait for his reply and just started right in, leading the way across the cargo bay and through the door to the hall with the living quarters. She led him down to an empty one on the right side of the hallway and pushed the door open. “You can drop your stuff here. This’ll be your room.”

Doing so he places his bag on the ground pulled out his two revolvers resting on both sides of his back hips and placed them on top of the bag. Then he stepped back out and waited for her to lead on.

“Obviously these are most of the living quarters,” she led the way back out into the cargo bay and up the staircase to the landing where she paused and pointed back down to where they had just come from, “The infirmary is the door on the opposite side of the bay from the living quarters entrance.” She took the rest of the stairs a couple at a time and entered the second level. Once he had joined her she led him towards the rear of the ship taking a few steps down into the galley and lounge area. “Here’s where you’ll take meals. You’re welcome to in here anytime. Back there however,” she pointed farther to the back of the ship, “is the engine room and Timmy gets fussy if people play around in there, so just steer clear, got it?”

“Understood, you don’t got to worry about me much I’ll mainly stick to my room and do some woodworking till we get to were your going........less you need me for something, foot message, back rub...”Smiling innocently

Ellie shook her head, “Don’t get your hopes up.” She turned and led the way back out the way they came. “Up here is another area you shouldn’t need to be, but I figure you should see it once and meet our pilot while we’re at it.” They passed the staircase and went up a hallway where some doors into a few living quarters went off to either side before they entered the bridge. “Jane, this is Kitsune. Kistune, this is Jane.”

Seeing Jane he thought to his self...score another hot chick on this boat. “please to meet ya, and I hope I’m not to forward when i ask this request but …....will you bare my children?”

Jane spun in her seat and before Ellie could stop her she was on her feet and swinging. She connected with his mouth with a satisfying thud. Jane pulled her knife out and pointed it at him, “Keep that up and you won’t ever be able to have children.” She looked at Ellie, “when are we getting out of here?” It was obvious she was anxious about being here. Ellie replied, “Soon as Timmy fixes that panel.” Looking back at Kitsune, Jane said sarcastically, “Might want to get some ice on that...”

On connection with her fist he began to smile, this was the reaction he expected as painful as it was. “Good advice glad I got some with me down below.” Then thinking to him self, well least this one didn’t aim for the kid factory. Stepping out of the bridge he added “A part of you remains wherever we have been......and I was on the receiving end of gorgeous”

Ellie followed him out of the bridge and as they headed back down the staircase to the first floor she said, “Well that’s pretty much that. Any questions?”

“Only your charge for taking me with you and don’t be shy you can say endentured boy toy-dom”

“I’ve already seen you naked and gotta be honest... not happenin’ buddy.” She smirked and walked off, but realized she hadn’t answered his question, “Oh, make it six platinum, gotta pay the mechanic and pilot.”

Cringed and thought 6 platinum i was trying for cheap......damn that aburn hair green eyes and freckles. His shoulders shrunk and he shock his head and laughed “As you say 6 platinum it is”
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:07 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Ellie wrote:Location: Boros Shipyard

Ellie left Timmy, Zain and Teddy to find their way back to the ship. She made her way back through the ship yard and exited it with a casual glance up and down the street. It was certainly different wandering these streets by herself, but she wasn't afraid. Simply more alert. Ellie had learned a lot of tricks to protecting herself growing up on Whitefall. And her time spent as a Sheriff there had certainly gone miles towards her being able to take down an undesirable character when needed.

Now she let her feet take her back in the direction of the docks. The boarding house their contact was staying at was supposed to be near to where Jenny was docked. As she approached her destination she wanted to make sure there weren't any feds or local law enforcement watching the place. Garret trusted Mal, but he didn't know Ellie from Eve. This could be a set up, and she wasn't going to take any chances.

With an air of one who had time to kill, Ellie meandered over to a street stall set up and perused the various trinkets on it. There was nothing of real interest, but she pretended to find a few things to examine and gave the appearance of considering to purchase. The dirty old woman running the stall was muttering to her about the necklace she was holding, but Ellie ignored her. She was scanning the area around the boarding house to see who might be hanging around.

Finally, she felt comfortable that no one seemed to be there to watch the location, so Ellie politely turned down the necklace and headed into the boarding house. Inside a greasy man sat at what passed for a front desk. "I'm looking for Dirk," she said, "what room is he in?"

The man pointed toward the shared parlor, "He's in there."

When Ellie entered the room the guy had indicated she saw two men facing each other in beat up old wing back chairs. One of the men was leaned forward and discussing something intently, but at her intrusion the second man gave a quick signal and conversation stopped. Both sets of eyes turned to her.


The second man commented, "Who's asking?"

"Garret sent me to you, said you were the man I should talk to."

"That so? Jenkins, why don't you give me and the purty lady a minute alone."

The first man stood up and walked past her, tipping his hat a bit and giving her a leering once over as he passed. Ellie didn't acknowledge him.

"Have a seat, miss. I don't think I caught your name..."

She walked over and sat down, "I never said it. Eloise McKee. And I've been led to believe you might have some work for me."

"Eloise McKee... I don't know that name."

"You wouldn't, I'm new to the business."

"How do I know you can be trusted?"

"I come with the best references. Malcolm Reynolds is a close friend of mine."

The man chewed thoughtfully on this information and then spit a nearby spittoon. "Fair enough. I got something you may be interested in."

Ellie reemerged from the boarding house a few minutes later with all the relevant information on a small slip of paper tucked secretly away somewhere on her person. Now it was time to get back to Jenny.

Location: Boros, Boarding House
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:06 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Kitsune wrote:Location-Boros shipyard

waving over his head bye as he walked away but over hearing, as he always does, one of the women present started giving orders, most likely the leader of this group and sense she said she wanted off this rock most likely a captain. Perfect he thought, he was looking for a ride and one with a hot redhead captain......score!! but how to get a ride, he didn't know her ships name or dock but he did know she was going to the inn and that's were he would catch up to her......once clothed of course. cause obviously they didn't want to take advantage of him while he was naked as he day dreamed it would play out, though he didn't know why there either.

Entering into the space ports terminal he got all manor of gawkers looking at him. but it didn't matter just had to get his stuff. Reaching the locker he put in the 6 digit code and opened it up. Thankfully it was all there, two large black duffel bags and one small box.

having retrieved his stuff he slipped into the rest room to change. He entered a stall and set one duffel bag with a clank down then the box on top of it. Being the handy-cap stall he had plenty of room to spare. opening the second duffel he pulled out a vest, a white t-shirt, a black cloth coat which hit the floor with a thud, a pair of black jean pants that did the same, two belts with holsters, and on leg holster with three strap system, a pair of black boxer briefs, a set of black leather boots with three buckles on them and with a large smile a silver necklace with a Saints pendant attached. "Sorry to keep you waiting old friend." slipping the necklace on. Then he set about putting on the rest, first the vest strapping the Velcro tight, then the white t-shirt which he then lifted the pendant over, next the boxer briefs, then pants. finally he strapped his boots on and with a full outfit on he smiled. "was fun while it lasted" tightening the two gun belts in a x pattern over his hips and strapping the third to his right leg. Finally he put on the jacket and began to fold up the duffel bag now able to fit inside the other.

having re packed all his gear into one bag, including the box he started to walk out stopping by the mirror as he did. "Looking good sir, i would'a taken advantage of you" then walking out and heading for the inn. as he did he fastened two black leather gloves on and expanded and contracted his fingers to get them finally set in.
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:05 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Ellie wrote:Location: Boros shipyard

Ellie didn't like the vibe she was getting from this new girl much more than the one she got from Teddy. But it would seem Timmy had already made the agreement with her and had started scavenging the ship for parts. The easiest thing would take her to the next stop at the least. Before she had a chance to answer a naked man streaked by and nonchalantly greeted them in passing. "Lao tien fu," Ellie muttered as she dropped her forehead into her palm and rubbed her temples. This day was becoming more and more of head ache with each passing minute. Time to get out of here.

"Alright," she spoke with command now as she looked back up, "We'll take you as far as our next stop and we can re-negotiate from there."

Turning to Timmy she gave a sharp command, the boy's mind seemed prone to wandering at the moment (she doubted the naked man running past him helped matters any) and she needed him paying attention, "Timmy! Take her and the things you've gotten so far to the ship. If you need to get anything else, grab it quickly and get a move on. I want off this rock in less than twenty four hours and you still have a panel to fix."

She didn't trust Teddy with Timmy much more than this stranger, but at least he had been around for a little longer, so by seniority he seemed the safest escort. Ellie looked at him again, "Do me a favor and stay with Timmy and our new passenger. Make sure they get back to the ship safely and within the next hour please. I'm going to see our man at the inn."

Location: Boros Shipyard

OOC: Tag Zain, Timmy, Teddy or Kitsune
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:04 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Kitsune wrote:Location- Boros Shipyard

Kitsune looks down the street to the building were his personal possessions are. between him and there is a few ships with open bays a couple vendor stalls, and allot of people looking to travel. Looking thru the crowd he spots no children and feels a little better about this.

"well fuck it, ya only live once so strut baby" and takes of on a run

He first comes up to a vendor stall and an old man running it.

Kitsune "hi hows it going" looking the old man over who is doing the same to him "Yea bad day, owed some people some money you know how it is"

Oldman "If you say so son" giving him a how in the world look

Kitsune "whats with the look? Wait i know this look, some one gave it to me on Whitefall once......lets see ah yes the man with the horse."

Oldman "oh here we go...please do tell i know your dying too" Rolling his eyes "Shen Jing Bing"

Kitsune "I don't want to now..." moving slowly around the stall to get a good start for his next hiding spot "I just told the horse mine was bigger then next time i showed him" and takes off running he really did wanna tell a joke.

weaving in and out of a few cargo containers he reached their edge. "seems i can either get behind that cart and horse, though i don't know if it will move or not or i can get into...oh my god ship it is" seeing a couple of lady's and a couple men. The choice to go in the ship was made real easy by the fact that there were women and one of the men was holding out a purple bra. "it must be fate, god himself wants me to go into that ship, this is a sign." the stupid googly eyed dru lip look crosses his face as slinks off to the ship coming in contact with a woman with long jet black hair leaning against a wall her eyes closed.

Kitsune "pardon" passing in front of her and doing a quick survey of her figure. "I dig scars" taking note of the one on her lip, and judging by her stance shes probably proud of them, but not stopping to find out and definitely moving out of leg reach of her. next he runs past the kid and snatches the bra as he did and into the ship "yoink, I do apologies for intruding just need some cover to get too the lock boxes in that building" pointing "and you really shouldn't hold bra's out like that very unseemly" visually examining it. Noticing the little bit of tension in the air he couldn't help but stop his examination. Well, he thought, maybe my nakedness will add a bit of shock and humor to defuse the situation, as he did a survey of the other female present. Oh god shes hot too he thought a pleaurable shiver running up his spine.

starting to head back out of the ship for the storage lockers "names Kitsune pleasure to meet you, look me up anytime you wish to see me like this again, and with that I must be going" placing the bra down lovingly but still running his finger over it committing to memory its feel, size, color, and cup-size, though he knew who's it was.
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:02 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

spark/Zain wrote:Zain saw the hesitation on Cap’n Ellie’s face about whether to attack or stay down. In Zain’s eyes the Cap’n made the right decision to put her weapon down. Zain didn’t miss the look Ellie shot to the man Zain knew well. She doubted he knew her at all. She was busy studying his tight posture, as if ready to attack at the blink of an eye. But then again a blink for Zain was like a century in slow motion. Zain’s train of thought was broken when Cap’n Ellie said,"Sorry to disappoint you. You wouldn't be the first person that wasn't happy to see me though, and I doubt you'll be the last." Before Zain could respond Ellie called out to the boy, "Timmy! If you're done poking your nose around, I think it's time we leave..." He chose the right moment or the wrong moment to come out with what he had taken from her bag waving it in the air he said, "This purple bra yours?" She saw the Ellie’s eyebrows shoot up and look between Zain and the boy. Zain relaxed upon seeing Timmy with the bra casue he had looked in the wrong bag. Zain’s lips twitched a little before she said, “ Of all the things you could have taken and all the bags you could have looked in, you choose the one bag that is not mine. No that thing is not mine. If it were I would be wearing. The bag you looked in belonged to a Priestess I had to shoot out an air dock for doing something she shouldn’t have.” She saw a look play across Timmy’s face,"What! Don’t look at me like that. She killed my pilot cause he refused to be her play thing. Then she came after me so hence her death, I just never had the chance to get rid of her things so that disgrace of a thing you are holding is not mine. " Zain waited for them to say something when they didn't she decided to introduce herself. "My name is Zain Alexander. This is my ship or what is left of it after the crash caused by Priestess. Your boy here was looking for some parts and I happened to have them with some repairs I have made in hopes to fly this thing. So I traded him the parts for a spot on your ship. Cause the way I look at it, we are both stuck, can't go to the alliance yards and don't have enough funds to buy parts so I can solve your problem and you can solve mine. I will help with anything you need, fight, guard, fly, repair, cook, navigate and the list can go on so you say the word Cap'n and I will do in exchange for a spot on your craft. If not, she turned to Timmy and said, Get your hands off my crap of a ship and leave, turning to Ellie she said, Your choice Cap'n take my offer and leave before the authorities find out or stay without me and look for other parts. The ball is in your court. I will wait for your response." With that Zain went back to her spot by the ship, leaned against it, closed her eyes and waited. By closing her eyes she was placing her trust in them to not blast her head off. Well that was what she wanted them to think. Now she just had to wait.
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:01 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Kitsune wrote:Location- Boros

inside a run down old warehouse about 4 miles north of the spaceport in a small market. a lone man sits between two old turbines re running over his list.

"data disk....check
Earthquake generator...check
multiple routes....check.
break away clothing......check
pitfall trap.... Check.
disguise drop bags along routes... check..."though its been months sense i checked those well its fine"
police patrol routes confirmed....check
air fare......oh god i hope there is some cheap air fair out today.
(mind drifts) run by scantly clad chick (grins widely a bit of drewl sliding down his chin) ehhhhheheheh (slaps him self) Focus"

"Alright its time. all i got to do is clear my clients tail so he can get off the planet with his old mans will."

standing up up he walks out the door and over to a noodle shop were sits a man with a briefcase by his side. looking around Kitsune notices a rather obvious group of thugs, all large very muscular tattooed everywhere and a half vacant expression on all their faces,slightly scattered about watching the brief case intently, thinking to him self, god were do they find these guys the special Olympics. o well sucks to be them. placing a paper wrapped bundle on the counter next to the guy.

the man nodes and Kitsune nodes back

a slight smile runs across his lips as he picks up the mans brief case and starts to walk down the street. looking in a pain of glass he sees 5 men following him. yes!! he thinks, got them all, and takes off running

Thug1 "Cao!!" and they begin pursuit

route one coming up, Kitsune takes a sharp left into a small alley cutting a rope as he enters. no sooner had the rope gone over head height the 5 men entered the alley .

"ta ma de!!" Yelled and made the appearance of running faster, in an attempt to keep their focus on him. and it worked the lead 4 didn't notice a giant pile of manor bags falling above them catching the 5th just as he noticed.

coming out the other side into a crowded section of the market Kitsune evaporated into the crowed to buy him self some distance.

the 4 remaining emerged with is seconds

Thug1 "were did he go"

a good 50 meters ahead of them not Kitsune jumped up onto a table and yelled "Gan tsao ni ma" and continued running down the street. on cue the 4 continued after him. God i couldn't ask for dumber foes could I, he thought as he ducked into another alley.

as the thugs rounded the corner they say Kitsune a quarter of the way up a fence and laughed to them selves. the laughter was short lived as the lead thug fell into a hole. a deep hole.

Thug3 "Holy shit"

Thug2 "don't stand there after him" leaping over the hole only to fall down his own

Kitsune "sha gua" as he slowly climbs the fence

the two remaining thugs running around the hole and leaping over the fence with ease just as Kitsune hits the ground him self.

Thug4 "got ya" yanking on Kitsunes collar only to have it tare the shirt right of kitsune

Kitsune "Ahahahah"

Thug3 "why you little" grabbing onto Kitsunes pant leg of his trailing foot only to have the same effect.

Now only in his under-ware kitsune emerges into another crowded street

Kitsune "Help rapists help big scary rapist are after me"

the crowded street parts as he runs closer and traffic comes to a halt, with only him and the two thugs still moving clearly pointing out to onlookers who kitsune meant.

Continuing to yell the same thing kitsune saw his mark two cops walking the sidewalk on their normal patrol. Predictable he thought as he saw them out his peripherals take note of the chase. "score he yelled" looking over his shoulders to see the two cops only able to grab one of the thugs the other breaking free. Damn he thought to him self now i gotta use that thing, man what a drag.

minutes later her turned a corner that lead to a bridge over a sewer canal. spinning on the bridge to face his final chaser. "Hold it right there" pulling out a remote trigger "rise shining GUNDAM!!!" pressing the trigger and nothing happening...

Kitsune "oh bugger"

Thug3 "oh so where's this gundam thingy"

kitsune "doesn't exist but this does" throwing the brief case down river and jumping into the sewer canal up river "niijima escape jutsu"

the act was finally complete the thug going after the case gave Kitsune time to get far up stream.

20 minutes later Kitsune exited the water and slid into a cargo crate area of the space port were he kept a drop bag hidden underneath the drain to a chemical shower. "first i will shower get this stench off me then i will get some passage and with that another job well done.

after showering her lifted the grate and pulled out a waterproof duffel bag and unzipped it. "WHAT!! seeing a bag full of packing peanuts and a note.

-Dear Kitsune I know you left cloths in a bag here, but i ripped you off, cheers! loser- -Jiraiya-

"that Da shabi" now standing there naked he wondered how he was gonna clear the open ground to the lockers with his travel bags locked away in them.
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:00 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

[quote=Ellie]Location: Boros Shipyard

Teddy led the way around the corner and stepped cautiously into open and Ellie was close behind. She quickly took in the situation. Timmy seemed to be bang around inside the old ship and leaning up against the outside hull was a stranger. Ellie came alongside Teddy, as the woman greeted them, “Well, now this is interesting isn’t it. Certainly not who I was expecting to show up.”

In a split second Ellie made a command decision, one that was not without risk. She lowered her weapon without a word or glance at Teddy, hoping he would understand she wanted him to do the same without actually having to tell him so. Something in the woman's posture told her this was a not a fight Ellie wanted to pick right now. It was on the stranger's ground and Ellie could distinctly feel they were at a disadvantage despite their superior numbers.

"Sorry to disappoint you. You wouldn't be the first person that wasn't happy to see me though, and I doubt you'll be the last." Ellie holstered her weapon and called to her prodigal son, "Timmy! If you're done poking your nose around, I think it's time we leave..."

Timmy didn't seem to have heard her, but chose that precise moment to come out of the bucket of bolts he was ransacking, waving something purple and lacy in the air as he did. "This purple bra yours?”

Ellie's eyebrows shot up and she looked from Timmy to the new woman and back again before clearing her throat to get his attention. "Tim!" Once he finally noticed her standing there she said, "Give the lady her... things back and let's get going."

She turned a bit, giving Teddy a quick glance. Things were not going as she had hoped and she wanted to be sure that he was ready for whatever might happen. This was certainly a test of whether or not she could rely on him under pressure.

Location: Boros Shipyard

Tag Zain, Timmy, Teddy
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:59 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Timmy wrote:Timothy only glanced in to Zain’s bag because he was told not to. He wasn’t planning on it. No, really he wasn’t going to but knowing Timothy’s character he peeks in to anything that dark and mysterious like a hole; in this case a big dark ‘closed’ bag. As he ‘peeked’ in to the one thing he was told not to look in to. He pulled out one item, which, confused him about the ‘Stiff’. The thing couldn’t belong to the ‘stiff’? Zain looked too ‘rigid’ to be a gal. When he was peeking as it didn’t count as looking in his eyes, however, Ellie knew the true meaning of that. Timmy’s M.O. was ‘look and took’ and he did. Whatever he had pulled out of Zain’s bag he chucked it in to his. Along with things he found shiny from the chou ba guai(, ugly as hell) of a spacecraft. Well really there was nothing to take here. His imagination took control, many of the objects reminded him of Gao wan and Da diao. “Well, now this is interesting isn’t it. Cer… ” Course he was too distracted to hear the rest of what Zain was saying. He was preoccupied with his thoughts and all. Timothy walked out from the chou ba guai shi hep and pulled out what he took from Zain’s bag. He held it up to Zain out in the open for all to see. Knowing Timmy he only meant showing it between them. He wasn’t aware that Miss Ellie was around with the Purple Belly. He pulled out the item he took it was a purple laced intimatewear. ‘This purple bra yours?” Timmy found proof that the stiff was really a gal. He wouldn’t have believed it all until he had proof of something he could see and touch. So he thought the ‘stiff’ is a da diao. Well, he wasn’t surprised that the bra was purple……
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:59 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

spark/Zain wrote:Zain stood in the shadows listening and anticipating the attack she knew would come. She let her senses loose. With the relaxed posture she was standing in she looked completely harmless. Yet she was aware of every little critter that ran on the god forsaken earth of this hell pit of a planet. But what irked her the most was the fact that she had to listen to the ramblings and the incoherent thoughts and babbles of idiot in her ship. She wanted to go in and beat him to a pummel when he did the only thing she asked him not to do. The only thing that kept her from doing that was the fact that someone or two someones had entered the yard. She waited with anticipation for them to find the boy. She would have preferred to have them search around a bit but it wasn’t hard not to hear the boy’s random babblings and the clutter of all the things he was pulling off in the ship. By the way she felt them move towards her ship Zain knew they heard the boy too. Zain was itching for a good showdown but she wanted to seem nonchalant about it. So she waited for them to come into view. They moved as quietly as they could but they weren’t quiet enough. The first thing she saw when they came into view were a pair of guns and the next thing she saw was a very familiar man holding the guns and that made her smile. From her perspective her job had just gotten easier until she saw the second person which made her completely rethink her strategy. Because the second person was the Dear Captain of the Jenny Wren aircraft. What puzzled her the most was the fact that the captain was tracking her own ship mechanic. But then again it made sense considering the boy was a little on the crazy side. She watched them get close enough to the ship door when she stepped out of the shadows from across the ship and said, “Well, now this is interesting isn’t it. Certainly not who I was expecting to show up.”
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:58 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Ellie wrote:Location: Boros, just leaving the Dancing Dog

Ellie paused just outside the door. Timmy's message was concerning to her. She wasn't sure what exactly he meant that he didn't do, but whatever it was if it wasn't him that did it, then who? It meant he wasn't alone, and she knew how he had a knack for finding trouble.

She looked at Teddy, "We need to look in on our wandering mechanic before we find our contact."

With a small apologetic shrug she led the way toward the scrapyard. Once they reached the outer edge of it she commented in a low voice to him, "Keep a sharp eye, from what he said it sounds like he's not alone. There's no telling what he's gotten into it..."

They made their way silently through the yard moving between piles of part and derelict ships. Pausing from time to time to listen. Finally Teddy indicated he heard something. Ellie stood still and listened then gave a short nod to let him know she heard it too and pointed in the direction of a ship that the voices seemed to be coming from. the two cautiously approached and slipped inside in search of Timothy.

Location: Boros, scrapyard

OCC: Tag - Teddy, Timmy and Zain
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:57 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Teddy wrote:Back Post to account for Timothy’s inquiry via the communication device:

Location: Location: Boros, the Drinking Dog

Just prior to Ellie coming back, actually as she was walking the distance between Teddy and the pianist, the small communication device alerted. He drew it in time to hear the message, but didn’t understand the message entirely. With practiced military precision, he replied “Stand by.”, and alerted Ellie when she sat down after she briefed him on what she’d learned. He repeated what the communication unit had said, the fact that it came in within the last 15 seconds, and handed it back to her.

At the conclusion of the song, with a flick of the wrist, he finished what was left of his meal, and drained his glass, he then stood up and dropped a garnished coin on the table for payment and tip (a non-new looking Alliance coin, so as not to attract unnecessary attention). He replaced his cap, tugging it on nicely, and waived his hand towards the door, “Lead on Captain.”

Location: Location: Boros, the Drinking Dog
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:56 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Timmy & Spark wrote:OOC - Joint Post between ‘spark’’ & ‘Timothy Heart't’.

“No need to worry. I apologize if I scared you. It was not my intent. I, um, that ship is not mine. It just seemed familiar so I thought why not check it out. I am most defiantly not Alliance. If I were your surely don’t think Alliance would wait around in a Junkyard. Any Alliance officer can buy parts at any Alliance supply yards or where ever they get repairs from. I am here in need for some parts for my ship, which I have not been able to find. I heard you were looking for parts for your ship. My ship is beyond repair so maybe we can make a deal. I will give you my ship parts if you can get me a ride on your ship. It is legally registered right. I mean your ship is legally registered. If not than you can move along and I will find some other ship. If you are interested my ship is right across from the ship I just chased you out of. So come and find me.” Timmy eyed the ‘stiff’ gal; he knew a con when he saw one and this smells like one. Or at least he thought if one could smell a con, this might be it. For a moment there he zoomed out as the gal spoke to him. The smell he thought was more of ‘Gou shi’ leading him to think it mustn’t be the smell of a con. So he watched the ‘stiff’ as she spoke. She ‘looked’ to be she was telling part truth and the other as if caught off guard. One thing he sure knew that this person was mendacious. He may look like an ‘Yúchǔn de méi lóng’ (, stupid mellon) to everyone including to himself with some exception to Ellie. However, subconsciously his mind analyzed the surroundings of every detail. She walked ahead to where her ship was. She could feel him behind her. She walked at a pace that if looked from a distance looked like a slithering snake unaware of her surroundings but would attack without effort. Some had compared her like a river, calm on the surface but deadly underneath. She could walk among a crowd, blend in like a chameleon, do what her assignment was and never be suspected of any crime.

Now she seemed completely harmless to him. She walked over to her ship and stood in the shade, leaned back and closed her eyes. She felt him move towards. He radiated so much energy and so much heat. She could hear the irregular beat of his heart. She could smell the fear and distrust from him, but one thing stood out above all. A small radar signal was being emitted from his right arm. She was not sure of it until she adjusted to the light after opening her eyes. She never knew why she always recoiled from the light but whenever she opened her eyes she was welcomed by the harshness of light, the piercing sounds of all the living things around her and most of all the anguished cries of her thoughts. It always took her full effort to not close her eyes or scream at the piercing touch of the light. This was one of the many reasons she loved the night. She could blend in with it and live without the harshness the day brought with its light. He followed her like a small boy being shepherd in to a van. Awaiting shiny parts for Ellie’s ship to fill up his endowed bag. The excitement with some apprehension not seen but felt by his beats beneath his chest. Timothy walked closer to the ship that was presented before him. Now she could clearly see the small invisible lines of a small signal being transmitted from him. She needed a reason to touch him to block the signal coming from him because she did not know who was tracking him. Whoever was tracking could be dangerous to her so she acted fast. As soon as he walked up to her she said, “So you came. I am sorry I didn’t get a chance to introduce myself. I am Zain Alexander. ” With that said she extended her right hand. As soon as her skin contacted with him she disabled the device. He looked at her, well he tried not to look at her. Well she touches him and was why he looked at her. He couldn’t figure why the ‘stiff’ touched his shoulder. Then thought that’s how folk do things but then again the ‘stiff’ don’t seem to be the folk to touch. His apprehension deepens slightly and Zain said, “Well let’s get down to business. Take whatever you like. I am about done with this ‘Gou shi’. I can’t afford to repair it any more. Walk around and see what you like. Don’t touch the bag that is on the floor and we will be in business. I will wait here and keep a look out. ‘O.K.’ He eyed her the same way and disappeared in to the ‘heap’. Timmy felt funny; that odd feeling ever since Ellie made him go to that ‘Shēngjiāng tóu sīshēngzǐ’ (Ginger Head bastard) doctor. What big hands that man had, scared the living ‘Shi’ out of him. After seeing that ‘Měilì de yīshēng’, Tám. He thought if the Doc had ‘Chārù’ that device in him would have been a different story. Course that thought alone got him to daydream a bit, forgetting where he was for a few seconds. ” She listened to what he said and just nodded her head and walked out the door. Zain started a mental countdown of how long it would take the boy’s tracker to come and take action. She knew she had to be prepared for anything. So she stood in the shadow provided by the ship across hers and waited for the domino effect to start that she had triggered by deactivating the boy’s tracking chip. Timothy woke up from his daydream and remembers why his in the scary place. He realized his Eillie’s leach has stop transmitting. That odd feeling stopped and he swears it was that. If only Zain was a man then he wouldn’t even think twice at the ‘touch’. Added to that she told him not to look in to a bag, which, he looked her through the wall and thought. Of all things to tell him you tell him that! Course he looked; well he peeked, that doesn’t count as ‘looking’. Timmy eyes widen and slowly looked away. There was nothing here to get but then again he wasn’t looking. He picked up random things and chucked it in to his bag.

He got even more nervous and in time his comms. goes off. “Timmy? How are things going, you alright? ” His eyes gets wider and he quickly finds a place to duck and cover. Ma’s voice was kinda being loud there! He pulls out his 'baby' pistol, from be hide the bulkhead he pokes his head out like a crazy person. To see that ‘stiff’, Zain be looking after him. He spoke in to the comms. and said, ‘Eillie! Wǒ fāshì wǒ méiyǒu zuò dào zhè yīdiǎn zhè yīcì!’ (, I swear i didn't do it this time!)During this time Teddy be holding the comms. device and the ex-alliance doesn’t understand Timmy’s ramblings. Timmy boy takes the comms. and hits it on his head, ‘Works you!’[/center]

OOC -[/color] I know what we talked about; ‘Spark’ but to help you think outside of the box (a bit). To help you write for your other stories some improvisation might challenge you to do that. Also show you how we do it Simm style, lol. However at the end we are still on plan on what we chatted about. :::: Winks ::::
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:55 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Teddy wrote:Location: Boros, the Drinking Dog

Teddy couldn’t help but roar with laughter “Jolly good! By God I can drink to that; one Solider to another!” he raised his glass, in a toast, than downed almost the remainder, placing the glass back down. He was pretty sure that him and Ellie wouldn’t ever be ‘friends’, if for not other reason then the fact that they had been on two different sides of a very emotionally filled conflict (although not unheard of enemies becoming friends after a time; it wasn’t frequent), they could at least have a mutual respect for one another as a solider respects another soldier.

Immediately as Ellie mentioned that the ‘entertainment’ had arrived, Teddy knew what she meant. His semi-relaxed persona disappeared, and he left his glass on the table. He took another bite of his burger, and adjusted his stance in the seat. If he needed to get up in a hurry, he’d be able to, but his change was subtle enough that it looked like he was just trying to get comfortable and wouldn’t raise any alarms. He nodded when Ellie got up, and asked him to keep an eye on her back.

Theodore placed the communicator his stormcoat pocket, and kept his eyes open. After a minute or so, he heard the piano begin playing, and Ellie returned to the table. “Looks like we have a contact. Once the song is over,” she eyed his plate, “and you are done eating, we can go.” At the conclusion of the song, with a flick of the wrist, he finished what was left of his meal, and drained his glass, he then stood up and dropped a garnished coin on the table for payment and tip (a non-new looking Alliance coin, so as not to attract unnecessary attention). He replaced his cap, tugging it on nicely, and waived his hand towards the door, “Lead on Captain.”

Location: Boros, the Drinking Dog
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:54 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Ellie wrote:Location: Boros, the Drinking Dog

After telling him why she was looking for Garret, Ellie listened as he seemed to wax philosophical yet again. She was learning he had a tendency to do that; this time it was about Mal. It never ceased to amaze her to hear what people thought of someone they did not know personally while she did.

“Funny isn’t it. How you can hate, and respect, a Man at the same time; only in Humanity’s uniqueness in the Cosmos can such two opposites go together," he finished his thoughts regarding Mal up.

Ellie grinned a bit and responded with a bit of a twinkle in her eye, "I've felt that way about Mal since the day I met him, though not for the same reasons I'm sure. Never met a man that could irritate me quicker than Malcolm Reynolds, but there are few people I would trust to have my back the way I trust him."

She raised an eyebrow at his comment regarding her being different than other freighter captains. ellie had not been a freighter captain for very long yet so she was not sure if that was good or bad either, but it didn't matter to her either way what he thought of her as long as he dealt straight with her.

He gave her a vage answer about his own plans which basically could be summed up in the words, "I'm not sure yet." Before she could really answer their order had arrived and he quickly downed a good amount of his whiskey and commented, “Now that’ll put hair on your chest for sure.” He reached down, grabbed his burger, lifted it to take a huge and unashamed bite out of it, before realizing what he’d just said “Um, present company excluded, of course; my apologizes at being so rash.” She gave a genuine laugh and responded, "We may have been on different sides, but let's be honest, a soldier is a soldier. You should know I've heard far worse things said in my company, and I've drank stronger stuff than they serve here." Despite this statement she had yet to drink her whiskey. It was not due to her ability to hold her alcohol, but rather because she wanted to keep her head clear when dealing with Garret.

Ellie listened as he answered her question regarding his choice of Jenny Wren to get off the planet and smiled. "Glad you avoided the romantic and spirit-lifting answers," she finally did take a small drink of the whiskey before continuing, "I've always been more of a realist."

Jane's voice interupted their conversation, “Our blue blip has strayed.”

Shaking her head she pulled out the communication device and called the wayward lad, "Timmy? How are things going, you alright?" She waited for his response, they had an established code word he would use if he had gotten into any trouble but could not speak freely. As she waited a man entered the bar and made his way over to the piano in the corner and Ellie straightened up to get a better look. He fit the description Mal had given her of their contact.

Taking a healthy swig of her whiskey this time she said casually to Teddy, "Looks like the entertainment has arrived. I think I might go request a song. Keep an eye out for me would you?" Ellie handed him the communicator as well, "And let me know what Timmy says if he answers while I am over there."

She crossed the room casually with a little money in her hand and once she reached the piano she leaned in and dropped it into the jar on top of the worn piano saying quietly, "Malcolm Reynolds told me you could tickle the ivories better than anyone else on Boros. That true?"

The man looked up at her curiously and she studied his appearance for a moment. He was wearing corduroy pants, a white button down dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up, a black vest that looked as worn as the piano and a gray fedora. His hair was shaggy and his face was in need of a shave, but his blue eyes looked back at hers as if scrutinizing her. He was obviously careful about who he did business with, but finally he spoke, "Mal is a little biased, but I play him the songs he wants when he stops in for a drink. How about you, got a request?"

She shrugged non-chalantly, "I always liked the old rag time numbers, they had spirit."

He laughed, "I can play a little Joplin for you. There's another guy here on Boros that is a real fan of rag time too. I think you two might have a lot in common. You should talk to him, he's staying at a boarding house just off the docks. Name's Dirk, at least that's what he told me. Leave him a message at the front desk and he'll find you."

"Thanks," she said with a warm smile and tapped the piano as she left back in the direction of the table. Behind her she heard him begin to play Maple Leaf Rag. Dropping back down onto her seat she downed the remainder of her whiskey and said, "Looks like we have a contact. Once the song is over," she eyed his plate, "and you are done eating, we can go."

Location: Boros, The Drinking Dog
by Ellie
Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:53 pm
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: Little Piece of Freedom (Chapter 1)
Replies: 100
Views: 7937

Re: Little Piece of Freedom

Teddy wrote:Location: Boros, The Drinking Dog

Theodore smiled inwardly at Ellie’s request, and her irritation at her request being questioned; she was for sure a unique woman. He kept a watchful eye on his surroundings, looking at Ellie and talking, listening, and constantly looking around the bar. He looked at the people, the doors, the windows, the communication equipment; everything that could be important, or dangerous, he kept an eye on. He also did it with practiced ease, and didn’t display the ‘paranoid persona’ of someone that was afraid of the local lawmen quickly appearing and arresting him, but it stayed in tune with him being a ‘bodyguard/protector’ of sorts; so in short, nobody paid him to much attention.

He smirked, a combination of sorrow, hatred and pride all mixing together. “Reynolds…” he replied simply “He was one of the most wanted men as far as Alliance Security was concerned. I hated him for what he was, is… whatever the proper term.” Teddy found his hands tapping on the table, raised them, and rubbed the bridge of his nose instead “I saw him as a traitor, a heretic, a murderer of the ‘just and righteous protectors’ of our race.” He sighed heavily, “Yet, at the same time, it was he who exposed what the military hierarchy had done; that it was OUR fault, our creation, our meddling with things we should not have been, which created Man’s biggest blight… The Reavers.” He spoke the last words softly, so nobody would hear, as he didn’t want to draw attention or cause panic; he leaned back in his chair to tug his shirt taunt and continued. “I’d proposed aggressive measures, an offensive operation, to take the fight to Them, and I could never figure out why. After that transmission, and all the ‘back peddling’ of Alliance Command, it all made sense. I lost a few good friends in that battle between the two fleets. A battle we needed to fight, one that I would have been part of had I not been two planets away, I just didn’t like the way it started is all.” He smiled, unable to help it “Funny isn’t it. How you can hate, and respect, a Man at the same time; only in Humanity’s uniqueness in the Cosmos can such two opposites go together.”

When Ellie mentioned ‘not selling’ him to a Bounty Hunter, Theodore couldn’t contain his laugh, and he burst out with a couple good belly laugh “Possibly a bad business decision, I bet I’m worth enough to upgrade your ship from end to end; Jolly good to know tho!” his grin stretched ear to ear.

He nodded as she answered his question “What most people in my position plan on doing. Finding work, and keep my bird in the sky. I suppose you've seen enough like myself to know that already though.” Theodore nodded again “True, I have. I couldn’t help but double check though. You seem to be ‘different’ from most ‘freighter Captain’s’ I’ve run into; guess I’m just trying to figure out if you different in a good way, or a bad way.”

“What about you; now that you're on the wrong side of the law what do you plan on doing?” Teddy shrugged, something he immediately regretted, because his healing injuries reminded him they were still there and not to be completely forgotten. “Honestly, not right sure. I have my ideals and some not-fully thought out ideas, but I won’t bore you with dreams of grandeur and a ‘better humanity’; at least not yet.” He smiled, and opened his arms wide as the waiter returned with their meal. “Fabulous!”

He grabbed his whiskey tumbler, and downed a good portion of it, the warm liquid burning his throat as it went down, and the fiery liquid splashing in his empty stomach like a rock in a lake. He replaced the tumbler, let out a content sigh “Now that’ll put hair on your chest for sure.” He reached down, grabbed his burger, lifted it to take a huge and unashamed bite out of it, before realizing what he’d just said “Um, present company excluded, of course; my apologizes at being so rash.” With that, he took a large bite into the burger, knowing from long experience not to expect ‘beef’ from anything other then an high class Alliance World or an Alliance base (if you were lucky then there too sometimes…), but it’s ‘realness’ tasted damn good, and he enjoyed every bit of it.

When he took his second bite, he noticed that Ellie had leaned forward on the table and was eyeing him good, a slight notch tightening in his stomach as he knew ‘that look’. He raised an eyebrow in approval of a question he knew was coming, and one that was probably very serious. “Why did you pick my ship? Out of all the ships you could have bought passage on, why Jenny?” He sat up in his chair, placing his burger back down on his plate, took a swig of his drink and dabbed his mouth with the towel that was on the table. “Well, Captain Ellie, I could give you lots of creative, friendly, romantic, indulging, and otherwise spirit lifting reasons; but what I get from you is that you prefer the truth, straight and simple as you please. You saved my life once, so I respect you enough to give you that.” He flexed his stiff hands, out of habit, and continued “I picked you because you gave me the quickest, and surest opportunity to get off that planet. You were talking in the bar about needing to find a crew, hurting for funding, and looked as if you wanted off that planet as well; obviously for a different reason though. I figured worst case scenario, I’d give you the majority of the credits I had, get off the planet, and if things went south, I’d get off at the first stop you found, either by my choice or yours, and then I’d go from there; I didn’t really have much thought of other then quickly getting off that planet. Basically it was decision based on convenience and self preservation.” He waited a second, then took another bite of his burger.

Location: Boros, The Drinking Dog

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