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by Spacedaisy
Sun Jul 24, 2016 1:23 am
Forum: U.S.S. Tempest (Syndicate Sim)
Topic: U.S.S. Tempest - Timeline
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U.S.S. Tempest - Timeline

So this is a timeline of events that have taken place, as things happen in the sim they will get put here. Other events are added as points of interest. These can change and update as we go. I will be editing this further in the future to help make it a little more readable. But for now here is a temporary timeline.

April 2153 – Enterprise NX-01 is Recalled shortly after a surprise attack on Earth by a species known as the Xindi.

2156 – Earth-Romulan War begins.

2160 – Battle of Cheron – Pivotal Battle between the Romulan Star Empire and the Earth, Andoria, Vulcan, and Tellarite alliance. This effectively ended the on-going conflict between the factions.

Stardate: -29479.71 - July 9, 2393 @ 21:44:03 – USS Excelsior detects the explosion of the Klingon moon Praxis.

Stardate: -29478.70- July 10, 2393 @ 06:31:06 – USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A Departs Starbase 001 to rendezvous with Kronos One.

Stardate: -29472.19 - July 12, 2393 @ 15:36:51 – Khitomer Conference takes place and are ratified ending a 100-year conflict between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. Enterprise and Excelsior destroy a Klingon Bird of Prey in orbit and stop an Assassination attempt on the Federation President.

Stardate: -29285.27- September 18, 2393 @ 20:57:07 – USS Enterprise NCC-1701-B Launched into service under the command of Captain John Harriman. Captain James T. Kirk is presumed killed helping the Enterprise B escape from “The Nexus”.

Stardate: 11723.28 – September 22, 2334 – Elianna Kestran is Born to Andren & Jasse Kestran.

-----------------------------------------2335 -----------------------------------------------
Stardate: 12200.76 – March 5, 2335 – Oliver Alexander Savage is Born to Blair & Martha Savage.

Stardate: 17249.54 – April 1, 2340 – Sullivan “Sully” Emily Derringer is born to Donald & Maggie Derringer.

Stardate: 20000.68 – January 1, 2343 – Galaxy Class Starship Project Started

Stardate: 23859.70 – November 10, 2346 – “Khitomer Massacre” Romulan attack on the Klingon planet in which four Thousand Klingons colonists were killed. Worf’s father Mogh was killed during the attacks. The attack on the planet was engineered by Ja’rod who worked with the supposed ally the Romulan Star Empire to make this happen. Worf was rescued from the planet by his adoptive parent Sergey Rozhenko aboard the USS Intrepid.

Stardate: 30001.48 – January 1, 2353 – Galaxy Class Starship Project begins Production with the USS Galaxy NCC-70637

Stardate: 30019.17 – January 8, 2353 – Oliver Alexander Savage Accepted to Starfleet Academy

2355 – “The Battle of Maxia” the USS Stargazer is lost under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard. The crew was forced to abandon ship after an engagement with an at the time Unknown alien vessel. Later is was found out that this vessel was of Ferengi origin. This battle was the Origin of what is now known as the “Picard Maneuver”

Stardate: 33214.68 - March 19, 2356 @ 13:50:00 – USS Galaxy NX-70637 launched for space trials.

Stardate: 33432.60 - June 7, 2356 – Elianna Kestran graduates from the University of Betazed.

Stardate: 33505.46 – July 4, 2356 – Oliver Alexander Savage Reports Aboard USS Copernicus NCC-58637

Stardate: 34233.78 – March 27, 2357 @ 08:00:00 - USS Galaxy NCC-70637 is commissioned for space duty.
Stardate: 34558.90 – July 24, 2357 – Oliver Alexander Savage Reports Aboard USS Leeds NCC-70352

Stardate: 37394.35 - May 28, 2360 – Elianna Kestran Graduates from Starfleet Academy

Stardate: 37450.30 – June 14, 2360 – Elianna Kestran reports aboard USS Hanuman NCC-46371

Stardate: 38580.82 – August 1, 2361 – Oliver Alexander Savage Reports Aboard USS Firebrand NCC-68723

Stardate: 40236.52 - March 28, 2363 – Commission Date of NCC-1852-A

Stardate: 40414.61 - June 1, 2363 – Keel Laid & Constructions begins on NCC-1852-A

Stardate: 40906.33 – November 27, 2363 – Elianna Kestran Reports aboard USS Tempest NCC-1852-A.

Stardate: 40674.88 – September 4, 2363 @ 08:00:00 - USS Yamato NCC-71807 Is Launched into service.

Stardate: 41025.5 – January 10, 2364 – USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D was officially put into service and sent on her first mission to Farpoint Station under the Command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard.

Stardate: 41445.15 – June 11, 23694 – Cameron “Corky” Corcoran was born to James & Catherine Corcoran.

Stardate: 41509.1 – July 5, 2364 – The USS Enterprise Encounters the planet Aldea. During their visit they find that the inhabitants are unable to have children any longer after an attempt to lure and take the children on board the Enterprise is made. It is discovered that the Aldean’s planetary shielding which allows them to cloak is the cause of the issue having mostly depleted their Ozone layer and ultraviolet radiation.

Stardate: 41697.9 – September 12, 2364 – USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D respond to a distress call by Doctor Paul Manheim on Pegos Minor. Manheim was performing time-gravity experiments which cause a destabilization in the dimensional fabric of space and time though he was successful it was at great cost to his health.

Stardate: 41723.9 – September 21,2364 – The USS Enterprise is intercepted by a Ferengi vessel captained by DaiMon Bok presents the Captain with his lost ship the USS Stargazer which was lost after the “Battle of Maxia”

Stardate: 41775.50 – October 10, 2364 – The USS Horatio is destroyed as a result of sabotage after meeting with the Enterprise D and Captain Picard is informed of a conspiracy by an alien species to take over Starfleet from within. This conspiracy is proven when the Enterprise D returns to Earth and Picard consults with members of the Starfleet Admiralty.

Stardate: 42006.73 - January 3, 2365 – Christening & Launch of USS Tempest NCC-1852-A under the command of Captain L’nar.

Stardate: 42609.10 – August 11, 2365 – USS Yamato NCC-71807 is destroyed after exposure to an Iconian Probe which corrupted the ships computer causing the loss of all life aboard the Yamato.

Stardate: 43739.72 September 28, 2366 – Oliver Alexander Savage Reports Aboard USS Thunderchild

Stardate 43989.10 @ 00:30:57 – December 28, 2366 – Enterprise D Discovers that the New Providence Colony on Jouret IV was destroyed. Later it was learned that the Borg were responsible.

Stardate: 44002.30 @ 20:08:52 – January 1, 2367 – The Battle of Wolf 359 – 39 Starship and 11,000 lives are lost.

Stardate: 44378.99 - May 19, 2367 – First Contact Made with the Vorlon, contact lasts for about 5 minutes.

Stardate: 44403.65 - May 28, 2367 – Vorlon delegation shows up in SOL, opens talks for Free Trade and is asked to join the Federation.

Stardate 45008.19 – January 4, 2368 -Oliver Alexander Savage accepted to Command School

Stardate: 47024.65 – January 10, 2368 – Oliver Alexander Savage Reports aboard USS Tempest NCC-1852-A as First Officer

Stardate 46125.30 – February 15, 2369 – USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D receives a distress call and locates the USS Jenolan which was lost in route to the Norpan Colony on Norpan Five. The Jenolan impacted the surface of what is known as a Dyson Sphere after suffering Warp Drive Failure.

Stardate: December 20, 2369 – Free Trade Agreement signed with Vorlon. Membership application to Federation still pending review by the Volron regarding “Relevancy”. The Entire process was completed in 36 words or less over the course of the meetings.

Stardate: 46968.03 - December 20, 2369 – Free Trade Agreement signed with Vorlon. Membership application to Federation still pending review by the Volron regarding “Relevancy”. The Entire process was completed in 36 words or less over the course of the meetings.

Stardate: 47311.40– April 24, 2370 @ 15:51:50 – The Hekaran’s present evidence of damage being caused to Subspace by the use of Warp Drive systems. The Warp Speed Limitations are put into effect by Starfleet and the United Federation of Planets to limit damage until a solution can be found. No Vessel May Travel above Warp 5 unless otherwise Authorized.

Stardate: 47393.90 – May 24, 2370 @ 18:36:00 – The USS Texas is sent on a Training Mission to the Orion Nebula on a simple survey mission. During the mission the crew encountered a large vessel of unknown origin. The Captain decided to investigate after receiving a message asking for “help”. The vessel was incredibly old. They found out that it was a long term sleeper ship which was damaged during transit back to their homeworld which had been devastated by some ecological disaster.

Stardate: 47820.25 – October 27, 2370 @ 09:30:56 – USS Lake Stevens makes first contact with an Unknown alien species which is later identified as the Lazan. They are engaged by them in an unprovoked attack. The Lake Stevens is able to run from the fight but the alien vessel peruses.

Stardate: 47820.72 – October 27, 2370 @ 13:30:25– The USS Texas has been on a Training cruise for the last 5 months, in that time they have visited: Tellar, Terra Nova, Mizar, and the Plexion Nebula. While on a re-supply layover at the Trill home world they received and responded to a Distress call from the USS Lake Stevens who has reported having come in contact with an Unknown alien vessel which has attacked them unprovoked.

Stardate: 47820.85 - October 27, 2370 @ 14:38:45 – USS Tempest NCC-1852-A is Nearly Destroyed at the Battle of Lyshan III after responding to the Distress call of the USS Lake Stevens. The crew is left Stranded on Lyshan III with the Crews of the USS Texas, and USS Lake Stevens.

Stardate: 47821.10 – October 27, 2370 @ 16:50:18 – The crews of the Tempest, Lake Stevens, and Texas begin to slowly find one another. Commander Savage and company begin to organize a camp where 83 Survivors come together. Sixty-One from the Lake Stevens, Thirteen from the Tempest, and Nine from the Texas. They are able to set up a distress beacon up but its signal seems to be blocked by the planet’s atmosphere or something in it. The signal is bouncing back and disrupting communications. Cadet Cleveland runs across on of the Aliens who they come to know later as the Lazan.
Stardate: 47821.24 – October 27, 2370 @ 18:03:44 – Night sets in on the planet and a massive Hurricane like storm sets in over the camp. The camp is attacked by some of the planets indigenous wildlife and Cadet Cleveland is nearly overwhelmed by the creatures who swarm the camp after being shot at by the Cadet. He is stunned by Commander Oliver and hauled back to an escape pod where they all ride out the storm.

Stardate: 47823.01 – October 28, 2370 @ 09:34:03 – The next morning the surviors wake up to a camp that is completely destroyed, mud and water has accumulated considerably. Cadet’s Cleveland and Derringer set out to see what attacked them in the night. They do find a cat like creature’s body with more than one tail, just indigenous life forms. While investigating this they run across a never before recorded creature which could only be described as a white fluffy horse with a horn. Much like a unicorn which appeared to have bonded albeit briefly with Cadet Cleveland. Weapons fire is heard in the distance, prompting Johnny and Sully to go investigate. After some debate and finding one of their escape pods had been pried open and one dead body left inside Commander Oliver decides to go investigate as well. He, Elianna, Homer, and Coolbreeze head out for the village. Cadets Cleveland and Derringer are captured by the Lazan at another Starfleet Encampment. After working out a burial detail for the bodies left at the camp Commander Savage and his group follow the trail left behind.

Stardate: 47823.77 – October 28, 2370 @ 16:15:28 – Oliver and Company locate the Lazan camp and Oliver decides that they need to try for a diplomatic solution to this situation. He and his party approach the camp. Meanwhile Cadets Cleveland and Derringer are being interrogated by the Lazan. Surprisingly they are not harmed until Johnny begins to get belligerent with them. It becomes apparently very quickly that this is an aquatic species as they seem to live and breathe in the water. Eventually they find out that the Lake Stevens offended the Lazan gods by “Breaching the Celestial Domain” with their vessel. They have been looking for someone to go through the atonement process to decide the fate of the Starfleet Crews, Guests, and Families. That person ends up being Commander Savage who aggress to go through the atonement process in order to save them all and end the conflict between their two people. The result is both positive and negative. Oliver is returns to his crewmates incapacitated and gravely injured but all the Starfleet, and Federation personnel are released. The Lazan even help them back to their camp.

Stardate: 47825.19 - October 29, 2370 - Crews of the Lake Stevens, Texas, and Tempest are found on Lyshan III, USS Tempest Recovered and sent to Utopia Planitia for evaluation.

Stardate: 47836.58 – November 2, 2370 @ 08:29:09 – Starfleet Corp of Engineering Survey of the Tempest is completed and repairs and refit are begun on the vessel. The inclusion of Upfit systems as well as a new design of Warp Field Coils are implemented, these are recent proven test designs to help limit or eliminate the Subspace Damage created by standard warp drive systems. Though already having been tested Starfleet is close to a role out date for this new design so it has been suggested that the vessel be equipped with them due to the opportunity presented.

Stardate: 47853.14 – November 8, 2370 – Oliver Alexander Savage promoted to the Rank of Captain and assigned as Commanding Officer to USS Tempest NCC-1852-A to oversee her refit/repair and continue the vessels current mission.

Stardate: 47871.91 November 15, 2370 @ 06:00:00 – Starfleet Corps of Engineers announces resolution to Warp Propulsion causing damage to Subspace. A Refit Schedule is put into place to retrofit Starfleet Vessels Warp Nacelles to prevent this damage. This technology is incorporated into the New Intrepid Class Starships.

Stardate: 47881.13 - November 18, 2370 14:45:00 – Crew of the Tempest is Recalled to Mars and put to work looking into the Lazan and the debris and other forensics materials found left behind while waiting for repairs and refit to complete on the Tempest.

Stardate: 47917.20 – December 1, 2370 18:45:00 – Off Duty – The crew has time for a brief respite before the ship is officially launched tomorrow.

Stardate: 47918.72 – December 2, 2370 08:00:00 – Captain Savage is called away to a Security Briefing with Starfleet Command regarding Orion Pirate activity upon returning he’s discovered that the ship was the subject of a bombing by an Orion Syndicate operative which is now being housed in the ships brig for transit and investigation by the crew in addition to their other mission objectives.

Stardate: 47922.08 – December 3, 2370 13:26:07 – The USS Tempest is re-launched for a shakedown cruise to determine the vessels space worthiness. Weapon systems tests determined that a sensor calibration was needed which was completed by Lt. J.G. Cleveland. During a Warp Drive test the system malfunctioned and main power was lost. The ship is currently in route to their first destination of Vulcan at Full Impulse power until the Warp Drive has been checked and brought back online.

Stardate: 47922.06 – December 3, 2370 13:15:00 – The USS Tempest is in route to Vulcan performing systems tests, the chief engineer was able to get our Warp Drive back into working order and back on track. Johnny Cleveland interrogated our Prisoner with the help of Fluffy which was entirely unorthodox but it worked. We were able to determine the name of the leader of this recent push by the Orion Syndicate who is known as Brek’udan. Several other incidents in which bombs or sabotage was deployed against various targets throughout the federation, the USS Merrimac was nearly destroyed as the result of one such incident.

Stardate: 47923.85 – December 4, 2370 05:00:00 – A new addition to our crew Ensign Eldrida our new Head Councilor reported aboard, shortly afterwards an incident involving Johnny and Fluffy occurred which sent him to sickbacy. We are waiting for the prison ship to arrive to take control over our guest down in the brig, and our cargo exchange continues.

Stardate: 47924.99 – December 4, 2370 14:57:01 – Federation News Network Broadcast – Several Terrorist attacks occurred on medical supply storage on Denobula as well as several other vessels such as the USS Exeter and the Mirrimac which was nearly destroyed. These attacks have been claimed by the Orion Syndicate group run by one known as Brek’Udan.

Stardate: 47925.39 – December 4, 2370 18:30:13 – The USS Tempest continues its cargo exchange with Vulcan and preparations to head to Denobula to drop our new wares. We received a communique from the S.S. Golden Nair letting us know they were waylaid by Orion Pirates. They did arrive close to on time, however the vessel had been captured by pirates whom engaged the USS Tempest and liberated our prisoner and jumped out of system after disabling the ship. Fluffy and Johnny Cleveland have created a bond and mental link. Fluffy has become solid at will and talks now with others and is apparently still learning.

Stardate: 47938.62 – December 9, 2370 14:20:55 – The USS Tempest encounters a navigational hazard by way of a large comet. Upon investigation, the crew located a structure on the surface. Commander Derringer, Lieutenant J.G. Johnny Cleveland, and Lieutenant Commander Elianna Kestran took a shuttle to investigate. The crew found some sort of storage device at the heart of the only chamber in the structure. Lt. Cleveland out of curiosity touched a small gem like device at the center, which cut his finger and immediately opened the chamber. Which to the naked eye appeared to be empty. Shortly after opening, the crew began to hear voices of some Omnipotent being which we can only assume was released from the chamber. We spent several hours going over the data after the fact and determined that despite its terrestrial origins the chamber was from earth. The crew was able to find cellular remains within the chamber, and Cypriot Syllabary, which is from Earth’s Greek Culture. Once relieved by a Science vessel the Tempest continued her course for Denobula.

Stardate: 47975.77 – December 23, 2370 03:47:11 – USS Tempest arrives at Denobula and begins to offload cargo, and takes on additional crew and supplies.

Stardate: 47984.53 – December 30, 2370 08:30:11 – USS Tempest Departs from Denobula

Stardate: 47987.50 – December 27, 2370 @ 10:30 – Jem’Hadar first Encountered by Sisko, Jake, Nog, and Quark in the Gamma Quadrant. The USS Odyssey NCC-71832 is Destroyed. This begins the Cold War between the Federation and Dominion forces.

Stardate: 48038.50 – January 17, 2371 19:11:11 – USS Tempest Arrives at Utopia Planitia Fleet Ship yards, Mars in the SOL System. Full system checks are performed. Review of diagnostic and sensor data is conducted to assess the ships deployment ready status. Additional crew, supplies, and munitions are loaded aboard.

Stardate: 48055.70 – January 21, 2371 08:00:00 – USS Tempest is given the all clear to begin her first deployment by the Starfleet Corp of Engineers.

Stardate: 48056.86 – January 21, 2371 18:06:19 – Captain Oliver Savage is provided orders to report to the Planet Pacifica for exploratory duties.

Stardate: 48058.22 – January 22, 2371 06:00:00 – USS Tempest Departs the Sol System for first layover at Starbase 67 on her way to the planet Pacifica.

Stardate: 48117.65 – February 12, 2371 22:39:02 – USS Tempest Arrives at for crew transfer, resupply, and cargo transfers.

Stardate: 48119.56 – February 13, 2371 15:24:01 – USS Tempest Departs from Starbase 67 heading for planet Pacifica.

Stardate: 48136.33 – February 19, 2371 18:16:02 – Lt. Cmdr. Kestran, Cmdr. Derringer, Lt. JG. Cleveland, and Ensign Trost spent some quality team building time in the Holodeck together in a program requested by Doctor kestran.

Stardate: 48142.25 – February 21, 2371 22:10:45 – USS Tempest Arrives at Pacifica, transfers crew and supplies. Crew provided shore leave up until scheduled departure time on Stardate: 48146.00.

Stardate: 48146.00 – February 23, 2371 07:00:00 – USS Tempest Departs Pacifica on a six month deployment of exploration.

Stardate: 48315.60 – April 28, 2371 @ 04:39:21 – USS Voyager Lost in the Bad Lands, presumed destroyed.

Stardate: 48162.96 – March 1, 2371 11:34:04 – The USS Tempest locates an uncharted Solar system, which contains 13 planetary bodies, 2 asteroid belts, and a single class M planet. Upon investigation of the planet, the crew located a sensor dead zone on the planet surface. Commander Derringer, Lieutenant J.G. Cleveland, Lt. Cmdr. Kestran, and Ensign Trost took a shuttle to the surface to investigate the anomaly. Further scans of the planet indicate that there are no signs of advanced life forms, mostly insect and animal life. The planet appears to be entirely of a tropical environment. The away team begins to explore on foot and finds a very long rut which has been since overgrown but clearly something crashed here, and it leads into the sensor dead zone. Lt. Cleveland is nearly killed when he fell into a mud pit of some sort. After some deliberation, he is rescued. Lt. Cleveland’s communicator badge picks up a distress call, which is nearly unintelligible. The crew continue through the barrier and suddenly find themselves in a desert. All signs of the tropical planet are gone. Scans taken of the barrier up close do yield some results; the field is very similar to a Warp Field bubble and is completely a sphere, which even penetrates deep into the ground. The Away team once upon the other side of the field can see a crashed Starship in the distance. Scans reveal conflicting readings with Carbon dating of the sand and elements within. It shows a difference of 80 years in the past. The automated distress call begins playing on everyone’s communicators. The away team presses on to find that the vessel affected upon the surface is a Sydney class vessel and that it is the USS Paris. Though the vessel is badly damaged, its lower two decks having been crushed on impact, the vessel is still powered. They find an entry point by way of a large gash in the side of the vessel. Searching an archived file via one of the tricorders the team learned that the USS Paris disappeared some 80 years ago. They detect 1 life sign which is located in Sickbay. Having a bright idea someone uses an old encryption program to filter the distress call and they are able to confirm the name of the ship and that one of the survivors a Lieutenant Emily Reed was still alive sometime after impact.

Stardate: 48163.06 – March 1, 2371 12:29:35 – Cmdr. Derringer, Lt. JG Cleveland, and Lt. Cmdr. Kestran board the USS Paris in search of the lone survivor. There is a difference of opinion on which way to go. Cmdr. Derringer proceeds to the bridge via the life support ducting system, while Elianna and Johnny go to Sickbay. They are forced to use ladder ways to get there. Several bodies, which are likely crew of the Paris, are located as Johnny and Elianna traverse the ship. It becomes more apparent as Elianna and Johnny traverse the ship that it is losing its structural integrity. When sully finally makes his way through the vents to the bridge, he finds a peculiar scene. The bridge crew is stuck frozen in time in their last moments before the crash on the planet. There are explosions frozen in time, debris. The planet is clearly on the viewscreen and very close. Elianna and Johnny arrive at Sickbay; they follow the life sign into the Stasis chamber. There is only one active. Scans of the bodies in sickbay show that they had only died 2 months prior. The ship is plagued by power surges, which seem to make everyone nauseated. Everything seems to be going well when the Lieutenant is brought out of stasis. But that quickly changes. Scans show two distinct brainwave patterns are present, and she appears to be having cluster headaches as a result, causing her immense pain. While Sully is present on the bridge another power surge, this time the action on the bridge actually advances a few seconds and stops again. The strain on the ship, it can be felt and heard throughout. Elianna, and Johnny with their new found friend in tow attempt to make it to Engineering to shut down the vessels experimental drive. However, not before the ship begins to collapse in on itself. The crew narrowly escape, but are not out of the woods just yet. The vessel is still coming apart. The Away team makes it back to the ship with the Lieutenant they found in sickbay but the unthinkable happens. The USS Paris detonates and the resulting effect consumes the planet and the USS Tempest with it.
Time came to a standstill for the crew of the Tempest though it seemed, as though they had died, they had not. They were being held in a time bubble. The only person who was aware of the change was Commander Derringer, he has the pleasure of meeting Empussa, a self-proclaimed god of old and clearly an omnipotent being.

Stardate: 48181.73 – March 8, 2371 – 08:00:00 – The USS Tempest misses her seven-day standard data check in. USS Renegade sent to investigate after all attempts to communicate with the Tempest fail.

Stardate: 48188.37 – March 10, 2371 18:08:31 – The USS Renegade arrives at the last known location reported by the USS Tempest. A Solar system of 12 planets. During their sweep of the solar system they find a Warp Dead zone where a 13th planet presumed to be class M was once located. No signs of the USS Tempest. No indication that the ship ever left the solar system. The USS Tempest is presumed lost with all hands.

Stardate: 48212.40 – March 19, 2371 @ 12:37:26 – USS Defiant assigned to Deep Space 9.

Stardate: 48622.50 – August 26, 2371 @ 05:06:00 – A significant Cardassian & Romlan (Tal-shiar) force goes through the worm hole and is nearly wiped out by the Dominion. Battle of the Omarion Nebula.

Stardate: 48650.10 – August 26, 2371 @ 06:52:33 – The USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D was Destroyed at the Battle of Veridian III. Lursa & Be’tor are both killed with all hands on their Klingon Bird Of Prey. The crew made an emergency landing of the Saucer module on the planet.

Stardate: 49011.04 – January 5, 2372 – War is Declared on the Federation by the Klingon Empire. The First Battle of Deep Space Nine occurs.

Stardate: 50340.20 - May 5, 2373 @ 04:09:13 – New Star Trek TNG Movie Uniform put into Use.

Stardate: 50519.98 – July 9, 2373 @ 19:03:18 – Open Hostilities between the Dominion and the United Federation of Planets begins.

Stardate: 49827.5 – October 29th, 2372 – USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E is launched under the command of Captain Jean-Luc Picard.

Stardate: 50893.50 – November 23, 2373 @ 03:03:35 – Colony on Ivor Prime was destroyed, evidence was provided that indicated that the Colony was destroyed by a Borg Cube which was later determined to be heading directly for Sector 001, Earth.

Stardate: 50893.98 – November 23, 2373 @ 07:19:18 – USS Enterprise E Joins the Battle of Sector 001 to defeat the Borg Cube, travel back in time and stop the Borg from disrupting the time line.

Stardate: 50340.20 - May 5, 2373 @ 04:09:13 – New Star Trek TNG Movie Uniform put into Use.

Stardate: 50519.98 – July 9, 2373 @ 19:03:18 – Open Hostilities between the Dominion and the United Federation of Planets begins.

Stardate: 50975.20 – December 22, 2373 @ 22:45:07 – Sisko Mines the entrance to the Worm Hole causing the Dominion to Openly Declare War against the Federation. The Dominion Take DS9.

Stardate: 50384.20 – May 21, 2373 – The “Q” Civil War takes place.

Stardate: 50975.20 – December 22, 2373 @ 22:45:07 – Sisko Mines the entrance to the Worm Hole causing the Dominion to Openly Declare War against the Federation. The Dominion Take DS9.

Stardate: 50975.27 – December 22, 2373 @: 23:21:54 – “The battle of Torros III“ a combined force of Starfleet & Klingon Defense force vessels destroy the Dominion ship yards at Torros III.

Stardate: 50984.30 – December 26, 2373 – USS Voyager makes a near disastrous first contact with a species known only by the Borg Designation as “Species 8472” an aggressive species that lives in “Fluidic space” while traversing known Borg Space. A human by the name of Annika Hansen known as 7 of 9 is liberated from the Borg during the brief conflict.

Stardate: 51033.82 – January 13, 2374 - The battle of Betazed is fought by Federation forces, the planet is lost to the Dominion. This position is the subject of several battles due to its strategic position.

Stardate: 51040.36 – January 15, 2374 - Battle of the Tyra System – The Seventh fleet comprised of 112 vessels engages the Dominion and suffers a resounding defeat loosing 98 vessels. Only 14 returned to Federation lines.

Stardate: 51180.17 – March 7, 2374 - Operation Return: Re-capture of Deep Space Nine by Federation forces.

Stardate: 51721.30 – September 21, 2374 – The Romulan Star Empire Enters the Dominion war siding with the Federation and its allies. Dominion Forces launch a surprise attack deep into Federation territory from the Kalandra Sector catching the 10th Fleet by surprise during a training exercise. The planet Betazed is taken by the Dominion forces in under 10 hours. This leaves Federation core worlds such as Andor, Tellar, Alpha Centauri, and Vulcan vulnerable to attack.

The USS Bellerophon NCC-62048 is nearly destroyed during the “Battle of Betazed” only half her crew is recovered in escape pods. Lieutenant J.G. Rachael Marie Savage is gravely wounded and disfigured during the battle and evacuation, later to be Medically Discharged from Starfleet.

Stardate: 51723.82 – Sepember 22, 2374 - Blair Martin Savage is found among the dead at the Starfleet Security facility on Betazed, he stood in defense against the Dominion when ground forces were landed on the planet.

Stardate: 51728.21 – September 23, 2374 - Liberation of Benzar – The Romulan Star Empire liberates the planetary system from the Dominion after entering the war effort on the side of the Federation.

Stardate: 51750.22 – October 1, 2371 – Martha Ann Arturo-Savage is admitted to Grants Pass General Hospital. She is later moved to the Rogue River Assisted Living Community.

Stardate: 51973.51 – December 22, 2374 - The first battle of Chin’toka. Starfleet takes the system from the Dominion. Jadzia Dax is Killed by Gul Dukat.

Stardate: 52152.60 – February 25, 2375 – The IKS Rotarran with Worf, Martok, Bashier, and Miles O’Brien destroy the Monac Shipyards in honor of Worf’s late wife Jadzia Dax. Ezri Dax assigned to Deep Space Nine.

Stardate: 52225.57 – March 24, 2375 – “Siege of AR-558” in the Chin’toka system.

Stardate: 52376.25 – May 18, 2375 – “Battle of Ricktor Prime” USS Grissom NCC-42857 is Destroyed in an Engagement with the Dominion, only 6 survivors of 1250 aboard at the time.

Stardate: 52609.13 – August 11, 2375 – “Invasion of Septiumus III” – The Cardassian’s lost five hundred thousand troops to a massive Klingon attack when the world was taken. The Dominion did nothing to stop this which started the rift growing between Dumar and the Dominion.

Stardate: 52622.83 - August 16, 2375 – The Breen break through Federation Territory and attack earth. The “Second Battle of Chin’toka” and the official entry of the Breen into the War effort on the Dominion’s side. The employment of the “Energy Dampening Weapon” was the cause of 311 of the 312 Starfleet and Allied Vessels destruction at the Battle. The USS Defiant is Destroyed.

Stardate: 52636.52 – August 21, 2375 – “Battle of Rondac III” – Legit Dumar begins the Cardassian Rebellion and attacks the Cloning facility of the Vorta, though the attack is successful the Cardassian’s fail to take the planet.

Stardate: 52636.52 – August 23, 2375 – “Battle of Avenal” General Martok is ordered by Chancellor Gowron to engage this system in which he is outnumbered six-to-one. The battle is a resounding failure in which seven Klingon Vessels are lost and only five badly damaged vessels return. Martok is severely wounded.

Stardate: 52886.41 – November 20, 2375 – The USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E responds to an incident involving Data on the Planet Baku in which he attacked a Federation Observation post. Later it is exposed that the Son’a originally partners with the Federation were planning a forced relocation of the Son’a inhabitants in order to capture anti-aging properties present in the planets rings.

Stardate: 52910.50 – November 29, 2375 @ 08:00:00 – The Treaty of Bajor was signed ending hostilities between the United Federation Of Planets and the Dominion. The complete withdraw of Dominion Forces and the return of captured lands back to their original pre-war boarders.

Stardate: 52935.15 – December 8, 2375 – “Battle of Cardassia” Starfleet, Klingon, Romulan and Cardassian forces engage the remaining Breen, Dominion force at Cardassia Prime. 800 Million Cardassians are killed by Dominion forces in mass Genocide.

Stardate: 52976.25 – December 23, 2375 – The Treaty of Bajor was signed ending hostilities between the United Federation Of Planets and the Dominion. The complete withdraw of Dominion Forces and the return of captured lands back to their original pre-war boarders. Captain Benjamin Sisko leaves to join the Profits.

Stardate: 53420.76 – June 3, 2376 – The Pathfinder Project makes first contact with the USS Voyager in the Delta Quadrant establishing the first two way communications channels between them. And confirming that Voyager was indeed still around.

Stardate: 54973.40 – December 22, 2377 – USS Voyager Returns home from the Delta Quadrant. Their trip home has disastrous consequences for the Borg which would affect them for a long time to come.

Stardate: 56844.90 – November 5, 2379 @ 09:19:26 – USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E Engages the Reman Vessel Scimitar at the Battle of Bassen Rift.

2382 – The Typhon Pact is established between the Romulan Star Empire, Breen Confederacy, Tholian Assembly, Gorn Hegemony, Tzenkethi, and the Holy order of the Kenshaya.

2387 – The Star known as Hobus went Supernova and destroyed countless planets including Romulus. An attempt was made by Ambassador Spock to stop the destruction and though he did stop it from consuming countless more star system he was too late to save Romulus. Spock is presumed lost.



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