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by Teddy
Thu Oct 26, 2017 7:18 am
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)
Replies: 70
Views: 14400

Re: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)

Location: Jenny Cargo Ramp

Theodore nodded in affirmation to Ellie's request, and while the three of them walked towards the group that approached, creating a small buffer zone, he stayed back. He leaned back on the Mule, and pulled a knife and a piece of wood off the ground, and began strike the two together; wildling it down. Every fair sized piece that came off, he picked at his teeth with. He looked very casual and very indifferent to what was going on, very much a hired hand. While his sidearm sat comfy at his side, and his shotgun slung over his back, he didn't look threatening, he looked bored.

That was the idea.

He'd learned long ago, a woman could be just as dangerous as a man, even more so, and he didn't want to take any challenges. He watched the group talk, and took a drink from his canteen. There was an exchange of information of some kind, but he kept his eyes open on his surroundings; without actually appearing to do so.

When the group returned with information and their decision, Teddy commented lowly to Ellie; "Not sure what ya'll were talking about, but we weren't the only ones present to it." When Ellie looked at him, he continued. "About a mile, mile and half, off to the West, in the tree's behind the paired boulders; caught me a glint of a reflection. As soon as you three started heading back, I could see a small dust cloud and trail heading away." He took another swig from his canteen, never fully looking at the direction of the odd activity, just in case they were still being watched.

He flicked a piece of the wood from his teeth, into the ground. "So, what did our cohort's friend have to say? Anything interesting?"

Location: alongside The Mule
by Teddy
Thu Oct 19, 2017 6:45 am
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)
Replies: 70
Views: 14400

Re: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)

Location: Jenny Wren Companionway over the Cargo Hold

When Theodore saw Kitsune rise and still had the bottle unbroken, he punched a fist in the air and shouted down at him "Good show Sir, just bully of you! Gotta keep your priorities eh?"

Things had calmed and it was noticable that the ship had landed, his ears could even hear the engines winding down and the struts settling. He shook out the ache, or at least tried, the pain in his shoulder that revealed itself during the landing, and muttered under his breath. He saw Ellie approach and peer down on Kitsune, then look back at him. "What to join us planetside, Teddy?" He came to a form of attention, and smiled back. "It'll probably be safer down there, then aboard with our pilot currently I'd think." A smile crossing his ace, "At your disposal, Miss Ellie." He came about, and followed behind her.

Location: Jenny Wren
by Teddy
Fri Oct 13, 2017 7:17 am
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)
Replies: 70
Views: 14400

Re: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)

Location: Jenny Wren Companionway

As the ship rocked and banked, coming in for the planned landing, Teddy just held onto the railings tight. One hand on each side of the walkway, trying to sturdy himself, his trust saber scabbard clanking from side to side.

"By golly I miss the bridges of the Heavy Cruisers and Dreadnaughts..." Another hard turn, another sway to one side "Ain't thrown around this bad since the combat landing during Settlement 372 in the Badlands uprising... and that was AFTER the rebellion... Sheesh... Those dropship pilots are crazy too!"

Hearing a loud grunt, and some crashing boxes, Theodore looked over the railings he was riding and saw a few legs sticking out from under a crate, just prior to the box being pushed off and Kitsune sitting up cursing. He called down to him "What are you laying around for lad, can't you see our pilot's dodging incoming space?" he laughed heartedly as the landing concluded, ship and crew still rocking away.

Location: Jenny Wren Companionway over the Cargo Hold
by Teddy
Fri Oct 13, 2017 7:07 am
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)
Replies: 70
Views: 14400

Re: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)

Location: Jenny Wren Cockpit

"Complications you say?" a wiry smirk crossing his face "Oh, just sounds bully indeed Miss Ellie." Turning to leave the Cockpit, "I suppose I oughta give my gear a once over too, in case there are any more 'complications' on Harvest."

He turned back when she called out to him, and took the offered credits. He split the amount and gave the rest back. "Never did pay you back for those medical supplies you wasted on me when you picked me up; my shoulder thanks you. My pride..." he smiled "Is still pondering it all."

He took off down the step ladder, calling up as he did, "Let me know when you're readying to disembark, and I'll accompany ya out!"

Passing Kitsune, he replied "No, I haven't seen the lad for a spell either."

Location: Jenny Wren Companionway
by Teddy
Thu Oct 05, 2017 9:36 am
Forum: Big Damn Heroes
Topic: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)
Replies: 70
Views: 14400

Re: You're Gonna Miss Me (Chapter 4)

Location: Crew Quarters

Theodore was asleep on his bunk, an empty bottle laying on the nightstand, his hat over his head, and snoring away.

With no enemies to deal with, and not being overly social himself, there wasn't much for him to do. He'd stayed in his quarters mostly since his last talk with Ellie. He'd cleaned his weapons, his gear, and did his laundry; pressing his shirts just right and crimping his duster cap just perfectly. He hit the bourbon to his ills, both his memories and his physical pains, but never to the point of being incapacitated drunk. He'd taken most of his meals in his quarters as well, and had recently passed on the large meal that was made.

It was only when the ship took it's emergency departure, and he found himself on the ground instead of his bunk, that he awoke and roused to figure out what was going on; his trained hearing told him that the engines were flaring hot and hard.

Gathering himself, and slinging his gear, he left his quarters to check in and see what was happening. Pulling his hat down to his eyes, and adjusting his glasses, he stepped into the hallway and could hear voices coming from the Cockpit.

He climbed the ladder and found Capt. Ellie and the pilot talking, and joking. "Ah, good. For a moment there my shoulder and I thought there was a problem; not the first time I awoke to such a clatter."

Location: Cockpit

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