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by Fractal
Sun Jul 22, 2018 10:40 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 276997

Re: Fractal - Interrogation Room

Fractal wrote: Wed Jul 18, 2018 12:13 pm oh, wrong account, whatever.

Bonus facts about Foxy (Some part of the family says she's spelled "Foxie", but she's not):

-Likes cucumber
-Often goes outside for 1-3 minutes and then comes inside acting like she's dying of hunger (preferably to a person that doesn't know she hasn't been out for long)
-When someone is scratching her behind her ears, and she feels the person isn't giving it their all, for example only using 1 hand, she'll gently bite the person in the chin until they give her all the attention/respect she feels she deserves.
-As soon as she smells the faintest trace of shrimps, she'll sit and look up with as big cute eyes as she can muster, for up to 10 minutes.
by Fractal
Fri Jul 20, 2018 7:15 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 276997

Re: Fractal - Interrogation Room

nutella wrote: Thu Jul 19, 2018 9:16 pm I'd argue that Codenames also has a social deduction element, at least in my experience there's a very psychological/personal bent to deciphering the clues. I love that game as well, and Resistance is fun too (haven't played it as much)

do you have any favorite video games besides league?

and since owner just mentioned game design, have you ever been into that/made your own games of any kind (computer/board/whatever or i guess mafia design would also count)?
I think people generally use "social deduction" as a term for hidden-role games that's derived from mafia, but yeah Code names is certainly a social game including a lot of deduction.

Was a while since last time but now and again I go back to wc3/sc2 custom games that i've always enjoyed, so i'd call those my 2 favorites after league. I recently replayed Cave Story, and it's still great. Undertale is pretty awesome too.

Game design is cool, and even though I've never made a bigger project/game it's always interested me. When i was like 5-7 y/o i kept making levels in a game called "Rocks and Diamonds" and made my dad play them. If i play something it's constantly in the back of my mind if there's something simple that could be changed to make it more enjoyable somehow.
by Fractal
Thu Jul 19, 2018 7:04 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 276997

Re: Fractal - Interrogation Room

JaggedJimmyJay wrote: Thu Jul 19, 2018 2:23 am Table tennis is the only sport I love as much as ultimate frisbee. :nicenod:

What kind of racket do you wield?

Do you favor backhand or forehand, if either?

Which hand do you use for table tennis?


I use long pimples on backhand, and a slow spin-heavy normal rubber on forehand. It's kinda hard to decide which of back/forehand i prefer since they're so different, but both are needed to complete the playstyle. Most of the time I use my pimples (backhand) to gain advantages and then try to finish it off with a forehand attack.

I'm right handed.

Sure thing, come at me
by Fractal
Wed Jul 18, 2018 5:22 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 276997

Re: Fractal - Interrogation Room

- Do you enjoy tabletop and other board/strategy/card games other than mafia? If so, what are some of your favorites?
Social deduction games are generally my favorites. I enjoy Resistance and secret hitler (both with some house rules to make the weak points of the games more interesting IMO), but favorite game in that genre is "don't mess with chuthulu". It's not as widespread as the others, but it's really good in that it fits newers players more, while still having a lot of depth for experienced players. I just love that game to my core.

Apart from social deductions i really enjoy Codenames, i've played it loads with both family and friends.

(i guess you'd count League of Legends as a strategy game, i play that quite a lot)
- Table tennis! That's cool. Are you a table tennis pro then? Do you play standard tennis as well?
uhm, if you define pro as earning money (no matter how little), i guess I technically am a "table tennis pro" until the end of summer :haha:
No, i don't play normal tennis even though i've thought it's been fun the few times i tried it. I played table tennis from when i was 8 to like 15, then i quit, and now i recently started again 9 months ago or so (i'm 21 now).
- Do you enjoy any other sports? If so, what is (are) your favorite(s) to spectate and/or play?
Nope, no other sport

I generally think it's more fun to play sports myself than watch them so i don't really watch much sports except for sweden in the football world cup for example. The "exception" if you can call it that is league of legends e-sports, which i watch decently regularly.
by Fractal
Wed Jul 18, 2018 12:13 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 276997

Re: Fractal - Interrogation Room

oh, wrong account, whatever.

Bonus facts about Foxy (Some part of the family says she's spelled "Foxie", but she's not):

-Likes cucumber
-Often goes outside for 1-3 minutes and then comes inside acting like she's dying of hunger (preferably to a person that doesn't know she hasn't been out for long)
-When someone is scratching her behind her ears, and she feels the person isn't giving it their all, for example only using 1 hand, she'll gently bite the person in the chin until they give her all the attention/respect she feels she deserves.
-As soon as she smells the faintest trace of shrimps, she'll sit and look up with as big cute eyes as she can muster, for up to 10 minutes.
by Fractal
Wed Jul 18, 2018 10:25 am
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 276997

Re: Fractal - Interrogation Room

what's the worst nightmare you've ever had if you can remember it?
I cant remember specifics, but i remember having had one where i was utterly convinced i was gonna die, and felt very suprised/relieved when i woke up. Dont generally remember my dreams though.
what's your horoscope?
Aries (had to google to recall)
are you superstitious?
do you have any pets?
1 cat
how are you enjoying this drought?
It's a bit too hot, was especially annoying when in a car yesterday. But on the whole i'm personally not too affected
by Fractal
Mon Jul 16, 2018 1:49 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 276997

Re: Fractal - Interrogation Room

- If you could travel anywhere right now with no concern for time or money, where would it be?

I would very much like to try joining some poker tournaments in Las Vegas to see how I would do and it sounds like a cool experience.

- Favorite book? TV show? Movie?

Book: Harry potter and the methods of rationality.
Tv show: if anime is included its a tie between Hunter x Hunter (2011) and Deathnote. If not then House and the simpsons are both pretty good.
Movie: The dark knight (heath ledger's Joker is legendary)

- Do you prefer to be town or mafia?


- Most treasured moment as a member of the town?

Town games are less rememberable to me for some reason, even if i enjoy them in the moment more. One that comes to mind is when i was vigilante and the town just would never agree with the lynches i wanted during the days, so i just shot them in the night. I ended up shooting every single one of the 4 mafias. One of my proudest moments if nothing else.

- Most treasured moment as a member of the mafia?

During a game of IRL mafia i got the feelkng the person sitting on the other side of the ring from me was preparing to say something important. I just went with my hunch and instantly claimed cop with a red-check on the person who wanted the word in 1 breath. Turned out i was right and that person responded "no IM the cop", but it was too late and we ended up lynching the cop, who tried his damndest to convince people but the town just couldnt believe that I was mafia and randomly decided to fake claim a redcheck on the actual cop. Best feeling ever.
by Fractal
Mon Jul 16, 2018 12:58 pm
Forum: Welcome to the Family
Topic: Interrogation Room - alexa
Replies: 4339
Views: 276997

Re: Fractal - Interrogation Room

Thanks to dunya for arranging this, hey all ^^
Recruited to us through M Plus 7's champs game which Fractal was a part of
I only spectated, but otherwise correct, his level of investment was pretty inspiring
are you an only child or do you have siblings?
2 siblings, both younger
have you traveled much? where to?
Depends on who you compare to i guess. My favorite trip was to the US, where my family together with my cousins family hired a place in florida for 2 weeks. We went to universal's big amusement park and other fun trips. Also enjoyed a shorter skiing trip in sweden where we skiied on the days and played boardgames on the evenings.
Also been on a couple of sun/bath vacations but they usually leave me bored pretty quick. I like to know i'll have activities that i enjoy if im going somewhere, otherwise i'll just stay home and save the money :D
what's your favorite swedish season? :p
Was summer while i went to school simply because of the 9-10 week vacation, but simply weatherwise i enjoy spring/autumn the most.
what are 5 of your favorite foods?
-Thai inspired food (both fast food and home cooked)
-Flygande Jakob (dont think it has an english name)
-spaghetti carbonara
-chili shrimps
-most spicy stews with chicken/rice
have you ever eaten surströmming before?
what's your fav genre of music? do you go to any concerts?
Not the biggest music person actually. I occasionally listen to music from games i think have amazing music or music parodies i find funny. I got a spotify list with normal songs from some different genres but it isn't opened very often.
are you blonde and blue eyed?
Yes, and green-blue-yellow ish. Thought i was blue-eyed until like a year ago when i looked closer

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