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by tutuu
Fri Dec 11, 2020 7:40 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

Unless thunal was busdriven

Ah i get it, didnt thought of that
by tutuu
Fri Dec 11, 2020 7:39 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

I mean if its a watch then you have a 100% red peek on TH, TH being busdriven can mess up with a track, it doesnt interact with a watch

So you already revealed u have a track by saying TH might be town

Or u mistakingly thought that TH being busdriven interacts with a watch. Unless u thought u were redirected yourself?
by tutuu
Fri Dec 11, 2020 7:35 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

@NANOOKTHEGREATANDFEARSOME why did u decide to wait for 3 nights before u use your track on n4, and why on the Myo slot?
by tutuu
Fri Dec 11, 2020 7:31 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

I think TH's reaction was towny

We have a dead busdriver who died last might who made a switch that nobody knows

TH's slot, was a slot we all thought was scum

Its not unreasobale Martin switched TH to someone else

Compare Thundercat's reaction to TH's reaction
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 9:16 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

and i forgot to say, after he survives this first yeet, he will then be killable
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 9:15 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

Turnip Head wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 9:01 pm So what happens if we lynch Thundercat, someone goes missing?
he will survive the yeet

then on the next day, someone (who he already picked before he got yeeted) will "vanish" - i dunno what this means but i assume disappear from the game - for 1 phase (day and night) and then (i assume) reappear in the game. he can self-target

TH whats your role and alignment pls claim
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 8:23 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 8:20 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

@Grand Scheme strike a deal with me tonight plssss
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 3:46 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

LOOOOL i love it how you all picked up on the reference

i thought nobody would, but 3 ppl picked up on it, this makes me so fucking excited hahah :blush:
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 2:47 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

nutella wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 2:44 pm No martin took tier 3 and killed made we figured this out already lol
novaselinenever wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 2:44 pm no no lol

I think Martin took Tier 2 on N3, the night Falcon was supposed to get it. That's why he was insisting on not needing to clear up why GD went off plan. On N4, he took tier 3 and suicided with Made
my goals are beyond your understanding.

you only see backward, center, and forward.

past, present and future.

i do not limit myself to 3 dimensional thinking like u

u might be under the wrong impression that i misremembered?

think again, suckers.

that was me flowing through time, folding a thousand time, like the steel that they use in japan to forge master katanas.

explaining to u how my brain works would be beyond your comprehension. its like explaining a 2D scribble the 3D complexity in the world. its just beyond you.
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 2:44 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

i am one with the town. i am one with the mafia. i am the 3p. i am the 4p. i am the 5p. i am transcended thru role and alignment. i pull words and letters from mafia posts towards me, like a gravitational black hole, twisting and turning them, and making something new. somethin beautiful

i am the monkey that wrote romeo and juliet on a typewriter. the one in the million. with one hand

i have written the greatest mafia post in the entire world. this? this aint it. this is just a tribute
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 2:41 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

this reminds me of a certain closed setup role madness game i attempted to mech sole and it did not go well

the way im used to mafia is widely, widely, widely different then the way other people are used to mafia. i need to factor that into account

the more i try to think, the more i will fuck myself over

therefore, it is correct to shut down my brain. dont think. just do.
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 2:39 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 1] - Encroaching Darkness

Alison wrote: Sun Nov 29, 2020 2:05 am The Gambit Demon has bargained with me.

Here is the reference post outlining the Gambit Demon's role, as stated in the OP. It is a third-party role.
-Gambit Demon: During the day, select a player to bargain with. You will join a chat with the player who can choose to accept your help *SECRETS*
On Day 0, the Gambit Demon selected me as the target, and has revealed their identity to me. They have performed a full claim to me, listing every detail about their role and win condition, and assured me that they intend to townside this game because it helps them fulfil their win condition. I will not be revealing the Gambit Demon's identity right now, because the Mafia Obliterator has a soupkill.

In the spoilers below, I will set out what the Gambit Demon's roleclaim is, how we can use it to our advantage, and ways to protect against deception or treachery by the Demon.
Spoiler: show
Here is what the Gambit Demon claims their role does.

1) As stated in the OP, they can select a player to bargain with, and gain BTSC with them.
2) When a player is being bargained with, they may choose at night to gain more power by striking a deal with the demon. This grants them a power role, but comes at a cost.
3) The first time they strike a deal, they gain a roleblock, but their vote is reduced to 0 the next day. This is "tier 1".
4)The second time they strike a deal is "tier 2", giving them the ability to swap places with another player (ie. a Bus Driver ability), at the cost of having all abilities directed at the Gambit Demon redirect to them instead.
5) The third time is "tier 3", and kills them instantly but allows them to either kill or protect any other player.

This is a mere claim; the Gambit Demon can be lying about any part of this.

The Gambit Demon claims that their win condition is to have any person either take the tier 3 deal, OR strike 7 deals in total. That means that there must be seven instances of a person accepting a power - it could be 3 players going up to tier 2 and a third going up to tier 1, or 7 different players going up to tier 1, or any combination that lets them get up to 7 deals struck in total.

I have very good reasons to believe this win condition is the absolute truth. I think it is imprudent to specify those reasons, but I will ask you to take it on faith that they're being honest about that part - there aren't any booby traps, or "everyone who strikes a deal with the demon ends up getting killed" things going on with this. They just have to get one person to tier 3 or seven people to tier 1, and then they win and can check out of the thread.
Spoiler: show
I believe there is a way for us to use the Gambit Demon's role to our advantage. I will outline briefly the plan here. Naturally there will be concern about betrayal on the part of the Demon. These concerns will be dealt with in the third spoiler, "Protections against treachery". The plan is as follows.

1) I will personally select a player who I trust to be town. The Gambit Demon will offer them a bargain, opening BTSC with them. I myself will strike a deal with the Demon for the tier 1 benefit, and so will the player who they contact.

2) In this manner, two players that I trust to be town will gain a power role (roleblock). Then, we will select another player who we trust to be town, possibly with input from the rest of the thread. This player will also take a tier 1 power.

3) This process repeats, with a new consensus town player selected each night, and taking powers. This part is very important: NO PLAYER WILL TAKE ANY POWER BEYOND TIER 1. Tier 1 is the power that runs the least chance of a catastrophic booby trap implanted in it, as it is hardly likely for the host to inflict severe penalties on someone who accepts a single night's bargain. The downside is not particularly relevant, especially this early in the game. More importantly, it is crucial to the strategy I have devised for protecting against the Demon's treachery that nobody take more than 1 tier of power. I repeat: [color=]ACCEPT THE FIRST DEAL, AND NO MORE[/color]. Don't get greedy and try to make a hero bus driver shot and ruin everything.

4) The sum result of this is that we will essentially turn the Gambit Demon into machine that generates one free roleblock shot every night, to be handed out to people deemed consensus town. Because it is public who the roleblocks are given to, they are held accountable for their shots. That means if we accidentally misclear a wolf and give them a roleblock, they're obliged to use it on someone the town thinks they should use it on, rather than roleblocking a town player or claimed PR.

5) The Gambit Demon has agreed to this plan, because this allows them to get seven bargains struck fairly easily and fulfil their win condition.
Spoiler: show
Now, a name like "Gambit Demon" doesn't exactly inspire suspicion, and neither does the thought of striking mysterious "deals" with them. However, there is no need to worry, as I have devised two strategies to ensure that the Gambit Demon is incentivized to side with town and to obediently hand out roleblocker shots to whoever we agree should get it.

Strategy One: The Leash
Because my plan involves no player taking a power beyond tier 1, the Gambit Demon will have to give seven different players a tier 1 power in order to win. This means that we are essentially putting a leash on them, forcing them to work with us and give players we select a tier 1 power over the course of 7 days. By controlling the circumstances in which the Gambit Demon is permitted to win, and ensuring that they won't actually achieve their win condition until later in the game, we force them to side with us early in the game in order to reach that win condition. This protects against scumsiding, and also against situations where the Gambit Demon achieves their win condition and is free to rampage around the thread causing chaos as they please.

Strategy Two: The Dead Man's Switch
One of my major concerns when constructing this strategy was the possibility of the bargain being more Faustian than expected - perhaps taking a power would have some negative side effect inflicted on me that the Demon has chosen not to disclose. Or perhaps the Demon would get some measure of power over me as a player if I take their bargain. Or perhaps they're simply lying about some aspects of their role claim (remember, I have reason to believe that their win condition is accurate, but not that their role claim is) and can't be trusted.

For this reason, I have established a Dead Man's Switch strategy that allows the Gambit Demon's role to be kept secret (to protect them from being killed by the Obliterator) if they cooperate, but leaked to the rest of the thread if and only if something goes wrong. They are incentivized to make sure this does not happen, because if their identity is leaked, they will be killed either by the Obliterator or by townies, and therefore be unable to achieve their win condition (which is why the Leash is important for keeping them in line, by allowing us to hold this Damocles' Doom over their head).

The strategy is as follows. When the Gambit Demon contacts a player to offer a bargain to them, they gain BTSC with that player. (Remember, this is a player that's been agreed on to be unimpeachably town by the rest of the thread.) As stated in the plan, they will accept the deal and again the tier 1 roleblocking power. They will also, at the same time, establish the Gambit Demon's identity. This can be done in a multitude of ways, or as the player sees fit. If you don't have a better way, the Gambit Demon will tell you what method I used to establish their identity and then have you use it to prove their identity to you.

Under ordinary circumstances, the Gambit Demon's identity is to be kept secret to protect against Obliterator. But if anything goes wrong, the players who know the Gambit Demon's identity will reveal it to the thread, and the town will then execute them, preventing them from completing their win condition. The threat of this will keep the Gambit Demon in line. Things going wrong include: the Gambit Demon not offering a bargain to the person we agreed on, an undeclared negative side effect happening on people who took deals, the people who took deals previously dropping dead without a good explanation for why, or any other evidence of foul play or treachery.

If we have falsely cleared a wolf, and wrongly selected scum to receive the Gambit Demon's bargain, then scum will be privy to the knowledge of who the Gambit Demon is. If the Gambit Demon themselves dies under suspicious circumstances (eg. the Obliterator's soup kill), then we will know that one of the people who we trusted enough to give a roleblock to was a deepwolf in disguise. This is still a positive development for us, because it proves the existence of a deepwolf while we have already gotten to reap some benefits from the Gambit Demon (in the form of giving townies free roleblocks). If the mafia want to waste their nightkill on a 3P slot and work to pass it off as something other than a Gambit Demon snipe (which would out the existence of a deepwolf), that is also fine by me.
If there are any objections or flaws with this plan, let me know.
ooooh okay

so like, martin took tier number 2

and ur right nova u need to do it 1 at a time

so martin took tier number 2

and someone actually tried to kill long con last night? lmao

wait so they do have 2 KP?

by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 2:35 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

why not? do u disagree that i get anti claimed tonight?
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 2:33 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

@nutella should i take tier 3 deal with long con and suicide into someone tonight? i mean, im dead to anti claim anyway right? it has followed a consistent pattern of odd-night 1-shot anti-claim attempt
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 2:32 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

aw man why did martin suicide into made? well i hope made is scum and all and martin goat but what if he's town?

i townread made quite hard lol

i just realized that this was actually the 3rd tier LC offer. suicide bomb

ok, im back to not panicking. so scum does indeed not have double KP out of nowhere. that was martin suiciding into Made.

they had an extra KP on one night i believe, that was probably compensation for revealing polypies's alignment by accidnt (to make it clear since i was one of the biggest pusher for a campaign to be careful about like that - there has been no request not to talk about the compensation, therefore, it is completely OK to talk about it as much as one wants)

they only have 1 KP (which was on thunal)

ok. phew. good
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 2:18 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

aw i didnt get it :( but its probably very awkward if i ask u to explain lol
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 2:15 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

nutella wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 2:13 pm
tutuu wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 2:12 pm thunder didnt reject my claim of his role though

so thats a hole in your theory, unless u believe im the mafia flavor cop

but there is a town flavor cop written right there in the OP

so if im mafia, im the equivalent of the exact same role
Nah in this world he'd be on ur team lol
so teammates with exactly thunder and nova?

hey, girl, i respect it. i mean its wrong but i wanna see more scumreads like this and less scumreads like i saw on day 1
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 2:12 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

thunder didnt reject my claim of his role though

so thats a hole in your theory, unless u believe im the mafia flavor cop

but there is a town flavor cop written right there in the OP

so if im mafia, im the equivalent of the exact same role
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 2:10 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

nutella wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 2:07 pm She also claimed doc at one point maybe knew it was dead

I'm only half serious lol but what ifffff
no that was, i was teasing long con

overtime mafia just ended where i was mafia and i cc'ed doc at long con and yeeted his ass
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 2:10 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

nutella wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 2:06 pm Galaxy brain take what of tutuu is mafia janitor and knows flavor cop is dead and made up the whole claim with info she knows of scum roles
i feel appreciated that my scum game is getting some appreciation

and i respect the scumread, its scumreads like these that i think are believable and make sense. id rather get scumread over these stuff instead of getting scumread over silly stuff, like i was getting scumread day 1. that day 1 was very silly and regardless of my alignment i insist that the reasons given to scumread me day 1 were silly, and i will repeat it post-game too if anyone belies im saying this cuz im biased from my alignment. @everyone please dont scumread me for the reasons that u gave on day 1
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:58 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

nutella wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:57 pm Sorry that was unnecessarily harsh lol
aw you came back very quickly

im envious

when i get turbulent it takes me a very long time to revert back
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:57 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 2] Rolling in the Deep

tutuu wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:56 pm
sprityo wrote: Fri Dec 04, 2020 12:04 am Polypies has died in the night they were:
Spoiler: show
Mafia Nexus: At night choose a player to redirect all non-killing actions from one player to a different random player. No double targeting.
Day starts now and ends in 48 hours

Spoiler: show
Grand Scheme
Joe Who?
Stupid Sexy Flanders

oh yea btw

this dude died d2

and the wording is extremely dubious (and im still not sure) if poly proactively messedup soemone, or did he defend someone , a scumbuddy with this ability. does he proactivel randomize action, or he picks a target to defend and all actions placed on his target get randomized

in either way, since this was on n2, and my nova peek was on n2, there is potential that poly targeted me or nova (depending on how his role works) and messed up my peek, just putting it out there
@Alison @nutella
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:56 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 2] Rolling in the Deep

sprityo wrote: Fri Dec 04, 2020 12:04 am Polypies has died in the night they were:
Spoiler: show
Mafia Nexus: At night choose a player to redirect all non-killing actions from one player to a different random player. No double targeting.
Day starts now and ends in 48 hours

Spoiler: show
Grand Scheme
Joe Who?
Stupid Sexy Flanders

oh yea btw

this dude died d2

and the wording is extremely dubious (and im still not sure) if poly proactively messedup soemone, or did he defend someone , a scumbuddy with this ability. does he proactivel randomize action, or he picks a target to defend and all actions placed on his target get randomized

in either way, since this was on n2, and my nova peek was on n2, there is potential that poly targeted me or nova (depending on how his role works) and messed up my peek, just putting it out there
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:54 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

whats ur wincon Thundercat?
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:53 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

novaselinenever wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:51 pm
nutella wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:47 pm
novaselinenever wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:46 pm
nutella wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:11 pm I think thundercat is 3p survivor and could maybe win with town and I don't think we should waste the elim on him today
I reckon that'd have been revealed to the flavor cop. Wincon and all is part of the "secrets". What got revealed is an ability and fits the other secret roles more.
Tutuu pretty clearly didn't receive alignments in her results and was just inferring
tutuu wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:47 pm
novaselinenever wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:46 pm
nutella wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:11 pm I think thundercat is 3p survivor and could maybe win with town and I don't think we should waste the elim on him today
I reckon that'd have been revealed to the flavor cop. Wincon and all is part of the "secrets". What got revealed is an ability and fits the other secret roles more.
no i didnt see this for polypies

the only feedback i got after checking polies was "asdasdasd" <- like his ability, nothing else
I'm saying that role's wincon is part of the "SECRETS", so it should be revealed to a role that looks for secrets. Unlike Poly or the Town secret role where what is secret is their ability specifically.

Like had you invested MR, I believe you'd have gotten the part of the roles that was added extra in his flip which contains his wincon.
as nutella said sprityo is a weird host, and im inclined to believe i wouldnt tbh (get the wincon for 3p roles) but dunno u could be right
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:52 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

nutella wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:51 pm Why does nobody care about my confidence on sig

I was wrong once after being right three times and everyone stops listening :pout:
awww that pout is just way too cute. breaks my tiny heart :(

[VOTE: sig] aubergine

poor nutella huggggggg you are the town goatttttttttt

by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:50 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

nutella wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:48 pm Please yeet sig lmfao
oke oke i will sheep cuz ur a smartie (and very cute too) (and i wanna feed u delicious food, would u be okay with being fed?). wait for TH first and we'll see
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:49 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

nutella wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:47 pm Tutuu he has essentially claimed 3p esp in that last post as I see it.
well its not like he can claim mafia :XD:

lets see what TH claims
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:47 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

novaselinenever wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:46 pm
nutella wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:11 pm I think thundercat is 3p survivor and could maybe win with town and I don't think we should waste the elim on him today
I reckon that'd have been revealed to the flavor cop. Wincon and all is part of the "secrets". What got revealed is an ability and fits the other secret roles more.
no i didnt see this for polypies

the only feedback i got after checking polies was "asdasdasd" <- like his ability, nothing else
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:46 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

nutella wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:44 pm
tutuu wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:42 pm -3rd Party Secret Role: *Secrets*

i think being a survivor with a 1-shot BP/yeet evade is just a super lame role and doesnt stand to the complexity and interesting-ness of the other 2 3p roles sprityo made

thunder cat is mafia come onnnn he's mafiaaaaaaaaaaaa
Idk survivor makes sense to me as a 3p
gambit demon: u are this cool ass manipulator who can strike deals with everyone. ua re the devil that tempts ppl's souls

puppet master: u are this crazy cult leader that circumvents the "no cult" rule by pedantism in the wording, u get an army of crazy suicidal cultists and bring chaos in the game

and for the lastttttt and finalllllll 3p......

a survivor
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:42 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

-3rd Party Secret Role: *Secrets*

i think being a survivor with a 1-shot BP/yeet evade is just a super lame role and doesnt stand to the complexity and interesting-ness of the other 2 3p roles sprityo made

thunder cat is mafia come onnnn he's mafiaaaaaaaaaaaa
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:40 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

@Thundercat @Turnip Head we know at least 1 of u arent town, please claim ur roles and stuff. alignments too. be honest pls dont lie (in a game of mafia)
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:39 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

tutuu wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:39 pm
Grand Scheme wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:00 pm
tutuu wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 12:43 pm TH claim ur full role please
Are you sure claiming vs Obliterator is safe and solid?
its not town, so

i dunno

like i want him to die lolol
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:39 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

Grand Scheme wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:00 pm
tutuu wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 12:43 pm TH claim ur full role please
Are you sure claiming vs Obliterator is safe and solid?
its not town, so

i dunno

like i want him to die lolol
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:38 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

nutella wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:28 pm There's a certain thing im a bit mad about but it should prob wait til postgame tbh
i hope its not at me :( i think i played ~okay
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:38 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

Thundercat wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 12:59 pm
tutuu wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 12:43 pm btw @nutella i dont think thundercat is marmot, marmot posts WAYYYY less than this, and he is alot more goofy

could be Enrique? dunno
Are you sure it's not just that you usually post WAAAAAAAAY more than I do.
loool okay

well, maybe u are marmot

i just cant not perceive marmot as this goofy ... well... quokka

u a goofy quokka? u want cuddles hmmmmmmm?
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 12:43 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

TH claim ur full role please
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 12:43 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

btw @nutella i dont think thundercat is marmot, marmot posts WAYYYY less than this, and he is alot more goofy

could be Enrique? dunno
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 12:13 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

Thundercat wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 12:04 pm
tutuu wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 3:13 am n4 - thundercat


he can survive the first attempt on his life. when he loses this first life, he can vanish a player for one day and one night. this activates the next day after this thing triggering. he must predesignate a target for this. he can self-target
Why are you telling everyone all my secrets? :pout:
be grateful i didnt reveal ... all of your secrets ...

some things are better left unrevealed...
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 9:07 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

no, i believe thundercat is mafia
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 8:33 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

am i going to die if i use your roleblock tonight LC?

i believe i am dead anyway due to the obliterator so i might as well roleblock someone. i will take ur deal even if i die for it. but still curious

also what was the thing again with the second and third tier of stuff? sorry i havent been paying a ton of attention

did u claim the whole truth to alison? if i reread her big post on u when she revealed u, is everything written there truth?
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 8:31 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

Grand Scheme wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 8:29 am We are all here to play our roles, tutuu, as we dance along the spokes of the endless wheel of time.
rofl. i randed a cop one more time right after philosophers mafia. in lion king. im always cop. ur always 3p
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 8:27 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

thundercat + myo + joe who + grand scheme + 112

are these all of the non-town?
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 8:26 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

i believe the obliterator is an odd-night shot

they used their obliterate on night 1 (tried to match made with tracker and failed) and night 3 (tried to match macoudgall with bus driver and failed)

they didnt use it on night 2 and night 4
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 7:04 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 4] Awakening

Thundercat wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 3:25 am
MartinGG99 wrote: Tue Dec 08, 2020 11:59 pm Anyways, I'm probably going to die tonight, hence why I'm doing this reveal now.

I'm a bus driver, night actions here:
Spoiler: show
Night 1

Bus swap KZA + MartinGG99

Night 2

Bus swap Martin + Stupid Sexy Flanders

And role-block Towny McTownface (aka NANOOKTHEGREATANDFEARSOME)

Note: I Got role-blocked

Night 3

Bus swap MartinGG99 + Alison

Use tier 2 swap ability on NIK + NANOOKTHEGREATANDFEARSOME

Yes, I'm fully aware Alison specifically didn't want us to go past tier 1. I made my own choice, and the demon didn't even attempt to persuade me.

At least I get to say I got to dual-wield bus-driving abilities in a single night lol, I checked w/ host to see if it would work and apparently it would if there were no lies by the demon.

If this somehow fucks the game, then, well, I'm sorry :shrug: but I didn't think it would. Town has a massive advantage anyways atm and we shouldn't lose the game over my personal poor decision.
Oh I see, Martin took the third deal.
click on the arrow to find this post in context itt

i have posts above and underneath it that reveal his secret role

he saw my claim and dipped
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 7:03 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

like he made a post itt shortly after i made my claim and he dipped instead of reacting to my claim - i think that was scummy
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 7:02 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

actually i take that back - he miiiight be a survivor? but. hm. dunno
by tutuu
Thu Dec 10, 2020 6:58 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Shadow Corridors Mafia [GAME OVER]
Replies: 6404
Views: 96003

Re: Shadow Corridors Mafia [DAY 5] The Demon Rises

NANOOKTHEGREATANDFEARSOME wrote: Thu Dec 10, 2020 6:48 am I almost want to say that has to be 3p, that’s such a shitty scum role
well if its the 3p its just a survivor, it doesnt interact with anything or anyone. the fact that he can target other ppl makes me think mafia. and do u mean shitty in terms of design or power? i hate lynchproof by design and i dont see how its a weak scum role in terms of power, its adding 1 extra scum member in a game with already extremely high amount of non-town members. jackofheart's role - now thats a shitty role in terms of power imo

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