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by bea
Wed May 11, 2016 3:09 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 196383

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

sounds good indi!
by bea
Wed May 11, 2016 2:59 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 196383

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

re: sortie -

If I'm doing my math right - 11:49 is 9:49 my time. (2 hours in the winter - god AZ's stubborn insistence to not follow DST drives me bonkers)

If that's the case, I should be free to do any of the Sortie times at 11:49 pm till roughly next Sunday. I'm on day shift till then and even staying late, they usually kick me out before a quarter to 10pm lol.
by bea
Wed May 11, 2016 2:51 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 196383

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

JaggedJimmyJay wrote:One point I'd like to throw out there that lore-knowers can contest or not:

It strikes me as unlikely that the alignment of characters in the show will entirely define the alignment of characters in this game. We have a mechanic in place that reveals players' characters, as has happened with Epignosis. If there's a consistent correlation between show alignment and game alignment, then wouldn't this mechanic eventually break the game?
I think it's a reasonable assumption - As I said - it doesn't 100 clear epi - just makes me more open to the idea that he is as he says. Ya know?

I do know for a fact - based on the host notes about it - that the Final 5 quite possibly won't go along the lines of the show in terms of who.

That said - it feels like *some* can't go against a certain plan (like cavil and six) or it's not in the spirit of the them ya know?
by bea
Wed May 11, 2016 2:35 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 196383

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

why for the rico vote zeebs? I feel pretty good about him - what are you seeing that I'm not?
by bea
Wed May 11, 2016 2:29 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 196383

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Matt wrote:
Scotty wrote:
Matt wrote:Linki - I can't explain why, but I suddenly want to lynch Scotty with a vengeance. I may rethink that in a few min, we'll see. Hrm.
Matt wrote: Nvm on Scotty...I think.

Scotty, are you a fan of the show or no?
What changed your mind so suddenly, Matticus?

And I'm as much a fan of this show as I am a Biochemist. I know nothing about biochemistry.
I overreacted to your statement about John, that's all.

I'm now overreacting to bea's statement about Cavil, as well, and I must calm down hahaha.

Bea - I think that could work. If Cylons can be recruited, tho, does that mean Epi is suddenly fair game again?

Epi - Not asking you to divulge but you have no idea who Helo or Boomer are, then?

Linki - Hrm. Scotty and bea are making me anxious. Haha.
Yes matt - you need to calm down. You've agreed with me already re: lore and structure stuff you just forgot it was me that suggested Gaius and Six could have a lover's win con. I just like the show and enjoy trying to figure out the puzzle.

As for epi - much like your idea that Boomer could Seem as Athena niggles in the back of your mind, that thought did cross my mind as soon as I thought up this idea. As of yet, I haven't seen anything that worries me about Epi - and as I said before he flipped, I have a hard time seeing the role of Athena as bad in any game. Perhaps Six and Athena are exempt from the list? IDK - it was just some ideas I had floating around in my head while I went to sleep last night.

linki - svs - lol - I was all "keep reading....they are there..."
by bea
Wed May 11, 2016 2:09 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 196383

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Ok - so this bit is mostly for Matt cuz he's the one who has been so vocal re:structure - but anyone can feel free to chime in...

I was thinking, that given the res ships and maybe the res HUB, if the cylons start off being unable to die *and* have BTS that's a heck of an early game advantage structure wise. Maybe to sort of balance that advantage cylons don't start with BTS - but rather are recruited by Cavil. Since as the show goes on, there is more and more distention in the ranks between the cylons and even within particular models themselves it would both aid the game and keep things in line lore wise.

Anyway - it was something I was tossinig around in my head. Might be worth something later. I could also be dead wrong.
by bea
Wed May 11, 2016 2:01 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 196383

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Scotty wrote:
bea wrote:LC - so the whole sortie thing kinda reminded me of the Talking Heads game where LC came out with a junk case on me. It was junk. It was such junk that I actually defended him when he was all "Oh, it was just a joke." I said no way would bad LC make a case THAT lame against me. The RYM peeps weren't having any of that and lynched him anyway. Lo and behold - he was bad and for the next two cycles everyone was convinced I was the second part of a gambit that I totally wasn't a part of. His kill all cylons stance gives me some pause though. I can't see a bad cylon having that store of attitude.
Ah, but I think on the contrary: if there are separate alignments within the cylon ranks, I can definitely see a baddie cylon talking with this viewpoint for Cred. Because maybe there are cylons that are not working with Cavil, for instance. Those cylons would need to be eliminated. So losing someone like Epi, for instance, looks human but can actually have nefarious intentions
That is a more than fair point Scotty.
by bea
Wed May 11, 2016 1:49 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 196383

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Ok - I'm well rested and my first cup of coffee is almost gone, so this has a chance of actually making sense!

I will start with thoughts on people -

I like where Matt, Indi, Rico and Drum have been headspace wise. I have the good feels for them.

Though I may not always agree with what she says, I think Silver is fighting the good fight too.

Peeps I'm worried about:

Zeebs - I don't know if she's got a lot going on or if she's changing up her game play, but her play here reminds me of when she and I were bad in Rocky and Bullwinkle. When she was Boris, she was very agreeable in the thread and hid behind a single suspish the whole way though. It went mostly unnoticed for a long time. I tend to associate civ Zeebs with being a little more vocal with what she thinks. I know this has caused some round and round with her and others before so I've been trying to give some botd in case she's changing up her playstyle because I can't imagine having a go with someone every fracking game is fun. Still, I've got my eyes on her.

LC - so the whole sortie thing kinda reminded me of the Talking Heads game where LC came out with a junk case on me. It was junk. It was such junk that I actually defended him when he was all "Oh, it was just a joke." I said no way would bad LC make a case THAT lame against me. The RYM peeps weren't having any of that and lynched him anyway. Lo and behold - he was bad and for the next two cycles everyone was convinced I was the second part of a gambit that I totally wasn't a part of. His kill all cylons stance gives me some pause though. I can't see a bad cylon having that store of attitude.

LA - I can see where peeps are worried about her. She really is a little nubby when civ and an expert at faking the nub when she's bad. I know she was super busy graduating and stuff. I can see why some people would say her comments on ika were adding fuel to the fire of a bad situation. I need to see more from her to make up my mind.

Speaking of people I need to see more from:

I'd love to hear more from Black Rock. Again, I know how similar our schedules are and she has a family to care for on top of it. Game start was super bad timing for peeps who work in food service on a holiday weekend. This thread is a bear to get through. having spent all of yesterday slogging through it, I'd say skip where it's appropriate to skip. You'll know it when you get there.

DF - I agree with whoever said we should give him some more time. I know how much I was looking forward to this catch up. He consistantly gets more involved as the game goes on. That said - DF - if you can give us anything along the lines of reads or where your head is at it would be greatly appriciated. :)

I'd also like to hear a bit more from our newer players.

Ina - people were in thread speculating about a replacement for you. Did you ask for one and I missed it? Out side of the shear volume of the posts is there something in the game that you are struggling with and it's hindering your involvement? Please feel free to post any questions you have. We really are a friendly group. Even when we are yelling at each other!

Sok - same for you - is there something besides the volume (I can't really help with that - they are a chatty lot) that's holding your back from posting?

Not sure where my vote is going at this point, but here's where my head is at.

Gonna make some game structure comments in another post as this is getting longish.
by bea
Wed May 11, 2016 6:51 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 196383

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

oh dear lord! I hit the end of the thread!!!!! yay me!

I have some thoughts, but the hubby is yelling at me to come to bed at almost 4 am. I napped long and hard so I doubt I will sleep in much. In any event, I'll be around most of the day tomorrow to get all my thoughts out on the page.

Catching up like 30 pages in a day and a half was exausting.
by bea
Tue May 10, 2016 10:23 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 196383

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

I'm down to only 4 pages behind! I need to rest my eyes and recharge my battery. Be back in a bit!
by bea
Tue May 10, 2016 6:14 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 196383

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day One

Matt wrote:Rico - Got any guesses for the secret role?

I'm gonna say The Hybrid.
Given who is on the role list, that was kinda what I was thinking too matt.
by bea
Tue May 10, 2016 5:52 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 196383

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day One

indiglo wrote:
DrumBeats wrote:This whole are all cylons bad vs are only some cylons bad thing is interesting. Personally, I believe that only some cylons are against us and others may very well be on our side because 12 scum seems to be too many, especially with one reviving herself right now.

In order to get a more complete town consensus, I would like to hear every person's thoughts on what we are up against tonight. If everybody provides an opinion, we may be able to figure it out as a group, and we will also have things to look back on about this and maybe reveal more depending on how people flip when they die.

My opinion - Epi's Cylon role is a pro-human/town/civ role. So I definitely do not think this game is as simple a set up as humans vs Cylons anymore. When I have a few more spare minutes (we are late getting to Game of Thrones tonight as it, but my sweetie is patient, thankfully) I'll try to do some more reading. I say we all check out that Wiki and try to figure out which Cylons could be pro-human, and which definitely aren't.

Also, let's remember, I don't think we can permanently kill ANY Cylon until the Rezz Ships are destroyed.
This is a whole bunch of stuff I agree with. I'm back at it and only half the thread behind. I should be caught up by some point today. I'll prolly stay relatively quiet while I power through.
by bea
Tue May 10, 2016 3:01 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 196383

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day One

S~V~S wrote:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:So say we all.
S~V~S wrote:How horrible :puppy:

He wanted to die, and now he was rezzed? He is a rezzed baddie?

So say we all.
What makes you think he was rezzed as a baddie?
Isn't that role, Sharon Agaton,a baddie? She's a Cylon, right?

there were 2 number 8s at the beginning - boomer and athena. boomer was a human who had the cylon switch fliped - and though before it fliped she was human, once the switch fliped she sided cylon.

Athena was a cylon that knew she was model 8 cylon who ended up being the replacement for the hole boomer left in the fleet. If there were *any* cylon I could think would be civ it'd be Athena.

linki - @ Rico -how else would you have me do it?

I'm about done for tonight - I know I have very little to do early tomorrow but my catsup will be the same.
by bea
Tue May 10, 2016 2:54 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 196383

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day One

ika wrote:so epi is cylong number 8

if hes still alive im going right back to it
but athena - not boomer - that means something in the meta of the show.
by bea
Tue May 10, 2016 2:45 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 196383

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day One

Silverwolf wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
Silverwolf wrote:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:I would absolutely loathe mislynching Epignosis on Day 1. I have always said that in all circumstances the most suspicious player should be lynched regardless of who or when. So with this stated:

Epignosis, if you're town then I don't think it's terribly likely you're going to change the mind of either Silverwolf or ika. To continue discussing it with them would be fruitless and perhaps even make it worse. So it'd probably be better both for your faction and for yourself if you'd drop that discussion and focus solely on your own suspicions and other reads. You've proven repeatedly to have good instincts and to be a valuable component of any civilian team, and I don't want to see that wasted.
Changing their mind isn't my objective. They've already voted, and votes are not changeable.

Do you think a civilian Silverwolf would have waited for me to post? She voted for me way early in the day (judging by the fact that she was here a little while ago). Do you think a Sivilianwolf would follow MM's vote without questioning him about it instead of expecting me to do so?

That's the chief reason why I think Silverwolf is bad at this juncture. Her inability to keep my activity levels straight and her reasoning for suspecting me in other games (two, mind you) are secondary, but there.
Do I think Silverwolf would genuinely suspect you for the reasons she has stated?


Do I think Silverwolf voted well earlier than she needed to and could have given you more time to respond to her accusations before placing a binding vote (particularly given her FoS strategies stated earlier)?


Do I think it's meaningful that her vote followed MM's dubious vote without concern for that situation?


Silverwolf, the latter two points apply to you. Please answer to them.
I voted Epi independently of MM's vote. I used my own reasoning.

I wasn't sure I would be around EoD or that Epi would and I didn't want to miss the vote. Epi was around some during this day phase and had plenty of opportunities to post more meaningful content when he was here. His posts underwhelmed me, then he was barely here. Then he discredits me when I suspect him but gives ika and MM a pass.

This is plenty good reason for a D1 vote. I don't see anyone else putting their neck out to take a vote/stance on anyone. Don't you find that odd also? I do.
Demonstrable bullshit.

You voted me 4:33 pm.

You posted in the five o'clock hour, the six o'clock hour, the eight o'clock hour, the nine o'clock hour, and you're here in the ten o'clock hour.
I don't give a flying fuck if you believe me. I was just diagnosed with cancer recently and have to go through chemo so fuck off!!
I'm so so very sorry you have to go through this. Please don't hesitate to reach out and yell at me about how much shit you have to go through over the next IDEK now how long goes. I have big ears and large shoulders. And what you have to go through is so so so VERY unfair and maybe if you yell at me lots about how unfair it is, it might help? I make no guarantees, but I'm here for all the yelling you need to make. For real.

In game, if someone hasn't told you to step away for a bit - I will. Not because you suck, but because given this info his game should absolutely be the LEAST of your concerns. <3 :hug:
by bea
Tue May 10, 2016 2:34 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 196383

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day One

indiglo wrote:ISO results -

Polo's vote for LoRab was a mess up. He did not realize votes are non-changeable.

OA voted Polo for the mess up LoRab vote. She was camping and on a cell phone.

Although LC voted Matt, he also mentioned later he thinks Epi is also bad.

SW, I haven't voted yet because that's how non-changeable votes work. (At least to me, in my mind set.) It means I can gather all the info I have time to gather, and then finally, once I've gathered all that info (which I like to do for the entire day period if at all possible - if I'm going to be able to be here EoD) I make my vote. For me, it's dangerous to vote early in the day period with non-changeable votes, because something may happen to change my mind. Now, if I'm not sure I'll be here EoD, I'll definitely vote early to avoid missing the poll closing.

I'm actually seriously leaning Epi, unless something else comes up between now and then. I retain all of my normal, pre-lynch, Day 1 nerves, hesitation and fear. :noble:

Holy cow, the linki is strong!!
The bold is truth. It's why I tend to vote only once even in games with changable votes. Old habits die hard
by bea
Tue May 10, 2016 2:29 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 196383

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day One

ika wrote:in regards to silvers RL issues, i can also atest to it. if her activities were to drop i would know and understand why.

and yes she is a mom of an amazing daughter so i know she was out most of the day
so Silver gets the pass because it's mother's day and you know her. Intimately. Epi doesn't get the mother's day pass for any reason.

How bout me? I was totes MIA this cycle because work and mother's day. My personal mother's day prezzie was one of my AM's worked more hours this week than I did so I didn't have to open/close Sunday. When I saw the break down, I tried to send him home as "no one works as hard as I do" and he told me to frack right the frack off.

call me cray cray -and please do so if you think I am -but this game opened on a weird weekend - when people aren't always going to be around on holidays - and not even just but also my wackado work schedule. Not having time on a holiday weekend -mother's day at that - feels like leading a lamb to slaughter.

linkkie daisy -s ee where I am? I feel your pain. :hug:

Happy belated mother's day btw.

I still haven't seen the epi flip btw - cuz in my silly head these unbiased comments are more valuable than hindsite comments but you all will do what you do.
by bea
Tue May 10, 2016 2:02 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 196383

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day One

sig wrote:Wait a minute I'm a TS regular and constantlysometimes read both Epi and LC right. :ponder:
Just like Turf Wars were I knew Epi was bad (lets not discus anything else I did that game unless I'm using it to defend myself) :P
And I was right about LC like three times when he was mafia so far. :srsnod:

I don't like that post from you JJJ I don't like it at all.
what do you think bad jjj would be trying to accoplish here?
by bea
Tue May 10, 2016 1:58 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 196383

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day One

Black Rock wrote:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:I would absolutely loathe mislynching Epignosis on Day 1. I have always said that in all circumstances the most suspicious player should be lynched regardless of who or when. So with this stated:

Epignosis, if you're town then I don't think it's terribly likely you're going to change the mind of either Silverwolf or ika. To continue discussing it with them would be fruitless and perhaps even make it worse. So it'd probably be better both for your faction and for yourself if you'd drop that discussion and focus solely on your own suspicions and other reads. You've proven repeatedly to have good instincts and to be a valuable component of any civilian team, and I don't want to see that wasted.
That's funny that you had to tell Epig to do that. That's one of his first rules iirc. Change the discussion and accuse, don't get caught defending.
I have to say, reading along - I agree with this. Still don't know how epi filps. just trying to make up for my suck for like a weekend...
by bea
Tue May 10, 2016 1:44 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 196383

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day One

JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
ika wrote:
Black Rock wrote:
I was just trying to help with another perspective from someone who has played with him longer.
golden said the same thing about MP in champ game calling him town. MP was scum
I think this is a valid point, because there is a growing list of examples of "I've known this player for years and trust my ability to read him/her" proving disastrously wrong in recent memory. If I limit it just to The Syndicate:

Talking Heads: Non-Syndicate regulars are heavily suspicious of Long Con. Syndicate regulars defend Long Con because they know him better. Long Con is mafia.
Talking Heads: Syndicate regulars are heavily suspicious of MacDougall. Non-Syndicate regulars defend MacDougall because they know him better. MacDougall is mafia.
Turf Wars: Newer Syndicateer is heavily suspicious of Epignosis. Syndicate regulars defend Epignosis because they know him better. Epignosis is mafia.

yes x 1000 but those wiggles of doubt are hard to combat. I know I contributed to lots of those failings. It's hard to not give your friends the BOTD.

Scrimmage: Newer Syndicateer and visiting players are heavily suspicious of MovingPictures07. Syndicate regulars defend MovingPictures07 because they know him better. MovingPictures07 is mafia.

We need to learn from this trend.
by bea
Tue May 10, 2016 1:30 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 196383

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day One

ika wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
Silverwolf wrote:Actually Epi trying to discredit me reminds me of Turf Wars where he was bad and did that constantly.
You voted for me. Am I say, "Oh yes, please listen to Silverwolf! She's always right!" :suspish:

Get out of here with that.
considering he has called out the scum team in turf, the scum team in champ, as well as narroing two scums quickly in downtoan abbey. i find that what your trying to pull to be laughable

posting for posperaty because this is either spot on or laugably wrong depending on how epi flips.

Still not there btw..
by bea
Tue May 10, 2016 1:19 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 196383

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day One

Epignosis wrote:
Silverwolf wrote:
Epignosis wrote:Silverwolf, you cast an immutable vote against me on a day I was mostly unavailable, yet you are here now and could have saved your vote until this time to hear what I had to say. Why did you not do that?
Because you hadn't been around and barely posted and iirc, you didn't say you were not going to be here due to RL (if I'm wrong, correct me here) so I had not way of knowing you'd be back. At the time, I felt you were not contributing and I know via Downtown Abby and Turf Wars that you contribute more as town so I felt comfortable with the vote because of this and because I had no better scumread as I was (and still am) doubting my scumread on Rico as I may be changing my mind on that and want more time to figure him out.

linki-I put a second vote on you. Not exactly bandwagoning and I waited until late today to do so.

You seem to have almost no problem with MM's vote. In fact, you accepted it with very little fuss. You also seem to have no trouble with ika following me. I don't really understand how you so easily accept their votes, and call out mine.
I didn't know what I wasn't going to be here due to real life. I didn't have plans. I found out about an impromptu Mothers Day cookout across town rather last minute. We've been gone all day. It's Mothers Day weekend. Do you really expect me to sit here at my computer playing an Internet game?

I don't have a problem with MM's vote. His Day 1 vote is always bullshit and there's a new victim every time. This time it's me. Evidently, you think you know more about what I do when I'm this or that, but you don't know what MM does. That's telling. You didn't question his weird vote for me. Instead, you followed him. :ponder:

I don't have a problem with ika's vote (?) because he's just following you, which I think he would do regardless of where you voted.

I have a problem with your vote. :)
still haven't got to the day 1 lynch in my reads - but numbers based alone, something tells me this post is interesring in hindsite...
by bea
Tue May 10, 2016 1:14 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 196383

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day One

Silverwolf wrote:
Ricochet wrote: On a personal level, I am dispirited and find it profoundly disagreeable that he won't reason his read/scumcall and he won't clarify what he's labelling me as. I don't tend to accept that from anybody, so I don't see why ika should be the big exception. I don't demand Pulitzer case-making, re: his idea of any case he'd make being "shitty" - although if "shitty" would stand for his reasoning being weaksauce, isn't that self-defeating?

Usually, this resistance to offer a decent reasoning for a read would earn anyone scumpings from me... yet I confess that my perception is becoming tampered by the eternal ika-reads-silver and silver-reads-ika business. I see no signs of either having doubts about their townreads and past games point to this thing usually checking out. He claims he'd stay frak clear of Silver if scum and I see no sign of him finding it even remotely conceivable the thought of cheating your way by the doing the exact thing the other would expect, so... what do I know?

The only distant thought in the back of my head is the variant of both ika and silverwolf being bad, for which I don't recall them ever providing esoteric meta on what happens. If that's in any way true, I could see a lot of linking in them tag teaming to suss the frak out of me.
OK Ricochet, I feel bad about this. Null Scum, from my understanding, is the same as null town. I null town people when their posts don't ping as scum at all, and they've given too much content to be null. I can't quite call them town yet but am leaning that way. Null scum is similar. You've posted too much and put too much into the thread to be null. But, some of your posts ping scummy. Therefore you are leaning scum which is the same as null leaning scum-null scum. I use this when I put people between null and scum. I don't want anyone to be dispirited over ika doing this. I would explain why I think he's doing it but I don't know for sure and don't want to give away some meta tells I have on him quite yet.

Also, regarding us being bad together-it has never happened. I would guess, we'd defend each other still and maybe even buddy each other like we do as town. I'd love to be scum with him sometime. I think we'd have fun.

While we usually read each other correctly, I understand how it is frustrating to think he assumes I wouldn't play differently to try to fool him. It's not that I wouldn't, it's just that it would be more difficult for me to interact with him as scum, because I'd have a guilty conscience and I'd probably still do so, but not quite as much if I could get away with it. I'd be active though because if I wasn't, he'd catch me on inactivity.

Hope this helps.
thank you for finally explaining it. It's a rainbow yellow read. It's a slightly leaning but no prrof to back it up - civ/baddie read.

and - I think everyone who says you would be a better mafia than that - thinks that you have in your heart the ability to play the game. They weren't trying to tear down your bond with Ika - they were warning Ika that someday, you are absolutely clever enough to work against it. Never say never sweets. :)
by bea
Tue May 10, 2016 12:39 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 196383

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day One

SokothQultuq wrote:Humm...

Null meaning nothing or zero... Means that they are inferring that they are Not Scum? LOLOL That is most fascinating to me. This banter that continues to go on and on to distract people away from the topic at hand seems awfully suspicious to me. Lots of good arguments and stuff mixed in with what appears to be a bunch of cross comms chatter... Very nicely done. Please continue, as confusing as this seems it is entertaining and enlightening.

Looks like the popular vote is leaning very slowly towards Epignosis. Why would Silverwolf and Metalmarsh be so certain?
post lynch I've not gotten to yet, but can see who won that - what do you think of it?
by bea
Tue May 10, 2016 12:35 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 196383

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day One

Silverwolf wrote:If votes were changeable, I'd policy vote nutella for attacking ika the way she is. It pisses me off.
it shouldn't - she isn't attacking ika. she's asking for clarification. Her word choice might not be what you or he wan't, but she totes isn't attacking - she's asking for clarification.
by bea
Tue May 10, 2016 12:25 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 196383

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day One

Matt wrote:
Scotty wrote:At this time, I need to make a vote and since I'm not sold on any one person and its day 1, im going with the most suspicious low poster, and that is DFaraday. He has given no other reason for being absent and has given nothing to the thread.

Voting DFaraday.
I know you do this every game but it bugs me. :meany:

by bea
Tue May 10, 2016 12:24 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 196383

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day One

Scotty wrote:At this time, I need to make a vote and since I'm not sold on any one person and its day 1, im going with the most suspicious low poster, and that is DFaraday. He has given no other reason for being absent and has given nothing to the thread.

Voting DFaraday.
you should quit d1 voting df for low posting.

at this point - it's as null as if I randomed or of MM self voted. :p
by bea
Tue May 10, 2016 12:17 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 196383

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day One

Nerolunar wrote:I will be going to bed soon, so Im going to place my vote.

Vote ObscureAllure
I missed why you suspected her. Please help a sista out and redirect me so far behind everything.
by bea
Tue May 10, 2016 12:15 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 196383

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day One

Matt wrote:For those of you who haven't seen the show...

Every episode starts with the intro, and during the intro there are title cards that read...

"The cylons were created by man. They evolved. They rebelled. There are many copies. And they have a plan."

After the series ended, the creators came out with a movie called "Battlestar Galactica: The Plan" which was an interquel of sorts to the show, showing us the POV of the Cylons during the first few seasons.

For some reason, 3J capitalizing PLAN makes me feel uneasy. I can totes see Golden giving the baddies a challenge "one of you must capitalize the word PLAN in one of your posts on Day one" or some such.

*sigh* Rereading this, it does look like Matt talk. :sigh:

What does everyone else think?
Yup. Matttalk. But maybe fruitful? IDK - to early to say. It's one of those things that if I were you, I'd make a note of on paper and not talk about and wait for evidence. Ya see?
by bea
Mon May 09, 2016 11:54 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 196383

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day One

Silverwolf wrote:
Long Con wrote:
S~V~S wrote:I just went into my other game and that is the one that ends before I get home not this one. I should be home in more than enough time for this poll.
Long Con wrote: Epi is bad and MM is not.

Rico is probably Civ.
Tell me what I am missing. I feel fairly good about both Epi & MM, but not Rico.
I dunnno, just gut reads. Feel great about the Epi one for some reason.

ika, when I play with Black Rock, I specifically avoid discussing her for at least a few days, because she's my wife. I suggest you and Silverwolf give it a try, I'm so over seeing 100 posts between the two of you on Day 1 frankly. :)
To be honest, I am not taking this personally, but I get very tired of every game getting this crap. I personally find, if we try to get reads, etc that it can be helpful and I don't appreciate these kind of comments in response to it. I'm sure you didn't mean to be offensive, it's just that we see this shit a lot and I don't see the reason we are getting this kind of attitude. It reminds me of elitist players that think there is only one good way to play mafia and that ika and I need to avoid each other. It's the same shit when ika gets comments about his typos. I think people should be more open to other types of play.

If you don't like it, I can assure you, it won't be a problem going forward since we are not going to play together outside of hydra, after this game. This is because of how hard it is for ika to play scum against me and NK me.

So you guys will just have to suffer for one more game and deal with it.
I'm so sorry i'm so far behind. I feel like I could help this frustration if I'd been around.

I don't hate or would vote ika for his typos either. I may ask for clarification, but it's not an issue of me trying to make him feel bad, it's an issue of making sure I'm on the same page.

I was, in another life, a high school English teacher and I am the worst speller ever. I rely on spell check every second of every day. AND I STILL FRACK IT UP ALL THE TIME. ;)
by bea
Mon May 09, 2016 11:33 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 196383

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day One


dear lord you guys - I have sooo much reading. I'm so so so sorry.
ika wrote:
Ricochet wrote:
ika wrote:
Ricochet wrote:
ika wrote:the rest i mostly agree.

@rico, ifs funny that you dont know null scum if you have been more then 4 years
What are you talking about?

Is it that hard to explain a mashup of two concepts, namely null and scum?
you said you played more then me, that would mean you have been playing more then 4 years.
someone said that they have been playing longer then me

null scum is null scum
I've been playing for like ever. But I'm queen nub for a reason. I don't know the difference between what null scum is and null civ is - could you please explain it to me like the 2 year old I am? I know it's taxing, but I promise it will help me grow as a player. I'm positive I have an in my culture term for what you are describing, but I don't know the actions you are describing. Please help.
by bea
Mon May 09, 2016 11:14 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 196383

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night One

how the hell did that quote 4 times????
by bea
Mon May 09, 2016 11:13 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 196383

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Night One

ok guys - I'm here and working on catching up. I'm sooo far behind I'm doing the two window thing. I will try to do the multi-quote thing as much as my sobriety allows. But I have beer and it's strong. I'm sorry if I get annoying during my catch up.
SokothQultuq wrote:I'm so freaking confused..... I donno what's going on... ::head to desk...head to desk...::
As I tell the occasional new person who gets stuck on a REALLY bad first day of sink or swim, - On the bright side, this is the worst it will ever be. I promise it will get easier. Maybe not today or tomorrow or this game, but each stab at it will make it easier. You will get better at working with us and we will get better at working with you. I promise.
Matt wrote:Rico...

Gaius and Six...

You think they're opposite factions? Thinking about it, I'd wager they're neutral teamies who can win with anyone. :)
Yes - but they may individually have some leanings - like they can both win with either faction but six works with the cylons and Gaius the humans? Or they could be in some sort of lover's win con. I can see what you are saying. TOTSMCGOATS. But I'd be hesitant to make anything black and white with hidden win cons and this host and this theme. Ya dig?

Oh - also - around this time in the thread - I actually feel pretty good about rico. I think his thing with silver and ika is a culture clash thing. Perhaps they were a *bit* defensive in reading his comments. I KNOW that I fell into that trap more than once when I first started playing with Rico.

Matt wrote:Lol.

For real, though, I don't see Gaius and Six being on opposite factions, and I don't see Athena being a "bad guy".

Long CoI
Long Con wrote:I hated that betraying bastard.
Speaking of which, I know you can't take back your vote now LC, but what is your opinion on all this? Do you believe humans can be mafia, and that Cylons can beIcivvie? Do you believe Felix Gaeta is a civvie in this game?
I have a hard time seeing Athena as a bad guy too Matt. That said - Gaeta is a tricky role. Again in this game and in this theme with this host. It came down to Gaeta making an in the moment tough call. I yelled and screamed at the TV DON'T DO IT!!! DON'T!! JUST DON'T GAETA!!! I loved him so much up until that moment. I can see a mafia set up where the person who is Gaeta has to make a tough call at some point. Much like in the lore of the show, - I wouldn't want to think of him out of the gate as bad. I just hope like hell when he has to do his thing, he makes the RIGHT call this time around. Maybe his choice this game is our host giving a great character a chance to redeem himself. :shrug: See - I can do Mattalk too! :D
ika wrote:
S~V~S wrote:
In all sincerity & with respect, could you let us learn to get our own reads on the two of you? This is literally all you talk about, ika. We are smart people, we will figure it out.

are you saying im dumb? as for sorting her, you guys can, you jsut have to be quicker then me on sorting her, i sort her first in any game in 3-5 pages when we play together. i mean i have leaned off on shouting it so much but i will still make her my first read
ika wrote:
S~V~S wrote:
In all sincerity & with respect, could you let us learn to get our own reads on the two of you? This is literally all you talk about, ika. We are smart people, we will figure it out.

are you saying im dumb? as for sorting her, you guys can, you jsut have to be quicker then me on sorting her, i sort her first in any game in 3-5 pages when we play together. i mean i have leaned off on shouting it so much but i will still make her my first read
ika wrote:
S~V~S wrote:
In all sincerity & with respect, could you let us learn to get our own reads on the two of you? This is literally all you talk about, ika. We are smart people, we will figure it out.

are you saying im dumb? as for sorting her, you guys can, you jsut have to be quicker then me on sorting her, i sort her first in any game in 3-5 pages when we play together. i mean i have leaned off on shouting it so much but i will still make her my first read
ika wrote:
S~V~S wrote:
In all sincerity & with respect, could you let us learn to get our own reads on the two of you? This is literally all you talk about, ika. We are smart people, we will figure it out.

are you saying im dumb? as for sorting her, you guys can, you jsut have to be quicker then me on sorting her, i sort her first in any game in 3-5 pages when we play together. i mean i have leaned off on shouting it so much but i will still make her my first read
I don't think for one second SVS was saying you were dumb.

I'm part of a couple that has mafiaed too. So is Epi and Elo, Indi and Dex, MP and Daisy, LC and BR just to name a VERY small few. Of course you read her quick and hard. Of course you find you game balance based on how you and she interact together. No one is saying you shouldn't.

In every game I play with BDH - he is lazor focused. Admittedly it's not as many as I wish it was but ya know - things are what they are. Epi and Eloh feel the most like you. Epi could read his wife like a book till the one time she got one over on him. Now he refuses to do the work for everyone. I'm SURE when they play together he gets his read on her hard and fast but he doesn't talk about it till he HAS to ya know? Maybe what might work with you guys is give each other and us a 3 cycle grace period - you still interact with her you still get your read, but you don't say what your read is for a few cycles to GIVE us time to learn about the BOTH of you. Ya know?

I'm submitting this one for post now. I'm gonna read without comment everything till at least the lynch post. I have so so so much reading to do.
by bea
Mon May 09, 2016 10:56 am
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 196383

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day One

So say we all.

Just in case it was in the post.

Hey all I just wanted to pop in quick and apologize to you all and our dear host for missing the vote. I got held over at work much longer than I thought I'd be. Once I got home I was so tired I crashed and burned to bed without dinner. I get out early today and have the next two days off baring any catastrophe so I will be catching up very soon.

I'm so sorry. This was a really bad weekend for the game to start for me.
by bea
Sat May 07, 2016 9:43 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 196383

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day One

juliets wrote:Thanks SVS for providing the reasoning.
It was also not ment to be a friendly nickname. ;)
by bea
Sat May 07, 2016 9:39 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 196383

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day One

Matt wrote:
juliets wrote:I don't know who these "toasters" are because I've never seen the show. Can someone give me an explanation?

in the time it took juliets to say this, she could've googled "battlestar galactica" and "toasters" and probably come up with the answer herself. Hrm.

But right now, my FoS (as people have called it) is squarely on RicoTech.
I don't find this unusual from JC at all. Remember during Gotham when you guys tried to tell her to see batman and Robin because it was the best one? She could have Google that too.....
by bea
Sat May 07, 2016 9:17 pm
Forum: Previous Jobs
Topic: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - GAME OVER
Replies: 8746
Views: 196383

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day One

JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
indiglo wrote:toaster sympathizers

indiglo, will you join me in referring to the baddies as "toasters" for the remainder of the game? I'm inspired.

So say we all! I second this idea.

I'm sorry I've missed the start of the game. Weekends remain super busy for me.

Also I'm about right here in catch up.

So far everyone looks pretty much how I expect them to so far.

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