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Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 2:11 pm
by Lizzy
Bullzeye wrote:
Lizzy wrote:
Snow Dog wrote:I knew it'd be me Liz. So no surprises there. Thanks a bunch.
I've been after you for a while, but I couldn't do anything about it because of team super alliance. You should take that as a compliment kay. :hug:
Team super alliance now outnumbers the rest of the game thanks to Vomp's generous departure :feb:

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 2:12 pm
by Snow Dog
Lizzy wrote:
Snow Dog wrote:I knew it'd be me Liz. So no surprises there. Thanks a bunch.
I've been after you for a while, but I couldn't do anything about it because of team super alliance. You should take that as a compliment kay. :hug:
I won't.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 4:43 pm
by Mongoose
But everyone is so pretty!


Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 6:18 pm
by insertnamehere
I don’t believe Sir Boast-a-lot’s stories. He’s just a big old liar who makes things up to make himself look good.

TAXI. Sherlock sits in the back lost in thought. Partway into the journey, the TV screen on the back of the driver’s seat switches on and an advertisement starts to play. London Taxi Shopping is advertising jewellery.
VOICEOVER: This is a stunning evening wear set from us here at London Taxi Shopping.
SHERLOCK (to the driver): Can you turn this off, please?
(The driver doesn’t respond and the advert continues.)
VOICEOVER: As you can see, the set comprises of a beautiful ...
SHERLOCK (louder, angrily): Can you turn this off ...
(The image on the screen begins to fritz as if another channel is breaking through. There are momentary glimpses of someone who can only be Jim Moriarty grinning at the screen. Eventually the advert disappears and Jim is seen smiling cheerfully. Behind him is a pale blue wall with painted white fluffy clouds floating across it. Jim’s voice takes on a sing-song quality as if he is talking to children.)
JIM: Hullo. Are you ready for the story? This is the story of Sir Boast-a-lot.
(Sherlock stares at the screen, his face intense.)

SCOTLAND YARD. Sally is showing Greg one of the photographs.
DONOVAN: The footprint. It’s all he has. A footprint.
LESTRADE: Yeah, well, you know what he’s like – CSI Baker Street.
DONOVAN: Well, our boys couldn’t have done it.
LESTRADE: Well, that’s why we need him. He’s better.
DONOVAN: That’s one explanation.
LESTRADE: And what’s the other?

TAXI. Jim’s image continues to smile from the TV screen.
JIM: Sir Boast-a-lot was the bravest and cleverest knight at the Round Table, but soon the other knights began to grow tired of his stories about how brave he was and how many dragons he’d slain ...
(Behind him, the pale blue sky gets darker and the white clouds become grey and threatening.)
JIM: And soon they began to wonder ...
(Behind him, rain begins to pour from the clouds.)
JIM: ... ‘Are Sir Boast-a-lot’s stories even true?’

SCOTLAND YARD (offscreen)
DONOVAN (voiceover): Only he could have found that evidence.

TAXI. Jim shakes his head.
JIM: Oh, no.

DONOVAN: And then the girl screams her head off when she sees him – a man she has never seen before ... unless she had seen him before.
LESTRADE: Wh-what’s your point?
DONOVAN: You know what my point is. You just don’t wanna think about it.
JIM (on the taxi TV screen): So one of the knights went to King Arthur and said ... (in a dramatic whisper) ... ‘I don’t believe Sir Boast-a-lot’s stories. He’s just a big old liar who makes things up to make himself look good.’
(At Scotland Yard, Anderson has now come in and he and Sally stand opposite Greg’s desk as he sits talking with them.)
LESTRADE: You’re not seriously suggesting he’s involved, are you?
ANDERSON: I think we have to entertain the possibility.
(Greg stares at him, bewildered.)
JIM (on the TV screen): And then even the King began to wonder ...
(He frowns, raising a finger to his mouth and gazing off to the side with a wondering look on his face. At Scotland Yard, Greg sinks his face into his hand as he is forced to consider what his officers are telling him. On the taxi TV screen, Jim frowns thoughtfully as cartoon lightning bolts shoot out of the clouds behind him.)
JIM (shaking his head repeatedly): But that wasn’t the end of Sir Boast-a-lot’s problem. No.
(He looks down for a moment, then raises his eyes to the camera again.)
JIM: That wasn’t the final problem.
(Sherlock bares his teeth at the screen as the camera pulls back to show Jim sitting with a storybook held in his hands. He looks up at the camera and finishes in an even more sing-song voice.)
JIM: The End.
(Behind him, a red velvet curtain drops down as if covering a theater stage. The shot changes to an extreme close-up of Jim grinning hugely and showing his teeth, then the screen fritzes a few times and eventually returns to the jewellery advert.)
SHERLOCK: Stop the cab! Stop the cab!
(The taxi begins to pull up near the curb.)
SHERLOCK: What was that?
(He jumps out of the right-hand door and runs forward to the driver’s door.)
SHERLOCK: What was that?
(The cabbie, wearing a cloth cap very reminiscent of the one worn by the cabbie in “A Study in Pink”, turns his head towards Sherlock and reveals that he is Jim Moriarty, who adopts a London accent as he speaks.)
JIM: No charge.
Epignosis and Snow Dog have been nominated for the lynch. You have 24 hours.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 6:20 pm
by insertnamehere
Elohcin wrote:Oh, except for INH as his was changed recently.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 6:25 pm
by Bullzeye
Sorry Epig but that poll isn't even a question for me. Snow has had my back all the way.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 6:29 pm
by DharmaHelper
Sorry Epignosis.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 6:30 pm
by Lizzy
Sorry, Snowy! Next time! :hug:

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 6:32 pm
by DharmaHelper
Oh tits are we voting for the person we want to keep :/ TWIST

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 6:34 pm
by Mongoose
Sorry Rob.

But I done made you this.


Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 6:36 pm
by Bullzeye
That may be the quickest someone has ever been booted out of a game!

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 6:38 pm
by DharmaHelper
Early NP?

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 6:52 pm
by insertnamehere
DharmaHelper wrote:Early NP?
We're done when I say we're done.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 6:52 pm
by Bullzeye
DharmaHelper wrote:Early NP?
I concur. To come up with such amazing suggestions you must have an absolutely incredible partner in this game.


Linki - You just said we're done twice :p

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 6:57 pm
by DharmaHelper
He's got you there!

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 7:20 pm
by Snow Dog
Can I vote Lizzy?

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 7:21 pm
by Bullzeye
Snow Dog wrote:Can I vote Lizzy?
Are you:

A) The host?

B) Dead?


C) Not playing?

If the answer to one or more of these is yes, then by all means do so!

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 7:23 pm
by Snow Dog
Bullzeye wrote:
Snow Dog wrote:Can I vote Lizzy?
Are you:

A) The host?

B) Dead?


C) Not playing?

If the answer to one or more of these is yes, then by all means do so!
That wouldn't

a) Physically stop me
b) ditto

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 7:26 pm
by DharmaHelper
That is a nice Skeltor though.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 7:29 pm
by Epignosis
I'm okay being lynched eliminated out not-in-team-super-alliance or whatever the kids are calling it these days. I have been for a long time.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 7:30 pm
by Epignosis
Pardon me for voting Snow Dog though. I've hurt myself enough over the weekend.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 7:31 pm
by DharmaHelper
If it was anyone other than Snow/AP/Bullz up against you I'd vote them FWIW Epig :P

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 7:35 pm
by Epignosis
Good to know that I made the top 5/7.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 7:42 pm
by DharmaHelper
It's better than 6.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 7:45 pm
by Epignosis
DharmaHelper wrote:It's better than 6.
Too bad your girlfriend wasn't.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 7:50 pm
by Hedgeowl
Epignosis wrote:
DharmaHelper wrote:It's better than 6.
Too bad your girlfriend wasn't.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 7:50 pm
by DharmaHelper
Dang son :(

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 7:50 pm
by A Person
Epignosis wrote:
DharmaHelper wrote:It's better than 6.
Too bad your girlfriend wasn't.

Also, I feel bad for jumping on you so quickly but I like my teammate alive.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 5:37 pm
by insertnamehere
Thank you.

(He immediately accelerates away as Sherlock tries to grab hold of the door and pull the cab back. Forced to let go, he chases after the taxi but it soon speeds away. He stops in the middle of the road, glaring after it and unaware that another car is speeding along behind him. As it sounds its horn in warning, a man hurries off the pavement, grabs him and pulls him out of danger.)
MAN: Look out!
(Not yet fully realising what the man is doing, Sherlock strikes out at him but then stops as the car roars past and he realises what has happened. He stands with the man at arm’s length, breathing heavily as the man looks warily at him. Those of us who have been paying attention – or who just rewound the recording to check – realise that this is Sulejmani, the Albanian assassin who lives on Baker Street.)
SHERLOCK (catching his breath): Thank you.
(He holds out his hand for the man to shake. Sulejmani somewhat reluctantly takes it and we soon realise why he wasn’t keen as three bullets are fired into him in quick succession from somewhere behind Sherlock. Sulejmani slumps to the ground and Sherlock spins around, trying to find the source of the gunfire. Just then another black cab comes around the corner and pulls up a short distance away. John jumps out and hurries towards him.)
JOHN: Sherlock!

Some time later Sherlock stands twitching his fingers fretfully as an ambulance crew wheels Sulejmani’s body away.
JOHN: That ... it’s him. It’s him. Sulejmani or something. Mycroft showed me his file. He’s a big Albanian gangster lives two doors down from us.
SHERLOCK: He died because I shook his hand.
JOHN: What d’you mean?
SHERLOCK: He saved my life but he couldn’t touch me. Why?
(He storms off. John follows.)

221B. Sherlock walks rapidly into the living room, pulling his scarf and then his coat off as he goes across to the laptop on the table.
SHERLOCK: Four assassins living right on our doorstep. They didn’t come here to kill me; they have to keep me alive.
(He sits down at the table while John goes over to the window near him and looks out.)
SHERLOCK: I’ve got something that all of them want, but if one of them approaches me ...
JOHN: ... the others kill them before they can get it.
(Sherlock grunts in agreement and types rapidly on the laptop, navigating away from the website for St Aldate’s School and calling up a list of local Wi-Fi networks. There are five of them and he checks their signal strength and the names of the networks.)
SHERLOCK: All of the attention is focussed on me. There’s a surveillance web closing in on us right now.
JOHN: So what have you got that’s so important?
(Sherlock gazes into the distance and thinks for a moment, then runs his finger along the table beside the computer before lifting it and looking at his fingertip.)
SHERLOCK: We need to ask about the dusting.
Epignosis has been eliminated. It is now Night 10.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 5:44 pm
by insertnamehere



Bullzeye/Snow Dog

Mongoose/A Person

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 8:26 pm
by DharmaHelper
OK so we are all in agreement to vote Bullz next right?

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 8:55 pm
by DharmaHelper
221B. Sherlock walks rapidly into the living room, pulling his scarf and then his coat off as he goes across to the laptop on the table. Sadly, at this point he stops removing clothing.

Didn't know you were into that sort of thing INH

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 8:15 am
by Bullzeye
DharmaHelper wrote:OK so we are all in agreement to vote Bullz next right?
No we're all voting you in the ugly person contest! :p

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 8:44 am
by insertnamehere
DharmaHelper wrote:
221B. Sherlock walks rapidly into the living room, pulling his scarf and then his coat off as he goes across to the laptop on the table. Sadly, at this point he stops removing clothing.

Didn't know you were into that sort of thing INH
I searched on DuckDuckGo "sherlock transcripts" and found this: It's pretty accurate with no spelling errors, but because the Sherlock fanbase is sadly composed mostly of people fangirling over the actors, the transcriber usually puts in bullshit like this. Most of the time I manage to edit it out, but sometimes something slips past.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 9:34 am
by Bullzeye
insertnamehere wrote: I searched on DuckDuckGo "sherlock transcripts" and found this: It's pretty accurate with no spelling errors, but because the Sherlock fanbase is sadly composed mostly of people fangirling over the actors, the transcriber usually puts in bullshit like this. Most of the time I manage to edit it out, but sometimes something slips past.
Good excuse :p

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 6:58 pm
by insertnamehere
You’re afraid that you’ve been taken in as well.

SHERLOCK (without turning around, still concentrating on removing the camera): No, Inspector.
SHERLOCK (stepping down with the camera in his fingers): The answer’s no.
LESTRADE: But you haven’t heard the question!
SHERLOCK: You want to take me to the station. Just saving you the trouble of asking.
(He walks closer. Greg pulls in a breath.)
LESTRADE: Sherlock ...
SHERLOCK (interrupting): The scream?
SHERLOCK: Who was it? Donovan? I bet it was Donovan. Am I somehow responsible for the kidnapping? Ah, Moriarty is smart. He planted that doubt in her head; that little nagging sensation. You’re gonna have to be strong to resist. You can’t kill an idea, can you? Not once it’s made a home ... (he reaches forward and briefly places his index fingertip on Greg’s forehead between his eyes) ... there.
LESTRADE: Will you come?
SHERLOCK (turning away, sitting down at the laptop and beginning to type): One photograph – that’s his next move. Moriarty’s game: first the scream, then a photograph of me being taken in for questioning. He wants to destroy me inch by inch.
(Picking up the camera again, he looks at it for a moment, then raises his eyes to Greg’s.)
SHERLOCK: It is a game, Lestrade, and not one I’m willing to play.
SHERLOCK (looking away again): Give my regards to Sergeant Donovan.
(Sighing and exchanging a brief look with John, Greg turns and heads off down the stairs. John watches him go, then turns back towards Sherlock who has now linked the camera into the computer so that he can pull up the footage on the computer screen. Downstairs, Greg walks along the hallway and glowers at Sally who is waiting at the front door. He walks past her and out into the street. She turns and watches him unhappily, then follows. Upstairs, John has gone over to the right-hand window and looks out at the car parked outside as Greg and Sally go over to it and get in, Greg glancing up towards the window momentarily. As the car starts, Sherlock briefly looks at John.)
SHERLOCK: They’ll be deciding.
JOHN: Deciding?
SHERLOCK: Whether to come back with a warrant and arrest me.
JOHN: You think?
SHERLOCK: Standard procedure.
JOHN: Should have gone with him. People’ll think ...
SHERLOCK: I don’t care what people think.
JOHN: You’d care if they thought you were stupid, or wrong.
SHERLOCK: No, that would just make them stupid or wrong.
(Angrily, John turns towards him.)
JOHN: Sherlock, I don’t want the world believing you’re ...
(He breaks off as Sherlock lifts his head to look at him. They lock eyes for a long moment.)
SHERLOCK: That I am what?
JOHN: A fraud.
(Sherlock rolls his eyes and sits back in the seat.)
SHERLOCK: You’re worried they’re right.
JOHN: What?
SHERLOCK: You’re worried they’re right about me.
SHERLOCK: That’s why you’re so upset. You can’t even entertain the possibility that they might be right. You’re afraid that you’ve been taken in as well.
JOHN (turning away and look out of the window again): No I’m not.
(Sherlock leans forward.)
SHERLOCK: Moriarty is playing with your mind too. (Furious, he slams his hand onto the table.) Can’t you see what’s going on?
(John looks at him for a few seconds, then looks out of the window again.)
JOHN: No, I know you’re for real.
SHERLOCK: A hundred percent?
JOHN (quietly, turning back towards him): Well, nobody could fake being such an annoying dick all the time.

It is now Day 11. You have 24 hours.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 7:16 am
by Snow Dog
Och aye, hoots mon. I am voting for Goose, Mon!

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 7:54 am
by Bullzeye
Snow Dog wrote:Och aye, hoots mon. I am voting for Goose, Mon!
What he said, just not in as ridiculous a way.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 2:20 pm
by DharmaHelper
I wonder what the twist will be tonight :D

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 2:22 pm
by thellama73
DharmaHelper wrote:I wonder what the twist will be tonight :D
Maybe I will be resurrected!

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 3:02 pm
by Snow Dog
thellama73 wrote:
DharmaHelper wrote:I wonder what the twist will be tonight :D
Maybe I will be resurrected!
We'll know when he thinks of one.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 3:57 pm
by Lizzy
While I'd love to join you ladies on this lovely mongoose hunting trip, I feel that letting Two-Vote Snowy skip around freely does not sound exactly peachy to yours turely.


Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 4:26 pm
by DharmaHelper
Oh man another tie :o

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 4:33 pm
by Bullzeye
Except it's not a tie because as Lizzy so astutely pointed out, Snow has an extra vote :p

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 4:35 pm
by DharmaHelper
Shyamalan TWIST

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 7:15 pm
by Mongoose
There's more to this mongoose than meets the eye.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 8:27 pm
by insertnamehere
Hmm. Bit awkward, this.

Shortly afterwards, John – standing in the centre of the living room at 221B – lowers his own phone from his ear and switches it off. He turns to Sherlock who is now sitting in his armchair.
JOHN: So, still got some friends on the Force. It’s Lestrade. Says they’re all coming over here right now, queuing up to slap on the handcuffs: every single officer you ever made feel like a tit, which is a lot of people.
(Sherlock appears to be taking no notice of him, and now Mrs Hudson knocks on the closed living room door with her customary “Ooh-ooh!” and then comes in. She apparently feels the tension in the room.)
MRS HUDSON: Oh, sorry, am I interrupting?
(Sherlock rolls his eyes and looks away. She turns her attention to John.)
MRS HUDSON: Some chap delivered a parcel. I forgot. Marked ‘Perishable’ – I had to sign for it.
(John takes the Jiffy bag from her and immediately realizes that there’s a wax seal over the flap. Sherlock looks across and also sees the seal.)
MRS HUDSON: Funny name. German, like the fairytales.
(Sherlock rises to his feet and walks forward, his gaze intense and locked on the Jiffy bag as John opens it and pulls out the contents. Outside, the sirens of several different vehicles are approaching. In John’s hand is a large gingerbread man but it’s an unusual colour. He tilts it so that Sherlock can see it better.)
SHERLOCK: Burnt to a crisp.
(The sirens stop as the vehicles pull up outside, and doors start to slam as people get out of the cars.)
JOHN (referring to the burnt gingerbread man): What does it mean?
(The doorbell rings and at the same time someone pounds on the front door knocker.)
VOICE: Police!
MRS HUDSON: I’ll go.
(She turns and hurries down the stairs as someone continues to knock on the door. Voices can be heard as she opens the door.)
DONOVAN (offscreen): Sherlock ...
LESTRADE (offscreen): Evening, Mrs Hudson.
DONOVAN (calling up the stairs): We need to talk to you!
(John puts the gingerbread man back into the envelope and puts it on the table before heading out of the flat. Downstairs, Mrs Hudson sounds angry.)
MRS HUDSON (offscreen): Don’t barge in like that!
(Feet can be heard trotting up the stairs. Calmly Sherlock turns around and picks up his scarf and loops it around his neck. John is apparently blocking the stairs halfway up.)
JOHN (offscreen): Have you got a warrant? Have you?
LESTRADE (offscreen): Leave it, John.
MRS HUDSON (offscreen): Really! Manners!
(Sherlock puts his coat on. Shortly afterwards Greg stands in front of him and reads him his rights while one of two armed officers attaches handcuffs to his left wrist.)
LESTRADE: Sherlock Holmes, I’m arresting you on suspicion of abduction and kidnapping.
(John gestures towards Sherlock while looking at Greg as the officer pulls Sherlock’s left hand behind his back in order to cuff his other wrist.)
JOHN: He’s not resisting.
SHERLOCK: It’s all right, John.
JOHN: He’s not resisting. No, it’s not all right. This is ridiculous.
LESTRADE (to the officer who just handcuffed Sherlock): Get him downstairs now.
(The officer spins Sherlock around and marches him out of the door. Mrs Hudson stands nearby almost in tears.)
JOHN (to Greg): You know you don’t have to do ...
LESTRADE (getting into his face and pointing at him sternly): Don’t try to interfere, or I shall arrest you too.
(He turns and leaves the room. John turns to Sally who is standing near the door.)
JOHN: You done?
DONOVAN (looking smug and oh-so-very punchable as she walks into the room): Oh, I said it.
JOHN: Mmm-hmm?
DONOVAN: First time we met.
JOHN: Don’t bother.
DONOVAN: “Solving crimes won’t be enough. One day he’ll cross the line.” Now, ask yourself: what sort of man would kidnap those kids just so he can impress us all by finding them?
(Mrs Hudson gasps. Just then the Chief Superintendant walks in.)
DONOVAN: Er, yes, sir.
CHIEF SUPERINTENDANT: Looked a bit of a weirdo, if you ask me.
(John turns towards him.)
CHIEF SUPERINTENDANT: Often are, these vigilante types.
(He has been looking around the living room as he spoke but now he turns and sees John staring at him.)
CHIEF SUPERINTENDANT: What are you looking at?

A minute or two later, the Chief Superintendant walks out onto the street holding a handkerchief to his bleeding nose.
POLICE OFFICER: Are you all right, sir?
(Nearby, Sherlock has been leaned against the side of a police car, facing it. Now John is slammed up against the car next to him and to his left. Sherlock looks across to him with an amused expression on his face.)
SHERLOCK: Joining me?
JOHN: Yeah. Apparently it’s against the law to chin the Chief Superintendant.
(Behind them, a couple of armed officers unlock the cuff on Sherlock’s right hand and transfer it to John’s right wrist, chaining the boys together. Sherlock looks over his shoulder, watching what the officers are doing and where they’re standing.)
SHERLOCK (to John): Hmm. Bit awkward, this.
JOHN: Huh. No-one to bail us.
SHERLOCK: I was thinking more about our imminent and daring escape.
(He looks down at the radio lying on the dashboard of the car they’re leaning against. The radio squeals as the dispatcher speaks.)
RADIO DISPATCHER: All units to two-seven.
(John looks round at Sherlock’s previous statement.)
JOHN: What?
RADIO DISPATCHER: All units to two ...
(Rapidly Sherlock reaches through the open window of the car with his free hand and presses down on the Talk button. Instantly the officer behind the boys doubles over in pain and grabs at his earpiece as a high-pitched squeal of feedback rips through it. Sherlock reaches behind him and pulls the officer’s pistol free, instantly raising it. As it’s in his left hand, John’s shackled right hand is yanked upwards as well and he gasps in surprise at the rapid turn of events. Sherlock calls out as he aims the pistol towards the nearest officers.)
SHERLOCK: Ladies and gentlemen, will you all please get on your knees?
(When nobody reacts very quickly, Sherlock raises the gun skywards and fires it twice.)
SHERLOCK: NOW would be good!
(He lowers it and points it at the police again.)
LESTRADE: Do as he says!
(He gestures everybody downwards and all the police start to kneel. The boys start to back away.)
JOHN (loudly): Just-just so you’re aware, the gun is his idea. I’m just a ... you know ...
(Sherlock transfers the pistol to his right hand and promptly aims it at John’s head.)
SHERLOCK (loudly): ... my hostage.
(John gasps.)
JOHN (quietly, to Sherlock): Hostage! Yes, that works – that works(!)
(They continue backing away from the kneeling police. Behind them and probably unnoticed in all the excitement, a new piece of artistic graffiti has been sprayed on the wall of the house on the street corner. In red paint, huge letters spelling out “iou” are at least three feet high and are surrounded by an elaborate dark set of angel’s wings. The boys begin to back carefully around the corner.)
JOHN: So what now?
SHERLOCK: Doing what Moriarty wants – I’m becoming a fugitive. Run.
(He turns and begins to race off down the road, dragging John with him. Back at the police cars, Greg buries his head in his hands. The Chief Superintendant gets to his feet and turns to him.)
CHIEF SUPERINTENDANT: Get after him, Lestrade!
(Greg glares furiously at Sally as she begins to head in the direction the boys have gone. Greg is a lot slower in getting moving. Around the corner as the boys run along side by side, Sherlock loops the loose chain between their handcuffs around his wrist.)
SHERLOCK: Take my hand.
JOHN (grabbing his hand as they race onwards): Now people will definitely talk.
(Sirens are approaching at the junction ahead of them. Sherlock swerves to his left and drops the pistol in the process. It clatters to the ground.)
JOHN: The gun!
SHERLOCK: Leave it!
Snow Dog has been eliminated. It is now Night 11.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 8:28 pm
by insertnamehere
Shyamalan TWIST

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 8:28 pm
by DharmaHelper
RIP Snowy :(

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {PHASE 2}

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2013 8:33 pm
by Snow Dog
DharmaHelper wrote:RIP Snowy :(
oh shit