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Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 8:27 am
by MacDougall
Glorfindel wrote:I don't know if anyone has made this observation yet but I'll go ahead anyway - If someone has, please accept my most sincere apologies.

I was going back looking at MM's votes during his somewhat limited time with us and would like to make the following observations:

Day 1: MM's votes for Day 1 were on: Dr Wilgy (21) and Turnip Head (22). I obviously don't know MM as well as most of you but is it really THAT likely that he would've voted for TWO of his Nanman team mates on Day 1 :shrug: From an outsider's perspective, I should think it somewhat unlikely - which on balance is a better look for TH. I'm happy to reconsider this if anyone would like to offer an alternate opinion.

Day 2: MM was the last to cast his votes for Dom (54) and Russtifinko (55). Prior to placing his votes, Russ was 'runner-up' wagon on 7 votes. The next highest wagon was timmer on 6 votes. So assuming MM's vote was a 'hail Mary' self preservation vote, wouldn't it have been more logical for him to have voted the next highest wagons (Russ and timmer) than to place his vote on Dom? Admittedly, timmer's last vote (6) was made immediately before MM's (by Nutella) but I wonder what conclusions could be drawn from that? The vote for Dom was on a slow burn from the beginning of the Day phase (starting on vote (5) and followed by votes (9), (13), (23) and (43). In comparison, timmer's vote was meteoric - picking up 6 votes in a matter of hours (votes (26), (31), (33), (41), (48) and (53). If self preservation were his goal, I'd have thought MM would've voted timmer before Dom :shrug:
This is a really good point actually.

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 9:03 am
by TheCapsFan
Sloonei wrote:
TheCapsFan wrote:As annoying as he may post, Dom seems pretty town as well.
What makes you say this?
Because he’s pushing for originality.
Sloonei wrote:I see CapsFan and leetic are visitors from another site. Hello, welcome, I hope you're settling in nicely! What can you guys tell me about each other?

Also, CapsFan, you mentioned in your first post that you've played with JJJ before. Is there anyone else in there who you're familiar with?
leetic is a very strong player as scum. He’s aggressive regardless of alignment and isn’t usually this quiet, typically more a vocal player, but he had to sub out of my game due to sickness. He seems to be feeling a little better, but I’m not sure if he will be playing in this one.

The alive players left whose names I recognize are Golden, insertnamehere, Jan, MM89, MovingPictures, and Scotty. Fairly certain I’ve played with the last two at least once, and I’ve seen the first three around, but I’m not sure I’d consider myself “familiar” with any of them. The only one who fits that category is leetic.
Sloonei wrote:
TheCapsFan wrote:Agh, didn't see your reads, DDL. Ignore the above post. Even so, I'm not sure I'd vote this early in a phase, especially when your vote can't be changed...
How and when will you be voting? TALK TO ME CAPS FAN!
I will be voting by clicking the player’s names at the top of the page. I will vote when I can actually find a couple strong scum reads. Maybe I’ll look at the players DDL mentioned, see if I can find something in there.
Scotty wrote:
TheCapsFan wrote:@DDL Curious as to why you've already voted this early in the phase.
If anyone had voted for you early on, you probably wouldn't be asking this. Since you basically asked us to cast you as Russell Crowe in Gladiator.
I didn’t expect anyone to actually vote me.

@Glorifindel So what you're saying is, based on his votes, you don't see why mafia!MM would make those? Am I catching that? Or am I wrong?

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 9:04 am
by TheCapsFan
Looks like leetic WILL be playing. Fantastic! Also, I will be gone, all day? Let me see when phase ends.

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 9:07 am
by TheCapsFan
Aw shit, phase ends today? Darn. The only time I -might- be able to check in is between 10 and 12 PM, my time (so in like 2 hours). Someone tell me who to vote for, otherwise I'll just make my best guess.

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 9:37 am
by Bass_the_Clever
I wouldn't mind dueling today.

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 9:41 am
by Dunny
Spoiler: show
Ricochet wrote:I'm not done with individual reads on D2 voters and it's 2:30am, but here is a first half of prepared post that I can publish for now, to get discussion started.

"So I'd say the best path to figure things further is to look into the votes that influenced MM's lynch. Not to say I wouldn't embrace correlating both lynches or ISO'ing, but honestly I haven't managed to look into that just yet (as for the latter, as far as I'm concerned, at a current roster of 30-something, noooooooooope). Besides, I think the prospect of losing a second teammate should in theory have buzzed a few alarms among the Nanmans - granted, they've now been reduced merely to the same number as the other mafia team and still seem the stronger one on paper*, so maybe "alarm" is a strong word at this point, but I think there's cause to look at potential players who either might have attempted to steer the train away from MM, either trust his odds, let him have his duel and distance themselves from all of it.

*this also reminds me to point out the incapacitator within their ranks. Admist the D2 absentees, there have been a couple of significant names: I'd say INH probably ranks as the likeliest target, particularly given his prefect anointment - he didn't exactly have a marvellous activity on D1 either, but still... - which is something I noticed a few people, when they expressed their disdain at his inactivity, never bring up or consider; other prisoners could have been Dunny or leetic, I suppose; then there are the near or complete inactives (SVS, rabbit8 back then, Soneji), but I find it hard to imagine what would the incapacitator have gained from targeting them.

As you will see below, MM was constantly in pole position and the odds of him escaping a duel spot altogether seemed generally remote, but I do spot a few pressure points when the tally was close. At vote value, I find that timmer and Golden look the worst, for narrowing the distance between MM and the other wagons, plus, in fact, voting the other wagons. A third player to have done in principle the same would be DisgruntledPorcupine - late EoD, but poll was still an hour away from closing, so not inconceivable for things to have changed - however I'll let you gaze on your own at the inscrutable nature of his glorious single, unreasoned, un-anything vote post.

Here's how the tally evolved yesterDay. (Asterisks in front of a voting player means that they've self-voted, which was an interesting trend to note).
Voter10 votes9 votes8 votes7 votes6 votes5 votes4 votes3 votes2 votes1 vote
Simon*---------JaggedJimmyJay, Simon
Scotty---------Dom, MM, JaggedJimmyJay, Simon
Jan--------MMDom, JaggedJimmyJay, Simon, Turnip
DFaraday-------MMDomJaggedJimmyJay, Simon, Turnip
DDL------MM-DomJaggedJimmyJay, Simon, Russ, Turnip
Quin-----MM-Dom-JaggedJimmyJay, Simon, Russ, Turnip
Mac-----MM-DomRussDunny, JaggedJimmyJay, Simon, Turnip
Dom-----MM-DomRussDFaraday, Dunny, JaggedJimmyJay, Sig, Simon, Turnip
Ninja-----MM-DomRussDFaraday, Dunny, Glorfindel, Golden, JaggedJimmyJay, Sig, Simon, Turnip
BWT*-----MM-DomRussBWT, DFaraday, Dunny, Glorfindel, Golden, Jan, JaggedJimmyJay, Sig, Simon, Turnip
timmer-----MMDomRuss-BWT, DFaraday, Dunny, Glorfindel, Golden, Jan, JaggedJimmyJay, Sig, Simon, Turnip
Nerolunar-----MMDomRussBWTDFaraday, Dunny, Glorfindel, Golden, Jan, JaggedJimmyJay, Sig, Simon, timmer, Turnip
Bass*----MM-DomRussBWTBass, DFaraday, Dunny, Glorfindel, Golden, Jan, JaggedJimmyJay, Sig, Simon, timmer, Turnip
Bull*----MM-DomRussBWTBass, Bull, DFaraday, Dunny, Glorfindel, Golden, Jan, JaggedJimmyJay, Sig, Simon, timmer, Turnip
JJJ----MM-Dom, Russ-BWT, timmerBass, Bull, DFaraday, Dunny, Glorfindel, Golden, Jan, JaggedJimmyJay, Sig, Simon, Turnip
MP----MM-Dom, RusstimmerBWTBass, Bull, DFaraday, Dunny, Glorfindel, Golden, Jan, JaggedJimmyJay, nutella, Sig, Simon, Turnip
Sorsha*----MM-Dom, RusstimmerBWTBass, Bull, DFaraday, Dunny, Glorfindel, Golden, INH, Jan, JaggedJimmyJay, nutella, Sig, Simon, Sorsha,Turnip
Spacedaisy----MM-Dom, RussBWT,timmerBassBull, DFaraday, Dunny, Glorfindel, Golden, INH, Jan, JaggedJimmyJay, nutella, Sig, Simon, Sorsha, Turnip
Elohcin---MM-RussDomBWT, timmerBassBull, DFaraday, Dunny, Glorfindel, Golden, INH, Jan, JaggedJimmyJay, nutella, Sig, Simon, Sorsha, Turnip
Golden---MMRuss-Dom, timmerBWTBassBull, DFaraday, Dunny, Glorfindel, Golden, INH, Jan, JaggedJimmyJay, nutella, Sig, Simon, Sorsha, Turnip
Glorfindel---MMRussDomtimmerBWTBass, SorshaBull, DFaraday, Dunny, Glorfindel, Golden, INH, Jan, JaggedJimmyJay, nutella, Sig, Simon, Turnip
Turnip--MM-RussDomtimmerBWTBass, Sig, SorshaBull, DFaraday, Dunny, Glorfindel, Golden, INH, Jan, JaggedJimmyJay, nutella, Simon, Turnip
LoRab*--MM-RussDomtimmerBWTBass, Sig, SorshaBull, DFaraday, Dunny, Glorfindel, Golden, INH, Jan, JaggedJimmyJay, leetic, LoRab, nutella, Simon, Turnip
DP--MMRuss-Dom, timmer-BWTBass, Sig, SorshaBull, DFaraday, Dunny, Glorfindel, Golden, INH, Jan, JaggedJimmyJay, leetic, LoRab, nutella, sig, Simon, Turnip
Boomslang-MM-Russ-Dom, timmer-BWTBass, Jan, Sig, SorshaBull, DFaraday, Dunny, Glorfindel, Golden, INH, JaggedJimmyJay, leetic, LoRab, nutella, sig, Simon, Turnip
nutellaMM--RusstimmerDom-BWTBass, Jan, Sig, SorshaBull, DFaraday, Dunny, Glorfindel, Golden, INH, JaggedJimmyJay, leetic, LoRab, nutella, sig, Simon, Turnip
MMMM-Russ-Dom, timmer--BWTBass, Jan, Sig, SorshaBull, DFaraday, Dunny, Glorfindel, Golden, INH, JaggedJimmyJay, leetic, LoRab, nutella, sig, Simon, Turnip
As much as I would like to understand this. I just cant, the fact that my name is in a lot of boxes confuses me.

MacDougall wrote:I have an oddball theory.

Simon has gone quiet. He seemed to have a random beef with JJJ. If he is a Nanman and is low on partners he might lose interest and he might kill JJJ. I could see a lonely Simon mafia doing that.

FYI I am just digging throught the thread for some missing pearls at the moment. Nothing has been really jumping out at me. If nothing juicy comes out I am going to revote Russ and Dunny as nothing there has made me feel any better about either of them.
Is this because I came across as 'defensive' of my posts back on Day 0/1 I can't remember because if so... that's a little weak at this point in the game surely with everyone else's ideas going back and forth?
Russtifinko wrote:
Scotty wrote:
Russtifinko wrote:
Turnip Head wrote:Bubbles and MM's votes smell the fishiest to me. I want to go back and investigate those.

Scotty my man, I'm sorry I ever doubted you. You are the hero we need. Please be my sensei.
So I was gonna say this wasn't true and Scotty could still be a Yellow Turban, but then I realized he would've likely lost his duel had he been. So I'm prepared to give Scotty some civ cred barring evidence to the contrary.
Who's to say I'm not on Wilgy's team? I mean, I'm not, but why exclude that as a possibility?

I appreciate the civ label because I am, but your defense of me is slightly hollow.

I could also be anything, and just rolled better than Wilgy, so this argument is not the best way to guard my alignment.
Oh, damn you're right! More good ideas from Scotty.

Now stop crushing my ideas, please. :p
This from Russ ping'd me a little, Like maybe for some unknown reason he may already know that he isn't a part of Wilgy's team, and also as far as I am aware this is the only acknowledgement of scottys post by russ, which just seems to fob off the questions asked by Scotty. Fishy to me this is.
And why also 'defend' scotty as he so put it?
Russtifinko wrote:Hey, I'm not dead! No thanks to a lot of you.

Good that we nailed a baddie yesterday, though, regardless. Glad I could help in that respect.

RIP S~V~S and JJJ.

You guys are posting a LOT....I might more or less random my votes this Day.
There Is less to catch up with on this day than there was on day 2, why feel the need to Possibly have to random your votes at the start of the day?
nutella wrote:
Jan wrote:
nutella wrote:
Jan wrote:
Glorfindel wrote:
Jan wrote:I would like to see one out of Metalmarsh89 and Turnip Head gone. I think I'm voting both.
Hey, Jan :) I was wondering if you had any rationale for your votes? Sorry if you did and I missed it... :shrug:
By the way, it's awesome to be playing with you again old friend :bighug:
They're the loudest out of everyone else. I was actually considering JJJ as well, but this message sent to the GM smells of a scumplay. Idk.
What do you mean? The message sent to the thread was from a civ role.
How do you know?
Someone hasn't read the roles. Epi literally posted the picture of the role with the message, so we know it was from that role.
So you only wanted one of those two gone because they are/were the loudest players? By the looks of it there were a lot more vocal players than those two, was there some form of ulterior motive for this?
DisgruntledPorcupine wrote:Goin Russ + Timmer
What was the reason for this?This is probably the only time I have seen a post by DP

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 9:45 am
by Dunny
I had to quickly post as my surface's battery was about to die so any grammar mistake etc. I apologise.

Anyway, I am roughly caught up now and am about to go home, so i will be back later to see whats happened and also to vote which at the moment will likely be Russ and most possibly Jan because i don't think her reasoning sounded honest? Is that the word im looking for? On Day 2

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 10:18 am
by Nerolunar
Dragon D. Luffy wrote:Nerolunar

Notice of inactivity. Okay. Says he'll jump on a "reasonable bandwagon". Okay. Explains what a "reasonable bandwagon" is: a wagon well explained. supported by someone he feels good about. Not sure how it makes sense to have town reads this early but not bad reads of your own, but okay. Forgets to vote.

Post about Glorfindel being too nice that is kind of silly because Glorfindel is always nicer than a puppy. But okay, I won't pretend I can read Glorfindel well either. Explains why he missed day 1, then votes for 2 guys who are voting random. As he says, "random votes are no-no".

This guy is a baddie read of mine. He seems to be always around, his post count is not way too low, and he will explain all of his moves, but not make anything more than that. Looks like calculated scumplay to me. Not as bad as Boomslang I suppose, but still fishy. His inability to stay active sounds sincere, but it feels like he's not trying as much as he is able to.
Fair points. I will try to explain a bit.

1) Glorfindel projects innate civilian vibes just by being polite and has a history of dislinking being a baddie. Saying "my friend" in nearly every post looks forced to me. It pinged me because it looked unnatural to me. I did not vote for him because I did not remember much else of what he has said so he might have redeemed himself.

2) I usually find myself with a rope around my neck if I do not play somewhat calculated. Waaay too many times have I been either too eager or too lazy and gotten mislynched for it. Transistor is a recent example. I want to be as transparent as possible in what I do, even if it is only a few sentences. Well, I am finally done with the other game and can commit a bit more to this.
nutella wrote: Nerolunar: Kind of like DF, his participation has been low but fairly regular and decent. The only thing that gives me pause is that he voted for BWT and Timmer on D2, staying far away from the MM/Russ/Dom contest. Seems like maybe he hadn't been caught up but it would be nice to know if he had thoughts on any of that.
I was somewhat caught up but I honestly didn't get that conflict. I will try to be more active and work around the different conflicts and arguments. I know that sounds lazy as hell, but with all these players and a huge number of votes being thrown around it is difficult for me to work out the layers of this game. I feel a little stupid tbh :| But I will not let go of this game without attempting to grasp it ;)
Boomslang wrote: I don't like Nerolunar just kind of shrugging off my criticism of his D2 votes. The distinction between "random" and "impulse" votes seems spurious, especially when he says random is "being indifferent about the voted players" and then that his impulse votes were based on Timmer and BWT being "careless and uninterested." I don't get excited to vote for players who seem uninterested; carelessness is a slightly better criterion, but he provided no specific evidence. Can you back that up from thread posts, Nerolunar?
This is the post that made me vote for timmer:
timmer wrote:Added some votes to the people wit votes. No time to figure things out just yet.
I guess you could say I am guilty of saying the same thing, which I kind of am :shrug: Ugh. I am a goddamn hypocrite.

This post made me vote for BWT:
birdwithteeth11 wrote:I hate having to do this, but I haven't caught up at all, I'm more than 10 pages behind, and I've had a really bad cold I've been dealing with for the last few days. I'm going to vote for myself and random another person on the list. I'm hoping with any off day tomorrow that I'll have enough time to read through everything and catch back up. Sorry everyone!
I hate random votes, and what I hate more is self-voting, even in a game like this. Seems like BWT wants to duel another random person and squash the opponent no matter who it is. I don't like it.

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 10:22 am
by Nerolunar
Im also really digging Rico this game. Strong civ read on him.

Welcome Sloonei! :hug:

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 10:43 am
by Ricochet
And on the second Day of the Phase, Rico said, upon catching up: there will be multiquotes. Mind you, this is just ketchup, not new reads (I'll try some of those especially on people mentioned, slightly later)
Dragon D. Luffy wrote:Elohcin

Argued with me about Jay paranoia. Then some game mechanics banter and complaining about being left behind. That keeps going until Day 2. At the end of the day, she votes for Russ and MM, exactly the same vote as I made. Rico might tell us how that influenced the poll (I'm too lazy to check). Pretty null play so far, not much to suspect or trust.
Eloh pushed both MM and Russ further into first and second, respectively. The only notable detail would be that she broke the tie between Dom and Russ.
Dom wrote:
I'll GTH them. I'll humor the haters.
Boomslang - civ
Bullzeye - civ
DDL - civ
Elohcin - bad
Nerolunar - civ
Quin - civ
K what makes Eloh bad

Sloonei wrote:Dunny, unless this is diiny.
Lol'd hard. Hi Sloonei.

Inquisitive Sloonei is very inquisitive. Is this civlike Sloonei, normally? Can someone tell me? Can we rezz JJJ so he can tell me?
Quin wrote:Also, it was great. My favourite part was when he got struck by lightning.
I found that scene the least organically integrated one in the movie, actually. Or maybe a close second to Edward Norton green screen leaping from an explosion.
Sloonei wrote:
I know the feeling of being helplessly behind in a game. It can be daunting and frustrating. However this is not something that I'd categorize as being alignment-indicative, so I'll reserve judgment either way until more things have happened.
Hi timmer, I am no more caught up on things than you are. I've only just got here and read <10% of the thread. Tell me what you think of nutella's analysis of you in this post?
I find the empathy moment towards timmer and wanting to wait for a rebuttal from him honorable, but there's also the issue of his actual votes (and his rebuttal that followed and can be traced toDay). Could you perhaps develop an opinion on the latter?


Caps has dropped the lynch-me attitude completely, watsupwithdat.

Jan wrote:Ugh, I won't have time to make that post as promised. It'll contain justifications for my votes this round.
Bit confused by this. You 're saying you won't have time to make the post that will justify your votes? How and who do you plan on voting then, and will it be reasoned (contain justifications) of any kind or not?

MacDougall wrote:I have an oddball theory.

Simon has gone quiet. He seemed to have a random beef with JJJ. If he is a Nanman and is low on partners he might lose interest and he might kill JJJ. I could see a lonely Simon mafia doing that.

FYI I am just digging throught the thread for some missing pearls at the moment. Nothing has been really jumping out at me. If nothing juicy comes out I am going to revote Russ and Dunny as nothing there has made me feel any better about either of them.
There is a post from Simon that gives me the vibe of him being anything but lonely. Do you make anything of it?


Speedy recovery, Dunny.

Small ping on DDL repeating the busy-must-vote routine, but coming back afterwards for a few more input.

Glorfindel wrote:I don't know if anyone has made this observation yet but I'll go ahead anyway - If someone has, please accept my most sincere apologies.

I was going back looking at MM's votes during his somewhat limited time with us and would like to make the following observations:

Day 1: MM's votes for Day 1 were on: Dr Wilgy (21) and Turnip Head (22). I obviously don't know MM as well as most of you but is it really THAT likely that he would've voted for TWO of his Nanman team mates on Day 1 :shrug: From an outsider's perspective, I should think it somewhat unlikely - which on balance is a better look for TH. I'm happy to reconsider this if anyone would like to offer an alternate opinion.

Day 2: MM was the last to cast his votes for Dom (54) and Russtifinko (55). Prior to placing his votes, Russ was 'runner-up' wagon on 7 votes. The next highest wagon was timmer on 6 votes. So assuming MM's vote was a 'hail Mary' self preservation vote, wouldn't it have been more logical for him to have voted the next highest wagons (Russ and timmer) than to place his vote on Dom? Admittedly, timmer's last vote (6) was made immediately before MM's (by Nutella) but I wonder what conclusions could be drawn from that? The vote for Dom was on a slow burn from the beginning of the Day phase (starting on vote (5) and followed by votes (9), (13), (23) and (43). In comparison, timmer's vote was meteoric - picking up 6 votes in a matter of hours (votes (26), (31), (33), (41), (48) and (53). If self preservation were his goal, I'd have thought MM would've voted timmer before Dom :shrug:
Good stuff.

1) I was pinged by MM as soon as he made that 'voting Wilgy and JJJ as prefects because of Talking Heads meta", because wtf Wilgy was bad in that one. And lo and behold, Wilgy was bad in this one as well, and so was MM. I could indulge in the belief that this "triumvirate" could have taken the banter-WIFOM path, only for it to crash down on their heads, but there's also the vibe I get that either sig or Turnip are incapacitated today. If true for Turnip, that makes him non-Nanman compatible - unless fakery or inner-team-targetting shenanigans.

2) I'm also wondering the same about MM not choosing (or disregarding altogether in reads, IIRC) timmer, over the other counterwagons.


Pressing 'Submit' now, sweet Mary Jesus please go through.

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 10:44 am
by Ricochet
*feeling that he's Night 3 fodder if people keep strongciv'ing him intensifies* :scared:

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 10:50 am
by Sloonei
I do not think the list of dead players has been fully updated. According to the first page MM is still alive, but everyone else seems to disagree.

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 10:57 am
by Scotty
Sloonei wrote:Hey Scotty I am a mindless sheep and you are my shepherd. Tell me who to vote for.
I slept on a sheep's wool blanket last night on the floor. It was the baaahmb.

It seems like you're doing ok just catching up.

Honestly? I'm probably gonna vote for INH and Turnip. But you can vote wherever- that seems to be the hit-button thing to do with people catching up anyway. :shrug2:
I was gonna consider Dom again. There's too many people denouncing the Dom vote where I have to take a step back and go, "what am I missing?" I mean, I'm not usually one to be badgered by the popular opinion and fall in line, but I'm going to try and be more malleable on this point.

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 10:58 am
by Ricochet
Sloonei wrote:I do not think the list of dead players has been fully updated. According to the first page MM is still alive, but everyone else seems to disagree.
No sign of lynch shenanigans, so it's probably the first sentence.

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 11:01 am
by Scotty
Glorfindel wrote:I don't know if anyone has made this observation yet but I'll go ahead anyway - If someone has, please accept my most sincere apologies.

I was going back looking at MM's votes during his somewhat limited time with us and would like to make the following observations:

Day 1: MM's votes for Day 1 were on: Dr Wilgy (21) and Turnip Head (22). I obviously don't know MM as well as most of you but is it really THAT likely that he would've voted for TWO of his Nanman team mates on Day 1 :shrug: From an outsider's perspective, I should think it somewhat unlikely - which on balance is a better look for TH. I'm happy to reconsider this if anyone would like to offer an alternate opinion.

Day 2: MM was the last to cast his votes for Dom (54) and Russtifinko (55). Prior to placing his votes, Russ was 'runner-up' wagon on 7 votes. The next highest wagon was timmer on 6 votes. So assuming MM's vote was a 'hail Mary' self preservation vote, wouldn't it have been more logical for him to have voted the next highest wagons (Russ and timmer) than to place his vote on Dom? Admittedly, timmer's last vote (6) was made immediately before MM's (by Nutella) but I wonder what conclusions could be drawn from that? The vote for Dom was on a slow burn from the beginning of the Day phase (starting on vote (5) and followed by votes (9), (13), (23) and (43). In comparison, timmer's vote was meteoric - picking up 6 votes in a matter of hours (votes (26), (31), (33), (41), (48) and (53). If self preservation were his goal, I'd have thought MM would've voted timmer before Dom :shrug:
Actually, this is precisely what Mm would do if he were bad. Mixed in with the "hey guys I'm bad" WIFOM that I've seen him use in orevious games when he was bad, he would point out all his baddie mates if he had a chance just for people like you to go, "oh, he would never do that, it's silly." Well, yes. Silly is MM's MO.

The WIFOM game is exactly how we nabbed MM with Wilgy, why not put all the pieces together and nab TH, the other Yellow Turban, who has been unceremoniously unhelpful this game

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 11:03 am
by Ricochet
Scotty wrote: Actually, this is precisely what Mm would do if he were bad. Mixed in with the "hey guys I'm bad" WIFOM that I've seen him use in orevious games when he was bad, he would point out all his baddie mates if he had a chance just for people like you to go, "oh, he would never do that, it's silly." Well, yes. Silly is MM's MO.

The WIFOM game is exactly how we nabbed MM with Wilgy, why not put all the pieces together and nab TH, the other Yellow Turban, who has been unceremoniously unhelpful this game

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 11:08 am
by Sloonei
Scotty wrote:
Sloonei wrote:Hey Scotty I am a mindless sheep and you are my shepherd. Tell me who to vote for.
I slept on a sheep's wool blanket last night on the floor. It was the baaahmb.

It seems like you're doing ok just catching up.

Honestly? I'm probably gonna vote for INH and Turnip. But you can vote wherever- that seems to be the hit-button thing to do with people catching up anyway. :shrug2:
I was gonna consider Dom again. There's too many people denouncing the Dom vote where I have to take a step back and go, "what am I missing?" I mean, I'm not usually one to be badgered by the popular opinion and fall in line, but I'm going to try and be more malleable on this point.
Why INH and Turnip Head?

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 11:09 am
by Boomslang
Dom wrote:Boomslang, does a careless player mean an evil player that needs to be kept on the other side of the wall?
I'd say a careless player needs to be carefully vetted until we can figure out what's going on :goofp: Case in point is Nerolunar. "I guess you could say I am guilty of saying the same thing, which I kind of am :shrug: Ugh. I am a goddamn hypocrite." I really don't like this defense. If you're calling your own behavior out as shady, you're asking us to trust your civility on nothing but your word. I agree with the punishment of BWT's self-voting, but that's about it.

Meanwhile, Caps continues to dig himself into a hole. "I didn’t expect anyone to actually vote me," he says, after claiming "I would be comfortable being voted for." Why even say that in the first place, then, if you weren't prepared to shoulder the consequences? I really don't like that back and forth.

Following up on my D2 suspicion of Sorsha, I haven't seen anything to change my mind for the better, and there are a few things that change my mind for the worse. "I don't know if I'd have voted for prefects at all" is a third instance of being flippant about the game. Claims to be "ok with an MM vote," then self-votes and puts one on the absent INH. I see someone trying very hard to avoid making waves, and I don't like it.

Linki w/Scotty: I like the idea of following the WIFOM through its conclusion, but...
Linki w/Rico: UHM, indeed.

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 11:17 am
by Tangrowth
Sorry guys, I'm a fail at playing mafia right now and I hate the way I'm playing with the exception of my few hours of activity and analysis on Day 2. There's just too much stuff going on that's more important for me to be able to contribute meaningfully during this phase. I'll have to do one of those drive-by votes that I have consistently hated so much.

Checking the poll, I see Boomslang has a vote already. I haven't read any posts but I want to make it clear that Boomslang is one of my TOP civilian reads. I don't have a real opinion of Nerolunar. So I don't want to vote either of them.

I feel better about Mac and nutella after I expressed beefs with them on Day 2; their responses seemed reasonable and genuine from a tone perspective, so while I won't call them town reads right now I'm not calling for their lynch either.

Dom is also one of my TOP civilian reads. Russ is a civilian read. Not voting them either.

So I'm really stuck in a position here where I have to make a shitty set of votes because I'm not caught up, and I don't feel I can make remotely informed decisions because of that and because I haven't performed any teammate analysis.

I'm voting timmer (again) for reasons previously stated, and I suppose I'll throw a second one on Dunny because I want to call attention to him over the 'main' wagons of yesterday (as I stated during Day 2, again, find my previous posts for elaboration).

I have no idea if any of you have questions or concerns for me; if I live to see Day 4, I'll try to get to them then. Apologies all around. I would replace out probably if Epi actually had a bunch of replacements waiting but as it stands I'm just going to have to continue a lower approach, just hopefully more informed than this.

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 11:24 am
by TheCapsFan
Caps has dropped the lynch-me attitude completely, watsupwithdat.
Oh, you can still lynch me. I mean, it's better than doing nothing.

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 11:25 am
by LoRab
Sloonei wrote:I figured I'd have a look at the roster and identify all the Strangers. I've not played with or have very limited experience with the following:
Dunny, unless this is diiny.
Glorfindel (I think we played a heist together a few months ago)
LoRab, name is familiar but I can't recall any past game experience.

That's more than I was expecting.
I think we maybe played together once or twice, but I couldn't tell you what games.

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 11:27 am
by Sloonei
Ricochet wrote:
Sloonei wrote:I do not think the list of dead players has been fully updated. According to the first page MM is still alive, but everyone else seems to disagree.
No sign of lynch shenanigans, so it's probably the first sentence.
Who are all the dead players and how did they come to be that way?

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 11:27 am
by Sloonei
anyone can answer that question, it's not just for rico.

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 11:36 am
by Scotty
Ricochet wrote:
Scotty wrote: Actually, this is precisely what Mm would do if he were bad. Mixed in with the "hey guys I'm bad" WIFOM that I've seen him use in orevious games when he was bad, he would point out all his baddie mates if he had a chance just for people like you to go, "oh, he would never do that, it's silly." Well, yes. Silly is MM's MO.

The WIFOM game is exactly how we nabbed MM with Wilgy, why not put all the pieces together and nab TH, the other Yellow Turban, who has been unceremoniously unhelpful this game

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 11:40 am
by Scotty
Sloonei wrote:
Scotty wrote:
Sloonei wrote:Hey Scotty I am a mindless sheep and you are my shepherd. Tell me who to vote for.
I slept on a sheep's wool blanket last night on the floor. It was the baaahmb.

It seems like you're doing ok just catching up.

Honestly? I'm probably gonna vote for INH and Turnip. But you can vote wherever- that seems to be the hit-button thing to do with people catching up anyway. :shrug2:
I was gonna consider Dom again. There's too many people denouncing the Dom vote where I have to take a step back and go, "what am I missing?" I mean, I'm not usually one to be badgered by the popular opinion and fall in line, but I'm going to try and be more malleable on this point.
Why INH and Turnip Head?
INH I've been callin out for being actively campaigning for a responsibility in day 1, and then after winning the election, disappeared. He then reappeared yesterday briefly apologizing for his absence and saying he was ready to play. And then...nothing. So, ok then.
TH has been skating around me all game. He voted for me on day 1 for reasons that didn't exactly have a rooted reason. I have asked him point blank multiple times whether he thinks I am bad, and he has either ignored it or shrugged it off on purpose. He's been overly unenthusiastic in solving the game from the normal Civ-minded TH I remember and compounded with MM implicating him IMO in the WIFOM guacamole, I think he is one of them yellow turbans

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 11:46 am
by Sloonei
Nerolunar wrote: This post made me vote for BWT:
birdwithteeth11 wrote:I hate having to do this, but I haven't caught up at all, I'm more than 10 pages behind, and I've had a really bad cold I've been dealing with for the last few days. I'm going to vote for myself and random another person on the list. I'm hoping with any off day tomorrow that I'll have enough time to read through everything and catch back up. Sorry everyone!
I hate random votes, and what I hate more is self-voting, even in a game like this. Seems like BWT wants to duel another random person and squash the opponent no matter who it is. I don't like it.
I cannot get behind this accusation and I do not understand your logic in making it. It seems that when BWT self-voted, he was the only person voting for himself that day. He wasn't asking to be put into a duel, he was simply trying to avoid doing any accidental or unnecessary damage. His stated reason that he was simply not caught up enough to justify any vote seems more believable to me. Additionally, would he not also want to use his second vote on one of the other players near the top of a bandwagon if this is what he was doing?

I can understand a self-vote in a situation like this one. I am not saying I town-read birdwithteeth because of it, but I do not scum read him for it either.

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 11:49 am
by Sloonei
Scotty wrote:
Sloonei wrote:
Scotty wrote:
Sloonei wrote:Hey Scotty I am a mindless sheep and you are my shepherd. Tell me who to vote for.
I slept on a sheep's wool blanket last night on the floor. It was the baaahmb.

It seems like you're doing ok just catching up.

Honestly? I'm probably gonna vote for INH and Turnip. But you can vote wherever- that seems to be the hit-button thing to do with people catching up anyway. :shrug2:
I was gonna consider Dom again. There's too many people denouncing the Dom vote where I have to take a step back and go, "what am I missing?" I mean, I'm not usually one to be badgered by the popular opinion and fall in line, but I'm going to try and be more malleable on this point.
Why INH and Turnip Head?
INH I've been callin out for being actively campaigning for a responsibility in day 1, and then after winning the election, disappeared. He then reappeared yesterday briefly apologizing for his absence and saying he was ready to play. And then...nothing. So, ok then.
TH has been skating around me all game. He voted for me on day 1 for reasons that didn't exactly have a rooted reason. I have asked him point blank multiple times whether he thinks I am bad, and he has either ignored it or shrugged it off on purpose. He's been overly unenthusiastic in solving the game from the normal Civ-minded TH I remember and compounded with MM implicating him IMO in the WIFOM guacamole, I think he is one of them yellow turbans
This sounds like town Turnip Head from a couple recent games I've played with him (Arrested Development & Turf Wars).
I'll have a look at these two and judge for myself. Thanks tho

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 11:52 am
by Sloonei
LoRab wrote:
Sloonei wrote:I figured I'd have a look at the roster and identify all the Strangers. I've not played with or have very limited experience with the following:
Dunny, unless this is diiny.
Glorfindel (I think we played a heist together a few months ago)
LoRab, name is familiar but I can't recall any past game experience.

That's more than I was expecting.
I think we maybe played together once or twice, but I couldn't tell you what games.
It is possible, I've definitely seen you around here plenty!
Either way, I know nothing about your thoughts on this game so far. Who are your strongest town reads and why?

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 11:58 am
by Scotty
Sloonei wrote:
Ricochet wrote:
Sloonei wrote:I do not think the list of dead players has been fully updated. According to the first page MM is still alive, but everyone else seems to disagree.
No sign of lynch shenanigans, so it's probably the first sentence.
Who are all the dead players and how did they come to be that way?
Wilgy tied with me 5-5 on day 1, where votes piled on us in the last 30 minutes for various random reasons. Wilgy's last post said something to the effect of: "we talked about LoRab in BTSC, MM" throwing some glorious WIFOM before he was lynched. No one was killed on night 1, for some reason. I think the common belief is that there were powers at play, and not inactivity (at least from MM's baddie camp, since we know Mm was active). Though there's really no way to know.

Day 2, MM did a terrible job of defending his votes, and the Wilgy WIFOM was too juicy, so we pitted him with Russ (Dom almost was sent to battle). He was lynched, and was on Wilgy's baddie team.
Last night, SVS and JJJ were killed, so I would assume both teams woke up and killed. JJJ was a big contributor to the thread (I was leaning civ) and makes sense as a kill I guess. SVS had one post detailing she didn't have working Internet. So that was an odd "mercy" kill I suspect.

and now we're here

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 12:02 pm
by Boomslang
TheCapsFan wrote:
Caps has dropped the lynch-me attitude completely, watsupwithdat.
Oh, you can still lynch me. I mean, it's better than doing nothing.
So... does this strike anyone else as an admission of guilt? If you were civ, Caps, lynching you would by definition be worse than doing nothing. So if lynching you improves our position, you must be bad. I look forward to your response.

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 12:03 pm
by Sloonei
Ricochet wrote:
Scotty wrote: Actually, this is precisely what Mm would do if he were bad. Mixed in with the "hey guys I'm bad" WIFOM that I've seen him use in orevious games when he was bad, he would point out all his baddie mates if he had a chance just for people like you to go, "oh, he would never do that, it's silly." Well, yes. Silly is MM's MO.

The WIFOM game is exactly how we nabbed MM with Wilgy, why not put all the pieces together and nab TH, the other Yellow Turban, who has been unceremoniously unhelpful this game
In my head I have not even begun to separate any of the anti-town factions yet. So I do not know what is implied in this UHM. What is implied in this UHM?

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 12:06 pm
by Sloonei
Scotty wrote:
Sloonei wrote:
Ricochet wrote:
Sloonei wrote:I do not think the list of dead players has been fully updated. According to the first page MM is still alive, but everyone else seems to disagree.
No sign of lynch shenanigans, so it's probably the first sentence.
Who are all the dead players and how did they come to be that way?
Wilgy tied with me 5-5 on day 1, where votes piled on us in the last 30 minutes for various random reasons. Wilgy's last post said something to the effect of: "we talked about LoRab in BTSC, MM" throwing some glorious WIFOM before he was lynched. No one was killed on night 1, for some reason. I think the common belief is that there were powers at play, and not inactivity (at least from MM's baddie camp, since we know Mm was active). Though there's really no way to know.

Day 2, MM did a terrible job of defending his votes, and the Wilgy WIFOM was too juicy, so we pitted him with Russ (Dom almost was sent to battle). He was lynched, and was on Wilgy's baddie team.
Last night, SVS and JJJ were killed, so I would assume both teams woke up and killed. JJJ was a big contributor to the thread (I was leaning civ) and makes sense as a kill I guess. SVS had one post detailing she didn't have working Internet. So that was an odd "mercy" kill I suspect.

and now we're here
So two baddies from the same faction have been lynched on the first 2 days? That's... nice. High fives all around.

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 12:07 pm
by Ricochet
Scotty wrote:
Ricochet wrote:
Scotty wrote: Actually, this is precisely what Mm would do if he were bad. Mixed in with the "hey guys I'm bad" WIFOM that I've seen him use in orevious games when he was bad, he would point out all his baddie mates if he had a chance just for people like you to go, "oh, he would never do that, it's silly." Well, yes. Silly is MM's MO.

The WIFOM game is exactly how we nabbed MM with Wilgy, why not put all the pieces together and nab TH, the other Yellow Turban, who has been unceremoniously unhelpful this game
Explain underlined, duh.

linki: that you called TH "the other Yellow Turban"? Did you slip?
Sloonei wrote:
Ricochet wrote:
Sloonei wrote:I do not think the list of dead players has been fully updated. According to the first page MM is still alive, but everyone else seems to disagree.
No sign of lynch shenanigans, so it's probably the first sentence.
Who are all the dead players and how did they come to be that way?
Wilgy - lynched. noob mafia
no N1 kill
MM - lynched. noob mafia
JJJ - nightkilled. alignment unknown
SVS - nightkilled. alignment unknown

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 12:08 pm
by LoRab
Dunny wrote:hey guys, sorry a lot of shit happened and I've been in hospital. Will do my best to try and catch up
Feel better!!!!!
Glorfindel wrote:I don't know if anyone has made this observation yet but I'll go ahead anyway - If someone has, please accept my most sincere apologies.

I was going back looking at MM's votes during his somewhat limited time with us and would like to make the following observations:

Day 1: MM's votes for Day 1 were on: Dr Wilgy (21) and Turnip Head (22). I obviously don't know MM as well as most of you but is it really THAT likely that he would've voted for TWO of his Nanman team mates on Day 1 :shrug: From an outsider's perspective, I should think it somewhat unlikely - which on balance is a better look for TH. I'm happy to reconsider this if anyone would like to offer an alternate opinion.

Day 2: MM was the last to cast his votes for Dom (54) and Russtifinko (55). Prior to placing his votes, Russ was 'runner-up' wagon on 7 votes. The next highest wagon was timmer on 6 votes. So assuming MM's vote was a 'hail Mary' self preservation vote, wouldn't it have been more logical for him to have voted the next highest wagons (Russ and timmer) than to place his vote on Dom? Admittedly, timmer's last vote (6) was made immediately before MM's (by Nutella) but I wonder what conclusions could be drawn from that? The vote for Dom was on a slow burn from the beginning of the Day phase (starting on vote (5) and followed by votes (9), (13), (23) and (43). In comparison, timmer's vote was meteoric - picking up 6 votes in a matter of hours (votes (26), (31), (33), (41), (48) and (53). If self preservation were his goal, I'd have thought MM would've voted timmer before Dom :shrug:
I could totally see MM voting for 2 teammates for prefect just for the shits and giggles, mixed in with a dose of WIFOM. This makes me more suspicious of TH, TBQH.

And good pick up and analysis on day 2. Timmer might get my second vote. TH is likely getting my first.
Sloonei wrote:anyone can answer that question, it's not just for rico.
Day 1: Scotty and Wigly dueled, Scotty won. Wilgy was Ahuinan
Night 1: No death
Day 2: Russ and MM dueled, Russ won. MM was Dong Tu Na
Night 2: Yellow Turbans killed SVS. Nanman killed JJJ

And, based on your questioning in the thread, I'm guessing that you don't have BTSC, which makes you likely civ (indy is possible, but there are more civs than indies). I mean, a baddie could replace in and fake the questioning, but I don't think many would take the time, and that's not how I've seen baddies act when they replace in (or how I've acted when I've replaced in as a baddie). So, I'm feeling good about you for the moment.
Scotty wrote:
Ricochet wrote:
Scotty wrote: Actually, this is precisely what Mm would do if he were bad. Mixed in with the "hey guys I'm bad" WIFOM that I've seen him use in orevious games when he was bad, he would point out all his baddie mates if he had a chance just for people like you to go, "oh, he would never do that, it's silly." Well, yes. Silly is MM's MO.

The WIFOM game is exactly how we nabbed MM with Wilgy, why not put all the pieces together and nab TH, the other Yellow Turban, who has been unceremoniously unhelpful this game
Wrong mafia, dude.

linkitis: @Boomslang: Not just you.

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 12:10 pm
by Sloonei
Boomslang wrote:
TheCapsFan wrote:
Caps has dropped the lynch-me attitude completely, watsupwithdat.
Oh, you can still lynch me. I mean, it's better than doing nothing.
So... does this strike anyone else as an admission of guilt? If you were civ, Caps, lynching you would by definition be worse than doing nothing. So if lynching you improves our position, you must be bad. I look forward to your response.
Not an admission of guilt, but certainly a questionable stance.
Hey CapsFan, do you want us to vote for you?

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 12:13 pm
by Ricochet
MovingPictures07 wrote:Sorry guys, I'm a fail at playing mafia right now and I hate the way I'm playing with the exception of my few hours of activity and analysis on Day 2. There's just too much stuff going on that's more important for me to be able to contribute meaningfully during this phase. I'll have to do one of those drive-by votes that I have consistently hated so much.

Checking the poll, I see Boomslang has a vote already. I haven't read any posts but I want to make it clear that Boomslang is one of my TOP civilian reads. I don't have a real opinion of Nerolunar. So I don't want to vote either of them.

I feel better about Mac and nutella after I expressed beefs with them on Day 2; their responses seemed reasonable and genuine from a tone perspective, so while I won't call them town reads right now I'm not calling for their lynch either.

Dom is also one of my TOP civilian reads. Russ is a civilian read. Not voting them either.

So I'm really stuck in a position here where I have to make a shitty set of votes because I'm not caught up, and I don't feel I can make remotely informed decisions because of that and because I haven't performed any teammate analysis.

I'm voting timmer (again) for reasons previously stated, and I suppose I'll throw a second one on Dunny because I want to call attention to him over the 'main' wagons of yesterday (as I stated during Day 2, again, find my previous posts for elaboration).

I have no idea if any of you have questions or concerns for me; if I live to see Day 4, I'll try to get to them then. Apologies all around. I would replace out probably if Epi actually had a bunch of replacements waiting but as it stands I'm just going to have to continue a lower approach, just hopefully more informed than this.
MP, whenever you manage to get back to this, I'd really like to know, simply from your perspective, what defines Boomslang as topciv. Maybe Dom, too, since you also put it in terms of topciv.

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 12:18 pm
by Ricochet
My linki-reply to Sloonei requires an EBWOP, because I thought Scotty had asked me that. Don't know why. :doh:
that Scotty called TH "the other Yellow Turban"? Did he slip?

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 12:24 pm
by Sloonei
Sporadic server troubles are slowing me down a bit, but Rico asked me to take a look at timmer's response to the critique of his votes.
timmer wrote:So I'm not just not going to try to catch up but rather start fresh from here. I'm sorry if my spontaneous vote strategy confused or offended some people, it made sense to Mr at the time. I figured, many of the people holding back votes will be plotters on bad teams, if one of their own is up for lynch. So since I had no idea about anything, I pushed the #2 and #3 guys up to ry to force baddie to get agitated and sloppy. It made sense at the time :noble:

I will observe the day's events and vote with my gut when the time for it comes.
This explanation is believable enough, but still not entirely convincing. It seems to me that timmer was placing his trust in the the poll results and just wanted to push them along. But it is hard to look past the fact that he did not choose to place either of his votes on Metalmarsh. And the last sentence seems a bit like nervous over-justification.
timmer wrote:@Rico, I can't help you decide whether my move was a civilian faux -pas or not (I don't really consider it a faux pass anyway). That's for you to mull over, buddy! I explained it as I could :)
And his follow up response is nothing bit a wifom shrug. I can better understand a timmer suspicion from this angle.

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 12:30 pm
by Sloonei
MovingPictures07 wrote:Sorry guys, I'm a fail at playing mafia right now and I hate the way I'm playing with the exception of my few hours of activity and analysis on Day 2. There's just too much stuff going on that's more important for me to be able to contribute meaningfully during this phase. I'll have to do one of those drive-by votes that I have consistently hated so much.

Checking the poll, I see Boomslang has a vote already. I haven't read any posts but I want to make it clear that Boomslang is one of my TOP civilian reads. I don't have a real opinion of Nerolunar. So I don't want to vote either of them.

I feel better about Mac and nutella after I expressed beefs with them on Day 2; their responses seemed reasonable and genuine from a tone perspective, so while I won't call them town reads right now I'm not calling for their lynch either.

Dom is also one of my TOP civilian reads. Russ is a civilian read. Not voting them either.

So I'm really stuck in a position here where I have to make a shitty set of votes because I'm not caught up, and I don't feel I can make remotely informed decisions because of that and because I haven't performed any teammate analysis.

I'm voting timmer (again) for reasons previously stated, and I suppose I'll throw a second one on Dunny because I want to call attention to him over the 'main' wagons of yesterday (as I stated during Day 2, again, find my previous posts for elaboration).

I have no idea if any of you have questions or concerns for me; if I live to see Day 4, I'll try to get to them then. Apologies all around. I would replace out probably if Epi actually had a bunch of replacements waiting but as it stands I'm just going to have to continue a lower approach, just hopefully more informed than this.
I am new here, and I've not come close to reading the entire thread, but one thing I would not expect to do with what little I am familiar with is name Russ a top town read. Every post of his that I've seen has caused eyebrows to raise.

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 12:33 pm
by Ricochet
If the general feel is to make out of Day 3 a test lynch, I could go with pitting TH and Caps.

Otherwise, I find that nominating TH strictly for WIFOM is a slight gamble (then again, about as much as pinning MM was, for the same reason) and nominating Caps for his lynch-me posts is a big gamble - seriously, Caps, do NOT express resignation if you are civilian, we are not the kind to prioritise "clean-up lynch" as a mindset and it would be detrimental to our hunt.

If sig will post by the end of the day (which he should, unless he's incapacitated), then nominating TH would be a gamble for rolling Turban or indy, because otherwise it'd make little sense for him to be Nanman if he was incapacitated - and I really see no better targets, among active players.

Off the top of my head, I'd pursue a timmer lynch right now: his vote, his DIY-like rebuttal which left me pretty meh, his possible connection via MM's own vote tactic. I don't know if I have clear second choice yet. I should still revisit players that are read baddie, like DFaraday (since Dom insists) or Boomslang (since DDL has a particular badread on him).

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 1]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 1:04 pm
by Sloonei
I was digging through DDL's posts and then his Day 1 votes came in and set off many alarms.
Dragon D. Luffy wrote:I find myself agreeing with Mac's point on Dunny. And something about him just feels off. Like he is just overly-defensive. I don't feel good about voting for a new player on day 1, but it's the game.

Also I didn't like Nutella's perfectly reasonable post, so away with her.

These are my votes. I might be able to make some posts tomorrow, but not read or write any big ones, so I'm voting now. Good night.
Prior to this post, I noted exactly 1 mention of nutella in DDL's posts, and it was just a few minutes earlier when he said she made a "well-reasoned" post, which he then spins into paranoia for some reason. A few minutes later he's decided to put a vote on her and... dunny, another player I've not noticed DDL mentioning at all previously.
It is not like DDL was being silent before these votes. What makes them so surprising is that he had been talking plenty before this, but then chose to toss a couple of votes on players he was otherwise not discussing at all. Why?
But then another thing that struck me was how many of his posts seemed to come out of Day 0. I was a bit surprised when I was well into his post history and noticed that the posts I was reading still had the "Day 0" headline on them. And he was sowing lots of paranoia back then too, right off the bat. I'm usually the first person to talk people out of trusting Jay intrinsically, but DDL seemed really eager to pounce on that when this game started.

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 1:05 pm
by Sloonei
This server thing is really hampering my ketchup.

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 1:22 pm
by Sloonei
Dragon D. Luffy wrote:Also I feel like I want to vote for TH, but cant find any rational reason for it. Something about him feels wrong though.
"Something about him feels wrong". I never ever like that justification. It means literally nothing and opens up the door for baseless accusation. Totally insubstantial claim posing as substance.

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 1:27 pm
by Sloonei
If votes were changeable mine would tentatively be on Russ and DDL right now, with timmer as an alternate candidate.

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 1:53 pm
by Boomslang
Sloonei wrote:
Dragon D. Luffy wrote:Also I feel like I want to vote for TH, but cant find any rational reason for it. Something about him feels wrong though.
"Something about him feels wrong". I never ever like that justification. It means literally nothing and opens up the door for baseless accusation. Totally insubstantial claim posing as substance.
Fantastic catch. Very fluffy, and it gives DDL the flexibility to jump in either direction on the TH discussion. If they're teammates and a TH lynch looks preventable, he could say, "Nah, that was nothing" and vote elsewhere. If the lynch train has no brakes, he could say, "I still have that gut feeling, so I'm going to vote TH" and perform a bussing maneuver. DDL, search your feelings and give us something better to go on.

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 2:12 pm
by Sloonei
Boomslang wrote:
Sloonei wrote:
Dragon D. Luffy wrote:Also I feel like I want to vote for TH, but cant find any rational reason for it. Something about him feels wrong though.
"Something about him feels wrong". I never ever like that justification. It means literally nothing and opens up the door for baseless accusation. Totally insubstantial claim posing as substance.
Fantastic catch. Very fluffy, and it gives DDL the flexibility to jump in either direction on the TH discussion. If they're teammates and a TH lynch looks preventable, he could say, "Nah, that was nothing" and vote elsewhere. If the lynch train has no brakes, he could say, "I still have that gut feeling, so I'm going to vote TH" and perform a bussing maneuver. DDL, search your feelings and give us something better to go on.
You've shared a good amount of suspicion against various players, but I'm having a tough time gauging the strengths of a lot of these suspicions. The day is ending relatively soon. Who do you plan on voting for?

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 2:22 pm
by Boomslang
Sloonei wrote:You've shared a good amount of suspicion against various players, but I'm having a tough time gauging the strengths of a lot of these suspicions. The day is ending relatively soon. Who do you plan on voting for?
Four hours is still a chunk of time, and for once I'll be able to stick around through the end of day. Right now, I'd say my leading suspects are TH and Sorsha. I think we should call the big WIFOM bluff that LoRab identified, and as I posted recently, my initial suspicions of Sorsha have intensified over the days. I'm also feeling worse on Nerolunar and Caps; Jan is on the back burner for now, because all I really have for that is carelessness.

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 2:22 pm
by Nerolunar
Boomslang wrote:
Dom wrote:Boomslang, does a careless player mean an evil player that needs to be kept on the other side of the wall?
I'd say a careless player needs to be carefully vetted until we can figure out what's going on :goofp: Case in point is Nerolunar. "I guess you could say I am guilty of saying the same thing, which I kind of am :shrug: Ugh. I am a goddamn hypocrite." I really don't like this defense. If you're calling your own behavior out as shady, you're asking us to trust your civility on nothing but your word. I agree with the punishment of BWT's self-voting, but that's about it.
That's not what I meant. I am a hypocrite because I voted timmer because of reasons(not being able to understand the game and the different arguments being thrown around) I exhibit myself. It wasn't really a "defense" more like an elaboration of my previous vote. I don't think I am acting "shady" - more the opposite by doubting my own point of view about things. If you disagree, let me know. I think you reached a little here with your interpretation.

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 2:27 pm
by Scotty
LoRab wrote:
Dunny wrote:hey guys, sorry a lot of shit happened and I've been in hospital. Will do my best to try and catch up
Feel better!!!!!
Glorfindel wrote:I don't know if anyone has made this observation yet but I'll go ahead anyway - If someone has, please accept my most sincere apologies.

I was going back looking at MM's votes during his somewhat limited time with us and would like to make the following observations:

Day 1: MM's votes for Day 1 were on: Dr Wilgy (21) and Turnip Head (22). I obviously don't know MM as well as most of you but is it really THAT likely that he would've voted for TWO of his Nanman team mates on Day 1 :shrug: From an outsider's perspective, I should think it somewhat unlikely - which on balance is a better look for TH. I'm happy to reconsider this if anyone would like to offer an alternate opinion.

Day 2: MM was the last to cast his votes for Dom (54) and Russtifinko (55). Prior to placing his votes, Russ was 'runner-up' wagon on 7 votes. The next highest wagon was timmer on 6 votes. So assuming MM's vote was a 'hail Mary' self preservation vote, wouldn't it have been more logical for him to have voted the next highest wagons (Russ and timmer) than to place his vote on Dom? Admittedly, timmer's last vote (6) was made immediately before MM's (by Nutella) but I wonder what conclusions could be drawn from that? The vote for Dom was on a slow burn from the beginning of the Day phase (starting on vote (5) and followed by votes (9), (13), (23) and (43). In comparison, timmer's vote was meteoric - picking up 6 votes in a matter of hours (votes (26), (31), (33), (41), (48) and (53). If self preservation were his goal, I'd have thought MM would've voted timmer before Dom :shrug:
I could totally see MM voting for 2 teammates for prefect just for the shits and giggles, mixed in with a dose of WIFOM. This makes me more suspicious of TH, TBQH.

And good pick up and analysis on day 2. Timmer might get my second vote. TH is likely getting my first.
Sloonei wrote:anyone can answer that question, it's not just for rico.
Day 1: Scotty and Wigly dueled, Scotty won. Wilgy was Ahuinan
Night 1: No death
Day 2: Russ and MM dueled, Russ won. MM was Dong Tu Na
Night 2: Yellow Turbans killed SVS. Nanman killed JJJ

And, based on your questioning in the thread, I'm guessing that you don't have BTSC, which makes you likely civ (indy is possible, but there are more civs than indies). I mean, a baddie could replace in and fake the questioning, but I don't think many would take the time, and that's not how I've seen baddies act when they replace in (or how I've acted when I've replaced in as a baddie). So, I'm feeling good about you for the moment.
Scotty wrote:
Ricochet wrote:
Scotty wrote: Actually, this is precisely what Mm would do if he were bad. Mixed in with the "hey guys I'm bad" WIFOM that I've seen him use in orevious games when he was bad, he would point out all his baddie mates if he had a chance just for people like you to go, "oh, he would never do that, it's silly." Well, yes. Silly is MM's MO.

The WIFOM game is exactly how we nabbed MM with Wilgy, why not put all the pieces together and nab TH, the other Yellow Turban, who has been unceremoniously unhelpful this game
Wrong mafia, dude.

linkitis: @Boomslang: Not just you.
OH man, do I feel stoopid. Thanks for clarifying.

Yeah, Rico, I forgot which teams was which. But you know what I meant.

Re: Romance of the Three Kingdoms [Day 3]

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 2:31 pm
by Scotty
Ricochet wrote:If the general feel is to make out of Day 3 a test lynch, I could go with pitting TH and Caps.

Otherwise, I find that nominating TH strictly for WIFOM is a slight gamble (then again, about as much as pinning MM was, for the same reason) and nominating Caps for his lynch-me posts is a big gamble - seriously, Caps, do NOT express resignation if you are civilian, we are not the kind to prioritise "clean-up lynch" as a mindset and it would be detrimental to our hunt.

If sig will post by the end of the day (which he should, unless he's incapacitated), then nominating TH would be a gamble for rolling Turban or indy, because otherwise it'd make little sense for him to be Nanman if he was incapacitated - and I really see no better targets, among active players.

Off the top of my head, I'd pursue a timmer lynch right now: his vote, his DIY-like rebuttal which left me pretty meh, his possible connection via MM's own vote tactic. I don't know if I have clear second choice yet. I should still revisit players that are read baddie, like DFaraday (since Dom insists) or Boomslang (since DDL has a particular badread on him).
TH, to me, is not suspicious strictly for the WIFOM. Yes, that could be dangerous indeed. Though to an extent, that's what MM was- a hunch based around WIFOM.

I'm going to vote him because he refused to answer my question. Could he be incapacitated today since he hasn't posted (to my knowledge)? Maybe. But if he survives this lynch he can take a nice bath and tell us all about it tomorrow.

I'm voting INH and TH like I said previously.

im on a train across the state with crappy cell service so may the worst competitor lose today and may they be bad!