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Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Day 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:54 pm
by juliets
sig wrote:I wasn't really trying to get zebra lynched in the last few posts, it was two things I was trying to ever so stealthy say something but it kinda flew over her head and I was messing around it doesn't seem we will be lynching someone today so I'm joking around slightly more then usually but most of even these posts have points to them.

Or maybe she knows what I was trying to say and is really scum right know I'm leaning scum on her but we will see soon enough if my hunches are correct.

There is a very slim possibility she could get lynched with fewer votes but if I was trying to change the lynch I would push Mac/juilets they are more likely to get last minute lynched then

Linki: juliets this whole wagon was started based on a small word choice to when I posted why I thought Timmer was killed. I was accused of giving horriblhy defense etc but keep in mind I've been being pushed and forced to defend myself for an entire phase, with multiply people accusing me and jumping on my wagon very early. I've had few other people chime in for me and has had multiply people attack me rather aggressively those that havent have dropped votes and that was it. This is a scum wagon I don't think your post is genuine but if it is think about it from my perspective. I've made long posts defending myself pieces of those posts were then nitpicked at to find more "evidence" against me. People DEFENDING Bulls when he twisted and changed the words then said I said them. When I mentioned this and actually made posts not only defending myself but also looking at other peoples post to prove it was made by scum and prove when people mainly Bulls changed my wording and made it seem more sinister my points were ignored. If you can't see this is a scum created wagon then vote for me.
I have the feeling you already decided to vote for me though and am simply asking this to look better if I flip civ.
sig your post gives me pause because it sounds so sincere but as the day ends and after looking through your posts especially the ones in these last few hours you look like you are really scrambling. So at the end of it all I'm going to take my chances that this is not a scum wagon and if it is I will take my punishment.

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Day 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:55 pm
by fingersplints
golden - I don't think that is a very damning caseon nutella, and not any stronger then the one on sig. I think the points on tinybubbles possibly distancing from the timmer kill are good though.

I disagree with TH's points on Dom. I think this is much more like his civvie game then his baddie game. I just hosted him as a civvie and this feels exactly the same

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Day 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:55 pm
by a2thezebra
a2thezebra wrote:Is it not baffling to anyone else that a player who is accused of scumslipping would claim to be humorously advocating the lynch of a player who they are leaning scum on anyway?
TWICE, I should have added.

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Day 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:55 pm
by Turnip Head
a2thezebra wrote:Is it not baffling to anyone else that a player who is accused of scumslipping would claim to be humorously advocating the lynch of a player who they are leaning scum on anyway?
sig has absolutely lost me with his most recent posts. I thought the original case on him was silly, but now I have no idea what he's up to.

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Day 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:56 pm
by Epignosis
Five minutes left, and sig is going to be lynched Day 2?

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Day 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:56 pm
by Long Con
4 minutes left!

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Day 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:57 pm
by a2thezebra
Turnip Head wrote:
a2thezebra wrote:Is it not baffling to anyone else that a player who is accused of scumslipping would claim to be humorously advocating the lynch of a player who they are leaning scum on anyway?
sig has absolutely lost me with his most recent posts. I thought the original case on him was silly, but now I have no idea what he's up to.
More of the same, only increasingly worse. If you originally thought the case was silly then I'm not sure how you will interpret his recent defenses.

But it's better than a juliets lynch regardless.

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Day 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:58 pm
by Epignosis
Four minutes left, and sig is going to be lynched Day 2?

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Day 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:58 pm
by sig
@Floyd I see you're online what do you think about the two leading wagons me and nutelle?

llinki: No the us comment was to show how ridicules MY wagon was it is legit the same. Minor "scumslip" which makes no sense. Which i've said multiply time but your so busy tunneling you didn't bother to consider my points or see how stupid my lynch is based around my "scumslip".
Which started while more eloquent in the same manner.

I'm getting lynch for saying probably
I said we should lynch you for saying Us.
both "scumslips"
Both stupid
and I'm sure if you had multiply people harping on you about this you'd have responded and eventually made a messy post, overreacted, or etc which the scum would have then jumped on which they did to me.
Basically y'all decided I was scum and nothing will convince you otherwise. You're either scum or just tunneling way to hard.

linki changing vote to Elochin

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Day 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:58 pm
by Turnip Head
fingersplints wrote:I disagree with TH's points on Dom. I think this is much more like his civvie game then his baddie game. I just hosted him as a civvie and this feels exactly the same
My opinion on him is in flux. I'm looking for a few specific things with him. I got civ vibes from him in the game you're talking about (TS), so maybe we can hash this out later and compare notes.

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Day 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:58 pm
by MacDougall
Epignosis wrote:Five minutes left, and sig is going to be lynched Day 2?
On one hand sig should be lynched on merit.

But my gut is telling me he is a civ.

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Day 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:59 pm
by a2thezebra
Epignosis wrote:Five minutes left, and sig is going to be lynched Day 2?
Hopefully, yes.

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Day 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:59 pm
by sig
Yeah I did it for a reason. but before anyone asks I can't saywhy would still be fine lynching her as off right know at some point :P

linki: nope

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Day 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:00 pm
by Epignosis
a2thezebra wrote:
Epignosis wrote:Five minutes left, and sig is going to be lynched Day 2?
Hopefully, yes.
We'll see. :eye:

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Day 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:00 pm
by a2thezebra
Epignosis wrote:
a2thezebra wrote:
Epignosis wrote:Five minutes left, and sig is going to be lynched Day 2?
Hopefully, yes.
We'll see. :eye:

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Day 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:01 pm
by sig
Am I dead yet? and EPi is smart :hug:

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Day 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:02 pm
by Epignosis
sig wrote:Am I dead yet? and EPi is smart :hug:
I'll take it. :beer:

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Day 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:03 pm
by Turnip Head
sig wrote:Am I dead yet? and EPi is smart :hug:
Just don't let him manage your fantasy football team.

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Day 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:04 pm
by sig
Can't do worse the the Eagles current coach.

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Day 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:04 pm
by sig

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Day 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:05 pm
by HamburgerBoy
I'm more of a bird person, but I'll pick dogs over cats.

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Day 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:05 pm
by Turnip Head
sig wrote:Can't do worse the the Eagles current coach.
So true. I like Chip a lot, but he has no idea how to put a team together.

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Day 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:05 pm
by TheFloyd73
Any fool knows, a dog needs a home.

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Day 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:06 pm
by Luke11646
Dogs are the best

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Day 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:06 pm
by HamburgerBoy
Also, that quick Luke vote is giving me flashbacks to Floyd's speedy and sudden scumvotes during Talking Heads.

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Day 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:06 pm
by sig
I like cats better so cats it is.

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Day 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:06 pm
by a2thezebra

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Day 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:08 pm
by Long Con
-= Weird Science =-

Dr Von Dreszenstein laughed maniacally, flipping levers on his machine. "This is it, Jimmy," he cackled, to no one in particular. "My machine will draw upon the very souls of this realm, and their desires will fuel the Encephalotransference Process!" He turned to speak to Jimmy, who still was not there. "Or ETF Process, for short. Yes, I think that's how we'll out it for the Scientific Journals when they print my discovery!"

Electricity crackled and flared, sparks flying from large spherical electrodes. All across the realm, people felt a small tug on their minds, and sig dropped to his knees as their desire for his life became fuel for a mad experiment.

Elsewhere, birdwithteeth11 froze, arms rigid, as he was drawn into the air, terrified. Von Dreszenstein watched with glee on a remote viewing screen. "It's working, Jimmy!"

The energies grew in intensity, until finally a blinding white light flashed, and the machine went silent. The mad scientist watched and waited as birdwithteeth11 dropped to the ground, and slowly rose, looking at his hands. "What is this?" he said. "Where am I?"

Von Dreszenstein spoke into a microphone. "State your name please, for scientific posterity!"

He looked around, hearing the doctor's voice but seeing nothing. "My name... my name is Timmer... but this... this is not my body. What have you done?!"

"The ETF Process has been successful!" The scientist raised his fists to the sky. "At the cost of a single life, I have brought your soul back from the nether realms!"

"Um, I'm not dead!" Von Dreszenstein was surprised to see sig get up on his own remote viewing screen. "That hurt, what was that? Dr, what is this new power you have??"

"Not dead? Very interesting!" The doctor scribbled quick notes. "I assure you, this is simply a plot device, and not an action undertaken by my role!"

sig and Timmer both scratched their heads, not understanding, and walked away, each nursing sizeable headaches.

sig has not been lynched. Timmer has replaced birdwithteeth11.

It is now Night 2. Send in your night actions and movement PMs at your earliest possible convenience. And feel free to choose your preferred animal in tonight's poll!

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Day 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:10 pm
by HamburgerBoy
Well, that's one less non-lynchable role Mac could have.

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Day 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:11 pm
by sig
BAM told you I wouldn't be lynched. Like mentioned it throughout the day phase about like at least three times. :|

Also welcome back Timmer kinda.

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Day 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:12 pm
by fingersplints
I like both cats and dogs, but I actually think I might be allergic to cats, so I'm going with dogs.

Bye bwt welcome timmer 2.0.

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Day 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:16 pm
by Golden
fingersplints wrote:golden - I don't think that is a very damning caseon nutella, and not any stronger then the one on sig. I think the points on tinybubbles possibly distancing from the timmer kill are good though.

I disagree with TH's points on Dom. I think this is much more like his civvie game then his baddie game. I just hosted him as a civvie and this feels exactly the same
Fair enough. Like I say, I made the case because I trust in sig more than because I find my own case on nutella really compelling. I think it's good, but I don't think it's amazing. It's not like I'm going to rinse and repeat tomorrow, unless it was someone I felt equally was civ like I did about sig. And I agree with you that the bubbles side is stronger. I was mostly trying to save sig, because I think you and others who voted for him are wrong. I hope you are right and I am wrong.

linki - sig survived.... intereseting.

Glad to see timmer back!!

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Night 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:16 pm
by Golden

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Night 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:27 pm
by a2thezebra
Looks like I'm going to be taking a closer look at the roles.

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Night 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:31 pm
by Long Con
Timmer's original role was John Locke, a Civvie.

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Night 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:32 pm
by Matt

And after all that, no lynch? Lol

W/b timmer

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Night 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:35 pm
by juliets
I know, right? I have a headache.
Last pet was a kitty so I vote Cats
Welcome back Timmer

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Day 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:44 pm
by Black Rock
sig wrote:
MacDougall wrote:What is 10pm est?
United States East Coast timezone.
Or Canada

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Night 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:49 pm
by a2thezebra
Host, are we supposed to know the alignment of each role? I see that there are 15 civvies, 8 baddies, and 7 independent roles, but the role sheet does not list which is which, instead listing the roles in alphabetical order. For now I'm assuming that this is intentional but please correct me if I am wrong.

A World Reborn Day 2 Lynch Poll

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:50 pm
by Long Con

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Night 2

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:52 pm
by S~V~S

And is this what Mac does? Spends the last hour of every lynch going batshit?

Welcome Back Timmer:)

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Day 2

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 12:05 am
by sig
Black Rock wrote:
sig wrote:
MacDougall wrote:What is 10pm est?
United States East Coast timezone.
Or Canada

Canada psh been there for martial arts not impressed they are like the suburbs of the United States or our hat :P
Above is all in good fun of course not meant to insult.

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Night 2

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 12:11 am
by MacDougall
S~V~S wrote:Dogs.

And is this what Mac does? Spends the last hour of every lynch going batshit?

Welcome Back Timmer:)
You are reducing all my awesome play down to the term batshit. That's not fair.

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Night 2

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 12:16 am
by Sorsha
Welcome back timmer. Dogs rule, cats drool!

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Night 2

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 12:28 am
by Long Con
a2thezebra wrote:Host, are we supposed to know the alignment of each role? I see that there are 15 civvies, 8 baddies, and 7 independent roles, but the role sheet does not list which is which, instead listing the roles in alphabetical order. For now I'm assuming that this is intentional but please correct me if I am wrong.
That is correct, the alignment of each role is intentionally unrevealed.

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Night 2

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 12:30 am
by a2thezebra
In that case, I have no regrets about the pursuing of sig's lynch and if nothing changes my mind, I will vote for him as soon as Day 3 begins.

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Night 2

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 12:36 am
by a2thezebra

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Night 2

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 12:37 am
by Matt
Sorsha wrote:Welcome back timmer. Dogs rule, cats drool!

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Night 2

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 12:54 am
by Sorsha
Matt F wrote:
Sorsha wrote:Welcome back timmer. Dogs rule, cats drool!
Brave cat!

Re: Mafia: A World Reborn Game Thread - Day 2

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 12:57 am
by Dom
Turnip Head wrote:
Dom wrote:
Turnip Head wrote: I have no idea what most of these questions mean or what point you're trying to make with them, but I voted for Dom because he doesn't feel quite like his civvie self to me. I think he was trying to cause misdirection rather than ask questions that would lead to him finding baddies. I think he misrepresented Epi's case against him to paint himself in a better light.
How did I do that?
I laid out my thoughts about this here. ... 99#p190399
That was Epig's case on me.
I would disagree that I did any of those things.

Would I say my post you are referring to was a bit hasty and made some generalizations? Yes.
You also are cherry-picking evidence to make me look bad. That is far from my only response to Epig.