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Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 8:17 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
MovingPictures07 wrote:I'm terrible at coming up with questions, so here's some more music and music ranking questions:
- Worst 5 albums you've ever heard and why
Crazy Frog - Crazy Frog - honestly i just listened to this so i could fill the minimum rating slot on my RYM page

DragonForce - Inhuman Rampage - when i ask myself, "what do you think makes music good?", the attributes of DragonForce represent the polar opposites to everything i might respond with

Dream Theater - A Dramatic Turn of Events - sorry y'all. i know DT has a decent following around here and i don't mean to be a stick in the mud. there was even a time when i liked their earlier material. but this album makes me want to die. i'll share my full review below*

Vincent Royer / Gérard Caussé - Intimate Rituals - i am just not classy enough for this. it's a weird brand of neoclassical stuff known as "spectralism" comprised entirely of squealing violas and it sounds terrible to me.

KISS - Destroyer - omg KISS are so terrible. no redeeming qualities. i don't like the gimmick either.
MovingPictures07 wrote:- How often do you go to concerts and/or music festivals? Favorite concert ever? Worst?
not nearly as often as i'd like (maybe 5 in my whole life). live music has never been a huge interest for me, but i'd still like to see more. the best was probably Metallica during their Death Magnetic tour. the worst was probably when Converge opened for Mastodon and almost inspired me to leave before the headliner could even play.
MovingPictures07 wrote:- Top 10 recommendations of artists that you think everyone should hear but likely have not heard
this is tough because it's hard to tell which artists people have heard and not heard. on RYM we babble on and on about music often that we tend to lose sight of this kind of thing. hmmm, here's some goodies in no particular order...

Joanna Newsom (free folk singer/songwriter)
Emilíana Torrini (dream pop/indie pop singer/songwriter)
Guided By Voices (lo-fi)
Crowded House/Split Enz (pop/rock)
Pulp (britpop)
Eric B. & Rakim (boom bap)
Mariee Sioux (contemporary folk singer/songwriter)
CunninLynguists (southern hip hop)
Allo Darlin' (twee pop)
Shihad (alternative rock)

i think y'all know about plenty of prog rock so i'll leave that alone.
MovingPictures07 wrote:- Top 10 recommendations of albums that you think everyone should hear but likely have not heard
pay those artists a visit on spotify and take your pick. ;)
MovingPictures07 wrote:- Top 10 hip hop albums
1. A Tribe Called Quest - The Low End Theory
2. CunninLynguists - A Piece of Strange
3. GZA/Genius - Liquid Swords
4. Kanye West - My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
5. DJ Shadow - Endtroducing...
6. Death Grips - The Money Store
7. Eric B. & Rakim - Paid in Full
8. Compton's Most Wanted - Music to Drive By
9. Del tha Funkeé Homosapien - I Wish My Brother George Was Here
10. Beastie Boys - Paul's Boutique


*the DT - ADToE review:
Spoiler: show
There's really no chance whatsoever that I will like this. Some of my friends hate it and asked me to listen and review. Here we go, song by song. Sorry to all Dream Theater fans, don't take me too seriously. I liked their earlier albums a bit, but they've progressed into something I can't stand.

On the Backs of Angels:
Petrucci sounds awkward by default with this weird little pseudo-delicate introductory melody. Rudess is pretty much useless with whatever that it is he's mixing in. Oh, there's LaBrie. This is so awkward. I am uncomfortable. I don't like this song.

There's a lot happening now. I don't really hear a distinct structure though. The noises are sporadic and arbitrary. Maybe that's the intent? I don't know. Oh, there's a guitar riff. Fuck, there it went. What happened to it? Oh there it is again! What is Rudess doing? I am confused. I don't understand what is happening. Is John Myung still a member of this band? That drummer sounds like Portnoy, I thought he left?

Build Me Up, Break Me Down:
Is LaBrie singing this song into a tin can? I can't hear him. That must be the idea, I guess. Is this intentionally addled production? Some bands have managed that well. I'll give it a chance. There's a scream by LaBrie. It was surprising. Was that written into the song? It must have been I guess. Well, uhh...

Oh goodness, I just noticed the lyrics. I can make them out clearly now. I think I wrote this poem when I was a sophomore in high school. Amanda didn't fall in love with me though. Maybe I should have sang it to her? Along to some, err... well this stuff? What is this stuff?

WHAT IS THIS KEYBOARD SOLO? Why is it happening? I am laughing now, as LaBrie continues to fall to pieceeeeesssss and crash and buuuurrrrn. I am baffled by this music. LaBrie is screaming again, or maybe that's a backing vocalist? It sounds like an opossum with a hunter's arrow stuck into its butt.

Okay, now it's finishing cleanly. This sounds pleasant. Is it relevant though? I guess I shouldn't overanalyze.

Lost Not Forgotten:
Wow, I exploded with laughter right at the moment this one got underway. Sorry but that piano is just too much. It doesn't even sound bad, but when I consider the source I just lose it. Tears are in my eyes. This guitar following the piano sounds okay, or at least it did before Rudess jumped in and destroyed it. I hate this noise. Yuck.

It is literally impossible for me to take this song seriously. I am trying, though that might not sound believable with what I've written so far here. LaBrie just sounds so ridiculous, and the constant headache-inducing tempo changes behind his grunting are really starting to wear on me. Pick a damned melody and stick to it for at least thirty seconds. Is that so hard? Please. Oh my goodness Rudess, control yourself. Someone give him some Ritalin.

This Is the Life:
It's not a bad song conceptually, but for it to work it is going to need strong lyrics. They aren't present, or at least I am quite annoyed by what Dream Theater have offered. This is a nice solo by Petrucci, I hope he doesn't let it drag into some annoying noodling. LaBrie sounds so weird in songs like this. I guess it's better than the alternative though. This is the best song so far, but the lyrics still prevent me from feeling much better about the whole. Wow, I'm only halfway through it? This might end badly...

Egh, the aesthetic is pleasant enough. I like the idea of the song. It even sounds good. It'd have been a nice instrumental maybe. The words really bring it down. Petrucci is a good guitarist when he keeps his fingers disciplined.

Bridges in the Sky:
This has the immediate potential to be awesome. I love it through the first minute. Please don't ruin it, Dream Theater. Please.

And there it goes. We're in the nosedive. A full song of the stuff in the first minute and a half would have been legitimately cool. I was excited. Now we're back into standard issue useless prog noise. What a wasted opportunity. Eight more minutes, huh? My bed is looking so good right now.

Jordan Rudess is a fucking menace right now. WHAT IS HE DOING? There is no reason for this. Please stop. No, it's too late to return to what got this started. I hate this song.

There's the mysterious intro giving way to an explosive wall of riffs and choral vocals. It'd sound better if it weren't already done on the album. I can't take much more of this. I hate this album more than I expected to hate it. That's hard to fathom. Those lyrics, how can they be? Someone please come into my room and give me a reason to stop listening to this.

There's the obligatory Rudess wank. Doesn't he have a refractory period? Surely there must be limitations to his behavior? Who are his enablers? Did his father need to spank him more as a child? This is intolerable.

It's still happening three minutes later. I am going to need a windowless padded cell by the time this ends. I am lucky my hair is too short to pull out and my nails are too short to draw blood as I scratch at myself maniacally.

Far from Heaven:
I don't even care what this song sounds like. It's the shortest. It'll be over soon. I am too distracted by my own madness to pay attention to this. I can't hear it. Rudess's crimes are still assaulting my sanity, I am deaf. The sounds in my mind are so horrible. I want to cry. I am miserable. There's another huge track coming up next. I am concerned for my emotional well being. I'm doomed to an inevitable mental breakdown eventually, and this might prove the necessary catalyst.

Breaking All Illusions:
This will be a test of my will, and of my intestinal fortitude. I literally feel queezy, like my stomach is responding to the music the same way my ears and brain are. So far I don't really hear anything. The music is clearly going nowhere, but I don't notice it either. It's just there. That's a relief. I can hate it without it making me suffer. There's a lot of song to go though. This little sample sounds like Queensryche. They are welcome to that inspiration, but they were horrible to Queensryche when the two groups worked together on a tour. Douches.

I'm one-third through it. Earlier today I ran a mile and a half as hard as I could, to time myself. This feels quite like that did, but worse. I controlled the pace of the run, but this can only end when the timer reaches 00:00. What in the world is this flute? Are you kidding me? This is nonsense. I am outright offended. Maybe this guitar solo would be more appealing if it had any relevance whatsoever to anything. It's just stuck in there without purpose, so it's impossible to draw any emotion from it. I am numb.

End. End. End.

Beneath the Surface:
Well at least it's the last one. It sounds intensely cheesy, but that's better than intensely painful. The lyrics strike me as silly again. It's an easy way to end this torture, but it won't change the final rating. After what I have endured, there can only be one fair grade. I don't hate things this much often.

Actually, I don't hate things this much ever. I am willing to call this my least favorite album. Last place. I have a Crazy Frog album. Really? Rudess again? Couldn't resist just one more wank? There must be half a gallon of his spunk dripping from the studio equipment.

It's over.

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 1:23 am
by Marmot
You hate A Dramatic Turn of Events? Why???


Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 6:45 am
by JaggedJimmyJay
My review of it is in that spoiler. :P

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 9:18 am
by Marmot
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:My review of it is in that spoiler. :P
I know. I read the whole thing. It brought tears to my eyes. :why:

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 9:50 am
by Tangrowth
At least we can agree on KISS. :P

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 6:47 pm
by Golden
I loved loved loved Octavarium, the first Dream Theater album I bought...

The second I got was a Dramatic Turn of Events. It was a disappointment. I just found it boring.

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 6:52 pm
by Epignosis
Golden wrote:I loved loved loved Octavarium, the first Dream Theater album I bought...

The second I got was a Dramatic Turn of Events. It was a disappointment. I just found it boring.
You need Scenes from a Memory and Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence. :srsnod:

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 7:28 pm
by Tangrowth
Epignosis wrote:
Golden wrote:I loved loved loved Octavarium, the first Dream Theater album I bought...

The second I got was a Dramatic Turn of Events. It was a disappointment. I just found it boring.
You need Scenes from a Memory and Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence. :srsnod:
Agreed 100%. Those are my top 2 Dream Theater albums.

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 7:39 pm
by nijuukyugou
Hiya! I don't think any of these are repeats, but apologies if they are:

1) Do you like cartoons? What's your favorite?
2) Favorite toy as a kid?
3) Best musical instrument and why?
4) What extracurriculars, if any, did you participate in in high school?
5) Favorite school subject and why?
6) Least favorite school subject and why?
7) Worst book of all time?
8) Dark or milk chocolate?
9) Coolest animal and why?
10) Favorite type of food (like, ethnic or style) and why?

Damn I'm hungry now.

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 8:20 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
nijuukyugou wrote:1) Do you like cartoons? What's your favorite?
certainly! all-time, probably The Simpsons. currently, probably Bob's Burgers.
nijuukyugou wrote:2) Favorite toy as a kid?
pretty much any kind of building kit. Erector Set, K'Nex, Linkin' Logs
nijuukyugou wrote:3) Best musical instrument and why?
the most aesthetically pleasing is the piano i think. i just bought a flute though, i look forward to annoying my neighbors. :D
nijuukyugou wrote:4) What extracurriculars, if any, did you participate in in high school?
nothing really. i was terribly anti-social in high school and made every effort possible to avoid my peers. however, in middle school i was on the track and field team (both long and short distance). now in the military i have played softball, table tennis, and ultimate frisbee
nijuukyugou wrote:5) Favorite school subject and why?
the hard sciences, definitely. i am still obsessed with chemistry and physics, they just suit my brain type i think.
nijuukyugou wrote:6) Least favorite school subject and why?
english (hi Epi ;)). learning the mechanics of the language is cool, i can dig that. but the reading comprehension portions which forced me to analyze novels instead of merely read them (especially when unique interpretations were discouraged) were always infuriating.
nijuukyugou wrote:7) Worst book of all time?
i read a single page of 50 Shades of Gray. that one.
nijuukyugou wrote:8) Dark or milk chocolate?
great question! i'd be asking this one myself. i think milk wins, but i love both. i am obsessed with chocolate and in recent years have become a sort of chocolate scholar. when i visited Belgium it was nothing but heaven and tummy aches :).
nijuukyugou wrote:9) Coolest animal and why?
i have a strange fascination with lemurs. those little guys are the coolest.
nijuukyugou wrote:10) Favorite type of food (like, ethnic or style) and why?
italian forever.

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 8:23 pm
by Epignosis
JaggedJimmyJay wrote: i just bought a flute though, i look forward to annoying my neighbors. :D
What do you plan to do? Beat them with it? Parade around in their front lawn in nothing but your underwear doing "Thick as a Brick?" :confused:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
nijuukyugou wrote:6) Least favorite school subject and why?
english (hi Epi ;)). learning the mechanics of the language is cool, i can dig that. but the reading comprehension portions which forced me to analyze novels instead of merely read them (especially when unique interpretations were discouraged) were always infuriating.
Sounds like you had shitty English teachers. Analysis happens on its own if actually read the fucking novel.

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 8:30 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
I am sure Billy Budd is a perfectly good book. When I think about it though, all I see is color-coded highlighting and Scantron sheets. :bored:

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 8:34 pm
by Epignosis
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:I am sure Billy Budd is a perfectly good book. When I think about it though, all I see is color-coded highlighting and Scantron sheets. :bored:
Billy Budd sucks. That's because Melville wrote it.

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 8:37 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
I should have said that to Mrs. Owen-Hawkins somewhere between naps.

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 10:42 pm
by nijuukyugou
Epignosis wrote:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote: i just bought a flute though, i look forward to annoying my neighbors. :D
What do you plan to do? Beat them with it? Parade around in their front lawn in nothing but your underwear doing "Thick as a Brick?" :confused:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
nijuukyugou wrote:6) Least favorite school subject and why?
english (hi Epi ;)). learning the mechanics of the language is cool, i can dig that. but the reading comprehension portions which forced me to analyze novels instead of merely read them (especially when unique interpretations were discouraged) were always infuriating.
Sounds like you had shitty English teachers. Analysis happens on its own if actually read the fucking novel.
And therein lies the problem - reading the fucking novel :sigh:

But I, too, love the mechanics of language and linguistics! Funny thing was, my least favorite part of English classes was discussing interpretations of books when all I wanted to do was read them. And look at me now :rolleyes:

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 11:16 pm
by Marmot
nijuukyugou wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote: i just bought a flute though, i look forward to annoying my neighbors. :D
What do you plan to do? Beat them with it? Parade around in their front lawn in nothing but your underwear doing "Thick as a Brick?" :confused:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
nijuukyugou wrote:6) Least favorite school subject and why?
english (hi Epi ;)). learning the mechanics of the language is cool, i can dig that. but the reading comprehension portions which forced me to analyze novels instead of merely read them (especially when unique interpretations were discouraged) were always infuriating.
Sounds like you had shitty English teachers. Analysis happens on its own if actually read the fucking novel.
And therein lies the problem - reading the fucking novel :sigh:

But I, too, love the mechanics of language and linguistics! Funny thing was, my least favorite part of English classes was discussing interpretations of books when all I wanted to do was read them. And look at me now :rolleyes:
You have ten appendages. I don't see the correlation. Do you read ten books at once?

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 11:27 am
by Marmot
Golden wrote:I loved loved loved Octavarium, the first Dream Theater album I bought...

The second I got was a Dramatic Turn of Events. It was a disappointment. I just found it boring.
Octavarium is my favorite Dream Theater album. :guitar: :drums:

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 6:05 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
i haven't listened for a long time, but when i was more into Dream Theater my favorite was definitely Images and Words. i think i'll give it a spin now if it's on Spotify.

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 6:09 pm
by Tangrowth
Images and Words is amazing. Don't let Epi tell you otherwise.

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 6:14 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
i liked Scenes from a Memory a lot too, though last time i listened it felt a bit too cheesy. which is not really a diss from me because i listen to plenty of cheesy things.

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 6:17 pm
by Tangrowth
Need more rankings!!

- Top 10 singers
- Top 10 drummers
- Top 10 bassists
- Top 10 guitarists

or top 5 or some other number if that works better!

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 6:47 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
MovingPictures07 wrote:Need more rankings!!

- Top 10 singers
- Top 10 drummers
- Top 10 bassists
- Top 10 guitarists

or top 5 or some other number if that works better!
aw damn, i used to really keep track of this. i haven't in a long time, and have probably even forgotten a lot of names. i'll name as many as i can without sacrificing a genuine reflection of my current tastes...

these are in no order:

Bic Runga
Marina Diamandis
Matt Berninger (The National)
Thom Yorke (Radiohead)
Joni Mitchell
Geoff Tate (Queensrÿche)
Amy Winehouse
Sibylle Baier
Robert Plant (Led Zeppelin)

John Bonham (Led Zeppelin)
Steven Drozd (The Flaming Lips)
Orri Páll Dýrason (Sigur Rós)
Danny Carey (Tool)
Bill Bruford (Yes, King Crimson)

Nigel Griggs (Split Enz)
Bootsy Collins (Parliament-Funkadelic)
John Entwistle (The Who)

David Gilmour (Pink Floyd)
Andrew Latimer (Camel)
Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin)
Steven Wilson (Porcupine Tree)
Chris DeGarmo (Queensrÿche)

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 7:57 pm
by nijuukyugou
Metalmarsh89 wrote:
nijuukyugou wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote: i just bought a flute though, i look forward to annoying my neighbors. :D
What do you plan to do? Beat them with it? Parade around in their front lawn in nothing but your underwear doing "Thick as a Brick?" :confused:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
nijuukyugou wrote:6) Least favorite school subject and why?
english (hi Epi ;)). learning the mechanics of the language is cool, i can dig that. but the reading comprehension portions which forced me to analyze novels instead of merely read them (especially when unique interpretations were discouraged) were always infuriating.
Sounds like you had shitty English teachers. Analysis happens on its own if actually read the fucking novel.
And therein lies the problem - reading the fucking novel :sigh:

But I, too, love the mechanics of language and linguistics! Funny thing was, my least favorite part of English classes was discussing interpretations of books when all I wanted to do was read them. And look at me now :rolleyes:
You have ten appendages. I don't see the correlation. Do you read ten books at once?
Look, high school does some pretty fucked up things to ya, like lowering your self-esteem and causing an extra tentacle growth or two. I don't want to talk about it.

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 8:26 pm
by Tangrowth
Nice lists, Jay! But where is Neil Peart? :suspish:

Lol, seriously though, your drummer list is pretty solid.

Okay, how about top 5 unconventional (to rock) instruments?

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 2:49 am
by Cobalt
I would love to be put in the hot seat at some point, looks like fun.

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 6:55 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
MovingPictures07 wrote:Okay, how about top 5 unconventional (to rock) instruments?
i'm going to consider the piano conventional. if you don't, then it's on top.


Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 8:10 pm
by Sloonei
How would you describe your general approach to a typical mafia game?
What is your favorite Led Zeppelin song?

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 8:35 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
Sloonei wrote:How would you describe your general approach to a typical mafia game?
Since I am going to draw a town role in most Mafia games I play, I tend to build all of my strategy around behavior that I think will benefit the town faction. That means that when I draw a mafia role, I am challenging myself to meet the standard I set as a townie. It does make things harder as an anti-town player, but I think the efforts have made me better at Mafia in general than I used to be when I was more conscious of maintaining an easier mafia meta. With that said, my town-oriented approach is pretty consistent nowadays, varying slightly depending upon any special abilities I may have.

It is my opinion that most games are decided on Day 1. This is less true in power role-heavy setups and more true in vanilla-heavy setups. I think it is imperative for the town to set a high activity standard immediately upon a game's start. For that reason, you'll often see me casting votes all over the place at the start of Day 1 (when multiple votes per phase are allowed). This generates reactions both from the players receiving votes and the players observing my conduct. Those reactions aren't extremely important on their own, but they set the pace. Those reactions generate further reactions, and the game can then grow at an exponential rate. More content is generated, and that allows players to develop meaningful reads on one another. Reads become accusations, defenses, or fence-sitting, and posts containing those things become components of more thorough reads later. When town fails to generate a good, active Day 1 then they've by default stalled the game from truly getting started and thus given their opponents a free cycle to get ahead.

So this means that early in the game, I play as a facilitator. I try to play as a leader. I try to sustain a productive thread to the best of my ability by promoting discussion however I can. Later in the game my posting rate sometimes decreases, but that's because the amount of content in each post increases dramatically. I do less facilitating and begin analyzing, collecting all of the data that players have made available to me and trying to find meaningful clues. This becomes immensely more intense for me at the first moment a dead mafia player is produced. Dead mafia provide the best opportunity for in-thread information to be assessed which can really point to players as serious suspects. This is when gut reads take a backseat to evidence-based reads.

I make a concerted effort to interact directly with every single player on a game roster. It's particularly important for me when I deliberately pursue a leadership role for the town (even when I actually oppose them), because this means I am shouldering more responsibility than I otherwise would be. I feel an obligation to live up to my own playstyle, which demands strong play at the risk of doing a lot of damage. When I am able to lead but not able to provide accurate reads, then other townies will follow me to their own doom. That provides an obvious benefit to mafia JJJ, but it's also possible for townie JJJ. Because of that, I don't tend to allow myself to espouse a point loudly unless I have thoroughly researched it first. And if I don't thoroughly research everyone, then someone is likely to slip under my radar. If I am to be a leader, I can't allow that. Or every town loss in which I am a part will literally be my fault.

I would have it no other way. :)
Sloonei wrote:What is your favorite Led Zeppelin song?
"Ten Years Gone" from Physical Graffiti

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 9:06 pm
by Tangrowth
What's the hardest win you've ever pulled off?
Easiest win?

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 9:42 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
MovingPictures07 wrote:What's the hardest win you've ever pulled off?
I'll got with RYM game #39. I mentioned it earlier, town won despite a very imbalanced setup (11 vs 4 vs 1). And 3 of the 4 mafia team members were RYM Mafia Hall of Famers. The rogue was too.
MovingPictures07 wrote:Easiest win?
Probably RYM game #82 (no theme). I was mafia with two others. We all survived and never faced any significant pressure.

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 9:47 pm
by Tangrowth
What are five themes that you would most like to see mafia games based on?

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 9:49 pm
by Epignosis
Favorite Kansas song?
Favorite Yes song?
Favorite Echolyn song?
Favorite Tears for Fears song?

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 9:54 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
MovingPictures07 wrote:What are five themes that you would most like to see mafia games based on?
Star Wars vs Star Trek
The 2016 Presidential Election
Back to the Future (stay tuned for RYM #88 ;))
Types of animal poop

And y'all could take after RYM #50 (RYM Mafia Mafia) if you haven't already done a self-referential game. The Syndicate Mafia, in which players are given characters -- of other players (by first come first serve request). It MUST be a closed setup though so roleplay is possible. Imagine Yourself MP playing as Vompatti for example. Or vice versa.

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 9:58 pm
by Tangrowth
Back to the Future. :slick: Awesome.

I believe Rox's submission to the next queue will be self-referential similarly to what you described! Should be interesting.

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 9:58 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
Epignosis wrote:Favorite Kansas song?
Favorite Yes song?
Favorite Echolyn song?
Favorite Tears for Fears song?
I can't name any other than the two enormous radio hits. Between those, Dust in the wind.

Close to the Edge (might be my favorite prog track period)

Never heard of Echolyn. Any recommendations?

Everybody Wants to Rule the World. I love Tears for Fears.

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 10:03 pm
by Tangrowth
Close to the Edge is outstanding. Love the song to death, love the whole album.

And that's my favorite Tears for Fears song too. It's the predictable choice, but the logical one.

Echolyn is awesome. I'll let Rob handle the recommendations there though.

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 10:22 pm
by Epignosis
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
Epignosis wrote:Favorite Kansas song?
Favorite Yes song?
Favorite Echolyn song?
Favorite Tears for Fears song?
I can't name any other than the two enormous radio hits. Between those, Dust in the wind.
Remedy this please.

JaggedJimmyJay wrote:Close to the Edge (might be my favorite prog track period)
Can't complain with that one.
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:Never heard of Echolyn. Any recommendations?

Or their latest.
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:Everybody Wants to Rule the World. I love Tears for Fears.

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 10:27 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
My recent listening habits have been extremely lazy, so I'll take those two comments to heart (listening to Mei and any Kansas that isn't likely to be played 800,000 times per day on classic rock radio).

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 10:30 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
Many of you would make great RYM members. We've got plenty of music to talk about and plenty of mafia to play. ;)

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 10:31 pm
by Epignosis

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 10:48 pm
by Marmot
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:What are five themes that you would most like to see mafia games based on?
Star Wars vs Star Trek
The 2016 Presidential Election
Back to the Future (stay tuned for RYM #88 ;))
Types of animal poop

And y'all could take after RYM #50 (RYM Mafia Mafia) if you haven't already done a self-referential game. The Syndicate Mafia, in which players are given characters -- of other players (by first come first serve request). It MUST be a closed setup though so roleplay is possible. Imagine Yourself MP playing as Vompatti for example. Or vice versa.
Sounds like you would enjoy Mongoose's Dirt Mafia if she would actually make it happen. :grin:

I've tried playing like Vompatti before. I'll tell you about it sometime.

Also, I think a self-referential game would be more interesting with socks.

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 10:55 pm
by Tangrowth
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:Many of you would make great RYM members. We've got plenty of music to talk about and plenty of mafia to play. ;)

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 3:07 pm
by Tangrowth

What made you decide on a career with USAF?

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 3:15 pm
by Ricochet
I should talk more about music, but I only go on RYM to give famous albums 1 star ratings. :blush: I literally have only four reviews on my profile there*.

*old PA'ers in the background are whispering to each other "thank goodness for that*

I heard that!

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 9:57 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
MovingPictures07 wrote:Jay:

What made you decide on a career with USAF?
a few different things. these aren't necessarily ranked:

~ my prior job was as a store manager of a pizza restaurant. it paid well enough for a 21 year old dude i guess, but it wasn't very rewarding and i felt like i was wasting away. so i pursued something that appeared a little more interesting. i also wanted to escape the horror of complacency in a place like that, leading to an inevitable middle-aged JJJ working as a *district manager* or something. hurl.

~ my first stint in college was a terrible failure. i was unmotivated and bored, and it showed in my grades. the AF provided a means of both learning how to motivate myself and also return to school to make amends for the first time. moreover it'd set me up to pursue graduate school when my stint is up, and i am just about underway with that now.

~ to challenge myself to grow. the entire concept of military life seemed very contrary to my nature, and i thought i might be able to broaden my skills (physical, mental, and social) in ways that i wouldn't be able to elsewhere.

~ to prolong my youth, or at least the illusion thereof. without a lasting college experience and having already graduated high school, i felt like i was on a crash course for responsibilities and adulthood. a 22 year old low-ranking airman in the AF lives in a dormitory and does what he pleases all day long outside work. :p

~ see more of the world. mission accomplished.

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 10:08 pm
by Epignosis
Have you ever been on a plane?

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 10:09 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
Epignosis wrote:Have you ever been on a plane?
quite a few commercial jets, and one military cargo jet.

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2015 10:10 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
actually i think my 7 day interrogation period is over now (in my time zone). i'll answer any more if y'all have 'em of course. :)

but i'm ready to pummel the next victim with some questions too.

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 12:18 am
by Marmot
Are you arriving here or perhaps somewhere?

Did you ever imagine the last thing you’d hear as you’re fading out was a song?

Re: Interrogation Room

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 12:38 pm
by Spacedaisy
Apologies guys. I totally lost track of what day it was. Our next victim is......
Have fun!