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Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 8:56 am
by Saito
Dilan Bluemoss wrote:The Purple Sea Elves have held a vote and have decided to cast our ballot for Bronwyn Mightyfeet, Vicerine of the Yellow Gypsies. Lyel and Carmen should be advised that their names were mentioned as well and we would very much like to hear more from them in the future.
You cast a vote for me for what reason? I am not confused and hapless, I only mentioned that getting to know these names is a little difficult. I think you have me confused with someone else.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 9:20 am
by Lunatella
Bronwyn Mightyfeet wrote:
Dilan Bluemoss wrote:The Purple Sea Elves have held a vote and have decided to cast our ballot for Bronwyn Mightyfeet, Vicerine of the Yellow Gypsies. Lyel and Carmen should be advised that their names were mentioned as well and we would very much like to hear more from them in the future.
You cast a vote for me for what reason? I am not confused and hapless, I only mentioned that getting to know these names is a little difficult. I think you have me confused with someone else.
'Tis a pity. No soul welcomes a vote against them. But the votes upon the first passage of the sun across the sky are notoriously tricky.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 9:23 am
by Operator
Bac Wunderelin wrote:I think having conversation regarding how to foil an evildoer is an outstanding activity. Some of the potential solutions may be unworkable, but some may not. Saying that putting forth possible solutions may be a nefarious activity raises my hackles. Pixies have hackles, you know, Tiny little hackles.
My dear Bac, I couldn't agree with you more regarding having conversations to foil an evildoer. My post was not against the conversation itself, but was reiterating the fact that both sides of the debate could have evildoers hiding in their ranks. Never did I say or imply with any certainty that putting forth possible solutions may be a nefarious activity. What I did imply, however, was that, I think it would be just a tad naive to assume that any player who put forth these possible solutions is on the side of good. I think there might have been a slight misunderstanding, and I implore you to re-read my post, if possible, especially the following where I summarize my thoughts on the debate:
Shand Azureye wrote:Right now, I'm tending towards not considering either side of the argument as overly suspicious, but I will be keeping an eye on those who seemed to subtly oppose the proposed workarounds against Rumpel.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 9:28 am
by Lunatella
I pray to the gods that there is at least one mafia on each table. Otherwise some of our number might be voting a table entirely made up of good denizens. Is it possible our gracious host has made it known to the evil ones that they must seat at least one of their horde at each table?

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 9:29 am
by Ben Linus
Bronwyn Mightyfeet wrote:
Dilan Bluemoss wrote:The Purple Sea Elves have held a vote and have decided to cast our ballot for Bronwyn Mightyfeet, Vicerine of the Yellow Gypsies. Lyel and Carmen should be advised that their names were mentioned as well and we would very much like to hear more from them in the future.
You cast a vote for me for what reason? I am not confused and hapless, I only mentioned that getting to know these names is a little difficult. I think you have me confused with someone else.
I hope the honorable Gypsy does not take undue offense at our decision, but you are a stranger in these parts and your trustworthiness is as yet unclear. We felt it would be best to allow the more taciturn members a chance to further express themselves and we thought the possibility of feigned confusion on your part worth considering, as it is a tactic we have observed before.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 9:35 am
by Ben Linus
It is also worth observing that the votes are not final once they are cast, and can be changed. This seems very dangerous, as the wicked deceivers would be able to conspire to all switch their votes at the last second. Presumably, this is why the hosts have seen fit to keep public records of the polls once they close.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 9:39 am
by Saito
I am not feigning confusion. Someone else even agreed with me that learning all these new names that are a mouthful and differentiating them from each other, i.e. remembering who has said what is more confusing than a normal game. Do you disagree with this? Is it just as easy for you as a normal game? Maybe so, and if so that is great for you. Other than that one comment I have participated in other discussions. I haven't laid low saying my confusion was too great to be able to participate at this time. It was an innocent comment. I am civv, not some baddie feigning confusion. If there is anything I can tell you about my thinking that will help in understanding please let me know and I will be happy to explain.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 9:42 am
by Ben Linus
It is difficult. There is no denying that. It is also difficult to select someone to lynch on Day One. We stand by our decision, however. It is only one vote, so pray do not be unduly alarmed. Your death is far from a certainty.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 9:42 am
by 2 Stupid Dogs
What a tweest! I should have checked back here sooner. I guess the Love table is... blessed? with the most options. But as people have been saying, there haven't been many flags raised. Don't really want to play the low-post game either, because sometimes life happens. But I'll be considering.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 0

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 9:45 am
by Operator
Caillic Lustroushair wrote:I suspect our illustrious hosts will not look kindly upon any efforts to circumvent the little bugger's power in any case. I'm inclined to just play the cards we're dealt.
I'm considering a vote for either Caillic or Jorhan, the former because of the above post, and the latter because of the low post count. Weak, and not entirely satisfactory, as the reasons are, but considering this is day one, I have nothing better to go on. I would also like to know when the poll closes.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 9:47 am
by Ben Linus
Jorhan Poisondart wrote:What a tweest!

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 9:49 am
by Operator

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 9:50 am
by Quokka
I think I may vote for Gaerwen Gleamingrace, as I found it weird that he/she was against using foreign languages to circumvent Rumpelstiltskin's ability. I know it's not much of a reason, but it is Day 1 and that's all I have to go on.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 9:51 am
by Ben Linus
Laine Crystalsteam wrote:I think I may vote for Gaerwen Gleamingrace, as I found it weird that he/she was against using foreign languages to circumvent Rumpelstiltskin's ability. I know it's not much of a reason, but it is Day 1 and that's all I have to go on.
I was against it as well, because it would have mad communication impossible.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 9:54 am
by Quokka
Dilan Bluemoss wrote:
Laine Crystalsteam wrote:I think I may vote for Gaerwen Gleamingrace, as I found it weird that he/she was against using foreign languages to circumvent Rumpelstiltskin's ability. I know it's not much of a reason, but it is Day 1 and that's all I have to go on.
I was against it as well, because it would have mad communication impossible.
Yes, I suppose you're right. It would be difficult. I just don't really have a reason for voting anyone.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 9:57 am
by Lunatella
The centaurs think that using any other language besides Grimmspeak would make communication difficult, while the mafia can communicate freely through BTSC without such hindrance.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 10:02 am
by Ben Linus
Besides which, Grimmspeak is a tongue of unsurpassed mellifluousness

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 0

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 10:05 am
by Quokka
Shand Azureye wrote:
Caillic Lustroushair wrote:I suspect our illustrious hosts will not look kindly upon any efforts to circumvent the little bugger's power in any case. I'm inclined to just play the cards we're dealt.
I'm considering a vote for either Caillic or Jorhan, the former because of the above post, and the latter because of the low post count. Weak, and not entirely satisfactory, as the reasons are, but considering this is day one, I have nothing better to go on. I would also like to know when the poll closes.
I agree with what you said about Caillic. Seems like a good way to go. It is very odd that he/she would not try to find a way around the ability. If she/he is on Rumpelstiltskin's team and knows that there are consequences, he/she might be faking civvieness by alerting us to consequences from the hosts. Though, it's very tricky to get a read on people right now.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 10:06 am
by Saito
Dilan Bluemoss wrote:It is difficult. There is no denying that. It is also difficult to select someone to lynch on Day One. We stand by our decision, however. It is only one vote, so pray do not be unduly alarmed. Your death is far from a certainty.
I know it is just one vote but on a day 1 when no one really knows who to vote it is easy just to jump on someone else's vote thinking whatever reasoning they are using is better than nothing. This is particularly dangerous when it comes to your vote because those of you voting for the Peace table will control the lynch today so I am very passionate about making sure I am clear when it comes to my feelings about the vote. Also, just so everyone knows what we are talking about here is the quote where I supposedly presented myself as hapless and confused, and I'm inferring from that you mean I'm trying to appear hapless and confused so no one will vote for me (though I am honestly not 100% sure what makes you think I am a baddie even if you do think I'm trying to appear hapless and confused. Maybe if you could explain that at some point I would better understand.):
Bronwyn Mightyfeet wrote:It's ok Rox. Most important thing is for you to feel better.

I don't have any ideas yet for suspects at the Love table. I don't know about you guys, but I'm having a little trouble here at the beginning keeping straight which person is saying what because all the names are unfamiliar as well as being a mouthful. Hopefully that will change as we go through this first day.
Now if this were my only post I might be able to stretch it and see why you would think I'm trying to appear how you say. But its not my only post, and I think my others show that I'm not too confused to participate or understand what people are saying.

I'll leave this alone for now unless someone has questions or comments you want me to respond to.


Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 10:07 am
by Lunatella
Dilan Bluemoss wrote:Besides which, Grimmspeak is a tongue of unsurpassed mellifluousness
Indeed. :lorab:

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 11:06 am
by Operator
I must vote now for I won't be around when the poll closes. I see that Jorhan has posted again in the thread, and I, therefore, pick Caillic.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 11:15 am
by Spooky Ghost
In looking over the possible people I can vote for, 3 have stood out has having not contributed much (IMO). Queran, Lyel, and Carmen. Carmen was one of the first to post in the game and has not added anything by way of discussion. This is who I shall vote for.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 11:33 am
by Quokka
I am thinking of voting for Bac because he/she claimed that he was going to vote for the lowest poster, which is Etain Royalskull (0 in-game posts) but Bac voted for Jorhan Poisondart who had one post at the time.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 11:47 am
by NurseWilgy
I'm sorry I haven't contributed more, I've been really ill and haven't felt well enough to contribute. I am feeling a little better today though.

As for suspects no one stands out, a few helpful people out there with bringing the usual day one suspicions to light, ie low posters. and listing who has to vote who which was helpful.

Someone said something about someone (sorry I forget who) about rumplestiltskin and his power, and how people sometimes subconsciously talk about their role, I have done this in the past, so know it happens when I've hosted I've seen players do it also. Whilst I'm not condemning the other person it is something to think about later in the game, if that person starts acting shifty or becomes more suspect.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 11:50 am
by Quokka
The Flying Satyrs have decided that our vote shall go to Bac Wunderelin, Rajah of the Twilight Pixies for his/her contradictions in his/her vote.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 11:51 am
by Quokka
Lyel Lambboat wrote:I'm sorry I haven't contributed more, I've been really ill and haven't felt well enough to contribute. I am feeling a little better today though.

As for suspects no one stands out, a few helpful people out there with bringing the usual day one suspicions to light, ie low posters. and listing who has to vote who which was helpful.

Someone said something about someone (sorry I forget who) about rumplestiltskin and his power, and how people sometimes subconsciously talk about their role, I have done this in the past, so know it happens when I've hosted I've seen players do it also. Whilst I'm not condemning the other person it is something to think about later in the game, if that person starts acting shifty or becomes more suspect.
Sorry to hear you are ill. Glad you're feeling better.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 11:55 am
by Ben Linus
Laine Crystalsteam wrote:The Flying Satyrs have decided that our vote shall go to Bac Wunderelin, Rajah of the Twilight Pixies for his/her contradictions in his/her vote.
This seems like an awfully nitpicky thing to single out. It is likely Bac just clicked the thread to see who had the fewest posts. Since people with zero posts don't show up, it makes since that she would overlook Etain.

I realize this is the second time I've commented on your vote choice, and that voting on day one is hard, though, so I cannot say I blame you.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 11:57 am
by Chuck
Unfortunately, I don't have much time right now or that much to go on. Randomized and got Diedre Wonderbird. Sorry Diedre!

Linki: Dilan, I believe he is voting based on a ping. Which is what I normally prefer to do over randomizing, but given my lack of time to contribute or pay attention today, I do not have the same luxury of waiting around to make my decision.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 12:02 pm
by Quokka
Dilan Bluemoss wrote:
Laine Crystalsteam wrote:The Flying Satyrs have decided that our vote shall go to Bac Wunderelin, Rajah of the Twilight Pixies for his/her contradictions in his/her vote.
This seems like an awfully nitpicky thing to single out. It is likely Bac just clicked the thread to see who had the fewest posts. Since people with zero posts don't show up, it makes since that she would overlook Etain.

I realize this is the second time I've commented on your vote choice, and that voting on day one is hard, though, so I cannot say I blame you.
I do realise that it is nitpicky and you may be right but I have to vote for someone and considering it is day one, it seemed like as good a reason as any.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 12:04 pm
by Quokka
Laine Crystalsteam wrote:
Dilan Bluemoss wrote:
Laine Crystalsteam wrote:The Flying Satyrs have decided that our vote shall go to Bac Wunderelin, Rajah of the Twilight Pixies for his/her contradictions in his/her vote.
This seems like an awfully nitpicky thing to single out. It is likely Bac just clicked the thread to see who had the fewest posts. Since people with zero posts don't show up, it makes since that she would overlook Etain.

I realize this is the second time I've commented on your vote choice, and that voting on day one is hard, though, so I cannot say I blame you.
I do realise that it is nitpicky and you may be right but I have to vote for someone and considering it is day one, it seemed like as good a reason as any.
Besides, it seemed strange to me.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 12:04 pm
by Ben Linus
I fully understand and agree that everyone has to trust their instincts on day one. I cannot criticize anyone for doing that, and I agree thta it is better than randomizing.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 12:12 pm
by Lunatella
Lyel Lambboat wrote:I'm sorry I haven't contributed more, I've been really ill and haven't felt well enough to contribute. I am feeling a little better today though.

As for suspects no one stands out, a few helpful people out there with bringing the usual day one suspicions to light, ie low posters. and listing who has to vote who which was helpful.

Someone said something about someone (sorry I forget who) about rumplestiltskin and his power, and how people sometimes subconsciously talk about their role, I have done this in the past, so know it happens when I've hosted I've seen players do it also. Whilst I'm not condemning the other person it is something to think about later in the game, if that person starts acting shifty or becomes more suspect.
I was ready to vote for you. But if you have been subdued due to some malady then it gives me reason to ponder further. How long do we have until this vote lapses?

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 12:16 pm
by Ben Linus
The vote ends in five hours 44 minutes.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 12:19 pm
by Lunatella
Dilan Bluemoss wrote:The vote ends in five hours 44 minutes.
I thank you, helpful Sea Elf.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 12:57 pm
by NurseWilgy
I have to vote now or I will miss the vote. I randomed and got jorhan.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 1:02 pm
by Lunatella
Voted Gaerwen Gleamingrace

Low poster. Has not uttered much at all. Very sparse.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 1:13 pm
by Ned Flanders
Mainchin Ironbeast wrote:
Lyel Lambboat wrote:I'm sorry I haven't contributed more, I've been really ill and haven't felt well enough to contribute. I am feeling a little better today though.

As for suspects no one stands out, a few helpful people out there with bringing the usual day one suspicions to light, ie low posters. and listing who has to vote who which was helpful.

Someone said something about someone (sorry I forget who) about rumplestiltskin and his power, and how people sometimes subconsciously talk about their role, I have done this in the past, so know it happens when I've hosted I've seen players do it also. Whilst I'm not condemning the other person it is something to think about later in the game, if that person starts acting shifty or becomes more suspect.
I was ready to vote for you. But if you have been subdued due to some malady then it gives me reason to ponder further. How long do we have until this vote lapses?
The Imps have wisely pointed out that you said you were ready to vote for LL, but had not previously mentioned him. Was there something we should notice about LL?

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 1:30 pm
by Rachel Green
A no poster may be unaware the competition has commenced; a low poster is aware yet still chooses to not talk. Noposter =/= lowposter. Curious vote; but it is an especially difficult Day 1 after all.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 1:31 pm
by Sockys2023
I must vote now since I will not be present when the time of this poll ends, therefore I have chosen at random from amongst the people I must vote for. Lyle Lamboat has received my vote.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 1:35 pm
by Ned Flanders
The imps wish their witch to vote for Mainchin Ironbeast. He first said he would probably vote randomly, then said he was ready to vote for the Lambboat, perhaps randomly? We can't know, because he gave no reason. He then voted for someone else for being a low poster.

He may not have been sure of what to do, but he has caught our eye with his indecisiveness, so we vote Ironbeast.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 1:40 pm
by Lunatella
Miyuki Lovelymoth wrote:The imps wish their witch to vote for Mainchin Ironbeast. He first said he would probably vote randomly, then said he was ready to vote for the Lambboat, perhaps randomly? We can't know, because he gave no reason. He then voted for someone else for being a low poster.

He may not have been sure of what to do, but he has caught our eye with his indecisiveness, so we vote Ironbeast.
Not indecisive, sir. Decisive! I decisively decided not to vote randomly!

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 1:44 pm
by Quokka
Mainchin Ironbeast wrote:
Miyuki Lovelymoth wrote:The imps wish their witch to vote for Mainchin Ironbeast. He first said he would probably vote randomly, then said he was ready to vote for the Lambboat, perhaps randomly? We can't know, because he gave no reason. He then voted for someone else for being a low poster.

He may not have been sure of what to do, but he has caught our eye with his indecisiveness, so we vote Ironbeast.
Not indecisive, sir. Decisive! I decisively decided not to vote randomly!

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 2:22 pm
by Ben Linus
Interesting that five people from the Happiness Table have voted for five different people at the Peace Table. There is certainly a lack of consensus on Day One.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 2:25 pm
by Lunatella
Dilan Bluemoss wrote:Interesting that five people from the Happiness Table have voted for five different people at the Peace Table. There is certainly a lack of consensus on Day One.
I see that you are from the Table of Happiness also, Legolas. Pass the wine could you?

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 2:45 pm
by Ben Linus
Mainchin Ironbeast wrote:
Dilan Bluemoss wrote:Interesting that five people from the Happiness Table have voted for five different people at the Peace Table. There is certainly a lack of consensus on Day One.
I see that you are from the Table of Happiness also, Legolas. Pass the wine could you?

Here you go. :wine: It's very fine, this wine. The hosts deserve credit.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 2:51 pm
by Lunatella
Tails up! :wine:

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 4:38 pm
by Paul Stevens
I shall vote for Ameerah Frolicstag, as they were the last one to sit at the Table of Happiness, in hopes that they are not actually belynched for such an unhappy reason.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 4:51 pm
by Saito
Caillic Lustroushair wrote:I shall vote for Ameerah Frolicstag, as they were the last one to sit at the Table of Happiness, in hopes that they are not actually belynched for such an unhappy reason.
Caillic, was there anything you wanted to say about the vote for you?

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 5:01 pm
by Golf
I haven't been feeling well and the names are confusing me lol.
I will randomize my vote and I got Jorhan.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 1

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 5:03 pm
by Gunther
I shall vote Gaerwen Gleamingrace - with no time and no read on those I am allowed to cast a vote for, I randomized between them all.