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Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 8:34 am
by Roxy
DharmaHelper wrote:
Bass_the_Clever wrote:DH what do you think of Roxy?
I don't feel great about her waiting so long on the Aces thing.
If I had come out sooner then so many others would have used my reasoning to vote for him without waiting to see if there was reason. As it turned out he was sincere and there was no reason to vote him.
Whether YOU feel great about it is irrelevant tbh what matters to me is how Aces feels - and he understood and agreed with me. I saved him whether you want to see it or not.

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 8:38 am
by Mister Rearranger
Long Con wrote: MR, we learned a lot from our LOST map game, and lemme tell ya, moving one square at a time is laaaaaaaaaame!
Lern 2 run f4st3r, bruh. :noble:

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 1)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 8:47 am
by Roxy
thellama73 wrote:Well, since I will probably by night killed tomorrow, I might as well go for broke today. From beyond the grave, I saw this post of Roxy's and became convinced that she is bad.
Roxy wrote:Bye llama I do not understand why you would want to draw so much attention to yourself with your monkey antics with such an important role. :/
You thought I would draw attention to myself as a mafia member, but not as an important civ role? That's disingenuous, and phoney, and I think you're bad, and I'm voting for you right now.
No that is not what I said. I said why would you draw so much attention to yourself when you had such an important role. I said nothing about you doing it as mafia, your reasoning here is not making sense with what I actually posted.

You first said you were:
thellama73 wrote:
Roxy wrote:I am glad neither got lynched. I feel better about Aces and neutral feeling on Daisy.

Welcome llama I am sure we all will look forward to your fresh take on things.
Expect bloddy revenge on those who killed me. :feb:
Yet you did not look at your voters. Why?

I actually said you were par for the course during everyones rush to lynch you the first time bc of your need to draw attention to yourself:
Roxy wrote:Llama - weird wonderful llamaman. He ofc has brought up voting low posters - I believe just to irritate me :p right now though idk if he is bad. I feel likke so far he is par for the course.
so instead of looking at someone who said you were "par for the course" you should look at your voters imo-

DharmaHelper, FZ., DFaraday, Bullzeye, Turnip Head, Soneji (24), Black Rock, Long Con

or have you cleared them all?

I am going to be honest here. I am not going to have a redo of the previous day. I have said and defended myself all I can if you want to vote me then be my guest but you will kick your own ass when i am lynched. :nicenod:

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 9:29 am
by S~V~S
A word of advice re the map, try to get to the rails. Try to get to the switchyard. That is all.

Also, gotta catch up to last nights drunk Mafia a thon, sorry I missed it. I had an exhausting day yesterday and just plopped in front of the TV last night . I finally started Orphan Black, and it's pretty awesome, Thanks to those that recommended it :)

I plan to reread Aces, Timmer & Roxy today~ it would seem one must take a side on this issue. I am leaning towards trusting Roxy (although I am NEVER trusting her boy Bass ever again :pout: ).

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 9:43 am
by Roxy
Been reading DH this morning -

You first help lead the lynch against llama. (which in a sense llama brought on himself but that's just one girls opinion). You thought llama should have been pointing out fallacies you thought existed Day 0 and llama did not bc he was too busy putting down The Flash and talking about monkeys.
DharmaHelper wrote:I don't think he's a civvie. I don't like his whole Day 0 schtick, it got annoying very quickly. Also, I noticed he didn't berate anyone for any logical fallacies throughout the entire duration of Day 0. People were jumping to conclusions all over the place and Llama did not voice any opposition to it.
DharmaHelper wrote:Mostly the speculation on the meaning of the letters, like the above. I expected llama to jump in and beat the shit out of the speculation like it owed him money. He didn't. That's suspect.
If you thought there were fallacies then why didn't YOU jump in and "beat the shit out of the speculation"?

When fingersplints tried to tell you this was normal for him you shut her down post haste.
DharmaHelper wrote:
fingersplints wrote:
DharmaHelper wrote:
llama seems crazy even for him. My only thoughts about that is he would probably be less likely to be this out there if he had bts and someone else to consider.
What's your point here? As far as I'm aware BTSC is not in full swing across the board quite yet.
I thought my point was pretty clear. He seems to be drawing a lot of attention to himself. I think he would be less likely to do so if he had btsc or potential btsc partners to worry about. Because it isn't in full swing yet doesn't mean that all those with the potential to gain btsc won't worry about their partners.
I suppose I disagree.
Now she is dead.

It was after this that he went after SVS putting the blame of the llama lynch directly at her feet (which I disagree with 100%)
DharmaHelper wrote:
Metalmarsh89 wrote:@ Long Con. Well then let's hope there is a rezz for him this time around too.

I do recall the situation in that game. Actually, I don't think anyone would have drawn any comparisons if llama hadn't specifically said that he wanted to be King of the Morlocks again. In hindsight, it seems clear that he was just being funny.
IIRC SVS lead the "Hey this looks awfully like Llamas civvie game from this one time" train.
DharmaHelper wrote:
S~V~S wrote:
S~V~S wrote:Was Llama good or bad in the Morlock game? I can't recall, I think I have to go look.
Turnip Head wrote:
S~V~S wrote:Was Llama good or bad in the Morlock game? I can't recall, I think I have to go look.
He was Professor X, a civilian.
thellama73 wrote:
S~V~S wrote:Was Llama good or bad in the Morlock game? I can't recall, I think I have to go look.
For some reason, people thought my not being interested in anything besides being King of the Morlocks was somehow sinister and they lynched me for it.

History shows again and again how nature points out the folly of man. :disappoint:

This was how the Llama/X Men thing started, DH. Not exactly "leading a train". YOU started that train, iirc. After this I made two posts where I was wishy washy. Like how Llama does this to amuse himself when he has no BTS, which does not mean much in this game. Personally he looked exactly like he did in that game to me. But it is possible as well that he was doing it on purpose as some thought, which is pretty much all I said about the situation.

Don;t be blaming me for this one, the five people who voted him at the end, when Epi was clearly in the lead, are where the fingers should be pointing (not even at you, tbh). If finger pointing needs to be done.
If there doesn't need to be finger pointing, why did you just point the finger back at me rather defensively, if I don't deserve it, according to you?
You did deserve this finger-pointing imho
I think SVS is right to have pointed the finger at you.

You voted Bass - latching on to a pre-built case. and adding that Bass reminded you of the Death Note game where Bass was bad.

Then you try to take full claim of the Bass lynch - it seemed important to you that people thought it was your doing:
Huh. Guess that hunch of mine paid off.
If it were me, I'd go back and look at SVS and FZ since they both practically jumped down my throat after I voted Bass.
Still trying to get SVS lynched.
To be fair, I'm hardly responsible for the Bass lynch being a success. I was just personally correct, which is an achievement for myself. Several others seemed to think he was bad.
Oh so Timmer can brag and take all the credit but I can't I see how it is.
Tbf you do say that several others seen Bass was bad but you still point out - AGAIN - that your were right.

Now you go back to pressing SVS for lynch bc she "jumped down your throat" for your Bass vote - which she did not btw.

I find it odd that when you could not get one case to stick to SVS you went ahead and made another case against her - why do you need SVS dead this game?

Now you mention you would vote for Made out of the clear blue sky just bc he has not been around - why? You have been making cases on SVS now you move on to someone who is not even been playing or posting or even voting - do you think it will be easier to lynch a non player than to lynch SVS?

You are suspicious of me for not coming out sooner about Aces but I notice you did not say anything to help him either. Don't play that song to me DH.

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 9:54 am
by Marmot
timmer is starting to get the feeling that timmer actually wants to be lynched today.

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 9:59 am
by Roxy
Metalmarsh89 wrote:timmer is starting to get the feeling that timmer actually wants to be lynched today.
ffs! Use the pictures so you can be understood. Is there a reason you do not want to be understood? Something to hide? Like you have been hiding behind thid curse? TBH if you were not cursed there would be a case laid out about you as well.

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 10:00 am
by Roxy
MM is so pingy if he was not cursed I would totes be voting for him - his posts are full of baddieness tbph.

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 10:01 am
by Marmot
Make a case then. timmer'm as hard to understand as you want me to be. :srsnod:

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 10:02 am
by Marmot
EBWOP: As you want timmer to be.

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 10:02 am
by DharmaHelper
Long Con wrote:
DharmaHelper wrote:
Turnip Head wrote:Guys I think Made is on the poll as "Destroyed".
Long Con wrote:One thing I did want to mention is that we possibly should be concerned that this is some sort of reverse day. Should we just vote as normal for the most suspicious person? We probably should, because if we get all caught up in guessing things could go wrong. But it's worth at least talking about a little bit.
Do you see any alternative way to play it?
That does make sense. In that respect, his continued absence is noteworthy.
I don't think Made's continued absence is noteworthy due to his name being "Destroyed" on the poll. It's just MR's opposite-translation of the name "Made". None of the poll names carry any meaning beyond MR's creativity with the names.

OR, if you meant my continued absense being noteworthy, well.... I was just at my bowling banquet. Like, damn DH, can't you let a guy have one night of fun??

All right, I know you didn't mean me. But I thought it for a sec, because I had many beers. Some, I drank two at a time. Yup! I did a new trick, it was cool, people were like "he didn't even drip!" And I was like, yup. That second beer was an extra one, so sshhhhhhhh.... ;) ;) :beer:
I meant that since he is actually on the poll and therefore we are able to lynch him if we want, it's worthwhile to discuss his absence.

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 10:03 am
by Roxy
Metalmarsh89 wrote:Make a case then. timmer'm as hard to understand as you want me to be. :srsnod:
yah I have noticed - and no I will not be making a case until you are not cursed - I do not play that way - sorry.

Why did you stop using pictures so you could be understood?

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 10:04 am
by S~V~S
Metalmarsh89 wrote:timmer is starting to get the feeling that timmer actually wants to be lynched today.
Can you be a bit more precise, MM? It's obnoxious, I know, but "Timmer thinks Timmer is voting for Timmer cause timmer timmer" lost it's charm about 48 hours ago :hugs:

If you would rather not, then why post? I am sure you have made any quota you need to make :noble:

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 10:04 am
by S~V~S
Ebwop, I mean you can't be enjoy being misconstrued and questioned, right?

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 10:10 am
by Marmot
Roxy wrote:
Metalmarsh89 wrote:Make a case then. timmer'm as hard to understand as you want me to be. :srsnod:
yah I have noticed - and no I will not be making a case until you are not cursed - I do not play that way - sorry.

Why did you stop using pictures so you could be understood?
Because it's annoying, and timmer've been playing on the phone the majority of the time this weekend.
S~V~S wrote:
Metalmarsh89 wrote:timmer is starting to get the feeling that timmer actually wants to be lynched today.
Can you be a bit more precise, MM? It's obnoxious, I know, but "Timmer thinks Timmer is voting for Timmer cause timmer timmer" lost it's charm about 48 hours ago :hugs:
timmer'm not trying to be charming.

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 10:12 am
by blindfaeth
I approve of roxys case on DH.

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 10:15 am
by Marmot
timmer'm still thinking that timmer (who timmer've voted for and even written a poem about) should be lynched.

But timmer'm not liking the fact that these two ladies are shrouding suspicion over the cursed.

Linki: Disapproved.

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 10:17 am
by Roxy
Metalmarsh89 wrote:timmer'm still thinking that timmer (who timmer've voted for and even written a poem about) should be lynched.

But timmer'm not liking the fact that these two ladies are shrouding suspicion over the cursed.

Linki: Disapproved.
A minute ago you said this -
Metalmarsh89 wrote:Make a case then. timmer'm as hard to understand as you want me to be. :srsnod:
you funny boy MM :eye: :eye:

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 10:19 am
by DharmaHelper
I'll respond to your big post in more detail soon Rox, but here is my preliminary response:

I can see several instances of you twisting or misrepresenting what was said, so I think you are bad.

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 10:23 am
by Marmot
Roxy wrote:
Metalmarsh89 wrote:timmer'm still thinking that timmer (who timmer've voted for and even written a poem about) should be lynched.

But timmer'm not liking the fact that these two ladies are shrouding suspicion over the cursed.

Linki: Disapproved.
A minute ago you said this -
Metalmarsh89 wrote:Make a case then. timmer'm as hard to understand as you want me to be. :srsnod:
you funny boy MM :eye: :eye:
timmer certainly did post that a minute ago. timmer'm unsure what you are trying to conclude.

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 10:24 am
by blindfaeth
And there's the proverbial no u from DH.

Linki, I kind of want to call everyone timmer now it's getting to be a thing :huh:

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 10:26 am
by DharmaHelper
blindfaeth wrote:And there's the proverbial no u from DH.

Linki, I kind of want to call everyone timmer now it's getting to be a thing :huh:
I'm supposed to think people who are telling outright lies about my play are civvies?

Give me a fucking break. Just vote for me already dude.

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 10:26 am
by Marmot
blindfaeth wrote:And there's the proverbial no u from DH.

Linki, I kind of want to call everyone timmer now it's getting to be a thing :huh:
Here's to hoping that this trend sets with the sun on this endless Day 3. :beer:

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 10:29 am
by S~V~S
Metalmarsh89 wrote:
Roxy wrote:
Metalmarsh89 wrote:Make a case then. timmer'm as hard to understand as you want me to be. :srsnod:
yah I have noticed - and no I will not be making a case until you are not cursed - I do not play that way - sorry.

Why did you stop using pictures so you could be understood?
Because it's annoying, and timmer've been playing on the phone the majority of the time this weekend.
S~V~S wrote:
Metalmarsh89 wrote:timmer is starting to get the feeling that timmer actually wants to be lynched today.
Can you be a bit more precise, MM? It's obnoxious, I know, but "Timmer thinks Timmer is voting for Timmer cause timmer timmer" lost it's charm about 48 hours ago :hugs:
timmer'm not trying to be charming.
Well, all righty then. Perhaps when this curse is done, you can summarize what you said, becasue i have no idea who/what you are talking about. You might still do what LC said, and using the poll, assign numbers to people. Aces could be 1, bass could be 2, etc. that would be annoying both for you & us, but it would be decipherable and easier than pictures. Since Made is not on there, he could be "pi" :haha:

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 10:31 am
by Roxy
Metalmarsh89 wrote:
Roxy wrote:
Metalmarsh89 wrote:timmer'm still thinking that timmer (who timmer've voted for and even written a poem about) should be lynched.

But timmer'm not liking the fact that these two ladies are shrouding suspicion over the cursed.

Linki: Disapproved.
A minute ago you said this -
Metalmarsh89 wrote:Make a case then. timmer'm as hard to understand as you want me to be. :srsnod:
you funny boy MM :eye: :eye:
timmer certainly did post that a minute ago. timmer'm unsure what you are trying to conclude.
You said you did not like the fact that SVS and I were shrouding suspicion around you yet in a post before you said I could make a case. You cannot have it both ways - I do not want to do this back and forth while you are cursed so consider this my last response to you until you are no longer cursed.

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 10:33 am
by Marmot
@SVS, Anytime you see timmer, just assume that it is first person.

If that doesn't seem to fit in the sentence, then start substituting names.

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 10:35 am
by Roxy
DharmaHelper wrote:I'll respond to your big post in more detail soon Rox, but here is my preliminary response:

I can see several instances of you twisting or misrepresenting what was said, so I think you are bad.
I will look forward to your response DH.
I do feel like I misrepresented or twisted anything - so maybe a clarification will help.

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 10:35 am
by blindfaeth
DharmaHelper wrote:
blindfaeth wrote:And there's the proverbial no u from DH.

Linki, I kind of want to call everyone timmer now it's getting to be a thing :huh:
I'm supposed to think people who are telling outright lies about my play are civvies?

Give me a fucking break. Just vote for me already dude.
K :shrug:

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 10:36 am
by Roxy
Metalmarsh89 wrote:@SVS, Anytime you see timmer, just assume that it is first person.

If that doesn't seem to fit in the sentence, then start substituting names.
there is only 21 names to check through SVS to see which one he is referring to :haha:

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 10:40 am
by Marmot
Roxy wrote:
Metalmarsh89 wrote:
Roxy wrote:
Metalmarsh89 wrote:timmer'm still thinking that timmer (who timmer've voted for and even written a poem about) should be lynched.

But timmer'm not liking the fact that these two ladies are shrouding suspicion over the cursed.

Linki: Disapproved.
A minute ago you said this -
Metalmarsh89 wrote:Make a case then. timmer'm as hard to understand as you want me to be. :srsnod:
you funny boy MM :eye: :eye:
timmer certainly did post that a minute ago. timmer'm unsure what you are trying to conclude.
You said you did not like the fact that SVS and I were shrouding suspicion around you yet in a post before you said I could make a case. You cannot have it both ways - I do not want to do this back and forth while you are cursed so consider this my last response to you until you are no longer cursed.
You are certainly taking advantage of your policy to "not vote for cursed players". Also, look at the order that the posts happened. There isn't any significant meaning there based on that, unless you are trying to force it.

Linki: If you have time to look back through posts to make a mini-case (when you already said you wouldn't make a case), then you certainly have time to decipher a few posts. Feel free to use context clues, previously quoted posts, and other things to help. :)

This post is even lacking any timmers (except for that one), so this post should be easy.

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 10:42 am
by AceofSpaces
I don't have a lot of time, today. So I'm just going to put my thoughts out now.

1. I don't think Roxy is bad. She was pretty straight forward with me in our chat. She also had the perfect chance to stab me in the back and let me get lynched, which she didn't do.

2. I don't think DH is bad.

3. I'm still interested in SD. I maintain that her vote for me was opportunistic.

I'm going to read the thread now, and maybe post again before I'm spirited away into the wonderful land of spring yard work.

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 10:44 am
by Roxy
No MM that is not a case that is proving a point - so no I will not make a case on you. Sorry to disappoint you :)

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 10:56 am
by DharmaHelper
Roxy wrote:Been reading DH this morning -

You first help lead the lynch against llama. (which in a sense llama brought on himself but that's just one girls opinion). You thought llama should have been pointing out fallacies you thought existed Day 0 and llama did not bc he was too busy putting down The Flash and talking about monkeys.
DharmaHelper wrote:I don't think he's a civvie. I don't like his whole Day 0 schtick, it got annoying very quickly. Also, I noticed he didn't berate anyone for any logical fallacies throughout the entire duration of Day 0. People were jumping to conclusions all over the place and Llama did not voice any opposition to it.
DharmaHelper wrote:Mostly the speculation on the meaning of the letters, like the above. I expected llama to jump in and beat the shit out of the speculation like it owed him money. He didn't. That's suspect.

If you thought there were fallacies then why didn't YOU jump in and "beat the shit out of the speculation"?

Several reasons. First, if I jumped in and stopped the speculation, it wouldn't allow time for llama to do that, which was the whole point of my suspicion (that he didn't) If I let it be, it gave him enough time to do what I would expect civ llama to do. I was waiting for him to make a comment on it. Secondly, I care considerably less about speculation than llama does, or did. Our conversation in Death Note mafia (casting a wide net, etc) shows this.

When fingersplints tried to tell you this was normal for him you shut her down post haste.
This is not at all what she said.
DharmaHelper wrote:
fingersplints wrote:
DharmaHelper wrote:
llama seems crazy even for him. My only thoughts about that is he would probably be less likely to be this out there if he had bts and someone else to consider.[/size]
What's your point here? As far as I'm aware BTSC is not in full swing across the board quite yet.
I thought my point was pretty clear. He seems to be drawing a lot of attention to himself. I think he would be less likely to do so if he had btsc or potential btsc partners to worry about. Because it isn't in full swing yet doesn't mean that all those with the potential to gain btsc won't worry about their partners.
I suppose I disagree.
You see, the conversation we had was "I think llama would not be so out-of-character if he had BTSC and partners to consider" to which I replied "I disagree." Nothing at all about how this was "normal" llama play. And as it turns out, he did have BTSC mates to consider, just not the ones I had originally thought. But I guess your misrepresentation plays better to the "DH is bad" crowd.

Now she is dead.

Nicely observed. Pinning that on me after one (misrepresented) disagreement is shortsighted and clearly false, but nicely observed.

It was after this that he went after SVS putting the blame of the llama lynch directly at her feet (which I disagree with 100%)

This is maybe 50% accurate, all things considered. I do believe that SVS's comparisons of llama's past civvie games to this one did him absolutely zero favors that lynch, but I don't think she's the only 100% culpable party. I will take as much blame for that lynch as anybody.

DharmaHelper wrote:
Metalmarsh89 wrote:@ Long Con. Well then let's hope there is a rezz for him this time around too.

I do recall the situation in that game. Actually, I don't think anyone would have drawn any comparisons if llama hadn't specifically said that he wanted to be King of the Morlocks again. In hindsight, it seems clear that he was just being funny.
IIRC SVS lead the "Hey this looks awfully like Llamas civvie game from this one time" train.
DharmaHelper wrote:
S~V~S wrote:
S~V~S wrote:Was Llama good or bad in the Morlock game? I can't recall, I think I have to go look.
Turnip Head wrote:
S~V~S wrote:Was Llama good or bad in the Morlock game? I can't recall, I think I have to go look.
He was Professor X, a civilian.
thellama73 wrote:
S~V~S wrote:Was Llama good or bad in the Morlock game? I can't recall, I think I have to go look.
For some reason, people thought my not being interested in anything besides being King of the Morlocks was somehow sinister and they lynched me for it.

History shows again and again how nature points out the folly of man. :disappoint:

This was how the Llama/X Men thing started, DH. Not exactly "leading a train". YOU started that train, iirc. After this I made two posts where I was wishy washy. Like how Llama does this to amuse himself when he has no BTS, which does not mean much in this game. Personally he looked exactly like he did in that game to me. But it is possible as well that he was doing it on purpose as some thought, which is pretty much all I said about the situation.

Don;t be blaming me for this one, the five people who voted him at the end, when Epi was clearly in the lead, are where the fingers should be pointing (not even at you, tbh). If finger pointing needs to be done.
If there doesn't need to be finger pointing, why did you just point the finger back at me rather defensively, if I don't deserve it, according to you?
You did deserve this finger-pointing imho
I think SVS is right to have pointed the finger at you.

You voted Bass - latching on to a pre-built case. and adding that Bass reminded you of the Death Note game where Bass was bad.

Again not true. I voted Bass for my own reasons, I didn't think he was telling the truth, and his comments reminded me of Death Note. I explained this suspicion in (according to two very intelligent women) sufficient detail. Do go back and read my posts, see if you can find one instance of me bringing up Timmer's (the royal Timmer) case. If you can, I'll address that. Otherwise, I would thank you not to misrepresent me any further.

Then you try to take full claim of the Bass lynch - it seemed important to you that people thought it was your doing:
*AGAIN* Not true. Never once did I say anything to the effect of "Bass's lynch was 100% my doing, everyone bow before my Holy likeness". Sure, I've done so in the past when I've actually built cases and rallied the troops, but that was not the case with Bass. I had a personal hunch, it paid off, I was pleased it did so. I was going to go back and point out the several quotes of mine you *missed* where I correct people about my taking credit for anything, but you did that yourself, which is baffling. So I'll just highlight that post.
Huh. Guess that hunch of mine paid off.
Me expressing my own personal victory, not taking any credit or asking for it from anyone.
If it were me, I'd go back and look at SVS and FZ since they both practically jumped down my throat after I voted Bass.
Not seeking credit, seeking suspects based on a successful mafia lynch. I've already outlined my SVS suspicion, and my lack of an FZ suspicion should tell you I don't find her suspect.
Still trying to get SVS lynched.
One tends to do that when one has a suspect.
To be fair, I'm hardly responsible for the Bass lynch being a success. I was just personally correct, which is an achievement for myself. Several others seemed to think he was bad.

Oh so Timmer can brag and take all the credit but I can't I see how it is.
If you didn't know this was a joke, you could look at TH's signature.
Tbf you do say that several others seen Bass was bad but you still point out - AGAIN - that your were right.

Now you go back to pressing SVS for lynch bc she "jumped down your throat" for your Bass vote - which she did not btw.

That's your opinion, and one I've already discussed in previous posts, at-length.

I find it odd that when you could not get one case to stick to SVS you went ahead and made another case against her - why do you need SVS dead this game?

The objective of the game is to eliminate the mafia. If I think she is a mafia, I will make a case and make an attempt at eliminating her.

Now you mention you would vote for Made out of the clear blue sky just bc he has not been around - why? You have been making cases on SVS now you move on to someone who is not even been playing or posting or even voting - do you think it will be easier to lynch a non player than to lynch SVS?

It's Day 3. Non-participation hurts civs across the board. the short answer is that I would not be opposed to a Made lynch, the long answer is coming in another post since this one is not the place.

You are suspicious of me for not coming out sooner about Aces but I notice you did not say anything to help him either. Don't play that song to me DH.

Sorry, what? How am I supposed to say anything to help Aces when you kept the identity of your BTSC partner a secret for so long, and it would be impossible for me to know you were talking about him? Also, when it became clear to me Aces was in danger (unfairly so, in my view) I shifted my vote to help him. Actions speak louder than words, Rox.

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 11:03 am
by S~V~S
Can you lay it out for me, your reasons for wanting to lynch me? I get Aces reasons, but I am less clear on yours.

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 11:03 am
by DharmaHelper
Rox (and anyone else), I saved this point for a different post:

My suspicion of Made stems from his inactivity (which I am against, and on record for being so), and from a hunch/theory of mine that I wanted to post in a separate post to allow for discussion:

There are 3 factions that should, logically, have a kill. (Detectives, Grodd, and New Rogues). We have only seen the Grodd and Detective kills. Epi's kill was with a Captain Cold-like weapon, which given the map, the secrets, etc, could mean anything. So it is possible that Made is responsible for the 3rd (New Rogue) kill and has missed his window.

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 11:03 am
by DharmaHelper
S~V~S wrote:Can you lay it out for me, your reasons for wanting to lynch me? I get Aces reasons, but I am less clear on yours.
More than what I've already done? :omg:

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 11:09 am
by Roxy
I see, thanks for the replies DH I shall mull over what you have posted if i have any further questions I will ask straight away.

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 11:10 am
by Roxy
DharmaHelper wrote:Rox (and anyone else), I saved this point for a different post:

My suspicion of Made stems from his inactivity (which I am against, and on record for being so), and from a hunch/theory of mine that I wanted to post in a separate post to allow for discussion:

There are 3 factions that should, logically, have a kill. (Detectives, Grodd, and New Rogues). We have only seen the Grodd and Detective kills. Epi's kill was with a Captain Cold-like weapon, which given the map, the secrets, etc, could mean anything. So it is possible that Made is responsible for the 3rd (New Rogue) kill and has missed his window.
That's an interesting take DH. :ponder:

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 11:17 am
by S~V~S
What about Reywas, Soneji, Ika; all also still alive and not saying one hell of a lot. How did you decide on Made, not them, as the missing killer, DH?

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 11:48 am
by DharmaHelper
S~V~S wrote:What about Reywas, Soneji, Ika; all also still alive and not saying one hell of a lot. How did you decide on Made, not them, as the missing killer, DH?
I don't. But the hunt has to start someplace.

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 12:11 pm
by timmer
DharmaHelper wrote:
S~V~S wrote:What about Reywas, Soneji, Ika; all also still alive and not saying one hell of a lot. How did you decide on Made, not them, as the missing killer, DH?
I don't. But the hunt has to start someplace.
I've done a light readback, will do a fuller one on my lunchbreak, but this pings me a bit. So much happened yesterday and yet you are promoting the idea of lynching an absent player, and a specific one, when there are at least four, and they cannot defend themselves.

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 12:13 pm
by S~V~S
DharmaHelper wrote:
S~V~S wrote:What about Reywas, Soneji, Ika; all also still alive and not saying one hell of a lot. How did you decide on Made, not them, as the missing killer, DH?
I don't. But the hunt has to start someplace.
Wow. Kinda arbitrary, eh? Since Made was not on the poll, why did you not start the hunt elsewhere?

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 12:13 pm
by DharmaHelper
timmer wrote:
DharmaHelper wrote:
S~V~S wrote:What about Reywas, Soneji, Ika; all also still alive and not saying one hell of a lot. How did you decide on Made, not them, as the missing killer, DH?
I don't. But the hunt has to start someplace.
I've done a light readback, will do a fuller one on my lunchbreak, but this pings me a bit. So much happened yesterday and yet you are promoting the idea of lynching an absent player, and a specific one, when there are at least four, and they cannot defend themselves.
I'm not promoting anything. I'm considering it. I'm considering a lot of votes.

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 12:13 pm
by DharmaHelper
S~V~S wrote:
DharmaHelper wrote:
S~V~S wrote:What about Reywas, Soneji, Ika; all also still alive and not saying one hell of a lot. How did you decide on Made, not them, as the missing killer, DH?
I don't. But the hunt has to start someplace.
Wow. Kinda arbitrary, eh? Since Made was not on the poll, why did you not start the hunt elsewhere?
Made was on the poll at the time I had the thought.

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 12:21 pm
by S~V~S
Well, now that he is not on the poll, are you also having that thought about Reywas, ika or Soneji? Or still just Made?

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 12:22 pm
by Roxy
I thought we decided that Made was indeed on the poll as Destroyed - get it- Made/Destroyed :)

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 12:23 pm
by S~V~S
OH. I had one hell of a time figuring some of those out, lol.

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 12:24 pm
by DharmaHelper
S~V~S wrote:Well, now that he is not on the poll, are you also having that thought about Reywas, ika or Soneji? Or still just Made?
I'd forgotten all 3 of those people were playing.

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 12:28 pm
by Roxy
I do think everyone is on the poll.

linky - I would not read too much into Rey as the last few games he has signed up for he plays for a minute then is replaced or MK'ed.

As for Soneji and Ika :shrug: I do not know but they are new and I am not quite ready to pick on new players to the forum yet.

Re: The Flash: Battle for the Gem Cities (Day 3?)

Posted: Sun May 03, 2015 12:29 pm
by Roxy
S~V~S wrote:OH. I had one hell of a time figuring some of those out, lol.
LOL I did too :D I did think yours should have been V~S~V though :shifty: