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Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 8:10 pm
by S~V~S
Matt wrote:
Glorfindel wrote: So Say We All!

As much as I'm struggling with this game, I am enjoying very much the challenging theories you are proposing. I'm not fully caught up yet but in relation to your comments above, from my reading of things Gaius Baltar (Human) fills the detective role in this game and can determine whether any given player is either Human or Cylon. The detective role is from my experience, exclusively a Town role. Apart from the possibility of a Human traitor, surely that suggests that the bulk of the Mafia team is indeed Cylon (not necessarily all of the Cylons either as I believe the situation with Epi evidences). Is it unreasonable to make this assumption? Otherwise, surely the detective role would be nothing but a farce :shrug:
Hmm, you're probably right about that. I still think, almost above any other pairing from the show, that Gaius and Six may be connected in the game, so whoever brought up the possibility of them having a Lovers role would be right, I think.

Glorfy! I screamed and screamed at Golden for not allowing us to be Mafia mates like I asked in the sign up chat. He got a strong lecture, let me tell you! :mad:
Either Lovers, or possibly Marilyn MonRobot can recruit him? I have been doing ALOT of reading today,wikis etc. but I am not sure if that is possible in the story arc?

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 8:11 pm
by G-Man
Adding my notes into my spreadsheet at the moment. When I used to play Battleship as a kid, I always liked to put them vertically in the first column. With that in mind, I was eyeing up E1 to stay on the grid. If we think that's too close to the first rezz ship, I could go for D6 too. I always liked keeping my ships out of the middle.

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 8:12 pm
by indiglo
Golden wrote:Advance warning.

I will not be around that much today to answer questions etc. I'll pop in to answer as and when I can.

Also, the next night phase will be 48 hours. This is because my wife, who is quite patient with my mafia activities, is very unlikely to extend that patience to me running an end of night phase on her birthday (especially as it's one of those ones that ends with a zero). From time to time, phases may need to change in length for personal reasons. In cases where this happens, I will make the admirals revised jumping ability for that phase clear.
Enjoy the festivities! She is indeed a patient and most generous Lady Goldama. :beer:

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 8:16 pm
by indiglo
juliets wrote:indiglo, would you repost the box and the people on the schedule in it's up to date form? I volunteered for a time tomorrow but I don't know if it made it on there. Hate to ask you to do it but I'm afraid I'll mess it up.

Totes! Also, if anyone notices any errors, please point them out.

>May 8, 11:47 pm EST - ika, A1
>May 9, 5:47 5:49 am EST - ika, A3
>May 9, 11:49 am EST - indiglo, A5 LC, D5
>May 9, 5:49 pm EST - Silverwolf, A5
>May 9, 11:49 pm EST - Marmot, E3
>May 10, 5:49 am EST - SVS, B2 - SUCCESS
>May 10, 11:49 am EST - juliets, C3
>May 10, 5:49 pm EST - SW, F4

May 10, 11:49 pm EST - indiglo
May 11, 5:49 am EST - Rico
May 11, 11:49 am EST - G-Man
May 11, 5:49 pm EST - juliets
May 11, 11:49 pm EST -

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6
E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 8:18 pm
by indiglo
And yes, please more talk about which sector to hit next! We have about 3.5 hours till sortie time.

Also... I am caught up! I feel like posting G-Man's meme, except for I hate that guy. (Matthew, not G-Man.)

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 8:19 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
indiglo wrote:Details - off the top of my head, you missed SD's explanation of her randomized vote, for example. (I can do an ISO if you want any further detailes.) The lack of carefulness is just so different from your P50 performance. Remember, that was my first introduction to you, and you were beyond impressive. :beer: You saw everything, caught every detail, then pressed to understand the context and nuances of the situation when said detail happened. Then, I see you read a post and not even absorb an important, basic detail and comment on it. Do you see why that might catch my eye?
That is a valid example of a detail I missed. Thank you. I would assert though that you've mischaracterized what I did as 509378 as "careful". "Thorough" would be a good word I think, but in that game I was absolutely just flinging mud every which way in a rather frantic manner just to see what content I could produce and assess. I wasn't terribly careful. I do have an eye for small details, but that isn't to suggest I am completely attentive to every nook and cranny of every post. Hell, there are many games in which I never bother to read the entire thread because it'd be a fruitless waste of what precious time I have to make a difference (this game is no exception right now, frankly).
indiglo wrote:I have also read your further post about that not being a fair comparison (your P50 performance). So I would ask players who know you more, and have played with you more - are we seeing a typical JJJ civ-performance here in your opinions?
I'll let others answer this however they may, but I'd like to direct attention to the following post I made in the sign-up thread:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:It's very likely my methods will be different in this game, so when I'm not acting like a generic fresh-from-the-supermarket JJJ I don't wanna hear about it. :P
I would like people to ask themselves how this game is fundamentally different from others here where my "reputation" has been forged (such as Turf Wars and Talking Heads), and why I might perceive a need to make some changes even before the game starts.

You'll also note in my earliest posts in this game I was struggling to determine exactly how I wanted to approach the game -- it's different at the very core, and it demands a different approach from me. If people are seeing a different JJJ in this game, it's because JJJ is different in this game. I'm not completely different in every possible way, but I am different.
indiglo wrote:Re "holding your vote" - in all fairness, I play non-changeable votes the same way. For some reason it didn't sit right when you did it, and I think it's because you don't look like P50 here.

It's like going to a ball game, falling in love with the cheerful, yet goofy mascot, and then seeing him after the game in the parking lot... with the head of his costume off, out there by his car smoking, drinking, spitting and cursing. Ya know? :haha: That cracks me up, and it's not really that extreme, I just want to explain where I'm coming from here. Does that make sense?

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 8:25 pm
by indiglo
That's all fair. And I can't find fault with it. (Maybe I'll try again later. :goofp: )

Now go put your head back on. :grin: :haha:

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 8:28 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay


Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 8:31 pm
by DrumBeats
Catching up right now. First thing I saw and didn't like was Long Con throwing shade at Marmot's random selection within the checkerboard. Long Con is the one who chose the one point out of the checkerboard that has been selected and it doesn't sit well with me that he tried to discredit Marmot for something he himself did.

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 8:37 pm
by DrumBeats
Okay, I keep seeing this term and I have no clue what it means, so what is "linki"?

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 8:40 pm
by DrumBeats
Long Con wrote:
indiglo wrote:
juliets wrote:Send sortie to C3
Good work!

Up next at 5:49pm EST we have no one scheduled. If anyone wants to cover it, feel free to speak up.

LC, would you like to take that timeslot? If you're unavailable I will do my best to cover it if no one else volunteers.
I cannot take that timeslot, better line up someone else. And please, take anything I say about the "Long Con Rogue Action" as only half-serious. Truly, it was all in fun, and anytime I bring it up, it's for fun as well. I think it's silly to threaten me with actual baddie suspicion for anything surrounding that Rogue Action, because it really has nothing at all to do with being bad or good or human or Cylon in the game.

As for me "going off the checkerboard pattern"... GOOD! Even though people have been, like, "Oh, I'm diagonal, off the pattern!" or "I'm a marmot, look how I went way down there!".... it's still on the original pattern that DrumBeats proposed!!!

So far, I don't recall seeing anyone but me being concerned with the possibility that Drum is a baddie/Cylon who knows that the rez ship is on square A4, or any of the "black" checkerboard squares that we're avoiding. I'm not accusing him, but to not even discuss that the ship could be on a black square is, to me, allowing a big fat blind spot into our plan. So I have absolutely no remorse about choosing D5, I would do it again in a heartbeat. And if you all can't understand and agree with that, then this is NOT a plan that I am on board with, and I'll sabotage it with something smarter whenever I damn well feel like it, for the good of the human race.
Considering we hit a Ress ship with my idea, can we drop this thought process? K thx. Objectively a checkerboard pattern is the best way to hit one if they are not single sector ships. If they are single sector, then it would make no difference between that and random guessing.

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 8:42 pm
by Epignosis
DrumBeats wrote:Okay, I keep seeing this term and I have no clue what it means, so what is "linki"?
It means the person who says it thinks the person who posted immediately before is bad and should be voted for immediately.

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 8:44 pm
by Scotty
indiglo wrote:
Scotty wrote:
Ricochet wrote:
S~V~S wrote:Post game it is fair game, but ongoing is not, imo. If you avoid mentioning it specifically, like say "I have see X do this when bad"; without saying where you saw it, that should be fine, though.

I have seen Zebra appeal to meta in her hunts when bad. It only heightens my perception that her voting BR in Day 1 based on meta was a bit shoddy. It only heightens my perception that she might be bad.
Whatchu talkin bout, Willis? He was scheduled to go at that time, and picked a spot in the checkerboard pattern. Sounds like he did his job.

Unlike you, Premature Perry.
Vompatti wrote:I wouldn't mind covering them openings if you know what I mean. :beer:
:scared: :
Vompatti wrote:D12
Long Con wrote:
Vompatti wrote:It would help if we knew what shape the ship is.
I get that some of you are treating this as a game of Battleship, thinking that perhaps the ship is 4 squares long, and we need to hit it four times on those four adjacent squares to kill it. I get that, and that's why checkerboard.

I do not think it's Battleship. I think the rez ship is in one sector alone. I think this because... these are sectors of space!! Like, big. Imagine a ship that's the size of our solar system - that's the kind of thing I would imagine taking up four squares. It's insane! The ship is a large ship that resides in a super-exponentially larger sector of space.

And yes, this is a game and these quasi-'laws of reality' don't have to apply. If Golden wanted it to be a Battleship game, then it's cool despite grinding at my sense of scale and reality.
This...actually makes sense. :ponder:

Makes me wonder if the checkerboard pattern starting from A1 was thunked up by a cylon that knows the ship isn't located in the underlined pattern, thus giving them more time to be invincible...
DrumBeats wrote:So Say We All!

So wait, we do not get to know the identity of those killed? That's going to be a pain moving forward.
Yes. Are you curious about whom you NK'd hmmmmmm?

I opened this in a tab to reply to, and now I can't remember why. I'm thinking maybe Scotty was quoting LC's longer explanation of his mischief?

I agree that the ship is likely to be in 1 square alone, especially now. (Duh) But we still can only search 1 sector at a time. With this new clarification, does the checkerboard pattern still grind your gears? No matter how we slice it, we can only do 1 sector at a time, and hope to get lucky and get Kat & Hot Dog back alive. (Like we did! :omg: )
No, actually. I think that if a cylon knew of the resurrection ships' location, they would have purposely led us astray. I feel better about Drumbeats, for instance.

But it makes me wonder how many of these ships we have to blow up.

I don't know the lore: I understand Matt thinks there is a Hub/mothership. Is there any evidence of that in lore? Or evidence of a fleet in the series to assist us?

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 8:45 pm
by DrumBeats
Epignosis wrote:
DrumBeats wrote:Okay, I keep seeing this term and I have no clue what it means, so what is "linki"?
It means the person who says it thinks the person who posted immediately before is bad and should be voted for immediately.

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 8:46 pm
by Epignosis
DrumBeats wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
DrumBeats wrote:Okay, I keep seeing this term and I have no clue what it means, so what is "linki"?
It means the person who says it thinks the person who posted immediately before is bad and should be voted for immediately.
You're welcome, buddy! :beer:

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 8:46 pm
by juliets
Epignosis wrote:
DrumBeats wrote:Okay, I keep seeing this term and I have no clue what it means, so what is "linki"?
It means the person who says it thinks the person who posted immediately before is bad and should be voted for immediately.
Epi shame on you but that was funny. Drum it's when you try to post but so many people are posting your post doesn't go through because its stacked up behind all those other posts. To some people it means one of those posts that is stacked is the same subject - maybe even saying the same thing as your post.

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 8:50 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
Matt requested an ISO of ObscureAllure:
Spoiler: show
ObscureAllure wrote:I'm camping this weekend and the Internet is spotty. I was able to at least catch up but it took forever so now my phone battery is drained. Will try to stop by again later tonight and give some thoughts ahead of the vote, but honestly my lack of BG knowledge is making me feel lost. I had the impression that the cylons were the bad guys as they are the second group of characters, but then someone was saying back that people might not know if they are a bad guy? So are the cylons not the mafia? So confused.

Anyway, going swim in a water fall now. Check in later.
This was OA's first post after the puzzle-solving mania of the pre-game (where she was a solid contributor). If I could say anything about this, it'd be that it appears a little convenient that OA was able to be heavily involved in the alignment-neutral solving of a puzzle but when the game moved into a more investigative climate she faded out -- providing this reason. I don't doubt that she went camping or that her Internet was spotty, but it's possible she milked this excuse.
Spoiler: show
ObscureAllure wrote:Ran out of time catching up, don't want to chance missing the vote so voting for Polo. I'll be back in town at some point either tonight or tomorrow
Isolated vote for Polo as she struggled to keep up with the pace.

Oh no, long multi-quote posts are coming up soon. :eek:

I'm not quoting this huge post in full Part 1:

She suggested DrumBeats was providing a healthy heap of WIFOM. I thought DB's provision of links to his prior games in each alignment was pretty innocuous so I don't know that this vague shade throw was warranted.

Her annoyed reaction to Nerolunar's vote strikes me as authentic though.

I'm not quoting this huge post in full Part 2:

I think her tone in this post appears sincere. I don't really agree with many of her points (she suspected ika and Silverwolf, I never really did), but I do understand her mindset and don't struggle to follow her train of thought. That's a nice thing.
Spoiler: show
ObscureAllure wrote:Epi - I know I haven't been playing with them long, but I actually think that silver wolf is reacting the way she is out of her personal desire to protect Ika, not actual in game reasons. If I had to bet, it's Ika and not silver wolf who is mafia. In fact the more I see, the more sure I am that silver wolf has in the least a townie role. I think her personal feelings have just gotten the best of her and she's reacting based on that.

For what it's worth, I believe you to be for the townie cause, regardless of your cylon role.

I think Ika and LC have BTSC based on a few comments that have been made. My vote tomorrow will be for one of them. Most likely Ika because at this point I'm just tired of reading page after page of the same thing.
There've been a few moments since Epi's lynch where OA has taken a clear town stance on him, this post among them. I think that's a good look for her, because the majority of players including me have been unable to take that step quite yet -- the mafia team (or whatever they are) would probably stand to gain the most by being absorbed into that general confusion instead of taking a side regardless of Epi's actual alignment.
Spoiler: show
ObscureAllure wrote:Is it just me or did loran and Nutella do back to back posts out of no where twice?
ObscureAllure, could you try to identify the two separate moments when you think this occurred?


Generally I don't think anything here screams one alignment or the other. The most suspicious thing I could identify was also the most speculative and least inspiring (the first point in this ISO). I like her tone and her productivity, and I'd lean more town than not.

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 8:52 pm
by Polo
Now do an ISO of yourself! :eye:

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 8:53 pm
by DrumBeats
Scotty wrote:
DrumBeats wrote:So Say We All!

So wait, we do not get to know the identity of those killed? That's going to be a pain moving forward.
Yes. Are you curious about whom you NK'd hmmmmmm?
Not at all. Just never played a game like this before and don't like having information like that witheld.

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 8:54 pm
by indiglo
Epignosis wrote:
DrumBeats wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
DrumBeats wrote:Okay, I keep seeing this term and I have no clue what it means, so what is "linki"?
It means the person who says it thinks the person who posted immediately before is bad and should be voted for immediately.
You're welcome, buddy! :beer:
One severe mistreatment schedule, coming up! :p


Drums, please read juliets post above for the real answer.

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 9:00 pm
by indiglo
@ Scotty - yes, there are multiple Rezz Ships and a Rezz Hub in the lore. Due to the fact that I'm eating (some of the best pupusas my friend has ever made, I am so not even kidding, omg), and some general laziness, I'll share this link about the Resurrection Hub, rather than attempting to explain it in my own words. :noble:

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day One

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 9:00 pm
by DrumBeats
Golden deleted this quote and replaced it with a link to the quoted post

I agree with a lot of this. It should also be noted that nutella sent in an "N" when we were first playing hangman, before we knew it was a cipher. N is not a frequently occurring letter at all and could be an attempt to sabotage the event from the beginning.

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 9:02 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
Polo wrote:Now do an ISO of yourself! :eye:
I started to do this, but I became really distracted by JJJ's gorgeous glistening pecs. Sorry. :shrug:

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 9:03 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
lol don't worry DrumBeats. That happens sometimes with spoiler tags.

We need a mod who isn't playing in the game to fix it.

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 9:04 pm
by indiglo
Hey, Drums, you triggered another secret event! A Spoiler Tag / Quote malfunction! Hooray!

I did that before. I found it quite disconcerting. Someone will be along to clean it up shortly, I imagine.

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 9:05 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:We need a mod who isn't playing in the game to fix it.
Maybe we can get GOLDEN to the rescue. :nicenod:

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 9:06 pm
by DrumBeats
Golden wrote:You have found and destroyed a resurrection ship in square B2. Hot Dog and Kat have returned alive.
Now we know that they are single celled. The checkerboard method doesn't need to be followed anymore imo. Feeling a bit better about Long Con with this info. Not fantastic, as he could have just been trying to stop us from proceeding in the order we were that was about to hit B2, but I feel a bit better about him.

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 9:07 pm
by Matt
Who wants to send Kat and Hot Dog to F5?

So Say We All!

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 9:09 pm
by DrumBeats
Matt wrote:
S~V~S wrote:Was this Drumbeats original pattern?
His original idea was to skip all of the even numbers, which I wasn't a fan of.
No it wasn't. I made the checkerboard grid that indiglo is using now. Odds on odd letters and evens on even letters. AKA this was my original pattern.

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 9:10 pm
by DrumBeats
Matt wrote:No. I'm stoopid.

That's not how it was at all. Gaawd, why didn't anyone correct me when I said that a few days ago?

Drumbeats original pattern did in fact, include B2.
Lol I should've read one lower before replying. My bad.

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 9:11 pm
by nutella
Drumbeats idk what happened with your post but are you trying to say that N is not a frequently occurring letter?? because it very much is a very frequently occurring letter. trust me I am a Scrabble nerd :p Unfortunately it wasn't frequently occurring in the cipher, but there's no way I could have known that. At least I pointed out that it was indeed a cipher -- a fact that many people ignored even when that's what Golden called it. :p

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 9:12 pm
by indiglo
I don't see why we shouldn't send them there. I'm happy to do F5 in approximately 2.5 hours.

@ Scotty - Oh, yeah, as for a fleet to help us find the Rezz Ships. On the show, there was a pretty big fleet of vipers and pilots. Originally, for example, Lee Adama and Starbuck were 2 of the hot shots on the squadron. Kat and Hot Dog came in much later towards the end of the series. So I think only having Kat and Hot Dog do sorties is just a game mechanic, in order to not make it sooooo easy for us to find them, and for us to also have to run a pretty high risk if/when we do find the ships.

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 9:13 pm
by indiglo
indiglo wrote:I don't see why we shouldn't send them there. I'm happy to do F5 in approximately 2.5 hours.

@ Scotty - Oh, yeah, as for a fleet to help us find the Rezz Ships. On the show, there was a pretty big fleet of vipers and pilots. Originally, for example, Lee Adama and Starbuck were 2 of the hot shots on the squadron. Kat and Hot Dog came in much later towards the end of the series. So I think only having Kat and Hot Dog do sorties is just a game mechanic, in order to not make it sooooo easy for us to find them, and for us to also have to run a pretty high risk if/when we do find the ships.

Linki, dang me, the first half was directed to Matt.

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 9:17 pm
by indiglo
Golden wrote:CONTEST TIME!!!

Your role cards tell you each a little about your character. What they don't tell you is - why did humanity invent the cylons in the first place?

You have all of day 2 to PM to me an explanation for why your character would invent a cylon, along with any key features of the cylon that they would create. At the end of that time, your submissions will be judged by a third party. A prize will be awarded to the winner! Have fun with it!
Also just wanted to remind everyone of this contest. I had forgotten about it until this very moment.

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 9:22 pm
by DrumBeats
indiglo wrote:
Golden wrote:You have found and destroyed a resurrection ship in square B2. Hot Dog and Kat have returned alive.


Ok, may already have been discussed...

How does everyone feel about continuing with the checkerboard pattern?

I had another thought about the Rezz Ships. What if they aren't actually anywhere. What if, in each sector, we have a X% chance of finding a Rezz Ship there, and it's just some dice that Golden roles for each sector? Does this seem reasonable, or like something Golden would do? Or do we still think they actually ARE somewhere, and we just happen to find them?
I currently believe they are somewhere, and we shouldn't mess with this theory until we've hit every sector. That being said, once we have, we should keep hitting sectors just in case.

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 9:23 pm
by DrumBeats
Matt wrote:Or B3. Maybe C2.

There are 36 sectors of space that Golden has given us. I was googling and found that the Resurrection Hub was destroyed in "Sector Delta 9" in the show. So the 9th sector? Depending on your pov, that could be B3 or C2.

Or F5. We should go to all of these places, really.
I'm open to this. We know we don't need to checkerboard it out anymore so a few logical guesses sound fine. In case you are scum trying to manipulate it though, I think we should space out these three options.

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 9:27 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
I'm glad you folks are on top of this grid solving Battleship business, because I'm totally clueless about what's going on. It's probably for the best anyway that some people focus on that while others focus on reads.

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 9:28 pm
by Golden
Quoting posts with a lot of spoiler tags, or spoiler tagging posts with spoiler tags, can create issues. One option to respond to long posts with spoilers in (as I've done with DrumBeats above) is to use URL links instead of quotes.

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 9:29 pm
by DrumBeats
juliets wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
DrumBeats wrote:Okay, I keep seeing this term and I have no clue what it means, so what is "linki"?
It means the person who says it thinks the person who posted immediately before is bad and should be voted for immediately.
Epi shame on you but that was funny. Drum it's when you try to post but so many people are posting your post doesn't go through because its stacked up behind all those other posts. To some people it means one of those posts that is stacked is the same subject - maybe even saying the same thing as your post.
Lmao, thanks for the real clarification there :haha:

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 9:34 pm
by DrumBeats
nutella wrote:Drumbeats idk what happened with your post but are you trying to say that N is not a frequently occurring letter?? because it very much is a very frequently occurring letter. trust me I am a Scrabble nerd :p Unfortunately it wasn't frequently occurring in the cipher, but there's no way I could have known that. At least I pointed out that it was indeed a cipher -- a fact that many people ignored even when that's what Golden called it. :p
Oh wow, I just looked up hangman stuff and you're right about that. Damn for some reason N just seemed like its not in many words but it's actually up there. My bad.

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 9:36 pm
by DrumBeats
indiglo wrote:Hey, Drums, you triggered another secret event! A Spoiler Tag / Quote malfunction! Hooray!

I did that before. I found it quite disconcerting. Someone will be along to clean it up shortly, I imagine.
This post actually reminded me of something I've been thinking about lately. For people that know the lore, what other things were important in the fight against the cylons that were evil in the show? The game seems to respond to what we say, so maybe if we keep saying these important ships/weapons/whathaveyou we can trigger more events like this to help us moving forward.

@ Matt, Rico, LC, Anybody else who knows lore

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 9:40 pm
by Epignosis
DrumBeats wrote:
nutella wrote:Drumbeats idk what happened with your post but are you trying to say that N is not a frequently occurring letter?? because it very much is a very frequently occurring letter. trust me I am a Scrabble nerd :p Unfortunately it wasn't frequently occurring in the cipher, but there's no way I could have known that. At least I pointed out that it was indeed a cipher -- a fact that many people ignored even when that's what Golden called it. :p
Oh wow, I just looked up hangman stuff and you're right about that. Damn for some reason N just seemed like its not in many words but it's actually up there. My bad.

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 9:41 pm
by Silverwolf
I agree with JJJ's case on OA. While I would say she's not going with the flow so far so I'm good with a slight town read here for now.

D'Faraday would be an o.k. lynch if we can't come up with anything better. He's only posted 3 times but if I can't find a scumread, I like to go for a low content poster. If they are scum trying to lay low-great. If they are town-they aren't being that helpful and I'd rather lose them than someone who is keeping the convo alive. Spacedaisy is kind of falling into this camp as well at this point. I hope IAWY gets replaced but I'd be inclined to scumread that slot based on his behavior before replacing out similar to behavior as scum in championship.

Nutella is still where my vote would be at right now but I have more ISOing to do before that's set.

Epi is one where I'd scumread based my my interaction with him but otherwise if the majority says that there are some cylons aligned with town and know the lore better than me, I can go along with it for now. I'm still keeping my eye on Epi but I'm going to leave this alone for a bit and concentrate on other reads.

Right now, I'd say I'm about here GTH style:

Player List


a2thezebra -town
Bea - town
Black Rock - weakest townread of the bunch
DFaraday - scum
DrumBeats - town
Epignosis - see above
Glorfindel - town
G-Man - scum
inawordyes - scum
Indiglo - town
JaggedJimmyJay - town
juliets - town
Long Con - town
LoRab - town
Marmot - town
Matt - town
Nerolunar - scum
nutella - scum
ObscureAllure - town
Polo - town
Ricochet - town
S~V~S - town
Scotty - town
sig - town
SokothQultuq - scum
Spacedaisy - scum
Vompatti - scum

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 10:22 pm
by SokothQultuq
LOL I like that. Low post count = Scum... LOL Sorry I've not had enough to say. I'm mostly lurking and learning... Its important you know. One must study one's prey to understand it... Learn its habits... patterns... and so far all I've learned is that indiglo hits the head way too much and leaves behind a glowing mess. Scotty spends way too much time staring at technology and Spacedaisy continues to stare longingly into space way too much. So much for the study... LOLOL

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 10:23 pm
by bea
I'm down to only 4 pages behind! I need to rest my eyes and recharge my battery. Be back in a bit!

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 10:25 pm
by indiglo
DrumBeats wrote:
indiglo wrote:Hey, Drums, you triggered another secret event! A Spoiler Tag / Quote malfunction! Hooray!

I did that before. I found it quite disconcerting. Someone will be along to clean it up shortly, I imagine.
This post actually reminded me of something I've been thinking about lately. For people that know the lore, what other things were important in the fight against the cylons that were evil in the show? The game seems to respond to what we say, so maybe if we keep saying these important ships/weapons/whathaveyou we can trigger more events like this to help us moving forward.

@ Matt, Rico, LC, Anybody else who knows lore
I have been thinking about this too.

For example, during the Cylon Civil War, the rebelling (pro-human) group of Cylons actually managed to help destroy the Rezz Hub. After that, no more Cylons could get rezzed. (OOOOOOH that'd be a good one to trigger.)

There is something relating to the Final 5 I've considered mentioning - regarding how they were triggered in the show. I'm wondering if I should mention it, to see if it gets triggered, or not. Does that make sense? Any thoughts?

Something else, and I want to hear more input on it. Look at our checkerboard for our sorties:

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6
E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6

Had we stuck to our original checkerboard pattern, B2 would have been called on our 4th sortie. But, after LC intervened, we only got around to it on our 6th sortie. Not only did he change the sector called, he also got us off the checkerboard pattern idea by insinuating it was manipulative. It clearly was not, and the suggestion delayed the destruction of the Rezz Ship by 2 sorties, or 12 hours. Any thoughts on that? Does it still seem like good-natured mischief?

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 10:28 pm
by Epignosis
My opinion of Long Con will remain negative as long as his stance toward me is the same.

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 10:40 pm
by LoRab
indiglo wrote:Hey, Drums, you triggered another secret event! A Spoiler Tag / Quote malfunction! Hooray!

I did that before. I found it quite disconcerting. Someone will be along to clean it up shortly, I imagine.
OK, sorry for a moment of nostalgia, but this totally made me remember a game from a thousand years ago where every five minutes, the host popped up with, "A secret event has been triggered." I think it was on The Piano, not LP--really early days. ZOMG Zombies, maybe? Or possibly Computer Lab? Or some other game from around that time that I just can't come up with. Does anyone remember? Because this is bothering me now.

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 10:45 pm
by juliets
SokothQultuq wrote:LOL I like that. Low post count = Scum... LOL Sorry I've not had enough to say. I'm mostly lurking and learning... Its important you know. One must study one's prey to understand it... Learn its habits... patterns... and so far all I've learned is that indiglo hits the head way too much and leaves behind a glowing mess. Scotty spends way too much time staring at technology and Spacedaisy continues to stare longingly into space way too much. So much for the study... LOLOL
Sokoth could you explain what you mean by your description of indiglo? Are you saying you think she is bad?

Re: Battlestar Galactica Mafia - Day Two

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 10:45 pm
by Spacedaisy
I have basically been able to read the last ten to fifteen pages or so, nothing really before that and I have t gotten to even reading Golden's posts.

Here are some quick thoughts:

Silver for someone who seemed pretty upset at not getting understanding from others about their RL interfering with their ability to playthegame you seem hell bent on painting me as bad. I would ask you to consider the fact that I started this game by missing like the first 40 pages of posts. I a, struggling to understand a lot and trying to keep upwiththe current stuff alone is hindering me from being able to get a handle on the stuff that has happened before I was able to actually play which is informing a lot of the opinions flying around. Additionally, I don't get what is going onwiththis mission.

I understand that we are searching for res ships, I don't understand how. I take it I did is in charge, but is she always and why? Also, different people are slotted into times to announce a sector in a grid, why those times? Does this require to post it at an exact time or something? Golden mentioned Kat and Hot Dog coming back alive, does this mean there is a chance they will not come back alive? Aren't they roles that are actively being occupied by players?

Linki @ Lorab: I didn't play either of those, but it seems to me Scocub had a game chock full of secret events at one point... Can't remember though. Either that or Jason Maher's Mystery Mafia, which I didn't play either, sadly, I wanted to but couldn't.

, I would really ask you cut a bit of slack here, I'm not laying low to hide, I'm not a non-contributor type. I'm really trying to get my feet under me. If you can't respect that, then whatever.

Regarding LC, I could absolutely see him trying to move us away from a ship by using a weakness in the plan as an excuse to choose somewhere else. I've seen him do it before in Fight Club. He tried to deter us from using a plan to protect us from our actions getting messed with by a member who had been recruited. He had already been recruited. That said though, I can also say I think as a cov he would do exactly what he has done. And him sidetracking us for one sortie can't explain the whole thing derailing for a few searches. He could have no idea what the person after him would do, right? I could see him doing this as a bad ploy, or I could see him doing it as a concerned civ. hard to say which it actually is. :shrug:

Now I am going to grocery shop and when I come back I'm going to try to actually read all the stuff I missed earlier... Try being the operative word.