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Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 3:02 pm
by nutella
One minute in and I'm already in love. Is that a hurdy-gurdy I hear? <3 Not sure but it sounds similar to a really cool piece I've heard with someone just absolutely shredding on a hurdy-gurdy with a loop pedal. Great sound.

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 3:06 pm
by nutella
Eh it probably wasn't. I'm not the best instrumentation detective. But the sound is amazing. Loving this so far :D

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 3:15 pm
by nutella
Not even halfway through and I've already recommended it to two friends. I am loving this. Thanks Boomslang :beer:

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 3:38 pm
by nutella
Just finished. Damn that was awesome. Gonna listen to the rest of their discog on spotify. I'm into this shit.

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 4:33 pm
by Golden
We moved on, but I didn't rank the Fishmans album yet, so...

(converting to out of ten)

I finished it and gave it a 5. It was a pleasant experience, and for me tracks 2 through 7 were the high point. It was an interesting experience in trying to put my finger on what captures my imagination, because I did often have the feeling this album had a lot in common with something I might give 9 or 10 out of 10 and put on my playlist. But ultimately I didn't get the sense I'd be likely to revisit it. I was only able to find time for one listen but that was fine for me (if I'd had a second listen, I probably would have restricted it to the first disc - the second didn't do much for me).

Rankings so far

1) Beneath the Brine - the Family Crest - 7/10
2) 98.12.28 Otokotachi no Wakare - Fishmans - 5/10

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 6:01 pm
by S~V~S
I love this! There is some psychedelic 60's sounds, but track three, Goathead, put me in mind of Portishead or Massive Attack. Very nice! This is going into the permanent rotation.

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 6:04 pm
by S~V~S
OK, and Track 4, Disco Fever, isn't Disco at all. It's like tribal fusion meets Grateful Dead/San Fran sound.

This is so impressive. Very original and unique.

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 6:09 pm
by G-Man
Okay, like Golden the Coward ;) I'm past due for a review of the Fishman's album. Here goes:

Once again, not the kind of music I would naturally gravitate to. Unlike The Family Crest, I never got a sense of any particular image or vibe Fishmans is going for here. It's light, jam-centric music, which I tend to relegate more to background music more so than music to actively listen to. That's just me and my tastes.

I was indifferent to about a third of the tracks. Most of those tracks were either a little too weird for me or they lacked the kind of musical trajectory that I find agreeable. The vocals work most of the time but when they get really high, they sound kind of silly to my ignorant American ears. Dream pop sounds like a good name for the genre of this music because (based on this album alone) I don't believe the band could rock my socks off. They're too mellow overall for me to take on other albums, so this will almost certainly be my first and last Fishmans experience.

I like the dub/reggae sound they work with here and there throughout the album but I think I prefer them singing their native tongue. It just sounds more authentic. I felt that some of the tracks/songs wasted so perfectly good musical moments. On track 9, the final minute and a half is leaps and bounds better and more interesting than the first six minutes of the track. On track 12, I thought the bass part at the very end deserves to be developed into it's own full-length song. It too was better than the rest of the track (which is kind of a deal-breaker for me when the rest of the track was 13+ minutes long). It seemed at times that they had two or three musical ideas on one track. Shifting gears/sounds/tempos like that usually disorients me slightly and makes me think a new track has started.

My three-song approach wasn't favorable for this album. Track 1 started with a 90s-style riff reminiscent of Oasis or perhaps even Radiohead (?). Not sure how exactly to place that sound but it was very 90s to me and I dug it. But it never went anywhere. It just repeated and the vocals got weird, so I was left feeling indifferent. Tracks 2 and 3 were hard to rate. Track two had a good vibe but the vocals got a little too high and whiny at times for me. Track 3 had a nice groove but it never went anywhere or did anything more interesting than the keyboard/synth tune. I had to split the difference on both, because they sounded nice but didn't really touch me. I don't like deviating from my quarter-point scale for individual tracks but I was forced to give each a 5/8, which is pleasant but not solidly good.

The tracks that I liked made it hard for me to pick just three keepers. The obvious winner for me was the full-album track Long Season. I will go back on what I said earlier. If I listen to another Fishmans album, it will be Long Season just to see how the studio version sounds. They live version was excellent and I think the haunting, echoey sound of being performed live really gave this track something special. My other two choices are tracks 6 and 11. I think they had they best blend between vocals and groove. I liked the organ/keyboard on track 6 and the funky guitar on track 11.

This one was another mixed bag of sorts. I stand by my earlier statement- this was an odd but pleasant album.

3.14 out of 5 for a high B-

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 6:20 pm
by Epignosis
I listened to The Family Crest a second time today.

I found that I could hum several of the instrumental or vocal passages with ease. If I can do that on a second listen, it almost always means I'm in love.

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2017 6:27 pm
by Golden
Epignosis wrote:I listened to The Family Crest a second time today.

I found that I could hum several of the instrumental or vocal passages with ease. If I can do that on a second listen, it almost always means I'm in love.
After a week off, I find myself already wanting to go back and revisit it.

I'm not going to do it yet, but it makes me think that at the end of each set of five, I might pick one to revisit.

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 11:04 am
by JaggedJimmyJay
I'm listening through World Music now, currently in the final track. To be honest, psychedelic music has never been My Thing, and I wasn't sure I'd be able to get into this quite like some others have. It has been a pleasant surprise though. There's still a discernible melody and structure which psychedelia often lacks. :p

It feels purposeful and I have enjoyed it.

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 11:40 am
by G-Man
Currently on my third listen of the day for World Music. This is my kind of funky strange right here. :nicenod:

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2017 1:45 pm
by Tangrowth
I should be listening to it later today. Definitely looking forward to it!

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 9:12 am
by Tangrowth
MovingPictures07 wrote:I should be listening to it later today. Definitely looking forward to it!
Ended up listening to it earlier this morning instead.

First listen: I wasn't nearly as impressed as you all were, unfortunately. I'd say my time with the album was split pretty much into thirds of: (1) pretty thoroughly enjoyable, (2) OK, and (3) slightly annoying.

The band wears some influences on its sleeve and overall I felt the album just came across relatively derivative, but not overly so to strike up immediate distaste. I'd say they almost remind me of Ozric Tentacles if Ozric were rooted in Amon Duul II-style Krautrock as opposed to Gong-style space rock.

I gave it 3.0 out of 5 stars for now.

Clearly I need to listen to it again. Perhaps later today.

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 12:44 pm
by G-Man
Just got through listen #5. Maybe it helps that I'm not well-versed in prog/experimental music or maybe it hurts. I'm curious to hear the opinions of others on this one by the end of the week. Yes, I've heard songs in the same vein as this- trippy psychadelic rock but the sounds just really work together. Funky, blaxploitation film soundtrack style guitars over top of psychedelic organ and tribal-esque drums? It's not something I would expect to sound so captivating. For me, it's great two-way music. I can use it as background music and it gets me in a good rhythm or I can listen closer and admire the marriage of neat sounds.

If I get more acquainted with genres on the fringe of my tastes, my I can revisit this one late and see if I hear what MP07 hears. Right now, it's my favorite album of the three we've covered by a long shot.

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 5:38 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
Points of this album almost have a stoner rock sound. That's probably my favorite thing.

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 8:02 pm
by thellama73
I'm surprised it didn't grab MP. While certainly containing familiar elements, I wouldn't call the album derivative at all. I thought it did a nice job of combing elements I'd heard before into something new. I need to listen to it again, though. Maybe I'll hate it this time.

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 8:15 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
I gave it two listens today. Perhaps its best quality is that it is a very smooth and effortless listen, aided by its brevity. It has gotten better with repetition.

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 8:33 pm
by Boomslang
I have been a terrible participant in this thread, I'll just come out and say it. Been occupied with life and Game of Champions. But can sit down for a few minutes and make some comments this evening!

Beneath the Brine reminded me a good chunk of one of my favorite bands, The Dear Hunter, but more orchestral and less poppy. Which I initially thought I would like, but then felt to be a weakness. It's less driving than I think is necessary for the blending of rock and orchestral instruments. I also found their singer to be a bit... lounge? Only way I can describe that sort of smoothness. I probably need to go back to it, but it wasn't an immediate favorite.

98.12.28 Otokotachi no Wakare had a great chill vibe, and I appreciate the capture of lengthy noodling in the live setting. I feel like it gets samey over long periods of time, but my head stayed consistently nodding. I think I need to listen through the rest of their discography to understand their style evolution, which is what seems to make MP squee about them :P

World Music caught my attention instantly when it came up in my Spotify Discover feed. I'm a sucker for neo-psychedelia, especially the kind that drops big fuzzy bass throughout the proceedings. I like the old-school guitar tones, the willingness to let things jam, the ritualistic vocals... It reminds me of a more exploratory Wolfmother, which is a very good thing.

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 9:22 pm
by Tangrowth
thellama73 wrote:I'm surprised it didn't grab MP. While certainly containing familiar elements, I wouldn't call the album derivative at all. I thought it did a nice job of combing elements I'd heard before into something new. I need to listen to it again, though. Maybe I'll hate it this time.
Me too, I was really expecting to like it. Something just didn't really click with me the first time through for some reason. It wasn't bad by any means. I'll try it again now.

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 9:25 pm
by Golden
It definitely reminds me of goats. It has a Mongolian feel. "World Music" is an apt name. Haven't decided what I think of it yet.

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 9:27 pm
by Tangrowth
Boomslang wrote:I have been a terrible participant in this thread, I'll just come out and say it. Been occupied with life and Game of Champions. But can sit down for a few minutes and make some comments this evening!

Beneath the Brine reminded me a good chunk of one of my favorite bands, The Dear Hunter, but more orchestral and less poppy. Which I initially thought I would like, but then felt to be a weakness. It's less driving than I think is necessary for the blending of rock and orchestral instruments. I also found their singer to be a bit... lounge? Only way I can describe that sort of smoothness. I probably need to go back to it, but it wasn't an immediate favorite.

98.12.28 Otokotachi no Wakare had a great chill vibe, and I appreciate the capture of lengthy noodling in the live setting. I feel like it gets samey over long periods of time, but my head stayed consistently nodding. I think I need to listen through the rest of their discography to understand their style evolution, which is what seems to make MP squee about them :P

World Music caught my attention instantly when it came up in my Spotify Discover feed. I'm a sucker for neo-psychedelia, especially the kind that drops big fuzzy bass throughout the proceedings. I like the old-school guitar tones, the willingness to let things jam, the ritualistic vocals... It reminds me of a more exploratory Wolfmother, which is a very good thing.
Good to see you! Appreciate your thoughts as well as your contribution this week.

Yeah, perhaps exposing you all to the Fishmans live album first wasn't the best decision after all, or really it's just that I've quickly become a huge fanboy of them and am a sucker for their sound more than the typical music connoisseur. I do think their entire career from dub to reggae/dub-tinged neo-psych to full on dream/ambient pop is fascinating, even if it's clear the last few albums are their peak.

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 9:28 pm
by Tangrowth
Very barely into my second listen of World Music and it is already proceeding better thus far. Still isn't blowing me away by any means, but it's definitely enjoyable. We'll see how I feel at the end.

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 9:40 pm
by Tangrowth
MovingPictures07 wrote:Very barely into my second listen of World Music and it is already proceeding better thus far. Still isn't blowing me away by any means, but it's definitely enjoyable. We'll see how I feel at the end.
But now unfortunately it's lost me again. That's exactly what happened with my first listen. I'd occasionally have my ears perk up and think "okay, now that's cool", only for my attention to be lost relatively quickly again.

To elaborate re: "derivative"

This music feels derivative much in the way Foxygen and similar neo-psych bands try to recreate that late 60s/early 70s psych sound, but fail to miss the mark and come across as contrived. It's similar to how Fish-era Marillion sounds to me these days in terms of trying to recreate that classic Genesis prog sound. It's safe and just not exciting to me. If I wanted to hear Krautrock-influenced jam-band late 60s/early 70s psychy stuff, I'd listen to that. I'm not trying to be harsh at all, and I really appreciate checking this band out, but just explaining my response to this. I'm just a picky eater when it comes to neo-psych in general anyway, so it's hard for me to swallow a lot of this stuff and think anything other than "not bad".

For example, I actually heavily prefer Tame Impala's Currents over their more acclaimed prior albums because I find the Lennon-esque vocals and psych imitation pleasant enough but just thoroughly disengaging. It doesn't really make me feel anything. This album has the same problem. It feels directionless.

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 9:42 pm
by Golden
MovingPictures07 wrote:perhaps exposing you all to the Fishmans live album first wasn't the best decision after all
I don't think so. I feel like it was actually quite a good entry point.

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 10:10 pm
by Tangrowth
MovingPictures07 wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:Very barely into my second listen of World Music and it is already proceeding better thus far. Still isn't blowing me away by any means, but it's definitely enjoyable. We'll see how I feel at the end.
But now unfortunately it's lost me again. That's exactly what happened with my first listen. I'd occasionally have my ears perk up and think "okay, now that's cool", only for my attention to be lost relatively quickly again.

To elaborate re: "derivative"

This music feels derivative much in the way Foxygen and similar neo-psych bands try to recreate that late 60s/early 70s psych sound, but fail to miss the mark and come across as contrived. It's similar to how Fish-era Marillion sounds to me these days in terms of trying to recreate that classic Genesis prog sound. It's safe and just not exciting to me. If I wanted to hear Krautrock-influenced jam-band late 60s/early 70s psychy stuff, I'd listen to that. I'm not trying to be harsh at all, and I really appreciate checking this band out, but just explaining my response to this. I'm just a picky eater when it comes to neo-psych in general anyway, so it's hard for me to swallow a lot of this stuff and think anything other than "not bad".

For example, I actually heavily prefer Tame Impala's Currents over their more acclaimed prior albums because I find the Lennon-esque vocals and psych imitation pleasant enough but just thoroughly disengaging. It doesn't really make me feel anything. This album has the same problem. It feels directionless.
Yeah, still feeling right in that 3.0 range at best just like last time. Damn. I won't give up though. This thing'll be getting another listen or two at the very minimum before the week is up.

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 10:17 pm
by Tangrowth
Golden wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:perhaps exposing you all to the Fishmans live album first wasn't the best decision after all
I don't think so. I feel like it was actually quite a good entry point.
It is my favorite album of theirs, which is very odd for me since I hate live albums. But yeah, it caught them right as they ended their career on a high note and although they were firmly in their ambient pop butterfly stage of the genre metamorphosis, I love that album because it takes material from all parts of their career and reinvents it in that fully-formed style.

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 10:19 pm
by Tangrowth
Sorry, don't mean to bring thread attention away after my album hijacked all discussion last week. I just had more on my mind that I was going to post last week and never ended up finding the time to do so.

I'll be sure to post my thoughts on World Music upon third listen tomorrow.

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 2:29 pm
by triceratopzeuhl
haven't had much time to write words about music lately but this is my favourite album we've listened to so far

it actually kind of reminds me of OM of all things

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 2:45 pm
by thellama73
triceratopzeuhl wrote:haven't had much time to write words about music lately but this is my favourite album we've listened to so far

it actually kind of reminds me of OM of all things
Yes, and I was considering nominating an Om album next, but I feel like too many people here have already heard them.

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 2:47 pm
by G-Man
thellama73 wrote:
triceratopzeuhl wrote:haven't had much time to write words about music lately but this is my favourite album we've listened to so far

it actually kind of reminds me of OM of all things
Yes, and I was considering nominating an Om album next, but I feel like too many people here have already heard them.
I have never heard an Om album.

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 2:47 pm
by Golden
thellama73 wrote:
triceratopzeuhl wrote:haven't had much time to write words about music lately but this is my favourite album we've listened to so far

it actually kind of reminds me of OM of all things
Yes, and I was considering nominating an Om album next, but I feel like too many people here have already heard them.
I was considering nominating a Beatles album at some point. I don't think this is only about introducing something that's likely to be new to everyone, but also can be about hearing things a different way. Thinking about the music more. So, don't worry if you think people have heard it (I doubt I have, btw).

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 2:58 pm
by thellama73
Okay, maybe I will then! That is assuming people like The Crazy World of Arthur Brown, because if they don't I'm going to rage quit this thread.

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 3:12 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
Golden wrote:I was considering nominating a Beatles album at some point. I don't think this is only about introducing something that's likely to be new to everyone, but also can be about hearing things a different way. Thinking about the music more. So, don't worry if you think people have heard it (I doubt I have, btw).
Certainly, it can be any album at all, obscure or not, canon or not. I nominated Crowded House for example, which in Golden's realm might as well be The Beatles. What is obvious to one person is unheard of to another. I have never heard of Om and I've been avidly exploring music for a long time.

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 3:32 pm
by Ricochet
Spoiler: show

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 5:22 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
I know nothing about what is required to put those videos together with all of the soundbites and graphic effects. It seems like you always finish them so quickly though Rico. :eek:

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 5:30 pm
by nutella
I think by OM they mean of Montreal, lol

and fwiw I hadn't heard of Crowded House until this thread :blush:

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 5:40 pm
by Tangrowth
Ricochet wrote:
Spoiler: show
I had to take a break from my studies just to watch this. Awesome stuff again, Rico. :beer:

I generally agree with your feelings and even some specific criticisms on this one, which I think puts us in the minority. (For example, the vocals don't do much for me either.)

Also, I legit LOLed hard at the 7:11 mark.

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 5:40 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
nutella wrote:I think by OM they mean of Montreal, lol
I believe it's these psychedelic dudes
nutella wrote:and fwiw I hadn't heard of Crowded House until this thread :blush:
That's okay. 95% of planet Earth not in Australia or New Zealand probably fits that description.

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 5:42 pm
by Tangrowth
No, they can correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure trice and llama mean Om. I've heard them too, and now that trice mentioned it, I'd agree there's definitely a similarity that I can hear as well. It's the slightly-avant neo-psychy stoner-rocky feel that's similar between the two, but I wouldn't say they're super similar or anything by any means.

Linki'd by Jay. :sigh:

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 5:44 pm
by nutella
Well that would just make too much sense now wouldn't it. :p

Interesting that I assumed an of Montreal comparison wouldn't be too far off though. Idk about that. XD

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 5:59 pm
by thellama73
That is the Om we were talking about, although I would not call them psychedelic. I would classify them as drone metal with some middle eastern flourishes (particularly in more recent albums). Stoner metal is a somewhat apt description too.

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 6:10 pm
by Golden
nutella wrote:and fwiw I hadn't heard of Crowded House until this thread :blush:
This would be literally impossible if you lived in NZ.

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 6:19 pm
by A Person
nutella wrote:I think by OM they mean of Montreal, lol

and fwiw I hadn't heard of Crowded House until this thread :blush:
They mean Om the experimental doom metal band formed by members of Sleep.

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 6:47 pm
by triceratopzeuhl
nutella wrote:I think by OM they mean of Montreal, lol
No I mean the Om that everybody else above already posted :haha:

I usually write it in all caps because that's the way it is on their album covers


Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2017 6:49 pm
by Ricochet
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:I know nothing about what is required to put those videos together with all of the soundbites and graphic effects. It seems like you always finish them so quickly though Rico. :eek:
It's a more tragic "time consumption" from my angle. The only thing I've gained ground on since week one is that I convert the raw video overnight, and render the final form whilst I'm studying, post-editing. Sort of like leaving the food in the oven for two hours. But I still spend half a day cooking it.

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 5:23 pm
by Golden
This week I decided to watch Rico's review 'on Youtube' and discovered that his Youtube account name is 'lynchmarmot'. lol.

He also put spot on how I feel about this album, in that it made me consider whether I'm getting my scores wrong and made me realise there could be a bunch in the 5ish area.

I want to take another listen before I settle on this, but overall I got the sense that 1) This isn't what I'd expect 'psychedelic' rock to sound like at all (not that I know), but that it simply felt like folk music mixed with a percussive rock band. I have odd frames of references for many of these things, as you will discover over time, but as a percussionist this album really reminded me of the Blue Man Group. If they did folk songs (and added some lyrics sometimes). From time to time I am in the mood for a listen to the Blue Man Group, but its for a particular mood.

It's very hard for me, so far, to compare it to the Fishman's album from last week. Fishman's had a longer patch of the album where I felt like it was a very cozy, background music vibe listen, whereas I didn't get that from World Music. On the other hand, Fishman's had tracks that stood out to me and there was at least one I immediately liked a lot here (the fifth track).

This is all very vague - I might listen to it again (and perhaps tracks 2-7 of Fishman's again) to see how I feel about the two combined. My instinct at the moment is that I have to treat my scale in a way that only things from, say, 2/10 down are albums I don't like at all, and above that there is simply shades of a combination between how good I felt they were objectively and how likely I'd be to return to them. For now, I sense I'm going to give this 4/10, because I felt like the whole thing was actually quite good objectively, i probably even enjoyed it more - but I wouldn't return to it (and in a different way to Fishman's, where I ultimately decided I'd be unlikely to return to it more as a function of time than as enjoyment... I have other albums that sounds a bit like it that don't get much play even though I like them).

See how I feel after the next listen.

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 6:38 pm
by Golden
Ok so I've figured this out. It reminds me of the soundtrack to a movie where a Hollywood A lister goes to Mongolia and finds themselves. It has a sort of 'Mongol Lost In Translation' vibe to it.

I can easily do G-Mans three track rule here - I quite like tracks one (Diarabi) two (Goatman) and especially 5 (Golden Dawn). Golden Dawn is up there as one of my favourite tracks of the three albums so far. It's also hard for me to point to any particular negatives about the music.

But overall I'm left without a sense of a whole. I guess saying it comes across like a soundtrack may also speak to the idea that it doesn't come across as an album to me, although I do feel as though the last track ties in to the first, which I like.

Comparing it again to last weeks album - last weeks had the feel of being seminal and demonstrating a progression. This one, in contrast, feels like it is what it is - a very enjoyable album if this is your kind of music, but not likely to reveal in itself something deeper with repeated listens (at least not to me). It reminds me of the kind of thing I'd have been likely to study in music school, which might not help.

I enjoyed it well enough (which I wasn't expecting to based on 'psychedelic rock') and I'm glad it was picked and I had a listen. But it gets 4/10 for being the one I'm least likely to return to so far.

Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 6:41 pm
by Ricochet
I created this. Currently containing only the members who have rated (or implied a rating for) at least one album. If anyone else wants to add theirs, write it down here and will modify. Ratings with decimals and out of 10 ratings have been approximated to the 5-star scale. If the conversions are not accurate, notify that and will modify.

Click on the pic to open in full in another tab.


Re: SAW [Week 3 - "World Music"]

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 7:00 pm
by Golden
I'm 2.5 and 2 for the last two rico