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Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 4:32 am
by bronana
outed wolf wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 4:27 am what if: marl w thought vul was the jk

shot him

sunbae accidentally saved the day

i'm still confused why vulgard said that he was hinting to marl he thought i was softing a red on sunbae. didn't marl think vulgard was the JK and wasn't vulgard aware marl thought this? why was he publicly hinting at this anyway? just let it stand and wait for sunbae to react or me to say something further

shouldn't marl be 99% mafia from vulgard's pov? why's he so hesitant, even called him towny wtf

idgi :confused: :confused:

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 4:34 am
by bronana
plus who in THEIR GODDAMN MIND thought my overnight post wasn't towny

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 4:34 am
by nutella
outed wolf wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 4:27 am what if: marl w thought vul was the jk

shot him

sunbae accidentally saved the day
nutella wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 3:53 am - marl fpses a claim in neighbor chat baiting vul into claiming jk
- marl nks vulgard
- kill doesn't go through
- marl acts surprised at sod that theyre both alive which..?? it's like a "wooo vul isnt maf who tricked me" but the perspective seems off for that somehow. this is big thonk tbh
- the shifty eyes exchange happens, vul supposedly referring to zack's sunbae vote but marl interprets it as on c4 for [black box neighbor chat reasons]
- marl claims, getting sunbae to out and painting vulgard as the "real" fakeclaimer
- marl completely goes HARD in the paint on vulgard being outed (i mean i wont deny i fully believed it too and stuff and it could be real) and tries to persuade arete and stuff
- marl is now going on and on about how ridiculous and unthinkable it would be for the wolf team to have not blocked amy, wow that could never happen in a million years

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 4:34 am
by Marluxion
outed wolf wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 4:27 am what if: marl w thought vul was the jk

shot him

sunbae accidentally saved the day
amy would still have been roleblocked

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 4:35 am
by Marluxion
where are like every single player who knows me
i'm not even remotely close to wolfrange and i'm not going to just let people tinfoil themselves into thinking i am

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 4:39 am
by Vulgard
dyachei wrote: Sun May 30, 2021 6:39 pm So if it's not alison, I want to look at the people who didn't really have a conviction on her slot
I... would expect town!dya to do that overnight. And to start today with different posting.

Marl claiming JK on c4

Amy has the towniest reactions to the initial shitshow (Marl claiming JK on c4). But she's already an IC so w/e.

C4/SPF is complicated and depends on who was actually carrying the kill. I think a SPF/c4 world has TMI on c4 not being outed (not carrying the kill), though. C4's reaction to it is like "who the fuck would kill me" which doesn't sound very concerned. And SPF reluctantly admits c4 might be mafia after all. I'd expect more extreme reactions from them if c4 was actually the carrier.

Zack is completely uninterested in this conundrum and talks about Dya first thing. Either he's town thinking Marl's claim is fake or mafia with TMI.

Visor... just tells people not to claim early. Does not consider the claim being fake, either.

C4/SPF not having strong reactions to the claim. Zack ignoring it straight up. Visor complaining about the early claim. Yeah, nobody believed the claim. Except maybe Visor. The reactions are so weak. Nutella's reaction by voting c4 stands out a bit but that's also not very strong. I can't extrapolate anything from this, it's impossible they are all wolves with TMI. Probably not Marl's partners, though, if Marl is a wolf? This is a reach, but if Marl had his partners in the thread while claiming, he'd have them support him.

Sunbae claiming JK on me

Sunbae's claim is actually very towny from the start. If this get CC'd the CCer better have a good case for themselves.

C4 and Marl's reaction is basically the same. "WHAT?" Visor's reaction is actually really good here. He doesn't assume I'm mafia, for one, and thinks about other mechanical possibilities.

Marl goes all in on me being a wolf here and accuses Arete of being my partner. ...I actually think it's TOWN indicative of him. This is extremely opportunistic of him, but hear me out here. I really don't think wolf!Marl instantly take the opportunity to chain two misyeets here. Even if he gets both misyeets, this makes him look absolutely terrible. His reaction fits the bill of "townie who feels betrayed and assumes the worst straight up." The post pinging me afterward about my effort in the mason chat is even townier. Wolf Marl has no reason to post this since he already pretends I'm a wolf. It all reads like "villager who thinks he was betrayed." And since he has a tendency to tunnel, his insistence on me being a wolf here is something I don't find surprising.

Yeah, no, his posting continues to be exactly what I'd expect from villager!him. He even seems to forget the postcap exists and screamsa for like 30 posts. This isn't wolf!Marl.

#2860 is another post from him I find super unlikely to come from a wolf POV. This isn't a thought that comes to wolf!Marl, since wolf!Marl knows I'm VT and Sunbae is trueclaiming.

SPF trying to figure out whether I'm JK or not could go either way. Her trying to figure out what I was trying to do with c4 looks decent but I think it's in her wolfrange.

Dya's posts are really 'eh' throughout. They don't seem very invested in this conundrum. They sound so... deflated throughout today. I'd warrant a guess they expect to go regardless of me being "redchecked" and they've lost the WiM to play. I don't think v!dya who was wrong on Alison posts like this today, I just don't.

Visor and Zack talking about something completely unrelated is wolfy. Visor worldbuilding around my red flip before I even get the chance to defend myself is wolfy. They don't seem to care about me ever posting today, they are setting themselves up for the future. I don't sense a villagery inquisitiveness in their posting. Visor looks better than Zack because at least he's looking into mechanical possibilities. That said, wolves can easily do this as well. The one thing that looks good for Visor is that he reaches the conclusion vul/c4/dya. I think c4 is a wolf and I think dya is a wolf as well. The third isn't me, though; if anything I'd say it's SPF for shielding c4 and pretending to be pocketed.

If dya/c4/spf (spf only if c4 is actually a wolf) is not the solve, I'd take another look at Zack/Visor. Zack just isn't giving a damn about the situation. Meanwhile, if that solve is wrong, then Visor created a PoE of three villas while preflipping me red. I realize he's now considering other worlds but that should still say a lot. SPF's posting have been alright but I think her wolfrange is broad enough to accomodate them.

Note that if c4 is a villager then SPF is much more likely to be a villager. This doesn't work in reverse, though.

I'd say Chloe is a wolf but I still think Tangrowth's posting was super super towny. I am not convinced. Her not talking about the situation at all could be explained by her not being there. Which means I think it's NAI.

Why not anyone else?

Nutella - I really think she's just threadspewed at this point. And I've also heard she has a polarized meta, so I trust that. And I've vibed with her posting multiple times throughout the game.
Dizzy - Doesn't treat Gavial like that as a wolf. Doesn't play the same idgaf way like his partner KZA does; Dizzy entered the thread claiming wolf. KBA entered the thread openly shitposting. I don't think two wolves do this, then proceed not to interact with each other, etc. it doesn't make much sense.
Marl - I think his reactions, of all people's, are the towniest here. If he's a wolf pushing agenda and I'm getting snowed, well done. I really think his posts here don't come from a wolf POV. His progression tracks when you assume "villager who feels betrayed and gets tunneled."
Arete - Locking this as V. I am not bothering to explain any further, Arete is just town.
Amy - Tracker.
Sunbae - JK unless CC'd. The only person who could CC this at this point is Chloe I think. In which case, lmao.

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 4:40 am
by Marluxion
Arete when vulgard has mechanical information pointing to him, almost synonymous with a red check: The_Vulgard_Defender has come online.
Arete when people start tinfoiling me even though to them i should be like miles out of my wolfrange:

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 4:42 am
by nutella
marl/vul both being town is possible but somehow would feel pretty bizarre atp

idk i think we focus on chloe/dya first and see what shakes out

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 4:42 am
by Marluxion
Vulgard wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 4:39 am Marl - I think his reactions, of all people's, are the towniest here. If he's a wolf pushing agenda and I'm getting snowed, well done. I really think his posts here don't come from a wolf POV. His progression tracks when you assume "villager who feels betrayed and gets tunneled."
Am i in the fucking upside down or some shit

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 4:43 am
by Arete
oh right

I just remembered the Marl derpclear and that's still not fake unless he forgot how many wolves there were as scum

[insert 20 posts of Marl complaining that I'm reading him on that instead of on the content of his posts, because he feels it's unfair for him to be cleared off of something like that]

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 4:43 am
by Marluxion
nutella wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 4:42 am marl/vul both being town is possible but somehow would feel pretty bizarre atp

idk i think we focus on chloe/dya first and see what shakes out
if vulgard and i are both town our neighborhood chat is going to be extremely funny postgame

we basically both pulled the exact same fps to each other back and forth

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 4:46 am
by Vulgard
Marl. I am town, you are town, Arete is town. This is so stupid.

We should resolve dya today, they probably flip wolf given how their posting today has no spark at all. They aren't even trying to engage in this discourse because they don't care anymore. I thought last night that their push on Alison made no sense (because it was kamikaze into a VT who wasn't playing the game, why??) but the way dya's posting today made me flip that read.

I townread Tangrowth more than I townread Chloe but I'm willing to look in that direction as well if I have to.

Oh yeah, and re: spf/c4. There is a world where spf is pocketing c4 by hard shielding him, but I think c4's day 2 is so wolfy in hindsight that spf wouldn't do that without a good reason. It'd be depriving herself of a misyeet down the line. Wolf!SPF knew Alison would flip town, she knew c4 would look terrible off it. The only good reason I see for continually defending c4 there is if they are wolf partners.

Also, SPF still hasn't answered my question re: c4 and I find that concerning. It's like she dodged it entirely by exploiting the fact Sunbae false redchecked me, to not give me an answer.

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 4:47 am
by nutella
i'm at like 90% dya and chloe are both wolves

if marl/vul both v, third would be in c4/visor/spf

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 4:49 am
by nutella
i'm staying on chloe until she god damn posts but unless she becomes super outed i think we prob should finally get dya today

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 4:49 am
by Vulgard
I think the "meta read" crutch only goes so far, and I haven't seen SPF voice many thoughts about why c4 is town outside of that. And I think his day 2 was awful, I will continue to repeat that.

I've been continually evaluating Arete, for one, despite having a soulread on them and not really having the obligation to explain myself given my accuracy on reading them. I know I was mistaken with Gavial but we should really be over this by now, I am.

I don't think Visor is wolves with c4 or dya (especially not both), unless he's choosing to bus hard in a world where he should have a free misyeet on me today if he tries hard enough.

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 4:51 am
by Marluxion
like i told vulgard in the nightchat c4 so far this game has been near identical to harry potter fm where he hardly posts and still has an incredibly confident poe that he barely budges on

c4 was town in harry potter

spf could be reading into that but it could also just be a pocket, idk

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 4:53 am
by Vulgard
Zack's been posting for like 5 last pages and he hasn't seemed interest in this situation or solving off it even once. He's going along with the ride, and with me knowing I'm town, that doesn't look good.

I think dya/c4 being wolves is ultimately more likely than zack/visor, or even just zack/visor, being wolves, but if they are not wolves, I'm pointing at Zack/Visor. I think Visor's townier than Zack for actually evaluating today and having a similar PoE I have.

Zack's overnight post was alright but given the fact he had like 24 hours to make it look good I wouldn't say he must be town because he wrote it.

Chloe is in a place where I think Tangrowth's day 1 was super towny and I stand by that, but Chloe has been worse. I'm really expecting her to kick solving into gear today with all PRs outed.

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 4:54 am
by Marluxion
Chloe, 2 hours before EOD: Sorry i'm late guys, I'm the jailkeeper and i blocked sunbae

Chaos ensues

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 4:55 am
by Vulgard
Marluxion wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 4:51 am like i told vulgard in the nightchat c4 so far this game has been near identical to harry potter fm where he hardly posts and still has an incredibly confident poe that he barely budges on

c4 was town in harry potter

spf could be reading into that but it could also just be a pocket, idk
I could buy c4/spf both being town. I don't think they are v/w with SPF being the wolf. v/w with c4 wolf is possible but would require SPF to grossly misread him.

If c4/spf are both town to you, though, does this mean Chloe's a wolf? Chloe/Zack/Visor or whatever? Replace one of them with dya? I really doubt spf would go for a pocket on c4 by shielding him, I think he's optimal misyeetTM because his day 2 was so bad and SPF with TMI would know this.

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 4:55 am
by nutella
Vulgard wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 4:53 am Zack's overnight post was alright but given the fact he had like 24 hours to make it look good I wouldn't say he must be town because he wrote it.
he posted it like 3 hours into the night phase

i think zack is townier than visor but visor is probably town

i can buy spf wolf/c4 town atp

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 4:56 am
by Vulgard
The reason I think c4/spf are wolves is because I think c4's day 2 was super wolfy and SPF is giving him too much credit for meta, more than I would expect her to. But with you defending her position despite wolfreading SPF in our night chat I'm willing to acknowledge the v/v world I guess.

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 4:57 am
by nutella
visor has been hard pushing dya all game and i dont really think thats a bus

i just cant totally clear him

i can't clear zack either but his process/wim has looked good to me at least since mid d2

idk i think visor and zack are both most likely town

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 4:57 am
by Marluxion
Vulgard wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 4:55 am
Marluxion wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 4:51 am like i told vulgard in the nightchat c4 so far this game has been near identical to harry potter fm where he hardly posts and still has an incredibly confident poe that he barely budges on

c4 was town in harry potter

spf could be reading into that but it could also just be a pocket, idk
I could buy c4/spf both being town. I don't think they are v/w with SPF being the wolf. v/w with c4 wolf is possible but would require SPF to grossly misread him.

If c4/spf are both town to you, though, does this mean Chloe's a wolf? Chloe/Zack/Visor or whatever? Replace one of them with dya? I really doubt spf would go for a pocket on c4 by shielding him, I think he's optimal misyeetTM because his day 2 was so bad and SPF with TMI would know this.
yeah for me it'd look something like dya outed chloe if both are v prob

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 4:57 am
by Arete
idk this might be a dumb take but for me the Bronana post was like ... it felt townie because it had a lot of words but it didn't actually move the needle for me when I considered it rationally? it's easy to look vaguely villagery in an isolated wallpost

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 4:58 am
by Vulgard
nutella wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 4:55 am
Vulgard wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 4:53 am Zack's overnight post was alright but given the fact he had like 24 hours to make it look good I wouldn't say he must be town because he wrote it.
he posted it like 3 hours into the night phase

i think zack is townier than visor but visor is probably town

i can buy spf wolf/c4 town atp
And he knew he had it in advance because he won it as a prize, no? I'm not going to debate this point, because I frankly don't think it matters all that much, but yeah.

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 4:58 am
by Marluxion
fuck it if vulgard being town is wrong i dont want to be right

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 4:58 am
by Marluxion
[VOTE: Dyachei] aubergine

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 4:59 am
by nutella
vulgard i found your stuff believable but your continued hesitance to wolfread chloe and dya is pinging me rn

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 4:59 am
by Vulgard
Arete wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 4:57 am idk this might be a dumb take but for me the Bronana post was like ... it felt townie because it had a lot of words but it didn't actually move the needle for me when I considered it rationally? it's easy to look vaguely villagery in an isolated wallpost
After Anni 2020 where Amrock did this exact kind of thing and was mafia I'm not deciding anybody's alignment based on a nightpost they were allowed to write. I'll treat it as their legacy if they get killed at night but I'm not going to claim they are town for a nice, pre-written post.

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 5:00 am
by Vulgard
nutella wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 4:59 am vulgard i found your stuff believable but your continued hesitance to wolfread chloe and dya is pinging me rn
I'm literally calling dya a wolf and voting them, and I just said they should flip today.

My hesitance to wolfread Chloe is because of Tangrowth being in the slot before her and Tangrowth being super towny. Read Tangrowth's posts again, particularly the readlist and the stuff surrounding it, and tell me how this comes from a wolf.

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 5:01 am
by nutella
Vulgard wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 4:58 am
nutella wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 4:55 am
Vulgard wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 4:53 am Zack's overnight post was alright but given the fact he had like 24 hours to make it look good I wouldn't say he must be town because he wrote it.
he posted it like 3 hours into the night phase

i think zack is townier than visor but visor is probably town

i can buy spf wolf/c4 town atp
And he knew he had it in advance because he won it as a prize, no? I'm not going to debate this point, because I frankly don't think it matters all that much, but yeah.
i believe it's a same-night prize?

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 5:03 am
by Vulgard
Flipping dya today also resolves day 2 wagons, and if they're a wolf, we have stuff to look at. If they are a villager (which I find very doubtful given how they've played today), then we don't get much out of it (because it means we exclusively wagoned villagers day 2), but we can still conduct a TMI hunt and whatnot.

I'd currently be TMI hunting people @ Alison, but the jailkeep claim, and the instant threadshift that followed, made it a bit difficult to focus on that.

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 5:04 am
by Vulgard
nutella wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 5:01 am
Vulgard wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 4:58 am
nutella wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 4:55 am
Vulgard wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 4:53 am Zack's overnight post was alright but given the fact he had like 24 hours to make it look good I wouldn't say he must be town because he wrote it.
he posted it like 3 hours into the night phase

i think zack is townier than visor but visor is probably town

i can buy spf wolf/c4 town atp
And he knew he had it in advance because he won it as a prize, no? I'm not going to debate this point, because I frankly don't think it matters all that much, but yeah.
i believe it's a same-night prize?
I don't actually know. This is me hardclaiming I never won an event prize, lmao.

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 5:04 am
by nutella
Vulgard wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 5:00 am
nutella wrote: Mon May 31, 2021 4:59 am vulgard i found your stuff believable but your continued hesitance to wolfread chloe and dya is pinging me rn
I'm literally calling dya a wolf and voting them, and I just said they should flip today.

My hesitance to wolfread Chloe is because of Tangrowth being in the slot before her and Tangrowth being super towny. Read Tangrowth's posts again, particularly the readlist and the stuff surrounding it, and tell me how this comes from a wolf.
tangy's stuff can come from a wolf, i in fact somewhat wolfread her by n1

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 5:05 am
by Vulgard
Is she such a good wolf? Because I think the readlist, particularly the townreads on it, is >>>>>>>>>>>rand V.

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 5:07 am
by nutella
tangy had a hard time getting an angle into the thread and her readslist was a single long post that a wolf can easily cook up

the reads were fakeable/could have been going for pockets

she didn't have anything specifically organically townie imo

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 5:09 am
by nutella
and i kinda feel the same goes for chloe

long posts that she spent a while on, potentially pockety reads, a little bit of live interaction that felt good but i know she's capable of doing *some* of that as wolf and it dropped off pretty sharply

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 5:11 am
by Vulgard
I just want Chloe to post something at this point.

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 5:11 am
by Marluxion
SPF specifically i feel like has
the place in my brain her posts should occupy is just empty
i have no idea what her takes even are other than c4 is town
and she has supposedly more posts than me this game

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 5:16 am
by Vulgard
I think that's a misrepresentation. She does have a lot of posts with content. It's just that 1. I think I have stronger reasons to townread most other players, 2. I know her wolfgame is pretty good. I could trust c4's read on her, given the fact they both agree c4 has a good read on her, and he's calling her town. But I also think c4's wolfy and I think they have strong partner equity, so seeing a v/v world here is difficult.

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 5:29 am
by staypositivefriend

i wanna chop dyachei and go from there

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 5:29 am
by bronana
vulgard chloe dya

saying I've had no interest in solving this phase is flat out bullshit. idk what thread you are reading. I tried to maintain some semblance of JK cover after marl claimed, actually was pretty annoyed he did not wait for Sunbae to react to me first, but dropped it when Sunbae cc'd, thought that was obvious mr. "I thought zack was towny for softing a red on Sunbae"

for what it's worth the overnight post wasn't pre-written (why would it be anyway). I waited a couple hours after eod, took probably 20-30 minutes to write down my thoughts, then a few minutes to optimize emotes, then waited a few minutes before deciding to go ahead and post.

you keep shading me but never actually push. your worldview makes no sense, you have marl and Sunbae both as town somehow which presumes the wolves made incompetent night actions.

good night

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 5:39 am
by Vulgard
It's less that you've had no interest in solving, I never claimed THAT. I claimed you didn't seem very interested in the situation related to me being redchecked, within the context of the thread I was backreading. Marl was screaming about it, nutella was going back and forth with grinding gears, Arete was fervently defending me, Visor was building around my red flip (lol) but also exploring mechanical possibilities. You weren't really doing anything of note in comparison to that. Saying Visor did more than you is a stretch, but I've just read back the thread, and I don't see why you're so flabbergasted I'm saying you have no interest in solving. You calling me a wolf now feels like OMGUS. I do not take back myself saying your JK soft on Sunbae was towny, I think it was towny, but aside from that you really didn't do anything when the shitshow unfolded.

I have Marl as town because his reactions to this whole thing have been the towniest in the thread, and I have Sunbae as town because the only person left who could CC him is Chloe. If she doesn't, then Sunbae's just town, and I think Sunbae treated his JK on me in a towny way. If he were mafia pushing a misyeet on me, he wouldn't bother with all that fake solving, because he'd get flipped after me for lying. Or there'd be a claim battle, and the effort wouldn't matter either way. Outside of getting the real JK yeeted and him dying afterward, I guess.

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 5:47 am
by staypositivefriend
@Vulgard -

i have been vocal about the fact that i think c4 is a villager, but i have not been shielding him. a player that i go out of my way to shield would not be in the consensus POE or facing scrutiny in the way that c4 is. if my intention was to shield c4 from pressure, you would know it

the reason i haven't shielded c4 is because i know that if he's a wolf, he probably specifically approached this game w/the intention to pocket me, and it's hard to put too much stock into meta in a game where people are coming off as increasingly villagery for non-meta reasons

my current feeling (based on the solving i've done over the last day or so) is that c4 is more likely to be a villager than not, but it's undeniable that his posts have gotten wolfier. when i genuinely believed that c4 got redchecked earlier in the day, i felt like it explained a lot about how it feels like i've been missing a piece of the puzzle in this game, and that's something that i don't want to ignore. i have been fairly silent about my read on him today because i've been silently evaluating him and deciding how to categorize him - i intend to ISO him before the day is over and get more confidence, in either direction

the specific angle that you're pushing is an angle that i feel that a wolf desperately needing to open up the POE would push, and i made the largest e_____e face of my lifewhen i saw nutella immediately follow up your post by saying: "i can see a spf w/c4 v world", but i don't know if i actually find that suspicious as much as i find it a bit silly

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 5:54 am
by Vulgard
@ Zack

You're putting me on a team with dya, the person I'm trying to flip today. If I'm a wolf outed by Sunbae, why am I bussing?

@ spf

I am not trying to open up the POE. I am leaving a legacy in case you do flip me after all. And the person I'm pushing is dya, who we need to resolve anyway and who I think flips mafia. Me being a wolf here would force me to go into antispew, which I am very clearly not doing.

I think there are many, many signs pointing toward me being town here, but I'm not going to focus too much on them because I would like to use this opportunity to try to solve the game. All PRs are outed, the time to solve the game is now, unless Chloe pulls out a CC on Sunbae and then there is a different problem to deal with.

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 6:11 am
by Vulgard
If I were specifically trying to open up the PoE and push angles as a desperate wolf, I would push a villager whose death benefits our team. Alternatively I would engage in a claim battle with Sunbae and use my JK claim to Marl + me trying not to spew myself VT as evidence. Flipping the JK is much more beneficial than flipping a consensus PoE villager. Dya is in everybody's consensus PoE, never endgames, and pushing them gives my team nothing if I'm a wolf. Instead I'm hardclaiming VT, leaving myself no outs, and pushing the unlikely angle that wolves tried to kill me and didn't block Amy.

I'm pushing dya because I think it helps us win the most (resolves d2 wagons etc.), I think they're likely to flip mafia, and because I think their posts today have sounded ridiculously deflated in a way I wouldn't expect them to be coming from v!dya who's just pushed on v!Alison.

This is to the entire village.

I am town and I'll spend the entirety of today trying to figure out the solve. Even if you do end up flipping me today, please at least consider what I'm saying. I think spf's post about c4 is decent and I would always, always flip dyachei before doing anything else, anyway. I think Zack/Visor/c4/spf/dya contains the remaining three wolves and I'm pretty sure dya's one of them. We should be able to get some clears based on that if I'm right. I still townread Chloe based mostly on Tangrowth's posting, but if I change my mind I will let you know first thing. Arete, nutella, Amy are just always town, Sunbae is always town unless specifically Chloe counterclaims him (if anyone else were the real JK they would've 100% CC'd by now), and Dizzy doesn't play like this as mafia. Dizzy is the first player in that group I would re-evaluate if things go wrong, but I really think they are just town. I sense no agenda from their posting whatsoever.

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 6:15 am
by staypositivefriend
i'm leaning on arete just being town regardless of vulgard's alignment - if vulgard is a villager then i really do think that he's right about arete being town, and if vulgard/arete are w/w then i would be fairly impressed if arete managed to fake that level of indignation and disbelief at the thought of their read on vulgard being incorrect

i have some other thoughts that im gonna wait until tomorrow to share because im about to fall asleep

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 6:16 am
by Vulgard
I am going to evaluate Chloe later today, because I haven't really looked into her posting in-depth. I am waiting until she posts and either counterclaims jailkeeper or doesn't, because I would first like to know if Sunbae is 100% real. I think it's like 99,99% a real claim from Sunbae but better safe than sorry.

Oh yeah, I forgot about Marl. Marl is always town. I think the way he handled this day phase is far removed from his wolfrange. I can peer inside his head and see the villager who feels betrayed, proceeds to flip his read on me and tunnel me to the ground because he's in disbelief he's been pocketed. Do not flip Marl, ever.

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 6:18 am
by Vulgard
I feel so confident about Arete and Marl being town that if I somehow end up in a final 3 with them I will snapvote the other player and say amogus. Applies to Nutella and Dizzy to a lesser extent.

Re: PSY 2310 - Cognitive Psychology [DAY 3]

Posted: Mon May 31, 2021 6:20 am
by Vulgard
And if I'm somehow in some insane world where I'm in f3 with any combination of Arete/Marl/Dizzy/nutella (particularly the former two) I will proceed to die inside. I think I 100% die before then, though. If you accept the fact I'm town, then wolves are going to kill me for being a clear.