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Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 4:28 am
by Gotrees
Quotes taken from the wiki. Again, I've bolded parts that may be of interest.




Home of the Slitheen, the big fat green farting aliens that everyone hates.

Sister planet of Colm, mentioned in the last planet vote.

Notable quote from the wiki, referring to a plot from one of the comics:
In an alternate timeline in which the Cybermen conquered the Borg, Raxacoricofallapatorius was among the many worlds the Cybermen conquered, the natives all cyber-converted.


Red Rocket Rising

Red Rocket Rising was a planet colonised by humans.
This planet is from one of the audio episodes called (innocently enough) Blood of the Daleks.

The planet itself was much like Earth, but with multiple suns. The people living there had almost no records of the outside universe.

One day, a Dalek ship crashed into the planet, and some scientist (Professor Martez) guessed that the Daleks must be the future of humanity. He began working on creating Daleks out of humans both living and dead. While he was doing these experiments, he figured he'd contact the real Daleks, assuming they'd love his new plan, but when they heard of it, they basically freaked out and sent an asteroid hurtling into the planet, with the intent to kill all inhabitants. Some of the humans tried to escape, but the Daleks just exploded their ship. Then they came down to exterminate the ones who stayed behind. There was a big battle between the humans, the mutants, and the Daleks. Somehow all the Daleks (mutant and original) were destroyed.

Reminds me of Dalek Sec's story. Doesn't sound like a fun place to be.


Rexel IV


The wiki doesn't mention much about this planet, other than that it is the home of the Carrionites. These were the "witches" that "ensnared male victims" in Tennant's Shakespeare episode (The Shakespeare Code). They pretty much had all the powers one would expect a witch to have, but the show explains it all as being more science-y rather than witchcraft-y. Basically, they used the power of words to mathematically manipulate the universe.

Long ago, their entire species was banished into the Deep Darkness because of a violent war they were waging against another species.

Eventually, Shakespeare came along, and his words were so powerful that he accidentally and unknowingly let three of them out of the Deep Darkness. The three Carrionites then manipulated Shakespeare into hypnotically changing the last lines of his play into some words that would let the rest of their species out of the Darkness. The Doctor, Shakespeare, and Martha stopped the play before anything terrible could happen. The three escaped Carrionites now live trapped in a hidden crystal ball in the TARDIS.


Riftan 5

Riften 5 was a satellite of Vita 15. On Riften 5, the Fifth Doctor visited the vid-archives and saw genetic tests that were run on Daleks after the War of Sharpened Hearts.
It was also the birthplace of Gustave Lytton, who has quite an interesting story when it comes to his interactions with the Daleks and Cybermen. When the Doctor first met Lytton, he was working as a paid mercenary for the Daleks. When Davros started a fight with the Dalek Supreme, Lytton and a few of his men were among the handful of people who were able to flee for safety.

Later, Lytton joined the cause of the Cryons, helping to defend them against the Cybermen. He wanted to go to London to pretend to befriend the Cybermen, planning to betray them later. When the Doctor met him again, he immediately disliked Lytton because of their previous encounter with the Daleks, but soon, both the Doctor and Lytton were being captured by the Cybermen and it became clear that Lytton was on the Doctor's side.

When the Cyber-Controler learned of Lytton's plans of betrayal, he ordered him to be converted into a Cyberman. Lytton died fighting the Cyber-Controler as the Doctor was trying to save him from this conversion (pictured).

This planet also doesn't have any pubs, apparently, so if you like drinking, maybe it's not the planet for you.



Raxacoricofallapatorius sounds potentially pro-Cyberman. At the very least, it will have gross, fat, farting green things.

Red Rocket Rising sounds like it's very likely to be Dalek-related.

Rexel 4 is the only planet that doesn't seem to have any obvious Cyberman or Dalek connections. But there are witches there.

If going off of the Lytton connection, Riften 5 sounds like it could be pro-Dalek, anti-Cyberman. I expect it could be something like we'll meet Lytton, and he'll be like "if you lynch a baddie, I'll help you against the Cybermen, but if you lynch a civ, I'll join the Daleks and do something bad."


Right now, I'm going to vote for Raxacoricofallapatorious because the Cyberman connection there is pretty vague, coming from an alternate universe from a comic. I imagine the green things shouldn't be too hard to battle, considering their biggest weakness is that if they touch vinegar they explode into goo.

Rexel IV would be my next choice, if someone can convince me to switch over to that. The lack of any baddie connection sounds appealing, but the witches do not.

I also find it strange that keys was so quick to jump on board RRR with it's obviously Dalek-heavy connotations. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt for now, but I would like to hear an explanation if he has one.

Hope this helps, and as always, feel free to add any info I might've missed. (I'm sure I don't need to tell you guys that, though.) :p

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 5:24 am
by S~V~S
Since each one needs at least one, and none of them sound good, I will go with Rexel.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 6:02 am
by Chris
Dom wrote:
Chris wrote:This:
Chris wrote:I hear ya MetalMarsh... I'm torn too...
was a response to seeing MM do this:
Metalmarsh89 wrote:I thought about voting Enrique but decided not to.
He had voted Rico, which I notcied because he voted as soon as I voted Rico, and it made me think about changing my mind. Then I saw that he took it off, and voted himself. A move I found somewhat odd, so I tried to engage him in conversation about it.

He didn't respond.

Oh, would you look at that, I responded to Dom's hilarious claim after all...
I didn't claim you didn't??
Here's my beef:
How did you post this:
Chris wrote:I hear ya MetalMarsh... I'm torn too...

I want to add:

DISCLAIMER: I reserve the right to change my vote to whomever I chose, at will.

Linki @ Rico: No... not yet anyway.
In response to this:
Metalmarsh89 wrote:I thought about voting Enrique but decided not to.
When your post came 4 minutes before MMs?
Am I missing something? If I am, please tell me.

As I explained in a post before that you didn't bother to read, I saw that he changed his vote, right after I changed mine. I was watching the votes because I just changed mine, cuz, yanno, it was close and all, and I didn't have a very good feeling about it. I saw that he had voted right after me, and then a few minutes later, he changed it to himself.


If you want to continue thinking that I screwed up, and that I'm everyone's teammate in the game, I can't stop you from thinking that. I have no other explanation that I can offer, and if you don't want to believe it, then oh well...

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 6:12 am
by S~V~S
Made wrote:
We, as a town, are going the wrong direction; so consider this a hostile take over.

There are a few things that really are fucking with me, that I figured now that i'm front and center might actually get addressed.
1. Why are we not at all concerned about Eloh's save, but care so deeply about Enri's
2. Why do we no longer care about the Azure voters?
3. Why do we all trust Epi?
4. Why have we allowed LC and Black Rock to avoid the radar almost completely?
5. Really tho, what's so confusing about my argument against Dom?
And perhaps the most illuminating
6. If you did, why did you choose to vote for me.

While it looked like one, I don't think day 3's lynch was a save. I honestly think suspicion surrounding it has more to do with the fact that everyone who voted just got echo tunneled hard.

Leave questions as well as answers to the above questions and i'll get back to y'all tomorrow
This actually made me lol, and in a good way. The way I felt after reading this was the closest I have ever actually come to experiencing WIFOM just as it was portrayed in the Princess Bride.

"Aha, Made's just saying that to protect Enrique since it is obvious that they're both bad."
"Aha, Made's just saying that to make us think he's protecting Enrique, so we will lynch Enrique next time rather than a Made teammate"
"Aha, Mades just saying that to make us think that he's trying to make us thank that he is protecting Enrique, and thereby, protecting Enrique".

Thanks for the lulz.

1~ I don't care deeply about Enriques save.
2~ I neither trust nor distrust Epi at this stage; I don't trust his gut. I dislike allowing one person to direct the thread, as well. But things worked out in such a way that a civvie was not lynched, so that is cool.
3~ I expect to see more of LC when Python wraps up. BR is always a low flier, regardless of affiliation. So far she has not done anything shady. Why pull those two out from the other low fliers?
4~ Your argument is not confusing, just not sure I buy it.
5~ I think you're bad.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 6:35 am
by S~V~S
Two living people have less posts than Black Rock, Ninjajujube & Bass. Faraday, Elo, Hedge, Daisy & Sabie all have less posts than LC. Why did you pull those two names out of a hat, Made?

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 6:45 am
by Snow Dog
If we assume that Made is Dalek Emperor then there in no point in trying to lynch him or NK him. We must go after his team first. Step forward the first candidate. Enrique.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 6:48 am
by Snow Dog
When made self voted, why did you follow that vote MP? I'm still narked that you voted for SD1 btw. Also zeek, you changed your vote also. Explain?

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 6:52 am
by Snow Dog
Blood of the Daleks. I've listened to that story. Very good as is Mcgann and Smith. Red Rocket will probs get my vote for that reason.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 8:18 am
by Roxy
Chris wrote:Yeah Roxy, you did talk about Made before. Twice before to be exact. Once earlier today:
Roxy wrote:<snip>
As for Made - yes lately this game he is acting different. He is more quiet and subdued. Some of Dom's points I feel are valid but some are just a bit off feeling to me. Idk if that is Dom or Made making me feel that way tbh. I do feel as if more bad than good has been pointed out about Made tbqh. I could vote for Made just to find some clarity this game and poss give us some leads on where to look next.

But then NOTHING, until day 2, when you said:
Roxy wrote:<snip>As far as top vote getter Made - idk. he plays very differently than me. In the games we palyed together and one I have hosted he pretty much marches to his own beat. So for me he is hard to read.
So which is it? Is he hard to read, or playing differently? And I've noticed that you've been falling in line with SVS pretty steadily. SVS came right in here, and made an immediate push for Made. You've never mentioned him except for that one time when you said you couldn't read him. Now you're voting him because you don't trust Epig, ironically, something you've said before, and because he's "acting different"...


Another thing I noticed too... you've repeatedly said you didn't see any case on Rico.


We may have baddie vs baddie here folks.. but I still have a bad feeling about this Made vote...

Well it was only day 2 and Made is hard to read.
After a couple of days went by - my focus has been on Hedge and getting people to look at her- when no one besides TH was looking at her I looked into the two top suspects. thats when I realized Made has been quiet and subdued. Since I call people out all the time for latching onto someone elses suspicions and voting without adding any original thoughts I wanted to add my thoughts before I voted.

No I was not feeling the case Epi made on Enrique. Mostly bc I am not feeling trusty of Epi. why would I follow someone elses suspicion that I do not trust and vote accordingly? that makes no sense.

I will be laying out the reasons why no one should be trusting Epi since he came bak2lyf later today.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 8:22 am
by Long Con
Ok, I voted Riftan 5, now they all have at least one vote, so the rest of you can vote wherever you feel like.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 8:53 am
by sabie12
Witches have always intrigued me and they sound interesting so I'm going with that planet. Also, Made's post doesn't make me feel any better about him. Pretty much everyone agrees that he is bad and now that he has survived a lynch we have all the more reason to suspect that. I'm still wary of Enrique. Made has been defending him as I have mentioned before, so if we assume Made is bad then we can also assume he wouldn't care about defending anyone unless they were on his team. Just my thoughts for now on last nights crazy lynch.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 9:07 am
by Chris
Snow Dog wrote:If we assume that Made is Dalek Emperor then there in no point in trying to lynch him or NK him. We must go after his team first. Step forward the first candidate. Enrique.

Dalek can't be lynched until his team is dead. His role says nothing about night kills not working?
Roxy wrote:<snip>

Well it was only day 2 and Made is hard to read.
After a couple of days went by - my focus has been on Hedge and getting people to look at her- when no one besides TH was looking at her I looked into the two top suspects. thats when I realized Made has been quiet and subdued. Since I call people out all the time for latching onto someone elses suspicions and voting without adding any original thoughts I wanted to add my thoughts before I voted.
Quiet and subdued. You keep saying that, like it's an indication of him being bad. I'm more quiet and subdued this game, does that make me bad? Simply being less active does not make someone a baddie. Now, granted, I think Made is bad now as well, after the lynch last night, it's pretty hard not to look like Dalek... something I was concerned about. But his story as to why/how his actions went down last night, sound like complete and utter bullshit to me...

But you said that you don't just like to latch on to other people's reasons to vote, and want to add your own. Well, let me ask you, what were the other people's reasons that you latched on to? Because you never said anything other than A: He's playing "quiet and subdued" & B: You don't trust Epig.
No I was not feeling the case Epi made on Enrique. Mostly bc I am not feeling trusty of Epi. why would I follow someone elses suspicion that I do not trust and vote accordingly? that makes no sense.
But no one is/was asking you to voke for Enri only based on what Epi does/said. Are you telling me that since you don't trust Epig, that whoever he votes for, you won't? There was other posted reasons/evidence to vote for Enri, and still, you voted for Made because he's been playing "quiet and subdued".
I will be laying out the reasons why no one should be trusting Epi since he came bak2lyf later today.
This should be interesting...

My whole point on Roxy's vote last night was this. There was a lot of reasons/explanations floating around last night... but of all of the odd reasons to vote Made... Roxy's stuck out the most to me as someone who just needed to put her vote on Made to blend in, knowing it wouldn't get him lynched. She couldn't just put a vote there with no reason, so she made one up.

Does that make her bad? Not necessarily... but it certainly makes me wary of her, and I want to make damn sure it got some attention before we move on to the next big thing.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 9:35 am
by Dom
I voted Rexel 4 because I know Bea likes Shakespeare and Bea likes David Tennant and Bea likes Martha-- all things having to do with this planet.

Chris, I didn't see you post that in my catch up. I skimmed a few parts so I could catch up and read before I crashed into bed, etc. That changes my thinking somewhat, but I still have a HUGE eye on you....
Just more on Made/Enrique/MP.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 9:35 am
by Dom
Dom wrote:I voted Rexel 4 because I know Bea likes Shakespeare and Bea likes David Tennant and Bea likes Martha-- all things having to do with this planet.

Chris, I didn't see you post that in my catch up. I skimmed a few parts so I could catch up and read before I crashed into bed, etc. That changes my thinking somewhat, but I still have a HUGE eye on you....
Just more on Made/Enrique/MP.
And metalmarsh

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 9:51 am
by Tangrowth
Seems pretty likely that Made is bad, but I find it interesting everyone is jumping to conclusions. He very well may be the Dalek Emperor, or even The Master, but I see one civvie role that fits exactly the behavior that he was claiming (he wasn't sure if he'd survive, but he knows why he did). Funny that people are ignoring that option.

If he is Dalek Emperor and were targeted with an NK, he would die. If he were that civvie role, then I suppose he could die or live, I don't really know. And if he is The Master, then surely he would survive. So... whether anyone wants to target him with an NK, I don't know if it makes sense to or not. But it's up to them.

I think we should lynch Enrique tomorrow, assuming he doesn't die during the night, but if my suspicions are correct, then he won't.

And assuming this is true, which makes a lot of assumptions so I'm hesitant to declare it, but if Made is Dalek Emperor and Enrique is Cyber Controller, then we definitely had a baddie v. baddie on different teams dynamic going on yesterday, which might actually make some sense. But I suppose we'll find out.

Oh, and Made, I was trying to bring LC to everyone's attention long before you. ;)

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 9:53 am
by Tangrowth
Oh, and I forgot to address this in that post:

Snow Dog, you asked why I changed my vote? I was prepared to change it because I was fully expecting Made to vote Enrique, changing the vote from 11 v. 12 to 12 v. 12, and I even had it open in a different window. I did not want a "tie". Then I saw that he voted himself, but I went ahead and changed my vote anyway, thinking, it doesn't really hurt to have extra space in between both the voters.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 10:03 am
by Snow Dog
You are quite right Chris. I misread the dalek Emperor role. Bring it on Strax1

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 10:07 am
by Snow Dog
MovingPictures07 wrote:Seems pretty likely that Made is bad, but I find it interesting everyone is jumping to conclusions. He very well may be the Dalek Emperor, or even The Master, but I see one civvie role that fits exactly the behavior that he was claiming (he wasn't sure if he'd survive, but he knows why he did). Funny that people are ignoring that option.

If he is Dalek Emperor and were targeted with an NK, he would die. If he were that civvie role, then I suppose he could die or live, I don't really know. And if he is The Master, then surely he would survive. So... whether anyone wants to target him with an NK, I don't know if it makes sense to or not. But it's up to them.
The way Enrique and Made voted seemed to me they were team mates with Made being unlynchable. Made voted himself to make as sure as possible Enrique didn't get lynched.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 10:11 am
by Marmot
Chris wrote:
Dom wrote:
Chris wrote:This:
Chris wrote:I hear ya MetalMarsh... I'm torn too...
was a response to seeing MM do this:
Metalmarsh89 wrote:I thought about voting Enrique but decided not to.
He had voted Rico, which I notcied because he voted as soon as I voted Rico, and it made me think about changing my mind. Then I saw that he took it off, and voted himself. A move I found somewhat odd, so I tried to engage him in conversation about it.

He didn't respond.

Oh, would you look at that, I responded to Dom's hilarious claim after all...
I didn't claim you didn't??
Here's my beef:
How did you post this:
Chris wrote:I hear ya MetalMarsh... I'm torn too...

I want to add:

DISCLAIMER: I reserve the right to change my vote to whomever I chose, at will.

Linki @ Rico: No... not yet anyway.
In response to this:
Metalmarsh89 wrote:I thought about voting Enrique but decided not to.
When your post came 4 minutes before MMs?
Am I missing something? If I am, please tell me.

As I explained in a post before that you didn't bother to read, I saw that he changed his vote, right after I changed mine. I was watching the votes because I just changed mine, cuz, yanno, it was close and all, and I didn't have a very good feeling about it. I saw that he had voted right after me, and then a few minutes later, he changed it to himself.


If you want to continue thinking that I screwed up, and that I'm everyone's teammate in the game, I can't stop you from thinking that. I have no other explanation that I can offer, and if you don't want to believe it, then oh well...
I can vouch for him Dom; I voted Enrique, and then switched. My posts came later because I was doing everything from my phone with bad service. Anyway, Chris deserves no flak here.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 10:49 am
by Elohcin
Well, that was anticlimactic. Epi what are your thoughts on this "no lynch"? I am going with Red Rocket.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 11:09 am
by Tangrowth
Snow Dog wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:Seems pretty likely that Made is bad, but I find it interesting everyone is jumping to conclusions. He very well may be the Dalek Emperor, or even The Master, but I see one civvie role that fits exactly the behavior that he was claiming (he wasn't sure if he'd survive, but he knows why he did). Funny that people are ignoring that option.

If he is Dalek Emperor and were targeted with an NK, he would die. If he were that civvie role, then I suppose he could die or live, I don't really know. And if he is The Master, then surely he would survive. So... whether anyone wants to target him with an NK, I don't know if it makes sense to or not. But it's up to them.
The way Enrique and Made voted seemed to me they were team mates with Made being unlynchable. Made voted himself to make as sure as possible Enrique didn't get lynched.
Yeah, that's very possible, I think Enrique is bad either way. I just think it's possible they were opposing baddies but based on their behavior it could go that way for sure.

There's the chance Made is that civvie role I was talking about, which scares me, but I'm not sure his behavior lines up with it.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 11:12 am
by juliets
Snow Dog wrote: The way Enrique and Made voted seemed to me they were team mates with Made being unlynchable. Made voted himself to make as sure as possible Enrique didn't get lynched.
That sounds like a good possibility for why Made voted himself Snowy.

Also, I am voting Rexel.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 11:14 am
by Epignosis
Elohcin wrote:Well, that was anticlimactic. Epi what are your thoughts on this "no lynch"?
That it wasn't surprising. A civilian who survives lynches doesn't vote for himself.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 11:15 am
by Tangrowth
juliets wrote:
Snow Dog wrote: The way Enrique and Made voted seemed to me they were team mates with Made being unlynchable. Made voted himself to make as sure as possible Enrique didn't get lynched.
That sounds like a good possibility for why Made voted himself Snowy.

Also, I am voting Rexel.
Indeed. And it would explain why Made was "thinking".

I suppose this explanation does make the most sense, so I'm feeling a bit better, but assuming Strax kills Made I hope he's not that civvie role.

Also I guess I shouldn't have switched my vote but I did not expect that to happen, and it wouldn't have mattered anyway, made still really likely would have been lynched.

Guess we will find out for sure when Enrique gets lynched tomorrow, if he flips Dalek, right?

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 11:19 am
by Long Con
Elohcin wrote:Well, that was anticlimactic. Epi what are your thoughts on this "no lynch"? I am going with Red Rocket.
Why do you want Epi's thoughts? I find his thoughts to be single-minded and closed to debate.

How about some of your thoughts instead, Elo? :eye:

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 11:22 am
by Long Con
MovingPictures07 wrote:Oh, and Made, I was trying to bring LC to everyone's attention long before you. ;)
Still waiting patiently to see what you conjure up about me that makes me a baddie. :)

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 11:44 am
by Long Con
keys56000000000 wrote:Red Rocket! Red Rocket!

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 12:26 pm
by Black Rock
S~V~S wrote:Two living people have less posts than Black Rock, Ninjajujube & Bass. Faraday, Elo, Hedge, Daisy & Sabie all have less posts than LC. Why did you pull those two names out of a hat, Made?
I figure my name was pulled cause I keep voting for Enrique. I also feel that I haven't been allowed to be under the radar. I've been called to the thread a few times now.

I felt that Made voted himself to make sure there was enough votes on him that we couldn't possibly see the Enrique is not a civvie. Which he isn't. When he does get lynched he will flip baddie. I wasn't convinced Made and Enrique were teamies until now.

SVS, I really wish you would read Epigs posts, once you get around all the bullshit you might see something. I don't know if Epig is a civ or not now but I am certain he's atleast not on Enriques team.

SVS? Are you a civ? Some of your posts have a little attitude in them that makes me think like you're hiding behind attitude instead of opinion.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 12:42 pm
by Bass_the_Clever
I really think that Made is the Emperor Dalek and thats why he didn't get lynched and I also think he voted himself to say Enrique from being exposed as a baddie.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 1:10 pm
by Hedgeowl
Snow Dog wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:Seems pretty likely that Made is bad, but I find it interesting everyone is jumping to conclusions. He very well may be the Dalek Emperor, or even The Master, but I see one civvie role that fits exactly the behavior that he was claiming (he wasn't sure if he'd survive, but he knows why he did). Funny that people are ignoring that option.

If he is Dalek Emperor and were targeted with an NK, he would die. If he were that civvie role, then I suppose he could die or live, I don't really know. And if he is The Master, then surely he would survive. So... whether anyone wants to target him with an NK, I don't know if it makes sense to or not. But it's up to them.
The way Enrique and Made voted seemed to me they were team mates with Made being unlynchable. Made voted himself to make as sure as possible Enrique didn't get lynched.
This is my current feeling as well. Especially after Made's big post last night.

I am voting Rexel because I liked that episode.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 1:31 pm
by keys56000000000
Epignosis wrote:A civilian who survives lynches doesn't vote for himself.
I also think this. Could be an overplay of the "I survived" card. At any rate, I just re-read the roles and must be missing which civilian role Made could be.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 1:57 pm
by Elohcin
I agree with Bass and Hedge a couple posts up.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 1:57 pm
by S~V~S
Black Rock, I am a civvie. And with Epi, I have a problem getting past his tone, even though I know he's putting it on as he is actually a nice guy. But you know me of old, I tend to react emotionally to tone, especially a tone of superiority, and I overreact. You have seen this in the past. I am trying to eliminate that element from my game.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 2:03 pm
by zeek
MovingPictures07 wrote:Actually, that does make more sense, since Enrique and Made are inevitably linked anyway.
...Made survives ...
MovingPictures07 wrote:And assuming this is true, which makes a lot of assumptions so I'm hesitant to declare it, but if Made is Dalek Emperor and Enrique is Cyber Controller, then we definitely had a baddie v. baddie on different teams dynamic going on yesterday, which might actually make some sense. But I suppose we'll find out.

tillage balloonery know what to make of Made and Enrique but

NorthernBelle to make it fit too hard.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 2:07 pm
by Black Rock
S~V~S wrote:Black Rock, I am a civvie. And with Epi, I have a problem getting past his tone, even though I know he's putting it on as he is actually a nice guy. But you know me of old, I tend to react emotionally to tone, especially a tone of superiority, and I overreact. You have seen this in the past. I am trying to eliminate that element from my game.

Fair enough. That I can understand.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 2:14 pm
by Hedgeowl
Roxy wrote: Hedge - little Hedgey - I have not forgotten about you. I guess people just are not seeing what I am so maybe I am seeing things? I felt what I feel. Its all based on your style and me comparing it to LOST. I see TH feels the same but betwixt the two of us I do not see your lynch happening today. But maybe after the drama of all this (Made vs Dom vs Epi vs Enrique) is past we could all take a closer look at you. In the meantime have you ever finished catching up? How about sharing some thoughts?? You have been playing catch up since I first called you out :p
I wanted to make sure to reply to you before to get your pitchfork and other villagers at the next lynch. I KNEW my double-cross of you in LOST would come up in another game eventually. :p However, that was actually the point I was trying to make to TH who was a baddie with me that game. My game as a baddie is more present than it has been as I was a baddie in Clue with several players who just lynched me last week.
epignosis wrote: No. I have never won a game in two years on two sites as a civilian. Do you want to know why? It's simple really. I'm a threat. :srsnod: A serious fucking threat. :noble: I have leveled Mafia teams with but a few keystrokes. Shit, I've leveled my OWN Mafia team after I turned rogue, got drunk, told my team I was now working for an independent, then made up a series of lies and fake PMs from the host to fool my team into keeping me around. And then I decimated them (and one of these days I'll make it up to you Snow Dog, Bullzeye, Hedgeowl, and DFaraday! :hug: ).
:hugs: I don't think any of us will ever fully recover from Bioshock. :sigh: But I will corroborate that we also tried to wipe out Epi night 1 in Clue, but he survived :shakes fist: and proceeded to lynch me. : pout: to expect anyone to have 100% track record is unreasonable, but Epi does have a track record of leading many successful lynches. I would say in general he leads a lot of lynches though, partly because of those successes. However, it can be the most maddening thing when you are a civv too as I have also experienced. I think it's useful to read what Epi says because he does have a good eye for details and BS, but read it through with your own filter.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:25 pm
by Tangrowth
zeek wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:Actually, that does make more sense, since Enrique and Made are inevitably linked anyway.
...Made survives ...
MovingPictures07 wrote:And assuming this is true, which makes a lot of assumptions so I'm hesitant to declare it, but if Made is Dalek Emperor and Enrique is Cyber Controller, then we definitely had a baddie v. baddie on different teams dynamic going on yesterday, which might actually make some sense. But I suppose we'll find out.

tillage balloonery know what to make of Made and Enrique but

NorthernBelle to make it fit too hard.
I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're saying here. Can you try to reword? And are you still insanified?? Usually it only lasts during the day.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:26 pm
by Tangrowth
keys56000000000 wrote:
Epignosis wrote:A civilian who survives lynches doesn't vote for himself.
I also think this. Could be an overplay of the "I survived" card. At any rate, I just re-read the roles and must be missing which civilian role Made could be.
Also, it doesn't say outright, but I was thinking Capt Jack Harkness. It fits made's "I survived and I know why but wasn't sure I would" perfectly. I think anyway.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:31 pm
by sabie12
S~V~S wrote:Black Rock, I am a civvie. And with Epi, I have a problem getting past his tone, even though I know he's putting it on as he is actually a nice guy. But you know me of old, I tend to react emotionally to tone, especially a tone of superiority, and I overreact. You have seen this in the past. I am trying to eliminate that element from my game.
I've had that issue with Epi and others before. He does have a bit of a smug tone at times, but I am trying to get better at this game in general and not taking things personal since I know it's just the game. Hoping you came back good Epi don't want another crazy fake argument against me :p haha. I'm seeing people suspecting Made of being the main Dalek guy and after reading his role I guess that certainly is possible. I don't recall him denying he's bad just doing a lot of defending of Enrique. We'll see how the night plays out. And with regard to what MP just said... Idk Made could be trying to convince you that he is that role. If he was bad then he also would have known why he survived he just won't be admitting that anytime soon.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:39 pm
by zeek
MovingPictures07 wrote:Actually, that does make more sense, since Enrique and Made are inevitably linked anyway.
...Made survives ...
MovingPictures07 wrote:And assuming this is true, which makes a lot of assumptions so I'm hesitant to declare it, but if Made is Dalek Emperor and Enrique is Cyber Controller, then we definitely had a baddie v. baddie on different teams dynamic going on yesterday, which might actually make some sense. But I suppose we'll find out.

Feels like gimlet reaching to make this fit now.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:40 pm
by DFaraday
I voted Rexel because I liked the Shakespeare episode, and it hopefully won't have anything to do with the Daleks and Cybermen (although you all know how I feel about that kind of reasoning).

I think this lynch is definitely not reflecting well on either Made or Enrique, especially given Made's self vote. I'm leaning towards an Enrique vote tomorrow, depending on what happens tonight.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:43 pm
by Snow Dog
Red Rocket Rising

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:49 pm
by Chris
zeek wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:Actually, that does make more sense, since Enrique and Made are inevitably linked anyway.
...Made survives ...
MovingPictures07 wrote:And assuming this is true, which makes a lot of assumptions so I'm hesitant to declare it, but if Made is Dalek Emperor and Enrique is Cyber Controller, then we definitely had a baddie v. baddie on different teams dynamic going on yesterday, which might actually make some sense. But I suppose we'll find out.

Feels like gimlet reaching to make this fit now.
You're right zeek.

But MP has spent the entire game changing his tune.

Also, I highly doubt that Made is Jack Harkness. His story, in addition to sounding like complete bullshit, doesn't fit the actions of a civvie minded person.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:53 pm
by Tangrowth
Sabie, good point. I agree that Made's actions don't appear civvie like but I just trying to consider every possibility and found it was odd people were assuming.

zeek wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:Actually, that does make more sense, since Enrique and Made are inevitably linked anyway.
...Made survives ...
MovingPictures07 wrote:And assuming this is true, which makes a lot of assumptions so I'm hesitant to declare it, but if Made is Dalek Emperor and Enrique is Cyber Controller, then we definitely had a baddie v. baddie on different teams dynamic going on yesterday, which might actually make some sense. But I suppose we'll find out.

Feels like gimlet reaching to make this fit now.
Yeah, probably, I just thought Enri was bad and his NK survival plus the way he has been playing made me think NonNKable but given the evidence now and having thought about it I think them being teammates makes more sense.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:55 pm
by Tangrowth
Also voting Rexel. I have a really busy week I have been posting from phone so might not be around again before vote close but I am not sure yet.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:55 pm
by Snow Dog
The assumption works both ways MP. If he is civ he is safe if we don't try to lynch him. The assumption is based on observation though.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:56 pm
by zeek
MovingPictures07 wrote:Yeah, probably, I just thought Enri was bad and his NK survival plus the way he has been playing made me think NonNKable but given the evidence now and having thought about it I think them being teammates makes more sense.

Neither Aldo instructive both lynch and night kill immunity.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 3:57 pm
by Tangrowth
zeek wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:Yeah, probably, I just thought Enri was bad and his NK survival plus the way he has been playing made me think NonNKable but given the evidence now and having thought about it I think them being teammates makes more sense.

Neither Aldo instructive both lynch and night kill immunity.
I know that I am saying maybe Enri survived for some other reason and they are both bad teammates. It's a speculation anyway so what's it matter? They can either be teammates or they are both on different teams but it seems pretty likely to me based on behavior that they're both bad. I don't understand your point.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 4:04 pm
by Dom
MovingPictures07 wrote:Seems pretty likely that Made is bad, but I find it interesting everyone is jumping to conclusions. He very well may be the Dalek Emperor, or even The Master, but I see one civvie role that fits exactly the behavior that he was claiming (he wasn't sure if he'd survive, but he knows why he did). Funny that people are ignoring that option.

If he is Dalek Emperor and were targeted with an NK, he would die. If he were that civvie role, then I suppose he could die or live, I don't really know. And if he is The Master, then surely he would survive. So... whether anyone wants to target him with an NK, I don't know if it makes sense to or not. But it's up to them.

I think we should lynch Enrique tomorrow, assuming he doesn't die during the night, but if my suspicions are correct, then he won't.

And assuming this is true, which makes a lot of assumptions so I'm hesitant to declare it, but if Made is Dalek Emperor and Enrique is Cyber Controller, then we definitely had a baddie v. baddie on different teams dynamic going on yesterday, which might actually make some sense. But I suppose we'll find out.

Oh, and Made, I was trying to bring LC to everyone's attention long before you. ;)
I don't think Made is that civilian role because I believe Made to be bad.
Metalmarsh89 wrote: I can vouch for him Dom; I voted Enrique, and then switched. My posts came later because I was doing everything from my phone with bad service. Anyway, Chris deserves no flak here.
I'm also suspicious of you, so while I think this is great, it doesn't really change my mind. :p

Although, I find Chris less suspicious than Made, you, Enrique, and MP.

MP, why do you want to convince us that Made is Cap Jack?

Re: Dr. Who Mafia - Night 4

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 4:05 pm
by zeek
MovingPictures07 wrote:I know that I am saying maybe Enri survived for some other reason and they are both bad teammates. It's a speculation anyway so what's it matter? They can either be teammates or they are both on different teams but it seems pretty likely to me based on behavior that they're both bad. I don't understand your point.
It does knavery if its part of your Novinha for the case against them.

You're flipflopping here and this time it looks like you're trying phr make it fit regardless.

If Enrique survived for another reason, why do you suspect him? Because amoroso defended Made?