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Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 7:09 pm
by G-Man
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2016- 1:00 a.m. EST

WOLF BLITZER: It's 1:00 in the morning on the East Coast. The election is not yet over but CNN has a critical key race alert to bring to you. Let's get to that right now.

CNN can now project that, after much speculation, Ted Cruz will win the state of Michigan. In a stunning upset, Michigan and its 16 electoral votes will go to Ted Cruz. This news comes less than 30 minutes after Wisconsin was called for Hillary Clinton by a very tight margin. Ted Cruz is currently leading in Michigan by 31,000 votes, a lead that our sources suggest cannot be overcome.

We want to go live now to Jeff Zeleny at the Clinton campaign headquarters in Brooklyn. Jeff, this race has gone farther into the night than most people considered it would. What is going on there right now with this new development.

JEFF ZELENY: Wolf, about an hour ago the mood here changed in a big way. It was a number of factors, though, leading up to it. Ohio going to Cruz was a disappointment but no one seemed too worried. North Carolina really took the air out of the room though. When that state was called and the margin continued to grow against Secretary Clinton, I saw a number of people look visibly worried. That abated slightly when Virginia was finally called for Hillary Clinton, but even then it was more of a nervous sigh of relief than a triumph. Wisconsin was expected to be a win for Clinton, so her win there was more reassuring, as if things were returning to a sort of normalcy that everyone came into the night believing in.

WOLF BLITZER: And what of Cruz's win in Michigan? That state was also a part of the so-called Blue Wall in the Mid-West.

JEFF ZELENY: Michigan going to Cruz seems to be a development that Clinton supporters here at campaign HQ were not prepared to deal with. Michigan leaning toward Cruz for much of the last few hours certainly helped soften the blow but it's still a shock to a lot of people that this reliably blue state flipped red for someone like Ted Cruz. One staffer I just spoke with said it's a real blow to the Democratic Party's pride to lose Michigan like this or at all really.

WOLF BLITZER: Is there any talk of Hillary Clinton possibly losing this race now that a win in Michigan opens a very real pathway for Cruz to win the presidency?

JEFF ZELENY: I'm sure the Clinton campaign staff are thinking about it but I think it's too early yet here for that to sink in with most of the Clinton supporters in the crowd.

WOLF BLITZER: Thank you Jeff. We'll check back in with you as this night draws to a close. Jake, I want to get your thoughts here. What is the magnitude of Ted Cruz winning in Michigan?

JAKE TAPPER: Well, like you said, Wolf, this opens up a path for Ted Cruz to win tonight. Coming into Election Day, none of the polls suggested that any part of the Blue Wall might be in jeopardy. That's just one part of it, really. Hillary Clinton has spent most of the night trailing Ted Cruz. Every time she has nudged ahead, Ted Cruz has won a state in short order and reclaimed the lead.

WOLF BLITZER: Let's look at the electoral map here for a second to show the viewers what we're talking about.

WOLF BLITZER: As you can see, Ted Cruz currently leads Hillary Clinton 246 electoral votes to 233. Each of the three remaining states in yellow- Florida, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania- all of these states are seeing razor thin margins. Florida was expected to be a battleground but not Minnesota or Pennsylvania. The very notion that the Blue Wall has been pierced by Republicans has to be sending shock waves throughout the Democratic Party right now.

JAKE TAPPER: Not only that, Wolf, but Ted Cruz has already won 27 states. At this stage, Hillary Clinton cannot do what almost all US Presidents have done- win at least half of all states in the nation. Only three men ever became president despite winning a minority of states- John Quincy Adams won in 1824 with seven out of 24 states in an election that was determined by the House of Representatives. Over a century later, John F. Kennedy won in 1960 with 22 states to Richard Nixon's 26. Then Jimmy Carter won in 1976 with 23 states to Gerald Ford's 27. Democrats may have flipped the Senate seat from Illinois and New Hampshire but all of these other facts are making this something of a terrifying election for the DNC, even if Hillary Clinton holds on to win.

WOLF BLITZER: Time for another break but from this point on the path to the White House is clear. Ted Cruz can win the election if he takes Florida or both Minnesota and Pennsylvania. Hillary Clinton must win Florida and one of those other states to keep a Democrat in the White House for the next four years. Stay with us for all the latest election updates.


Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 12:07 am
by G-Man
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2016- 3:00 a.m. EST

WOLF BLITZER: More dramatic and shocking developments now at the top of the hour. Good evening or good morning to those of you still with us at this hour. As has been the case all night long, almost as soon as good news emerges for Hillary Clinton and her supporters, something comes along and strips away any sense of momentum.

At 2:30 a.m. Eastern Time tonight, Hillary Clinton was declared the winner in Pennsylvania, capturing 20 electoral votes and putting her ahead of Texas Senator Ted Cruz. About seven minutes ago, election officials in Wisconsin confirmed that several polling stations in at least two counties had inaccurately reported an as-of-yet unspecified number of early-vote ballots for Donald Trump as third party or write-in votes instead of counting them as votes for Republican nominee Ted Cruz. After the death of Donald Trump, several states refused to replace Mr. Trump's name on the ballot, and in some states, including North Carolina and Wisconsin, early voting and absentee ballots listing Mr. Trump as the Republican nominee were distributed in violation of legislation passed in those states to revise the ballots for Election Day.

CNN has now confirmed that both the Wisconsin Elections Commission and the Federal Elections Commission will soon declare a full recount of all votes in Wisconsin to begin sometime later today. As that is the case, CNN is rescinding its projection of a Hillary Clinton win in Wisconsin. Hillary Clinton's lead in Wisconsin was last sitting at around 3,000 votes, so it will be interesting to see if these miscounted votes had any impact on that prior projection.

We want to go live now to Sara Murray at Ted Cruz's campaign headquarters tonight. Sara, has the campaign made any comments on this development?

SARA MURRAY: Nothing so far, Wolf. Some of the supporters of Ted Cruz here tonight reacted to the news with hostility and anger. Words like corruption, cheating, and fixed were overheard but there was also a bit of positivity in the mix. Some see this as a chance for Senator Cruz to, perhaps, add to his state and electoral college totals. The Cruz campaign made one very vague statement, asking for patience while election officials sort out the issues at play in Wisconsin and any others that may turn up in light of what has happened in Wisconsin, but they have not directly addressed the issue itself.

WOLF BLITZER: Thank you Sara. Now we're going to go to Jeff Zeleny at the Clinton campaign headquarters in New York. Jeff, we've been asking you all night but here we go again- what is the mood like there right now?

JEFF ZELENY: Wolf, this is the first time where I've seen concern turn into panic in the eyes of the people gathered here today. The Blue Wall was cracked in Michigan and now it's possible for Wisconsin to fall away from Hillary Clinton. She can't win a majority of states. Ted Cruz has a chance at winning if Florida swings his way. Everyone at this event here in New York came in expecting Hillary Clinton to run away with this election. That confidence has fled the room. With Florida as close as it is, there is no certainty anymore and it's starting to show in the faces and emotions of Clinton supporters here and online.

WOLF BLITZER: Thank you Jeff. Now we want to show you the latest picture on our electoral map. Wisconsin has been returned to the color yellow and who knows how long it will stay that way. Also still too close to call are Florida and Minnesota. Minnesota would be another shock to that so-called Blue Wall but with Ted Cruz at 246 electoral votes and Hillary Clinton at 243 electoral votes, the results in Minnesota and Wisconsin will not determine the election. As of right now, all eyes are on Florida. John King, what are we seeing there?

JOHN KING: Wolf, we're at about 98% reporting but the lead is literally flipping back and forth as these last few precincts report their tallies. Right now, Ted Cruz is up by 127 votes. A few minutes ago, Hillary Clinton was up by about 55. It's hard to pinpoint where these votes are coming from. Our big board here is showing most counties at 99% reporting and we can't go down to the township and borough level. Without that information, we're simply just flying blind at this point, completely at the mercy of the votes that trickle in.

WOLF BLITZER: Not very encouraging news for either campaign. Jake, Dana- what are your thoughts as this Election Night winds down to an uncertain conclusion?

JAKE TAPPER: Certainly not the way Hillary Clinton and her team wanted the night to go. Blue states have flipped red, Ted Cruz put up a serious challenge in states that, in the minds of Democrats, should have been easy wins, and there's a vote-counting controversy. If she wins, many on the right will undoubtedly question the legitimacy of her presidency even though she is winning the popular vote right now by 750,000 votes. That number will probably go up as California's tallies continue to stream in.

DANA BASH: Not only that, Wolf, but if Hillary Clinton wins, she'll have to deal with Republican majorities in the House and Senate. If Ted Cruz comes out on top, the deck is stacked for Republicans to do just about anything they want.

WOLF BLITZER: Interesting thoughts for both sides of the aisle. Stick with CNN as we continue to inch closer to what is bound to be one of the most dramatic conclusions in US election history.


Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 2:04 pm
by G-Man

GLENN: Before the break, I read to you a letter that I wrote a few weeks ago, pledging my support to whoever won the presidential election, so long as doing so would not compromise any of my principles. I still believe that something has to change in America to bring us together in a fundamental and constructive way. We have grown so divided between the news media, social media, and all the internet bubble echo chambers that allow us to consume only the things that we want to hear- both sides mind you. It's all poisoned our hearts and clouded our minds and prevents us from agreeing on our common humanity, which the Founding Fathers worked so hard to declare and protect in the Constitution. We need to get back to treating each other like people and not just caricatures holding onto ideas and ideologies.

PAT: I sense a 'but' coming.

STU: So do I.

GLENN: Despite-

STU: That's another word for but.

GLENN: Despite my every intention to promote a return to civility and working for the real common interest of the citizens in this country, it would be unconscionable for me to begin this process immediately, given what we have seen in the last two days.

PAT: You're just mad your candidate didn't win, right?

STU: Yeah, he's being, what have they said? Bitter sore loser? On the wrong side of history?

PAT: Sounds about right. Don't forget misogynist though. That's been applied to everyone upset with the election results too.

GLENN: Isn't it funny how quickly the Left has transformed from a state of panic at the possible crumbling of their party's hold on regions of the country to an air of 'Oh, we got this. You're just jealous.' in less than 24 hours? It's amazing how quickly they have moved from having a serious discussion about their party's health and message to proclaiming that America has spoken and those Republicans in Congress better not get in the way of Hillary Clinton's agenda? How quickly have they put on their blinders to a massive attempt at voter fraud in the state of Wisconsin by deeming it an 'honest mistake?'

STU: No, I'm pretty sure you're just jealous that Cruz lost. Textbook conservative hypocrisy.


PAT: But seriously though, how can liberals ignore the fact that in one day of re-counting in Wisconsin, around 25,000 misapplied absentee votes were uncovered?

GLENN: And not only that. Not only that, but the same tactic of sending out unamended ballots happened in North Carolina.

STU: Which isn't as egregious-looking because Cruz won by a significant margin.

GLENN: But now you have to wonder about how many more votes Ted should have in North Carolina. And it doesn't stop there. Several states refused to change the ballot from Donald Trump to Ted Cruz. How do we know the vote counts in Delaware, Minnesota, New Jersey, and Oregon are accurate?

STU: Well, I mean, Minnesota is the only close state in that list with both early and absentee voting. You could argue for Nevada to be examined, but who's to say enough votes could be found to flip that state. There's already going to be automatic recounts in Florida and Pennsylvania, so-

GLENN: Pennsylvania I'm not concerned with because it does not hold early voting. I've heard of nothing out of Pennsylvania to suggest any Trump absentee ballots were sent out because I'm pretty sure their absentee ballots weren't printed until after Ted Cruz took over. It's possible but unlikely that Pennsylvania flips in a recount.

PAT: Florida and Minnesota are much more likely. Ted only lost by 1,176 votes in Florida and 1,342 votes in Minnesota, so any funny business in either state could have been enough to alter the outcome. But Florida is the only one of those two that could reverse the electoral college results.

GLENN: You know what, though? Believe me, I want Ted Cruz as my next President. If they do the recounts and Hillary Clinton still comes out as the winner, so be it. But as of right now, seeing what we've seen out of Wisconsin, and knowing what lengths some of these liberal states went to to prevent replacing Donald Trump on the ballot, I cannot put any faith in these election results. None.

What happened in Wisconsin should serve as a wake-up call to America. Every state, I think, should hold a re-count in light of all this. The fact that Ted Cruz had to file a federal lawsuit to force states like Minnesota to perform a recount is shameful. If you care about the sanctity, validity, and impartiality of elections in this country, you should be outraged. Regardless of the outcomes, any state obstructing with the ballot change effort and any individuals involved in efforts to misapply votes for the Republican nominee should be investigated and punished to the fullest extent of the law.

STU: Which will totally happen, because the Justice Department under Obama has been a shining example of non-partisan behavior.



Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 2:26 pm
by Marmot
C-C-C-C-Combo Breaker!


Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 6:33 pm
by Marmot
I'm gonna have to back out of this game G-Man.

I'm currently in three games (and overcommitted), and going to be helping Scotty with Survival Mafia.


Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 2:02 pm
by G-Man

BILL O'REILLY: Welcome back to the Factor, ladies and gentlemen. Joining me now to discuss the ongoing recount in Florida is FoxNews contributor and longtime friend of the Factor, Juan Williams. Juan, good to see you.

JUAN WILLIAMS: Thank you, Bill.

BILL: So let me ask you this. Democrats are out there saying the election is over and Senator Cruz's pursuit of multiple recounts has been a waste of time and money. Isn't that hypocritical of them, considering that the Senator's efforts, in many ways, mirror the efforts of Al Gore in 2000?

JUAN: I don't think it's hypocritical because the circumstances are different this election.

BILL: But why isn't it hypocritical? In 2000, you had an election that came down to one state which required a recount. This year you have the same thing.

JUAN: But it's not the same, Bill. In 2000, Al Gore led by a much slimmer margin in the popular vote and there were reports in several Florida counties of voter confusion and confusion when it came to counting the votes. This year, Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by almost three million and there was no reported confusion with voting or counting the votes. The initial recount was automatic because of the margin.

BILL: Okay, hanging chads notwithstanding, how is it different this year? Why should Senator Cruz give up in light of the attempted election fraud in Wisconsin? If anything, doesn't that make this election more deserving of widespread recounts? How do we know what happened in Wisconsin wasn't part of something bigger?

JUAN: Well, as I understand it, there are just two ways any additional foul play can be identified. First, someone would have to report something. Second, the FEC finds evidence of a larger conspiracy. It's been almost a month and no other reports of election fraud have come out. Several of the recounts are already over and the vote tallies have been confirmed. The evidence is mounting that Wisconsin was an isolated incident.

BILL: An isolated incident spread across three counties involving over a dozen individuals. But let's switch gears here. Assuming Hillary Clinton hangs on to her election night victory and is inaugurated next month, Wikileaks is saying they've got more emails to release, this time from someone within the Clinton campaign. Should she be nervous? After all, the DNC email leaks this summer caused quite an upheaval. Debbie Wasserman Schultz got fired and America learned that the Democratic primaries simply projected the illusion of choice.

JUAN: That's an exaggeration on the primaries, Bill, but I don't think Wikileaks is going to have Hillary Clinton jumping at shadows. The DNC leaks were embarrassing for the Democratic Party but nothing in them contained the magic bullet that's been sought after for so long by Republicans. Clinton herself is very careful-

BILL: Except with her government email account.

JUAN: -and I doubt they're going to bother with this until Wikileaks actually produces something. They're too busy working on selecting Cabinet positions to bother with the Wikileaks hype machine.

BILL: It makes you wonder though. If Wikileaks had dirt on Hillary Clinton, why not release it during the election? Could this point to Julian Assange playing favorites during the campaign?

JUAN: *laughs* I think Julian Assange has made it pretty clear over the last few years that he is no fan of the United State government, the Democratic Party, or Hillary Clinton. We've heard reports of different broadcast networks sitting on unsavory audio clips of Donald Trump for month before his death. Why didn't they put those clips out there ahead of the convention or during the primaries?

BILL: Well, they sat on them because, while they didn't like Trump, they loved the thought of him being the Republican candidate. But you raise a good point. Perhaps Wikileaks, much like the broadcast networks are waiting for a more opportunistic moment to bring whatever revelations they're sitting on to light.

Don't you go anywhere. The Factor will return after this commercial break. Juan will stay with us to talk about Russia's increased posturing in the Baltics and the Ukraine. We've also got Pinheads and Patriots coming up, as well as the Word of the Day. You won't want to miss that.


Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 11:34 am
by Epignosis
2 more lets go


Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 3:59 pm
by G-Man
Heh. Heh. Heh. Greetings to all you music lovers, thrill seekers, and conversationalists across the fruited plains on this, this most unprecedented and awe-inspiring Monday. Rush Limbaugh here behind the golden EIB microphone. Today was the day that Democrats expected to see the electoral college electors cast their votes in their respective states and make the election results official. That is normally what happens but, ladies and gentlemen, today we are seeing a twist that should give us hope that Republicans around the country are not going to simply roll over and let Hillary Clinton do whatever she wants.

I have here, in my formerly nicotine-stained fingers, a report detailing the amount of protests, petitions, and actions by elected officials on what the Democrat Party expected to be a day of confirmation and celebration for their side. Not only are Republican protests at state capitols peaceful, orderly, and litter-free, something the Left never manages to pull off by the way, but dozens of paper and online petitions have been signed, sealed, and delivered, requesting further recounts nationwide to ensure the validity of the election results.

All that in and of itself would not be enough to faze Democrats because they are used to ignoring the voices of Americans who value the things this country was founded on. No, what's got Democrats really ticked off today is the fact that five governors have announced that they will not sign the official electoral college documents today to make their states' electors' votes official. That's right folks, five Republican governors in states that appear to have gone to Hillary Clinton on election night are taking a stand and demanding further scrutiny.

Rick Scott of Florida, Paul LePage of Maine, Brian Sandoval of Nevada, Chris Christie of New Jersey, and Susana Martinez of New Meh-hee-co are the five refusing to sign and certify the electoral votes. PMSNBC already lashed out at Chris Christie for his refusal to sign because of his state's historical margins for Democrat Party candidates but, as is usually the case, they are missing the point. This is Chris Christie sending democrats one last 'up-yours' after the Bridgegate witch hunt. He knows damn well his state sided with Hillary even if there was any fraud at work but he's making a statement.

As a fallback crutch, the Huffington Puffington Post is already theorizing that some or all of these Republican governors are doing this to angle themselves for future election gains, suggesting that, since none of them are able to run for a third term, that this is all a play for recognition for eventual runs at other offices, whether it be a House or Senate seat or perhaps to put them in discussion for 2020. This just shows you how the liberal mind works, folks. Rather than come to terms with the fact that these governors are shocked and appalled by the unapologetic attempts to commit election fraud, they believe- and want you to believe- these governors must be up to something more nefarious.

And of course, the internet is on fire with members of the New Castrati today. 'Mithter Limbaugh! Mithter Limbaugh! How can you- how can you not condemn theeth governorth if you believe in the Conthtitution? Theeth governorth are breaking the law Mithter Limbaugh. It'th their conthtitutional duty to thign thothe paperth. They jutht have to!' Which goes to show you that these low-information Democrat nitwits don't understand the constitution. Under free and fair elections, there would be no reason for them not to sign and certify these electoral votes as is spelled out in federal election law. But, when the process is rightfully called into question, then the normal order of things does not apply.

Look, this is not rocket science. The election was corrupt; to what extent, we don't know. But this response is not political. It is natural and just and right. And this whole election saga is far from over. Don't doubt me.


Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 6:45 pm
by Ricochet
Might as well publish a book, at this point, G-Man.


Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 6:47 pm
by S~V~S
You should have seen his pre game posts for the Secret Mafia series on the Piano. He invented a whole new world.


Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 6:51 pm
by Ricochet
Make that two books, then.


Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2017 8:10 pm
by G-Man
I've only got one more pre-game post left in the tank. The Inauguration Day post will be the start of the game/Day 0.

And just you wait! I've been slowly developing an open-ended series of Heist games. I made up a town for it and am in the process of coming up with a map of the town and bullet-point backgrounds for a population of 1,000+ citizens, all of whom may be used as roles as the series rolls on.

You might think this means I have no life but I do. So really it just means I'm crazy. :nicenod:


Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 12:40 am
by Epignosis
Would it kill two more people to sign up for this. Please? Please?


Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 12:49 am
by Marmot


Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 1:28 pm
by Epignosis
Would you believe me if I told you one more please is a brand of stool?


Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 3:02 pm
by Scotty
Epignosis wrote:Would you believe me if I told you one more please is a brand of stool?
Thought you were linking us to a picture of poop.

Now I'm slightly disa-poo-nted



Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 3:09 pm
by G-Man
FRIDAY, January 6, 2017

Hello again everyone. Happy Friday. Good to have you. Can you believe we are now just two weeks away from what, essentially, will be the coronation of Hillary Clinton?

As if that's not depressing enough, look what just happened in Congress today. Ted Cruz and the House Freedom Caucus challenged several states' electoral ballots in a final attempt to trigger additional investigations into the obvious voter fraud that occurred on and after Election Day. When these objections required a conference to decide a course of action, congressional republicans buckled like a belt.

Despite having a majority in both chambers, they put their tails between their legs and chose to accept the electoral college results. After repeated challenges, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell all but chastised Senator Cruz and told him to stand down or risk being censured by his own party. Can you believe that? Where is the honor? Where is the respect for your country in all this? Congressional republicans have basically told the American people, 'no, we're not going to resist Hillary and the Democrats anymore.'

Well I've got news for you. They darn well better find their fight, because in two weeks Hillary is going to start completely re-shaping America and not for the better. Barack Obama has paved the way for her to use executive orders to do as much as she wants rather than go through Congress. Mitch McConnell should know this. Does he really think that by not allowing Senator Cruz to challenge the electoral count that Hillary will miraculously decide that she's going to work with Congress? Do you really think that Hillary Clinton cares about compromise? No! The Democrats have been waiting for this moment. It's going to keep their base fired up to see her in a fight with Congress.

If they back down on anything else, then I just don't know what's going to happen to this country. The Supreme Court got cold feet when it declined to hear any cases pertaining to recounts and the five brave governors who refused to certify the electoral results in their states. So we know the Judicial Branch can no longer be trusted to uphold the Constitution. We sure as heck know that the Executive Branch will continue to hurt hard-working Americans at every turn, so it's up to Congress.

I really don't see what Congress has to lose. Democrats have lost over 1,000 seats in federal, state, and local government since Barack Obama took over. Conservative principles are driving this country. The Republican Party has a very real chance to gain Senate seats in 2018. With all this conservative support, now is the time to push back and hold the Obama-Clinton agenda accountable. Doing anything else emboldens the Democrats and weakens the resolve of those supporting Republican congressmen and women as well as senators. Republicans in Congress have a choice. They can either stand up for the principles this country was founded on or they can roll over and get primaried out by conservatives who will.

Of course, that's not to say that Hillary Clinton's presidency will be a picnic. She's got China building more artificial islands in the South China sea and threatening the rights of neighboring countries; Barack Obama's sanctions against Russia for the DNC hack has all but started a new Cold War, what with Vladimir Putin increasing military presence near the Russia's borders with the Baltic states, Ukraine, and now even Poland; and rumors of chemical weapons being an option again by Bashar Assad in Syria. Clearly, Obama has weakened America's position in the world and Hillary Clinton seems to be no threat to them either. Even WikiLeaks isn't afraid of her, promising once again to release emails from a Clinton campaign member on Inauguration Day.

We've got to take a break. When we get back, we're going to take some calls and talk about MSNBC's Chris Matthews and whether or not he should be suspended for crossing the lines of journalistic integrity by chumming it up with the Clinton's at their New Year's Eve party.


Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 3:46 pm
by Marmot
Scotty wrote:
Epignosis wrote:Would you believe me if I told you one more please is a brand of stool?
Thought you were linking us to a picture of poop.

Now I'm slightly disa-poo-nted

Hopefully my therapist forbids me from reading things so I can stop reading your jokes. :haha:


Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 5:56 pm
by speedchuck
If this game isn't full by the time I die in Phenon Mafia...


Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 11:33 pm
by Epignosis
I can't believe one more mutha won't sign up. It's a heist. It will take 1-2 weeks to finish. Come the fuck on and let's play.


Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 1:12 am
by JaggedJimmyJay
Okay. I'm gonna Vompatti this game though. I swear.


Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 2:53 am
by Quin
hey guys i have to drop out sorry

april fools


Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 8:10 am
by S~V~S
I generally like bigger games, but I just died :shrug:

It is a GMan game.


Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 8:12 am
by S~V~S
Oh unless you are already full? I am the 16th yes, but there are15 players?


Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 9:12 am
by G-Man
S~V~S wrote:Oh unless you are already full? I am the 16th yes, but there are15 players?
Yes, the game is now full at 15 players. Can I keep you on board as a replacement if one is needed?


Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 10:10 am
by G-Man
I sent this in the PM's that were sent to everyone who signed up but I'm posting it here for redundancy and so any potential replacement players can see our timeline. Sorry to make you wait another day for the game but it is what it is.

9:00 p.m. EST tonight- Roles will be sent out
4:30 p.m. EST Friday- Day 0 will start
4:30 p.m. EST Saturday- Day 1 will start

Due to a lot of evening commitments in the next two weeks, I have to have day and night phases end at a slightly awkward time of day. Hopefully this won't be too much of a burden on anyone.

Also, remember that Dom is going to be the MOD for this game. If you have game-related questions, feel free to ask me. If problems arise between you and another player, please go to Dom first.


Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 11:04 am
by speedchuck
Throw me down as a replacement for sure.


Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 11:35 am
by S~V~S
G-Man wrote:
S~V~S wrote:Oh unless you are already full? I am the 16th yes, but there are15 players?
Yes, the game is now full at 15 players. Can I keep you on board as a replacement if one is needed?


Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 12:10 pm
by thellama73
I think you should give JaggedJimmyJay's spot to SVS, and make JJJ wait out on the curb.


Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 4:07 pm
by Golden
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:Okay. I'm gonna Vompatti this game though. I swear.


Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 4:14 pm
by Marmot
thellama73 wrote:I think you should give JaggedJimmyJay's spot to SVS, and make JJJ wait out on the curb.
replacements are expensive k


Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 10:02 pm
by Epignosis
There should be a Donald Stump role. :sigh:


Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 11:08 pm
by G-Man
Epignosis wrote:There should be a Donald Stump role. :sigh:
Who says there isn't?

Role PMs going out soon.


Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2017 11:18 pm
by Epignosis
Just bout to ask

Dem roles is