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Re: Are You Being Served? [3:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 9:14 am
by S~V~S
...with Tofu

Re: Are You Being Served? [3:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 9:24 am
by Mongoose
I love The Clash and I love vegetables, so I going with Broc the Casbah.

And I don't care if the sharif don't like it.

Re: Are You Being Served? [3:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:38 am
by Elohcin
TH has not been posting a lot. What do you all think of this? Turnip Head is the last baddie.

Re: Are You Being Served? [3:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:40 am
by Epignosis
I'm going to extend this phase by a few hours. Make sure you vote!

Re: Are You Being Served? [3:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:46 am
by Tangrowth
nijuukyugou wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:
nijuukyugou wrote:RIP DP :( Sorry, dude.

I am also curious why TH isn't on your suspect list, Boogs, and why you are so adamant about FZ being bad? Is it the facade you speak of? Or are we missing something else vital? I'm all ears, but TH is currently the top of my list.

And going with Crosby, Dills, and Nash because I looooooove salmon :D And cauliflower, if I have to pick.
Why is TH at the top of your list; why do you find him bad?

You said previously he's "hard to read" and seemed to indicate you suspected him in a wishy-washy kind of way, yet you voted for DP.
I felt more strongly about DP this morning because of the reasons I stated, but that didn't completely exclude TH from my suspicion (he was number 2 out of everyone else, so that currently makes him number 1). Yes, he is still hard to read, due to minimal posts, for which he attributed to his work schedule. Honestly, it seems to be that it's down to FZ and TH for that last management position, and they are both accusing each other of having that role, so I feel like I'm picking sides (as are the rest of the staff and everyone else). I went through my logic about why I don't suspect FZ at this point. FZ brought up good points about TH trying to separate himself from Vomps during his lynch poll, and I'm not buying his defense. No, I'm not 100% sure it's TH, but I'm much more inclined to vote him than FZ if it comes down to it, unless new evidence is brought to light.
Thanks for the elaboration!

Boogs wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:Boogs, why don't you think TH is bad? Just curious as to your train of thought. Also, what do you think of his recent in-thread behavior?

If I am incorrect, I want to hear your argument.

His voting record doesn't make me as suspicious as FZ. I know TH has missed a few votes, but FZ and her votes match up to what is calling Baddie to me. And like I've said, she buddies up to me and SVS and you to try to sway the crowd that she isn't bad as soon and Vomps gets lynched because she knows she's the next suspect to connect Reywas and Vomps to her. I've said it a bunch of times, and I'm going to say it again that the "fake joke" of her and Vomps at the very beginning isn't a joke and she really was being serious. Vomps showed up bad, so why don't you think we shouldn't try her next?

You've said yourself you apparently are a bad civ in finding baddies, so I think when you try to convince me you're right that you aren't on this one MP and that she is bad. I don't see why she isn't worth a try being lynched.
I appreciate your perspective here; I just disagree. Historically, yes, I feel I don't have the best voting record when I'm a civvie, but it doesn't mean I feel I should trust your evaluation of the situation over mine unless I believe yours to be more convincing of a perspective. Don't find it personally if I don't. In this case, I really think we should lynch TH and go from there, since I just am not seeing FZ.'s baddie game now. Yes, her joke was weird, but since then, and especially lately, I'm just not seeing a baddie FZ. I realize I could be wrong, but I just don't think so.

If it's not TH, I'm still tempted to think it's Blooper and not FZ., honestly.

Elohcin wrote:TH has not been posting a lot. What do you all think of this? Turnip Head is the last baddie.
I think there are more reasons than that, but I do think his content is lacking.

Re: Are You Being Served? [3:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:50 am
by Mongoose
This has indeed seemed an uncharacteristically quiet game.

Re: Are You Being Served? [3:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 2:41 pm
by FZ.
Boogs, I don't know whether to laugh or cry at your ridiculous accusations. I think I've been one of the more obvious civvies in this game, and I seriously don't get how you still think I'm a baddie. I've been trying to buddy up to you, like you claim, in a very non subtle way, because we were both the first to see Rey as bad. I also was one of the first to call Vomp a baddie, and while I tend to throw under the bus quite often, the way I've gone after the baddies this game would make them hate me if I were with them this game. In fact, if I happen to be right about TH, this is going to be one of my best civvie games ever.

I think TH is very unlike himself, and the fact that you don't see it reflects on you, not on my alignment. The only way I can see him as something other than the last management is if he's the canteen manageress that has some kind of role that makes him act like that, but I doubt it.

Since I doubt you're the last baddie, I just think you're wrong. Or you're maintenance.

The way I see it right now is the following:
TH is the last baddie
MP is the canteen manageress that has a role that prevents him from voting, and he needs to survive without ever voting (just a hunch)
SVS is a civvie who is the most likely to die tonight, so if anyone can prevent that, it would be nice.
Elo is more likely a civ than a maintenance, but could go either way.
I think Mongoose is maintenance.
One of the others is the other maintenance

Re: Are You Being Served? [3:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 3:30 pm
by FZ.
One more thing, if TH isn't the baddie, and it's someone else, that person would have just joined the vote for him when he got 2-3 votes and then thrown the responsibility on me when he turned out to be a civvie. The fact that didn't happen, makes me even more sure that he is. SVS was the only one to leave the vote on TH, and I really doubt she's the last baddie.

Re: Are You Being Served? [3:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 3:33 pm
by Turnip Head
I don't think SVS is the baddie, but what makes you think she's likely to be ousted tonight? And what makes you think I'm the last baddie? And what makes you think the last baddie didn't already vote for me?

Re: Are You Being Served? [3:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 3:47 pm
by FZ.
Turnip Head wrote:I don't think SVS is the baddie, but what makes you think she's likely to be ousted tonight? And what makes you think I'm the last baddie? And what makes you think the last baddie didn't already vote for me?
1. I'll give you thou the answer to that after the night ends

2. I already said why I think you're a baddie, but to sum it up, you've done nothing this game to find baddies, which is something I always see you doing as a civvie. You voted for Rey after he already had 3 votes (I took mine off later so it's not shown on the list now), and the other with 2 votes I believe was Vomp, so as a baddie, you had more to gain from voting Rey than you had to lose. It was going in the direction of his lynch anyway. Then, when Vomppati was being voted for, a day later, you gave a very baddie like version of cover-all-options response to what you think about Vomp and proceeded to asking when is the deadline, only to end up not voting. At this stage, I imagine losing your last team member was more painful so you waited to see if there could be an option to lynch someone else, but it didn't happen. And then, you went and turned it all around to me...

3. I know I'm not the baddie, and SVS doesn't seem likely to be, those are the only two votes that remained on you

Re: Are You Being Served? [3:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 3:55 pm
by Turnip Head
I may have been third/fourth to vote for Rey but I was the first to bring up that his vote for Elo on Day 1 seemed off. Maybe others didn't vote for him based on my ping but I raised suspicion of him earlier than my late vote suggests. You're quick to give Boogs credit for agreeing with you about Rey, but you ignore that I was one of the first to be suspicious of him too.

Re: Are You Being Served? [3:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 4:01 pm
by FZ.
Turnip Head wrote:I may have been third/fourth to vote for Rey but I was the first to bring up that his vote for Elo on Day 1 seemed off. Maybe others didn't vote for him based on my ping but I raised suspicion of him earlier than my late vote suggests. You're quick to give Boogs credit for agreeing with you about Rey, but you ignore that I was one of the first to be suspicious of him too.
You and me both know that baddies need to do some distancing. The beginning Early on in the game is the best time. I don't even think you mentioned that in the post where you decided to vote for him (but I could be wrong). Boogs was consistent and was an early voter for Rey. You weren't.

And I thought I was the last baddie in your opinion, the way you're talking now feels like you're trying to make me look at things differently, not like you trying to show I'm the baddie. What's up? Make up your mind

Re: Are You Being Served? [3:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 4:55 pm
by Epignosis
Post coming soon.

I saw my very first full length film in 3D. That was the third time I had gone to the movies in six years. :p

Re: Are You Being Served? [3:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 5:06 pm
by Epignosis
What will you be having for lunch today?

You may select 1 option

Toad in the Roll: An egg and cheese barm served in a warm, buttery roll. Served with brown sauce.
No votes

Toad in the Hole, the Wet Sprocket: An over-medium egg cooked into fried bread and smothered with our infamous spacklin’ gravy.
No votes

Coronation Street Chicken
Boogs (6)

The Sowman
No votes

Scotch Tape Egg
No votes

Cybill Shephard’s Pie
Elohcin (7)

Broc the Cashbah
Mongoose (9)

Soups, I Did It Again
FZ. (3)

Let’s Give ‘em Something to Taco ‘Bout
No votes

Lunch Will Tear Us Apart
No votes

Curry on My Wayward Son
MovingPictures07 (2)

Okra Winfrey
Turnip Head (11)

‘Shroom with a View
No votes

Corn in the USA
No votes

Who You Gonna Call? Roastbusters
No votes

Slaw & Order
No votes

Nine Inch Kales
S~V~S (8)

Orange is the New Black Bean
No votes

Smashing Pumpkins & Squash
No votes

We Are All Made of Starfruit
No votes

No votes

Get Behind Me Seitan
No votes

Crosby, Dills & Mash
nijuukyugou (10)

No votes

Gin (The Host, the Non, the Dead)
Epignosis (1), thellama73 (4), DisgruntledPorcupine (5)

Total votes : 11

Re: Are You Being Served? [3:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 5:38 pm
by Epignosis

Lunchtime had ended, and everyone was feeling the effects of their meal. While they were recovering or feeling refreshed, Agent E appeared in the canteen with an old box of documents.

"What’s this now?” Agent E asked. “Old records regarding the staff?”

Mr. Turnips appeared nervous.

“Signore Rapa Testa,” Agent E said. “I didn’t know you were Italian!”

“Give me that!” Mr. Turnips said.

“There’s no need for one to be embarrassed of his heritage!” Agent E declared. “Everyone, let’s help Signore Rapa Testa celebrate his Italian heritage. Please refer to him by his real name.”

No one has been sacked. It is now 4:00pm. You have 24 hours to oust someone.

If anyone fails to call Mr. Turnips (Turnip Head, TH, etc.) anything other than “Signore Rapa Testa” at any point, that individual will have a +1 vote applied to him or her.

Re: Are You Being Served? [3:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 5:39 pm
by Epignosis
A message from Mrs. Slocombe:

We'd do well to find Mr. Rumbold, and soon - if I'm not home by the stroke of 6, my pussy goes positively mad. Why, just the other day, I came home at half-past seven with take-away from that new Chinese restaurant down the road. My pussy howled, knocked me over, and gobbled up the entire order of broccoli stir fry! I had to satisfy myself with white rice. Oh, but the excitement didn't end after that - my pussy was crying so badly later that night that my next-door neighbor had to pop in and help calm him down.

There is nothing worse in this world than a bad vegetable. That, and a traumatized pussy. I won't be frequenting that restaurant anymore.

Re: Are You Being Served? [4:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 6:04 pm
by Tangrowth
Votes Signore Rapa Testa

Might as well. Can't see my mind changing at all. Let's get this over with.

Re: Are You Being Served? [4:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 6:18 pm
by Elohcin
MovingPictures07 wrote:Votes Signore Rapa Testa

Might as well. Can't see my mind changing at all. Let's get this over with.

Wow...what was quick. :) I am not going to be so hasty. I think we ought to hear from Signore Rapa Testa first. I mean...isn't the case against him just that he has been quiet? You've been quiet too MP.

Re: Are You Being Served? [4:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 6:30 pm
by S~V~S
Elohcin wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:Votes Signore Rapa Testa

Might as well. Can't see my mind changing at all. Let's get this over with.

Wow...what was quick. :) I am not going to be so hasty. I think we ought to hear from Signore Rapa Testa first. I mean...isn't the case against him just that he has been quiet? You've been quiet too MP.
If you had to vote now, who would YOU vote for?

I am inclined to vote for Signore Rapa Testa as well, tbh. I just want to do some reading to see if i can figure out when things changed, what night people started believeing something I believe to be false. But i think i will be voting for him in the AM. And no, it's a lot more than simply "he's been quiet", lol.

You really should read FZs posts before you blow them off. And her tone; if she is not sincere, and is a baddie, I will replace the "I rezzed the SK" in my sig with something about her. I will be shocked if she is bad, but i will be far from shocked if Signore Rapa Testa is bad.

And I will prolly vote in the AM before I go out for the day. But like MP I am not sure if anything will change my mind.

Re: Are You Being Served? [4:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 6:35 pm
by Tangrowth
Elohcin wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:Votes Signore Rapa Testa

Might as well. Can't see my mind changing at all. Let's get this over with.

Wow...what was quick. :) I am not going to be so hasty. I think we ought to hear from Signore Rapa Testa first. I mean...isn't the case against him just that he has been quiet? You've been quiet too MP.
Why not? Do you think anyone else is more worthy?

No, that is NOT the only part of the case against him.

You think being quiet makes me bad?

Re: Are You Being Served? [4:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 6:43 pm
by Elohcin
I have a couple people I am going to reread this evening and I will come back with my thoughts.

Re: Are You Being Served? [4:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 7:35 pm
by Elohcin
Okay, I've decided to reread everyone :D (I've gotten through the first three)
Blooper - I don't see her as bad at all. He words read civ to be and she seems genuine.
Boogs - Reads civ IMO. I think he was a bit misguided on his thoughts on FZ and still may be.
FZ - She is the one that brouhgt up maintainance wanting to keep the last baddie alive so they can win. She brought to our attention that as far as we know, Peacock is still alive and so Maintainance would need him dead before getting the last baddie out. B/c she brought this up, I doubt she could be the last baddie. If she were, she would want to keep that to herself instead of reminding us all of that. Right? Sometimes I think something sounds logical in my head and then when I write it I am not so sure anymore.
Alright....SVS and Goosey are to read next. I know it is a lot to read everyone through again, but I just want to be as sure as possible about who I am voting for. Be back soon :)

Re: Are You Being Served? [4:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 8:59 pm
by Tangrowth
Thanks for your thoughts, Elo!

Interesting that you find Blooper to be genuine. Hmmmm.

Re: Are You Being Served? [4:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:07 pm
by Elohcin
MovingPictures07 wrote:Thanks for your thoughts, Elo!

Interesting that you find Blooper to be genuine. Hmmmm.
You don't? She sounds it to me. What do you think?

Also, I got through my SVS reread as well. No specific pings :/ Mongoose is next, I may be able to finish reading her before I go to sleep...we shall see. The rest will have to wait for tomorrow.

Re: Are You Being Served? [4:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:10 pm
by Tangrowth
Elohcin wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:Thanks for your thoughts, Elo!

Interesting that you find Blooper to be genuine. Hmmmm.
You don't? She sounds it to me. What do you think?

Also, I got through my SVS reread as well. No specific pings :/ Mongoose is next, I may be able to finish reading her before I go to sleep...we shall see. The rest will have to wait for tomorrow.
I don't know; I think she is most likely to be not genuine to me after TH, but maybe I'm wrong.

Given only one baddie and any random number of independents remain, it's probable you may not find too many people sounding not genuine. But I'm interested in what you think nonetheless. Let me know if you have any ideas on Maintenance members.

Re: Are You Being Served? [4:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:12 pm
by Mongoose
Votes Signore Rapa Testa in case I get busy tomorrow -- I have yoga and then straight to book club. I doubt I'll change my vote, but that's always a possibility if things change. I shoulda stuck with this vote last time instead of switching to DP.

Re: Are You Being Served? [4:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:18 pm
by Elohcin was fairly easy to catch up on mongoose. She hasn't contributed much all game. She has been pretty blendy actually. She hasn't made a case for anyone. I am inclined to vote her today. I will finish reading everyone first, of course. Next of MP and then Signore Rapa Testa.

linki with MP and Mongoose.

Re: Are You Being Served? [4:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:20 pm
by Mongoose
I think the other games just wore me out a bit. I'll really try to do better tomorrow/Monday.

Weird to be (justly) called out for not posting *enough* (holler if you hear me, sockface).

Re: Are You Being Served? [4:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:22 pm
by Tangrowth
Mongoose, you didn't actually cast your vote (yet).

Re: Are You Being Served? [4:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:22 pm
by Mongoose
Cheese and crackers, Ive been so bad about that lately.

Re: Are You Being Served? [4:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:24 pm
by Elohcin
MP, not sure about maintenance. I am not even sure where you would begin to look to figure out something like that. It is possible that either or both could have been nightkilled just as it is possible that Peacock has been nightkilled. I am more concerned with the baddie thing right now, I think. If we get the last baddie out, we've won. However, I guess if no one seems suspicious enough...maybe we ought to see who is bandwagoning together...maintenance will most likely vote together in this type of situation if they are both alive.

Re: Are You Being Served? [4:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:25 pm
by Tangrowth
Elohcin wrote:MP, not sure about maintenance. I am not even sure where you would begin to look to figure out something like that. It is possible that either or both could have been nightkilled just as it is possible that Peacock has been nightkilled. I am more concerned with the baddie thing right now, I think. If we get the last baddie out, we've won. However, I guess if no one seems suspicious enough...maybe we ought to see who is bandwagoning together...maintenance will most likely vote together in this type of situation if they are both alive.
What about the theory that Maintenance would want to lynch players regardless of whether or not who is baddie? You didn't think the way votes went down last lynch period was odd?

And your "if we get the last baddie out, we've won" is not true, if both Peacock and the Maintenance are alive. I agree the baddie is much higher priority, though. Guess we'll see what happens.

Re: Are You Being Served? [4:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:31 pm
by Elohcin
MovingPictures07 wrote:
Elohcin wrote:MP, not sure about maintenance. I am not even sure where you would begin to look to figure out something like that. It is possible that either or both could have been nightkilled just as it is possible that Peacock has been nightkilled. I am more concerned with the baddie thing right now, I think. If we get the last baddie out, we've won. However, I guess if no one seems suspicious enough...maybe we ought to see who is bandwagoning together...maintenance will most likely vote together in this type of situation if they are both alive.
What about the theory that Maintenance would want to lynch players regardless of whether or not who is baddie? You didn't think the way votes went down last lynch period was odd?

And your "if we get the last baddie out, we've won" is not true, if both Peacock and the Maintenance are alive. I agree the baddie is much higher priority, though. Guess we'll see what happens.
I'm confused. Maintenance needs peacock and rumbold gone to win, but can win with either team. If we get rumbold out....we win, regardless of is maintenance is alive or not....yes?

Re: Are You Being Served? [4:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:33 pm
by Tangrowth
Elohcin wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:
Elohcin wrote:MP, not sure about maintenance. I am not even sure where you would begin to look to figure out something like that. It is possible that either or both could have been nightkilled just as it is possible that Peacock has been nightkilled. I am more concerned with the baddie thing right now, I think. If we get the last baddie out, we've won. However, I guess if no one seems suspicious enough...maybe we ought to see who is bandwagoning together...maintenance will most likely vote together in this type of situation if they are both alive.
What about the theory that Maintenance would want to lynch players regardless of whether or not who is baddie? You didn't think the way votes went down last lynch period was odd?

And your "if we get the last baddie out, we've won" is not true, if both Peacock and the Maintenance are alive. I agree the baddie is much higher priority, though. Guess we'll see what happens.
I'm confused. Maintenance needs peacock and rumbold gone to win, but can win with either team. If we get rumbold out....we win, regardless of is maintenance is alive or not....yes?
Peacock is a civvie. I said if Peacock is alive and Maintenance is alive, then we can't win.

Re: Are You Being Served? [4:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:35 pm
by Elohcin
Are you saying you are maintenance?

Re: Are You Being Served? [4:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:36 pm
by Tangrowth
Elohcin wrote:Are you saying you are maintenance?
What? No, I am not. Civvies (we) can't win if Peacock is alive and Maintenance is alive.

Re: Are You Being Served? [4:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:37 pm
by Elohcin
if peacock is alive and maintenance is alive, then maintenance cannot win, but civvies can.

HOST can you confirm?

Re: Are You Being Served? [4:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:38 pm
by Tangrowth
Elohcin wrote:if peacock is alive and maintenance is alive, then maintenance cannot win, but civvies can.

HOST can you confirm?
Elo, look, that doesn't make sense.

If civvies, including Peacock, and Maintenance are alive, then how could the game even end? Either Peacock or Maintenance would have to be eliminated before all non-Peacock civvies could win.

But I'm hoping Robert can confirm this.

Re: Are You Being Served? [4:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:40 pm
by Epignosis
The language is plain:

[The Maintenance] can win with any team, but both Captain Peacock and Mr. Rumbold must be out.

If Capt. Peacock is in and the game is over, Maintenance loses.
Is Mr. Rumbold is in and the game is over, Maintenance loses.

If Capt. Peacock and Mr. Rumbold are out, Maintenance wins.

Re: Are You Being Served? [4:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:42 pm
by Elohcin
Right, so if we get the last baddie this lynch period. the game is over, civvies win. Maintenance may or may not win, depending on if peacock is dead or alive.

Re: Are You Being Served? [4:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:44 pm
by Tangrowth
Epignosis wrote:The language is plain:

[The Maintenance] can win with any team, but both Captain Peacock and Mr. Rumbold must be out.

If Capt. Peacock is in and the game is over, Maintenance loses.
Is Mr. Rumbold is in and the game is over, Maintenance loses.

If Capt. Peacock and Mr. Rumbold are out, Maintenance wins.
Hmmmm, interesting, so you're saying if civvies and Maintenance were the ONLY factions remaining, and Peacock were among those civvies, the civvies would win and the game would end? or would the game continue until either Maintenance or Peacock were eliminated?

I would assume the latter, since that's how I typically have seen such roles, but it seems you're saying the former. Which is fantastic.

Re: Are You Being Served? [4:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:45 pm
by Tangrowth
Elohcin wrote:Right, so if we get the last baddie this lynch period. the game is over, civvies win. Maintenance may or may not win, depending on if peacock is dead or alive.
Sounds that way. That's not what I was expecting at all; it's a bit unorthodox. Awesome though.

Well, you know where I think your vote should go. Personally, I'm seeing Mongoose as civvie, but I'm not super confident about that.

Re: Are You Being Served? [4:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:47 pm
by Epignosis
MovingPictures07 wrote:
Epignosis wrote:The language is plain:

[The Maintenance] can win with any team, but both Captain Peacock and Mr. Rumbold must be out.

If Capt. Peacock is in and the game is over, Maintenance loses.
Is Mr. Rumbold is in and the game is over, Maintenance loses.

If Capt. Peacock and Mr. Rumbold are out, Maintenance wins.
Hmmmm, interesting, so you're saying if civvies and Maintenance were the ONLY factions remaining, and Peacock were among those civvies, the civvies would win and the game would end? or would the game continue until either Maintenance or Peacock were eliminated?

I would assume the latter, since that's how I typically have seen such roles, but it seems you're saying the former. Which is fantastic.
I am saying this: Regardless of what happens, if Peacock or Rumbold are in at Endgame, Maintenance loses.

Re: Are You Being Served? [4:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:49 pm
by Tangrowth
Epignosis wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:
Epignosis wrote:The language is plain:

[The Maintenance] can win with any team, but both Captain Peacock and Mr. Rumbold must be out.

If Capt. Peacock is in and the game is over, Maintenance loses.
Is Mr. Rumbold is in and the game is over, Maintenance loses.

If Capt. Peacock and Mr. Rumbold are out, Maintenance wins.
Hmmmm, interesting, so you're saying if civvies and Maintenance were the ONLY factions remaining, and Peacock were among those civvies, the civvies would win and the game would end? or would the game continue until either Maintenance or Peacock were eliminated?

I would assume the latter, since that's how I typically have seen such roles, but it seems you're saying the former. Which is fantastic.
I am saying this: Regardless of what happens, if Peacock or Rumbold are in at Endgame, Maintenance loses.
Got it, thanks! :)

Re: Are You Being Served? [4:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:51 pm
by Elohcin
MovingPictures07 wrote:
Elohcin wrote:Right, so if we get the last baddie this lynch period. the game is over, civvies win. Maintenance may or may not win, depending on if peacock is dead or alive.
Sounds that way. That's not what I was expecting at all; it's a bit unorthodox. Awesome though.

Well, you know where I think your vote should go. Personally, I'm seeing Mongoose as civvie, but I'm not super confident about that.
Well..I am glad to hear you are not super confident b/c I am not super confident she is civvie and and I am not sure confident that Signore Rapa Testa is baddie. I am only half way through reading Signore Rapa Testa though. I should be sleeping. My kids are sleeping. But instead I am paying Mafia. If you were a mom you would understand how stupid that is :p

Re: Are You Being Served? [4:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:59 pm
by Elohcin
Okay...I am pretty confident that MP is civvie :D As for Signore Rapa Testa...he has contributed more than mongoose. He's made cases, shared opinions, etc. FZ seems to have been on him since the very beginning of the game which is weird to me. I'm not sure why, but it is weird. It is like she picked to go after him from the get go. Anyway....I think Mongoose is more likely to be bad than Signore Rapa Testa. I will vote for her for now at least. And then I am off to get some sleep. Morning comes very quickly in our house...stupid summer sun!

Re: Are You Being Served? [4:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 11:00 pm
by Elohcin
Oh, and I really hope more people come in and join this discussion tomorrow. Don't wait til the last two hours people :p

Re: Are You Being Served? [4:00pm]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 11:19 pm
by Tangrowth
Like the genius I am, I used the incorrect name for Signore Rapa Testa once I believe, so I have +1 vote against me already. Lol.

Elohcin wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:
Elohcin wrote:Right, so if we get the last baddie this lynch period. the game is over, civvies win. Maintenance may or may not win, depending on if peacock is dead or alive.
Sounds that way. That's not what I was expecting at all; it's a bit unorthodox. Awesome though.

Well, you know where I think your vote should go. Personally, I'm seeing Mongoose as civvie, but I'm not super confident about that.
Well..I am glad to hear you are not super confident b/c I am not super confident she is civvie and and I am not sure confident that Signore Rapa Testa is baddie. I am only half way through reading Signore Rapa Testa though. I should be sleeping. My kids are sleeping. But instead I am paying Mafia. If you were a mom you would understand how stupid that is :p
I at least can respect your voting decision nonetheless. Maybe you're right.

I could be wrong about Signore Rapa Testa, but I hope I'm not. I'm just going with what I have assessed to make the most sense to me, and I didn't see myself changing my mind. I'm sick of doubting myself!

And agreed on more discussion... where is everyone?

Re: Are You Being Served? [4:00pm]

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 12:27 am
by Boogs
Sorry guys, I've been at a game convention all day with Corsair. I will catch up in a little before bed.

Re: Are You Being Served? [4:00pm]

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 12:45 am
by Boogs
I still think it's FZ regardless or your assessment Mp. Either you're doing a really bad job on your accusation, or you're the Baddie and not FZ lol. I've got to cast my vote on FZ to make sure we can win this game. I will be busy tomorrow again at the convention, so that's what I am going with. I will try to check in to see if anything changes, but not likely.