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Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {DAY 5}

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 5:30 pm
by Bullzeye
My big alliance is basically defunct at this point. Any killers with the intention of winning this should take out MP, thereby satisfying my desire for revenge and unraveling the other big alliance of the game. It's a good idea. He'll kill you if you don't, one way or another.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {DAY 5}

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 6:05 pm
by A Person
I'm sure the reason is clear, but I felt i had to vote for Epi in self defense.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {DAY 5}

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 6:05 pm
by Snow Dog
Going to save AP aand vote Gnosis. Sorry Rob and happy Birthday for last week.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {DAY 5}

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 6:51 pm
by DharmaHelper
Exciting day so far.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {DAY 5}

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 7:23 pm
by insertnamehere
Eye for an eye.

At the White Tower in the Tower of London, tourists are passing through a metal detector on their way to see the Crown Jewels. A security man gives some items back to a tourist.
SECURITY MAN: Put this in your bag, please.
(Jim walks through the detector which beeps an alarm.)
SECURITY MAN: Excuse me, sir.
(Still chewing on his gum, Jim stops and steps back again.)
SECURITY MAN: Any metal objects – keys, mobile phones?
(Smiling apologetically, Jim takes his phone out of his pocket and puts it into the tray.)
SECURITY MAN: You can go through.
(Jim steps through the detector again, which stays silent this time. The security man slides the tray across and Jim takes the phone again.)
SECURITY MAN: Thank you.
(Jim walks on and enters the room. He stops at the large display case in the middle of the room and looks at the throne inside the case. On the throne is a red velvet cushion with an ornate crown resting on it. An equally ornate orb is balanced on one arm of the throne and a sceptre rests across the other arm. As other tourists walk around the case, Jim takes a pair of earphones from his pocket and pokes them into his ears. Bending his head from side to side to crack his neck, he lifts his phone and switches it on, then closes his eyes in bliss, still rolling his head on his neck and spreading his arms either side of him and then slowly beginning to lower them as the Overture to Rossini’s “The Thieving Magpie” begins to play.)
(In the nearby surveillance room, one of the two men watching the security footage from all around the Tower turns to his colleague.)
SURVEILLANCE MAN 1: Fancy a cuppa, then, mate?
SURVEILLANCE MAN 2: Yeah, why not?
(The first man gets up and walks away.)

A man brings a tray containing a cup and saucer and a milk jug into the office of the bank’s Director.
BANK DIRECTOR (looking at his computer screen): Gilts at seven; Dutch telecoms in freefall. Thank you, Harvey.
(Harvey puts the tray down onto the table and leaves the room again.)

The prison’s governor, with an enormous “Keep calm and carry on” mug full of tea on his desk, slams a file down onto his desk as several warders sit or stand nearby.
PRISON GOVERNOR: What do you say: refuse them all parole and bring back the rope(!) Let’s begin.

At the Tower, Jim finishes lowering his arms and then lifts up the phone and scrolls through the app icons on it. He pushes aside the one that has a cartoon of a prisoner with striped prison clothes and standing behind bars, scrolls past the one of a piggy bank with the English flag on it, and selects the one with a crown on it. The icon of the crown unfolds like a padlock being unlocked and digital code begins to stream out into the air, and in the surveillance room alarms begin to beep in warning as some of the TV screens go blank. An automated voice plays into the White Tower.
VOICE (repeatedly): This is an emergency. Please leave the building.
(The tourists start to hurry out of the room. A security guard walks over to Jim, assuming that he can’t hear the alarm through his earphones, and puts a hand on his shoulder to attract his attention.)
SECURITY GUARD: Sir, I’m gonna have to ask you to leave.
(Jim turns and sprays something into his face and he immediately collapses unconscious. The security door closes and locks, and Jim takes his cap off and smoothes his hair out. In the surveillance room, the man slams down the cups of tea he was bringing back and grabs a phone as he starts to dial.)

At Scotland Yard, Sally Donovan hurries across the office and opens the door to Greg’s office.
DONOVAN: Sir, there’s been a break-in.
(Greg has his feet up on the desk and is drinking coffee and eating a pastry.)
LESTRADE (with his mouth full): Not our division.
DONOVAN: You’ll want it.

At the White Tower, Jim scrolls through the apps on his phone and selects the English piggy bank. The piggy bank breaks open to reveal many gold coins, and digital code streams out into the air. At the Bank of England, the Director looks down at the cup of tea he is holding as the liquid inside begins to shimmer and the building vibrates gently.
(Alarms blare and his screen flashes the alarm “VAULT OPENING” as a graphic shows the door to the vault swinging slowly open. The Director’s jaw drops and he stares in disbelief, his tea cup slowly tilting in his hand until the tea pours out into his lap.)

Greg is driving Sally across the river with sirens blaring. Sally has just got an update on her phone.
LESTRADE: Hacked into the Tower of bloody London security?! How?!
(Sally’s phone rings and she answers it.)
LESTRADE: Tell them we’re already on our way.
DONOVAN: There’s been another one; another break-in.
(Greg stares across at her as she listens.)
DONOVAN: Bank of England!

At the White Tower, Jim is chomping on his gum as he flamboyantly scrawls a message onto the glass of the display case. Finishing the message – which we can’t yet clearly see – he draws a smiley face inside the letter “O”. Lifting his phone once more, he selects the app with the prisoner on it. The bars over the prisoner lift away and the striped jacket which the icon is wearing turns into a plain black one, then the image changes to a keyhole. Digital code streams out into the air. In Pentonville Prison, the governor is just lifting his mug to his mouth as alarms begin to sound. A prison warder bursts into the room.
PRISON WARDER: Sir, security’s down, sir. It’s failing!
(The governor surges to his feet, accidentally sweeping his mug off the table and onto the floor.)

On the road, Sally gets another phonecall. Greg looks across to her.
LESTRADE: What is it now?
DONOVAN: Pentonville Prison!
(Greg stares at her in disbelief.)
Epignosis is in jail. Matt F and Lizzy have been released, and are back in the game. You have 24 hours to vote.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 7:28 pm
by DharmaHelper
Welcome back you two.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 7:35 pm
by Elohcin
wait, is it night? or day?

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 7:37 pm
by DharmaHelper
Eye for an eye, I guess people got released and so Epig defaulted into prison.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 7:58 pm
by Bullzeye
That actually kinda makes sense.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:00 pm
by Elohcin
still doesn't answer if it is day or night

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {DAY 5}

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:11 pm
by Tangrowth
Wow. See you later, Epig, and welcome back, Matt F and Lizzy!

You're still awesome, btw, Epig, I just was (am) upset at the way things went down between us. That said, glad you're in jail. :p

Bullzeye wrote:My big alliance is basically defunct at this point. Any killers with the intention of winning this should take out MP, thereby satisfying my desire for revenge and unraveling the other big alliance of the game. It's a good idea. He'll kill you if you don't, one way or another.

Except that I only have one puzzle kill left, and I am saving it for a very specific purpose. But I can understand your desire for revenge.

And I never said I was different than you in any other way other than you're a backstabber and I'm an angel. :p

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:12 pm
by Tangrowth
And wow, this is weird, I guess it's day again because of the poll?

This could also be supported by the fact that two players were released but only one went into jail. I'm thinking the person who gets the most votes will go directly to jail (and will not pass go and not collect $200) as Epig did.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:14 pm
by DharmaHelper

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 10:20 pm
by Hedgeowl
I go celebrate my Birthday again and crazy sh*t happens again?? I love this game!!! :hugs:

WB Lizzy and Matt F! I have no idea what's going on, but who cares! :D

I had the girliest drink tonight. It was sooo pink and even called Girls Revamped, but man was it tasty. :wine:

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 11:13 pm
by Spacedaisy
Welcome back Matt and Lizzy! See ya Epi. I will say this, well played man. You did what you had to and I get that.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {DAY 5}

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2013 11:44 pm
by Spacedaisy
DharmaHelper wrote:

Thanks Daisy for this tip :o
I have no idea what you mean by this, but whatever.

Also, you misunderstood my meaning when i said i didn't betray yo for him.I listened And watched what was happening and realized very quickly that I did not feel comfortable trusting you guys, well before MP entered the game. My partner and I discussed it and he felt the same as I did. Going along with you was simply easier at the time than outright going against you. MP coming into the game only allowed us to form a group of people I felt I could trust. This is not saying anything against your characters, you two are playing a fantastic game. You have walked a great balance of keeping your promises while still hurting the people you say you won't, without actually getting your hands dirty. I give you props for it and I would expect nothing less from such strategic players as yourselves. To be honest, Bullz your power is too great to keep around to end game, it would make it very hard for anyone to win against someone who can simply get out of jail three times. You would feel the same if the tables were turned. As far as Snow's kill, I would not presume to tell him how or when to use it. It's his to use as he sees fit. If he uses it on me, so be it. I don't think you are better or worse than me or MP, but I think you are too dangerous to have around in end game, and I don't think you have been as honest with your collaborators as you have claimed. I fact I am certain of that. And it's fine. The difference here is I know that when the time comes, MP will kill me if that is what it takes to win the game. And vice versa. I am not deluding myself. But I do know that when I am working with him, I have no fear that he is working behind my back to get someone else to take me out. So I am comfortable working with him, and Elo, and Hedge and of course my own partner. In the end we don't all win, and that is cool. Let the chips fall where they may. And in all honesty if you guys win it, you will deserve it, because this is not an easy game. I have no question if MP has not been 100% honest with me, and I know I have been 100% with Elohcin. Do I know she has been 100% honest with me? I don't know it like I do with MP, but I believe she has and I trust her. So to clarify my meaning, I did not betray you for him, I betrayed you because I never felt like I could fully trust you to begin with. There were too many warning signs to the contrary. Again, that is just the nature of the game and the sign i was seeing told me you were playing a really strategic game, but i knew it was not going to my benefit in the long run. And your "super alliance" or "mega alliance" came about after the group I trust had already formed. So I did not betray you for him. I pulled for him because I already knew I could trust him and I wasn't going to see an ally get sent to prison right out of the gate. If you must know, I was pulling for Matt F. Doing everything I could find to do to help save him, in the end it wasn't enough. So my betrayal of you was completely my own and for reasons unconnected to MP, and I have no regret about it. I honestly, don't really care if I win or not, I am just enjoying the game. I will try my best to win but I won't lose sleep over it if I lose. So if my choices thus far lead to my down fall, oh well. I've made the choices I felt best for me and mine as they came along. No regrets. :)

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:46 am
by Matt
Cool beans!


Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:52 am
by Matt
Anyone want to catch me up? What do the alliances look like?


Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 4:01 am
by Matt
INH, you do realize you put me on the poll but not Lizzy? :sigh:

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 5:01 am
by Matt
Also, just so everyone knows, I am going to be sitting in a corner, not causing any trouble. I won't even be using my power.

Bullz, dude, I am surprised you rezzed me. If I recall, you have told the thread about 6 bajillion times about how I was begging you for this and that, and then you rez me in the hopes I will vote MP today.

I actually considered doing it, but then I realized how many chuckles I would get if I were to completely screw you and DH over yet again! :haha:

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia {DAY 5}

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 6:43 am
by Bullzeye
Spacedaisy wrote: Also, you misunderstood my meaning when i said i didn't betray yo for him.I listened And watched what was happening and realized very quickly that I did not feel comfortable trusting you guys, well before MP entered the game. My partner and I discussed it and he felt the same as I did. Going along with you was simply easier at the time than outright going against you. MP coming into the game only allowed us to form a group of people I felt I could trust. This is not saying anything against your characters, you two are playing a fantastic game. You have walked a great balance of keeping your promises while still hurting the people you say you won't, without actually getting your hands dirty. I give you props for it and I would expect nothing less from such strategic players as yourselves. To be honest, Bullz your power is too great to keep around to end game, it would make it very hard for anyone to win against someone who can simply get out of jail three times. You would feel the same if the tables were turned. As far as Snow's kill, I would not presume to tell him how or when to use it. It's his to use as he sees fit. If he uses it on me, so be it. I don't think you are better or worse than me or MP, but I think you are too dangerous to have around in end game, and I don't think you have been as honest with your collaborators as you have claimed. I fact I am certain of that. And it's fine. The difference here is I know that when the time comes, MP will kill me if that is what it takes to win the game. And vice versa. I am not deluding myself. But I do know that when I am working with him, I have no fear that he is working behind my back to get someone else to take me out. So I am comfortable working with him, and Elo, and Hedge and of course my own partner. In the end we don't all win, and that is cool. Let the chips fall where they may. And in all honesty if you guys win it, you will deserve it, because this is not an easy game. I have no question if MP has not been 100% honest with me, and I know I have been 100% with Elohcin. Do I know she has been 100% honest with me? I don't know it like I do with MP, but I believe she has and I trust her. So to clarify my meaning, I did not betray you for him, I betrayed you because I never felt like I could fully trust you to begin with. There were too many warning signs to the contrary. Again, that is just the nature of the game and the sign i was seeing told me you were playing a really strategic game, but i knew it was not going to my benefit in the long run. And your "super alliance" or "mega alliance" came about after the group I trust had already formed. So I did not betray you for him. I pulled for him because I already knew I could trust him and I wasn't going to see an ally get sent to prison right out of the gate. If you must know, I was pulling for Matt F. Doing everything I could find to do to help save him, in the end it wasn't enough. So my betrayal of you was completely my own and for reasons unconnected to MP, and I have no regret about it. I honestly, don't really care if I win or not, I am just enjoying the game. I will try my best to win but I won't lose sleep over it if I lose. So if my choices thus far lead to my down fall, oh well. I've made the choices I felt best for me and mine as they came along. No regrets. :)
First, we're definitely not going to win. MP and Matt between them have seen to that. Also regarding Matt we only turned against him because he'd screwed us over at every turn and we had no reason to want to continue associating with him. He offered us control over his kill before he died and we didn't send in a name but perhaps we should've got him to kill BWT so MP could never replace in.

Matt F wrote:Also, just so everyone knows, I am going to be sitting in a corner, not causing any trouble. I won't even be using my power.

Bullz, dude, I am surprised you rezzed me. If I recall, you have told the thread about 6 bajillion times about how I was begging you for this and that, and then you rez me in the hopes I will vote MP today.

I actually considered doing it, but then I realized how many chuckles I would get if I were to completely screw you and DH over yet again! :haha:
Don't you think you've screwed us over enough for one game? You owe me and DH.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 7:02 am
by Bullzeye
Oh and I almost forgot: *Voting MP*. Obviously.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 1:21 pm
by Matt
Despite what I said, I'd still be dead if it wasn't for Bullz, and so I do owe him one.

Vote MP

We're even, Bullz.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 1:23 pm
by DharmaHelper
Matt F wrote:Despite what I said, I'd still be dead if it wasn't for Bullz, and so I do owe him one.

Vote MP

We're even, Bullz.
You gorgeous man.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 2:19 pm
by A Person
Due to the fact that he led the bandwagon against me yesterday and nearly put me in jail, I voted MP.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 2:22 pm
by Matt
Hey Vomps and Mongoose

From what I've seen, it looks like you two aren't taking sides. I think we should start a brand new alliance, just the three of us!

PM me for details!

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 2:28 pm
by Vompatti
I wouldn't mind a new alliance, if you know what I mean.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 2:28 pm
by Spacedaisy
I'm sure it comes as no surprise that I am voting DH.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 2:29 pm
by Matt
I'm afraid I don't ever know what you mean, Vomps. :p

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 2:57 pm
by Hedgeowl
On my way to the airport. Voting DramaHelper. :dance:

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:02 pm
by Matt
Snap! She called DH Dramahelper!


Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:04 pm
by DharmaHelper

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:17 pm
by Lizzy
That comeback is so dry, it's almost funny. :haha:

Anyway, sorry SockMan, but I have to pay a debt; plus, you were on my personal list as well after taking part in my sentencing. :mafia:

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:18 pm
by Tangrowth
voting DH

And despite what I've said, nothing personal of course, just that I still stand by my assessment that you and Bullz are by far the biggest threats right now. Hopefully I don't die, but it is what it is if I do.

And I like to think I've made the FUNNY OR DIE mantra proud, so if I do die, I guess it's because I wasn't off the wall enough. Or maybe it's the other way around (just ask Matt F). Whatever.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:19 pm
by Tangrowth
Lizzy wrote:That comeback is so dry, it's almost funny. :haha:

Anyway, sorry SockMan, but I have to pay a debt; plus, you were on my personal list as well after taking part in my sentencing. :mafia:
I am on your personal list yet I was the one to stand up and question why you were railroaded?

Sorry, but, part of the reason Bullz and DH's alliance/movement bugged me so much was the way they did that to you for no apparent reason, so this vote for me feels unwarranted.

But OK then.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:20 pm
by DharmaHelper
Nothing personal MP but battle lines have been drawn and you ended up on the wrong side of the playground

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:21 pm
by Lizzy
kay, can i go play now?

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:22 pm
by DharmaHelper
Lizzy wrote:kay, can i go play now?


Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:25 pm
by Tangrowth
Whatever, just vote me off, next two weeks will be too busy for me anyway.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:26 pm
by Lizzy
Why does there have to be at least a picky of nekkid wiminz when I google 'playing with barbies'?:\

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:27 pm
by Matt
The vote stands 5 to 3 right now, MP. I don't see why you still can't come out on top over Dramahelper.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:28 pm
by Matt
Oops, 6 to 3

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:28 pm
by DharmaHelper
Lizzy wrote:Why does there have to be at least a picky of nekkid wiminz when I google 'playing with barbies'?:\

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:28 pm
by Vompatti
Lizzy wrote:Why does there have to be at least a picky of nekkid wiminz when I google 'playing with barbies'?:\
I used to take their clothes off all the time. :mafia:

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:29 pm
by Snow Dog
Voted MP. Sorry Alex.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:30 pm
by Tangrowth
Matt F wrote:The vote stands 5 to 3 right now, MP. I don't see why you still can't come out on top over Dramahelper.
It's okay, just get it over with. I've lost. I don't have any desire to continue anymore.

I need to go on mafia hiatus anyway for a plethora of reasons (work-related -- 9-15 and 10-15 are pushing my hours up, especially starting next week, studying-related as my test is two weeks from tomorrow, and just overall mafia burnout-related), so might as well start it now.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:31 pm
by Lizzy
Vompatti wrote:
Lizzy wrote:Why does there have to be at least a picky of nekkid wiminz when I google 'playing with barbies'?:\
I used to take their clothes off all the time. :mafia:
me too i should've googled playing with kens :blush:

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:32 pm
by DharmaHelper
MovingPictures07 wrote:
Matt F wrote:The vote stands 5 to 3 right now, MP. I don't see why you still can't come out on top over Dramahelper.
It's okay, just get it over with. I've lost. I don't have any desire to continue anymore.

I need to go on mafia hiatus anyway for a plethora of reasons (work-related -- 9-15 and 10-15 are pushing my hours up, especially starting next week, studying-related as my test is two weeks from tomorrow, and just overall mafia burnout-related), so might as well start it now.
But you're the Batman to my Joker what am I supposed to do.

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:32 pm
by Vompatti
Lizzy wrote:
Vompatti wrote:
Lizzy wrote:Why does there have to be at least a picky of nekkid wiminz when I google 'playing with barbies'?:\
I used to take their clothes off all the time. :mafia:
me too i should've googled playing with kens :blush:
I woudnl't mind . . . no nvm :blush:

Re: MM6: Sherlock Mafia EYE FOR AN EYE

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2013 3:33 pm
by Lizzy
Vompatti wrote:
Lizzy wrote:
Vompatti wrote:
Lizzy wrote:Why does there have to be at least a picky of nekkid wiminz when I google 'playing with barbies'?:\
I used to take their clothes off all the time. :mafia:
me too i should've googled playing with kens :blush:
I woudnl't mind . . . no nvm :blush:
ooooooooh :blush: