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Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:29 am
by Turnip Head
And while I now do believe that what Dom meant re: juliets was that she was buddying up to the civs with the "us" comment, I'm not sure I believe that it was a genuine suspicion on Dom's part. I feel like juliets uses that sort of inclusive language all the time when she is civ. So it still pings me that he brought it up. It feels like he's looking for any cracks he can to shove some suspicion through. First Dom suspected MP, then when MP essentially gave up Dom got frustrated with that, "what the hell am I supposed to post now" he said, and moved onto suspecting Blindfaeth and Golden, then saying he might vote for one of the self voters, then he brought up Jules' "us" thing. It feels like he's juggling a lot of suspicions just to see what will work. I don't know, something about Dom's game so far feels off to me.

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:30 am
by juliets
I really don't want to bring this up but I want to get some reaction to a thought I had while falling asleep last night (when most of my ideas occur). Regardless of whether BF is civ or bad shouldn't we vote for him to keep the will out of the mafia's hands? I know there is no guarantee SVS is not mafia but it seems like a lower probability that she is bad than what would happen if the baddies NK BF (which I think they would surely do). If they NK BF then they will surely NK Zomba. I really don't think BF is bad, I just think he was misguided when he announced that he had a will as that would surely put a target on his back. So, I'm prepared to vote elsewhere today, I just want to do the right thing for the most people. So let me know what you think about what i'm thinking.

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:32 am
by Marmot
S~V~S wrote:
blindfaeth wrote:
Metalmarsh89 wrote:
blindfaeth wrote:Oh well, if people are interested in lynching me I suppose I'll share what I know. At least if I die, SVS won't be able to lie to you about whose will it is. It is Zomberellas will. The reason I did not come after her in the thread as many of you suggested is because she was literally absent for so long. Which I think is oddly convenient, but whatever. Final thoughts, I think dom is bad, he's only analytical like this when he has a team. I think epi and bills are bad. Think SVS is misguided. Good luck
So do you think she is the millionaire, or even a baddie at all?
I think she is bad. It is awfully convenient she was completely absent a LONG time when I was talking about a stranger who could be the millionaire. And her posts until that silent period ended were complete fluff.

Yes I meant bullz, must have been a phone autocorrect.
But you did not even consider that she might be Oliver Oliver. That is the thing that bothers me most about this part of your game, the Will. TBH, I would be MUCH more likely to think I could be wrong about you had you done so, had you waffled at all.

Your choosing the will made me think you were one of two players, giving a chance that my gut read about you could have been wrong:

Sato Okimo - The Japanese Lawyer - Can execute wills, stock certificates and promissory notes. (Civ)

Gustav Shrik - The Banker - Can store papers in his vault. (bad)

The way you handled all of this in such a way that I cannot reconcile it with you being Sato Okimo.

I think Zomba is going to be lynched, becasue people can't resist info, even it it only has a 50% chance of accuracy. However she flips will tell us something. None of the baddies are unlynchable, so even with the Millionaire in play, I don't see such an aggressive pushing under the bus happening, so you will have my apologies if she IS the Millionaire. The way the whole rest of the game plays out will be based on today, I think.

Linki~ I am sorry that you feel i have ruined YOUR game, BF. Like I said, i don't think you will be lynched. I don;t think my suspicion of you is any more ridiculous than anyone elses suspicions :shrug:
What if the baddies are just making an incredibly ballsy Day 1 move by throwing a teammate under the bus?

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:35 am
by Dom
bea wrote:Dom - do you think Golden might be bad? or are you just super defensive because he suspects you? Is there any way you could see him as misguided?
I feel you being super defensive - because you are feeling attacked. - I'd like your input as to where you think these attacks are coming from. Is there any way you think you both might be right but just not seeing the other side of the coin?

(this btw - was the post I should have prolly made to MP in the time we don't talk about - I'm sorry for handling that poorly - but I was really trying to get to the same thing as I am here)
There is no way we're both right because both Blindfaeth and Golden have decided I am bad (I am not) on shaky (at best) presumptions they have made. These presumptions are essentially outright lies. I seem to be the only one calling them on this. Tell me, Bea, am I only analytical when I am on a team?

It's very frustrating to talk to a pair of people who have literally said they do not care what anyone else thinks. It's also very frustrating to try and point out why someone is wrong when they literally say, "Nothing you could say could change my mind" when their mind was made up on an incorrect supposition.

they could be civvie. In fact, given Zomb's post-- I think BF might be.
Sophie wrote:Hi everyone :wine: !
This game looks fun

So, im doing a long distance trip to my hometown today, by bus, so you are gonna have to be pwtient yo me until at least tomorrow, where i start the cqtch up. Ill be less busy after wednesday, but i will try to catch up anyway this weekend. Just want a bitb of patience the first couple of days.

Im glad im playing again :wine:
Glad to have you!! :)

TH-- I'm juggling suspicions? Please-- look at how many different people BF has thrown shade at for no reason. Do you suspect BF for the same reason then? I just don't understand why suspecting 2 people (MP and BF) makes me someone who is throwing things out for no reason. I questioned juliets. Do you find it unusual for me to question people? I doubt that.
I'd rather not talk about the MP situation given the last time we did the result that ensued. I don't think we need to rehash that? Like... what else was I supposed to post? MP had a total meltdown over me asking 2 questions and didn't answer the second one. I felt responsible for MP's meltdown. I don't want to explore it again?

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:37 am
by juliets
Thats an interesting thought MM. But wouldn't that only be profitable if SVS were bad?

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:38 am
by Dom
juliets wrote:Thats an interesting thought MM. But wouldn't that only be profitable if SVS were bad?
I don't think, at this point,we have baddie SVS-- do you?

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:39 am
by juliets
Dom wrote:
juliets wrote:Thats an interesting thought MM. But wouldn't that only be profitable if SVS were bad?
I don't think, at this point,we have baddie SVS-- do you?
No I don't at all. Which makes that idea for me a non-starter.

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:40 am
by S~V~S
juliets wrote:I really don't want to bring this up but I want to get some reaction to a thought I had while falling asleep last night (when most of my ideas occur). Regardless of whether BF is civ or bad shouldn't we vote for him to keep the will out of the mafia's hands? I know there is no guarantee SVS is not mafia but it seems like a lower probability that she is bad than what would happen if the baddies NK BF (which I think they would surely do). If they NK BF then they will surely NK Zomba. I really don't think BF is bad, I just think he was misguided when he announced that he had a will as that would surely put a target on his back. So, I'm prepared to vote elsewhere today, I just want to do the right thing for the most people. So let me know what you think about what i'm thinking.
No, you should vote for whoever you think is bad. TBH, if the mafia gets it, so what? Then they will lie about its contents; I have no intentions of voting for anyone based on info, whether I trust the dropper or not. I don't think it really matters who gets it. I don't particularly want it, and would be pleased if one of the item takers were to take it from me. Neither of them are baddies (the circus people seem to have pretty neutral win cons). All it oes is draw a target on my back, tbh.

I do think BF is bad, but don't vote for him unless you think so, too. Not becasue of the will.

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:41 am
by Marmot
juliets wrote:Thats an interesting thought MM. But wouldn't that only be profitable if SVS were bad?
Nono, I was refering to Zomba and BF in this case. I was just responding to SVS's post.

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:41 am
by Turnip Head
Dom wrote:TH-- I'm juggling suspicions? Please-- look at how many different people BF has thrown shade at for no reason. Do you suspect BF for the same reason then? I just don't understand why suspecting 2 people (MP and BF) makes me someone who is throwing things out for no reason. I questioned juliets. Do you find it unusual for me to question people? I doubt that.
I'd rather not talk about the MP situation given the last time we did the result that ensued. I don't think we need to rehash that? Like... what else was I supposed to post? MP had a total meltdown over me asking 2 questions and didn't answer the second one. I felt responsible for MP's meltdown. I don't want to explore it again?
I don't think you questioning people is unusual (thanks for answering for me before I replied though :P ), but questioning juliets specifically, about that specific thing? I did think that was a little over the top. It felt like a normal juliets thing to say and I thought you would have agreed with me on that point.

Fair enough about MP.

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:44 am
by juliets
Thanks for giving me your opinion SVS, it was very helpful.

Linki, ok MM I must have gotten confused. I'll go back and read it again. Haven't finished my coffee yet.

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:45 am
by Dom
juliets wrote:
Dom wrote:
juliets wrote:Thats an interesting thought MM. But wouldn't that only be profitable if SVS were bad?
I don't think, at this point,we have baddie SVS-- do you?
No I don't at all. Which makes that idea for me a non-starter.
Same tbh.
Turnip Head wrote:
Dom wrote:TH-- I'm juggling suspicions? Please-- look at how many different people BF has thrown shade at for no reason. Do you suspect BF for the same reason then? I just don't understand why suspecting 2 people (MP and BF) makes me someone who is throwing things out for no reason. I questioned juliets. Do you find it unusual for me to question people? I doubt that.
I'd rather not talk about the MP situation given the last time we did the result that ensued. I don't think we need to rehash that? Like... what else was I supposed to post? MP had a total meltdown over me asking 2 questions and didn't answer the second one. I felt responsible for MP's meltdown. I don't want to explore it again?
I don't think you questioning people is unusual (thanks for answering for me before I replied though :P ), but questioning juliets specifically, about that specific thing? I did think that was a little over the top. It felt like a normal juliets thing to say and I thought you would have agreed with me on that point.

Fair enough about MP.
If it makes you feel any better-- I was satisfied with juliets answer.

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:45 am
by Dom
Metalmarsh89 wrote:
juliets wrote:Thats an interesting thought MM. But wouldn't that only be profitable if SVS were bad?
Nono, I was refering to Zomba and BF in this case. I was just responding to SVS's post.
oh. that makes a bit more sense
not sure if i buy it but that makes more sense. :p

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:48 am
by Bullzeye
Perhaps taking some time to myself last night wasn't the best idea, I've clearly missed some stuff! Will catch up in a bit and be back :)

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:55 am
by Marmot
Epig said it before, it was convenient for BF that the "name" on the will was someone who hadn't been around to discuss or defend herself. BF pointed it out as baddie behavior, but I feel like we already know why Zomba wasn't around, and it speaks nothing of alignment. And on that note, I didn't post at all until about the same time Zomba did, and nobody's pointing fingers at me for it. :shrug:

I would find it more believable that the player's role name would be listed on the will rather than the player name.

Linki: Hi Bullzeye.

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:56 am
by Dom
Metalmarsh89 wrote:Epig said it before, it was convenient for BF that the "name" on the will was someone who hadn't been around to discuss or defend herself. BF pointed it out as baddie behavior, but I feel like we already know why Zomba wasn't around, and it speaks nothing of alignment. And on that note, I didn't post at all until about the same time Zomba did, and nobody's pointing fingers at me for it. :shrug:

I would find it more believable that the player's role name would be listed on the will rather than the player name.

Linki: Hi Bullzeye.
What, then, do you make of Zomb's response?

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:01 am
by Marmot
Dom wrote:
Metalmarsh89 wrote:Epig said it before, it was convenient for BF that the "name" on the will was someone who hadn't been around to discuss or defend herself. BF pointed it out as baddie behavior, but I feel like we already know why Zomba wasn't around, and it speaks nothing of alignment. And on that note, I didn't post at all until about the same time Zomba did, and nobody's pointing fingers at me for it. :shrug:

I would find it more believable that the player's role name would be listed on the will rather than the player name.

Linki: Hi Bullzeye.
What, then, do you make of Zomb's response?
Her response is what makes it a strong possibility.
Zomberella12 wrote:
blindfaeth wrote:Oh well, if people are interested in lynching me I suppose I'll share what I know. At least if I die, SVS won't be able to lie to you about whose will it is. It is Zomberellas will. The reason I did not come after her in the thread as many of you suggested is because she was literally absent for so long. Which I think is oddly convenient, but whatever. Final thoughts, I think dom is bad, he's only analytical like this when he has a team. I think epi and bills are bad. Think SVS is misguided. Good luck
Well, I think BF ruined my role. Thanks, for that. Civvie or not, you blew it!
It was still up in the air as to which role Zomba could be if her name is on the will. But BF only called out the millionaire, and Zomba only submitted to that possibility.

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:03 am
by Dom
zomb hasn't played all that much right

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:03 am
by Turnip Head
Dom wrote:
Turnip Head wrote:
Dom wrote:TH-- I'm juggling suspicions? Please-- look at how many different people BF has thrown shade at for no reason. Do you suspect BF for the same reason then? I just don't understand why suspecting 2 people (MP and BF) makes me someone who is throwing things out for no reason. I questioned juliets. Do you find it unusual for me to question people? I doubt that.
I'd rather not talk about the MP situation given the last time we did the result that ensued. I don't think we need to rehash that? Like... what else was I supposed to post? MP had a total meltdown over me asking 2 questions and didn't answer the second one. I felt responsible for MP's meltdown. I don't want to explore it again?
I don't think you questioning people is unusual (thanks for answering for me before I replied though :P ), but questioning juliets specifically, about that specific thing? I did think that was a little over the top. It felt like a normal juliets thing to say and I thought you would have agreed with me on that point.

Fair enough about MP.
If it makes you feel any better-- I was satisfied with juliets answer.
But all her answer did was confirm that she was talking about the civs... which is what I thought you were suspicious of her for? :confused:

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:04 am
by Black Rock
Dom wrote:zomb hasn't played all that much right

She's a few games in and knows what she's doing.

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:05 am
by Dom
Turnip Head wrote:
Dom wrote:
Turnip Head wrote:
Dom wrote:TH-- I'm juggling suspicions? Please-- look at how many different people BF has thrown shade at for no reason. Do you suspect BF for the same reason then? I just don't understand why suspecting 2 people (MP and BF) makes me someone who is throwing things out for no reason. I questioned juliets. Do you find it unusual for me to question people? I doubt that.
I'd rather not talk about the MP situation given the last time we did the result that ensued. I don't think we need to rehash that? Like... what else was I supposed to post? MP had a total meltdown over me asking 2 questions and didn't answer the second one. I felt responsible for MP's meltdown. I don't want to explore it again?
I don't think you questioning people is unusual (thanks for answering for me before I replied though :P ), but questioning juliets specifically, about that specific thing? I did think that was a little over the top. It felt like a normal juliets thing to say and I thought you would have agreed with me on that point.

Fair enough about MP.
If it makes you feel any better-- I was satisfied with juliets answer.
But all her answer did was confirm that she was talking about the civs... which is what I thought you were suspicious of her for? :confused:

juliets wrote:
Dom wrote: "us"?
us = others playing the game that feel the same way I do.

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:05 am
by Dom
Black Rock wrote:
Dom wrote:zomb hasn't played all that much right

She's a few games in and knows what she's doing.
Has she been "outed" yet?

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:06 am
by Marmot
Dom wrote:zomb hasn't played all that much right
Mafia, no. She's played Donner, Death Note, Roger Rabbit, and this.

But apparantly she's played RL Mafia, and other similar deducation-style games.

Linki: Precisely.

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:07 am
by Black Rock
Dom wrote:
Black Rock wrote:
Dom wrote:zomb hasn't played all that much right

She's a few games in and knows what she's doing.
Has she been "outed" yet?
Outed? almost. She tried to claim a role and I called her a liar.

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:07 am
by Turnip Head
Gotchya Dom. Okay.

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:07 am
by S~V~S
What would be interesting is if she really was the Millionaire. Then by mentioning her name, BF would be getting her votes, but her lynch is far from a done deal. He did not mention her name until he had several votes. So if she is that role, BF would actually be helping her get some votes, which her role could use if she is not lynched. And if she was lynched, he would get tons of cred.

When life hands you lemons, make lemonade, right?

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:09 am
by Turnip Head
I would still like to know what BF meant about the will "expiring" - that was a new wrinkle he didn't bring up until much much later unless I missed something.

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:14 am
by juliets
Wait, I didn't realize Liz voted for Zomba. Liz what makes you think Zomba is not Oliver Oliver, or someone who happened to pick an item that is worth a lot of money ?

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:18 am
by Turnip Head
Also worth noting that BF didn't even vote for Zomberella; he voted for Epi and is now campaigning for others to do so as well.

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:18 am
by Long Con
juliets wrote:I really don't want to bring this up but I want to get some reaction to a thought I had while falling asleep last night (when most of my ideas occur). Regardless of whether BF is civ or bad shouldn't we vote for him to keep the will out of the mafia's hands?
But then the will would be in S~V~S' hands, and it's just as easy for the Mafia to kill her for it as it is for them to kill BF for it.

This reminds me of Monopoly Mafia, where S~V~S bid on and won the first lynched player's property, and was promptly kill on Night 1 for it.

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:20 am
by S~V~S
Thanks for pointing that out LC, lol.

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:21 am
by S~V~S
EBWOP, I am sure they already knew it ha ha.

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:23 am
by birdwithteeth11
S~V~S wrote:What would be interesting is if she really was the Millionaire. Then by mentioning her name, BF would be getting her votes, but her lynch is far from a done deal. He did not mention her name until he had several votes. So if she is that role, BF would actually be helping her get some votes, which her role could use if she is not lynched. And if she was lynched, he would get tons of cred.

When life hands you lemons, make lemonade, right?
Are you saying that you think BF throwing Zomba's name out there gives either of them cred if the other is lynched?

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:26 am
by juliets
Long Con wrote:
juliets wrote:I really don't want to bring this up but I want to get some reaction to a thought I had while falling asleep last night (when most of my ideas occur). Regardless of whether BF is civ or bad shouldn't we vote for him to keep the will out of the mafia's hands?
But then the will would be in S~V~S' hands, and it's just as easy for the Mafia to kill her for it as it is for them to kill BF for it.

This reminds me of Monopoly Mafia, where S~V~S bid on and won the first lynched player's property, and was promptly kill on Night 1 for it.
Oh you're right - it's exactly like that. Helpful thought LC.

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:28 am
by Dom
Black Rock wrote:
Dom wrote:
Black Rock wrote:
Dom wrote:zomb hasn't played all that much right

She's a few games in and knows what she's doing.
Has she been "outed" yet?
Outed? almost. She tried to claim a role and I called her a liar.
so she hasn't experienced the soulcrushign feeling of doing nothing wrong and then having someone say you're bad-- with conviction for no reason?
because that's frustrating AF.
S~V~S wrote:What would be interesting is if she really was the Millionaire. Then by mentioning her name, BF would be getting her votes, but her lynch is far from a done deal. He did not mention her name until he had several votes. So if she is that role, BF would actually be helping her get some votes, which her role could use if she is not lynched. And if she was lynched, he would get tons of cred.

When life hands you lemons, make lemonade, right?
maybe... something to think about for sure.

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:33 am
by Turnip Head
Dom wrote:
S~V~S wrote:What would be interesting is if she really was the Millionaire. Then by mentioning her name, BF would be getting her votes, but her lynch is far from a done deal. He did not mention her name until he had several votes. So if she is that role, BF would actually be helping her get some votes, which her role could use if she is not lynched. And if she was lynched, he would get tons of cred.

When life hands you lemons, make lemonade, right?
maybe... something to think about for sure.
Shouldn't BF have voted for her in that case? Zomberella's response also made me feel like he definitely didn't have her permission to do this :P

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:35 am
by Dom
Turnip Head wrote:
Dom wrote:
S~V~S wrote:What would be interesting is if she really was the Millionaire. Then by mentioning her name, BF would be getting her votes, but her lynch is far from a done deal. He did not mention her name until he had several votes. So if she is that role, BF would actually be helping her get some votes, which her role could use if she is not lynched. And if she was lynched, he would get tons of cred.

When life hands you lemons, make lemonade, right?
maybe... something to think about for sure.
Shouldn't BF have voted for her in that case? Zomberella's response also made me feel like he definitely didn't have her permission to do this :P
I mean we're entering a world with many glasses of wine that are just sitting there to be drunk.

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:36 am
by Turnip Head

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:38 am
by birdwithteeth11
Alright. I think I've fairly well decided on where my vote is going. After Mongoose's explanation for some of her posts, I'm backing off there. Not to mention she's been replaced by Sophie (Welcome, Sophie! :) ), so I couldn't vote that way if I wanted to.

BF claimed he had info, opened up a hornet's nest with the responses to such a statement, and chose not to reveal that info at the time. He's jumped through I believe half a dozen players as people he is suspicious of and could consider voting for, but didn't vote any of them at that time. So here's how I see it.

I think BF was going to mention the name in the will. He saw the backlash from the thread, and changed his mind on it, holding on to the name instead. He knew he had a huge target painted on his back, so he went after someone, anyone, who could take attention off of him. When that didn't work, he went ahead and dropped the name of the person he claims is on the will.

I'm sorry, but if you had instead gone really hard after the person who is mentioned in the will (without mentioning to us the will aspect), I wouldn't be voting for you today. Because the only way I can see you having decided to mention the will and put a huge target on your back is if you aren't worried about being NKed.

Votes BF

Linki: Lol clever one, Dom. :haha:

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:41 am
by Turnip Head
I'm probably going to have to vote during my ten minute break at work later. I hope to hear from both BF and Zomberella by then.

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 11:57 am
by Long Con
Metalmarsh89 wrote:
Long Con wrote:My other likely vote then, is Metalmarsh, for his self-vote. Still deciding between him and BF right now.
Go pick on someone else.
:shrug: Stop self-voting Day One then. Sorry, but it's always going to be suspicious to me, and I'm always going to consider a vote for you for it. Vompatti always acts suspicious as well, and his self-vote is totally suspicious too, but you are moreso because I have definite proof that you do this as a baddie. And MP is not as suspicious for the vote because he was having trouble controlling his emotions when he self-voted.

I think it's reasonably likely that you are bad this time, and trying to hide behind your self-vote. Especially the WAY you did it, like it was the new cool thing after Vomps and MP did it. That makes it MORE suspicious to me.

*votes MM*

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 12:04 pm
by Zombarella
Okay. I've spent some serious time with some host PMs and I've been talked down from the ledge. For all of you who are so obviously ready to "assume that Zomba is bad" because BF (or whoever) said, "My paper says I should kill Zomba" you need to check your logic...and the roles...and the items...and Llama's host style.

For ease of reference I have posted the roles below. Where does it say that baddies are the only only ones with money. Why couldn't I be the burglar or the inventor or the wealthy gad or the lawyer or someone who actually picked a valuable item. How do you know that I didn't lie about the stock certificate so that it wouldn't get stolen?

Any suspicion of my is pure speculation based on lazy baddie hunting or a baddie plot to lynch a civ. Whoever suggested that this might be a baddie plot to throw another baddie under the bus -- what?! Why would a baddie team do that on day 1? There are literally twice as many civs as baddies and you think that they would be like "oh, who cares if we're down one right out the gate?" I was on a baddie team last game and wouldn't have made any sense at all.


Civilians: Kill All Mafia to Win
Gilrick Sandringham - The Jack of All Trades. Extremely well read and a master of taking on others’ identities. Also completely insane. Gets a different power every night.

Patrick McFee - The Cemetery Superintendent - Can role check the dead.

Tim Waldo - The Burglar - Can steal an item each night.

Mimi LeCompte - The Reptile Queen - Can send her reptiles after people, tormenting them.

John Cooper Jarndyce - The Sensationalist - Can create a scene which will enthrall two players for a day.

Jeff Darrell - The Ace Reporter - Finds out the location of various items, which he can choose to publish in his paper or not.

Philodexter Maxellus - The Poetry Publisher - Can post poems in the thread to share his thoughts.

John Barr - The Inventor of the Barr Bag - Can put one item in the Barr Bag, preventing it from being stolen.

Sophie Kratzenschneiderwümpel - The Litigious Lady - Files lawsuits to extract items from male roles.

Simon Grundt - The Feeble-Minded Detective - Gets info but there is a 50% chance it is wrong.

Casimer Jech - The Antique Dealer - Can trade his items for others each night. If the item is usable, both parties can immediately gain the benefit.

Oliver Oliver - The Wealthy Gad-About-Town - Gives himself BTSC with another player each night.

Luke McCracken - The Cracksman - Searches for the safe or Shrik’s vault, finding a secret inside in addition to any items stored there.

Chief O’Toole - The Police Chief - Can arrest someone each night, nullifying their vote the following day and their ability to use any items.

Sato Okimo - The Japanese Lawyer - Can execute wills, stock certificates and promissory notes.

Mafia: Outnumber Civilians and Celestials to Win
Macleish MacPherson - The Crooked Doctor - Can dispense medicine that does a variety of unsavory and often illegal things.

Ivan Kossakoff - The Strangler - Can silence every night.

Carl von Tresseler - The Blond Beast of Bremen - Kills every night.

Reed Bardeen - The Millionaire Anarchist - Becomes more powerful the more votes he takes (that don’t kill him.)

Gustav Shrik - The Banker - Can store papers in his vault.

Celestials: Survive and Possess All Five Treasures of the Orient to Win
Napoleon Foy - The Laundryman - Can wash another player’s clothes to remove a lynch vote. Clean people are less suspicious.

Wah Hung Fung - The King of Chinatown - Can target one person and learn one item they have.

Li Ling Lee - The Chop Suey Cook - Can feed someone t remove a lynch vote. Food is strength.

Legga the Human Spider - The Circus Performer - Her superior dexterity allows her to dodge one night kill.

Ichabod Chang - The Chinese Thief - Can steal from someone each night.

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 12:07 pm
by Zombarella
Also to BF, I was not gone for a LONG time. And even if I was, how does that make me bad? You just described half of the players in this game. MP and I had a BIG test on Wed, or don't you remember the drama re that event? I did not sleep Tuesday night, then I took the test, then I slept for 15 hours, then I woke up and started posting on this thread. Right. So I'm bad. Sarcastic color not included because this is Llama's game.

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 12:10 pm
by S~V~S
Yeah, I also wondered if you could be Oliver Oliver. And I was the one with the cred theory, it would only be valid if it looked like a team member was going to be lynched. Which BF was. The only point of it was that if one of you are lynched, it does not give the other an automatic pass.

I don't like it when peoples games are ruined for info, and I for one would not have voted for you had I not already voted when BF dropped your name.

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 12:10 pm
by S~V~S
Who do you think people should vote for, Zomba?

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 12:14 pm
by Zombarella
I am now going to go with Spacedaisy to her wedding dress fitting and then I have a girl scout meeting at my house and then my son's 13th birthday party. So I won't be around today so that I can respond to every possible suspicion against me so that probably makes me bad too.

Here's what I think. I think that BF might be bad and is trying to get a civ lynched or he's a civ that came in playing this game all wrong (re. Golden), got some heat, and then decided to switch the heat to me by lying or telling the truth or both. Huge question, why didn't he vote for me so that he could get the money he claims he gets when I die??? Either way, I'm going to vote for him.

My game strategy going forward: I want to look at people who don't read the thread. As I baddie I knew who the civs were so I didn't have to read the thread to try to figure out who was who. On Day 2 I'm going to have an eye out for players who obviously don't know what has been said or claim to be too busy or drunk or whatever to catch up. I'm busy, and I've read all 18 pages of this damn thing! So there!

Zomba out.

linki SVS: BF today - I'll post more thoughts tonight....

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 12:20 pm
by thellama73
Gentle reminder that the lynch ends in less than three hours. Get those votes in!

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 12:40 pm
by Elohcin
I am going to go ahead and vote BF. Mongoose came in yesterday and made me feel better about her.

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 12:42 pm
by blindfaeth
Don't be sorry, please pile on the votes, I would rather die than talk to walls

Re: Harry Stephen Keeler [DAY 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 12:47 pm
by Long Con
Zomberella12 wrote:I am now going to go with Spacedaisy to her wedding dress fitting and then I have a girl scout meeting at my house and then my son's 13th birthday party. So I won't be around today so that I can respond to every possible suspicion against me so that probably makes me bad too.

Here's what I think. I think that BF might be bad and is trying to get a civ lynched or he's a civ that came in playing this game all wrong (re. Golden), got some heat, and then decided to switch the heat to me by lying or telling the truth or both. Huge question, why didn't he vote for me so that he could get the money he claims he gets when I die???

Killing someone for their money is an inherently bad thing to do. I don't think most players would want to appear that cut-throat. Perhaps it could have been done if BF had not told us about the will situation... he could have come after you, even if he's a Civvie, with secret greed motivations. :feb:
Either way, I'm going to vote for him.

My game strategy going forward: I want to look at people who don't read the thread. As I baddie I knew who the civs were so I didn't have to read the thread to try to figure out who was who. On Day 2 I'm going to have an eye out for players who obviously don't know what has been said or claim to be too busy or drunk or whatever to catch up. I'm busy, and I've read all 18 pages of this damn thing! So there!

Zomba out.
+1 I like this, that sounds like a smart way to play.

This is my official "buddying up to Zomba" post, just to make it easier for later when someone accuses me of it.