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Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 3:08 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
Epignosis wrote:I know. I was waiting to see if you'd come in and address S~V~S's vote for me (over my post count, of all things) in light of you having given her the bad tag. I thought you would have some reaction to that. You didn't. Now I want to know why.
I don't really give a shit if someone I suspect votes for the same person I vote for on Day 2. My suspicion of S~V~S is less substantial than my suspicion of you.

I would agree that post count alone is not a substantive reason to suspect you. I'll leave her to respond to your rebuttals before I jump to any conclusions.

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 3:11 pm
by S~V~S
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:I'll GTH read everyone alive and see where that leaves me.
Epignosis -- bad
SVS -- bad
Do you think I have something to hide? Would you be surprised when I say I have nothing to hide? If I said I have no BTSC, don't know anyone who has BTSC, and that I don't have a kill, or know anyone who does, would you believe me? Or if I said that I have no knowledge of anyone elses role, how would you feel about that? Would you believe me if I said it again after I don't have to put it in the form of a question?

@Epi, since this is not the first time I~ or others~ mentioned you in terms of quietness (I think Drum called you a low flier, yes?) why did it surprise you? Since I have limitations, don;t you think that maybe that was the easiest way to put it without just quoting 3Js case and using :srsnod: and :nicenod: ?

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 3:12 pm
by S~V~S
Also, I would not say "post count" alone, would you? This is a meta comparison I am making, don';t you think?

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 3:17 pm
by rabbit8

Night fucking 1..... I hate all of you...

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 3:17 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
S~V~S wrote:Since I have limitations, don;t you think that maybe that was the easiest way to put it without just quoting 3Js case and using :srsnod: and :nicenod: ?
Sorry to be a pain in the arse, but it'd probably be for the best if you did this -- with "questions" instead of emojis. I'd like to know which of my points you found agreeable and which you didn't.

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 3:22 pm
by Epignosis
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
Epignosis wrote:Nope. Civilian BTSC is immensely popular on this site.
I agree. What's the implication with Matt though? If he's bad he still doesn't know whether those players have civilian BTSC. Where were you going with your question?
That...was my point. :confused:

Where was I going with it? Getting an answer, which I did.
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
Epignosis wrote:It's Day 1. I don't need anything more than a very small reason to have a number one suspect.
I don't get the impression you were interested in finding anything better. Whether there was anything better to be found on Day 1 is less important to me than the investment you made in your own suspicion -- minimal.
Oh hell no. Let me drop this back in context.
Epignosis wrote:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
Spoiler: show
Epignosis wrote:Matt is my number one suspect. He named two suspects but clung to fingersplints. I say he and Scotty are teammates.
This strikes me as a very small reason to regard Matt as the number one suspect, and there's an air of opportunism too given the crap Matt got throughout Day 1.
It's Day 1. I don't need anything more than a very small reason to have a number one suspect.
I ended up pressing DrWilgy and voting him instead of Matt. How on earth do you get the impression that I wasn't interesting in finding anything better?
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
Epignosis wrote:I don't give a shit about post count, and I don't think you do either.
What is this supposed to mean? Do you suspect me? What purpose does this little highligted bit serve?
It means I don't think your suspicion of me is genuine if you had to say I was bulking up my post count. I'm perfectly capable of looking useful when I'm bad. So are you, Mr. Bracket.
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:I would agree that post count alone is not a substantive reason to suspect you. I'll leave her to respond to your rebuttals before I jump to any conclusions.
If post count is not a substantive reason, why did you feel the need to include it?

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 3:27 pm
by Epignosis
S~V~S wrote:@Epi, since this is not the first time I~ or others~ mentioned you in terms of quietness (I think Drum called you a low flier, yes?) why did it surprise you?
It didn't.

Also, flying low =/= being quiet. :meany:

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 3:32 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
Epignosis wrote:That...was my point. :confused:

Where was I going with it? Getting an answer, which I did.
What did that answer reveal to you about Matt if anything? This is my confusion: I don't see how this question leads you toward Matt's alignment. The only people who know about civilian BTSC are the civilians in that BTSC.
Epignosis wrote:I ended up pressing DrWilgy and voting him instead of Matt. How on earth do you get the impression that I wasn't interesting in finding anything better?
I don't think your beefs with Wilgy were better. I think they were aligned conveniently with a thread moving toward a Wilgy lynch.
Epignosis wrote:It means I don't think your suspicion of me is genuine if you had to say I was bulking up my post count. I'm perfectly capable of looking useful when I'm bad. So are you, Mr. Bracket.
I believe that you're capable of making yourself look useful. That doesn't mean you'd never inflate your post count. When you bring up Royce Bracket (my baddie Transistor role for those who don't know), you actually find some of the inspiration for me bringing this up at all. I don't know how closely you followed the baddie BTSC in that game, but I made it clear in there that when I'm bad, I do care about post count. I deliberately inflated my post count in that game in ways that weren't necessary to promote the appearance that I was being helpful.

I'll grant that they were more creative than the off-topic content in your post history in this game, but that difference isn't going to stop me from hurling the accusation at you and seeing what happens.
Epignosis wrote:If post count is not a substantive reason, why did you feel the need to include it?
To annoy you. :)

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 3:41 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
I might be inclined to join the leetic wagon if he continues to allow his existence to be defined by his most recent post.

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 3:45 pm
by S~V~S
Do you think it is fair to the curser to play his curse more than I already have? Should I put thoughts in Dead Red?

Maybe I should try harder again after work when I have more time to reread quotes in context & refresh recollections of the conversations in question? Maybe I can make a few notes for starters
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:Beefs with Epignosis:
Spoiler: show
Epignosis wrote:
Matt wrote:For all I know, neither Scotty or FS found my question suspicious, but they did jump to the aid of someone who's alignment they can't possibly know yet without letting SVS answer first. And then FS proceeded to advance her agenda with exaggerations about management and fibs about me misleading people.


Lol @ judging then saying it's not for you to judge. :workit:

-1 on INH
How do you know that?
I don't know why Epi asked this question. Matt's assertion was rather ordinary -- that two people (Scotty and fingersplints) shouldn't know the alignment of S~V~S yet and thus should have no reason to interfere with his methods. I don't think there's any implication here that Matt knows more than he should know, which is where Epi's question seems to lead.

is it possible that I find this to be Matt baiting? Would you like to look up at the blue line above for reference here?
Spoiler: show
Epignosis wrote:Matt is my number one suspect. He named two suspects but clung to fingersplints. I say he and Scotty are teammates.
This strikes me as a very small reason to regard Matt as the number one suspect, and there's an air of opportunism too given the crap Matt got throughout Day 1.

Would it be acceptable to you that I agree fully with this point? Odd that Epi is blowing off my meta reasoning, but he is totally ignoring Matts Meta, isn't it?
Spoiler: show
Epignosis wrote:
DrWilgy wrote:Hmm...

I think Quin and INH are on a team. I also think INH and Matt are on opposite teams. I also don't think bad Matt woud gimmick this early, unless he is strictly copying another game. He compared this point system to transistor, but I don't think he's copying what he did there.

Why is that question strange bullz? Feep free to answer the question yourself.
All of this sounds like somebody who needed something to say coming in and saying something. Why do you think these things? What posts brought you to these conclusions? Why are you defending Matt?
This is fun in that Epignosis is accusing Wilgy of providing fake content, when Epi's post itself looks to me like fake content. Moreover, the Wilgy post being criticized looks a lot like the Epignosis post in the previous spoiler. Saying something for the sake of saying something. Taking a stance for the sake of taking a stance.

This point was one in which I did not toally agree with you, and thought Epi had a good point, can you say hallelujah? Did I find Wilgys point odd, that if these people were not on the same team, that they had to be on opposing bad teams? Why couldn't some of them be civs? Just becasue Wilgy came up civ does not mean Epi did not really think him bad regardless of his own alignment, does it? I kind of thought he was bad, too, did you know that?
Spoiler: show
Epignosis wrote:
DrWilgy wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
DrWilgy wrote:Hmm...

I think Quin and INH are on a team. I also think INH and Matt are on opposite teams. I also don't think bad Matt woud gimmick this early, unless he is strictly copying another game. He compared this point system to transistor, but I don't think he's copying what he did there.

Why is that question strange bullz? Feep free to answer the question yourself.
All of this sounds like somebody who needed something to say coming in and saying something. Why do you think these things? What posts brought you to these conclusions? Why are you defending Matt?
Why would have I needed something to say Epi?
DrWilgy wrote:INH put too much effort in his mockery of Matt's point system. Thus I think they are on opposite teams. The reason why I'm defending Matt is because of this. If INH is bad, then Matt is probably good.
This is a soft accusation. What you are really saying is that you think insertnamehere is bad, but you couch that accusation in a conditional statement. Is this to imply that if Matt is bad, you think insertnamehere is good?
DrWilgy wrote:Regarding Quin, I have no justification for why I think they are on the same team, thier patterns feel similar though.
I see.
DrWilgy wrote:Timmer and Epi, what do you think of the questions that I have asked so far?
DrWilgy wrote:@Svs, did you really think you'd get a yes or no answer out of that from Dom?
DrWilgy wrote:INH, how long will you take until you begin to policy lynch no shows/wallflowers?
DrWilgy wrote:I feel that AoT mafia turned out the way it did because of this mindset. Do you agree or disagree?
DrWilgy wrote:Matt and Bea, if someone were to target you right now, who do you think would do so?
DrWilgy wrote:Hey INH and Quin, if someone were to target you right now, who would that person be?
DrWilgy wrote:Could you see multiple players targeting you currently?
DrWilgy wrote:Why would have I needed something to say Epi?
DrWilgy wrote:Timmer and Epi, what do you think of the questions that I have asked so far?
The "soft accusation" thing looks fake too. Wilgy suggested a bad INH might suggest a good Matt, which makes perfect sense given the treatment INH gave Matt on Day 1. There's no reason for this to be perceived as "soft". There's no "couching". Wilgy voiced suspicion of INH independent of Matt and then made an assertion about how a baddie flip by INH might reflect on Matt. That's reasonable.

Then all those numeral grades are just pointless. Epignosis is not the type to waste thread space on nonsense.

Can you see prior answer I just gave, and can you also see blue question before your quoted Post re italics? But you will understand if I totally agree with you re Epi not wasting space x1,000, correct? WOuld you consider this a meta point? Would you agree that we are 50/50 on this point?

Spoiler: show
Epignosis wrote:I voted Mr. Pink.
Epignosis ended up supporting the Wilgy lynch. The only supporting content for this vote is in the preceding spoiler, which I've already griped about. He seemed very relaxed and content to go with the flow on this one. I get the impression given the language of his posts that he suspected Matt more than Wilgy, but he didn't bother to press the issue. I'd expect a civilian Epignosis to be a little more invested in getting his suspect lynched.

Separately from all this, I count 14 of Epi's 33 posts that add nothing to the discussion. This number can be disputed to be slightly higher or slightly lower depending upon interpretation. Regardless I see potential post count inflation.
How do you feel about me agreeing with you on mostly meta reasoning? If I say that I a zillion percent agree that I think Epi is saying stuff to say stuff, would you see my point? If I say that I think you sometimes put too much emphasis on dead interactions, would you be hurt? Can I say that sometimes, in two team games, especially, especially early, those are not as relevant as in one team games? Do you agree that hindsight is 20/20?

Would you please accept this womans request to expand on this when she does not sound either fawning or confrontational in turn via use of this format?

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 3:47 pm
by S~V~S
S~V~S wrote:Do you think it is fair to the curser to play his curse more than I already have? Should I put thoughts in Dead Red?

Maybe I should try harder again after work when I have more time to reread quotes in context & refresh recollections of the conversations in question? Maybe I can make a few notes for starters?
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:Beefs with Epignosis:
Spoiler: show
Epignosis wrote:
Matt wrote:For all I know, neither Scotty or FS found my question suspicious, but they did jump to the aid of someone who's alignment they can't possibly know yet without letting SVS answer first. And then FS proceeded to advance her agenda with exaggerations about management and fibs about me misleading people.


Lol @ judging then saying it's not for you to judge. :workit:

-1 on INH
How do you know that?
I don't know why Epi asked this question. Matt's assertion was rather ordinary -- that two people (Scotty and fingersplints) shouldn't know the alignment of S~V~S yet and thus should have no reason to interfere with his methods. I don't think there's any implication here that Matt knows more than he should know, which is where Epi's question seems to lead.

is it possible that I find this to be Matt baiting? Would you like to look up at the blue line above for reference here?
Spoiler: show
Epignosis wrote:Matt is my number one suspect. He named two suspects but clung to fingersplints. I say he and Scotty are teammates.
This strikes me as a very small reason to regard Matt as the number one suspect, and there's an air of opportunism too given the crap Matt got throughout Day 1.

Would it be acceptable to you that I agree fully with this point? Odd that Epi is blowing off my meta reasoning, but he is totally ignoring Matts Meta, isn't it?
Spoiler: show
Epignosis wrote:
DrWilgy wrote:Hmm...

I think Quin and INH are on a team. I also think INH and Matt are on opposite teams. I also don't think bad Matt woud gimmick this early, unless he is strictly copying another game. He compared this point system to transistor, but I don't think he's copying what he did there.

Why is that question strange bullz? Feep free to answer the question yourself.
All of this sounds like somebody who needed something to say coming in and saying something. Why do you think these things? What posts brought you to these conclusions? Why are you defending Matt?
This is fun in that Epignosis is accusing Wilgy of providing fake content, when Epi's post itself looks to me like fake content. Moreover, the Wilgy post being criticized looks a lot like the Epignosis post in the previous spoiler. Saying something for the sake of saying something. Taking a stance for the sake of taking a stance.

This point was one in which I did not toally agree with you, and thought Epi had a good point, can you say hallelujah? Did I find Wilgys point odd, that if these people were not on the same team, that they had to be on opposing bad teams? Why couldn't some of them be civs? Just becasue Wilgy came up civ does not mean Epi did not really think him bad regardless of his own alignment, does it? I kind of thought he was bad, too, did you know that?
Spoiler: show
Epignosis wrote:
DrWilgy wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
DrWilgy wrote:Hmm...

I think Quin and INH are on a team. I also think INH and Matt are on opposite teams. I also don't think bad Matt woud gimmick this early, unless he is strictly copying another game. He compared this point system to transistor, but I don't think he's copying what he did there.

Why is that question strange bullz? Feep free to answer the question yourself.
All of this sounds like somebody who needed something to say coming in and saying something. Why do you think these things? What posts brought you to these conclusions? Why are you defending Matt?
Why would have I needed something to say Epi?
DrWilgy wrote:INH put too much effort in his mockery of Matt's point system. Thus I think they are on opposite teams. The reason why I'm defending Matt is because of this. If INH is bad, then Matt is probably good.
This is a soft accusation. What you are really saying is that you think insertnamehere is bad, but you couch that accusation in a conditional statement. Is this to imply that if Matt is bad, you think insertnamehere is good?
DrWilgy wrote:Regarding Quin, I have no justification for why I think they are on the same team, thier patterns feel similar though.
I see.
DrWilgy wrote:Timmer and Epi, what do you think of the questions that I have asked so far?
DrWilgy wrote:@Svs, did you really think you'd get a yes or no answer out of that from Dom?
DrWilgy wrote:INH, how long will you take until you begin to policy lynch no shows/wallflowers?
DrWilgy wrote:I feel that AoT mafia turned out the way it did because of this mindset. Do you agree or disagree?
DrWilgy wrote:Matt and Bea, if someone were to target you right now, who do you think would do so?
DrWilgy wrote:Hey INH and Quin, if someone were to target you right now, who would that person be?
DrWilgy wrote:Could you see multiple players targeting you currently?
DrWilgy wrote:Why would have I needed something to say Epi?
DrWilgy wrote:Timmer and Epi, what do you think of the questions that I have asked so far?
The "soft accusation" thing looks fake too. Wilgy suggested a bad INH might suggest a good Matt, which makes perfect sense given the treatment INH gave Matt on Day 1. There's no reason for this to be perceived as "soft". There's no "couching". Wilgy voiced suspicion of INH independent of Matt and then made an assertion about how a baddie flip by INH might reflect on Matt. That's reasonable.

Then all those numeral grades are just pointless. Epignosis is not the type to waste thread space on nonsense.

Can you see prior answer I just gave, and can you also see blue question before your quoted Post re italics? But you will understand if I totally agree with you re Epi not wasting space x1,000, correct? WOuld you consider this a meta point? Would you agree that we are 50/50 on this point?

Spoiler: show
Epignosis wrote:I voted Mr. Pink.
Epignosis ended up supporting the Wilgy lynch. The only supporting content for this vote is in the preceding spoiler, which I've already griped about. He seemed very relaxed and content to go with the flow on this one. I get the impression given the language of his posts that he suspected Matt more than Wilgy, but he didn't bother to press the issue. I'd expect a civilian Epignosis to be a little more invested in getting his suspect lynched.

Separately from all this, I count 14 of Epi's 33 posts that add nothing to the discussion. This number can be disputed to be slightly higher or slightly lower depending upon interpretation. Regardless I see potential post count inflation.
How do you feel about me agreeing with you on mostly meta reasoning? If I say that I a zillion percent agree that I think Epi is saying stuff to say stuff, would you see my point? If I say that I think you sometimes put too much emphasis on dead interactions, would you be hurt? Can I say that sometimes, in two team games, especially, especially early, those are not as relevant as in one team games? Do you agree that hindsight is 20/20?

Would you please accept this womans request to expand on this when she does not sound either fawning or confrontational in turn via use of this format?

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 3:55 pm
by Epignosis
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
Epignosis wrote:That...was my point. :confused:

Where was I going with it? Getting an answer, which I did.
What did that answer reveal to you about Matt if anything? This is my confusion: I don't see how this question leads you toward Matt's alignment. The only people who know about civilian BTSC are the civilians in that BTSC.
My suspicion of Matt came from how he treated fingersplints and Scotty later. The question itself didn't lead to anything except Matt talking more.
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
Epignosis wrote:I ended up pressing DrWilgy and voting him instead of Matt. How on earth do you get the impression that I wasn't interesting in finding anything better?
I don't think your beefs with Wilgy were better. I think they were aligned conveniently with a thread moving toward a Wilgy lynch.
You think that? On the basis of what? I went after DrWilgy well before he had any votes, and I believe nobody was talking about him that Day phase.

Jesus, I'm defending myself by talking about how responsible I was for lynching a civilian.
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
Epignosis wrote:It means I don't think your suspicion of me is genuine if you had to say I was bulking up my post count. I'm perfectly capable of looking useful when I'm bad. So are you, Mr. Bracket.
I believe that you're capable of making yourself look useful. That doesn't mean you'd never inflate your post count. When you bring up Royce Bracket (my baddie Transistor role for those who don't know), you actually find some of the inspiration for me bringing this up at all. I don't know how closely you followed the baddie BTSC in that game, but I made it clear in there that when I'm bad, I do care about post count. I deliberately inflated my post count in that game in ways that weren't necessary to promote the appearance that I was being helpful.

I'll grant that they were more creative than the off-topic content in your post history in this game, but that difference isn't going to stop me from hurling the accusation at you and seeing what happens.
I never inflate my post count unless there's a posting contest (a thing that used to be popular around here but thankfully fell into obscurity). I've seen too many "helpful" mafia with enormous post counts. I post when I have something to say.

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 3:57 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
S~V~S wrote:is it possible that I find this to be Matt baiting? Would you like to look up at the blue line above for reference here?
My initial interpretation was similar. I'm working it out with Epi now so I'll see how I feel.
S~V~S wrote:Would it be acceptable to you that I agree fully with this point? Odd that Epi is blowing off my meta reasoning, but he is totally ignoring Matts Meta, isn't it?
I keep feeling the instinct to answer your questions even when I know they aren't meant to be questions. :haha:

One of Epi's earliest posts was to suggest that he cannot know Matt's alignment without lynching him, an acknowledgement of Matt's skill for consistent cross-alignment behavior. That being the starting point of Epi's mindset on Matt probably made it more significant to me that Epi ended up pursuing him as a "top" suspect, based upon a point that doesn't strike me as powerful enough to overcome that original admission -- that who the hell really knows what's up with Matt.
S~V~S wrote:This point was one in which I did not toally agree with you, and thought Epi had a good point, can you say hallelujah? Did I find Wilgys point odd, that if these people were not on the same team, that they had to be on opposing bad teams? Why couldn't some of them be civs? Just becasue Wilgy came up civ does not mean Epi did not really think him bad regardless of his own alignment, does it? I kind of thought he was bad, too, did you know that?

I agreed with Wilgy frequently on Day 1 as I was catching up, and that could create bias for me when I observe other people treating him like he wasn't making sense.
S~V~S wrote:Can you see prior answer I just gave, and can you also see blue question before your quoted Post re italics? But you will understand if I totally agree with you re Epi not wasting space x1,000, correct? WOuld you consider this a meta point? Would you agree that we are 50/50 on this point?
This bit along with the post count gripe were the least important among those I brought up.
S~V~S wrote:How do you feel about me agreeing with you on mostly meta reasoning? If I say that I a zillion percent agree that I think Epi is saying stuff to say stuff, would you see my point? If I say that I think you sometimes put too much emphasis on dead interactions, would you be hurt? Can I say that sometimes, in two team games, especially, especially early, those are not as relevant as in one team games? Do you agree that hindsight is 20/20?

Would you please accept this womans request to expand on this when she does not sound either fawning or confrontational in turn via use of this format?
About 3% of the Mafia games I have ever played have featured more than one baddie team, so I'd be open to your perspective. Is this such a game?

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 3:59 pm
by Epignosis
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:One of Epi's earliest posts was to suggest that he cannot know Matt's alignment without lynching him, an acknowledgement of Matt's skill for consistent cross-alignment behavior. That being the starting point of Epi's mindset on Matt probably made it more significant to me that Epi ended up pursuing him as a "top" suspect, based upon a point that doesn't strike me as powerful enough to overcome that original admission -- that who the hell really knows what's up with Matt.
You know what annoys me more?

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 4:01 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
Epignosis wrote:You think that? On the basis of what? I went after DrWilgy well before he had any votes, and I believe nobody was talking about him that Day phase.

Jesus, I'm defending myself by talking about how responsible I was for lynching a civilian.
My perspective of your treatment of DrWilgy is largely based upon me peering into your post history in isolation alongside the order of your vote. It's plausible that what you say is true and my perspective of the progression of events is inaccurate. I'll look back.

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 4:08 pm
by DrumBeats
@ DFaraday - My main suspicion on Quin was the discrepancy between saying baddie hunting was his top priority and him focussing very little on it day one. Over the night, and early day one Quin contributed much more to the thread than I have seen from a lot of players, including you, so that is enough to shift him to a civ read for now.

@ Epi - Post count isn't indicative imo, but the amount of fluff posts I've seen from you doesn't seem like the same Epi I saw in BSG. Not one of my highest scumreads right now, but still noteworthy.


I'm going to switch my vote to LoRab for now. Lying low with only one suspicion based on mechanics isn't a good look, and being uncooperative in looking at anything else makes it worse.

Matt and Scotty are still on my radar if anybody else wants to help me push a vote there.

Leetic is a vote that I still find to be a roll of the dice, but it is low-risk/medium-reward so I can see the appeal. I think that train will have enough votes without me, so I'm going to keep my vote between the LoRab or the duo.

I'm going to be off for the rest of the phase sometime within the next 45 minutes so if anybody wants to talk to me before phase end, lets do it now.

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 4:12 pm
by timmer
Sorry guys, busy busy the last few days...

So, sorry what is the case on lee tic? I missed that, I think.

I'm not feeling an epig lynch, I don't think the posts made by SVS add up to anything substantial.

I'm not as solidly turned around on INH as some of you, and I don't get civvie vibes from BWT, either. That said, INH's post DID at least show a viable set of reasons for why he said the things he said. I concede that there could be truth there.

I will try to find some cases/suspicions to build on the work you guys have done, but today's not the best day for it, I may end up having to judge which case of others I feel best about, today.

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 4:14 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
It does appear Epignosis was more of an "origin" for the anti-Wilgy movement than a "pusher". I had thought INH had gone after him first given their angsty back-and-forth, but Epi was the first that I can see to cast suspicion on Wilgy. I'm not a fan of the suspicion that was cast, but at least this allows me to grant that Epi had some kind of personal buy-in instead of just going with the crowd.

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 4:16 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
timmer wrote:So, sorry what is the case on lee tic? I missed that, I think.
It's not very exciting. He has six posts. They're void of worth. His most recent post is hypocritical:
leetic wrote:
Elohcin wrote:I am going to go with Customer Service tonight.
Why are you posting such fluffy, non-game-related stuff this late in? Surely you have something else to talk about?
To gripe at Elohcin for being fluffy is goofy considering there's nothing but fluff in his own tiny post history.

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 4:17 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
DrumBeats wrote:@ DFaraday - My main suspicion on Quin was the discrepancy between saying baddie hunting was his top priority and him focussing very little on it day one. Over the night, and early day one Quin contributed much more to the thread than I have seen from a lot of players, including you, so that is enough to shift him to a civ read for now.

@ Epi - Post count isn't indicative imo, but the amount of fluff posts I've seen from you doesn't seem like the same Epi I saw in BSG. Not one of my highest scumreads right now, but still noteworthy.


I'm going to switch my vote to LoRab for now. Lying low with only one suspicion based on mechanics isn't a good look, and being uncooperative in looking at anything else makes it worse.

Matt and Scotty are still on my radar if anybody else wants to help me push a vote there.

Leetic is a vote that I still find to be a roll of the dice, but it is low-risk/medium-reward so I can see the appeal. I think that train will have enough votes without me, so I'm going to keep my vote between the LoRab or the duo.

I'm going to be off for the rest of the phase sometime within the next 45 minutes so if anybody wants to talk to me before phase end, lets do it now.
How would you feel about a BWT lynch?

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 4:21 pm
by DrumBeats
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
DrumBeats wrote:@ DFaraday - My main suspicion on Quin was the discrepancy between saying baddie hunting was his top priority and him focussing very little on it day one. Over the night, and early day one Quin contributed much more to the thread than I have seen from a lot of players, including you, so that is enough to shift him to a civ read for now.

@ Epi - Post count isn't indicative imo, but the amount of fluff posts I've seen from you doesn't seem like the same Epi I saw in BSG. Not one of my highest scumreads right now, but still noteworthy.


I'm going to switch my vote to LoRab for now. Lying low with only one suspicion based on mechanics isn't a good look, and being uncooperative in looking at anything else makes it worse.

Matt and Scotty are still on my radar if anybody else wants to help me push a vote there.

Leetic is a vote that I still find to be a roll of the dice, but it is low-risk/medium-reward so I can see the appeal. I think that train will have enough votes without me, so I'm going to keep my vote between the LoRab or the duo.

I'm going to be off for the rest of the phase sometime within the next 45 minutes so if anybody wants to talk to me before phase end, lets do it now.
How would you feel about a BWT lynch?
I honestly don't see much of a case on him right now, other than his vote on Quin. If you can make a convincing enough case in about 30 minutes I would be down for it, but right now its just meh to me.

How would you feel about a Matt lynch?

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 4:24 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
DrumBeats wrote:I honestly don't see much of a case on him right now, other than his vote on Quin. If you can make a convincing enough case in about 30 minutes I would be down for it, but right now its just meh to me.

How would you feel about a Matt lynch?
Pretty much exactly the way you feel about a BWT lynch. I don't really see the case. My least favorite thing is that he has given me nothing on Day 2 after I demanded a return on my investment.

I'll try to lay out a quick BWT case.

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 4:34 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
Speed case against birdwithteeth11:
Spoiler: show
birdwithteeth11 wrote:Alright. So I haven't been around much and didn't show up until almost the end of Day 0. I will be as active and attentive as I am able to be. Right now I'm working 6 days a week and it looks like I will be for most of the summer. So if I seem mentally off or forget something I said earlier, just slap me with a wet tuna fish to remind me.

As to my thoughts so far....

It felt like Matt was jumping to answer questions directed at SVS before her. A bit odd but not much more than that.

INH's playstyle is....unorthodox and insanely difficult for me to glean anything from him this early in the game.

I think it is silly to continue to insist other players state that they are civvie/town even when the role description for the lie detector is almost always never able to be used in that way. I prefer to judge others by a more thorough amount of posts/votes than one simple statement. So you won't see me say it at any point. :P

And I think that's it for now. Carry on.

Linki: How are Quin and INH, or Matt and INH possibly on the same team? Because I have not gleamed that from any Day 0 interactions.
This post is more about idle commentary than reads, like a smaller version of what G-Man did on Day 1 of Battlestar Galactica.
Spoiler: show
birdwithteeth11 wrote:
Quin wrote:
Not everything has to be done to help catch baddies.
I think this might be the first time I've ever been left speechless in a mafia game. I'm at a loss for words.

This also might be the easiest Day 1 vote I've ever had.

Votes Quin
Too easy.
Spoiler: show
birdwithteeth11 wrote:
indiglo wrote:
S~V~S wrote:OK, So Indo, do you think Quin is a civvie?
I have no idea. I have no idea of anyone's alignment but my own.
So you're not sure about his alignment, but you think me voting for him is enough to possibly vote me? :confused:
Illogical. I find BWT's vote suspicious too without it needing to reflect on Quin in any particular way.
Spoiler: show
birdwithteeth11 wrote:
Quin wrote:Specifying the night phase would, I think, infer more than just a dead townie. Dom gave the okay because it didn't break the info dumping rule.
I'm...confused by the first part. Not sure how else to explain it.

As for the second, it didn't break the info dumping role...and your role would be one the town would miss...

I'm down to 3 possibilities in terms of your roles' ability/abilities. And 2 of them are not good for the civs.
I don't know what this conclusion actually is or how it came to be. What are the roles? Why are they bad for the civs? Speculation is not illegal.
Spoiler: show
birdwithteeth11 wrote:
Quin wrote:I don't even know. I was pinged by Matt because I agreed with the principle behind what INH said in that faking reads is counter-productive, but I don't scum read him after taking everything else into account right now. BWT doesn't look all that great given his vote for me, though. I feel as though my vote might go there tomorrow.
Sorry. I was exhausted last night when I was trying to explain my voting for you. Let me clarify:

1) Yes, your statement rubbed me the wrong way in terms of what you said about baddie hunting. But, combined with the fact that I felt you had done pretty much no quality baddie-hunting yourself up to that point, made that statement jump out at me even more.

2) I didn't have much else to go on at that point. Wilgy's positions seemed completely ungrounded in anything factual and was 100% suspicions. I did not think that there was anything at the time in between Matt and INH and felt it was civ on civ. Your statement was the first thing that jumped out at me on Day 1 and was the strongest ping I got.

That being said, it is still a ping that I will keep in the back of my mind as the game progresses. But that along isn't a strong enough reason to vote for you on Day 2 vs. on Day 1 unless you give me other reasons to do so going forward.
He said at one point in Day 1 that his suspicion of Quin was the first "concrete" reason for a Day 1 vote he'd experienced in a really long time. So I'm surprised he was willing to relax so easily, seemingly as the climate of the thread for Quin was changing for the better in general. I get the feeling he's riding the wave here.
Spoiler: show
birdwithteeth11 wrote:
insertnamehere wrote: I wanna take a quick informal poll.

Who here genuinely thinks that they are good at mafia?

I know I sure as hell don't. But I like playing it anyway.
I know I definitely am not. We're less than 24 hours away from Day 2 ending, Quin's posts since after the Day 1 lynch have started to make me feel better about him, and I'm currently catching up and have zero suspicions on anyone. Although part of that may be because this is a very large game and most large games take me a bit longer to start to sink in and get more concrete ideas.
Quin is forgiven. Riding the wave.

He flipped his read on INH for nearly the exact same reason I did after I'd done so. I don't want to lambaste the man for feeling the same way I did, but it again feels like riding the wave.


I'll admit that this doesn't make me feel great like I have someone dead to rights, but they're the concerns I have about BWT.

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 4:45 pm
by DrumBeats
Pretty convincing case, and while I'd still really like to push one of the three I mentioned, since I'm not going to be around at EoD, I doubt any of mine will pick up steam, so I'll switch my vote over.

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 4:47 pm
by DrumBeats
Also just noticed that LoRab stealth voted BWT earlier in the day, despite exclusively pushing Quin. I searched the ISO and never found any mention of it. Could be distancing or forced by Meredith, but I figured it was noteworthy enough to point out.

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 4:48 pm
by indiglo
This is a post of BWT's that I keep coming back to. The bolded, underlined part...
birdwithteeth11 wrote:
Quin wrote:I don't even know. I was pinged by Matt because I agreed with the principle behind what INH said in that faking reads is counter-productive, but I don't scum read him after taking everything else into account right now. BWT doesn't look all that great given his vote for me, though. I feel as though my vote might go there tomorrow.
Sorry. I was exhausted last night when I was trying to explain my voting for you. Let me clarify:

1) Yes, your statement rubbed me the wrong way in terms of what you said about baddie hunting. But, combined with the fact that I felt you had done pretty much no quality baddie-hunting yourself up to that point, made that statement jump out at me even more.

2) I didn't have much else to go on at that point. Wilgy's positions seemed completely ungrounded in anything factual and was 100% suspicions. I did not think that there was anything at the time in between Matt and INH and felt it was civ on civ. Your statement was the first thing that jumped out at me on Day 1 and was the strongest ping I got.

That being said, it is still a ping that I will keep in the back of my mind as the game progresses. But that along isn't a strong enough reason to vote for you on Day 2 vs. on Day 1 unless you give me other reasons to do so going forward.

feels a bit disingenuous to me. Especially when compared to his very next post:

birdwithteeth11 wrote:
insertnamehere wrote: I wanna take a quick informal poll.

Who here genuinely thinks that they are good at mafia?

I know I sure as hell don't. But I like playing it anyway.
I know I definitely am not. We're less than 24 hours away from Day 2 ending, Quin's posts since after the Day 1 lynch have started to make me feel better about him, and I'm currently catching up and have zero suspicions on anyone. Although part of that may be because this is a very large game and most large games take me a bit longer to start to sink in and get more concrete ideas.

Here, he seems to admit that he has not really done much "quality baddie-hunting" in the game so far either, yet he gives himself a pass due to game size, etc.

Somehow it just seems hypocritical to suspect someone else (in a way I deemed as opportunistic) for something you yourself are doing... but you give yourself a pass for it, and not the other person. I don't know how damning any of this really is in the grand scheme, and someone (sig, maybe?) mentioned BWT getting lynched early on a regular basis. So more input, and more posts from BWT regarding these issues would be very helpful. I certainly don't want to unfairly lynch a civ early in a game before they get their feet under them... however this just doesn't sit well with me.

I'd like to feel better about my vote, but if another, better option doesn't show up, I may be leaning BWT again today.

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 4:49 pm
by timmer
Thank JJJ, I won't be voting for lee tic if that is what it is based on.

BWT I could get behind. There still isn't much going on in this game, but I'd still lean bad on both INH and BWT if I had to guess.

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 4:50 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
indiglo wrote:(sig, maybe?)
Speaking of sig, where the hell is this guy?

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 4:50 pm
by timmer
In fact, just in case I don't get back around, I'll place a marker vote on him now.

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 4:51 pm
by indiglo
birdwithteeth11 wrote:
Quin wrote:Specifying the night phase would, I think, infer more than just a dead townie. Dom gave the okay because it didn't break the info dumping rule.
I'm...confused by the first part. Not sure how else to explain it.

As for the second, it didn't break the info dumping role...and your role would be one the town would miss...

I'm down to 3 possibilities in terms of your roles' ability/abilities. And 2 of them are not good for the civs.
I also found that odd.

BWT, would you be able to elaborate on this statement you made? Please and thank you. Image

More and more and more linki. I'm posting, then I'll catch up.

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 4:56 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
I'm going to let this decision roll around in my head for a while. I'll be back later.

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 5:50 pm
by Quin
DFaraday wrote:Both the Epi voters and the leetic voters are pinging me a bit, as I haven't seen any reason to suspect either of them. Although it's possible that Bea and Splints could be forced by Meredith.

What's more noticeable to me is the shift in attitude of the Day 1 Quin voters:
S~V~S wrote: I was out all weekend and had to read Quin in ISO; would it surprise you to hear that his output during the night period made me feel much better about him? Would it surprise you to hear that his vote made me feel even better?
DrumBeats wrote: Also would not surprise me to hear that the night made you feel better about Quin, I feel a bit better about him myself. The vote making you feel better surprises me a bit, but whatever floats your boat :shrug:
birdwithteeth11 wrote: I know I definitely am not. We're less than 24 hours away from Day 2 ending, Quin's posts since after the Day 1 lynch have started to make me feel better about him, and I'm currently catching up and have zero suspicions on anyone. Although part of that may be because this is a very large game and most large games take me a bit longer to start to sink in and get more concrete ideas.
3 of the 4 Quin voters now feel good about him (DB even listed Quin as civ) with basically no reasoning for this shift beyond, "His posts made me feel better about him." BWT's especially strikes me as an easy way to springboard off of what the others said without offering any new thoughts on Quin. I'll be looking at these three for the remainder of the phase to see if anything else stands out to me.
I thought about this just as I was going to bed last night and intended to post about it. I can't help but feel nervous about this and I wonder if there's some baddie backpedalling going on.

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 5:55 pm
by Epignosis
I always feel bad about birdwithteeth because he gets lynched so early all the time.

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 6:02 pm
by Quin
Quin wrote:
birdwithteeth11 wrote:
Quin wrote:I don't even know. I was pinged by Matt because I agreed with the principle behind what INH said in that faking reads is counter-productive, but I don't scum read him after taking everything else into account right now. BWT doesn't look all that great given his vote for me, though. I feel as though my vote might go there tomorrow.
Sorry. I was exhausted last night when I was trying to explain my voting for you. Let me clarify:

1) Yes, your statement rubbed me the wrong way in terms of what you said about baddie hunting. But, combined with the fact that I felt you had done pretty much no quality baddie-hunting yourself up to that point, made that statement jump out at me even more.

2) I didn't have much else to go on at that point. Wilgy's positions seemed completely ungrounded in anything factual and was 100% suspicions. I did not think that there was anything at the time in between Matt and INH and felt it was civ on civ. Your statement was the first thing that jumped out at me on Day 1 and was the strongest ping I got.

That being said, it is still a ping that I will keep in the back of my mind as the game progresses. But that along isn't a strong enough reason to vote for you on Day 2 vs. on Day 1 unless you give me other reasons to do so going forward.

It's easy to say that you thought I was already suspicious for not doing baddie hunting after its already been established I don't have a defence to the accusation. The only time you actually referred to me before your vote was when you disputed Wilgy's assumption that INH and I are on a team. On top of that, you've contradicted yourself. If the first thing that caught your eye in this game was the post you voted me for, you clearly didn't have my lack of baddie hunting in your arsenal already.

Here's my response to one of BWT's posts. Hopefully it can convince a few more people to swing that way. :nicenod:

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 6:51 pm
by DFaraday
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
DFaraday wrote:
S~V~S wrote: @Faraday, why do you think that being bad is the only reason one may change ones mind overnight in a Mafia game? Why do think that people who disagree with you are suspicious?
I didn't say either of those things. I find it odd that 3/4 of the Quin voters had a sudden change of heart with very little in-thread reasoning for that development.

I don't find the Epi and leetic suspicions shady because I don't agree with them (although I see how it could come off that way); it's more that their reasons were weak. I fail to see how Epi's post count is indicative of alignment, or even an accurate assessment of his typical play
(his post count in recent months varies quite a bit from game to game). The leetic votes are based on almost nothing, which leads me to wonder whether one or more of them is forced.
I made a number of points about Epignosis unrelated to post count. If you feel they were weak, please identify those points and explain your misgivings.
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:Beefs with Epignosis:
Spoiler: show
Epignosis wrote:
Matt wrote:For all I know, neither Scotty or FS found my question suspicious, but they did jump to the aid of someone who's alignment they can't possibly know yet without letting SVS answer first. And then FS proceeded to advance her agenda with exaggerations about management and fibs about me misleading people.


Lol @ judging then saying it's not for you to judge. :workit:

-1 on INH
How do you know that?
I don't know why Epi asked this question. Matt's assertion was rather ordinary -- that two people (Scotty and fingersplints) shouldn't know the alignment of S~V~S yet and thus should have no reason to interfere with his methods. I don't think there's any implication here that Matt knows more than he should know, which is where Epi's question seems to lead.

Epi, to my mind, was raising the possibility of civ BTSC, which Matt seemed to discount right out of hand.
Spoiler: show
Epignosis wrote:Matt is my number one suspect. He named two suspects but clung to fingersplints. I say he and Scotty are teammates.
This strikes me as a very small reason to regard Matt as the number one suspect, and there's an air of opportunism too given the crap Matt got throughout Day 1.

I've always been of the philosophy that Day 1 votes needn't be extremely compelling cases, because more often than not there's not enough material or information to make a case like that. So a weak vote on Day 1 doesn't ping me. Opportunistic, maybe, but that's not a word I would associate with Epi's style.
Spoiler: show
Epignosis wrote:
DrWilgy wrote:Hmm...

I think Quin and INH are on a team. I also think INH and Matt are on opposite teams. I also don't think bad Matt woud gimmick this early, unless he is strictly copying another game. He compared this point system to transistor, but I don't think he's copying what he did there.

Why is that question strange bullz? Feep free to answer the question yourself.
All of this sounds like somebody who needed something to say coming in and saying something. Why do you think these things? What posts brought you to these conclusions? Why are you defending Matt?
This is fun in that Epignosis is accusing Wilgy of providing fake content, when Epi's post itself looks to me like fake content. Moreover, the Wilgy post being criticized looks a lot like the Epignosis post in the previous spoiler. Saying something for the sake of saying something. Taking a stance for the sake of taking a stance.

Fair enough. I didn't read his posts as feeling fake, but if you do then that's that.
Spoiler: show
Epignosis wrote:
DrWilgy wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
DrWilgy wrote:Hmm...

I think Quin and INH are on a team. I also think INH and Matt are on opposite teams. I also don't think bad Matt woud gimmick this early, unless he is strictly copying another game. He compared this point system to transistor, but I don't think he's copying what he did there.

Why is that question strange bullz? Feep free to answer the question yourself.
All of this sounds like somebody who needed something to say coming in and saying something. Why do you think these things? What posts brought you to these conclusions? Why are you defending Matt?
Why would have I needed something to say Epi?
DrWilgy wrote:INH put too much effort in his mockery of Matt's point system. Thus I think they are on opposite teams. The reason why I'm defending Matt is because of this. If INH is bad, then Matt is probably good.
This is a soft accusation. What you are really saying is that you think insertnamehere is bad, but you couch that accusation in a conditional statement. Is this to imply that if Matt is bad, you think insertnamehere is good?
DrWilgy wrote:Regarding Quin, I have no justification for why I think they are on the same team, thier patterns feel similar though.
I see.
DrWilgy wrote:Timmer and Epi, what do you think of the questions that I have asked so far?
DrWilgy wrote:@Svs, did you really think you'd get a yes or no answer out of that from Dom?
DrWilgy wrote:INH, how long will you take until you begin to policy lynch no shows/wallflowers?
DrWilgy wrote:I feel that AoT mafia turned out the way it did because of this mindset. Do you agree or disagree?
DrWilgy wrote:Matt and Bea, if someone were to target you right now, who do you think would do so?
DrWilgy wrote:Hey INH and Quin, if someone were to target you right now, who would that person be?
DrWilgy wrote:Could you see multiple players targeting you currently?
DrWilgy wrote:Why would have I needed something to say Epi?
DrWilgy wrote:Timmer and Epi, what do you think of the questions that I have asked so far?
The "soft accusation" thing looks fake too. Wilgy suggested a bad INH might suggest a good Matt, which makes perfect sense given the treatment INH gave Matt on Day 1. There's no reason for this to be perceived as "soft". There's no "couching". Wilgy voiced suspicion of INH independent of Matt and then made an assertion about how a baddie flip by INH might reflect on Matt. That's reasonable.

Then all those numeral grades are just pointless. Epignosis is not the type to waste thread space on nonsense.
Spoiler: show
Epignosis wrote:I voted Mr. Pink.
Epignosis ended up supporting the Wilgy lynch. The only supporting content for this vote is in the preceding spoiler, which I've already griped about. He seemed very relaxed and content to go with the flow on this one. I get the impression given the language of his posts that he suspected Matt more than Wilgy, but he didn't bother to press the issue. I'd expect a civilian Epignosis to be a little more invested in getting his suspect lynched.

Separately from all this, I count 14 of Epi's 33 posts that add nothing to the discussion. This number can be disputed to be slightly higher or slightly lower depending upon interpretation. Regardless I see potential post count inflation.

Epi makes a lot of jokey posts in every game. I just don't see anything compelling in these reasons, especially since I'm not feeling the insincere tone you detect.

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 6:59 pm
by DFaraday
DrumBeats wrote:@ DFaraday - My main suspicion on Quin was the discrepancy between saying baddie hunting was his top priority and him focussing very little on it day one. Over the night, and early day one Quin contributed much more to the thread than I have seen from a lot of players, including you, so that is enough to shift him to a civ read for now.
And here's a subtle NO U from DB for no reason. Also, as easy as it is to fall into that mindset (I do it a lot), post count is not indicative of alignment. In Transistor JJJ played the supatownest of supatown games, and was a baddie all along. But of course you know that.

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 7:02 pm
by DFaraday
I'm *voting BWT*. He's the worst-looking of the 3 I was looking at (although DB is also giving me pause), and I see no reason for leetic to be lynched.

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 7:04 pm
by S~V~S
DFaraday wrote:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
DFaraday wrote:
S~V~S wrote: @Faraday, why do you think that being bad is the only reason one may change ones mind overnight in a Mafia game? Why do think that people who disagree with you are suspicious?
I didn't say either of those things. I find it odd that 3/4 of the Quin voters had a sudden change of heart with very little in-thread reasoning for that development.

I don't find the Epi and leetic suspicions shady because I don't agree with them (although I see how it could come off that way); it's more that their reasons were weak. I fail to see how Epi's post count is indicative of alignment, or even an accurate assessment of his typical play
(his post count in recent months varies quite a bit from game to game). The leetic votes are based on almost nothing, which leads me to wonder whether one or more of them is forced.
I made a number of points about Epignosis unrelated to post count. If you feel they were weak, please identify those points and explain your misgivings.
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:Beefs with Epignosis:
Spoiler: show
Epignosis wrote:
Matt wrote:For all I know, neither Scotty or FS found my question suspicious, but they did jump to the aid of someone who's alignment they can't possibly know yet without letting SVS answer first. And then FS proceeded to advance her agenda with exaggerations about management and fibs about me misleading people.


Lol @ judging then saying it's not for you to judge. :workit:

-1 on INH
How do you know that?
I don't know why Epi asked this question. Matt's assertion was rather ordinary -- that two people (Scotty and fingersplints) shouldn't know the alignment of S~V~S yet and thus should have no reason to interfere with his methods. I don't think there's any implication here that Matt knows more than he should know, which is where Epi's question seems to lead.

Epi, to my mind, was raising the possibility of civ BTSC, which Matt seemed to discount right out of hand.
Spoiler: show
Epignosis wrote:Matt is my number one suspect. He named two suspects but clung to fingersplints. I say he and Scotty are teammates.
This strikes me as a very small reason to regard Matt as the number one suspect, and there's an air of opportunism too given the crap Matt got throughout Day 1.

I've always been of the philosophy that Day 1 votes needn't be extremely compelling cases, because more often than not there's not enough material or information to make a case like that. So a weak vote on Day 1 doesn't ping me. Opportunistic, maybe, but that's not a word I would associate with Epi's style.
Spoiler: show
Epignosis wrote:
DrWilgy wrote:Hmm...

I think Quin and INH are on a team. I also think INH and Matt are on opposite teams. I also don't think bad Matt woud gimmick this early, unless he is strictly copying another game. He compared this point system to transistor, but I don't think he's copying what he did there.

Why is that question strange bullz? Feep free to answer the question yourself.
All of this sounds like somebody who needed something to say coming in and saying something. Why do you think these things? What posts brought you to these conclusions? Why are you defending Matt?
This is fun in that Epignosis is accusing Wilgy of providing fake content, when Epi's post itself looks to me like fake content. Moreover, the Wilgy post being criticized looks a lot like the Epignosis post in the previous spoiler. Saying something for the sake of saying something. Taking a stance for the sake of taking a stance.

Fair enough. I didn't read his posts as feeling fake, but if you do then that's that.
Spoiler: show
Epignosis wrote:
DrWilgy wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
DrWilgy wrote:Hmm...

I think Quin and INH are on a team. I also think INH and Matt are on opposite teams. I also don't think bad Matt woud gimmick this early, unless he is strictly copying another game. He compared this point system to transistor, but I don't think he's copying what he did there.

Why is that question strange bullz? Feep free to answer the question yourself.
All of this sounds like somebody who needed something to say coming in and saying something. Why do you think these things? What posts brought you to these conclusions? Why are you defending Matt?
Why would have I needed something to say Epi?
DrWilgy wrote:INH put too much effort in his mockery of Matt's point system. Thus I think they are on opposite teams. The reason why I'm defending Matt is because of this. If INH is bad, then Matt is probably good.
This is a soft accusation. What you are really saying is that you think insertnamehere is bad, but you couch that accusation in a conditional statement. Is this to imply that if Matt is bad, you think insertnamehere is good?
DrWilgy wrote:Regarding Quin, I have no justification for why I think they are on the same team, thier patterns feel similar though.
I see.
DrWilgy wrote:Timmer and Epi, what do you think of the questions that I have asked so far?
DrWilgy wrote:@Svs, did you really think you'd get a yes or no answer out of that from Dom?
DrWilgy wrote:INH, how long will you take until you begin to policy lynch no shows/wallflowers?
DrWilgy wrote:I feel that AoT mafia turned out the way it did because of this mindset. Do you agree or disagree?
DrWilgy wrote:Matt and Bea, if someone were to target you right now, who do you think would do so?
DrWilgy wrote:Hey INH and Quin, if someone were to target you right now, who would that person be?
DrWilgy wrote:Could you see multiple players targeting you currently?
DrWilgy wrote:Why would have I needed something to say Epi?
DrWilgy wrote:Timmer and Epi, what do you think of the questions that I have asked so far?
The "soft accusation" thing looks fake too. Wilgy suggested a bad INH might suggest a good Matt, which makes perfect sense given the treatment INH gave Matt on Day 1. There's no reason for this to be perceived as "soft". There's no "couching". Wilgy voiced suspicion of INH independent of Matt and then made an assertion about how a baddie flip by INH might reflect on Matt. That's reasonable.

Then all those numeral grades are just pointless. Epignosis is not the type to waste thread space on nonsense.
Spoiler: show
Epignosis wrote:I voted Mr. Pink.
Epignosis ended up supporting the Wilgy lynch. The only supporting content for this vote is in the preceding spoiler, which I've already griped about. He seemed very relaxed and content to go with the flow on this one. I get the impression given the language of his posts that he suspected Matt more than Wilgy, but he didn't bother to press the issue. I'd expect a civilian Epignosis to be a little more invested in getting his suspect lynched.

Separately from all this, I count 14 of Epi's 33 posts that add nothing to the discussion. This number can be disputed to be slightly higher or slightly lower depending upon interpretation. Regardless I see potential post count inflation.

Epi makes a lot of jokey posts in every game. I just don't see anything compelling in these reasons, especially since I'm not feeling the insincere tone you detect.
Why are you defending Jays entire case against EPi? Can't Epi do that himself?

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 7:15 pm
by DFaraday
S~V~S wrote:
DFaraday wrote:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:
DFaraday wrote:
S~V~S wrote: @Faraday, why do you think that being bad is the only reason one may change ones mind overnight in a Mafia game? Why do think that people who disagree with you are suspicious?
I didn't say either of those things. I find it odd that 3/4 of the Quin voters had a sudden change of heart with very little in-thread reasoning for that development.

I don't find the Epi and leetic suspicions shady because I don't agree with them (although I see how it could come off that way); it's more that their reasons were weak. I fail to see how Epi's post count is indicative of alignment, or even an accurate assessment of his typical play
(his post count in recent months varies quite a bit from game to game). The leetic votes are based on almost nothing, which leads me to wonder whether one or more of them is forced.
I made a number of points about Epignosis unrelated to post count. If you feel they were weak, please identify those points and explain your misgivings.
JaggedJimmyJay wrote:Beefs with Epignosis:
Spoiler: show
Epignosis wrote:
Matt wrote:For all I know, neither Scotty or FS found my question suspicious, but they did jump to the aid of someone who's alignment they can't possibly know yet without letting SVS answer first. And then FS proceeded to advance her agenda with exaggerations about management and fibs about me misleading people.


Lol @ judging then saying it's not for you to judge. :workit:

-1 on INH
How do you know that?
I don't know why Epi asked this question. Matt's assertion was rather ordinary -- that two people (Scotty and fingersplints) shouldn't know the alignment of S~V~S yet and thus should have no reason to interfere with his methods. I don't think there's any implication here that Matt knows more than he should know, which is where Epi's question seems to lead.

Epi, to my mind, was raising the possibility of civ BTSC, which Matt seemed to discount right out of hand.
Spoiler: show
Epignosis wrote:Matt is my number one suspect. He named two suspects but clung to fingersplints. I say he and Scotty are teammates.
This strikes me as a very small reason to regard Matt as the number one suspect, and there's an air of opportunism too given the crap Matt got throughout Day 1.

I've always been of the philosophy that Day 1 votes needn't be extremely compelling cases, because more often than not there's not enough material or information to make a case like that. So a weak vote on Day 1 doesn't ping me. Opportunistic, maybe, but that's not a word I would associate with Epi's style.
Spoiler: show
Epignosis wrote:
DrWilgy wrote:Hmm...

I think Quin and INH are on a team. I also think INH and Matt are on opposite teams. I also don't think bad Matt woud gimmick this early, unless he is strictly copying another game. He compared this point system to transistor, but I don't think he's copying what he did there.

Why is that question strange bullz? Feep free to answer the question yourself.
All of this sounds like somebody who needed something to say coming in and saying something. Why do you think these things? What posts brought you to these conclusions? Why are you defending Matt?
This is fun in that Epignosis is accusing Wilgy of providing fake content, when Epi's post itself looks to me like fake content. Moreover, the Wilgy post being criticized looks a lot like the Epignosis post in the previous spoiler. Saying something for the sake of saying something. Taking a stance for the sake of taking a stance.

Fair enough. I didn't read his posts as feeling fake, but if you do then that's that.
Spoiler: show
Epignosis wrote:
DrWilgy wrote:
Epignosis wrote:
DrWilgy wrote:Hmm...

I think Quin and INH are on a team. I also think INH and Matt are on opposite teams. I also don't think bad Matt woud gimmick this early, unless he is strictly copying another game. He compared this point system to transistor, but I don't think he's copying what he did there.

Why is that question strange bullz? Feep free to answer the question yourself.
All of this sounds like somebody who needed something to say coming in and saying something. Why do you think these things? What posts brought you to these conclusions? Why are you defending Matt?
Why would have I needed something to say Epi?
DrWilgy wrote:INH put too much effort in his mockery of Matt's point system. Thus I think they are on opposite teams. The reason why I'm defending Matt is because of this. If INH is bad, then Matt is probably good.
This is a soft accusation. What you are really saying is that you think insertnamehere is bad, but you couch that accusation in a conditional statement. Is this to imply that if Matt is bad, you think insertnamehere is good?
DrWilgy wrote:Regarding Quin, I have no justification for why I think they are on the same team, thier patterns feel similar though.
I see.
DrWilgy wrote:Timmer and Epi, what do you think of the questions that I have asked so far?
DrWilgy wrote:@Svs, did you really think you'd get a yes or no answer out of that from Dom?
DrWilgy wrote:INH, how long will you take until you begin to policy lynch no shows/wallflowers?
DrWilgy wrote:I feel that AoT mafia turned out the way it did because of this mindset. Do you agree or disagree?
DrWilgy wrote:Matt and Bea, if someone were to target you right now, who do you think would do so?
DrWilgy wrote:Hey INH and Quin, if someone were to target you right now, who would that person be?
DrWilgy wrote:Could you see multiple players targeting you currently?
DrWilgy wrote:Why would have I needed something to say Epi?
DrWilgy wrote:Timmer and Epi, what do you think of the questions that I have asked so far?
The "soft accusation" thing looks fake too. Wilgy suggested a bad INH might suggest a good Matt, which makes perfect sense given the treatment INH gave Matt on Day 1. There's no reason for this to be perceived as "soft". There's no "couching". Wilgy voiced suspicion of INH independent of Matt and then made an assertion about how a baddie flip by INH might reflect on Matt. That's reasonable.

Then all those numeral grades are just pointless. Epignosis is not the type to waste thread space on nonsense.
Spoiler: show
Epignosis wrote:I voted Mr. Pink.
Epignosis ended up supporting the Wilgy lynch. The only supporting content for this vote is in the preceding spoiler, which I've already griped about. He seemed very relaxed and content to go with the flow on this one. I get the impression given the language of his posts that he suspected Matt more than Wilgy, but he didn't bother to press the issue. I'd expect a civilian Epignosis to be a little more invested in getting his suspect lynched.

Separately from all this, I count 14 of Epi's 33 posts that add nothing to the discussion. This number can be disputed to be slightly higher or slightly lower depending upon interpretation. Regardless I see potential post count inflation.

Epi makes a lot of jokey posts in every game. I just don't see anything compelling in these reasons, especially since I'm not feeling the insincere tone you detect.
Why are you defending Jays entire case against EPi? Can't Epi do that himself?
Because JJJ asked me to.

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 7:16 pm
by S~V~S
Am I a sillyhead for misreading what Jay asked you? :nicenod:

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 7:17 pm
by Enrique
Guys I feel awful but I haven't even caught up with pretty much anything since Day 1. I tried reading INH and JJJ's massive walls of texts but my brain's just not in it. I've been getting the worst vibes from INH since the beginning of the game and agree with whoever said it looks like he's trying to discredit everyone else, and while he's obviously frustrated in his response, I can't tell if it's from getting nailed or simply misunderstood. Whichever it is, that whole discussion seemed ridiculously over the top.

I'm not gonna quit this game like I did Battle of the Hosts. I'm just in need of a small mental healh break. I'll be home in a few days, which will hopefully help me freshen up a little. Right now I'm just lost.

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 7:22 pm
by Quin
Enrique wrote:Guys I feel awful but I haven't even caught up with pretty much anything since Day 1. I tried reading INH and JJJ's massive walls of texts but my brain's just not in it. I've been getting the worst vibes from INH since the beginning of the game and agree with whoever said it looks like he's trying to discredit everyone else, and while he's obviously frustrated in his response, I can't tell if it's from getting nailed or simply misunderstood. Whichever it is, that whole discussion seemed ridiculously over the top.

I'm not gonna quit this game like I did Battle of the Hosts. I'm just in need of a small mental healh break. I'll be home in a few days, which will hopefully help me freshen up a little. Right now I'm just lost.
If you've been getting the worst vibes from INH, why did you just vote JJJ?

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 7:48 pm
by espers
Epignosis wrote:I always feel bad about birdwithteeth because he gets lynched so early all the time.
Are you saying you don't think he should be lynched? Not really sure what you're going for here.

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 7:56 pm
by Serge
I voted.

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 8:04 pm
by Scotty
im gopped up on Hydrocodone but I' checkin in. im gonna pass out again.

I still think leetic is bad. I think bwt is a bad choice to lynch, and j haven't read the thread enoug to see why hi s case is more solid than leetic. Did Leetic ever my come back to add anything?

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 8:16 pm
by S~V~S
Serge wrote:I voted.
Why exactly?

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 8:17 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
DFaraday, I like the level of scrutiny you're giving to my case. I think that makes sense emerging from Transistor and reflects well on you.

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 8:18 pm
by Serge
S~V~S wrote:
Serge wrote:I voted.
Why exactly?
I'm not sure I can discuss about it right now.

I just want to say I'm still on page 8.

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 8:18 pm
by insertnamehere
Updating my list of people who missed the Day 1 vote and most like have their vote controlled by Meredith

bea: leetic
enrique: 3J
fingersplints: leetic
lorab: BWT
serge: BWT
sorsha: ???
spacedaisy: 3J

Re: [DAY ONE] The Office Mafia

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2016 8:18 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
Scotty wrote:im gopped up on Hydrocodone but I' checkin in. im gonna pass out again.

I still think leetic is bad. I think bwt is a bad choice to lynch, and j haven't read the thread enoug to see why hi s case is more solid than leetic. Did Leetic ever my come back to add anything?
leetic hasn't said anything new.

What are your misgivings about a BWT lynch?