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Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Night 1

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 8:48 pm
by Black Rock
I voted for Alzarious cause it's clearly winning and I have no better idea.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Night 1

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 9:11 pm
by birdwithteeth11
21 out of 30 votes is better, but still fairly bad. I'm going to end all the night stuff and get the correct PMs out, and then I'm going straight to bed. I have to be in at work at 3 in the morning, so if I missed something I apologize. Just send a PM to myself and bea and we will take care of it ASAP. Now here we go...

Re: Who's Polls?

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 9:14 pm
by birdwithteeth11
Night 1:

Which planet do you travel to?

Poll ended at Sat Sep 27, 2014 9:09 pm

Alfava Metraxis
No votes

S~V~S (2), MovingPictures07 (3), Epignosis (4), zeek (5), Hedgeowl (6), DFaraday (15), nijuukyugou (16), Enrique (18), Roxy (19), fingersplints (20), Made (21), Chris (22), Black Rock (23) 57%

Metalmarsh89 (12) 4%

Spacedaisy (8), Dom (9), sabie12 (10), Elohcin (11), Bullzeye (13), Bass_the_Clever (14), Mister Rearranger (17) 30%

Football sux. (Host/Dead/Mod/Non)
birdwithteeth11 (1), bea (7) 9%

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Night 1

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 9:23 pm
by birdwithteeth11
birdwithteeth11 wrote:Night 1: Everybody Lives? Fantastic! No, Wait. Everybody Dies. :(

Amongst the deaths of a hosts, as well as River, there was much chaos and confusion amongst everyone involved. Many fingers were pointed and accusations made, but all agreed they were much too tired and would decide on further action in the morning. Some, however, would not come to see that next morning unfortunately.

One of the Daleks, restless at not having murdered any sentient non-Dalek beings for well over 24 hours, was thirsty for some blood. He snuck out of his waiting chamber late at night and was patrolling down a corridor, looking for something, anything to blast. The first few doors he tried were locked. The first door he managed to open, however, happened to have Turnip Head inside. Turnip Head's last unfortunate moment involved him being awoken by someone bashing down his door and crying out, "EX-TER-MIN-AAAAAAATE!"

The Dalek wasn't the only being still awake. The Master was lying in his bed, completely unable to sleep. A faint drumming noise he had been able to block out earlier had now increased in volume inside his head, and he couldn't ignore it anymore. As he descended into madness, he knew that only one thing would help calm him down. He too left his room and began wandering random corridors. In the thread today, dedicate one post to your hosts. Say something really nice about each of them! The first person he stumbled upon was Mister Rearranger, returning from a bathroom break. MR never noticed it as someone creeped up slowly behind him with a knife, as was literally torn to pieces from how fiercely his adversary hacked and slashed and stabbed. After all that was left was a bloody pile of goo, The Master simply stood there, with a great big, evil smile on his face. All he was concerned about was the fact that the drumming sound was gone.

The Doctor was awoke suddenly, and noticed his hands were glowing. He suddenly had an idea. A great idea in fact. But, would it work? Would he know who to trust? Of course he would, he thought to himself. I'm a bloody genius after all! Knowing his plans for the following day, he drifted off back to sleep, satisfied that he had a rather cunning plan to catch those dasterdly Daleks and Cybermen. And possibly find The Master.

Turnip Head has been killed by the Daleks
Mister Rearranger has been killed by The Master.

It is now Day 2. You have approximately 50 1/2 hours to decide who to lynch.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 9:25 pm
by birdwithteeth11

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 9:56 pm
by birdwithteeth11
You are now free to post. All PMs should have been sent. If you did not receive a PM, please let bea and myself know.

The contest entries will be submitted to a third party individual to judge them. Winners will be notified at the end of Day 2 as to what their prize is.

ALSO, you have until 11:30 EST on the 29th of September to vote for someone. I'm using it as a way to get the polls to a time that works much better for my schedule. Please try to vote by the time the poll ends if possible. But if that does not happen, then please bold your vote in the thread and color it red, and bea and I will count it.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Night 1

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 10:05 pm
by Mister Rearranger
Ah would you look at the time, I'm dead! :rip:

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 10:07 pm
by Epignosis
What the fuck with all these people missing votes? I love hosting and I have created many games, and it kills me when people don't participate. Granted, I don't know Dr. Who at all, just that it's some weird British mashup of Back to the Future and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

That's all I know.

Still, if you signed up, have some fucking respect, yes? birdwithteeth is a lazy sack of shit. He acts like he likes prog, but that's horsewithteeth shit. He likes Devin Townsend, who just smashes strings and makes ugly faces. Give this "host" something to do. Okay? Fucker doesn't even cut his hair. And bea drinks. A lot. Maybe more than me. Fail to vote this time, and I hope she smashes an empty vodka bottle over your head. And then draws a dick on your face.

God bless you two.

Voted Enrique. Not changing this time.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 11:21 pm
by bea
Epignosis wrote:What the fuck with all these people missing votes? I love hosting and I have created many games, and it kills me when people don't participate. Granted, I don't know Dr. Who at all, just that it's some weird British mashup of Back to the Future and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

That's all I know.

Still, if you signed up, have some fucking respect, yes? birdwithteeth is a lazy sack of shit. He acts like he likes prog, but that's horsewithteeth shit. He likes Devin Townsend, who just smashes strings and makes ugly faces. Give this "host" something to do. Okay? Fucker doesn't even cut his hair. And bea drinks. A lot. Maybe more than me. Fail to vote this time, and I hope she smashes an empty vodka bottle over your head. And then draws a dick on your face.

God bless you two.

Voted Enrique. Not changing this time.

:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: Thanks! I needed that. Like a lot. I love that you leave the maybe in there.:p :haha: :haha: :haha:

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 11:28 pm
by bea
Ok - so I just got in from work! We got nailed today city wide with a HUGE rain storm that blew out power all over the city. So of course, when our equipment was failing left and right, my boss was late, there was an kid waiting in the lobby to be interviews, two drivers called in late and and a third one called off completely!! It's been a DAY.

Thank you so much to my super awesome co-host teefies for handling the night actions and post beautifully by himself. I'm going to take a shower then I'll be compiling all the contest entries so that I can send them to our third party judge. I have to say there were some truely SPECTACULAR entries. I'm pretty happy I don't have to judge this because I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to decide!! But the contest was well timed because kittahs and dr who in pictures together was literally the BEST part of my day. Thank you so much to everyone who entered!

If you have any lingering questions or worries about things that haven't been addressed, please shoot me a pm. I will be up for a bit yet and I'll even maybe be sober. Ish. :p Screw that Imma talkin' my sweetie into beer as soon as he walks in the door :p

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 11:35 pm
by Epignosis
bea wrote: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: Thanks! I needed that. Like a lot. I love that you leave the maybe in there.:p :haha: :haha: :haha:
You my sistah from anotha mistah. :srsnod:

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2014 11:55 pm
by Gotrees
Hi, sorry for missing the first day and night, I actually just finished reading it through all and it probably took a few hours in total. :(

The hosts are great, and I'm really sorry I didn't start contributing sooner. The stories and nicknames they come up with are very creative!

Anyway, I don't really have much to say right now that others haven't said earlier. Right now MP and Enri and zeek all seem fairly innocent to me, although zeek's insistence on going to a specific planet did seem a bit strange. At least if the planet ends up killing all civs or something we can probably assume he was evil.

New to the game: is it possible that one of the baddies has the power to silence someone for a day/night? MP has been pretty quiet lately.


Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 12:24 am
by Black Rock
I have basically caught up right now. The one person who stood out to me the most was enrique. His posts read false to me. A few posts an amount of pages back kinda clinched it for me. My vote is likely going his way today.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 12:33 am
by DFaraday
Gotrees wrote:Hi, sorry for missing the first day and night, I actually just finished reading it through all and it probably took a few hours in total. :(

The hosts are great, and I'm really sorry I didn't start contributing sooner. The stories and nicknames they come up with are very creative!

Anyway, I don't really have much to say right now that others haven't said earlier. Right now MP and Enri and zeek all seem fairly innocent to me, although zeek's insistence on going to a specific planet did seem a bit strange. At least if the planet ends up killing all civs or something we can probably assume he was evil.

New to the game: is it possible that one of the baddies has the power to silence someone for a day/night? MP has been pretty quiet lately.

MP posted last night. I imagine he's just been busy. And I'm pretty sure Zeek had info; he was definitely implying it, if nothing else.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 12:33 am
by Spacedaisy
Ok, that whole freaking night conversation went nutty after I voted. Which I don't think I commented on my planet vote so I will now. I don't know jack about Dr. Who. And no one had voted for Azure, so I thought, "what the heck, why not toss a vote there?" And I did. The end.

Now, as to my thoughts.... DFaraday's voting seemed weird. Why? Because I am fairly certain he is a big Dr. Who fan, so I can't see why he would have treated it in such an offhand manner. If I had been around to see that initial vote of his for Azure, I would have probably changed my vote based entirely upon that.

To zeek who bashed people for choosing Azure because they like the color blue... Come on man, if you know nothing about Dr. Who, you would be relying entirely on someone else's guidance for which option, which an possibly open you up to manipulation. So you can either choose randomly for whatever half ass reason you come up with (like I did) because you have no info and don't feel like trying to wrap your brain around the various Wikipedia descriptions of each planet, or you try to understand what the Whovians are saying about each one and hope you are not taking the advice of a Baddie. Six one way, half a dozen the other. If you don't like it and want to call me irresponsible, be my guest. Seems to be par for the course in this game.

I was surprised by the recently deceased. Not who I would have expected.

Bea, if I had a rum and coke right now I would totally drink to you because, you know, you're awesome and stuff. Even with a cactus stuck to your rear. And David, props to you for writing a post when you have to be up to be at work and three freaking o'clock in the morning. Love you guys!

Linki: BR which posts pinged you?

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 12:38 am
by bea
Attention!!! Attention!!! This just in:
K9 wrote:Doctor. I have received some confusing and contradictory information tonight. The Valeyard is a role. Epignosis is Jim The Fish. The Valeyard is not a role. This requires further analysis.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 12:40 am
by DFaraday
Spacedaisy wrote:Ok, that whole freaking night conversation went nutty after I voted. Which I don't think I commented on my planet vote so I will now. I don't know jack about Dr. Who. And no one had voted for Azure, so I thought, "what the heck, why not toss a vote there?" And I did. The end.

Now, as to my thoughts.... DFaraday's voting seemed weird. Why? Because I am fairly certain he is a big Dr. Who fan, so I can't see why he would have treated it in such an offhand manner. If I had been around to see that initial vote of his for Azure, I would have probably changed my vote based entirely upon that.

To zeek who bashed people for choosing Azure because they like the color blue... Come on man, if you know nothing about Dr. Who, you would be relying entirely on someone else's guidance for which option, which an possibly open you up to manipulation. So you can either choose randomly for whatever half ass reason you come up with (like I did) because you have no info and don't feel like trying to wrap your brain around the various Wikipedia descriptions of each planet, or you try to understand what the Whovians are saying about each one and hope you are not taking the advice of a Baddie. Six one way, half a dozen the other. If you don't like it and want to call me irresponsible, be my guest. Seems to be par for the course in this game.

I was surprised by the recently deceased. Not who I would have expected.

Bea, if I had a rum and coke right now I would totally drink to you because, you know, you're awesome and stuff. Even with a cactus stuck to your rear. And David, props to you for writing a post when you have to be up to be at work and three freaking o'clock in the morning. Love you guys!

Linki: BR which posts pinged you?
I am a big Doctor Who fan, but as I explained earlier, I don't like to overthink night polls because I often suspect hosts of mixing up the respective outcomes to be something different than the obvious results.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 12:41 am
by Gotrees
Jim The Fish!

I love Jim The Fish.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 12:47 am
by Black Rock
Spacedaisy wrote:Ok, that whole freaking night conversation went nutty after I voted. Which I don't think I commented on my planet vote so I will now. I don't know jack about Dr. Who. And no one had voted for Azure, so I thought, "what the heck, why not toss a vote there?" And I did. The end.

Now, as to my thoughts.... DFaraday's voting seemed weird. Why? Because I am fairly certain he is a big Dr. Who fan, so I can't see why he would have treated it in such an offhand manner. If I had been around to see that initial vote of his for Azure, I would have probably changed my vote based entirely upon that.

To zeek who bashed people for choosing Azure because they like the color blue... Come on man, if you know nothing about Dr. Who, you would be relying entirely on someone else's guidance for which option, which an possibly open you up to manipulation. So you can either choose randomly for whatever half ass reason you come up with (like I did) because you have no info and don't feel like trying to wrap your brain around the various Wikipedia descriptions of each planet, or you try to understand what the Whovians are saying about each one and hope you are not taking the advice of a Baddie. Six one way, half a dozen the other. If you don't like it and want to call me irresponsible, be my guest. Seems to be par for the course in this game.

I was surprised by the recently deceased. Not who I would have expected.

Bea, if I had a rum and coke right now I would totally drink to you because, you know, you're awesome and stuff. Even with a cactus stuck to your rear. And David, props to you for writing a post when you have to be up to be at work and three freaking o'clock in the morning. Love you guys!

Linki: BR which posts pinged you?
I will find them. I'm posting from my phone right now so bear with me. I might only be able to quote one and tell you the page number as I have no idea how to copy and paste on this phone, also no multi-window.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 12:49 am
by Gotrees
Black Rock wrote:I have basically caught up right now. The one person who stood out to me the most was enrique. His posts read false to me. A few posts an amount of pages back kinda clinched it for me. My vote is likely going his way today.
One thing I noticed on Enrique was that he and Dana seemed to be backing each other up a lot early on (Day 0?).

I know they know each other pretty well outside of mafia, so I just attributed it to that, but it might still be worth mentioning/looking into.

Otherwise Dana doesn't seem to have done anything very mafia-like, as far as I can tell.


Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 12:57 am
by Long Con
Ok, I have tried to catch up, but it's so many pages that I'm going to just try to start participating now. I could use a quick update of things I need to know about the game. Really sorry I haven't been able to be here yet, but my online time has been more occupied with the Monty Python game I'm still a part of... I have prioritized that game.

I'm going to keep up as normal from here, and try to catch up along the way. I have only ever watched Dr Who during the 4th Doctor's time... when he regenerated into the 5th one, that blond guy, I was like "WTF is this crap??" and I stopped watching. Then many years later, I observed a massive resurgence in the show, but I didn't watch any of it.

Anyways, some faces here I don't know, which is very excellent. I'm Long Con, been playing Mafia for years. I started on Lostpedia forums, and have played on The Piano, and Revolution Mafia.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 1

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 12:58 am
by Black Rock
Enrique wrote:My post explains why I think the way I do... we have a big list of civvies, a big list of Daleks, and a big list of Cybermen (and an indie role). There are 3 more players than there are roles, so we know there's some roles missing. It's just my interpretation, which I'm not trying to force on anyone, that the remaining roles are probably their own faction and not in any of the existing ones. Think about it. Why have "Dalek #1" and "Dalek #2" with secret powers instead of just naming one of then "Davros?"

Now what the hell are you smoking? I was away for a few minutes reading about the Time Lords, and tbh I really should be sleeping considering it's 5am and I have plans for noon. But Jesus Christ the reactions I get sometimes..

Ok so it's page 19, the back and forth between him and Zeek. It's not this post in particular but the whole exchange that felt off and false.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 1:01 am
by Black Rock
Gotrees wrote:
Black Rock wrote:I have basically caught up right now. The one person who stood out to me the most was enrique. His posts read false to me. A few posts an amount of pages back kinda clinched it for me. My vote is likely going his way today.
One thing I noticed on Enrique was that he and Dana seemed to be backing each other up a lot early on (Day 0?).

I know they know each other pretty well outside of mafia, so I just attributed it to that, but it might still be worth mentioning/looking into.

Otherwise Dana doesn't seem to have done anything very mafia-like, as far as I can tell.

That's interesting, unfortunately I skipped through most of day 0 because I was so far behind so I missed that.


Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 1:18 am
by Canucklehead
I just want to put this out there: my absolute failure to participate so far has absolutely nothing to do with lack of respect for the hosts or my fellow players. I'm terribly sad that it is being interpreted that way. :(
I'm doing my best, but I was never very good at juggling.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 0

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 1:22 am
by Gotrees
Just looked it up, I guess these are some of the posts I was getting the vibe from.
Enrique wrote:Dammit, Alex, it's too early to be going this hard :p
Ambray wrote:Ten
Wrong color :mad:
Made wrote:I currently see zeek as overlly confrontational, but that can easily be rationalized when you realize it's his first day 0. He (assuming you're talking about his critzing speculating about civvie roles) sounds like what I would expect in a day 1 post.
You think zeek was overly confrontational? No, I'm actually taking Dana's side here. MP came out of nowhere guns blazing based on very little. Maybe he's onto something; it is weird that zeek would omit the Doctor's regeneration like that, but is it really to the baddies' benefit? He could've easily just not thought of that. It's still weird that MP would make such a huge spectacle out of it.

To be honest I don't think a baddie would've lashed out like that without knowing that he'd be put in the spotlight. I don't see MP as bad, just chill, dude :p
fingersplints wrote:
Dana wrote:
keys56000000000 wrote:Or is it Dana jumping the gun on what she identifies as an easy lynch?
What do you mean by this? Who is the easy lynch?
You said yourself MP is always killed early...
Dana wrote:MP for real you're acting super fishy. Is this just your normal play style? You've been killed in the first few days in every game I've seen you in so far.
Haha, what, you think that was a threat? Dana wasn't in any way aggressive / pushy about MP. Are we actually discussing an easy lynch of Dana and not zeek or MP? :ponder: ... 578#p84578
Dana wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:I think it worked, given we seem to have gotten a really weird attempt to push a zeek lynch based on something trivial by Enrique.
I don't see anyone attempting to push a zeek lynch. Enrique found something that he thought was odd, commented on it (like you did, even though you weren't serious?) and got an answer. I'm not too sure what the issue is here. Though I also don't think someone who's bad would bring so much attention on themselves so early on, so for now, I think both you and Enrique are good.
MovingPictures07 wrote: He clearly tried to say zeek could be suspicious for a ridiculous "slip", then after I responded and explained the situation, he said it would be "really weird thing to slip on", and then afterwards said it was "suspicious"?
I do think it WOULD have been a weird thing to slip on, if it were a slip. It WAS suspicious when there wasn't the information that he could have known about "supatown". Now that the information has been brought here to the thread, I don't think there's anything too weird going on. It seems like he had accepted the explanation, and then when questioned, was explaining why he thought it was suspicious before. That doesn't mean he still thought it was suspicious at the time he said that.
MovingPictures07 wrote:I find your attempt to incriminate me kind of odd.
I'm not trying to incriminate you, I'm sorry if it seemed that way. Like I said before, I think you're good for right now. I just want us all to be friends! ... 132#p85132

On reread it seems more innocent, but it still wouldn't be a bad idea to keep an eye out.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 0

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 1:24 am
by Gotrees
Just looked it up, I guess these are some of the posts I was getting the vibe from.
Enrique wrote:Dammit, Alex, it's too early to be going this hard :p
Ambray wrote:Ten
Wrong color :mad:
Made wrote:I currently see zeek as overlly confrontational, but that can easily be rationalized when you realize it's his first day 0. He (assuming you're talking about his critzing speculating about civvie roles) sounds like what I would expect in a day 1 post.
You think zeek was overly confrontational? No, I'm actually taking Dana's side here. MP came out of nowhere guns blazing based on very little. Maybe he's onto something; it is weird that zeek would omit the Doctor's regeneration like that, but is it really to the baddies' benefit? He could've easily just not thought of that. It's still weird that MP would make such a huge spectacle out of it.

To be honest I don't think a baddie would've lashed out like that without knowing that he'd be put in the spotlight. I don't see MP as bad, just chill, dude :p
fingersplints wrote:
Dana wrote:
keys56000000000 wrote:Or is it Dana jumping the gun on what she identifies as an easy lynch?
What do you mean by this? Who is the easy lynch?
You said yourself MP is always killed early...
Dana wrote:MP for real you're acting super fishy. Is this just your normal play style? You've been killed in the first few days in every game I've seen you in so far.
Haha, what, you think that was a threat? Dana wasn't in any way aggressive / pushy about MP. Are we actually discussing an easy lynch of Dana and not zeek or MP? :ponder: ... 578#p84578
Dana wrote:
MovingPictures07 wrote:I think it worked, given we seem to have gotten a really weird attempt to push a zeek lynch based on something trivial by Enrique.
I don't see anyone attempting to push a zeek lynch. Enrique found something that he thought was odd, commented on it (like you did, even though you weren't serious?) and got an answer. I'm not too sure what the issue is here. Though I also don't think someone who's bad would bring so much attention on themselves so early on, so for now, I think both you and Enrique are good.
MovingPictures07 wrote: He clearly tried to say zeek could be suspicious for a ridiculous "slip", then after I responded and explained the situation, he said it would be "really weird thing to slip on", and then afterwards said it was "suspicious"?
I do think it WOULD have been a weird thing to slip on, if it were a slip. It WAS suspicious when there wasn't the information that he could have known about "supatown". Now that the information has been brought here to the thread, I don't think there's anything too weird going on. It seems like he had accepted the explanation, and then when questioned, was explaining why he thought it was suspicious before. That doesn't mean he still thought it was suspicious at the time he said that.
MovingPictures07 wrote:I find your attempt to incriminate me kind of odd.
I'm not trying to incriminate you, I'm sorry if it seemed that way. Like I said before, I think you're good for right now. I just want us all to be friends! ... 132#p85132

On reread it seems more innocent, but it still wouldn't be a bad idea to keep our eyes out, I'd think.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 1:27 am
by Gotrees
Sorry for the double post.

It was post 3 for me.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 2:07 am
by Long Con
One thing I actually DO know about this game, I read the thing with Zeek and MP07. Zeek mentioned that The Master might resurrect, "like The Doctor". MP attacked him about it, like Zeek was trying to tell half the story, but I don't think that was too valid, since Zeek literally mentioned The Doctor in the same sentence. So, siding with Zeek on that one.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 2:11 am
by Black Rock
I would also like to apologize to juliets and the hosts. I should have done better.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 2:37 am
by Long Con
Black Rock wrote:I would also like to apologize to juliets and the hosts. I should have done better.
Hmmm... suspicious. She only sucks up when she's a baddie. [img][/]

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 2:38 am
by Long Con
Dammit. Image

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 5:54 am
by Snow Dog
I cannot believe I missed another poll. Saw Sunday and presumed it was tonight. My bad. Haven't caught up yet so can anybody tell me why juliets was lynched?

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 6:04 am
by Snow Dog
I should have checked wasn't dead before I posted. :haha:

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 6:12 am
by Snow Dog
Long Con wrote:One thing I actually DO know about this game, I read the thing with Zeek and MP07. Zeek mentioned that The Master might resurrect, "like The Doctor". MP attacked him about it, like Zeek was trying to tell half the story, but I don't think that was too valid, since Zeek literally mentioned The Doctor in the same sentence. So, siding with Zeek on that one.
Alex has already said that whole thing was a ruse so irrelevant unfortunately.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 6:50 am
by zeek
Good to see we made it to our destination, even if I did fall asleep :)

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Night 1

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 8:39 am
by Snow Dog
MovingPictures07 wrote:I'm also looking forward to more people actually posting on-topic because there are still a bunch who haven't commented on what went on, but I suppose D2 will be plentiful in that regard... I would hope.

I just find it strange people like Snow Dog pop in to say, nah, I don't care, I refuse to post on-topic, and then disappear.
Didn't say I didn't care nor did I refuse to post on topic. I refused to count them and do a minimum of five.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 9:09 am
by S~V~S
Those were a couple of unexpected kills, IMO. Especially MR. I would guess that MR may have been killed by someone not who sent in the kill, and possibly voted, fairly early, and did not really come back before the end. MRs drive by vote was so odd, and he could not have been silenced. It was mentioned several times,mostly by me, but still.

Had he not died, I was intending on coming in here today and making a case on him, and I think that was very apparent from my posts last night. Generally it is my experience that baddies don't NK those under suspicion. So like I said, i don't think the Master was probably an early voter.

As for TH, he went hard against MP early, but then quieted down. It is possible that that kill was done to set MP up, since most people would, as a reaction to THs death, reread TH. Personally, I don't think MP would have killed him as he has taken a lot of suspish already and TH being NKed might only add to that. This might be someone who was more involved, perhaps someone who thought they might be coming under scrutiny today. This would be a way to set up an advance distraction.

I still want to reread both MR & TH to see if anything else can be learned from their deaths.

Also glad to see more people straggling in :)

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 9:11 am
by S~V~S
S~V~S wrote:Those were a couple of unexpected kills, IMO. Especially MR. I would guess that MR may have been killed by someone not who sent in the kill, and possibly voted, fairly early, and did not really come back before the end. MRs drive by vote was so odd, and he could not have been silenced. It was mentioned several times,mostly by me, but still.
Fixed. Not sure where that phantom "not" came from.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 9:31 am
by Roxy

My catch up post is coming - it is long and unwieldy.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 9:34 am
by S~V~S
bea wrote:Attention!!! Attention!!! This just in:
K9 wrote:Doctor. I have received some confusing and contradictory information tonight. The Valeyard is a role. Epignosis is Jim The Fish. The Valeyard is not a role. This requires further analysis.
Also wanted to mention this. The role says SOME of the statements are false, which is to say, I guess it could be more than one? Becasue obviously at least one of these two statements is false:

The Valeyard is a role
The Valeyard is not a role

So that tells us nothing. The other statement I dunno. I think Jim the Fish would be a civvie role, or neutral role, since both River & the Dr seem to recall him fondly while diary synching. BUT it has been my thought that both BWT & Bea played in a game of MPs that had an entire secret team, Avant 1. I know Bea was on it, not sure if BWT was. If they had 2 extra secret roles, I can see 2 indies. But if they had 3, they might have made a secret team. So not sure if I think this is even a role. I also don't see the hosts giving blatant info like that to K9. But, of course, just speculation.

I think we have 2 false, one true. And we cannot tell which it is, lol. If the bit about the Valeyard being a role is true, then my theory about a secret team is probably wrong, as the Valeyard would be an Indy. Unless the Valeyard is something that can happen to the Dr himself. So all in all, I think K9s info does not help much. He's still a good doggie, though :)

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 9:36 am
by Snow Dog
Who the fuck is Jim the Fish?

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 9:37 am
by Epignosis
S~V~S wrote:I think we have 2 false, one true. And we cannot tell which it is, lol.
And I know whether you are right or not. :)

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 9:41 am
by Roxy
Bye Juliets :( You are indeed the most awesomely nice person I have ever known.
Bye MR :( ?
Yay Chris! :)
Snow Dog!!! I did not know you were playing! Missed ya!
MovingPictures07 wrote:Honestly, if 15 out of 31 players missed the D1 vote and I was hosting, I'd be half tempted to just modkill them all. That's insane.
Why????? Did you learn NOTHING from your last major kill off? wow wee

MP - inre: your zeek "gambit". I still do not buy it was a gambit or to get people talking. Others may just fall in line when you speak but I am going to expect you to show me you can be trusted after that. You then jumped to Enrique and quickly gave that up for Juliets -

inre: Juliets: I do not see how you did not think those posts were very similar. When you said she did not sound sincere or genuine (i do not remember your exact wording) I just couldn't believe it. She sounded very sincere to me even a bit sad that no one who knows her well believed her. It was a disheartening read tbs. Why would you trust Epi's vote or suspicion knowing how often he is wrong? Why didn't you give her botd? Can you explain to me what is so CLEARLY not the same in the 2 posts? The gist and meaning read exactly the same to me.

Epi - why people followed you and your heavy handed push for Juliets is beyond me. She was questioning you about Enrique - and tbf I still do not know why you are suspicious of Enrique and I just finished reading the thread and re-reading the thread - Why didn't you ever answer her without your Cheshire cat responses? Why when someone asks you for reasons you won't give them? Why do you tell them to find it themselves? Would they ask if they could find it themselves? LOL
A good civvie shares info they have found in the thread. They don't keep it secret as we want to work TOGETHER to hunt and lynch baddies. The way you go about it feels very self-promoting this game. I cannot figure out why you are being this way. It's twitching my nose. Juliets was pointing the finger at you before she was even lynched so yah i am going to be looking hard in your direction today.

zeek - why are you pushing so hard for SVS to give opinions? Why not anybody else? Why solely her? She did state she did not get the Juliets suspicion. I do wish she had been more forceful in her stance inre: Juliets.

Elo - every game we have played together I question your votes. I figured out why last game. It is bc you often latch onto anothers suspicion and vote without saying why you are voting just that you agree with whats been said without ever adding your own thoughts. I would love it if you would list the 2 people you are looking at for todays lynch and why. Your vote for Juliets caught my eye.

Hedgeowl - How was Epi's case on Juliets "valid"? Her defenses rang true to you though so - how is it going riding that fence?
Dom wrote:
zeek wrote:
Dom wrote:I voted for a random planet tbh
Doubt it. And even if you were voting randomly you wouldn't have voted Alfava Metraxis and then changed.
Please tell me how you know this.
I was faithful to my randomizer. I read four, accidentally voted one, and then changed my vote.
This exchange has me wanting to look closer at Dom. Why lie about a simple random vote? You voted one then changed your vote to another - that is NOT random in my book. Then you post to zeek a picture/cartoon - "stop patronizing me teacher" - as a way to laugh it off bit I ain't laughing tbh.
Dom wrote:k

When I voted for Azure, I was the second vote, I think. I don't like how the pile up has been after that at all. I think I want to change my vote, but I don't like how pedantic seek is being about his option. I liked SVS's reasoning much better, but I almost don't want to vote that option to spite zeek. :p
How is this even remotely civvie minded?? Its spiteful - not helpful at all.

Metalmarsh89 wrote:
Roxy wrote:MP - I did mean to hurt your feeling or upset you in anyway. I do think what you and Enrique did to zeek was the same in that you both punced on something insignifigant and tried to turn it into something it never was. You both tried to start suspicion rolling on him for an easy lynch vote reasoning for Day 1. I am sorry your posts you made do not read as a gambit nor did it seem like you just wanted discussion they seemed like you genuinely were suspicious of him enough to state you would vote for him day 1. Does that seem like who just wanted discussion?
You're such an asshat Roxy. :smile:

Linki: agenda
hush up Newt!! :p
my online time has been more occupied with the Monty Python game I'm still a part of... I have prioritized that game.
<3 Right on!
jk Bealet and Teeth :p

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 9:44 am
by Epignosis
But I'm not a good civvie. :(

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 9:45 am
by S~V~S
Snow Dog wrote:Who the fuck is Jim the Fish?

Then he is also mentioned during a scene when River & the Dr are diary synching they mention Jim the Fish as well.
Epignosis wrote:
S~V~S wrote:I think we have 2 false, one true. And we cannot tell which it is, lol.
And I know whether you are right or not. :)
Indeed :)

Linki Roxy, ooo in depth read coming up
Linki Epi~ tru dat. I wonder why ANYONE ever listens to you (from a <3 place)

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 9:48 am
by Epignosis
But since a "good civvie" would share info, I'll gladly inform you that I am not a fish. Fish have it so easy. Not me. I've got it rough. Rough!


Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 9:55 am
by Roxy
Epignosis wrote:But I'm not a good civvie. :(
Exactly my point! <3 I don't think you are Fish either tbh.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 10:09 am
by zeek
S~V~S wrote:
bea wrote:Attention!!! Attention!!! This just in:
K9 wrote:Doctor. I have received some confusing and contradictory information tonight. The Valeyard is a role. Epignosis is Jim The Fish. The Valeyard is not a role. This requires further analysis.
Also wanted to mention this. The role says SOME of the statements are false, which is to say, I guess it could be more than one? Becasue obviously at least one of these two statements is false:

The Valeyard is a role
The Valeyard is not a role

So that tells us nothing. The other statement I dunno. I think Jim the Fish would be a civvie role, or neutral role, since both River & the Dr seem to recall him fondly while diary synching. BUT it has been my thought that both BWT & Bea played in a game of MPs that had an entire secret team, Avant 1. I know Bea was on it, not sure if BWT was. If they had 2 extra secret roles, I can see 2 indies. But if they had 3, they might have made a secret team. So not sure if I think this is even a role. I also don't see the hosts giving blatant info like that to K9. But, of course, just speculation.

I think we have 2 false, one true. And we cannot tell which it is, lol. If the bit about the Valeyard being a role is true, then my theory about a secret team is probably wrong, as the Valeyard would be an Indy. Unless the Valeyard is something that can happen to the Dr himself. So all in all, I think K9s info does not help much. He's still a good doggie, though :)
As stated previously, I'm in line with thoughts on a secret team. Weeping Angels, given last Night's poll options. I don't believe Jim the Fish is role in this game given the relative obscurity even to Doctor Who watchers. There are numerous characters not included, both good and bad, with a much higher profile. If we eliminate that possibility and presume the Valeyard is included, that leaves two. Is it likely we have four indy role? No. Is it likely we have an extra indy and secret mafia member each? Yes. It's not AS likely as a secret team, with the Valeyard only as a narrative device in host posts though.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 10:10 am
by zeek
Roxy wrote:zeek - why are you pushing so hard for SVS to give opinions? Why not anybody else? Why solely her? She did state she did not get the Juliets suspicion. I do wish she had been more forceful in her stance inre: Juliets.
SVS was posting and clearly following the thread, not expressing any real opinions. Seemed like too safe a game. Most people weren't even posting. Everything since then has made me trust her and landed her near the bottom of my suspicion list.
Dom wrote:
zeek wrote:
Dom wrote:I voted for a random planet tbh
Doubt it. And even if you were voting randomly you wouldn't have voted Alfava Metraxis and then changed.
Please tell me how you know this.
I was faithful to my randomizer. I read four, accidentally voted one, and then changed my vote.
This exchange has me wanting to look closer at Dom. Why lie about a simple random vote? You voted one then changed your vote to another - that is NOT random in my book. Then you post to zeek a picture/cartoon - "stop patronizing me teacher" - as a way to laugh it off bit I ain't laughing tbh.[/quote]
THIS. If I used a randomizer for a four option poll, which I wouldn't because that is completely ridiculous, I would not then change my vote if I'd accidentally voted against my randomizer. Because surely an accidental vote is a random vote.

Re: Dr. Who Mafia! - Day 2

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 10:17 am
by fingersplints
guys, we aren't going to be around much until Tuesday. Keys leaves to go back to England Monday evening, and the visa processing time is longer than expected so I will be here a few months without him. Spending time with my husband before months apart > reading mafia thread. Sorry, we haven't been playing and will be back on Tuesday