Page 19 of 44

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 3:29 pm
by Young Lady
So on one end we have Etain saying:

"The possibility of a Carmen role hint pushed Carmen out of the spotlight and Finnian became her de facto replacement. Shortly after THAT, the push for low posters begain, possibly as a scramble to protect Finian from this impossible to foresee shift in the paradigm."

And on the other we have Deidre, one of the folks being tossed about as possibly suspicious (according to Etain in part to rescue Finian) saying:

"The new crop of suspects is just a distraction from the old crop of suspects." which of course he would say, being one of the new crop of suspects :P

Do I have the gist?


Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 3:32 pm
by Larry David
Okay I have to go do musical stuff. I might be getting drunk immediately after so whether or not I'll have time to vote after is unknown. SO FOR MY FIRST VOTE EVER

*drum roll*



Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 3:34 pm
by Kent Brockman
Finnian Metalfox wrote:Yeah, Etain. The Djinn hates me enough already. :(

We Djinns have too much in our hearts to harbor hate. But the Cause of Peace requires that evil be purged from the world, as I learned when I attended the Forty-Third Annual Convention of the Grand Mystic Royal Order of the Nobles of the Ali Baba Temple of the Shrine.


Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 3:38 pm
by Celeste
Queran Gloomsoul wrote:So on one end we have Etain saying:

"The possibility of a Carmen role hint pushed Carmen out of the spotlight and Finnian became her de facto replacement. Shortly after THAT, the push for low posters begain, possibly as a scramble to protect Finian from this impossible to foresee shift in the paradigm."

And on the other we have Deidre, one of the folks being tossed about as possibly suspicious (according to Etain in part to rescue Finian) saying:

"The new crop of suspects is just a distraction from the old crop of suspects." which of course he would say, being one of the new crop of suspects :P

Do I have the gist?

Um, I'm not sure, wouldn't that mean that Deirde and I are in agreement? If so, then yea, I think that's right.


Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 3:39 pm
by Ned Flanders
Deirdre, the role hints have been discussed more than 24 hours now. One would think you use this as an excuse, but I can see both good and bad reasons for doing so.

Bronwyn's post sounds straight to the point and mirrors the qualms I have about voting for/against Carmen. Carmen's posts sound pseudo-innocent. I have to say that the only way I think a baddie might have been ballsy enough to make false role hints, is if they have a team member who checked a player on night 1, and found out the identity of a member of the townie duo, and turned in a kill for that player on the next night. Then possibly a team member could establish, by rolehint, that they are a member of this loving duo.

I am still considering what to do.


Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 3:40 pm
by Young Lady
Except you think the push was to protect Finnian, and Deidre thinks Carmen is a better bet?


Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 3:43 pm
by Celeste
Queran Gloomsoul wrote:Except you think the push was to protect Finnian, and Deidre thinks Carmen is a better bet?

Oh, I was reading only your post, I didn't go back to hers. If she thinks the fix is in to save Carmen, then no, we don't agree.


Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 3:46 pm
by Young Lady
My post was to point out the interesting contrast in your two theories.


Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 3:46 pm
by Prisoner 509378
Wow, 2-2-2 so far! Avoiding that spread is going....poorly. I have to choose now and then sleep. I will go Finnian for reasons previously stated. I still feel worst about him. And I'm not sure about the "subtle push" being discussed, but I think the possibility is there. Linki #2: wait, is the "subtle push" away from Carmen or Finnian?

Linki #1: Miyuki, can you explain why the scenario you put forth is the only way a nogoodnik would dare hint at a civvie role? And the hint you seem to have picked up is a different role than the one I had been reading. Since when are role hints ok, anyway? Every other game I've played, hints have made people want to lynch the person more, not less.

I'm becoming more and more convinced that Bac's thoughts on Ameerah are right, as well. Occam's Razor says silencing and then killing him to stop him talking about her is a solid plan. But given the current spread I think that's a debate for tomorrow.

Linki #3: Wow Queran, prolific today!


Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 3:47 pm
by Prisoner 509378
EBWOP: I voted Finnin, since he seems to have replaced Finnian on the poll. ;)

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 3:47 pm
by Celeste
Gobnait Gingeruite wrote:Wow, 2-2-2 so far! Avoiding that spread is going....poorly. I have to choose now and then sleep. I will go Finnian for reasons previously stated. I still feel worst about him. And I'm not sure about the "subtle push" being discussed, but I think the possibility is there. Linki #2: wait, is the "subtle push" away from Carmen or Finnian?

Linki #1: Miyuki, can you explain why the scenario you put forth is the only way a nogoodnik would dare hint at a civvie role? And the hint you seem to have picked up is a different role than the one I had been reading. Since when are role hints ok, anyway? Every other game I've played, hints have made people want to lynch the person more, not less.

I'm becoming more and more convinced that Bac's thoughts on Ameerah are right, as well. Occam's Razor says silencing and then killing him to stop him talking about her is a solid plan. But given the current spread I think that's a debate for tomorrow.

Linki #3: Wow Queran, prolific today!

Imo, the push is away from Finnian.


Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 3:49 pm
by NurseWilgy
Sorry for being Mia, my father in law died on Wednesday so mafia is the least thing of my mind.

Anyways skimmed through the last few pages , and my gut is saying finnin.


Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 3:50 pm
by Kent Brockman
Lyel Lambboat wrote:Sorry for being Mia, my father in law died on Wednesday so mafia is the least thing of my mind.
My condolences, Lyel. :(


Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 3:51 pm
by NurseWilgy
Rhinfrew Flowingrass wrote:
Lyel Lambboat wrote:Sorry for being Mia, my father in law died on Wednesday so mafia is the least thing of my mind.
My condolences, Lyel. :(

Thanks :)

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 3:53 pm
by Rachel Green
I dunno, I kinda feel like even though she thinks I am illogical (and she is not the first to think that) Carmn hasthe plaintive innocent thing going on to some extent imo, so I am leaning that Finian was the person in need of succor, not Carmen.


Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 3:53 pm
by Young Lady
Firstly, sorry to hear that Lyle.

Gobnait Gingeruite wrote:Wow, 2-2-2 so far! Avoiding that spread is going....poorly. I have to choose now and then sleep. I will go Finnian for reasons previously stated. I still feel worst about him. And I'm not sure about the "subtle push" being discussed, but I think the possibility is there. Linki #2: wait, is the "subtle push" away from Carmen or Finnian?

Linki #1: Miyuki, can you explain why the scenario you put forth is the only way a nogoodnik would dare hint at a civvie role? And the hint you seem to have picked up is a different role than the one I had been reading. Since when are role hints ok, anyway? Every other game I've played, hints have made people want to lynch the person more, not less.

I'm becoming more and more convinced that Bac's thoughts on Ameerah are right, as well. Occam's Razor says silencing and then killing him to stop him talking about her is a solid plan. But given the current spread I think that's a debate for tomorrow.

Linki #3: Wow Queran, prolific today!

What do you mean w/ Linki #3? :D


Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 4:16 pm
by Rachel Green
Happy Hour at the Pixie Parlour after toil (buy a thimble of brew, get one free!!) So voting now. I think Finian is more likely the culprit in the near murder of me :noble:

So picking Finian


Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 4:18 pm
by Young Lady
I am voting Finnian as well. Given the plethora of evidence and theories and things that sprang forth today, the stuff on him seems to make the most sense and feels just about right to me.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 4:18 pm
by Ned Flanders
Gobnait Gingeruite wrote:Wow, 2-2-2 so far! Avoiding that spread is going....poorly. I have to choose now and then sleep. I will go Finnian for reasons previously stated. I still feel worst about him. And I'm not sure about the "subtle push" being discussed, but I think the possibility is there. Linki #2: wait, is the "subtle push" away from Carmen or Finnian?

Linki #1: Miyuki, can you explain why the scenario you put forth is the only way a nogoodnik would dare hint at a civvie role? And the hint you seem to have picked up is a different role than the one I had been reading. Since when are role hints ok, anyway? Every other game I've played, hints have made people want to lynch the person more, not less.

I'm becoming more and more convinced that Bac's thoughts on Ameerah are right, as well. Occam's Razor says silencing and then killing him to stop him talking about her is a solid plan. But given the current spread I think that's a debate for tomorrow.

Linki #3: Wow Queran, prolific today!


Gob, some roles have to search or be sought, and the player chooses to throw hints out to speed the process along. I won't weigh in on whether its right or wrong, to each his own. I'm surprised you didn't understand when reading the links I posted though.

I just have to decide whether I believe its real or false.


Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 4:18 pm
by Young Lady

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 4:35 pm
by Spooky Ghost
How convenient! The points I was going to make have already been made. :D

This has been an interesting Sunny Period indeed! I agree with Etain regarding the subtle push in the thread away from Finnian. I am also willing to wait another Sunny Period on this issue of Carmen's hint as well. Good points on that one.

I am going to go ahead and vote now so as not to miss it again. :rolleyes:

*votes Finnian*

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 4:35 pm
by Spooky Ghost


Boy, that's easy to forget!!

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 4:40 pm
by Young Lady
I am increasingly unsurprised that Gob and Bac seem to be more and more operating under the same flag. I suppose the buddying-up is more on Gob's part, but the increasing frequency is starting to become alarming :P


Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 4:44 pm
by Rachel Green
Queran Gloomsoul wrote:I am increasingly unsurprised that Gob and Bac seem to be more and more operating under the same flag. I suppose the buddying-up is more on Gob's part, but the increasing frequency is starting to become alarming :P

Actually I kinda thought the same thing myself, my opinion is not all that that he keeps needing it as much as he is saying, ha ha.


Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 5:09 pm
by Julinook
*Votes Finnian for reasons previously given.*

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 5:11 pm
by Larry David
Well I managed to get a couple minutes on the Mac here. Anyways, look for baddies in my voters yadda yadda easy target to shift attention on yadda yadda good luck civs.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 5:15 pm
by Lunatella
Right or wrong I would rather we as a majority decide who gets lynched. So I am sorry Finian i will have to vote for you to try to avoid vote manipulation as much as possible.

Votes Finian.

*fingers crossed*

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 5:16 pm
by Phoebe Buffay
I am sticking with my Carmen vote. She mayormaynot have role-hinted and her posts haven't done much to quell my suspicion of her.

I keep going back and forth on Finnian--I just can't wrap my brain around why a mafia would choose not to vote 3 days in a row knowing that they can't use their night power (or that their teammate wouldn't be pushing them to vote). I hope he is bad, but I decided to stick with my gut.


Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 5:19 pm
by Snapshot
could someone direct me to where the rolehinting is supposed to have happened?


Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 5:23 pm
by Young Lady
Deidre -



Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 5:25 pm
by Snapshot
Queran Gloomsoul wrote:Deidre -


are you able to put that in an actual link by any chance? I'm on my phone in a room full of people


Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 5:27 pm
by Young Lady

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 5:33 pm
by Snapshot
interesting... either its a legit hint or the baddies know that role is dead somehow. but that role doesn't have a lynch switch. lynch results trump role hint imo.

votes carmen.


Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 5:40 pm
by Kent Brockman
I will not speak again until the sun sets. I have made thirty utterances, and to the Djinns, thirty is the perfect number. Rotated ninety degrees, it looks like the bosom of a well-endowed she-Djinn.


Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 5:44 pm
by Julinook
Rhinfrew Flowingrass wrote:I will not speak again until the sun sets. I have made thirty utterances, and to the Djinns, thirty is the perfect number. Rotated ninety degrees, it looks like the bosom of a well-endowed she-Djinn.


Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 5:57 pm
by Ned Flanders
I could easily go with Finnian or Fane, until I have come to a decision about Carmen. I'll go with Finnian though, to minimize the chance of Rumple being able to shift enough votes elsewhere.


Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 6:05 pm
by bea
A king owns an apple tree, and whoever picked an apple from it he would wish underground. His three daughters looked to see if any fell, and after a time the youngest said that their father loved them too much for that. When they ate, they sank underground. The king offered them to whoever saved them.

Three huntsmen set out. They found a castle with no one in it but food set out, so they watched and then ate, and agree that they would draw lots; one would stay and the other two would search. The eldest stayed, and a mannikin begged for bread. When the man gave him some, the mannikin dropped it and asked it to give him it again. He refused and the mannikin beat him. The same thing happened to the second huntsman. When the third one stayed, he did take up the bread, but refused after the mannikin dropped it again and beat him. The mannikin got him to stop by promising to show him how to get the king's daughters again. He showed him a deep well without water, warned that his companions would betray him and so he had to go alone, and vanished. The third told the other two, and they went to the well. The eldest and next both tried to be lowered, but panicked; the youngest went down and found the king's daughters being held captive, one by a dragon with nine heads, one by one with five, one by one with four. He killed the dragons and had the king's daughters lifted in the basket. Then he put in a rock; his brothers cut the rope and took the princesses back to the king.

The youngest found a flute. Playing it conjured up elves, who brought him to the surface. The princesses told the truth, and the older brothers were hanged, but the youngest son married the youngest princess.

Manchin Ironbeast has been lynched. He was The Gnome. A secret Civ role.

It is now Day - you have 48 hours to lynch someone.

Special hostess note: Because we are moving from a day phase to another day phase, there are NO night powers in play this cycle.

Re: Grimm's Polls

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 6:05 pm
by Roxy
Well,well,well who just tried something bad? Also this Poll will end at 6PM EST Friday 17 May

No votes
No votes
No votes
Shand Azureye (4), Eurolyvn Blissfulone (5) 10%
No votes
No votes
No votes
No votes
No votes
No votes
No votes
No votes
No votes
No votes
No votes
No votes
No votes
No votes
Bronwyn Mightyfeet (9), Finnian Metalfox (10), Ameerah Frolicstag (18), Dierdre Wonderbird (19) 20%
Rhinfrew Flowingrass (6), Etain Royalskull (7), Gobnait Gingeruite (11), Lyel Lambboat (12), Queran Gloomsoul (13), Bac Wunderelin (14), Izett Cruelsinger (15), Carmen Brightsun (16), Mainchin Ironbeast (17), Miyuki Lovelymoth (20) 50%
No votes
No votes
Always it's us/Hosts/Sockadelic/Deaded/Nons
Roxy (1), MovingPictures07 (2), Dilan Bluemoss (3), bea (8) 20%
Total votes : 20

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 4

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 6:11 pm
by Kent Brockman
I must lie down and take a dose of salts... :sigh:

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 5

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 6:15 pm
by Young Lady
Well, uhm. RIP Mainchin. This throws my whole Carmen/Mainchin theory into the trash. I guess I was right in assuming that Roxy's little sentence in that other post meant two days in a row...

Really not sure what to make of all this ...

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 5

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 6:17 pm
by Quokka
Oh no! I liked you, Mainchin. RIP :(

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 5

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 6:23 pm
by Larry David
Well shit. RIP Mainchin.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 5

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 6:25 pm
by Larry David
Before anyone asks, I have no clue how I survived.

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 5

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 6:27 pm
by Rachel Green
The same way as last time would be my guess

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 5

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 6:27 pm
by Rachel Green
Also bye Mainchin :(

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 5

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 6:29 pm
by Young Lady
Bac Wunderelin wrote:The same way as last time would be my guess
So you think Finnian was saved twice?

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 5

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 6:38 pm
by Larry David
Wasn't I only saved once? I thought Carmen led last lynch. Or am I horribly wrong?

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 5

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 6:40 pm
by Young Lady
Well that's what I was asking Bac..

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 5

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 6:57 pm
by Rachel Green
Finnian Metalfox wrote:Wasn't I only saved once? I thought Carmen led last lynch. Or am I horribly wrong?
Carmen had more visible votes than you, yes. Does not mean she led. This was discussed.

Does no night mean The Trickster did not get to pick a word? So we might perhaps have a normal lynch?

Re: Grimm's Fairy Tale Mafia - Day 5

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 6:58 pm
by Rachel Green
Queran Gloomsoul wrote:Well that's what I was asking Bac..
Huh? Not sure what this is referring to can you help a Pixie out and explain? You like explaining, make it a looooong explanation, with lots of multisyllabic words :dance: