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Survivor: Mafia [Day 1-3: Atamai Tribe]

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 8:30 pm
by Scotty

Spoiler: show
Engineer, originally from Season 12's Exile Island.

She describes herself as highly adventurous, determined and sexy; a "tomboy in high heels."

When building a fire or shelter, her vote in the day poll counts as 3.
She receives a bonus in all Nimbleness challenges.
As long as Engineer is in the game, ?????
Once in the game, Engineer can change her challenge advantage; this must be made clear by PMing the host at some point during the day of the challenge, and will remain in effect for the rest of the game.

Your starting wellness levels are as follows:
20 Energy, 10 Thirst, and 10 Hunger.

Spoiler: show
Cheerleader, originally from Season 28's Cagayan.

She describes herself as mature, determined and attractive. Her favorite hobbies include interior design, working out and dancing.

Cheerleader receives a bonus in all Nimbleness challenges.
Has permanent BTSC with Football Player, as long as both are still alive and on the same tribe.

As long as Football Player is on a different tribe, or is eliminated, Cheerleader gains the following ability:

Your starting wellness levels are as follows:
20 Energy, 10 Thirst, and 10 Hunger.
-Football Player-




-Crazy Hillbilly-




-Poker Player-



-Police Officer-

-Construction Worker-

-Army Sergeant-

Spoiler: show
Teacher, originally from Season 23's South Pacific.

She describes herself as driven, positive and enthusiastic. Her favorite hobbies include swimming with her kids, writing/blogging and baking bread.

If the Student or Teacher ever votes for the other in Tribal Council, they will gain permanent BTSC, provided they are on the same team and neither is eliminated.
Teacher provides an analysis every night in the form of tree-mail.

As long as Student is on a different tribe, or is eliminated, Teacher gains the following ability:

Your starting wellness levels are as follows:
20 Energy, 10 Thirst, and 10 Hunger.
1. Quin - posts
2. sig - posts - Engineer- Voted out Night 1.[/dead]
3. notsawyer540 - posts
4. DFaraday
- posts
5. S~V~S - posts
6. Long Con - posts
7. Epignosis -posts
8. MovingPictures07
- posts - Teacher - Voted Out Night 2[/dead]
9. Sorsha - posts
Episode Guide
Episode 1: "As Long as It Ain't Me"
Episode 2: "Trim the Fat"
Episode 3: "I Won't Take it Personally"

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 8:31 pm
by Scotty
1. Outwit. Outplay. Outlast.
2. No being outside-of-game-context mean to people! We're all here to have a fun time, and even though this game is based on a reality show where tensions can run high, personal attacks will not be tolerated.
a. If you are feeling frustrated, posting in thread is likely not a great idea. Oftentimes taking a few hours to do something else can really help your mindset in these situations.
b. If at any point you feel bullied, unwelcome, or uncomfortable, please bring it up to the Moderator on Duty and it will be dealt with.
3. Info-dumping IS ALLOWED. Information is a very important part of Survivor. How you choose to use it is up to you.
4. There will be no replacements in this game. If you aren't feeling your best or are having illusions of another life with commitments elsewhere, then figure something out. You could conceivably make it to the end of this game without doing anything, but you may be a liability to your tribe. If you ask to be replaced, I will not snuff out your torch- I will, however, drink some rum.
5. No talking to other players in regards to the game outside of the game thread, with the exception of your assigned BTSC partners, when designated.
6. This is the host color. Don't use it, please!
a. This is the Moderator on Duty (MoD) color. Don't use it unless you're a MoD. Your MoD for this game is juliets. Message her if you need a talk!
7. Dead players and Non-players MAY NOT POST. There will be a specified area for deadies (and non-players) to talk amongst themselves.
8. For off-topic (non-game related) discussions, use this color (labeled OT in the post-drafting screen). For sarcastic posts, feel free to use this color. For pedantic posts, this is the one to use.

1. Phases are in 24 hour cycles, and are split into Day and Night.
2. Day phases will consist of general camp life and challenges
-Most challenges will take place over the full day period, and some will take place at a set time towards the end of the phase, which will be made apparent at the start of the day.
3. Night phases, should the team not win immunity, will consist of Tribal Council, where one player will be voted out of the tribe at the end of the phase via privately-messaged votes. All ties are to be randomly decided among the tied players.
4. You may not target the same player with a Day or Night power two times in a row. This does not include voting for someone at tribal council.
5. All players have a Hunger, Thirst and Energy level, which will be updated via PM at the start of every Day phase (If you do not receive your updated level for some reason, PM either Marmot or myself)
a. If your hunger or thirst level drops to 0 by the end of a night phase, you will be med-evac'd and officially removed from the game.
b. If your energy drops to 0 at any point, you will still be able to remain in the game, but your ability to perform in challenges may prove to be greatly hindered until you regain energy.
c. Players may never exceed their starting attribute levels. Any excess gained in the game will be wasted.

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 12:45 am
by Scotty
Episode 1: As Long as it Ain't Me



The survivors landed with a mighty splash into the waiting sea below.

Everyone except DharmaHelper, who lassoed a few castaways with the fabric from his athletic medal and corralled them into a makeshift raft. After giving the others a brief history lesson on the fealty system, he barked out a mighty roar of "So long suckers!" and the raft kicked into gear, propelling he and his cohorts onto a beach far away.

The rest of the wet, groggy, and slightly salty (insert laugh track) survivors paddled their sorry asses up onto the nearby beach a few minutes later.

Epi immediately went over to a tree to write in his diary. Quin tripped over a stick while working his way towards the jungle. And what a jungle it was!

"I aint goin in there," said Sorsha.

"Just be happy we're far away from that self-imposed king of the island," reminded DFaraday.

"lol," joked SVS.

The 9 castaways, who just so happened split themselves into one tribe of 9, surveyed their surroundings.

Not 20 yards away was a sign, declaring their tribe name to be

As they gaze across the beach, they see an expansive outcropping of pliable trees in front of them. The jungle ruminates with a thick chorus of animal noises. [Faint sounds of what appears to be a Marmot join in]. What will each of them do?

Day 1 ends Monday at 11p EST.

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 12:45 am
by Scotty
In the middle of the beach there is another sign written in blood. Whose blood? One of the indigenous tribesman that we slaughtered to secure this filming location, of course. But that’s not important.

The sign says: 
“Every day a challenge posted here there will be. 
Perform the tasks to win reward and/or immunity;
Lose an immunity challenge and you will go 
to tribal council where you must kill one of your own.”

[center]Challenge #1: Obstacle Course Relay[/center]
Today, you’ll be playing for IMMUNITY.

If any player does not declare a position and/or action in the challenge (and this generally goes across the board for all challenges), I will automatically put them in one of the longest/safest actions possible and work out the times and energy loss accordingly. So if you can't make it, you have no say in the choices you would make for your team.

Players will be competing in an obstacle course. It is up to the tribe as to who does what.
When players have decided upon the participants for each leg, announce your own position in the thread by stating in some capacity: 
"Jeff, I will do [insert leg]"

[1 player] will perform the first leg.
[3 players] will perform the second leg.
[1 player] will perform the third leg.
[4 players] will perform the fourth leg.

1. Untying [Nimbleness] *1 player*
This leg involves untying bags of balls from a post
Spoiler: show
It will cost 1 energy/5 attempts for the player performing. The player calls a number 1-10. Each attempt has a 10% chance to succeed. Each roll will take 2 seconds for this leg.

2. Shooting Hoops [Strength] *3 players*
This leg involves 3 players from each team shooting balls through hoops. Each team must make a combined total of 8 hoops to complete this leg. Each shot attempted will take 5 seconds.
Spoiler: show
There are 3 types of balls- heavy, medium and light. There is one hoop. A player must write in thread their choice of ball and whether they will shoot with one, some, or all balls at once and I will calculate if they made each respective shot as soon as I can respond.
Heavy balls cost 2 energy, and have a 20% chance to miss
Medium balls cost 1 energy, and have a 50% chance to miss
Small balls cost no energy penalty, have an 80% chance to miss, and every shot made only takes 1 second.

3. Water Puzzle [Puzzle Solving] *1 player*
This leg requires one player to solve a water puzzle. 
Spoiler: show
I will PM the puzzle-solver the problem and they must work alone to solve it and PM me back their solution. Once someone has chosen to attempt this leg, no one else may be sent this puzzle. The timer starts as soon as I send the puzzle- I will send it to you at a pre-agreed time.

4. Lateral Ascension [Strength/Willpower] *4 players*
Four players on each tribe must laterally traverse two levels to get to the top and hoist their tribe flag. Each level has 2 options that will either test Willpower or Strength. All 4 players must decide and commit to the same option in the thread.
Spoiler: show
Level 1:
Option A) Retrieve large and heavy stepping blocks from across the field. 
-2 energy/person--70 seconds total.

Option B) Hoist one player up, who will then lift the other players up onto the next level.
-1 energy/person each try. 40% chance to fail. --12 seconds per try

Level 2:
Option A) Run up a slippery slide and pull yourself up. 
-1 energy/person each try. 66% chance to fail-- 8 seconds per try per person

Option B) Run up long and winding staircase.
-2 energy/person, but takes 60 seconds total

At the end of all 4 legs, I will add up the time totals. The tribe that gets to the top and raise their flag first wins the first immunity challenge of Survivor: Mafia!

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 2:04 am
by Scotty
All PMs should have been sent out. Let me know if you did not receive one.

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 2:15 am
by Quin
alright kids, let's get started.

who wants to tell me what the hell is going on? alternatively, i could read.

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 2:23 am
by Quin
Looking at the challenge and the affect on energy, I think it's a good idea to post our energy levels so we can work out how best to strategise without screwing us over for later challenges.

I've got 15.

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 2:29 am
by Quin
How does this work in terms of timing, Scotty? Does the entire tribe need to be here at once for the challenge or can we do our parts on our own (or within our groups) and then you add up the total?

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 2:36 am
by Quin
By the way, I like this tribe. We've got a strong team here :srsnod:

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 2:53 am
by Scotty
Quin wrote:How does this work in terms of timing, Scotty? Does the entire tribe need to be here at once for the challenge or can we do our parts on our own (or within our groups) and then you add up the total?
All legs will be tabulated at End of Day, and the tribe that finishes in the shortest total time wins immunity.

You do not need to be here specifically at any point today- only determine what leg you will participate in.

For instance, if you are performing in leg 2, you may start shooting balls at once. You can either shoot several balls at once, or take turns shooting with other players until I can get back to you.

If you are performing in leg 4, you must all agree in thread on which option you will take.

Does that make sense?

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 2:57 am
by Quin
Scotty wrote:
Quin wrote:How does this work in terms of timing, Scotty? Does the entire tribe need to be here at once for the challenge or can we do our parts on our own (or within our groups) and then you add up the total?
All legs will be tabulated at End of Day, and the tribe that finishes in the shortest total time wins immunity.

You do not need to be here specifically at any point today- only determine what leg you will participate in.

For instance, if you are performing in leg 2, you may start shooting balls at once. You can either shoot several balls at once, or take turns shooting with other players until I can get back to you.

If you are performing in leg 4, you must all agree in thread on which option you will take.

Does that make sense?
So I could say I'm doing task x right now and then I'd be set? I mean, I won't, but that's helpful to know since I'm away for a few days coming up.

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 3:56 am
by Sorsha
Hey everybody. I have 20 energy.

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 7:08 am
by Sorsha
So. I'll be at work shortly and I'll try to check back in as much as possible but I think it'd be best for me to do number two or four.

Also looks like we have to choose something in the poll so I'm going to go fishing. I'd recommend that someone start a fire.

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 7:12 am
by S~V~S
Also 20 energy.

And I will be home by 5 eastern and will realistically be available till 9 , before 5 and after 9 i am spotty. So figure out for me which position I should do based on that.

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 7:16 am
by S~V~S
Also starting that fire.

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 7:20 am
by Quin
Quin wrote:I've got 15.
Scratch that, I've got 20 energy as well. \_(:T)_/

The third section is different in that it actually has to be solved whereas the other sections are probability/time based, so we'd ideally put someone who's good with riddles there. I remember Epi's performance in Psych so if he's as good at solving riddles as he is creating them he's probably our guy. Up to him though.

linki: Are votes changeable?

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 7:21 am
by S~V~S
Quin wrote:
Quin wrote:I've got 15.
Scratch that, I've got 20 energy as well. \_(:T)_/

The third section is different in that it actually has to be solved whereas the other sections are probability/time based, so we'd ideally put someone who's good with riddles there. I remember Epi's performance in Psych so if he's as good at solving riddles as he is creating them he's probably our guy. Up to him though.

linki: Are votes changeable?
Looks like they are changeable. And I am horrible at riddles so count me out of that one.

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 7:26 am
by Quin
I'll help with fire then. I never got a PM regarding my item but I've seen glasses be used to get a fire going in previous seasons, so maybe it'll be an advantage.

The first four options seem to be camp based, I'm spit balling that the more people on those options the better our energy boosts are going to be, so I think getting people on all of those options would be smart. The rest kind of speak for themselves though :feb:

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 7:57 am
by S~V~S
OK if you do fire, I will switch to water.

And whoever does the organizing (with day ending with me in bed most days, I won't be much help there~ isn't it after midnight by you, Quin?) I will check in periodically to declare my intention to perform whatever task is assigned to me in the thread as per the rules.

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 8:04 am
by Quin
S~V~S wrote:OK if you do fire, I will switch to water.

And whoever does the organizing (with day ending with me in bed most days, I won't be much help there~ isn't it after midnight by you, Quin?) I will check in periodically to declare my intention to perform whatever task is assigned to me in the thread as per the rules.
It's 10pm for me right now, so it's probably best to just pretend I'm on a completely opposite schedule to the majority of people here. Since I won't be here when everyone else is I'll just do whatever I'm told if I'm assigned something in the morning.

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 8:07 am
by S~V~S
OK, well we have Epi, MP and LC who are all good organizers here in the day, so hopefully we get our shit together :D

Will check back in an hour or so.

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 9:10 am
by Long Con
I'm pretty strong, so I'll volunteer for part 4, Level 2, Option A: Run up a slippery slide and pull yourself up.

And I'm building a shelter. :grin:

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 9:27 am
by Long Con
The water puzzle may be some variation of the classic "make 4 L from a 3 L and a 5 L jug".

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 9:38 am
by S~V~S
Looking at the poll options, I am wondering if the people who do the tasks today should take a break tomorrow. Like half the poll things are things that are work, fishing and building and carrying water, all use resources. Taking walks and napping, not so much. So tomorrow, those who did the active things should maybe take the naps, etc?

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 9:43 am
by S~V~S
Also on Task 2, what is the best option for ball choice?

Like if three people choose small, with no energy penalty, how many balls are they allowed to shoot? If they can shoot 20, then @ 4 each should go in. So we would make the 8 shots then.

I don't see where it says we have a limited number of balls to work with?

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 9:51 am
by Long Con
Yeah... shooting 8 heavy balls would drain 80% of on player's starting energy. Even spread across three players, that's a heavy toll.

I think that the naps and walks should go more toward those who expend more energy getting us a Challenge Win. I assume the Challenges will often take more energy than camp chores.

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 10:08 am
by S~V~S
So if one of us takes the balls option, and chooses to throw 25 light balls, would they have to make 25 posts, or just say that they were choosing to do this? I ask since time allowance are given.

Becasue I will take one of the Task 2 positions if I can shoot a large number of light balls.

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 10:12 am
by notsawyer540
Hey tribe! I've got 20 energy and I'm strong as shit.

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 10:22 am
by notsawyer540
Read my rolecard again and I should do the fourth leg. Also, I'll help get water. Dehydration is a killer and we'll do better than the other tribe if we're not thirsty.

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 10:30 am
by Sorsha
I think we can choose to throw all of our balls in one post, if we want, or make separate posts for each throw.

Can we throw a mix of balls? Like 2 heavy, 2 medium and 20 light? Or can we only throw one type each person?

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 10:37 am
by Sorsha
Also wanted to point this out:

"If any player does not declare a position and/or action in the challenge (and this generally goes across the board for all challenges), I will automatically put them in one of the longest/safest actions possible and work out the times and energy loss accordingly."

Do you guys think it would be best to leave the heavy lifting/strength to the ones who may not show up? Or some of them at least? Or is that a bad idea?

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 10:55 am
by S~V~S
OK, I relooked at my role, and I don't feel that feats of strength are for me, and I am bad at riddles. So I can do one or two.

I think I am fairly nimble, so I can volunteer to do the first thing, shimmying up the post and untying the bags of balls. Or I can do the second, based on the number of attempts/balls we can make.

Whatever the group decides.

So far we have 2 of the 4 positions for Number 4 set, correct? And we are hoping Epi does #3? MP or Faraday might do well at that as well.

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 11:04 am
by S~V~S
Scotty is in the building.

@Scotty~ is there a limit to the number of balls we can shoot overall and per person in each weight category?

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 11:05 am
by S~V~S
ebwop, that should be "IF" Scotty is in the building, lol.

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 11:10 am
by notsawyer540
Well there are 9 of us and 9 total actions required for the challenge. We should do our best to organize by our strengths and weaknesses. I for example have a willpower bonus, so number 4 would be best for me.

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 11:18 am
by S~V~S
Well, I will decide if I am 1 or 2 if/when Scotty clarifies re the # of balls we can shoot. I don't have willpower or strength or anything extra like that.

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 11:34 am
by Tangrowth
Sup, folks? :slick:

So I'm subbing into this thing for a guy called Soneji. I'll be around to chat more later.

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 11:34 am
by Epignosis
Golly, people want me to solve the riddle, and here I am still trying to get my brain around the instructions. :blush:

One thing my daddy taught me growing up was how to fish. The first time I tried I got the line all tangled up and only caught a leaf! I was a mess. But my daddy told me to keep trying. He'd take me out and give me all kinds of tips, and before you know it, I was out there reeling in some beauties! Once I caught a seven-and-a-half pound black sea bass, which almost set a record in my hometown! I even got interviewed for Field and Stream once, even though they spelled my name wrong.

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 11:37 am
by S~V~S
There are nine options and nine of us. I wonder if we are supposed to each pick one, like in the Zero poll?

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 11:47 am
by Scotty
S~V~S wrote:Scotty is in the building.

@Scotty~ is there a limit to the number of balls we can shoot overall and per person in each weight category?
The only limit when shooting balls is your energy. If your energy to be expended, then you would not have the option of shooting balls that expend energy.

And you may vary the size of the ball you shoot with.

I also will ask so that there is no discrepancy between a "proposition" and a "decision" you BOLD your shots so I know what you have decided. I also ask that you bold your decision on leg 4, once you have 4 people performing on that leg.

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 12:15 pm
by S~V~S
Thanks Scotty!

Looking at the players list, I am going to guess that there is someone more nimble than I on it. So I am going to go for task #2.

Choosing to be Person 1 on Task #2, I am going to shoot 28 light balls.

So if there is a flaw in my reasoning re how to achieve this, we can course correct on Persons #2 and #3.

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 12:29 pm
by notsawyer540
I will do leg 4, level 1, option A to take advantage of my willpower bonus

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 12:33 pm
by Scotty
S~V~S wrote:Thanks Scotty!

Looking at the players list, I am going to guess that there is someone more nimble than I on it. So I am going to go for task #2.

Choosing to be Person 1 on Task #2, I am going to shoot 28 light balls.

So if there is a flaw in my reasoning re how to achieve this, we can course correct on Persons #2 and #3.
SVS dives head first into the shooting challenge without waiting for anyone else. She hedges her bets with the bucket of light balls. Her first shot careens way off target, but that doesn't deter her from shooting. She sinks one, and then another, and then 5 more. She shoots 28 times at an inhumanely quick speed, and manages to make 7 baskets all by herself! She pats herself on the back for making it look easy.
1 Hoop remains in leg 2.

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 12:34 pm
by S~V~S

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 1:11 pm
by Long Con
Nice job, S~V~S!!! :grin: :grin: :grin: Go Atamai!

Bolded for confirmation: I'll do part 4, Level 2, Option A: Run up a slippery slide and pull yourself up.

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 1:13 pm
by S~V~S
We really need to beat DH or we will never ever hear the end of it.

Plus if we lose, we need to lynch one of us. I would prefer that not happen if avoidable.

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 1:19 pm
by Scotty
notsawyer540 wrote:I will do leg 4, level 1, option A to take advantage of my willpower bonus
Long Con wrote:Nice job, S~V~S!!! :grin: :grin: :grin: Go Atamai!

Bolded for confirmation: I'll do part 4, Level 2, Option A: Run up a slippery slide and pull yourself up.
Great. If 2 more people join this leg and agree upon the same options, then I'll run it through the simulation.

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 1:35 pm
by Long Con
S~V~S wrote:We really need to beat DH or we will never ever hear the end of it.

Plus if we lose, we need to lynch one of us. I would prefer that not happen if avoidable.
I wonder if they'll lynch DH if they lose. :haha:

Anyway: I want to get something clear before we move on. I want to be on the same page as everyone, so I would like to ask some questions. There will likely be followup questions, depending on the answers.

Are we assuming that it is to our own personal advantage to keep everything about ourselves a secret?

Is it suspicious to observe someone deceiving us about their attributes? Is 'suspicion' even a thing in this game's concepts?

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 1:38 pm
by Epignosis
S~V~S wrote:We really need to beat DH or we will never ever hear the end of it.

Plus if we lose, we need to lynch one of us. I would prefer that not happen if avoidable.
Mr. Gorilla man is probably going to be attempting to solve the riddle.

Mr. Host man, you said there's a timer for the riddle. Would you tell me how much time is allowed for that challenge?

Re: Survivor: Mafia [Day 1]

Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2017 1:40 pm
by Scotty
Epignosis wrote:
S~V~S wrote:We really need to beat DH or we will never ever hear the end of it.

Plus if we lose, we need to lynch one of us. I would prefer that not happen if avoidable.
Mr. Gorilla man is probably going to be attempting to solve the riddle.

Mr. Host man, you said there's a timer for the riddle. Would you tell me how much time is allowed for that challenge?
The time begins when I send the puzzle at a preagreed time. The time ends when you send me back the answer.