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[Sign-ups!] World of Warcraft Mafia - See thread for details!

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 8:00 pm
by Turnip Head
**IMPORTANT: SIGN-UPS WILL BEGIN PROMPTLY AT 5pm EST on SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16th. Sign-ups are anonymous. In order to play this game, you must PM me, Turnip Head, once sign-ups begin**

World of Warcraft - Battle for Azeroth

For 26 players.
Game Features:
  • Alliance vs Horde faction warfare - Unlike most games, Warcraft Mafia will require you to work as a team against an opponent with equal numbers and abilities in a war of attrition. Each faction will have 12 players, one of each class.
  • Choose your own role - choose the class or faction that best suits your style.
  • Highly strategic gameplay - a dynamic set of abilities allows you to make impactful choices
  • Complete quests! Crawl through dungeons! Earn loot!
Choose Your Class
In order to sign up for the game, you must choose a class or a faction. If you choose a class, please rank your top 5 choices. Roles are first come, first served. Take some time to look over the completed roles below, so you can decide your preferences before it's time to sign-up

There are 12 different classes, and two players for each class: One for the Horde, and one for the Alliance.
In addition, each class has two or three specializations ("specs"). A spec will need to be chosen one full cycle before specialized abilities can be used. You will be able to "re-spec" at one point in the game.

Specializations: Blood, Frost, Unholy

Death Knights start the game with 2 runes of each: Blood, Frost, and Unholy.
Each night, 1 random rune will regenerate.
While in your spec, an ability’s rune cost for the associated rune is 1 less.

Actives (Rune cost)
Rune Tap (2 Blood) - votes cast against you have a 50% chance of not counting the next day.
Marrowrend (2 Blood 1 Unholy) - the player you vote for cannot be targeted by beneficial actions the following night.
Anti-Magic Shell (2 Blood 2 Frost) - choose 2 targets and make a list of eight living players. Your targets can only target the names on your list. This ability is due before the night begins.
Howling Blast (2 Frost) - Remove all buffs and beneficial spells from your target.
Breath of Sindragosa (2 Frost 1 Blood) - Your next vote against the opposing faction is worth 1 more after modifiers. Your next vote against Kil’jaeden’s lieutenant is worth 1.5 more. Does not stack.
Chains of Ice (2 Frost 2 Unholy) - the player you vote for will be roleblocked if they target your faction with a damaging ability.
Plague Strike (2 Unholy) - cast a disease on a target. Set the terms of the disease.
Death and Decay (2 Unholy 1 Frost) - check a dead target’s faction.
Dark Simulacrum (2 Unholy 2 Blood) - Choose a target. If they target you, reflect the action back onto the caster.

Cooldowns - [Spec Specific] - one-time use
Death Grip [Blood] Before the halfway point of a day cycle, choose a target. All votes will be reset. The thread will be informed that only you and your target may be voted for.
Bonestorm [Frost] Refresh all your runes. Your next action cannot be roleblocked.
Sudden Doom [Unholy] 50% chance to kill your target.

Specializations: Havoc, Vengeance

Double Jump - Block target X, then redirect another target Y’s action onto target X. Only works on the opposing faction. 2 charges.
Demon Blades - The first vote for Target X will count for Target Y instead.
Fel Rush - Your target starts the next day with 2 votes. 3 Night Cooldown.
Momentum - If your faction has more players, your next vote against your own faction will not count.
Spectral Sight - Learn the full tally of the previous day’s votes. 3 charges.
Vengeful Retreat - If your faction has fewer players, your next vote is worth double. 3 Night Cooldown.

Eye Beam [Havoc] Check the veracity of a statement. 2 charges.
Infernal Strike [Vengeance] Votes against your target count double after modifiers. One-time use.

Specializations: Balance, Feral, Guardian, Restoration
Druids move through all specializations via shapeshifting. Your first shapeshift will correspond to the specialization you choose at the beginning of the game. It is the only class that can utilize all specializations.
Shapeshift - At the start of the game, transform into a bear, panther, dryad, or Moonkin. Shapeshift refreshes if a member of the opposing faction is lynched or if the druid does not use any other abilities.

Bear - Guardian
Bears cannot be lynched unless a majority of their votes are from the opposing faction.
Thrash - Anyone who votes for your target will have their vote count for 25% less the following day. 2 charges.
Growl - Once in the game, reflect your target’s actions onto himself or herself.

Panther - Feral
Prowl - Learn a dead target’s class.
Maim - Once in the game, switch a lynch. You must first have shifted to feral from another form before using this ability. The player you switch to must have a visible vote from you. You cannot shapeshift or use any abilities the following night unless the target was a member of the opposing faction.

Moonkin - Balance
Innervate - Search for a death knight, mage, priest or warlock. If you find one, they can then use one active ability without paying the casting cost in addition to their regular spells. You cannot use Innervate on the same target more than once.
Lunar Guidance - Once in the game, learn how many players are left in your faction.
Soul of the Forest - Once in the game, target a player. The target is brought before a tribunal of 3 players; two from your faction and one from the opposing faction. If all three vote unanimously, the target will die.

Dryad - Restoration
Mark of the Wild - send a message to your target. Will first be approved by the host.
Lifebloom - Block one player who chooses the same target as you. 2 charges.

Specializations: Beastmaster, Marksmanship, Survival

Actives - use one each night
Tracking - Learn your target’s class. 2 night Cooldown.
Eyes of the Beast - Search your target to reveal who else targeted them that same night.
Explosive Trap - Set a trap to be applied to the thread (come up with a secret trigger). The first player who breaks the trap receives 2 votes that day. The third player will be roleblocked the next night. Successful trappings are announced in the thread. Traps disappear after 3 days if they haven’t been triggered.
Trueshot Aura - Your next vote against a member of the opposing faction counts for 1 extra. Stays in effect for up to 3 days.
Tame Beast - 50% chance to tame a wild beast. If successful, every night, you can choose to make your vote worth 2 (before modifiers) OR you may use 2 active abilities, until your beast is killed. Your beast dies if you take at least half as many votes as the player who is lynched. If you are the lead vote getter, your beast will absorb the last two votes and then die. If you are targeted for a kill, your pet has a 25% chance to absorb the hit. Limit 1 tamed pet at a time.

Cooldowns - one-time use
Tame Exotic Beast [Beastmaster] - Tame an exotic beast. *secrets*
Kill Command [Marksmanship] - If your target has more than 6 visible votes (or 5 and your pet’s vote or a Trueshot Aura), lynch your target immediately.
Feign Death [Survival] - If you take the most votes in either of the next 2 lynches, there will be no lynch.

Specializations: Arcane, Fire, Frost

Every time you vote, gain 5 mana. Voting for and lynching Kil’jaeden’s lieutenant earns you 25 mana.
Actives (Mana cost)
Arcane Missiles (free) - choose a target. The first vote they receive the following day will give you 8 mana, the second vote will give you 7 mana, the third vote will give you 6 mana, and so on.
Spellsteal (12 mana) - Gain access to the active ability of your target. Choose one beneficial target and one negative target for the stolen spell to hit. Repeated use of Spellsteal on a specific player costs 20 mana. 2 night Cooldown.
Teleport: Dalaran (15 mana) - choose a player to gain temporary anonymous BTSC with.
Polymorph (18 mana) - polymorph your target into a sheep. They cannot use any abilities and can only make sheep noises until they are targeted, receive a vote, or 2 nights have passed, whichever comes first. A target may only be polymorphed once.
Mirror Image (20 mana) - Choose three players. If any of them target the mage, they will target a mirror image of the mage instead.
Ice Block (22 mana) - create a block of ice that you can use at any time. The ice will surround you, and if any of the next 10 votes are cast against you, they will not count. However, you will start the next day with as many votes as you had before you used your Ice Block.
Time Warp (25 mana) - Reset time by 1 full phase. One use only.

Cooldowns - [spec] - one-shot
Arcane Intellect [Arcane] - Choose a player to gain permanent BTSC with.
Pyroblast [Fire] - Kill your target.
Blizzard [Frost] - Roleblock 3 targets.

Specializations: Brewsmaster, Mistweaver, Windwalker
Every night, the monk sees three reports. Two are true and one is false.

Actives - use one each night
Tiger Palm - Check your target’s stats. 2 Night Cooldown.
Blackout Kick - Block all actions by your target. 3 night cooldown.
Nimble Brew - Shed all harmful effects from yourself.
Rising Sun Kick - Choose a player. Each time you vote for that player, your vote’s weight increases by 1 until that player dies. Limit 2 targets at a time.
Zen Pilgrimage - Choose one report to share with the thread.

Spec Specific Abilities
Flaming Keg [Brewmaster] - If your target is Kil'jaeden's lieutenant, kill your target. 2 charges.
Focused Thunder [Mistweaver] - Receive a snippet of data from the host's spreadsheet. 2 charges.
Fists of Fury [Windwalker] - Duplicate your vote onto another player. In the event of a tie, both players will be lynched. 2 charges.

Specializations: Holy, Protection, Retribution
Actives - use one each night
Avenger’s Shield - If your target is a member of the opposing faction, you will secretly control their vote. Must use every other active ability before using Avenger’s Shield again.
Crusader Strike - Write a blog post.
Judgment - Choose two players who aren’t allowed to target each other. 2 charges.
Hand of Protection - Protect your target from Kil’jaeden’s lieutenant. If they are targeted by anyone other than you, refresh Avenger’s Shield and immediately gain access to it.
Hammer of Justice - Remove your target from the poll.

Cooldowns [Spec] - one-shot
Blessing of Wisdom [Holy] - Once in the game, choose two targets other than yourself. If they are both faction-aligned with the Holy Paladin, they will gain BTSC.
Divine Shield [Protection] - The next two times you cast Hand of Protection, you also cast it on yourself. Avenger’s Shield will refresh for each effective cast.
Avenging Wrath [Retribution] - Refresh Avenger’s Shield. For the next two nights, increase your haste, allowing you to use two active abilities each night.

Specializations: Discipline, Holy, Shadow
Each day that you receive no visible votes, gain 5 mana. Each time you vote, gain 5 mana. Each time a player you vote for is lynched, gain 5 mana.
Lynching Kil’jaeden’s lieutenant from an opposing faction gives a bonus 25 mana.

Actives (Mana cost)
Power Word: Shield (free) - Your target starts the next day with -2 votes. If PW:S successfully saves its target from being lynched, the priest can choose to either gain 30 mana or activate Void Form. Can only be used on odd nights.
CIrcle of Healing (free) - Your target at night then chooses one player to remove 1 vote from at any time the following day. Can only be used on even nights.
Dispel Magic (10 mana) - Remove all harmful magic and disease effects from a target, then cast Power Word: Shield on your target.
Power Word: Barrier (20 mana) - Search for Kil’jaeden’s lieutenant. If found, the kill will be blocked.
Resurrection (60 mana) - Resurrect a dead target.

Penance - if your target receives at least 2 votes the next day, your target is protected from harmful abilities (except from Kil’jaeden’s lieutenant) the following night, and the priest gains 20 mana. Penance can be cast every night in addition to your regular spells.
Atonement - If your target receives at least 4 votes the next day, your vote is worth 4 after modifiers. 2 charges.

Holy Word: Serenity - Pardon a lynch. Learn the role of the pardoned player. 1 charge.

Insanity: Shadow Priests gain mana twice as fast.

Void Form (50 mana) - Lose all your mana. You cannot gain mana. Choose a Shadow spell. You must be in Void Form to use Shadow spells.
Shadow Word: Pain - Subtract .5 from your target's vote before other modifiers. This effect accumulates each night the priest is in Void Form but cannot fall below 0.
Psychic Scream - Cause your target to lose BTSC. This effect can be reversed by healing spells.
Mind Flay - If Target X is targeted for a kill, Target Y will die instead.
Shadow Word: Death - Kill your target. The kill cannot be blocked, redirected, or protected from. Drop out of Void Form.

Specializations: Assassination, Outlaw, Subtlety
Every time your vote is cast against a successfully lynched player, gain 2 combo points. Combo points cap at 6.
While a rogue has 4 or more combo points, a rogue’s vote is worth 2 plus any additional modifiers on odd-numbered days.

Actives (cost)
Backstab (free) - your vote will secretly count for a different player, to be decided before lynch deadline. Gain 1 combo point.
Shadowstep (free) - start the next day with -2 votes.
Sap (free) - target cannot vote the next day, but their vote is worth 1 extra the following day. 3 night Cooldown.
Riposte (5 combo points) - redirect your target’s target.
Crippling Poison (5 combo points) - control a player’s actions for the next day.
Deadly Poison (5 combo points) - poison your target. Each vote against them will be multiplied by the number of poison stacks they accrue, which increases by 1 each day.

Cooldowns [Spec] - one-time use
Ambush [Assassination] - Your next vote is worth triple. You cannot post until after you vote.
Pickpocket [Outlaw] - Steal a target’s loot. 2 charges.
Shadowdance [Subtlety] - *secrets*

Specializations: Elemental, Enhancement, Restoration

Chain Lightning - choose two players; their targets are swapped, and they also swap places. Only useable on even nights.
Cleansing Rain - If your target is faction-aligned, heal them of all harmful curse, poison, magic and disease effects and votes against them count for 25% less.
Earth Shock - If your target is faction-aligned, their actions cannot be roleblocked or misdirected.
Flame Shock - If your target does not vote for a member of their own faction, they will be roleblocked. 2 charges.
Flash Flood - if your target is faction-aligned, their next vote counts for 1 more. 2 charges.
Rockbiter - If your target is faction-aligned, they may choose an extra target for their next ability. Doesn't work with Resurrection, Shadow Word: Death, Pyroblast, Soul Swap,or Kil'jaeden's lieutenant's kill. 2 charges.

Cooldowns [spec] - 1 use each.
Astral Recall [Restoration] - If your target is faction-aligned, gain BTSC with your target.
Bloodlust [Enhancement] - All vote weights are equalized for the current day. Bloodlust will be announced by the host. Does not affect votes that have already been cast.
Earthquake [Elemental] - All votes currently cast are divided evenly among all players on the poll. An earthquake will be announced by the host when it occurs.

Specializations: Affliction, Demonology, Destruction
Every time you vote, gain 1 Soul Shard.
Consume 2 Soul Shards to reduce an action’s persistent vote cost to 1.
Consume 4 Soul Shards to reduce an action’s persistent vote cost to 0.

Actives - use one each night
Demonic Portal - Gain 2 persistent votes and create a portal to your location from target’s location. You will gain temporary BTSC with the target player. It can be anonymous or not.
Drain Life - Choose a player. For every vote that player receives the next day, 1 persistent vote is removed from your cumulative total. If Immolate was on your target, refresh 1 charge of Immolate.
Eye of Kilrogg - Spy on your target. For each subsequent night you spy on this player, you will receive 1 persistent vote. Learn who your target targets each night.
Immolate - Your target gains 1 persistent vote each day. 2 Charges.
Summon: Voidwalker - Lose 1 persistent vote. Gain 1 Soul Shard. Votes cast against you count for .80X the next day. 2 night Cooldown.
Unending Resolve - Gain 2 persistent votes and become immune to all harmful night actions.

Cooldowns [spec] - one-shot
Soul Swap [Affliction] - swap persistent vote totals with your target. Only useable at night, and both parties will be made aware of the swap.
Summon: Doomguard[Demonology] - Summon a demon who takes half+1 of your votes for the next day. If the Doomguard is lynched, the warlock controls the actions of two players the following night, and loses all self-inflicted votes.
Chaos Bolt [Destruction] - Consume 4 Soul Shards to make your next vote worth 4 after modifiers.

Specializations: Arms, Fury, Protection
Warriors use rage: As they take votes, their voting power increases. After a warrior’s vote has successfully been used to help lynch a player, their rage meter sets back according to its influence in the lynch. Warriors can request at any time to be told how much their vote is worth. Warriors have a 33.3% chance (repeating of course) to survive night kills.

Rage bar:
1 vote taken = 5 rage

Warrior’s voting power:
10 rage = +1
20 rage = +2
30 rage = +3
40 rage = +4
50 rage = +5
Rage caps at 50.

Actives - use one each night
Piercing Howl - The next two players to vote for you will not have their votes counted the following day, and they count for half the day after that. Can only be used on even nights.
Pummel - Block your target from using their chosen ability. They cannot use that same ability the following night either. 3 night Cooldown.
Shield Slam - Make the opposing faction's priest's vote worth 0. Make your faction's priest's vote worth 0, or 1 if they vote for the opposing faction. If you receive at least 4 votes, your priest is protected from all harmful abilities that night. 3 charges.
Taunt - Choose one or two targets. Any votes your target receives will instead fill up your rage bar and count for half towards you. You cannot target yourself with this ability.

Cooldowns [spec] - one-shot actions
Whirlwind [Arms] - Your vote also counts towards two other targets of your choice. If a tie between any of these three players occurs, the warrior can pick either one or two of them to be lynched. Whirlwind takes precedence over a paladin’s Avenger’s Shield.
Berserker Stance [Fury] - Your rage-infused voting power is worth 2x for the current day. Berserker Stance takes precedence over a paladin’s Avenger’s Shield.
Shield Wall [Protection] - Lose all your rage and shed all votes cast against you. You are protected from Kil'jaeden's lieutenant's kill the following night.

Kel’Thuzad - 24 hours into each Day period, Kel’Thuzad must predict who will be lynched that Day and which faction they belong to. Each Night, he must also make a prediction: either which player will be killed, or the killed player’s class and faction. *secrets*

Kil’jaeden - Eredar Lord of the Burning Legion. He seeks utter destruction of the universe and will use anyone he thinks can help him achieve this goal. Kil’jaeden must choose one player before the end of each Day to become his lieutenant. *secrets*

Re: [SOON] World of Warcraft Mafia - Sign-ups start Sunday!

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2018 11:54 am
by Turnip Head
Small changes have been made to Demon Hunters, Priests, Monks, and Warriors. I might make a few more tiny tweaks before the game goes live.

Sign-ups begin in approximately 30 hours!

Re: [SOON] World of Warcraft Mafia - Sign-ups start Sunday!

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2018 3:35 pm
by sprityo
I’m interested to see how a mafia game will be balanced for 12v12. It would be hard to assume it’s a mafia game at that point. Can’t wait to see what happens :beer:

Re: [SOON] World of Warcraft Mafia - Sign-ups start at 5pm EST!

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2018 4:35 pm
by Turnip Head
Less than 90 minutes to go. There's still time to skim the roles and pick out a few favorites before you sign up.

If you'd rather not choose your own role, you can simply choose your faction instead. Both factions are honorable and strong. The Alliance is composed ot the traditional "good guy" fantasy races: humans, gnomes, night elves, dwarves, worgen (werewolves), and Draenei (blue, hoofed alien humanoids).

The Horde is more primitive. Orcs, trolls, goblins, tauren (big cows), undead, and blood elves.

You can also be a panda.

Re: [Sign-ups!] World of Warcraft Mafia - Choose your role! See thread for details!

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2018 6:03 pm
by Turnip Head
SIGN-UPS ARE NOW OPEN! Choose your role! Please read the opening post for details. Sign-ups are done anonymously by PMing me.

Re: [Sign-ups!] World of Warcraft Mafia - See thread for details!

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 3:09 am
by sprityo
How many signups are you at TH? It might help to keep a running number of how many people have signed up near the top or something

Re: [Sign-ups!] World of Warcraft Mafia - See thread for details!

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 4:41 pm
by Turnip Head
sprityo wrote: Sat Jan 12, 2019 3:09 am How many signups are you at TH? It might help to keep a running number of how many people have signed up near the top or something
We stalled out at 5 or 6 signups. I was hoping for more :kadaj:

Re: [Sign-ups!] World of Warcraft Mafia - See thread for details!

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2019 4:49 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
Everyone who was in A World Asunder and the Game of Champions should hop aboard this train. It's the sort of intricacy and design creativity you love! :nicenod:

Re: [Sign-ups!] World of Warcraft Mafia - See thread for details!

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 3:56 pm
by JaggedJimmyJay
Unfortunately this game will be temporarily shelved. We can return to it when users are in a better position to take it on. :)