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Martin's General Setup Rules & Clarification

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 10:56 am
by MartinGG99
This is meant to be a central post standardizing some things such as rules or definitions of concepts (Ex: what is a bastard setup as I see it) that will be common throughout games that I may host in the future.

This is in no way a complete list of the rules or factors of a game run by me; there may be small additions or clarifications made in the signup/setup posts that run with this post link included.

~~~Common Rules~~~

1. Discord is expected in most of my games, and typically a single server is set up to allow for easier host & player communication. Uses of discord for private chats will be created in separate servers to avoid potential cheating (where-in a person can mod the Discord client to see what hidden channels exist and who has access, but not what those channels contain).

2. There should be as little to no player-to-host interaction in the thread. Any and all questions and communication with the host are to be held privately via Discord or PM's. Keep in mind for closed setups I may treat questions about other's roles and etc as if they exist in the game even if they actually didn't. If I find it necessary or reasonable, I may publicize answers.

3. In the vast majority of cases you should be paraphrasing any non-public information you get where possible. Don't re-state things word-for-word unless the information is very short (Ex: a short sentence or less). In any case however, you should not be using the quote function with the host's name on it for mechanical information. If there is a secret chat, in all likelihood you shouldn't be copy-pasting it (or otherwise) unless you have the host's permission.

4. Do not discuss substitutions / replacements. Just avoid the subject in general if at all possible, especially if you're reasoning because of it. Don't suggest that player will be replaced soon; in most cases that could be treated as being toxic. Players who publicly request to be replaced, and use appeal-to-emotion in the thread in relation to it by simply mentioning it, may be mod-killed instead by host's discretion.

5. Do not mention other on-going games directly. Except for when you're trying to explain you're busy. I understand if it happens accidentally, but you should be quick to ensure that doesn't happen frequently or in-depth, otherwise I will either mod-kill or replace you; whichever I find to be most fitting. The primary emphasis here is on the fact that on-going games should be self-contained; potentially relevant discussions in one game should not spill into another.

6. Do not (publicly) angle-shoot. You should see what I define it as below (In the "FAQ/Other Notes" section), and avoid discussion of angle-shooting during the game if at all possible. I understand if you think a certain read you got, through angle-shooting means, is undeniably the truth or is very convincing but if that is the case then at the very least avoid trying to discuss that in the thread and instead find other reasons to support the claim that you believe in. If they are indeed a wolf, and you believe in it because of some angle-shooty reason among other things, then you should be able to find the reasons why they're a wolf (that doesn't involve lazy angle-shooting) and discuss that in the thread.

7. Compensation for rule-breaks will rarely be given unless it was extreme. In past hosting experiences I've tried my best at compensation, and twice it went very terribly simply because it involved the host into the game too much. Accordingly, even if compensation is given, it will likely be limited in nature and announced to the fullest extent possible without defeating the purpose of said compensation.

8. As you may have noticed, the host reserves this color (#ae0b66) and please avoid using it or similar colors to it. This is meant to help my posts stand-out from other game-related posts and thus less likely to be accidentally skimmed over.

9. You should be making at least 10 posts per day phase. You may be allowed a temporary excuse, but if its going to be a long-standing issue you may be replaced. These posts can be game-related or not, but I would think you may get judged negatively (with regards to your alignment) by your game peers if those 10 posts aren't really game-related.

10. Please understand that this is a social game of deduction. Anything such as unauthorized behind-the-scenes/out-of-thread communication (that is relevant to the game's discussions) or posting distinctive proof (such as imagery) of a role-card PM is strictly forbidden. These actions are generally considered to be cheating, as they go beyond the typical bounds of the social deduction game and/or ruin the deduction aspect of the game, with the only exception being things specifically set-up by the host such as investigative abilities or secret chats or otherwise.

~~~FAQ/Other Notes:~~~

What does it mean to angle-shoot?

Angle-shooting, as I define it, generally means interpreting host actions or notices in order to gain an unfair advantage, "toes the line", or breaks the spirit of any rule. Probably the biggest example of this could be reading a mod-kill or possible compensation as spewing someone else as a certain alignment in the game by the host; It is okay to think this, but it is NOT okay to say it publicly. Generally I will try to be lenient with this if there's a chance for misinterpretation or miscommunication by a player or myself; especially if its a more rare or not-so-obvious thing.

2. What is a bastard setup?

When I say a setup run by me is bastard, this generally runs with the concept that you could receive a message or statement by the host that, by strict and narrow definition, lies to you and/or otherwise has elements that trumps norms and conventions commonly found on this site in non-bastard Forum Mafia games.

This includes:
Feedback such as the following

"You found out player A was X role!"

When in reality this was redirected onto a different target (Player B). This feedback lies; If it had "The person you visited was X role" instead, then that isn't a lie and therefore isn't bastard. This also includes cases where you would get a false investigative result because of paranoia or investigative immunity that would fake a check result.
Vote-power manipulation, as in presumed ties may not be actual ties to players. This doesn't include abilities that force a player to visibly vote someone, for example.
Alignment changes or anything that could significantly change or alter win condition.
And more as I think of them in the future. There's also obvious stuff, such as resurrections, that would be considered bastard since generally you don't get revived in Forum Mafia and honestly it would suck to die only to have to keep up with the game just because you could be revived....only to not be revived. If you ask me though, I'm probably never going to implement resurrections and if I do I would notify everyone about it clearly.
However, there is an exception to all of this where the persons who would be directly impacted by bastard elements would have already been warned by the host about this either through the setup (such as an open setup) or role-card descriptions warning you of such. A game would not be bastard if you (or the relevant roles and/or relevant persons) had prior distinct warning about such possibilities, and as such I'm less likely to label it as Bastard unless I cannot specify what you should be warned about.

Personal copypasta (Just for my use/memory; this spoiler has no actual effect on game signups linking this post unless I copy-pasta all of it to over there.)
Spoiler: show
Typical Mechanics / Rules


Firstly, a reminder of the site/community rules:
JaggedJimmyJay wrote: Remember that the premier rules in any Syndicate Mafia game come straight from the site rules. Review those rules below, and direct any concerns you may have to the host or moderator(s) on duty.

[Link] Rules and Guidelines on The Syndicate

Also always be mindful of the culture of respect that must be maintained in all Syndicate spaces at all times, to include this game thread and any external communication spaces relating to the game. Players must be respectful to one another, to the game host, to the members of the staff overseeing the game, to the game itself by way of its rules and spirit, to the Syndicate community in general, and ideally also to themselves. Respect is never optional. See our full manifesto on our culture of respect below.

[Link] A Syndicate Mafia Culture of Respect
Please remember that there is always a game "Moderator On Duty" (MoD) or "Game Facilitator" assigned to every game on The Syndicate. They are there to listen to your problems during the game and can potentially assist you if you have any issues with another player or the host. Their purpose, in that aspect, is to make the game more enjoyable for everyone involved while also more respectful if need be.

Secondly, here are my personal game rules. If you break these, you likely won't get administrative action from staff (outside of maliciously disrespecting the host and/or other players when doing so) but you may suffer in-game consequences if I deem it reasonable.

You don't *have* to read my personal rules, as most of it is just the unwritten rules of Forum Mafia written down, but if you want to make sure you don't step on any toes then read it. It also contains my definitions of angle-shooting and bastardry (towards the end of it) which may be relevant to you even if you knew all the rules.

Link: Martin's General Setup Rules & Clarification


Day 48h / Night 24h
-SoD/EoD will be at xxxxxx. (Dear me: Double check for EDT or EST!!!!)
-There is no night 0; the game begins on day 1.
-During the night, the thread will be closed.
-Actions are submissable up to 1 hour prior to an EoD/SoD.
-There may be temporary slight adjustments to SoD/EoD/Day/Night times or lengths if I run into a very unexpected scheduling issue. When I host for a set time, I expect myself to be there and able.

~~~Day Elimination/Execution/Chop (EEC):
-There is no single term I use when referring to EEC's. I may end up even using the word "Deletion/Deleted" instead at times on a whim.
-EEC's are done by vote in a poll at the top of the page. It will be in a plurality-based format.
-The very moment the (End of Day) time hits :00 on my computer is when I will refresh the page, screenshot the poll, and then post it + lock the thread. Role flip(s) after death will be posted soon after as well processing as any day actions.
-Any ties for EEC will be determined arbitrarily by whoever posted first in the game. The person who posted last will be the day's EEC.
-There will be an option to skip. However, the number of players voting to skip must be greater than the total players voting to chop anyone (Ex: 2 votes on A and 1 vote on B means 4 votes are needed to skip).
-Votes are never locked unless you were forced to vote by an ability. This doesn't mean that there is a vote-forcing ability in the game.
-It is recommended that you make a post with the [VOTE: ] aubergine tag whenever you do vote in the poll. It is not required, however.

~~~Factional kill Mechanics:
-Members of a faction that can kill may vote who to kill each night.
-In the event of a tie among the votes, the voter with the longest Syndicate name arbitrarily wins the vote.
-Factional kills are mandatory. If there are no votes, the kill will be randomized among non-faction players.
-Factional kills are assigned to be done by a faction member. If there are no volunteers, this is randomized.
-Factional kills don't cost a player their night-action. If they used one of their abilities and did the kill in a night, a typical tracker role could see them visiting two targets at the same time.

~~~One last Note~~~
There will be at least a 48-hour gap from when role-cards are sent out and the start time/date of the game. During that time, you are to reply to the role-card PM to confirm you are aware of your role and that the game is starting. Doing this task takes very little time, and unless your local power line got zapped by Zeus I don't expect any excuses for not confirming your role-card. Therefore, you will be replaced if you don't confirm/respond.

Version 1.0 (3/29/2021)
[Removed old change notes to reduce clutter]
Version 1.5 (8/10/2021)
-Removed (previous) rules #1, #5, and #11 as these were likely already covered by site rules / the manifesto on respect. I kept rule #12 as that establishes a clear line of what minimum level of activity in a game run by me is expected. Of course, all rules had their #'s re-assigned due to the three removals. Also minor addendum to (previous) rule #12.
-Added JJJ's suggested blurb on site rules into my own copy-pasta.
Version 1.5.1 (8/23/2021)
-Re-added a rule with different wording, to emphasize the point better but also to make clear to players (who may be completely new to Forum Mafia) what is not acceptable.
Version 1.6 (7/29/2022)
-Jesus I haven't edited this in a year.
-Removed rule #2 (bringing total rule count to 9) because I found it to be largely pointless/meaningless, as the cases where it would be concerned are very rare and impact is questionable at best.
-Added rule #1 (bringing total count back to 10) to note my use of discord.
-Completely re-wrote rule #7 to change my stance on compensation

Re: Martin's General Setup Rules & Clarification

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2021 6:05 am
by Justplayingitcool
calling investigative immunity/vote manipulation roles bastard hurts my soul

Re: Martin's General Setup Rules & Clarification

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2021 6:47 pm
by MartinGG99
rip wrong button, meant to edit not reply

(Also, I can't delete this?)