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The Queen's Gambit [RACKET]

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2023 6:56 pm
by Dennis
So I don't know if I'm doing this right or not but I'm just gonna go for it
queensgambit.jpg (8.95 KiB) Viewed 6904 times
Made this game on an whim and decided "ya sure"

Completely open setup, no secrets

No infodumping/roleclaiming/angleshooting

Ties are settled at random

100 post cap, raised 1 hour before EoD

11 town, 3 maf

EoD is at 7 pm EST

No flavor cause let's be honest, the role flavor is awkward enough

Here's all the roles:
Spoiler: show
Town - wins when all mafia members are eliminated

Elizabeth Harmon - You are Elizabeth Harmon, World Champion and a member of town. Beth is an independent woman born with an incredible gift for chess, which she cultivated with Mr. Shaibel at the Methuen Home for Girls. Until she was a teenager, the orphanage gave her tranquilizers which she got addicted to. As she grew up with her adoptive mother Alma Wheatley and father Allston Wheatley, who eventually abandoned her and Alma, she participated in chess tournaments around the country to provide money for her and her mother. Over this time, she learned to be independent and not rely on anyone but herself. Eventually, she gets invited to competitions outside of the US. However, her substance abuse resurfaces as she gets addicted to alcohol and falls into a downward spiral, almost losing her ticket into Moscow for the world champion title. She is headstrong, competitive, and wants to win, but also tends to isolate herself. Beth won't let anything stop her-she cannot be nightkilled, and mafia cannot affect her with any abilities. Additionally, her vote is worth 2 votes permanently.

Mr. Shaibel - You are William Shaibel, the custodian at the Muthuen Home for Girls, an experienced chess player, and a member of town. Mr. Shaibel is a man of few words, coming off as cold even when he deeply cares for who he's talking to. He originally played chess alone in the basement to pass his time, but one day little Beth Harmon came downstairs and asked him to show her how to play. From that day on, Beth and Mr. Shaibel practiced chess every Sunday and as Mr. Shaibel watched Beth surpass him in skill, he grew attached to Beth and silently supported her multiple times after she leaves the orphanage. Once in the game at night, Mr. Shaibel may choose to send Beth a vig shot that must be used the following night phase or it will be wasted.

Alice Harmon - You are Alice Harmon, mother of Beth Harmon and a member of town. Yes you are dead canonically shut up. Though her time with Beth was short, she became very protective of all of her loved ones because Beth's father abandoned them and she didn't want Beth to ever have to go through that pain again. Each night, Alice may choose a player to protect from all negative effects.

Benny Watts - You are Benny Watts, reigning United States Champion, friend and lover of Beth Harmon, and a member of town. Benny initially beat Beth at the US championships, proving to be the first hurdle in her career, but she quickly overcame him and they quickly became friends. Beth moved in with Benny to train for the world championship, but even though they ended up having a huge fight Benny still helped Beth win the world champion when he was needed most. Benny is an intelligent chess progidy and can imagine a chess board in his head without the use of drugs, something that inspired Beth. Each night, Benny predicts who will have the most votes at the end of the upcoming day. If Benny is right, he will receive a +1 bonus to his vote the next day.

Harry Beltik - You are Harry Beltik, Kentucky State Champion, friend of Beth and a member of town. Harry's first encounter with Beth was at her first ever tournament, where he only gave her respect after she beat him. Harry later showed up in Beth's life while she was at a low point and tried to train her at chess, but failed. Harry is goofy and awkward, which didn't bode well for him when he tried to get with Beth. 3 times per game at night, Harry selects a target to have make chess puns for a reward. The following day phase, if the target at least makes an attempt to make puns, they will receive another shot of their night action. (I won't demand you to be funny or anything, just put in some sort of effort and you'll get it)

Alma Wheatley - You are Alma Wheatley, adoptive mother of Beth Harmon and a member of town. Alma adopted Beth as a teenager as an attempt to fix her failing relationship, which did not work and ended spiraling Alma into a depression and getting addicted to tranquilizers and alcohol. She refused to recognize Beth's talent until she realized how she could make a living off of prize money. Alma and Beth then went on a spree as Beth turned an adult, traveling around the country accumulating a hefty sum of money. Despite how it may seem, Alma still considered Beth her most prized possession just for being her daughter. Alma and Beth were very close; each night, you may send a 10 word message to Beth.

Jolene DeWitt - You are Jolene DeWitt, childhood friend of Beth Harmon and a member of town. Growing up an orphan, Jolene was rambunctious and problematic at the Meuthen Home for Girls. Jolene's rebellious attitude rubbed off on Beth as a child and they grew close. Jolene felt betrayed when Beth got adopted. Later, at Beth's lowest point of her alcoholism, Jolene showed back up in her life and knocked some sense into her. After Beth was functioning again, Jolene lent Beth $3000 to travel to Moscow for the world championships. Jolene is sassy, but reliable when it's necessary. Once in a game, at any point, you may choose to remove a player from the poll. If activated at night, they will not be on the poll the following day. If activated at day, they will be removed that day, and any votes on them will be voided if not moved. This must be used before 1 hour before EoD if used at day. It will be announced what player is removed from the poll.

Annette Packer - You are Annette Packer, a friendly girl who becomes Beth Harmon's first ever opponent as a teenager, and a member for town. As a teenager, Annette was always scrutinized for being a woman in chess. One thing that kept her going was facing Beth Harmon in a tournament and watching her ravage her way to the top. Even though Annette ended up quitting chess, she always watched and admired Beth for her bravery of entering a male-dominated world. Each night, Annette searches for Beth. If she finds Beth, Annette receives a 1 shot vest from ANY way of dying. You may only receive 1 vest in the game.

D. L. Townes - You are D. L. Townes, friend of Beth Harmon, chess lover and journalist, and a member of mafia. Townes met Beth at her first tournament, and was the only person to recognize her skill despite her being a woman and a teenager. Townes grew to become one of Beth's closest friends and always showered her in compliments. He loves what he does for the journal and is always eager to get a new story. Three times in the game, at night, Townes can interview someone, preventing them from using their ability that night. The target will retain their shot, if applicable.

Matt and Mike - You are Matt/Mike, twin brother of Mike/Matt, chess tournament organizer, friend of Beth Harmon, and a member of town. Matt and Mike are twin brothers who share a love for chess. They ran the Kentucky State Championships, the first chess tournament Beth Harmon ever joined. Initially they talked down to her, but they were humbled when Beth won first prize. They became friends with Beth when she grew up and followed her through her chess career. Matt and Mike are inseparable, and have permanent BTSC.

Mafia - wins when vote parity

Helen Deardorff - You are Helen Deardorff, former director of the Meuthen School for Girls and a member of mafia. Mrs. Deardorff was kind on the surface, but if a girl disobeyed her or acted unladylike there was consequences. When Mrs. Deardorff first heard about a girl playing chess under her supervision she was furious. She denied Beth access to the basement to prevent her from playing chess again. She also forced the girls to take tranquilizers to remain docile. Mrs. Deardorff is used to being in control, so she chooses who carries the night kill and the night kill target every night. If Mrs. Deardorff dies, this power transfers to Borgov, then Cleo. This power cannot be blocked, but the kill can. Additionally, on even nights, Mrs. Deardorff can redirect one person's night power to another target.

Vasily Borgov - You are Vasily Borgov, former Soviet World Champion and a member of mafia. Borgov was born a progidy at chess. Add on his authoritarian atmosphere and constant high-ranking Russian players surrounding him, and he quickly became World Champion in his 30s. While Borgov is, in truth, a kind man, that doesn't mean he won't put up a fight for the win. Borgov has a team of high-ranking chess players that follow along on his games and calculate the best moves for him to play during an adjournment. Each night, Borgov selects a target to add to his team of calculators. When there is 1 or more person in Borgov's team, he may instead choose to put them to work the following day. Anyone you put to work that day's vote will not count towards you that day.

Cleo - You are Cleo, a French model who quickly befriended Beth Harmon while she was training with Benny Watts, and a member of mafia. Cleo met Beth Harmon at a party at Benny's house. The two are friendly, but don't expect to meet each other again-until the night before Beth's second big game with Vasily Borgov. Cleo was back in Paris and invited Beth to go out drinking the night before the game, and pressured her until she gave in. Beth lost the match against Boegov because she was still heavily under the influence. Cleo pushes her "live life like it's your last" ideology on people around her. Every odd night, Cleo selects a target to go out drinking with. That target cannot use abilities that night, and has a hangover the following day. Hangover gives you a 25 post cap.
Hopefully I did this right lol, lmk if I missed something

Re: The Queen's Gambit [RACKET]

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2023 8:53 pm
by Dennis
It says in Townes's role card that he's mafia for some reason but he's town

Re: The Queen's Gambit [RACKET]

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2023 11:48 pm
by Dennis
Also forgot to add than when town has 1 or 2 living people more than mafia (limlo), all vote affecting abilities do not come into effect

Re: The Queen's Gambit [RACKET]

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2023 8:53 am
by Roxy
Looks like fun but tbh the balance may be a bit town sided.

But I am unclear on this part of Borgov's power -
"Each night, Borgov selects a target to add to his team of calculators. When there is 1 or more person in Borgov's team, he may instead choose to put them to work the following day"

nice job Dennis, really :)

Re: The Queen's Gambit [RACKET]

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2023 9:46 am
by dunya
@Dennis added to the racket queue for you :)

Re: The Queen's Gambit [RACKET]

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2023 11:12 am
by Dennis
Roxy wrote: Thu Mar 23, 2023 8:53 am Looks like fun but tbh the balance may be a bit town sided.

But I am unclear on this part of Borgov's power -
"Each night, Borgov selects a target to add to his team of calculators. When there is 1 or more person in Borgov's team, he may instead choose to put them to work the following day"

nice job Dennis, really :)
Ack I was worried about it being unbalanced so I tried to give mafia strong powers. Hopefully it'll work out, I am open to suggestions as well

Pretty much, that means Borgov can't add someone to his "team" AND void their vote on the same night. He can only do one per night. The calculators part and "putting to work" is just flavor

Ty :)

Re: The Queen's Gambit [RACKET]

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2023 11:13 am
by Dennis
dunya wrote: Thu Mar 23, 2023 9:46 am @Dennis added to the racket queue for you :)
Thank you!

Re: The Queen's Gambit [RACKET]

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2023 11:17 am
by Roxy
Dennis wrote: Thu Mar 23, 2023 11:12 am
Roxy wrote: Thu Mar 23, 2023 8:53 am Looks like fun but tbh the balance may be a bit town sided.

But I am unclear on this part of Borgov's power -
"Each night, Borgov selects a target to add to his team of calculators. When there is 1 or more person in Borgov's team, he may instead choose to put them to work the following day"

nice job Dennis, really :)
Ack I was worried about it being unbalanced so I tried to give mafia strong powers. Hopefully it'll work out, I am open to suggestions as well

Pretty much, that means Borgov can't add someone to his "team" AND void their vote on the same night. He can only do one per night. The calculators part and "putting to work" is just flavor

Ty :)
Is it a recruiting role?

Re: The Queen's Gambit [RACKET]

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2023 11:19 am
by Roxy
Roxy wrote: Thu Mar 23, 2023 11:17 am
Dennis wrote: Thu Mar 23, 2023 11:12 am
Roxy wrote: Thu Mar 23, 2023 8:53 am Looks like fun but tbh the balance may be a bit town sided.

But I am unclear on this part of Borgov's power -
"Each night, Borgov selects a target to add to his team of calculators. When there is 1 or more person in Borgov's team, he may instead choose to put them to work the following day"

nice job Dennis, really :)
Ack I was worried about it being unbalanced so I tried to give mafia strong powers. Hopefully it'll work out, I am open to suggestions as well

Pretty much, that means Borgov can't add someone to his "team" AND void their vote on the same night. He can only do one per night. The calculators part and "putting to work" is just flavor

Ty :)
Is it a recruiting role?
also @Marmot would be a good one to go over your balance with. I am sure he would not mind at all.

Re: The Queen's Gambit [RACKET]

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2023 11:22 am
by Dennis
Roxy wrote: Thu Mar 23, 2023 11:17 am
Dennis wrote: Thu Mar 23, 2023 11:12 am
Roxy wrote: Thu Mar 23, 2023 8:53 am Looks like fun but tbh the balance may be a bit town sided.

But I am unclear on this part of Borgov's power -
"Each night, Borgov selects a target to add to his team of calculators. When there is 1 or more person in Borgov's team, he may instead choose to put them to work the following day"

nice job Dennis, really :)
Ack I was worried about it being unbalanced so I tried to give mafia strong powers. Hopefully it'll work out, I am open to suggestions as well

Pretty much, that means Borgov can't add someone to his "team" AND void their vote on the same night. He can only do one per night. The calculators part and "putting to work" is just flavor

Ty :)
Is it a recruiting role?
No, it works like this:

Borgov adds player A to his "team" night 1. Player A is not notified.

Borgov adds player B to his "team" night 2. Player B is not notified.

During day 3, borgov gets into some hot water and might be the top wagon during day 4. Borgov puts his "team" to work, and both players are not notified.

Day 4 ends with player A voting borgov and player B voting somewhere else. Player A's vote is voided, player B's counts

During night 4, his team is now empty and he can add another player to his team

Hopefully this clears it up

Re: The Queen's Gambit [RACKET]

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2023 11:23 am
by Dennis
Yes I am totally down for criticism or suggestions

I made this game thinking about making Beth a powerhouse and should be the prime target for miselims

Re: The Queen's Gambit [RACKET]

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2023 11:27 am
by Roxy
Dennis wrote: Thu Mar 23, 2023 11:22 am
Roxy wrote: Thu Mar 23, 2023 11:17 am
Dennis wrote: Thu Mar 23, 2023 11:12 am
Roxy wrote: Thu Mar 23, 2023 8:53 am Looks like fun but tbh the balance may be a bit town sided.

But I am unclear on this part of Borgov's power -
"Each night, Borgov selects a target to add to his team of calculators. When there is 1 or more person in Borgov's team, he may instead choose to put them to work the following day"

nice job Dennis, really :)
Ack I was worried about it being unbalanced so I tried to give mafia strong powers. Hopefully it'll work out, I am open to suggestions as well

Pretty much, that means Borgov can't add someone to his "team" AND void their vote on the same night. He can only do one per night. The calculators part and "putting to work" is just flavor

Ty :)
Is it a recruiting role?
No, it works like this:

Borgov adds player A to his "team" night 1. Player A is not notified.

Borgov adds player B to his "team" night 2. Player B is not notified.

During day 3, borgov gets into some hot water and might be the top wagon during day 4. Borgov puts his "team" to work, and both players are not notified.

Day 4 ends with player A voting borgov and player B voting somewhere else. Player A's vote is voided, player B's counts

During night 4, his team is now empty and he can add another player to his team

Hopefully this clears it up
cool little role. I like that is a bit different.

Re: The Queen's Gambit [RACKET]

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2023 9:09 pm
by Kate
Roxy wrote: Thu Mar 23, 2023 11:27 am
Dennis wrote: Thu Mar 23, 2023 11:22 am
Roxy wrote: Thu Mar 23, 2023 11:17 am
Dennis wrote: Thu Mar 23, 2023 11:12 am
Roxy wrote: Thu Mar 23, 2023 8:53 am Looks like fun but tbh the balance may be a bit town sided.

But I am unclear on this part of Borgov's power -
"Each night, Borgov selects a target to add to his team of calculators. When there is 1 or more person in Borgov's team, he may instead choose to put them to work the following day"

nice job Dennis, really :)
Ack I was worried about it being unbalanced so I tried to give mafia strong powers. Hopefully it'll work out, I am open to suggestions as well

Pretty much, that means Borgov can't add someone to his "team" AND void their vote on the same night. He can only do one per night. The calculators part and "putting to work" is just flavor

Ty :)
Is it a recruiting role?
No, it works like this:

Borgov adds player A to his "team" night 1. Player A is not notified.

Borgov adds player B to his "team" night 2. Player B is not notified.

During day 3, borgov gets into some hot water and might be the top wagon during day 4. Borgov puts his "team" to work, and both players are not notified.

Day 4 ends with player A voting borgov and player B voting somewhere else. Player A's vote is voided, player B's counts

During night 4, his team is now empty and he can add another player to his team

Hopefully this clears it up
cool little role. I like that is a bit different.
How will they know where to vote?

Re: The Queen's Gambit [RACKET]

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2023 11:36 pm
by Dennis
Kate wrote: Thu Mar 23, 2023 9:09 pm
Roxy wrote: Thu Mar 23, 2023 11:27 am
Dennis wrote: Thu Mar 23, 2023 11:22 am
Roxy wrote: Thu Mar 23, 2023 11:17 am
Dennis wrote: Thu Mar 23, 2023 11:12 am
Roxy wrote: Thu Mar 23, 2023 8:53 am Looks like fun but tbh the balance may be a bit town sided.

But I am unclear on this part of Borgov's power -
"Each night, Borgov selects a target to add to his team of calculators. When there is 1 or more person in Borgov's team, he may instead choose to put them to work the following day"

nice job Dennis, really :)
Ack I was worried about it being unbalanced so I tried to give mafia strong powers. Hopefully it'll work out, I am open to suggestions as well

Pretty much, that means Borgov can't add someone to his "team" AND void their vote on the same night. He can only do one per night. The calculators part and "putting to work" is just flavor

Ty :)
Is it a recruiting role?
No, it works like this:

Borgov adds player A to his "team" night 1. Player A is not notified.

Borgov adds player B to his "team" night 2. Player B is not notified.

During day 3, borgov gets into some hot water and might be the top wagon during day 4. Borgov puts his "team" to work, and both players are not notified.

Day 4 ends with player A voting borgov and player B voting somewhere else. Player A's vote is voided, player B's counts

During night 4, his team is now empty and he can add another player to his team

Hopefully this clears it up
cool little role. I like that is a bit different.
How will they know where to vote?
The point of the role is to protect Borgov from getting elimmed. Borgov pretty much wants to target people who suspect him and when push comes to shove he can maybe live longer

Re: The Queen's Gambit [RACKET]

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2023 10:34 pm
by Epignosis
If you'd like me to look over your setup, I'd be happy to do so and provide you private feedback.

Re: The Queen's Gambit [RACKET]

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2023 11:25 am
by Dennis
Epignosis wrote: Sun Mar 26, 2023 10:34 pm If you'd like me to look over your setup, I'd be happy to do so and provide you private feedback.
If you would like to, that would be greatly appreciated

Re: The Queen's Gambit [RACKET]

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2023 11:45 am
by Kate
Dennis wrote: Mon Mar 27, 2023 11:25 am
Epignosis wrote: Sun Mar 26, 2023 10:34 pm If you'd like me to look over your setup, I'd be happy to do so and provide you private feedback.
If you would like to, that would be greatly appreciated
Dennis send epi the revised version.

Re: The Queen's Gambit [RACKET]

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2023 11:45 am
by Kate
Thanks @Epignosis !

Re: The Queen's Gambit [RACKET]

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2023 11:57 am
by Dennis
Oh I thought I posted the revised version in here

Here you go
Spoiler: show

48/24, thread is locked at nights

100 post cap, raised 1 hour before EoD

Completely open setup

No info dumping, no role claiming. I will modkill without hesitation. Hinting is allowed, but be warned: the mafia has one or more, at my discretion, soup kills.

No self/double targeting

Ties are decided by mafia

Flavor: None sorry :(


Eod at 7 pm EST, can be negotiated

Town - wins when all mafia members are eliminated

Elizabeth Harmon - You are Elizabeth Harmon, World Champion and a member of town. Beth is an independent woman born with an incredible gift for chess, which she cultivated with Mr. Shaibel at the Methuen Home for Girls. Until she was a teenager, the orphanage gave her tranquilizers which she got addicted to. As she grew up with her adoptive mother Alma Wheatly and father Allston Wheatley, who eventually abandoned her and Alma, she participated in chess tournaments around the country to provide money for her and her mother. Over this time, she learned to be independent and not rely on anyone but herself. Eventually, she gets invited to competitions outside of the US. However, her substance abuse resurfaces as she gets addicted to alcohol and falls into a downward spiral, almost losing her ticket into Moscow for the world champion title. She is headstrong, competitive, and wants to win, but also tends to isolate herself. Beth won't let anything stop her-she cannot be night killed, and her vote is worth 2 as long as Alma is alive.

Mr. Shaibel - You are William Shaibel, the custodian at the Muthuen Home for Girls, an experienced chess player, and a member of town. Mr. Shaibel is a man of few words, coming off as cold even when he deeply cares for who he's talking to. He originally played chess alone in the basement to pass his time, but one day little Beth Harmon came downstairs and asked him to show her how to play. From that day on, Beth and Mr. Shaibel practiced chess every Sunday and as Mr. Shaibel watched Beth surpass him in skill, he grew attached to Beth and silently supported her multiple times after she leaves the orphanage. Once in the game at night, Mr. Shaibel may choose to use a vig shot on someone.

Alice Harmon - You are Alice Harmon, mother of Beth Harmon and a member of town. Yes you are dead canonically shut up. Though her time with Beth was short, she became very protective of all of her loved ones because Beth's father abandoned them and she didn't want Beth to ever have to go through that pain again. Each night, Alice may choose a player to protect from all negative effects.

Benny Watts - You are Benny Watts, reigning United States Champion, friend and lover of Beth Harmon, and a member of town. Benny initially beat Beth at the US championships, proving to be the first hurdle in her career, but she quickly overcame him and they quickly became friends. Beth moved in with Benny to train for the world championship, but even though they ended up having a huge fight Benny still helped Beth win the world champion when he was needed most. Benny is an intelligent chess progidy and can visualize a chess board in his head without the use of drugs, something that inspired Beth. Each night, Benny predicts who will have the most votes at the end of the upcoming day. If Benny is right, he will receive a +1 bonus to his vote the next day.

Harry Beltik - You are Harry Beltik, Kentucky State Champion, friend of Beth and a member of town. Harry's first encounter with Beth was at her first ever tournament, where he only gave her respect after she beat him. Harry later showed up in Beth's life while she was at a low point and tried to train her at chess, but failed. Harry is goofy and awkward, which didn't bode well for him when he tried to get with Beth. On odd nights, Harry selects a target to have make chess puns for a reward. The following day phase, if the target makes 3 puns throughout the day, they gain an extra shot of their ability.

Alma Wheatley - You are Alma Wheatley, adoptive mother of Beth Harmon and a member of town. Alma adopted Beth as a teenager as an attempt to fix her failing relationship, which did not work and ended spiraling Alma into a depression and getting addicted to tranquilizers and alcohol. She refused to recognize Beth's talent until she realized how she could make a living off of prize money. Alma and Beth then went on a spree as Beth turned an adult, traveling around the country accumulating a hefty sum of money. Despite how it may seem, Alma still considered Beth her most prized possession just for being her daughter. Alma and Beth were very close; each night, you may send a 25 word message to Beth.

Jolene DeWitt - You are Jolene DeWitt, childhood friend of Beth Harmon and a member of town. Growing up an orphan, Jolene was rambunctious and problematic at the Meuthen Home for Girls. Jolene's rebellious attitude rubbed off on Beth as a child and they grew close. Jolene felt betrayed when Beth got adopted. Later, at Beth's lowest point of her alcoholism, Jolene showed back up in her life and knocked some sense into her. After Beth was functioning again, Jolene lent Beth $3000 to travel to Moscow for the world championships. Jolene is sassy, but reliable when it's necessary. Once in a game at night, you may choose to remove a player from the upcoming poll. It will be announced what player is removed from the poll.

Annette Packer - You are Annette Packer, a friendly girl who becomes Beth Harmon's first ever opponent as a teenager, and a member for town. As a teenager, Annette was always scrutinized for being a woman in chess. One thing that kept her going was facing Beth Harmon in a tournament and watching her ravage her way to the top. Even though Annette ended up quitting chess, she always watched and admired Beth for her bravery of entering a male-dominated world. Each night, Annette searches for Beth. If she finds Beth, Annette receives a 1 shot vest from dying at night. You may only receive 1 vest in the game.

D. L. Townes - You are D. L. Townes, friend of Beth Harmon, chess lover and journalist, and a member of town. Townes met Beth at her first tournament, and was the only person to recognize her skill despite her being a woman and a teenager. Townes grew to become one of Beth's closest friends and always showered her in compliments. He loves what he does for the journal and is always eager to get a new story. On even nights, Townes can interview someone, preventing them from using their ability that night. If the target has limited shots, they keep their shot.

Matt and Mike - You are Matt/Mike, twin brother of Mike/Matt, chess tournament organizer, friend of Beth Harmon, and a member of town. Matt and Mike are twin brothers who share a love for chess. They ran the Kentucky State Championships, the first chess tournament Beth Harmon ever joined. Initially they talked down to her, but they were humbled when Beth won first prize. They became friends with Beth when she grew up and followed her through her chess career. Matt and Mike are inseparable, and have permanent BTSC.

Mafia - wins when vote parity

Helen Deardorff - You are Helen Deardorff, former director of the Meuthen School for Girls and a member of mafia. Mrs. Deardorff was kind on the surface, but if a girl disobeyed her or acted unladylike there was consequences. When Mrs. Deardorff first heard about a girl playing chess under her supervision she was furious. She denied Beth access to the basement to prevent her from playing chess again. She also forced the girls to take tranquilizers to remain docile. Mrs. Deardorff is used to being in control, so she chooses who carries the night kill and the night kill target every night. If Mrs. Deardorff dies, this power transfers to Borgov, then Cleo. This power cannot be blocked, but the kill can. Additionally, on even nights, Mrs. Deardorff can redirect one person's night power to another target, and if Mrs. Deardorff is the last remaining mafia, she gain another vote.

Vasily Borgov - You are Vasily Borgov, former Soviet World Champion and a member of mafia. Borgov was born a progidy at chess. Add on his authoritarian atmosphere and constant high-ranking Russian players surrounding him, and he quickly became World Champion in his 30s. While Borgov is, in truth, a kind man, that doesn't mean he won't put up a fight for the win. Borgov has a team of high-ranking chess players that follow along on his games and calculate the best moves for him to play during an adjournment. Each night, Borgov selects a target to add to his team of calculators. When there is 1 or more person in Borgov's team, he may instead choose to put them to work the following day. Anyone you put to work that day's vote will not count towards you that day.

Cleo - You are Cleo, a French model who quickly befriended Beth Harmon while she was training with Benny Watts, and a member of mafia. Cleo met Beth Harmon at a party at Benny's house. The two are friendly, but don't expect to meet each other again-until the night before Beth's second big game with Vasily Borgov. Cleo was back in Paris and invited Beth to go out drinking the night before the game, and pressured her until she gave in. Beth lost the match against Boegov because she was still heavily under the influence. Cleo pushes her "live life like it's your last" ideology on people around her. Every odd night, Cleo selects a target to go out drinking with. That target cannot use abilities that night, and has a hangover the following day. Hangover gives you a 25 post cap.

Soup kill: the mafia has access to one, or more if I deem necessary, soup kill. The soup kill may be used at any time. Each player the mafia can correctly attribute to their role and a supporting reason/post that made them think that will die that night. They cannot be protected, and the soup kill cannot be blocked.

Re: The Queen's Gambit [RACKET]

Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2023 6:03 pm
by Epignosis
PM sent Dennis. :beer:

Re: The Queen's Gambit [RACKET]

Posted: Wed Apr 12, 2023 7:41 pm
by Dennis
Oh I didn't post this here did I

(hopefully) Final setup:
Spoiler: show

48/24, thread is locked at nights

100 post cap, raised 1 hour before EoD

Completely open setup

No info dumping, no role claiming, no hinting. I will modkill without hesitation. It is imperative that no roles get out.

No self/double targeting

Ties are decided by mafia

Flavor: None sorry :(


Eod at 7 pm EST, can be negotiated

Town - wins when all mafia members are eliminated

Elizabeth Harmon - You are Elizabeth Harmon, World Champion and a member of town. Beth is an independent woman born with an incredible gift for chess, which she cultivated with Mr. Shaibel at the Methuen Home for Girls. Until she was a teenager, the orphanage gave her tranquilizers which she got addicted to. As she grew up with her adoptive mother Alma Wheatly and father Allston Wheatley, who eventually abandoned her and Alma, she participated in chess tournaments around the country to provide money for her and her mother. Over this time, she learned to be independent and not rely on anyone but herself. Eventually, she gets invited to competitions outside of the US. However, her substance abuse resurfaces as she gets addicted to alcohol and falls into a downward spiral, almost losing her ticket into Moscow for the world champion title. She is headstrong, competitive, and wants to win, but also tends to isolate herself. Beth won't let anything stop her-she cannot be night killed as long as Alma is alive.

Mr. Shaibel - You are William Shaibel, the custodian at the Muthuen Home for Girls, an experienced chess player, and a member of town. Mr. Shaibel is a man of few words, coming off as cold even when he deeply cares for who he's talking to. He originally played chess alone in the basement to pass his time, but one day little Beth Harmon came downstairs and asked him to show her how to play. From that day on, Beth and Mr. Shaibel practiced chess every Sunday and as Mr. Shaibel watched Beth surpass him in skill, he grew attached to Beth and silently supported her multiple times after she leaves the orphanage. Once in the game at night, Mr. Shaibel may choose to use a vig shot on someone.

Alice Harmon - You are Alice Harmon, mother of Beth Harmon and a member of town. Though her time with Beth was short, she became very protective of all of her loved ones because Beth's father abandoned them and she didn't want Beth to ever have to go through that pain again. Each night, Alice may choose a player to protect from all negative effects.

Benny Watts - You are Benny Watts, reigning United States Champion, friend and lover of Beth Harmon, and a member of town. Benny initially beat Beth at the US championships, proving to be the first hurdle in her career, but she quickly overcame him and they quickly became friends. Beth moved in with Benny to train for the world championship, but even though they ended up having a huge fight Benny still helped Beth win the world champion when he was needed most. Benny is an intelligent chess progidy and can visualize a chess board in his head without the use of drugs, something that inspired Beth. Each night, Benny predicts who will have the most votes at the end of the upcoming day. If Benny is right, he will receive a +1 bonus to his vote the next day.

Harry Beltik - You are Harry Beltik, Kentucky State Champion, friend of Beth and a member of town. Harry's first encounter with Beth was at her first ever tournament, where he only gave her respect after she beat him. Harry later showed up in Beth's life while she was at a low point and tried to train her at chess, but failed. Harry is goofy and awkward, which didn't bode well for him when he tried to get with Beth. On odd nights, Harry selects a target to have make chess puns for a reward. The following day phase, if the target makes 3 puns throughout the day, they gain an extra shot of their ability. If your ability doesn't have "shots" (i.e. odd night ability), you may target 1 extra player that night, if you use your ability that night.

Alma Wheatley - You are Alma Wheatley, adoptive mother of Beth Harmon and a member of town. Alma adopted Beth as a teenager as an attempt to fix her failing relationship, which did not work and ended spiraling Alma into a depression and getting addicted to tranquilizers and alcohol. She refused to recognize Beth's talent until she realized how she could make a living off of prize money. Alma and Beth then went on a spree as Beth turned an adult, traveling around the country accumulating a hefty sum of money. Despite how it may seem, Alma still considered Beth her most prized possession just for being her daughter. Alma and Beth were very close; each night, Alma sends a 25 word message to Beth. She may not say her identity in her message.

Jolene DeWitt - You are Jolene DeWitt, childhood friend of Beth Harmon and a member of town. Growing up an orphan, Jolene was rambunctious and problematic at the Meuthen Home for Girls. Jolene's rebellious attitude rubbed off on Beth as a child and they grew close. Jolene felt betrayed when Beth got adopted. Later, at Beth's lowest point of her alcoholism, Jolene showed back up in her life and knocked some sense into her. After Beth was functioning again, Jolene lent Beth $3000 to travel to Moscow for the world championships. Jolene is sassy, but reliable when it's necessary. Once in a game at night, you may choose to remove a player from the upcoming poll. It will be announced what player is removed from the poll.

Annette Packer - You are Annette Packer, a friendly girl who becomes Beth Harmon's first ever opponent as a teenager, and a member for town. As a teenager, Annette was always scrutinized for being a woman in chess. One thing that kept her going was facing Beth Harmon in a tournament and watching her ravage her way to the top. Even though Annette ended up quitting chess, she always watched and admired Beth for her bravery of entering a male-dominated world. If Beth dies and Annette is still alive, Annette's vote will gain a +1 bonus for the rest of the game.

D. L. Townes - You are D. L. Townes, friend of Beth Harmon, chess lover and journalist, and a member of town. Townes met Beth at her first tournament, and was the only person to recognize her skill despite her being a woman and a teenager. Townes grew to become one of Beth's closest friends and always showered her in compliments. He loves what he does for the journal and is always eager to get a new story. On even nights, Townes can interview someone, preventing them from using their ability that night. If the target has limited shots, they keep their shot.

Matt and Mike - You are Matt/Mike, twin brother of Mike/Matt, chess tournament organizer, friend of Beth Harmon, and a member of town. Matt and Mike are twin brothers who share a love for chess. They ran the Kentucky State Championships, the first chess tournament Beth Harmon ever joined. Initially they talked down to her, but they were humbled when Beth won first prize. They became friends with Beth when she grew up and followed her through her chess career. Matt and Mike are inseparable, and have permanent BTSC.

Mafia - wins when vote parity

Helen Deardorff - You are Helen Deardorff, former director of the Meuthen School for Girls and a member of mafia. Mrs. Deardorff was kind on the surface, but if a girl disobeyed her or acted unladylike there was consequences. When Mrs. Deardorff first heard about a girl playing chess under her supervision she was furious. She denied Beth access to the basement to prevent her from playing chess again. She also forced the girls to take tranquilizers to remain docile. Mrs. Deardorff is used to being in control, so she chooses who carries the night kill and the night kill target every night. If Mrs. Deardorff dies, this power transfers to Borgov, then Cleo. This power cannot be blocked, but the kill can. Additionally, on even nights, Mrs. Deardorff can redirect one person's night power to another target, and if Mrs. Deardorff is the last remaining mafia, she gain another vote.

Vasily Borgov - You are Vasily Borgov, former Soviet World Champion and a member of mafia. Borgov was born a progidy at chess. Add on his authoritarian atmosphere and constant high-ranking Russian players surrounding him, and he quickly became World Champion in his 30s. While Borgov is, in truth, a kind man, that doesn't mean he won't put up a fight for the win. Borgov has a team of high-ranking chess players that follow along on his games and calculate the best moves for him to play during an adjournment. Each night, Borgov selects a target to add to a list. If Borgov has 1 or more players in his list, at night, he may instead choose to prevent all players on his list from voting him the upcoming day.

Cleo - You are Cleo, a French model who quickly befriended Beth Harmon while she was training with Benny Watts, and a member of mafia. Cleo met Beth Harmon at a party at Benny's house. The two are friendly, but don't expect to meet each other again-until the night before Beth's second big game with Vasily Borgov. Cleo was back in Paris and invited Beth to go out drinking the night before the game, and pressured her until she gave in. Beth lost the match against Boegov because she was still heavily under the influence. Cleo pushes her "live life like it's your last" ideology on people around her. Every odd night, Cleo selects a target to go out drinking with. That target cannot use abilities that night, and has a hangover the following day. Hangover gives you a 25 post cap.
Thanks for tolerating the madness

Re: The Queen's Gambit [RACKET]

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 7:54 pm
by tutuu
Do I want to play this game?

Re: The Queen's Gambit [RACKET]

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 7:56 pm
by Kate
tutuu wrote: Thu Apr 13, 2023 7:54 pm Do I want to play this game?


Re: The Queen's Gambit [RACKET]

Posted: Thu Apr 13, 2023 9:03 pm
by Dennis
tutuu wrote: Thu Apr 13, 2023 7:54 pm Do I want to play this game?
This game? Are YOU asking ME if YOU want to play this game???


Re: The Queen's Gambit [RACKET]

Posted: Mon May 15, 2023 6:36 pm
by Dennis
@Marmot or any other mods really, can you please remove this game from the queue

I keep thinking back about this and I want to scrap it. It's still way too town sided

Re: The Queen's Gambit [RACKET]

Posted: Mon May 15, 2023 7:20 pm
by Syn
Dennis wrote: Mon May 15, 2023 6:36 pm @Marmot or any other mods really, can you please remove this game from the queue

I keep thinking back about this and I want to scrap it. It's still way too town sided
This seems like a very solvable problem x)

(And town-sided may not be a bad thing for this year's roster.)

Re: The Queen's Gambit [RACKET]

Posted: Mon May 15, 2023 7:26 pm
by Dennis
Syn wrote: Mon May 15, 2023 7:20 pm
Dennis wrote: Mon May 15, 2023 6:36 pm @Marmot or any other mods really, can you please remove this game from the queue

I keep thinking back about this and I want to scrap it. It's still way too town sided
This seems like a very solvable problem x)

(And town-sided may not be a bad thing for this year's roster.)
I mean, maybe I'll do a full rewrite but I can't keep all the aspects of this game without pretty much ensuring town wins and that makes a game no fun

Re: The Queen's Gambit [RACKET]

Posted: Sun May 21, 2023 12:49 pm
by Marmot
Dennis wrote: Mon May 15, 2023 6:36 pm @Marmot or any other mods really, can you please remove this game from the queue

I keep thinking back about this and I want to scrap it. It's still way too town sided
I can do that!!

You're of course welcome to adjust it as you like until it were to go into signups, but if you'd rather just scrap it, that is fine too.

Re: The Queen's Gambit [RACKET]

Posted: Sun May 21, 2023 2:41 pm
by Dennis
Marmot wrote: Sun May 21, 2023 12:49 pm
Dennis wrote: Mon May 15, 2023 6:36 pm @Marmot or any other mods really, can you please remove this game from the queue

I keep thinking back about this and I want to scrap it. It's still way too town sided
I can do that!!

You're of course welcome to adjust it as you like until it were to go into signups, but if you'd rather just scrap it, that is fine too.
Do so, please and thank you

I might come back to this game, might not, but I don't want it in the queue and honestly I don't really like the theme, I just wanted something to make a quick game of off and thought "oh yah that's a show"