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727 - An Experimental Game

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 2:02 pm
by insertnamehere
727 - An Experimental Game
second in a series of three experimental games

Re: 727 - An Experimental Game

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 2:10 pm
by insertnamehere
Excerpt from another thread describing the game
I'm not 100% if the next game really counts as mafia. It's more like Dungeons and Dragons. Each player will be assigned a role, each role has a history, an inventory, and stats on how well they are at certain things. Every round, (1 day = 1 round) the player can do two things: Interact with objects or people, and/or move to a different area. You communicate to other players by interacting with other characters. However, you don't know if the random person you are talking to is an actual player or not. You may be wondering, OK, what's the point of all this? Each player has an objective. Some are simple, some are hard. Some conflict with each other. It's also possible, in fact, for everyone to lose. So, there is an element of trying to find out who is trying to sabotage the group, while trying to further your own objective. If The Stanley Parable Mafia goes well, I'll progress to the next game. If TSP is a colossal failure, then I will not do this.
Feel free to ask any and all questions regarding the gameplay, however, I'm not going to say anything else about the story or the roles. All that I'm willing to divulge until the game begins, is that the entirety of the game will take place on a Boeing 727. I also have the full role list written, but it would ruin the story for me to post it here.

Re: 727 - An Experimental Game

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 7:08 pm
by Mongoose
That's neat! Is 727 speed or regular mafia? Or is it one of the special-categorized games, like Logan's Minimalism game?

Re: 727 - An Experimental Game

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 8:22 pm
by insertnamehere
Mongoose wrote:That's neat! Is 727 speed or regular mafia? Or is it one of the special-categorized games, like Logan's Minimalism game?

I'm going to have to discuss it with MP, but it is probably going to be a speed mafia game.

Re: 727 - An Experimental Game

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 11:34 pm
by Turnip Head
I would play this so hard.