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Anyone willing to sub in to a "reverse" game?

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 9:38 pm
by timmer
I'm running a mafia game on an Academy Awards/movies site: It's theme is "Films of 2014" and I need a sub.

the thing is, before you jump in, know that they play mafia in reverse.

You do NOt know the roles. You ARE allowed, and are often expected, to infodump.

Knowing when and how to reveal your info is part of the art of this style of mafia.

Not knowing the roles, the mafia has to wait to see what the townies start to hint at about their roles and then try to lie about theirs, as once the mafia's theme is revealed when one dies, the rest would get screwed if they had used their real roles.

Anyway, let me know ASAP if you are interested and I'll parachute you right in! We don't normally let brand new members play to avoid cheating by members etc. but I would obviously personally vouch for you, and it's my game anyway :noble:

Oh, and one last bit of color... there are some post restrictions out there. Let's just say that one guy is Groot. All he can ever say, the entire game, is "I am Groot". :feb:

Re: Anyone willing to sub in to a "reverse" game?

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 12:42 am
by Dom
I wish I had time, Timmer! But it's great to see you <3

Re: Anyone willing to sub in to a "reverse" game?

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2014 8:06 pm
by juliets
Timmer I'd love to do it for you but I'm terrible in those games where you don't know the roles. Roxy and bea and Turnip Head are good at them.

Re: Anyone willing to sub in to a "reverse" game?

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 12:17 am
by timmer
Not coincidentally, Roxy has joined the game, lol!

But, I actually could use another replacement, so if anyonewants to try a wacky different game AND play in a game with Roxy... let me know.