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by Iggy
Tue Sep 26, 2023 3:11 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11265

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

I can’t believe I remembered at3:09
by Iggy
Tue Sep 26, 2023 3:10 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11265

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Ong I almost forgot.

Of the two I find Bartley more town than Bird. Sorry work has been a bitch today.
by Iggy
Tue Sep 26, 2023 6:44 am
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11265

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Bird wrote: Mon Sep 25, 2023 11:52 am @Iggy aye me matey, ye wounds me through me heart, ye does. Just last night, a little bird dropped a bug in me ear, that said to steer clear o’that Iggy, he be leavin’ death an’ destruction where e’er he sails. I just shook me head and said that can’t be true. Not Iggy, he makes a right point when he be questionin’ folks.
Now, I be thinking that Bartley be the opportunistic one onboard this vessel.
Alls I can say is none on this ship has a truer heart than this here pirate has. And this here pirate has galley duty again so I’m outa’ here fer awhile.
But you chose not to mention this little bird until your second post of the new day, after I had said I was concerned about you? Okey Dokey, Matey.

'Tis not true. Perhaps your bird ate some hallucinogenic grain.

I can vote from my non piratical day job, so will do that, in hopes more discussion is had, and that one voter doesn't control the planking.
by Iggy
Tue Sep 26, 2023 6:37 am
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11265

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Roxy wrote: Mon Sep 25, 2023 9:50 am
Iggy wrote: Mon Sep 25, 2023 6:22 am @Roxy will you tell us if a faction is eliminated?
Ye we will be told.
Thank You for the answer! :cloud9:
by Iggy
Mon Sep 25, 2023 6:22 am
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11265

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

@Roxy will you tell us if a faction is eliminated?
by Iggy
Mon Sep 25, 2023 6:20 am
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11265

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Bartley wrote: Sun Sep 24, 2023 10:26 pm The quiet is like the sea ona calm day. It doesn’t go anywhere.

My suspicion is in the sky, flying to and fro. And pooping on ronan. I shall say more tomorrow about this flying creature.
I was sus of Ronan, and tbh, I am OK with my vote for him in that I won't scramble to make excuses for myself. I pretty much suspected him from the outset. I really thought he was bolstering the post count with fluff. It's unfortunate that a person was able to be made to walk the plank with only 2 votes.

It's been hard with so little thread content tbh. If half the people dont post, the people who are posting only have each other to pick apart. And this game feels very OG, in that we aren't getting night flips, and there are apparently two bad factions, so we have no clue if any of them are even dead, since we haven't yeeted any.

That said, I agree that Bird feels opportunistic. Their vote was like, "Yeah, sure!" rather than feeling like it had any conviction. I hope more people show up to participate today.
by Iggy
Sun Sep 24, 2023 7:05 am
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11265

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Well that be a surprise!

I'm voting for water, ye can live longer without food than water. Ye can always catch a fish if stranded at sea, but it's harder to catch water.

[VOTE: water] aubergine
by Iggy
Sat Sep 23, 2023 11:35 am
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11265

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Aye, I do recall that now, Bird.

I think Ronan is full of fancy talk and amusing stories, but his actual content is non piratical. I think he be a ninja.

He started the whole fuss n’ruckus about Errol, then let Jet take the fall after pocketin’ them with talk o’ being captains mate.

[VOTE: Ronan] aubergine
by Iggy
Sat Sep 23, 2023 10:41 am
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11265

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

As money, and as a talisman of protection from evil spirits. But mostly as spare money in case of an emergency. Some say it helps with vision, too. But spare change is my answer.
by Iggy
Sat Sep 23, 2023 8:19 am
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11265

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Thanks fer yer patience with me, me hearties!

Today I think I can look at this blasted screen w'out me eyes crossing!

Although I generally think making low posters walk the plank is weak and non piratical, maybe even ninja-like, this is getting out of hand, we have several with fewer posts than the host.

I also want to reread Ronan, they started the push on Errol more so than Jet, as Ronan was the one who started the false suspicion against Errol with the "pirates shouldnt vote for stars" when Ronan voted for ... stars. Then when he and Jet had voted for Errol, he said summat like, "Arrgh we have to get rid of someone, and Errol didn't even try to defend hisself". How do you defend yerself from false accusations?

And his vote for the one low poster the host said was having tech difficulties is a thing that made me go "Arrr".

@Bird if ye answered it, sorry if I missed it, although I should have time to reread the thread, it's only 4 pages; why did ye pick Davos out of the pack; their posts felt fairly meh to me; did I miss something? I saw nothing to tip the scales o'suspish either way. Do ye still sus him, and if so why?
by Iggy
Thu Sep 21, 2023 3:33 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11265

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

I have an interesting tale of woe, and a warning to watch yer footsteps!

I was walking down the gangplank ta go to my non piratical job early this morn. I misplaced me step, went flying off the gangplank, rolled down a sandy slope (much like a cartoon character me hearties) and bashed headfirst into a pointy rock.

Yarrrgh! It hurt 😢

So me doctor told me to avoid too much screen time for 24 hours. So I’ll be scarce till tomorrow and t’wont be saying much.
by Iggy
Wed Sep 20, 2023 6:46 am
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11265

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Also @Bird what was it you found so slippery about Davos? His posts have no content, but then, neither did half the players at the point when you voted for him.

What made you pull him out o'the low posting pool at the last second, rather than someone else?
by Iggy
Wed Sep 20, 2023 6:41 am
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11265

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Ronan wrote: Tue Sep 19, 2023 5:13 pm
Arr, Bird be makin' a shrewd point about mistrustin' a Jet, for a jet might indeed put a bird out of business in the skies. But as it turned out, Bird's initial opinion on Jet didn't hold its weight in doubloons, as we can see.

As for that final tally, it be a bit of a mystery to me as well, but it seems Bird might have tied the poll by castin' a vote for Errol, not Jet. Aye, it's a curious turn of events, and it makes one wonder about the true motives of our crewmates on this ship of secrets.
I snipped yer post cause this is the point I want to address. Bird HAD voted for Jet, then moved to Davos in the last minutes. Then Sixto moved their vote to Jet, tying it again.

Had Bird not moved, Jet would have had three votes in the end. Errol always had 2, you and Jet. So it ended up tied and through whatever mechanism, Errol was made to walk the plank.

Since Sixto moved his vote after Bird moved theirs, not sure what Birds tie talk was about? The poll WAS tied and Bird untied it by moving their vote, since they did so afore Sixto moved theirs in the ver' last minutes o'the poll ending.

Hoping Bird clears this up.
by Iggy
Tue Sep 19, 2023 7:03 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11265

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Before I go,

by Iggy
Tue Sep 19, 2023 6:47 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11265

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Ronan wrote: Tue Sep 19, 2023 5:14 pm This vote for Bird can indeed be seen as a vote for Jet, for they've been connected from the start. If Jet be castin' a shadow of doubt, it stands to reason that Bird might be their partner in any sinister deeds. Suspicion be a double-edged cutlass, and we'll be wieldin' it carefully as we navigate these treacherous waters.
[VOTE: Jet] aubergine

I voted for Jet cause I see a vote for *Jet* as a vote for *Jet*. A vote for someone other than Jet is a vote for not-Jet. So, no, a vote for Bird is not a vote for Jet.

I have a show to go to, but should be back later this evening.
by Iggy
Tue Sep 19, 2023 6:31 am
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11265

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Ronan, you can't be stealin' peoples pets like that. Your "new parrot", my ass. You be leaving Mad Martha alone, ye parrot theivin rapscallion!
by Iggy
Mon Sep 18, 2023 3:27 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11265

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Well that be a low blow.

As I recall it, Errol had Ronan and Jet voting for him. Jet had meself, And Bird. In the last minutes, Sixto moved from me to Jet and Bird moved to Davos.

So ‘‘twas tied between Jet and Errol.

I voted sand, shells be pretty but sand is useful.
by Iggy
Mon Sep 18, 2023 1:34 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11265

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Bird wrote: Mon Sep 18, 2023 12:28 pm Well well well. From me perch, I have a birds-eye view of all the shenanigans goin’ on. I be thinking’ this crew is rotten to the core.
First we have Ronan and Jet pairin’ up ‘n zeroin’ in on Errol.
Then we have Iggy questionin’ why, ‘n Sixto bein suspicious of Iggy for not believing Ronan and Jet arr trustworthy.
That scoundrel Davos, with the double vision, calling me a slimy grit ruffled me feathers about. Even pirates like a bit o’ flattery every now n agin.
I may have to vote for that pirate who used the word “anathema”. No self-respectin pirate would use that kinda language. I be forgetting who spouted that bilge, but I’ll find ‘im.
I'm pretty sure that was me. I read alot between actual pillagin' and plunderin'. Theres only so much swabbing the deck to be done, eh?
by Iggy
Mon Sep 18, 2023 1:25 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11265

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Ronan wrote: Mon Sep 18, 2023 11:53 am
Iggy wrote: Mon Sep 18, 2023 6:25 am
Jet wrote: Sun Sep 17, 2023 11:31 pm Perhaps I be confused. But I thought Errol was callin' Ronan suspicious fer votin' fer the stars. So I defended me cap'n fer this. But clearly wha' I thought was happenin' wasn't? Cause now I be a wanderin'. I jus' felt 'twas odd t' say me cap'n was suspicious fer somethin' like that. So I voted fer 'im. I didn' bother layin' anythin' out about it 'cause Noone reacted t' wha' I had said about it anyway. Me apologies t' Errol if I am mistaken 'n misunderstood 'im. Maybe sobriety be a course I shall lay down fer meself. The grog ain't me hearty tonight.
Actually, it was your *Captain* who said *Errol* was suspicious fer somethin' like that.
Ronan wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 12:28 am
Errol wrote: Wed Sep 13, 2023 8:06 pm A night owl is I. So the stars 'twill be.
Arr, ye claim to be a night owl, do ye? And ye speak of the stars as if they be yer guiding lights? Well, I must admit, those words do raise me brows a bit. Ye see, a true pirate be more likely to say, "A night owl am I, so by the moon's pale glow, we'll set sail and seek our plunder."

But stars, they be the stuff of poets and stargazers, not the salty souls of the sea. Pirates, we be guided by the moon's silver path on the water, the creakin' of a ship's timbers, and the distant call of land ho. So, me heartie, if ye be true to the pirate's life, ye'll need to adjust yer celestial bearings a bit. But fear not, for the sea has a way of teachin' even the most landlubberish of us its secrets..
But I see your vote stays put. He has 3 posts, it would have taken 30 seconds to read them and realize you were mistaken about the order of events. If not Errol, who else do you suspect?

I hope other people show up to play today, I feel I be putting an excessive amount of work into trying to figure out votes on someone who is essentially a null read for me. And I only have 10 posts :noble:
Aye, me mateys, me vote began in solidarity with me first mate, Jet, and now? Well, it's not as if Errol's made a grand defense of their own innocence. In these murky waters, it's as good a shot in the dark as any, with so many pirates seemingly lost at sea. So, let's set our course and cast our votes, hopin' to find some clarity in these turbulent times.
A grand defense against what? Mistakes by the people who voted for him?

Poll ends in 20 minutes.
by Iggy
Mon Sep 18, 2023 6:25 am
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11265

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Jet wrote: Sun Sep 17, 2023 11:31 pm Perhaps I be confused. But I thought Errol was callin' Ronan suspicious fer votin' fer the stars. So I defended me cap'n fer this. But clearly wha' I thought was happenin' wasn't? Cause now I be a wanderin'. I jus' felt 'twas odd t' say me cap'n was suspicious fer somethin' like that. So I voted fer 'im. I didn' bother layin' anythin' out about it 'cause Noone reacted t' wha' I had said about it anyway. Me apologies t' Errol if I am mistaken 'n misunderstood 'im. Maybe sobriety be a course I shall lay down fer meself. The grog ain't me hearty tonight.
Actually, it was your *Captain* who said *Errol* was suspicious fer somethin' like that.
Ronan wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 12:28 am
Errol wrote: Wed Sep 13, 2023 8:06 pm A night owl is I. So the stars 'twill be.
Arr, ye claim to be a night owl, do ye? And ye speak of the stars as if they be yer guiding lights? Well, I must admit, those words do raise me brows a bit. Ye see, a true pirate be more likely to say, "A night owl am I, so by the moon's pale glow, we'll set sail and seek our plunder."

But stars, they be the stuff of poets and stargazers, not the salty souls of the sea. Pirates, we be guided by the moon's silver path on the water, the creakin' of a ship's timbers, and the distant call of land ho. So, me heartie, if ye be true to the pirate's life, ye'll need to adjust yer celestial bearings a bit. But fear not, for the sea has a way of teachin' even the most landlubberish of us its secrets..
But I see your vote stays put. He has 3 posts, it would have taken 30 seconds to read them and realize you were mistaken about the order of events. If not Errol, who else do you suspect?

I hope other people show up to play today, I feel I be putting an excessive amount of work into trying to figure out votes on someone who is essentially a null read for me. And I only have 10 posts :noble:
by Iggy
Sun Sep 17, 2023 6:11 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11265

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

And had you not snipped my post, it would be obvious that the people with several posts had their own section.
by Iggy
Sun Sep 17, 2023 6:03 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11265

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Ronan wrote: Sun Sep 17, 2023 5:18 pm
Iggy wrote: Sun Sep 17, 2023 11:02 am Davos has 4 posts, nothing really topical, nice usage of "yargh", other wise null.

Bird (called themself a scallop, made me laugh), Errol (nice smiley usage), Gold (likes sunshine), Onyx (likes coffee) and Hawky (one post, but very well done pirate post, also seemingly a self appointed captain) are all totally null. Bartley is <null since they haven't posted at all.
Arr, what be it about Davos that sets him apart from the rest of these fine pirates who can muster a hearty "yarrr" with the best of 'em? Be ye possessin' some secret treasure map to unlock the perfect pirate growl, or do ye have a tale of yer own to share, me matey? Speak up, and let's hear what makes him the unique buccaneer among this rambunctious crew you listed in ye last grouping!
Well he had 4 posts and they all had 1 or 2. I grouped the 1/2 people together.

You made a bunch of posts with a crapton of words, but said very little. Like your reply to Errol.

Since you don’t think his vote is sketchy, why do you think Jet voted for Errol?
by Iggy
Sun Sep 17, 2023 11:02 am
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11265

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Half the thread has only 1-2 posts, and Bartley hasn't posted at all. So most of the players are in the orange "no read zone".

So where I'm at with the people actually playing,

*Ronan has me confused. I don't like how he jumped on someone for doing what he did himself. Now he's voting for no reason except solidarity with the guy who voted for one of many low posters for no reason whatsoever. He posts more than most (he's the high poster by far with 15 posts), but has said very little on topic. He appointed himself captain, and Jet his mate. BUT why would a wolfy pirate draw such attention to themselves? I have problems reconciling his "LOOK AT ME" playstyle with wolfiness. It gives me pause. Is Ronan wolf or is Ronan an attention hound?

Iggy ... that's me! I love salt air, plunder and pillage and not betraying me fellow pirates.

Jet has 5 posts, and none of them mention Errol, or indeed, anything really on topic except the last one I quoted above. The rest of them seem to be bantering with Ronan about sobriety and being his first mate. Had no real read here since nothing topical until they voted for no reason. Very sketchy vote. Looking forward to an explanation.

Sixto has voted for me, and I totally get why. My stance on Ronan is a bit waffly, tis true. Seems engaged and saw something that got his eye, pointed it out and voted on it. Cool.

Davos has 4 posts, nothing really topical, nice usage of "yargh", other wise null.

Bird (called themself a scallop, made me laugh), Errol (nice smiley usage), Gold (likes sunshine), Onyx (likes coffee) and Hawky (one post, but very well done pirate post, also seemingly a self appointed captain) are all totally null. Bartley is <null since they haven't posted at all.

So leaving my vote on Jet at this time
by Iggy
Sun Sep 17, 2023 10:33 am
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11265

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

WTF did Errol do? We have a game with what appears to be 8 villas, and 2 probable wolf teams of two each, and only 6 people on the poll. Plus those of us in the thread today can't be NK, so why not discuss, rather than voting for no reason?

Shouldn't we at least be pretending to have a reason to vote? Did you only vote to end Errols game to be in solidarity with Jet?

You don't find Jet voting for someone they've never mentioned without even making a vote post to be even a tiny bit sketch?
by Iggy
Sun Sep 17, 2023 8:28 am
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11265

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Jet wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 2:18 pm
Ronan wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 9:18 am
Iggy wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 8:01 am
Ronan wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 12:28 am
Errol wrote: Wed Sep 13, 2023 8:06 pm A night owl is I. So the stars 'twill be.
Arr, ye claim to be a night owl, do ye? And ye speak of the stars as if they be yer guiding lights? Well, I must admit, those words do raise me brows a bit. Ye see, a true pirate be more likely to say, "A night owl am I, so by the moon's pale glow, we'll set sail and seek our plunder."

But stars, they be the stuff of poets and stargazers, not the salty souls of the sea. Pirates, we be guided by the moon's silver path on the water, the creakin' of a ship's timbers, and the distant call of land ho. So, me heartie, if ye be true to the pirate's life, ye'll need to adjust yer celestial bearings a bit. But fear not, for the sea has a way of teachin' even the most landlubberish of us its secrets..
But you voted for the stars yourself, dint ya?

I’m a wee bit confused by you lecturing someone on that which ye did yourself.
Arr, ye've caught me in a bit of a conundrum, I'll admit. It be true that I've been known to scoff at starry-eyed talk of celestial matters. But ye see, I be on a new course, one where I'm tryin' to clean up me act and leave the grog behind.

So, while I may have been a hypocrite in the past, I'm takin' these steps toward a better, more sober life. And sometimes, when a pirate's been adrift in grog-soaked madness for so long, he can't help but look to the stars for a bit of guidance and clarity. It be a sign that even the saltiest of us can change our ways, me matey. So, let's navigate these uncharted waters together, and mayhaps we'll find a new appreciation for the night sky.
Well if ye be guilty by trustin' the path o' the stars so be I. Stars they guide the path 'n the moon gives up lovely complexion t' light our way 'n soothe our souls. I find it suspicious t' claim a night owl or pirate doesn't use the stars. The stars maybe the stuff o' poets fer sure but they also be our sign posts. The tales the tell point our direction 'n we leave the meanin' behind those tales t' those Greeks 'n thar scallywags. T' cast shade on ye and yet vote the same seems mighty strange t' me.
Jet, this be your last post. I see no mention of Errol in any of your posts; a search tells me the only time "Errol" comes up in your posts is when you quote the discussion had over Ronan calling Errol out for doing that which Ronan himself did, which is also in this post right here above.

I be confused, Jet. Here you seem to be agreeing with Errol, yet now you voted for him, with nary a post about it.

Imma put a vote on ye, in hopes it pushes you to an explanation. [VOTE: Jet] aubergine
by Iggy
Sat Sep 16, 2023 2:36 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11265

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Sixto wrote: Sat Sep 16, 2023 2:14 pm ARR, I'll start this fine Day wit' a VOTE fer IGGY!
Because I can see both sides of a thing? I was not a fan of Ronan lecturing a pirate for doing that which he himself did, and his way of replying to my question did not help, first appeasin me then actin like I was murderin him. But then I looked at all of their wordy, attention seeking posts, and did not understand why a false pirate might do so. Ronan appeared to be tryin' to get everyone to look at him, lecturin' on a topic anathema to most pirates. It's also possible that ol' Ronan was trying to draw all the attention so we wouldn't notice his partner, skulkin in the shadows. Lots of things could be possible.

So since I put my original thoughts out on the table, I thought I might put these on the table as well. Since a true pirate doesn't want to make the wrong person walk the plank, especially with such a small crew and apparently 4 rotten apples in the already tiny barrel.

But pirates don't be known for their patience, do they?
by Iggy
Thu Sep 14, 2023 6:01 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11265

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

I hear sometimes that quitting the grog makes a pirate act a bit mad for a time. Perhaps that is what has befallen poor Ronan, who first makes flowery, soothing, speech to me, then in their ver' next post, calls me a landlubber and claims I besmirched their character, which I did not. Mayhaps someone should slip ol' Ronan a bit o'rum while no one is lookin.

I dinna see why someone only pretending to be a pirate, or whoever we're tryin ta ferret out, would draw attention to themself in this way, so perhaps Ronan just likes lecturin people and talking a lot, kinda like my Parrot Mad Martha :partyparrot:
Spoiler: show
Ronan wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 9:18 am
Iggy wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 8:01 am
Ronan wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 12:28 am
Errol wrote: Wed Sep 13, 2023 8:06 pm A night owl is I. So the stars 'twill be.
Arr, ye claim to be a night owl, do ye? And ye speak of the stars as if they be yer guiding lights? Well, I must admit, those words do raise me brows a bit. Ye see, a true pirate be more likely to say, "A night owl am I, so by the moon's pale glow, we'll set sail and seek our plunder."

But stars, they be the stuff of poets and stargazers, not the salty souls of the sea. Pirates, we be guided by the moon's silver path on the water, the creakin' of a ship's timbers, and the distant call of land ho. So, me heartie, if ye be true to the pirate's life, ye'll need to adjust yer celestial bearings a bit. But fear not, for the sea has a way of teachin' even the most landlubberish of us its secrets..
But you voted for the stars yourself, dint ya?

I’m a wee bit confused by you lecturing someone on that which ye did yourself.
Arr, ye've caught me in a bit of a conundrum, I'll admit. It be true that I've been known to scoff at starry-eyed talk of celestial matters. But ye see, I be on a new course, one where I'm tryin' to clean up me act and leave the grog behind.

So, while I may have been a hypocrite in the past, I'm takin' these steps toward a better, more sober life. And sometimes, when a pirate's been adrift in grog-soaked madness for so long, he can't help but look to the stars for a bit of guidance and clarity. It be a sign that even the saltiest of us can change our ways, me matey. So, let's navigate these uncharted waters together, and mayhaps we'll find a new appreciation for the night sky.
Ronan wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 9:19 am @Jet, I call upon ye to speak up and defend me constitution here! This landlubber be claimin' I'm a hypocrite for ponderin' the stars while chastisin' others for it. Tell 'em, what's changed in me since we've set sail on this path to sobriety? And how does me newfound clarity affect me perspective on celestial matters? Speak yer truth, and let's set the record straight!
by Iggy
Thu Sep 14, 2023 8:01 am
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11265

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Ronan wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 12:28 am
Errol wrote: Wed Sep 13, 2023 8:06 pm A night owl is I. So the stars 'twill be.
Arr, ye claim to be a night owl, do ye? And ye speak of the stars as if they be yer guiding lights? Well, I must admit, those words do raise me brows a bit. Ye see, a true pirate be more likely to say, "A night owl am I, so by the moon's pale glow, we'll set sail and seek our plunder."

But stars, they be the stuff of poets and stargazers, not the salty souls of the sea. Pirates, we be guided by the moon's silver path on the water, the creakin' of a ship's timbers, and the distant call of land ho. So, me heartie, if ye be true to the pirate's life, ye'll need to adjust yer celestial bearings a bit. But fear not, for the sea has a way of teachin' even the most landlubberish of us its secrets..
But you voted for the stars yourself, dint ya?

I’m a wee bit confused by you lecturing someone on that which ye did yourself.
by Iggy
Wed Sep 13, 2023 6:08 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11265

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Voting for the stars, starlight and moonlight be the best light for piracy.
by Iggy
Wed Sep 13, 2023 6:06 pm
Forum: Previous Rackets
Topic: So ye wants to be a Pirate?
Replies: 240
Views: 11265

Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?

Yarr, I see some talk of sober piracy, what's next, sailing the high seas with Ninjas? Our theme music be Yo Ho Ho and a Bottle of Rum, not Yo Ho Ho and a Boba Chai! But to each their own so long as no one be taking my bottle o' rum or setting me up on dates with no ninjas. Mayhaps a sober lookout on the yardarm isn't a bad thing.

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