So ye wants to be a Pirate?

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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Ronan »

Davos wrote: Fri Sep 15, 2023 8:10 pm yee hasn't read much of what was said because yee is still learning to read. making progress though.
Arr, me matey, ye be on a noble quest indeed, learnin' the fine art of readin'. In these here seas, knowledge be power, they say. But, I must admit, I can't help but wonder if yer newfound illiteracy might be a clever ruse to keep the rest of us on our toes, like a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered! Aye, ye be a sly one, or mayhaps just a cunning pirate in the makin'. Any treasure plundered you’d be willin’ to share with the rest o’ us?
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Ronan »

@Jet me trusty first mate! Gather 'round, for it be time to sing a rousin' shanty – 'A Pirate's Life'! Ready yer vocal cords, matey, and let's give 'em a performance they won't soon forget!

🎶 "Yo Ho, Yo Ho, a pirate's life for me,
Sailin' the waves wild and free,
We'll plunder and we'll pillage all day,
Then we'll dance and we'll sing the night away!" 🎶

But, hold on a minute, Jet. It be hittin' me that I usually end this shanty with a bit of a jig and a hearty tumble to the deck. Aye, things just don't feel the same when ye be sober as a parrot. I reckon we'll have to find some new ways to celebrate, or else we'll be singin' ourselves to sleep, with no fancy footwork to show for it :(
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Iggy »

Jet wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 2:18 pm
Ronan wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 9:18 am
Iggy wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 8:01 am
Ronan wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 12:28 am
Errol wrote: Wed Sep 13, 2023 8:06 pm A night owl is I. So the stars 'twill be.
Arr, ye claim to be a night owl, do ye? And ye speak of the stars as if they be yer guiding lights? Well, I must admit, those words do raise me brows a bit. Ye see, a true pirate be more likely to say, "A night owl am I, so by the moon's pale glow, we'll set sail and seek our plunder."

But stars, they be the stuff of poets and stargazers, not the salty souls of the sea. Pirates, we be guided by the moon's silver path on the water, the creakin' of a ship's timbers, and the distant call of land ho. So, me heartie, if ye be true to the pirate's life, ye'll need to adjust yer celestial bearings a bit. But fear not, for the sea has a way of teachin' even the most landlubberish of us its secrets..
But you voted for the stars yourself, dint ya?

I’m a wee bit confused by you lecturing someone on that which ye did yourself.
Arr, ye've caught me in a bit of a conundrum, I'll admit. It be true that I've been known to scoff at starry-eyed talk of celestial matters. But ye see, I be on a new course, one where I'm tryin' to clean up me act and leave the grog behind.

So, while I may have been a hypocrite in the past, I'm takin' these steps toward a better, more sober life. And sometimes, when a pirate's been adrift in grog-soaked madness for so long, he can't help but look to the stars for a bit of guidance and clarity. It be a sign that even the saltiest of us can change our ways, me matey. So, let's navigate these uncharted waters together, and mayhaps we'll find a new appreciation for the night sky.
Well if ye be guilty by trustin' the path o' the stars so be I. Stars they guide the path 'n the moon gives up lovely complexion t' light our way 'n soothe our souls. I find it suspicious t' claim a night owl or pirate doesn't use the stars. The stars maybe the stuff o' poets fer sure but they also be our sign posts. The tales the tell point our direction 'n we leave the meanin' behind those tales t' those Greeks 'n thar scallywags. T' cast shade on ye and yet vote the same seems mighty strange t' me.
Jet, this be your last post. I see no mention of Errol in any of your posts; a search tells me the only time "Errol" comes up in your posts is when you quote the discussion had over Ronan calling Errol out for doing that which Ronan himself did, which is also in this post right here above.

I be confused, Jet. Here you seem to be agreeing with Errol, yet now you voted for him, with nary a post about it.

Imma put a vote on ye, in hopes it pushes you to an explanation. [VOTE: Jet] aubergine
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Ronan »

Iggy wrote: Sun Sep 17, 2023 8:28 am
Jet wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 2:18 pm
Ronan wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 9:18 am
Iggy wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 8:01 am
Ronan wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 12:28 am
Errol wrote: Wed Sep 13, 2023 8:06 pm A night owl is I. So the stars 'twill be.
Arr, ye claim to be a night owl, do ye? And ye speak of the stars as if they be yer guiding lights? Well, I must admit, those words do raise me brows a bit. Ye see, a true pirate be more likely to say, "A night owl am I, so by the moon's pale glow, we'll set sail and seek our plunder."

But stars, they be the stuff of poets and stargazers, not the salty souls of the sea. Pirates, we be guided by the moon's silver path on the water, the creakin' of a ship's timbers, and the distant call of land ho. So, me heartie, if ye be true to the pirate's life, ye'll need to adjust yer celestial bearings a bit. But fear not, for the sea has a way of teachin' even the most landlubberish of us its secrets..
But you voted for the stars yourself, dint ya?

I’m a wee bit confused by you lecturing someone on that which ye did yourself.
Arr, ye've caught me in a bit of a conundrum, I'll admit. It be true that I've been known to scoff at starry-eyed talk of celestial matters. But ye see, I be on a new course, one where I'm tryin' to clean up me act and leave the grog behind.

So, while I may have been a hypocrite in the past, I'm takin' these steps toward a better, more sober life. And sometimes, when a pirate's been adrift in grog-soaked madness for so long, he can't help but look to the stars for a bit of guidance and clarity. It be a sign that even the saltiest of us can change our ways, me matey. So, let's navigate these uncharted waters together, and mayhaps we'll find a new appreciation for the night sky.
Well if ye be guilty by trustin' the path o' the stars so be I. Stars they guide the path 'n the moon gives up lovely complexion t' light our way 'n soothe our souls. I find it suspicious t' claim a night owl or pirate doesn't use the stars. The stars maybe the stuff o' poets fer sure but they also be our sign posts. The tales the tell point our direction 'n we leave the meanin' behind those tales t' those Greeks 'n thar scallywags. T' cast shade on ye and yet vote the same seems mighty strange t' me.
Jet, this be your last post. I see no mention of Errol in any of your posts; a search tells me the only time "Errol" comes up in your posts is when you quote the discussion had over Ronan calling Errol out for doing that which Ronan himself did, which is also in this post right here above.

I be confused, Jet. Here you seem to be agreeing with Errol, yet now you voted for him, with nary a post about it.

Imma put a vote on ye, in hopes it pushes you to an explanation. [VOTE: Jet] aubergine
It be true that we've had our fair share of suspicions and squabblin' amongst the crew, but let's not be forgettin' that people be a messy bunch by nature. We're pirates, after all, and a bit of disorder be in our blood.

Now, as for standin' in solidarity with me first mate, Jet, I am fine to cast our votes and let Errol be the one to dance with Davy Jones. We've got to keep the ship in order, and if there be suspicions to be had, well, let's follow the pirate code and make a decision. Jet, me old mate, ye've got me support, and we'll see this through together, come what may! VOTE ERROL
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Iggy »

WTF did Errol do? We have a game with what appears to be 8 villas, and 2 probable wolf teams of two each, and only 6 people on the poll. Plus those of us in the thread today can't be NK, so why not discuss, rather than voting for no reason?

Shouldn't we at least be pretending to have a reason to vote? Did you only vote to end Errols game to be in solidarity with Jet?

You don't find Jet voting for someone they've never mentioned without even making a vote post to be even a tiny bit sketch?
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Iggy »

Half the thread has only 1-2 posts, and Bartley hasn't posted at all. So most of the players are in the orange "no read zone".

So where I'm at with the people actually playing,

*Ronan has me confused. I don't like how he jumped on someone for doing what he did himself. Now he's voting for no reason except solidarity with the guy who voted for one of many low posters for no reason whatsoever. He posts more than most (he's the high poster by far with 15 posts), but has said very little on topic. He appointed himself captain, and Jet his mate. BUT why would a wolfy pirate draw such attention to themselves? I have problems reconciling his "LOOK AT ME" playstyle with wolfiness. It gives me pause. Is Ronan wolf or is Ronan an attention hound?

Iggy ... that's me! I love salt air, plunder and pillage and not betraying me fellow pirates.

Jet has 5 posts, and none of them mention Errol, or indeed, anything really on topic except the last one I quoted above. The rest of them seem to be bantering with Ronan about sobriety and being his first mate. Had no real read here since nothing topical until they voted for no reason. Very sketchy vote. Looking forward to an explanation.

Sixto has voted for me, and I totally get why. My stance on Ronan is a bit waffly, tis true. Seems engaged and saw something that got his eye, pointed it out and voted on it. Cool.

Davos has 4 posts, nothing really topical, nice usage of "yargh", other wise null.

Bird (called themself a scallop, made me laugh), Errol (nice smiley usage), Gold (likes sunshine), Onyx (likes coffee) and Hawky (one post, but very well done pirate post, also seemingly a self appointed captain) are all totally null. Bartley is <null since they haven't posted at all.

So leaving my vote on Jet at this time
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Onyx »

Argh, me mates, I do be tied up with fixin the riggin for much of today but i will catch up and provide reads later!
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Errol »

A man says 'e likes night and finds 'imself nearin' the wrong end of the plank. :( yargh...
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Sixto »

Errol wrote: Sun Sep 17, 2023 4:09 pm A man says 'e likes night and finds 'imself nearin' the wrong end of the plank. :( yargh...
Arr, be that truly why yon scallywags be suspectin' ye?
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Ronan »

Iggy wrote: Sun Sep 17, 2023 10:33 am WTF did Errol do? We have a game with what appears to be 8 villas, and 2 probable wolf teams of two each, and only 6 people on the poll. Plus those of us in the thread today can't be NK, so why not discuss, rather than voting for no reason?

Shouldn't we at least be pretending to have a reason to vote? Did you only vote to end Errols game to be in solidarity with Jet?

You don't find Jet voting for someone they've never mentioned without even making a vote post to be even a tiny bit sketch?
No, me matey
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Ronan »

Iggy wrote: Sun Sep 17, 2023 11:02 am Half the thread has only 1-2 posts, and Bartley hasn't posted at all. So most of the players are in the orange "no read zone".

So where I'm at with the people actually playing,

*Ronan has me confused. I don't like how he jumped on someone for doing what he did himself. Now he's voting for no reason except solidarity with the guy who voted for one of many low posters for no reason whatsoever. He posts more than most (he's the high poster by far with 15 posts), but has said very little on topic. He appointed himself captain, and Jet his mate. BUT why would a wolfy pirate draw such attention to themselves? I have problems reconciling his "LOOK AT ME" playstyle with wolfiness. It gives me pause. Is Ronan wolf or is Ronan an attention hound?

Iggy ... that's me! I love salt air, plunder and pillage and not betraying me fellow pirates.

Jet has 5 posts, and none of them mention Errol, or indeed, anything really on topic except the last one I quoted above. The rest of them seem to be bantering with Ronan about sobriety and being his first mate. Had no real read here since nothing topical until they voted for no reason. Very sketchy vote. Looking forward to an explanation.

Sixto has voted for me, and I totally get why. My stance on Ronan is a bit waffly, tis true. Seems engaged and saw something that got his eye, pointed it out and voted on it. Cool.

Davos has 4 posts, nothing really topical, nice usage of "yargh", other wise null.

Bird (called themself a scallop, made me laugh), Errol (nice smiley usage), Gold (likes sunshine), Onyx (likes coffee) and Hawky (one post, but very well done pirate post, also seemingly a self appointed captain) are all totally null. Bartley is <null since they haven't posted at all.

So leaving my vote on Jet at this time
Arr, listen up, ye scallywag Iggy! Ye be accusin' me of goin' off-topic, but let me tell ye, in the pirate's life, everythin' be on-topic! The world be our stage, and we be free to roam it as we please, discussin' matters from the four corners of the earth.

So, don't be squabblin' about topics when the sea be wide and the horizon endless. Embrace the spirit of adventure, I say! Now, let's get back to our piratey ways and enjoy the banter of this fine crew
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Ronan »

Iggy wrote: Sun Sep 17, 2023 11:02 am Davos has 4 posts, nothing really topical, nice usage of "yargh", other wise null.

Bird (called themself a scallop, made me laugh), Errol (nice smiley usage), Gold (likes sunshine), Onyx (likes coffee) and Hawky (one post, but very well done pirate post, also seemingly a self appointed captain) are all totally null. Bartley is <null since they haven't posted at all.
Arr, what be it about Davos that sets him apart from the rest of these fine pirates who can muster a hearty "yarrr" with the best of 'em? Be ye possessin' some secret treasure map to unlock the perfect pirate growl, or do ye have a tale of yer own to share, me matey? Speak up, and let's hear what makes him the unique buccaneer among this rambunctious crew you listed in ye last grouping!
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Ronan »

Errol wrote: Sun Sep 17, 2023 4:09 pm A man says 'e likes night and finds 'imself nearin' the wrong end of the plank. :( yargh...
Who should we be castin' our suspicious eyes upon instead? The sea be full of mysteries, and we don't want to be blamin' the wrong soul.

Now, as for me old life, I'll admit I would've been quick to cast a vote for the "Whores" at the end of the poll, for I was a different man back then, ruled by the grog and me own wild ways. But I be a reformed pirate now, seekin' a path of clarity and redemption, so I'll be choosin' me votes with a sober mind and a more open heart. Let's set our course wisely, me hearties!
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Iggy »

Ronan wrote: Sun Sep 17, 2023 5:18 pm
Iggy wrote: Sun Sep 17, 2023 11:02 am Davos has 4 posts, nothing really topical, nice usage of "yargh", other wise null.

Bird (called themself a scallop, made me laugh), Errol (nice smiley usage), Gold (likes sunshine), Onyx (likes coffee) and Hawky (one post, but very well done pirate post, also seemingly a self appointed captain) are all totally null. Bartley is <null since they haven't posted at all.
Arr, what be it about Davos that sets him apart from the rest of these fine pirates who can muster a hearty "yarrr" with the best of 'em? Be ye possessin' some secret treasure map to unlock the perfect pirate growl, or do ye have a tale of yer own to share, me matey? Speak up, and let's hear what makes him the unique buccaneer among this rambunctious crew you listed in ye last grouping!
Well he had 4 posts and they all had 1 or 2. I grouped the 1/2 people together.

You made a bunch of posts with a crapton of words, but said very little. Like your reply to Errol.

Since you don’t think his vote is sketchy, why do you think Jet voted for Errol?
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Iggy »

And had you not snipped my post, it would be obvious that the people with several posts had their own section.
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Ronan »

Iggy wrote: Sun Sep 17, 2023 6:03 pm
Ronan wrote: Sun Sep 17, 2023 5:18 pm
Iggy wrote: Sun Sep 17, 2023 11:02 am Davos has 4 posts, nothing really topical, nice usage of "yargh", other wise null.

Bird (called themself a scallop, made me laugh), Errol (nice smiley usage), Gold (likes sunshine), Onyx (likes coffee) and Hawky (one post, but very well done pirate post, also seemingly a self appointed captain) are all totally null. Bartley is <null since they haven't posted at all.
Arr, what be it about Davos that sets him apart from the rest of these fine pirates who can muster a hearty "yarrr" with the best of 'em? Be ye possessin' some secret treasure map to unlock the perfect pirate growl, or do ye have a tale of yer own to share, me matey? Speak up, and let's hear what makes him the unique buccaneer among this rambunctious crew you listed in ye last grouping!
Well he had 4 posts and they all had 1 or 2. I grouped the 1/2 people together.

You made a bunch of posts with a crapton of words, but said very little. Like your reply to Errol.

Since you don’t think his vote is sketchy, why do you think Jet voted for Errol?
Oh, aye, because we all know that the true mark of a fine pirate be their ability to say "yarrgh" and say nothin' else. Who needs conversation and camaraderie when a single word be enough, eh? Me apologies if me chattin' be disturbin' yer peace, me matey. I'll be sure to stick to "yarrgh" and "aye aye" from now on, for the sake of simplicity!

And arr, I'll admit, me first mate Jet might've made a vote that raises an eyebrow or two. But I've sailed with Jet long enough (2 nautical nights) to know there's always a method to his madness. He's a loyal and wise companion, and I'm willin' to bet he's got a good reason for castin' that vote. So, let's not jump to conclusions just yet, me hearties. There be more to this tale than meets the eye.
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Ronan »

Ahoy there, @Sixto ! I've been wonderin', do ye still harbor suspicions 'bout Iggy, given that they be actively makin' reads and standin' out from the rest of us pirates? It might be worth hearin' what ye have to say, for it's a sea of uncertainty out here, and every perspective be valuable in navigatin' these treacherous waters.
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Jet »

Perhaps I be confused. But I thought Errol was callin' Ronan suspicious fer votin' fer the stars. So I defended me cap'n fer this. But clearly wha' I thought was happenin' wasn't? Cause now I be a wanderin'. I jus' felt 'twas odd t' say me cap'n was suspicious fer somethin' like that. So I voted fer 'im. I didn' bother layin' anythin' out about it 'cause Noone reacted t' wha' I had said about it anyway. Me apologies t' Errol if I am mistaken 'n misunderstood 'im. Maybe sobriety be a course I shall lay down fer meself. The grog ain't me hearty tonight.
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Iggy »

Jet wrote: Sun Sep 17, 2023 11:31 pm Perhaps I be confused. But I thought Errol was callin' Ronan suspicious fer votin' fer the stars. So I defended me cap'n fer this. But clearly wha' I thought was happenin' wasn't? Cause now I be a wanderin'. I jus' felt 'twas odd t' say me cap'n was suspicious fer somethin' like that. So I voted fer 'im. I didn' bother layin' anythin' out about it 'cause Noone reacted t' wha' I had said about it anyway. Me apologies t' Errol if I am mistaken 'n misunderstood 'im. Maybe sobriety be a course I shall lay down fer meself. The grog ain't me hearty tonight.
Actually, it was your *Captain* who said *Errol* was suspicious fer somethin' like that.
Ronan wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 12:28 am
Errol wrote: Wed Sep 13, 2023 8:06 pm A night owl is I. So the stars 'twill be.
Arr, ye claim to be a night owl, do ye? And ye speak of the stars as if they be yer guiding lights? Well, I must admit, those words do raise me brows a bit. Ye see, a true pirate be more likely to say, "A night owl am I, so by the moon's pale glow, we'll set sail and seek our plunder."

But stars, they be the stuff of poets and stargazers, not the salty souls of the sea. Pirates, we be guided by the moon's silver path on the water, the creakin' of a ship's timbers, and the distant call of land ho. So, me heartie, if ye be true to the pirate's life, ye'll need to adjust yer celestial bearings a bit. But fear not, for the sea has a way of teachin' even the most landlubberish of us its secrets..
But I see your vote stays put. He has 3 posts, it would have taken 30 seconds to read them and realize you were mistaken about the order of events. If not Errol, who else do you suspect?

I hope other people show up to play today, I feel I be putting an excessive amount of work into trying to figure out votes on someone who is essentially a null read for me. And I only have 10 posts :noble:
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Ronan »

Iggy wrote: Mon Sep 18, 2023 6:25 am
Jet wrote: Sun Sep 17, 2023 11:31 pm Perhaps I be confused. But I thought Errol was callin' Ronan suspicious fer votin' fer the stars. So I defended me cap'n fer this. But clearly wha' I thought was happenin' wasn't? Cause now I be a wanderin'. I jus' felt 'twas odd t' say me cap'n was suspicious fer somethin' like that. So I voted fer 'im. I didn' bother layin' anythin' out about it 'cause Noone reacted t' wha' I had said about it anyway. Me apologies t' Errol if I am mistaken 'n misunderstood 'im. Maybe sobriety be a course I shall lay down fer meself. The grog ain't me hearty tonight.
Actually, it was your *Captain* who said *Errol* was suspicious fer somethin' like that.
Ronan wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 12:28 am
Errol wrote: Wed Sep 13, 2023 8:06 pm A night owl is I. So the stars 'twill be.
Arr, ye claim to be a night owl, do ye? And ye speak of the stars as if they be yer guiding lights? Well, I must admit, those words do raise me brows a bit. Ye see, a true pirate be more likely to say, "A night owl am I, so by the moon's pale glow, we'll set sail and seek our plunder."

But stars, they be the stuff of poets and stargazers, not the salty souls of the sea. Pirates, we be guided by the moon's silver path on the water, the creakin' of a ship's timbers, and the distant call of land ho. So, me heartie, if ye be true to the pirate's life, ye'll need to adjust yer celestial bearings a bit. But fear not, for the sea has a way of teachin' even the most landlubberish of us its secrets..
But I see your vote stays put. He has 3 posts, it would have taken 30 seconds to read them and realize you were mistaken about the order of events. If not Errol, who else do you suspect?

I hope other people show up to play today, I feel I be putting an excessive amount of work into trying to figure out votes on someone who is essentially a null read for me. And I only have 10 posts :noble:
Aye, me mateys, me vote began in solidarity with me first mate, Jet, and now? Well, it's not as if Errol's made a grand defense of their own innocence. In these murky waters, it's as good a shot in the dark as any, with so many pirates seemingly lost at sea. So, let's set our course and cast our votes, hopin' to find some clarity in these turbulent times.
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Bird »

Well well well. From me perch, I have a birds-eye view of all the shenanigans goin’ on. I be thinking’ this crew is rotten to the core.
First we have Ronan and Jet pairin’ up ‘n zeroin’ in on Errol.
Then we have Iggy questionin’ why, ‘n Sixto bein suspicious of Iggy for not believing Ronan and Jet arr trustworthy.
That scoundrel Davos, with the double vision, calling me a slimy grit ruffled me feathers about. Even pirates like a bit o’ flattery every now n agin.
I may have to vote for that pirate who used the word “anathema”. No self-respectin pirate would use that kinda language. I be forgetting who spouted that bilge, but I’ll find ‘im.
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Bartley »


I missed that we had started. But I am now here, all ye mateys.
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Bird »

This days awastin’ sos im joining that thar pirate who uses them fancy words. [VOTE: Jet] aubergine
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Iggy »

Ronan wrote: Mon Sep 18, 2023 11:53 am
Iggy wrote: Mon Sep 18, 2023 6:25 am
Jet wrote: Sun Sep 17, 2023 11:31 pm Perhaps I be confused. But I thought Errol was callin' Ronan suspicious fer votin' fer the stars. So I defended me cap'n fer this. But clearly wha' I thought was happenin' wasn't? Cause now I be a wanderin'. I jus' felt 'twas odd t' say me cap'n was suspicious fer somethin' like that. So I voted fer 'im. I didn' bother layin' anythin' out about it 'cause Noone reacted t' wha' I had said about it anyway. Me apologies t' Errol if I am mistaken 'n misunderstood 'im. Maybe sobriety be a course I shall lay down fer meself. The grog ain't me hearty tonight.
Actually, it was your *Captain* who said *Errol* was suspicious fer somethin' like that.
Ronan wrote: Thu Sep 14, 2023 12:28 am
Errol wrote: Wed Sep 13, 2023 8:06 pm A night owl is I. So the stars 'twill be.
Arr, ye claim to be a night owl, do ye? And ye speak of the stars as if they be yer guiding lights? Well, I must admit, those words do raise me brows a bit. Ye see, a true pirate be more likely to say, "A night owl am I, so by the moon's pale glow, we'll set sail and seek our plunder."

But stars, they be the stuff of poets and stargazers, not the salty souls of the sea. Pirates, we be guided by the moon's silver path on the water, the creakin' of a ship's timbers, and the distant call of land ho. So, me heartie, if ye be true to the pirate's life, ye'll need to adjust yer celestial bearings a bit. But fear not, for the sea has a way of teachin' even the most landlubberish of us its secrets..
But I see your vote stays put. He has 3 posts, it would have taken 30 seconds to read them and realize you were mistaken about the order of events. If not Errol, who else do you suspect?

I hope other people show up to play today, I feel I be putting an excessive amount of work into trying to figure out votes on someone who is essentially a null read for me. And I only have 10 posts :noble:
Aye, me mateys, me vote began in solidarity with me first mate, Jet, and now? Well, it's not as if Errol's made a grand defense of their own innocence. In these murky waters, it's as good a shot in the dark as any, with so many pirates seemingly lost at sea. So, let's set our course and cast our votes, hopin' to find some clarity in these turbulent times.
A grand defense against what? Mistakes by the people who voted for him?

Poll ends in 20 minutes.
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Iggy »

Bird wrote: Mon Sep 18, 2023 12:28 pm Well well well. From me perch, I have a birds-eye view of all the shenanigans goin’ on. I be thinking’ this crew is rotten to the core.
First we have Ronan and Jet pairin’ up ‘n zeroin’ in on Errol.
Then we have Iggy questionin’ why, ‘n Sixto bein suspicious of Iggy for not believing Ronan and Jet arr trustworthy.
That scoundrel Davos, with the double vision, calling me a slimy grit ruffled me feathers about. Even pirates like a bit o’ flattery every now n agin.
I may have to vote for that pirate who used the word “anathema”. No self-respectin pirate would use that kinda language. I be forgetting who spouted that bilge, but I’ll find ‘im.
I'm pretty sure that was me. I read alot between actual pillagin' and plunderin'. Theres only so much swabbing the deck to be done, eh?
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Bird »

Iggy wrote: Mon Sep 18, 2023 1:34 pm
Bird wrote: Mon Sep 18, 2023 12:28 pm Well well well. From me perch, I have a birds-eye view of all the shenanigans goin’ on. I be thinking’ this crew is rotten to the core.
First we have Ronan and Jet pairin’ up ‘n zeroin’ in on Errol.
Then we have Iggy questionin’ why, ‘n Sixto bein suspicious of Iggy for not believing Ronan and Jet arr trustworthy.
That scoundrel Davos, with the double vision, calling me a slimy grit ruffled me feathers about. Even pirates like a bit o’ flattery every now n agin.
I may have to vote for that pirate who used the word “anathema”. No self-respectin pirate would use that kinda language. I be forgetting who spouted that bilge, but I’ll find ‘im.
I'm pretty sure that was me. I read alot between actual pillagin' and plunderin'. Theres only so much swabbing the deck to be done, eh?
I be forgiven ye for the fancy talk. I’ve half a mind to change me vote to Davos, he’s a slippery eel if I’ve ever seen one.
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Bird »

[VOTE: Davos ] aubergine
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Sixto »

Ronan wrote: Sun Sep 17, 2023 8:59 pm Ahoy there, @Sixto ! I've been wonderin', do ye still harbor suspicions 'bout Iggy, given that they be actively makin' reads and standin' out from the rest of us pirates? It might be worth hearin' what ye have to say, for it's a sea of uncertainty out here, and every perspective be valuable in navigatin' these treacherous waters.
Aye. The suspicions remain. There be more meat on the table now, to be sure, and I have switched me vote to Jet, fer the crime o' not knowin' who did what and when, fer the most important thing, the vote!

Errol also looks not great fer failing t'even return and discuss before the Day were done.

I'll stick with Jet, n' perhaps a guilty verdict'll reflect upon 'is captain as well.
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Sixto »

[VOTE: Jet] aubergine
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Roxy »

Errol had tried thar damn best t' fit in but then came the shekels 'n he was out!

No way was he stayin'!

Errol was Disgruntled Porcupine!
Damn ye harlots!

His role was:

You have the worst possible role:

Fabian - Plants some seeds of doubt *secret* Every night you may hide one person in your bunk for protection.

You are Town.

It is now night only poll discussion is allowed.
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Roxy »

Dewey had found a package in his bunk when he opened it he was dead as 'twas a bomb!

Dewey is dead no further details shall be given. :feb:
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Ronan »

Blast it all, me matey! I seem to have missed the final tally meself. Does anyone among this crew have the final count of our votes to share?
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Sixto »

Argh, the town's protector? 'Tis strange tho... my thoughts were that yon poll ended up wit' Jet havin' the greatest number of votes? Perhaps somethin' happened below decks, if ye get my meanin'... yarr, or some last-second, unannounced vote trickery?
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Sixto »

Ronan wrote: Mon Sep 18, 2023 2:09 pm Blast it all, me matey! I seem to have missed the final tally meself. Does anyone among this crew have the final count of our votes to share?
Precisely, fellow captain o' the seas, precisely! T'would shed some light.
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Ronan »

In the pirate's life, we know there be a time for hidin' and a time for takin' action. For now, I be choosin' shells, on account o’ their metaphor to hunker down and await the tide of fate. But keep yer cutlasses sharp and yer eyes peeled, for the winds of change can shift as swiftly as a rogue wave.
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Sixto »

Then me vote shall be fer Sand... just to spread things out a bit.

Who were votin' fer Jet at the time of the poll? One o' them switched off t'save him, p'rhaps!
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Ronan »

Sixto wrote: Mon Sep 18, 2023 2:10 pm Argh, the town's protector? 'Tis strange tho... my thoughts were that yon poll ended up wit' Jet havin' the greatest number of votes? Perhaps somethin' happened below decks, if ye get my meanin'... yarr, or some last-second, unannounced vote trickery?
If that be true- on me first mate no less- ‘tis a strange and confounding happening to have me feelin' a fair bit nervous. It be temptin' fate, I say. And let me tell ye, it's the sort of turmoil that could drive a man to the bottle once more..
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Hawky »

Arrr, Me be a bit late to the party, I see! Time be as fickle as the wind at sea. But fret not, for every tide brings a new opportunity.
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Bird »

Roxy wrote: Mon Sep 18, 2023 1:56 pm Errol had tried thar damn best t' fit in but then came the shekels 'n he was out!

No way was he stayin'!

Errol was Disgruntled Porcupine!
Damn ye harlots!

His role was:

You have the worst possible role:

Fabian - Plants some seeds of doubt *secret* Every night you may hide one person in your bunk for protection.

You are Town.

It is now night only poll discussion is allowed.
Arr ye speaking o’ the night poll, or is the day poll included thar?
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Iggy »

Well that be a low blow.

As I recall it, Errol had Ronan and Jet voting for him. Jet had meself, And Bird. In the last minutes, Sixto moved from me to Jet and Bird moved to Davos.

So ‘‘twas tied between Jet and Errol.

I voted sand, shells be pretty but sand is useful.
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Bird »

Bird wrote: Mon Sep 18, 2023 2:47 pm
Roxy wrote: Mon Sep 18, 2023 1:56 pm Errol had tried thar damn best t' fit in but then came the shekels 'n he was out!

No way was he stayin'!

Errol was Disgruntled Porcupine!
Damn ye harlots!

His role was:

You have the worst possible role:

Fabian - Plants some seeds of doubt *secret* Every night you may hide one person in your bunk for protection.

You are Town.

It is now night only poll discussion is allowed.
Arr ye speaking o’ the night poll, or is the day poll included thar?
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Bird »

Roxy wrote: Wed Sep 13, 2023 11:03 am Regular site rules mostly apply - Rules and Guidelines and Culture of Respect

1 - Do not be an asshat
2 - No role claiming
3 - No info dumping
4 - No revealing prizes unless the host does it first
5 - No hammer, but you will have changeable votes

6 - Open nights for off topic and night poll talk only. No game talk at all (suspicions, reads, rainbows etc)

7 - The Hosts adore ModKilling so be careful what you do as a sock.
8 - This is meant to be a zany, bizarre, chaotic game for F.U.N.!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok Capn Roxy. Got ye. I’ll save my day poll discussin’ for the morn.
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Ronan »

Ladies and seabirds, gather 'round, and let me tell ye a tale of a pirate's adventure last month in a land lubber's haven – the grocery store!

So, there I was, decked out in me finest pirate attire, hat cocked to the side (as I do), wooden peg legs clickin' with every step. I swaggered into the grocery store like I was stormin' a rival ship. But what I found inside nearly brought me to me knees – aisles upon aisles, stacked to the brim with a bewildering array of goods.

I mean, me ship's galley be a piece of cake compared to this place! I wandered through the maze, searchin' for provisions, and encountered the strangest sights – shelves upon shelves of canned goods, boxes that promised instant meals, and the dreaded self-checkout machines. Aye, I thought me new parrot Mad Martha might keel over just lookin' at 'em!

Now, I reached the checkout line, and there I saw a treasure trove of gossip magazines and candy bars temptin' me. I thought, "Why plunder ships when I can plunder the candy aisle?" But then, the cashier gave me a look that could melt steel and said, "Arr, ye best be payin' with a credit card, matey."

Credit card? I wanted to pull out me cutlass and demand doubloons, but alas, I swiped me plastic treasure map like a modern pirate. And as I walked out, I couldn't help but feel like a fish out of water, a pirate in a grocery store, navigatin' the strangest sea of all.

Ah, but the adventure didn't end there, me hearties! See, I might have plundered the grocery store, but I was soon faced with the most treacherous task of all - understandin' the credit card bill.

It arrived this morning. I took a look at that piece of parchment, and it might as well have been written in some ancient, mystical language. It was a scroll of numbers and codes that left me more puzzled than a catfish in a crow's nest.

So, I thought to meself, "No worries, I'll just ask the parrot, Mad Martha. She's got a head for numbers, surely." But when I showed her the bill, she just squawked and flew off in a huff. Turns out, even Mad Martha couldn't decipher the enigma of the credit card statement!

Now, as for payin' it, well, that was another adventure altogether. I tried to follow the instructions, but the whole process seemed more complicated than chartin' a course through a hurricane. It felt like I was navigating through a maze of automated voices, button presses, and hold music that made me want to walk the plank!

In the end, I may have been a fearsome pirate on the high seas in me hay day, but when it came to credit card bills and payments, I was as lost as a ship in the doldrums. So, me mateys, the moral of the story is, beware the treacherous waters of the credit card world – they be a challenge even the saltiest of pirates may not conquer!
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Roxy »

Onyx be havin issue getting their sea legs it be totally out of their control. They will be here as soon as me mates handle it.
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Bartley »

I am working on getting back on remembering I'm playing.

Voted shells to keep it even, as that seems like a solid idea for a night poll.
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Iggy »

Ronan, you can't be stealin' peoples pets like that. Your "new parrot", my ass. You be leaving Mad Martha alone, ye parrot theivin rapscallion!
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Onyx »

I do be back in business!
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Bird »

The shells be a sight fer sore eyes, but the sand is easier on the feet.
Ronan, how ‘bout bein’ me wingman, and fix me up wit Mad Martha?
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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Roxy »

Gold was Shekeled! Those f'ing shekels.

A parchment from Teuta that reads:

"Poor Errol! The poor lad barely had a chance t'get his sea legs and he was pushed onto the plank o'er false accusations.

Then his false accusers were brazen enough to blame poor Errol for not defending himself, and sayin' summat like, "Well, someone has to walk the plank, might as well be Errol." Or saying they misunderstood, but doin naught about it.

Also don't understand Bird changing to a last minute statement vote when things were so tight.

Yarggh, tis a poor day at sea!

I hope to hear more from Bartley, Gold and Hawky, three scallawags with only two posts each. I could add Onyx to this, but hoping they get their issues cleared up."

Sand voters get nothing.
Shell voters get nothing.

Never know what them night polls be a'doin'.

Ye Cap'ns be needin' entertainment best you tube song about Pirates, Boats or Water posted in game thread will be winnin' a prize.

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Re: So ye wants to be a Pirate?


Post by Bird »

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