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by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 9:34 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [DAY 3]

Sloonei wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2019 9:31 pm You ISO’s Colin, yeah, but I didn’t see you actively trying to dissuade people from voting Colin. It looked like busywork so that you could say you tried.
Why would I even bother doing an ISO now on any of you? I spent SO much time on that. It took me 4x as long as any of you, because I am so out of practice, and then you are all just rude and saying it;s crappy work.
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 9:33 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [DAY 3]

novaselinenever wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2019 4:17 pm
Sloonei wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2019 4:01 pm Word. I take it you were interested in how llama and/or mongoose would respond to a poll split between them?
Exactly. Especially Mongoose, didn't feel any sense of urgency from her yesterday with how the discussion was heading and votes piling up on her.
Look, you can disparage me all you want for "no sense of urgency" but you could have told me my house was on fire and I would not have gotten out of that bed. I took a 4-hour nap and spent most of the day in bed. I spent way too long on here Saturday, which no one seemed to give me much credit for, which completely wore me out (and okay that Saturday night party but I have a tough job okay).
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 9:31 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [DAY 3]

Sloonei wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2019 4:01 pm Word. I take it you were interested in how llama and/or mongoose would respond to a poll split between them?
I'll take my chances.
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 9:28 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [DAY 3]

Sloonei wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2019 9:22 pm
Mongoose wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2019 9:12 pm
Sloonei wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2019 9:09 pm I arrived at the conclusion of a Mongoose/llama team before anyone else. Alleging that nova is responsible for the suspicion of you is inaccurate.
Is that aimed at me? If so, I'm not sure what you are responding to.
You referring to nova as Wormtongue.
I'm sure you are correct.
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 9:27 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [DAY 3]

Sloonei wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2019 12:18 am
Why it's Llama and Mongoose: An Analysis
By Sloonei
Llama arrives on the scene Night 1 and starts throwing his weight around like a good boy. Look at him go!
thellama73 wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2019 10:57 pm Okay, I read day zero and I want to post some thoughts before I forget them, and then move on to reading Day 1:
ColinIsCool - Nothing of substance. I don't love the aloofness.
dunya - Seems supatown to me. Good, aggressive behavior trying to smoke out baddies. I like.
juliets - The exchange with Mac where he demands she throw out reads and she refuses is interesting. Could go a number of ways, but I'm inclined to read it civ on civ.
Lunalee - Sucking up a little to Dunya, but then again, I can see why.
MacDougall - See juliets.
Mongoose - Her tone seems a little different than what I'm used to. Bears watching.
novaselinenever - I was pinged by her post expressing frustration over not having won in a while. Could be the result of being given a baddie role and feeling outnumbered.
Sloonei - Active posting, good hunting. Leaning town.
His first mention of Mongoose is a negative one. He implicates that bears are watching her suggests that she deserves scrutiny with an assumed implication that he intends to carry the torch.

Another thing he does around the same time is call out Colin for various things, among them, his no lynch vote:
thellama73 wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2019 11:30 pm Okay, I'm mostly caught up. I do think Colin looks terrible after Day 1. Wishy washy, not hunting, no reads, votes for no lynch (along with Mongoose) which is always a bad vote, in my view. HOWEVER there's this: [Some crap about Luna].
This will be relevant later. Put a pin in it. Moving along:
thellama73 wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2019 11:51 am I don't like to play the "we know each other well" card at all. I don't want anyone thinking I have a superior abilty to read someone based on a personal relationship. I am not Ika and Silverwolf. That said, I thought her tone seemed weird for all of Day 0. In Day 1, she started out on the defensive, which I always think is a bad look, but has since settled in to what I consider to be her usual playstyle. Right now, I would say my read on her is fairly neutral leaning very slightly in the direction of bad. I think the two baddies will be found among Colin, Mongoose, Nova, and Luna. Mac has me feeling really confident he's a civ. Way to pile on that mass, Mac.
Juliets asks Llama for a more elaborate read on Mongoose because they know each other well. I don't fault llama for trying to avoid that card and I think it's noble. But it doesn't tell me anything about his alignment here. I do get a little suggestion of something in everything he says after the ika and silverwolf memory (and what a memory that is!) "Her tone seemed weird... she started out on the defensive, which I always think is a bad look... fairly neutral leaning very slightly in the direction of bad." I think I used the term "throat clearing" in my original ISO when I came across this post. Llama spends about half this post hemming and hawing before spitting out "fairly neutral leaning very slightly in the direction of bad." I can't imagine it's possible to express a suspicion in weaker terms. This suspicion is so weak it might as well be a town read. But it's not.

But also that's not even my biggest concern. He's thrice mentioned Mongoose, the player he knows best in the game, in a negative light. Should that not make her a fairly compelling suspect in the llama book?
Evidently not, because the next time she comes up is right here:
thellama73 wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2019 6:35 pm Okay, now that it's Day, I have questions.

Colin & Mongoose: Why did you vote no lynch yesterday? Be specific.

Everyone else: What is your read on Luna? I don't like how no one but me is talking about her. It feels like a "move on, nothing to see here" kind of scenario.
Her response:
Mongoose wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2019 10:20 am
I’ve been on the fence on whether to be truthful about what happened with my vote (hear me out), but I’ve been very candid in this game and I want to continue that. About 45 mins before the vote ended, I decided to switch my vote to Luna, Like is said I would do when I fully picked a player to vote. I literally voted in one of the changing stalls at the yoga studio. Then I put my phone in my bag and headed to class. When I got out, I was shocked to see that the poll said I voted No Lynch. I don’t know if I failed to lock my phone and the gremlins got at it, if it’s another symptom of Mercury being in retrograde, or it just tumbled around in my gym bag with my clothes when I stuffed it into a cubby, but I didn’t intend to switch off Luna.

I mean why would I? I promised all day that I would vote for a player, and I kinda torpedoed my work day to catch up to my put myself in a position to do that. So imagine my abject horror when I saw it didn’t reflect Luna. I don’t blame you if you are skeptical of this story. I’d be too if it hadn’t happened to me.

But that’s what really happened. I won’t be doing any more no lynch votes by the way; I was kinda using it as a placeholder to make sure I wasn’t a voting non participant.

It was one of the most frustrating things I’ve experienced in a game and it was no one’s fault, but YIKES.

If you have any questions, please @ me to ensure I see it -thanks!
This reads as rehearsed to me. "I've been on the fence..." followed by a big long story which absolves her of the cardinal sin of No Lynching. These were the very first things either of them posted on Day 2, which just furthers the impression that they conspired during the night in BTSC to push this story to the forefront so that the No Lynch saga can fade away quickly, as evidenced by his response.

Here is where you can take the pin out and go back to my point about Colin from earlier. Colin, of course, was the other sinner guilty of No Lynching. How do these two treat Colin on the day that he will be lynched? Llama has almost nothing to say about him rather uncritically accepts Colin's rationale for the No Lynch (which I believe he'd shared previously anyway) and then referenced him off hand a couple more times as a potential, backburner suspect. The meatiest instance came here when he listed Colin among his "weak" group of town reads in Operation: Trustfall. But, like, there's no pursuit of Colin before or after this. All the while, The Cool Guy is getting lynched. Llama mentions him zero more times until posting "RIP Colin". Mongoose, meanwhile, was openly supportive of Colin through the day (but never actively campaigned against his lynch, I might add.)

I propose that the scum team comprised of Llama and Mongoose actively conspired to keep the No Lynch discussion away from the forefront of the discussion. 1) Llama opened the day by asking Colin and Mongoose to explain themselves. 2) Mongoose's first post of the day was then a response to this question in which she shared a very thoroughly detailed story about how she came to accidentally vote for a No Lynch. 3) They both absolved not only Mongoose, but also Colin of any wrongdoing. Note the marked contrast between Night 1 Llama and Day 2 llama with regards to the no lynches. On Night 1 it was a bad thing all the time. On Day 2 it was a non-issue after the first post.

So what did these two focus on instead Day 2?
Answer: Luna & Nova. Both of them, separately, pushed the same two suspects in almost the same way. WILD, huh? Mafia need two mislynches to win the game and they have a lot of confusion and uncertainty in the thread. Mongoose was a suspect, but now that we've swept the No Lynch drama under the rug, all we need to do is push some other names to the forefront and she can fade away.

Llama & Mongoose talkin' 'bout Luna, Day 2:
Spoiler: show
thellama73 wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2019 9:44 pm
Lunalee wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2019 9:34 pm I mean I threw the claim out there because I have nothing to lose from it. It's only a potential help to town. I get it looks "too convenient" but I thought it would be better than staying silent about my role. I also get that you guys don't have to believe me, but dang @Sloonei to ask for a claim and then not believe it when it shows up is a bit silly.
Having nothing to lose would be as good a reason to lie as it would be to tell the truth. If not a better reason.
Mongoose wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2019 10:32 am
Sloonei wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2019 9:10 pm
Lunalee wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2019 9:09 pm
Sloonei wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2019 9:05 pm @Lunalee you seem to be the closest thing to a consensus suspect right now. I’m not sure I see it, but I also don’t feel like I have enough evidence to call you a firm town read. Get in here and give us your thoughts on things please and thanks.

Also why aren’t you all voting?
Reason I'm not voting is because it is Thursday night, and I have until Saturday to decide who to vote for.

I am also surprised to be a consensus suspect. I don't see it either, but maybe I should catch up first.
I don’t care what time it is or how long we have left. Votes on the poll are data and visible action. They help. Everyone should put their votes on the player they most suspect at any time.
Based on this, I’ll go ahead and vote early too.[VOTE: luna] aubergine
thellama73 wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2019 4:21 pm
Lunalee wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2019 4:16 pm Okay, so I saw this and thought it was a positive point for mongoose:
thellama73 wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2019 12:04 pm
Spoiler: show
Mongoose wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2019 10:20 am
thellama73 wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2019 6:35 pm Okay, now that it's Day, I have questions.

Colin & Mongoose: Why did you vote no lynch yesterday? Be specific.

Everyone else: What is your read on Luna? I don't like how no one but me is talking about her. It feels like a "move on, nothing to see here" kind of scenario.
I’ve been on the fence on whether to be truthful about what happened with my vote (hear me out), but I’ve been very candid in this game and I want to continue that. About 45 mins before the vote ended, I decided to switch my vote to Luna, Like is said I would do when I fully picked a player to vote. I literally voted in one of the changing stalls at the yoga studio. Then I put my phone in my bag and headed to class. When I got out, I was shocked to see that the poll said I voted No Lynch. I don’t know if I failed to lock my phone and the gremlins got at it, if it’s another symptom of Mercury being in retrograde, or it just tumbled around in my gym bag with my clothes when I stuffed it into a cubby, but I didn’t intend to switch off Luna.

I mean why would I? I promised all day that I would vote for a player, and I kinda torpedoed my work day to catch up to my put myself in a position to do that. So imagine my abject horror when I saw it didn’t reflect Luna. I don’t blame you if you are skeptical of this story. I’d be too if it hadn’t happened to me.

But that’s what really happened. I won’t be doing any more no lynch votes by the way; I was kinda using it as a placeholder to make sure I wasn’t a voting non participant.

It was one of the most frustrating things I’ve experienced in a game and it was no one’s fault, but YIKES.

If you have any questions, please @ me to ensure I see it -thanks!
That being said, I don't think you would make up this story as a lie, so fine.
BUT then you later say that it's "non-alignment indicative." okay, guess I sort of missed that.
Yeah, I don't see her making up a needless lie like that. It would be easier just to own the no lynch vote and argue why it's a good vote, as many people have done successfully in the past. I don't think the fact that she didn't lie in this instance makes her necessarily good though.
Lunalee wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2019 4:09 pm Just want to throw this out there: What has Colin done in this game that scum Colin wouldn't do?
Not a fan of this question. It's like asking people to prove a negative. The burden of proof is on the town to demonstrate that lynch candidates might be bad. "You can't prove he's not bad, therefore he's bad" is a slippery, fallacious argument. The only honest answer to your question is "nothing" because baddies are capable of doing anything thta civs can do. There are, however, certain things baddies would do that civs would never do. So a better question is, What has Colin done this game that civvie Colin wouldn't do?

Personaly, I think there are a couple of answers to that, but the fact that you asked it the other way around makes me even more suspicious of you than I already was.
Mongoose wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2019 10:33 am
Lunalee wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2019 9:16 pm
Sloonei wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2019 6:41 pm If juliets is telling the truth, then we either have a civilian 1-shot doublevoter and a mafia roleblocker in addition to her, or she’s the only non-vanilla role in the game.

If the former, then it might be prudent for the doublevoter to claim now. We could have two pseudo-cleared civilians instead of a single dubious cop claim. I think that would be more valuable than a single concealed double vote. The mafia roleblocker is essentially powerless now, assuming they can only block night actions.
Well okay. I'm the doublevoter.
Are we sure about that?
thellama73 wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2019 4:29 pm Okay, Sloonei, you win. Luna is faker than a plastic Christmas tree in July.

[VOTE: Luna] aubergine
And so on. You get the picture. This last one is particularly egregious, because at no point did I feel like I had pinned Luna down as scum, nor did I attempt to or suggest such a thing. Llama looks like he was trying to provoke me to vote for Luna.
Llama & Mongoose talkin' 'bout Nova, Day 2:
Spoiler: show
thellama73 wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2019 12:01 pm
juliets wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2019 8:28 am Ok, this is getting damn confusing.

Luna's claim: the mafia knows which configuration we're in so if we're in the cop, vanilla, vanilla they know one of them can claim double voter and get away with it. Is that what you guys (Mac, Sloon, llama) believe? It does seem like a possibility. And I did make the point earlier that Luna could have given that "bright shining civ" compliment to dunya to distance herself from a kill. But, would she have known that early in the game that they were going to kill dunya? I'm more confused about Luna than I was before the NK.

Mac and nova - I don't think Mac is mafia but is his nova and sloonei suspicion believable? I need to look at nova again and see if I feel like his Mac suspicion was made up or flowed naturally. sloonei's suspicion of me and subsequent tunneling definitely seemed off to me given my behavior as a civ over many games. I don't relish the thought of re-reading sloonei but I guess I'm going to have to. Sloonei is my tinfoil suspicion.

thellama73 what are you thinking about nova and sloonei? Do the things Mac says make sense to you?

MacDougall PLEASE don't check out. We really need you now. No one was responding to you because we were asleep not because we don't care. Please don't devolve into just trolling.
I have not felt too good about Nova from the beginning, but I don't have very much concrete to go on. I think Sloonei is civilian. Pretty much the only thing I really agree with Mac on is his suspicion of Luna. I think her claim coming as it did right after Sloonei mentioned that it would be a good idea for the doublevoter to claim, felt too convenient. She said "I have nothing to lose" which sounds to me like a baddie about to be lynched throwing a last minute hail mary. I don't think it's as sophisticated the analysis above indicates. Just desperation.
thellama73 wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 3:10 pm
novaselinenever wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 3:08 pm
Sloonei wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 3:05 pm
novaselinenever wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 3:04 pm Llama's been pretty consistent with his "got pinged early" read on me. It's giving me the heebie jeebies
Do the heebiejeebies mean you think he's bad?
Not necessarily. It a negative ping though.
That seems like... an odd thing to be pinged by. But okay.
thellama73 wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 3:34 pm
novaselinenever wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 3:32 pm
thellama73 wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 3:29 pm
novaselinenever wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 3:27 pm Lynch all liars? :grin:
Epignosis claims he lies all the time as a civilian, but he is weird. I generally assume that if someone is caught in a lie, they are bad. The question I'm asking myself now is whether you legitimately expected me to forget a suspicion I had less than 72 hours ago. :ponder:
I don't expect you to forget it. However, I'd expect you to omit it when sharing reads especially when it's something as weak as being pinged by "Hi, I'm nova and I'm tired of losing". The contrast is too big.
novaselinenever wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 3:17 pm Perhaps lol. I disagree though, the original ping itself (yours) is pretty weak. It's about my first comment in thread "tired to lose" that one has to milk heavily in order to extrapolate a scum read from. I feel that'd be pretty natural for someone to forget about it with how many other posts and content I have that can be analyzed for reads. Repeating it several times (especially when it's contrasted by a "I feel better about him now/recently") strikes me as being extremely self-aware to and attempt to keep consistency that isn't natural.
(and a bit of prodding Mac to bring up his nova case)
Mongoose actually doesn't have much to say about nova on Day 2, but the surrounding phases have content:
Mongoose wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2019 12:12 pm
thellama73 wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2019 12:06 pm
juliets wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2019 11:53 am Ok thanks llama that's very helpful. Can you be more specific on what you are seeing in nova that causes you to call him bad? If you have done that and I missed it, my apologies.
Not a lot concrete. I found the initial "tired of losing" comment suspicious. Others have gone on to explain that away, but I don't know that I'm convinced. I don't like Nova's case on Mac. Very unconvincing to me. Call it a gut read if you like.
I find the latter allegation way way more persuasive than the former.

Mongoose wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 5:08 pm
Sloonei wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 5:01 pm We've got an hour and a half left, votes ever so slightly leaning toward Colin. I support this lynch, but my mind is far from made up. If anything has any concerns about either of these wagons, or about anything else that's going on, please voice them. This is a pretty crucial lynch.
Bleeding over from yesterday, it would definitely be nova. Seems as much as a complementary team as any of the others we've postulated.
Mongoose wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 3:33 pm
novaselinenever wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 3:32 pm
thellama73 wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 3:29 pm
novaselinenever wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 3:27 pm Lynch all liars? :grin:
Epignosis claims he lies all the time as a civilian, but he is weird. I generally assume that if someone is caught in a lie, they are bad. The question I'm asking myself now is whether you legitimately expected me to forget a suspicion I had less than 72 hours ago. :ponder:
I don't expect you to forget it. However, I'd expect you to omit it when sharing reads especially when it's something as weak as being pinged by "Hi, I'm nova and I'm tired of losing". The contrast is too big.
Man, that was a weird ping. Whether you have lost or not seems super based in fact (and not alignment indicative).
SO, in conclusion, Llama & Mongoose spent Day 2 making sure that the No Lynch issue faded away, then pushed hard on Luna while passively allowing Colin to be lynched without dirtying their hands. Each of them have supported cases against nova at various times and have pushed him in this final phase as a primary POE target. NOW we can still believe that nova is bad, and his alignment is far from confirmed, but the amount of apparent coordination I can find in Llama and Mongoose's posts is staggering, frankly. I can't look past it. They are bad.
I did a HUGE ISO on Colin. To say I didn't campaign against his lynch is frankly disingenuous and if this was court, I'd ask it be stricken from the records for being misleading.
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 9:21 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [DAY 3]

novaselinenever wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2019 9:20 pm TIL interactions do not accomplish anything in Mafia and derail discussions. ISO or bust.
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 9:20 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [DAY 3]

novaselinenever wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 11:13 pm Why exactly is Mongoose not compatible with Llama?

What is this, my family's Christmas dinner?
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 9:19 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [DAY 3]

MacDougall wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 10:53 pm
novaselinenever wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 10:51 pm Mongoose gets lynched -> Llama kills Juliets -> We no-lynch > Llama kills Sloonei > "tReE mAfIA, i FuCkInG kNoW iT", I get mislynched > Town loses

It's written in the stars.
On the off chance you're a civilian you'd better make some better arguments right now because you're right about what's about to go down if Llama and Mongoose is the team.

As it stands Llama's made a better case on you than you've made on him from where I sit and you're already starting with a disadvantage because I've been reading you Mafia all game.

For a start, drop the antagonism towards me entirely because it will not help your cause one iota.
The antagonism has been distracting and weird. But that swings both ways.
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 9:17 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [DAY 3]

MacDougall wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 10:43 pm
novaselinenever wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 10:38 pm
MacDougall wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 10:35 pm
thellama73 wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 10:00 pm
novaselinenever wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 9:57 pm Also, no offense taken at being called a liar :llama:
I'm done interacting with you. Your phoney moral high ground is easy now that you think your team is about to win.

Vote for me if you want the mafia to win.
I agree with your take the most.

I think Nova and Mongoose are the Mafia. I think that if Nova was a civilian he'd be voting for Mongoose today and not you given that you have shown that you're okay with Mongoose being lynched.

Tree Mafia again. They are going for the win today. One of them dying today (Mongoose) gives the town a lot more time and Nova will be cooked.

I think that's gameset imo.
I was voting Mongoose up, until I got called a liar :noble:
There is zero reason to lynch anybody but Mongoose. She's unanimous suspect of everybody. In this situation that means she's Mafia. I've seen it before. Tree Mafia. Been saying it all game.

The problem that Mongoose's teammate has, whether it's you or not, is that her dying today completely flips the percentages back to civ favour. So her teammate wants to win today.

Wh's Mongoose's teammate? I think it's you Nova. You blinked.
You sure did flip on me pretty suddenly.
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 9:16 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [DAY 3]

MacDougall wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 10:35 pm
thellama73 wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 10:00 pm
novaselinenever wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 9:57 pm Also, no offense taken at being called a liar :llama:
I'm done interacting with you. Your phoney moral high ground is easy now that you think your team is about to win.

Vote for me if you want the mafia to win.
I agree with your take the most.

I think Nova and Mongoose are the Mafia. I think that if Nova was a civilian he'd be voting for Mongoose today and not you given that you have shown that you're okay with Mongoose being lynched.

Tree Mafia again. They are going for the win today. One of them dying today (Mongoose) gives the town a lot more time and Nova will be cooked.

I think that's gameset imo.
After all this time, you are not going with your gut to vote Nova, a guy you got me thinking was bad, and now you're going to make a big mistake. It's MYLOoooooooo or the highway.
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 9:14 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [DAY 3]

novaselinenever wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 10:23 pm
Sloonei wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 10:08 pm @novaselinenever @thellama73 @MacDougall @juliets @Mongoose could you share your strongest reason to A) town read and B) scum read each person remaining in your POE?
Town read

Juliets - mechanically confirmed
Sloonei - all his posts
Mac - The "Plan" + our interaction after Luna's flip and his reaction
Mongoose - Handling of suspicions, and tone
Llama - Entrance in the game

Scum read

Juliets - 404
Sloonei - I'd rahter not thinkg about it
Mac - His lack of convictions for most of the game, bland hot takes, using my scum read and tunnel to tunnel back and skate by. Going for the town confirmed attempt through the plan, and giving it to Mongoose as well who's my pick for scum compatibility.
Mongoose - mostly blending, no convictions in scum reads, shading me without committing while buddying mac
Llama - called me a liar
This was funny AND appreciated.
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 9:12 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [DAY 3]

Sloonei wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2019 9:09 pm I arrived at the conclusion of a Mongoose/llama team before anyone else. Alleging that nova is responsible for the suspicion of you is inaccurate.
Is that aimed at me? If so, I'm not sure what you are responding to.
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 9:06 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [DAY 3]

novaselinenever wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:55 pm
Mongoose wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:36 pm
juliets wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 7:52 pm
Sloonei wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 7:45 pm
juliets wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 7:43 pm
thellama73 wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 7:20 pm Also, juliets come back and answer my question from forever ago. Who are your two picks for the mafia right now?
I'm waiting to hear from Mongoose on the questions I asked her, especially about the post that looks like it could be a slip, but I would say I suspect you and her more than I suspect her and nova. It just seemed like you were in concert with each other at various times in the game. I really need to hear from her though to tell you how solid I am on that read of you two. I need all the puzzle pieces I can get.

On the other hand, I'm still a little bothered about why I didn't die (the tinfoil part of me). If you (or anyone) was bad why take out Luna over me? She isn't participating much and her power was obviously gone. Did she die because of her reads? Is it because I seemed pliant and she didn't seem like someone you could talk into suspecting someone else? Can anyone tell me why they think she got the axe and not me? Another question along this line: why are sloonei and nova still alive? I hate asking these questions but paranoia over the NK is killing me. Maybe I just need sleep.
Maybe they killed luna so you'd start asking yourself these questions.
I guess it seems like to me everyone who's not mafia should have the question in their mind "why Luna?" They picked her for a reason, else why not take out the civ who is trying to help solve the game.
Killing luna on Night 2 is frankly so predictable that I am dumbfounded that folks think a Mongoose/Llama team would consider something so basic.

But a Mongoose/Nova team might

Are we on a team together? If so, we aren't doing a very good job.
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 9:06 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
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Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [DAY 3]

Sloonei wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 10:08 pm @novaselinenever @thellama73 @MacDougall @juliets @Mongoose could you share your strongest reason to A) town read and B) scum read each person remaining in your POE?
Sloonei: Captain Town. I'm not going to bother with a scum read. If you are mafia, I am going to be so pissed haha.

Mac: It's been in both the other games I've played (albeit very briefly) lately. It seems very different here. Get a whiff of those civ pheromones. On the other side, it's smart and wiley enough to pull off such a charade. I don't think that's likely here though.

Llama: He's been active like Sloonei, trying to sort through the nonsense to the kernel of what's going on. Comes in guns blazing, but do you really expect anything different? I think I have towncleared Llama once in a game (without using an info-gathering power, I mean). Never completely trustworthy.

Juliets: I was pretty sold on her from that top of p.4 frustrated civ read. It hasn't wavered since then.

Nova: Now this guy is a clever cat. He has walked the line between being Mr. Helpful (appreciated) and starting this antagonist brawls with Mac and then Llama that do not accomplish anything; rather they derail discussion when other folks are pulling down some serious ISOs (Juliets, SLoonei, and even Llama). I'm not saying he hasn't put in hard work too, he has, but there's this rogue element to Nova that I just don't trust. He knows how to whisper in the ear of King of Gondor and damn if he didn't get Sloonei to stand up (I think I'm mixing up the LOTR mythology here a little bit, but just go with it) and take up swords. But instead of it being against the eye of Sauron, he is now going after this little hobbit who just wants some tea and cake but is instead fighting for her life.

Fight Wormtongue, Save the Hobbit
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:54 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
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Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [DAY 3]

juliets wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 10:09 pm
Mongoose wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 9:16 pm
juliets wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 9:05 pm Ok ugh. Mongoose sounds so sincere to me. I will go back in her ISO and look for her to be begging people to explain something whether it's MYLO/LYLO or something else. I don't remember anything offhand but I need to look.

My brain is fried. I'm checking out and will start reading nova in the morning after I check Mongoose's ISO.
Look through just the first few pages for it. If I have time, I'll find it later tonight when I'm done with this work out.
Mongoose, I looked through the first two pages of your ISO and couldn't find you begging for an explanation for anything. You don't have to do it tonight but I would appreciate your showing me the post you're talking about.
I will look, but it might be in one of the other two games I briefly played, and that's why we can't find it.
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:53 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
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Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [DAY 3]

novaselinenever wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 9:58 pm Eh, I want to see Llama go first now. Slightly tilted lol.

[VOTE: Llama] aubergine
Good, he's getting on my dang nerves.
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:52 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
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Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [DAY 3]

novaselinenever wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 9:56 pm
thellama73 wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 9:51 pm
novaselinenever wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 9:45 pm I brought it up once. Where are you getting "keep bringing it up"?
This is a lie, which you admit in the very next post.
novaselinenever wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 9:46 pm The other times I brought up the number of my post is about you not dinging into them and developing a read, not them having a bearing on my alignment.
Stop lying, liar.
So are you going to pretend that your "keep bringing it up" isn't in correlation to bringing it up as a mean to justify civiness, and volume of posts being a factor in alignment?

Whatever float your boat, just keep side-stepping.
What is even going on here? Teammate nonsense?
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:51 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [DAY 3]

novaselinenever wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:44 pm
Mongoose wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:40 pm
novaselinenever wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 8:06 pm
juliets wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 8:03 pm
novaselinenever wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 7:59 pm Mongoose flipped with you in her PoE, I believe.
Her POE was nova, sloonei, llama.

Mine has been less sure but I've been pursuing llama and Mongoose during the night phase.
Yeah that's what I mean with the Mongoose > Sloonei flip, 'cause I've figured yours has been Llama/Me/Mongoose. The people who said you were going to re-read today.
Sloonei was never a Person of Interest to me. I thought the Day 2 shenanigans were weird as hell, and it took me a while to parse that out, but I didn't go the Mac Route (although I will admit it did put a reasonable doubt in my brain before I reminded myself that that was silly).
I never said he was. You read that post wrong, it's about Luna's PoE compared to Juliets.
okay sorry about that - I am reading SO fast.
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:51 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [DAY 3]

juliets wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 9:56 pm
thellama73 wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 9:50 pm
Sloonei wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 9:40 pm
thellama73 wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 9:38 pm
Sloonei wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 9:01 pm @ you've talked about nova most of the day. I'm interested in your reads on everybody else now.
I also talked a lot about Mongoose during the day. I am confident that she and Nova are bad. I agree that Juliets is a confirmed civ. I looked hard for evidence of you being bad and didn't find it. It is remotely possible that Mac is bad, but I don't believe he is. Everyone else is dead.
Walk me through mac and mongoose reads.
Okay, my Mongoose read is basically based around her being blendy for the whole game. No strong reads, no strong cases, lots of wishy-washiness, lots of excuses, and most of all an eagerness to please when called out. She has cited your wishes as a reason to "do better", which I find suspicious. She seems very eager to look good and play into expectations. She mentioned modifying her playstyle early on. I find that weird. I don't modify my playstyle. She has been coasting and failing to ruffle any feathers, even when she comes under suspicion. She plays more defense than offense, which I associate with baddies because saying "I'm not bad" is easier than making a fake case on someone you know to be good. Also, the tone of a few of her posts has seemed contrived and inauthentic to me.

As for Mac, it's the exact opposite. He came in guns a blazing, not afraid to throw out "I'm positive x is bad" reads all over the place. He appears to have no concern about drawing attention to himself or trying to cover himself should he turn out to be wrong about anything. He throws caution to the wind. A particularly bold and confident baddie could potentially pull this off, but it's incredibly hard to do convincingly. If his teammate is Nova, then he has an ability to conjure up fake outrage and energy that I have rarely seen. If he is bad, I think Mongoose is more likely to be his teammate for this reason.
I'm having trouble turning my brain off. llama can you think of a game on this site where Mongoose was bad? I feel the need to see a comparison. Or a game where she was good - I can look to see if she is pounding out reads and making cases. You're right that she's blendy, and has an eagerness to please (which I associate strongly with Mongoose the person). I understand you associating playing more defense than offense with a baddie style but is it a Mongoose baddie style? I want to see that in action if possible.
I thiiiink I was bad in a game with Dev and Russti - Super Mario, probably in 2013. We won. I was also a baddie in the Six Feet Under with SVS and Sorsha. We did not win. Also around 2013.
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:49 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [NIGHT 2]

MacDougall wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 9:53 pm
Mongoose wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 8:26 pm
Sloonei wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 1:10 pm I think llama and mongoose coordinated their moves yesterday. I think they deliberately tried to pocket Mac by puffing up his case on nova.

If I’m boiling it down to one issue that makes me think it’s llama/mongoose instead of llama/mac, that’s it.
Coordinating our moves makes me think of Llama and I being on a dance floor together, which seems rather unlikely.

In theory, the idea of Llama and I being on a baddie team (or any team) sounds quite twee, but here's how that dialogue would go of us trying to formulate a plan.

Me: Okay, I am going to say this. You back me up by saying this.

Him: Don't tell me what to do.

Me: You're being unreasonable.

Him: You're being unreasonable.

Me: Fine say whatever you want.


That dialogue above would also work if you swapped out the names.

Also, super soz I haven't been around today. I have felt super ratty and ended up sleeping most of the day or eating a lot of red meat.
This post divides the two sides of me. My cynical and angry side reads this is as the most strawman argument ever but then my sensitive vegan side reads it as genuine.
I wish you knew us better, and then you'd get it. Also, we should talk about vegetables sometime.
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:45 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [DAY 3]

Sloonei wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 8:37 pm I read nova as town. It's not that I can't see the possibility of him being civilian, it's that we're at 4 vs 2 situation right now and for the duration of this game he's struck me as a civilian in tone and content, and I've not come across a single argument that has convinced me otherwise. I'm happy to continue talking about him because if he's fooling me, I would like to be able to see it. But so far I do not.
After Mac's response to the Day 2 lynch, I have extreme difficulty viewing him as mafia as well. Juliets is as close to confirmed town as a player can be.

I arrived at Mongoose/llama as a scum pairing before I had removed Mac from my POE, and all the while have been unable to argue for a scum nova. I just don't see it.

Does anybody suspect me to any serious degree at this stage?
Cmon man, you know the answer to that.
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:44 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [NIGHT 2]

juliets wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 8:32 pm
Mongoose wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 8:26 pm
Sloonei wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 1:10 pm I think llama and mongoose coordinated their moves yesterday. I think they deliberately tried to pocket Mac by puffing up his case on nova.

If I’m boiling it down to one issue that makes me think it’s llama/mongoose instead of llama/mac, that’s it.
Coordinating our moves makes me think of Llama and I being on a dance floor together, which seems rather unlikely.

In theory, the idea of Llama and I being on a baddie team (or any team) sounds quite twee, but here's how that dialogue would go of us trying to formulate a plan.

Me: Okay, I am going to say this. You back me up by saying this.

Him: Don't tell me what to do.

Me: You're being unreasonable.

Him: You're being unreasonable.

Me: Fine say whatever you want.


That dialogue above would also work if you swapped out the names.

Also, super soz I haven't been around today. I have felt super ratty and ended up sleeping most of the day or eating a lot of red meat.
Omg this sounds just like the two of you.
There is an alternate universe where we WERE the mafia team, and that's exactly what happened.
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:43 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [NIGHT 2]

thellama73 wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 8:28 pm
Mongoose wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 8:26 pm
Sloonei wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 1:10 pm I think llama and mongoose coordinated their moves yesterday. I think they deliberately tried to pocket Mac by puffing up his case on nova.

If I’m boiling it down to one issue that makes me think it’s llama/mongoose instead of llama/mac, that’s it.
Coordinating our moves makes me think of Llama and I being on a dance floor together, which seems rather unlikely.

In theory, the idea of Llama and I being on a baddie team (or any team) sounds quite twee, but here's how that dialogue would go of us trying to formulate a plan.

Me: Okay, I am going to say this. You back me up by saying this.

Him: Don't tell me what to do.

Me: You're being unreasonable.

Him: You're being unreasonable.

Me: Fine say whatever you want.


That dialogue above would also work if you swapped out the names.

Also, super soz I haven't been around today. I have felt super ratty and ended up sleeping most of the day or eating a lot of red meat.
True, but we are both in Murder Park.
Always remember Murder Park.
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:42 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [DAY 3]

MacDougall wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 8:12 pm
novaselinenever wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 6:56 pm Juliets is locked Town with Luna's flip, not like she wasn't before just with her presence and then claim. I'm having trouble seeing a world where Sloonei is bad.

So unless Nova is bamboozling us (and I was right all along :p), I'm fairly certain Mongoose/Llama are the infamous duo.
Translate please
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:41 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [NIGHT 2]

MacDougall wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 8:11 pm
thellama73 wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 6:47 pm
MacDougall wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 5:45 pm Is Mongoose/Nova compatiblegh?
Yes. Go read my ISO of Nova's interactions with Mongoose.
I did. It's good.
Ugh, not you too.
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:40 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [DAY 3]

novaselinenever wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 8:06 pm
juliets wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 8:03 pm
novaselinenever wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 7:59 pm Mongoose flipped with you in her PoE, I believe.
Her POE was nova, sloonei, llama.

Mine has been less sure but I've been pursuing llama and Mongoose during the night phase.
Yeah that's what I mean with the Mongoose > Sloonei flip, 'cause I've figured yours has been Llama/Me/Mongoose. The people who said you were going to re-read today.
Sloonei was never a Person of Interest to me. I thought the Day 2 shenanigans were weird as hell, and it took me a while to parse that out, but I didn't go the Mac Route (although I will admit it did put a reasonable doubt in my brain before I reminded myself that that was silly).
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:39 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [NIGHT 2]

Sloonei wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 8:05 pm Speaking of mongoose and POE, I'm still waiting to hear back on this one:
Sloonei wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 2:22 am
Mongoose wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 1:29 am
Sloonei wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 1:14 am
Mongoose wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 1:13 am
MacDougall wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 9:46 pm Juliets you and I are on the exact same page. I think Luna is too and Mongoose. All we need to do is work together and we will easily accomplish this.
I’m on board.
With what, exactly?
Relax, not your lunch. Baddie hunting. Someone is leading us around by the noses, and I’m sick of it.



The mafia team according to mongoose?
Yes. Although I thought it was Luna and Nova (until obviously I was proven wrong about half that).
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:38 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [DAY 2]

Sloonei wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 8:02 pm Mid-Day 2 rainbow
Lunalee wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2019 4:32 pm juliets


Night 2 posts:
Lunalee wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 8:53 pm
novaselinenever wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 8:52 pm I'm having trouble processing the last couple of pages
I think you're having trouble processing that your scum team has been outed and will be lynched in short order.
(I would be implicated in this with nova)
Lunalee wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 9:22 pm
Sloonei wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 9:15 pm
Lunalee wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 9:11 pm
novaselinenever wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 9:06 pm
Lunalee wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 8:53 pm
novaselinenever wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 8:52 pm I'm having trouble processing the last couple of pages
I think you're having trouble processing that your scum team has been outed and will be lynched in short order.
I'm quoting this again 'cause I'm slightly tilted by it lol.

Do you actually believe this? Do you think a mafia member would have a problem with going with a plan that's getting them a mislynch either way, and in that off chance the double-voter gets confirmed they can just kill them at night (no protectors)?

Did you not read up the thread when I showed up and advocated for a tie 'cause I believed your claim and wanted you to have a 100% chance of surviving instead of 50%?
I said it thinking it was funny. And I see you didn't not see it that way. My apologies. Did you really firmly believe both Colin and I were town? That's seems like a difficult claim to make.

Right now my scum POE is narrowed down to: Sloonei, llama, and you, so I'm not saying you're confirmed scum, but I can't clear you.
Why is Mac removed from your POE?
because right now he looks town.
She didn't leave us with much. Colin was her primary focus yesterday. nova and i seemed to be her primary suspects (following Mac's case at the time), with Mac as a solid town read. Mongoose was orange in her earlier rainbow and llama was green.
Even Luna, who was town as a clown, thought something was up with Supercat Nova.
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:36 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [DAY 3]

juliets wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 7:52 pm
Sloonei wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 7:45 pm
juliets wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 7:43 pm
thellama73 wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 7:20 pm Also, juliets come back and answer my question from forever ago. Who are your two picks for the mafia right now?
I'm waiting to hear from Mongoose on the questions I asked her, especially about the post that looks like it could be a slip, but I would say I suspect you and her more than I suspect her and nova. It just seemed like you were in concert with each other at various times in the game. I really need to hear from her though to tell you how solid I am on that read of you two. I need all the puzzle pieces I can get.

On the other hand, I'm still a little bothered about why I didn't die (the tinfoil part of me). If you (or anyone) was bad why take out Luna over me? She isn't participating much and her power was obviously gone. Did she die because of her reads? Is it because I seemed pliant and she didn't seem like someone you could talk into suspecting someone else? Can anyone tell me why they think she got the axe and not me? Another question along this line: why are sloonei and nova still alive? I hate asking these questions but paranoia over the NK is killing me. Maybe I just need sleep.
Maybe they killed luna so you'd start asking yourself these questions.
I guess it seems like to me everyone who's not mafia should have the question in their mind "why Luna?" They picked her for a reason, else why not take out the civ who is trying to help solve the game.
Killing luna on Night 2 is frankly so predictable that I am dumbfounded that folks think a Mongoose/Llama team would consider something so basic.
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:34 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [DAY 3]

novaselinenever wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:32 pm
Mongoose wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:27 pm
novaselinenever wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 7:05 pm And talk about me. I want that dark green, and a little bit of space between my name and Bonny & Clyde's :p
I was wondering if we had abruptly stopped doing just that! (Talking about Nova, that is, not the other part).
We have talked plenty.
Well I'm still catching up - 5 pages to go. I gotta do this in chronological order or it will be an unmitigated disaster.
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:34 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [DAY 3]

juliets wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 7:43 pm
thellama73 wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 7:20 pm Also, juliets come back and answer my question from forever ago. Who are your two picks for the mafia right now?
I'm waiting to hear from Mongoose on the questions I asked her, especially about the post that looks like it could be a slip, but I would say I suspect you and her more than I suspect her and nova. It just seemed like you were in concert with each other at various times in the game. I really need to hear from her though to tell you how solid I am on that read of you two. I need all the puzzle pieces I can get.

On the other hand, I'm still a little bothered about why I didn't die (the tinfoil part of me). If you (or anyone) was bad why take out Luna over me? She isn't participating much and her power was obviously gone. Did she die because of her reads? Is it because I seemed pliant and she didn't seem like someone you could talk into suspecting someone else? Can anyone tell me why they think she got the axe and not me? Another question along this line: why are sloonei and nova still alive? I hate asking these questions but paranoia over the NK is killing me. Maybe I just need sleep.
Can someone do me a solid and please help me find the post Juliets is referencing?
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:31 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [DAY 2]

novaselinenever wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 7:13 pm
thellama73 wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 7:10 pm
Mongoose wrote: Sun Mar 10, 2019 7:45 pm
Sloonei wrote: Sun Mar 10, 2019 7:35 pm
Mongoose wrote: Sun Mar 10, 2019 7:30 pm
dunya wrote: Sun Mar 10, 2019 7:26 pm no but seriously, i really did feel mongoose's entry was a little more stiff than her previous two.
Do you blame me after the raucous first day I had in Gossip Girl? That was brutalizing.
You got a read on dunya or nova?
Not yet, but I will amend when I do. I've played with them recently, so I could see a cabal thinking "Let's put a little pressure on Mongoose - she will get defensive and act weird and then we can vote her out early." I could also see them just desperate to grab onto any inkling of a ping on Day 0/Day 1 like we all are.

linki - Calibrating my playstyle to more suit this new world of mafia seems not only sensible but prudent. I'd expect anyone to do the same after playing one short game and literally one day period of another. My old style, which you would be unfamiliar with, seems a little antiquated for this new mafia landscape. It's more different than I could have ever realized.
No read on nova.
Mongoose wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2019 4:22 pm
novaselinenever wrote: Mon Mar 11, 2019 8:29 pm I'll have to agree with Dunya also about Luna's read on her. That "Town shines brightly" is funny looking, and it looks like something right out of Jay's eloquent gut reads.
But since Jay can’t be a teammate, what do you think this means? (Ignore this please if you answered it later in the thread, I’ll see it then). Thanks!
Mongoose wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2019 4:45 pm
novaselinenever wrote: Tue Mar 12, 2019 1:55 pm I'd like to hear more from Mongoose, so I'll wait for her to catch up :cloud9:
Thank you! If I missed anyone’s questions for me, please let me know. I tried to reply to anytime I was asked a question or mentioned in more than just passing.
Mongoose wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2019 1:19 pm I don’t know what my afternoon is going to look like other than a gauntlet of intense meetings, so I’m going to choose No Lynch. Day 1 votes are my most despised segment of a mafia game (as you may remember from the way back machine) so I’m going to let my vote sit here. I’m not down with a Juliets lynch and I’m not into voting for the new kid in his first ‘day’ either. Or an absentee player.

Why do I hate Day 1 so much? I always need more time (typically) before I can make a cashew or get a strong ping. I don’t want to recapitulate what I did above but I’m trying to foresee questions before I’m AWOL for a while/ rest of the afternoon. I’m getting a pre-ping on Luna and nova, but am I really? Do I just not know them yet? I just don’t think a first day mislynch is gonna do the town any favors if we can’t get our shizz together.

If I have time and can read, I will absolutely catch up on the thread and vote if I’m feeling something. I just don’t want to not vote either.

Linki cakes

This is a terrible time (legislative session) for me to be in a game so I’m trying the best I can - bear with me!
Pre-ping on Nova.
Mongoose wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2019 3:44 pm
Sloonei wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2019 3:12 pm
dunya wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2019 3:08 pm sloonei, maybe you missed my previous post. what about mongoose is town to you?
Sincerity. While I don’t think she’s given a ton of reads, she has been an open and willing participant in conversations whenever she’s been around. I don’t feel like she’s hiding.

But she hasn’t shared many reads.
I thought I had.

I feel Sloonei, Mac and Juliets are town.
Dunya and nova probably town
Colin is on border of town
Luna eep
MP and sprityo ??

Running out of time
Nova probably town.
Mongoose wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2019 7:28 pm
novaselinenever wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2019 6:37 pm I don't know why but the first thing that came to my mind for reconsideration is my read on Luna.
Yes let’s discuss
IN BTSC?!?! :eye: :eye: :eye:
Mongoose wrote: Wed Mar 13, 2019 8:55 pm Oof, I am married to so few of these.


ColinIsCool good
dunya good
juliets good
Lunalee bad?
MacDougall good
Mongoose goodgoose
novaselinenever good
Sloonei angelic

This is not going to work out well for me.
Nova good.
Mongoose wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2019 10:43 am
Lunalee wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2019 10:39 pm
Sloonei wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2019 7:20 am I just spent an entire night not sleeping so I might be insane right now, but I think you’re both town.
Ok, after reading the Nova/Mac drama, where Mac accuses Nova of being teammates with Sloonei, Sloonei says this. And it looks like something a teammate would totally do.
I GET this read but I just cannot fathom Sloonei being mafia. I think I could be talked into Nova (although not just because he won’t get off Mac’s ass - we’ve all been super wrong before with needless civ on civ violence ), but I just can’t with Sloonei

Could be talked into voting Nova.
Mongoose wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2019 10:48 am
Lunalee wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2019 11:09 pm You know, I sort of think nova stood up to Mac's suspicions pretty well. Instead of conceding to Mac's questioning, or changing his opinions to get on Mac's side, he dug his feet in hard, and fired back with every reason to do so. I'm just not convinced he's scum because of it.
That’s a fair point. (Nova is my next reddish pick after Luna, so I’m following this along closely as well)
Nova is reddish.
Mongoose wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2019 10:54 am
novaselinenever wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2019 10:50 am
Mongoose wrote: Fri Mar 15, 2019 10:48 am
Lunalee wrote: Thu Mar 14, 2019 11:09 pm You know, I sort of think nova stood up to Mac's suspicions pretty well. Instead of conceding to Mac's questioning, or changing his opinions to get on Mac's side, he dug his feet in hard, and fired back with every reason to do so. I'm just not convinced he's scum because of it.
That’s a fair point. (Nova is my next reddish pick after Luna, so I’m following this along closely as well)
Is that so? This is the first time I'm hearing of it.
You’re not wrong. (Nothing big yet)

I’ll be around as much as I can today but honestly I need a break right now after that gauntlet of a catch up
Backs down immediately on being challenged.
Mongoose wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 3:19 pm
novaselinenever wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 3:17 pm
thellama73 wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 3:10 pm
Mongoose wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 3:08 pm
thellama73 wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 2:53 pm

Personally, I would bet against this possibility. My theory is she legitimately misunderstood the matrix, but fake role-claimed anyway because, to quote her, she "had nothing to lose."
It doesn't make sense any way you slice it that you have "nothing to lose".
I don't understand this post.
Perhaps lol. I disagree though, the original ping itself (yours) is pretty weak. It's about my first comment in thread "tired to lose" that one has to milk heavily in order to extrapolate a scum read from. I feel that'd be pretty natural for someone to forget about it with how many other posts and content I have that can be analyzed for reads. Repeating it several times (especially when it's contrasted by a "I feel better about him now/recently") strikes me as being extremely self-aware to and attempt to keep consistency that isn't natural.
Did you reply to the wrong post?
A little helpful correction among friends here.
Mongoose wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 3:33 pm
novaselinenever wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 3:32 pm
thellama73 wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 3:29 pm
novaselinenever wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 3:27 pm Lynch all liars? :grin:
Epignosis claims he lies all the time as a civilian, but he is weird. I generally assume that if someone is caught in a lie, they are bad. The question I'm asking myself now is whether you legitimately expected me to forget a suspicion I had less than 72 hours ago. :ponder:
I don't expect you to forget it. However, I'd expect you to omit it when sharing reads especially when it's something as weak as being pinged by "Hi, I'm nova and I'm tired of losing". The contrast is too big.
Man, that was a weird ping. Whether you have lost or not seems super based in fact (and not alignment indicative).
Soft support for Nova's case against me.
Mongoose wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 10:51 am I really think Mac could be onto something. Nova's got the reddest hue in my rainbow.
The reddest hue.

So what do we make of the fact that Mongoose has steadily read Nova as worse and worse throughout the entire game, starting from civilian to "the reddest hue"? Personally, I don't see any explanation of this development apart from "I think Mac is onto something." SO in summary, yes, I do think they are compatible teammates, with Mongoose trying to throw a little (but not too much) shade on Nova as a cover.
Or setting herself up to vote me up as the last needed mislynch, like someone I know that has been pinged through 317 posts by "Hi! My name is Nova and I'm tired of losing".
You saying that didn't ping me (if you were talking about me; I am not entirely sure you were but wanted to clarify the record).
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:27 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
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Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [DAY 3]

novaselinenever wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 7:05 pm And talk about me. I want that dark green, and a little bit of space between my name and Bonny & Clyde's :p
I was wondering if we had abruptly stopped doing just that! (Talking about Nova, that is, not the other part).
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:26 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [DAY 2]

Sloonei wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 6:49 pm
thellama73 wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 6:44 pm
Sloonei wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 1:40 pm To be clear, I don’t disbelieve the story one way or other. And actually, believing the story makes me feel slightly worse about llama. What I’m bothered by is llama’s “softball setup” in your words. It reads like he and mongoose conspired to get this narrative out there quickly and on their own terms so that the issue could be swept under the rug (hence also treating colin as a friend most of the day).

Llama was not the only one who took issue with the No Lynch votes. I did too, and I was not alone in that prior to llama’s entry into the game.
How is it a "softball setup"? I demanded an explanation and I got one that satisfied me. I'm confused about how you think I should have asked that question.
"Softball setup" was juliets' way of framing it, but I did co-sign it so I guess I'm in this with her.

It felt like a sterile question. You seemed to frame it somewhat deliberately and then she seemed too well prepared in her response to it. It was apparently one of the two most pressing issues for you at the start of the day, but you accepted her story right away and did not bring it up again.
It definitely didn't feel softball. That would have been so easy to let it sneak by if we were on the same team. No one had even dang ole brought it up yet.
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:25 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
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Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [DAY 3]

I know my tone is kinda clipped, but I'm going through literally 6 pages of backlog.
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:25 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [NIGHT 2]

thellama73 wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 6:47 pm
MacDougall wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 5:45 pm Is Mongoose/Nova compatiblegh?
Yes. Go read my ISO of Nova's interactions with Mongoose.
Wrong like usual.
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:24 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [NIGHT 2]

Sloonei wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 6:45 pm
thellama73 wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 6:40 pm
novaselinenever wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 12:46 pm I have 300 posts in this game. Anyone that thinks I'm bad is crazy lol.
Because mafia never post a lot.
nova's not usually a 300-posts-in-2-Days kinda guy. This is an unusually high volume of content from him.

I'll always vouch at least a little bit for content volume as a potential alignment indicator. I know first hand how difficult it is to fake an extremely high level of participation.
Nova has had a suspicious way about him, but the number of posts is not part of it.
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:18 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [DAY 3]

Sloonei wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 6:34 pm Luna wouldn't have been able to use her 1-shot today anyway because IT'S MYLO, FOLKS.

Beginning of day rainbow:

Well that seems unwarranted.
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:16 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [NIGHT 2]

Sloonei wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 6:28 pm Getting back to my piggybacking of a point juliets made, Mongoose responded in part to my questions about her interaction with llama with this:
Mongoose wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 10:51 am There were seemingly better candidates. I was far from the only person to suspect Luna. The game is young. This is the first heist I've ever played (oof this pacing), so maybe that explains why everyone is so concerned with my lack of Day 1 pings and non-aggressive stance on Day 2. Back int he day, I just don't remember such drama over not having a lot of day 1 reads. It's a little baffling to me. I'm not the type to throw something out there and watch what happens. I don't disagree with that style, it's just not me.
These words were typed during this very night phase. Earlier in the game, however, she expressed the following frustration with the state of affairs:
Mongoose wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 5:13 pm Someone is hoodwinking us big time.
Mongoose wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 1:29 am
Sloonei wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 1:14 am
Mongoose wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 1:13 am
MacDougall wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 9:46 pm Juliets you and I are on the exact same page. I think Luna is too and Mongoose. All we need to do is work together and we will easily accomplish this.
I’m on board.
With what, exactly?
Relax, not your lunch. Baddie hunting. Someone is leading us around by the noses, and I’m sick of it.
Do these posts reflect a cohesive civilian mindset? In the earlier two posts, she seems frustrated with the lack of success civilians are having. In the latest post, she excuses her avoidance of llama behind an apparent nonchalance over the state of the game.
I wasn't trying to chastise anyone, far from it. Someone is duping the group, and it's not me.
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:15 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [NIGHT 2]

MacDougall wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 6:28 pm
novaselinenever wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 6:00 pm
MacDougall wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 5:45 pm Is Mongoose/Nova compatiblegh?
She is according to Llama, her scum buddy.
So I'm not Mafia now? After all this.
Seems like a pretty quick flip.
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:15 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [NIGHT 2]

MacDougall wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 6:27 pm So is Mongoose buddying up to me and Nova buddying up to you Sloonei?

Or are you and Nova just 100% right about this and I'm barking up the wrong tree altogether re. Nova.

It's one of those things where Goose and Llama are both saying things I feel. If they have pocketed me it has been a success.
Not buddying up to you, but I felt early on you were Team Civ and have been thinking you were onto something with the Nova call. Not so much the Sloonei Incident.
by Mongoose
Mon Mar 18, 2019 8:14 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [NIGHT 2]

MacDougall wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 5:57 pm
Sloonei wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 5:49 pm
MacDougall wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 5:45 pm Is Mongoose/Nova compatiblegh?
I haven’t looked into nova’s compatibility with her, but Mongoose has been propping up your case against him all game
Has she? Why not vote there?
oh, I so have. But I wouldn't characterize it as propping up so much as buying into Mac'scase.
by Mongoose
Sun Mar 17, 2019 11:05 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [DAY 3]

I've made a liar of myself by promising to catch up tonight; I've got to go to bed and get ready for tomorrow (new boss starts!) I realized it's only the first part of Day 3, so I can do my catchup tomorrow. I hope I will also have time to do a re-read or ISO on Nova.I take a 530 yoga class on Mondays, so you should see me around 730ish.
by Mongoose
Sun Mar 17, 2019 9:16 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [DAY 3]

juliets wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 9:05 pm Ok ugh. Mongoose sounds so sincere to me. I will go back in her ISO and look for her to be begging people to explain something whether it's MYLO/LYLO or something else. I don't remember anything offhand but I need to look.

My brain is fried. I'm checking out and will start reading nova in the morning after I check Mongoose's ISO.
Look through just the first few pages for it. If I have time, I'll find it later tonight when I'm done with this work out.
by Mongoose
Sun Mar 17, 2019 9:00 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
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Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [DAY 3]

Will start on p. 36 after some yoga
by Mongoose
Sun Mar 17, 2019 8:59 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [NIGHT 2]

MacDougall wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 5:45 pm Is Mongoose/Nova compatiblegh?

This makes me think we are on Love Connection or something
by Mongoose
Sun Mar 17, 2019 8:58 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [NIGHT 2]

juliets wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 5:17 pm Ok, I didn't post any more points on Mongoose besides the final two because I was concentrating on the big picture. I don't like that she has let llama call her bad without standing up to him like she stood up to dunya. I'm worried about that post that looks like a slip but will wait for her to explain it. And I don't understand her comment about the game is young but will wait for her to explain it. I can at least conceive of a bad Mongoose but I don't have on my happy face while considering it.
I'm reticent to say this because it is going to make me look like an invertebrate, but I avoid poking the bear that is Llama unless I have really solid grounds. I'm not going to just poke him (Mac Style) unless I have something tangible. As we are flowing through the game, I haven't seen anything on its own that would make me do that, but that might very well be different with an ISO.

We've had a "dynamic past" with mafia games, where things can get pretty sour between us when we suspect each other in games (where it's made us fall out IRL for like a day), so I don't wrassle that beast without a serious arsenal of substance behind me.

linki - thanks, guys!
by Mongoose
Sun Mar 17, 2019 8:55 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [NIGHT 2]

juliets wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 5:11 pm Point number 2 here is Sloonei making a point about Mongoose and llama. Below that is Mongoose's response.

Sloonei: "2. They've both expressed vague soft sort-of-suspicion of each other but not for a second has either one seriously pursued the other as a candidate"

Mongoose: "There were seemingly better candidates. I was far from the only person to suspect Luna. The game is young."

Mongoose, it may only be N2 but I think almost everyone has made the point that we (the civs) are now in a critical situation, and were in that critical situation before the Day 2 Lynch. One more lynched civ and the Mafia have won the game. Why would you use "The game is young" to explain why you haven't answered to llama's suspicions?
I am so used to side games (I don't think they are perhaps called this) and full games where it's not uncommon to have a slow build. This is literally the first heist I've ever played unless I played one many moons ago when they were new.

I probably meant to do a Luna iso/read and just ran out of time. That's been a real problem with a lot of things lately (not just mafia). I definitely owe you a Llama IsO/heavy read and I have not forgotten.

Linki Nova- Thank you!!
by Mongoose
Sun Mar 17, 2019 8:51 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [DAY 2]

juliets wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 4:33 pm
Mongoose wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 2:01 pm
thellama73 wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 1:58 pm
novaselinenever wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2019 1:41 pm I don't like how Luna's voters aren't considering the matrix episode at all.
I misread the matrix at first as well. I haven't played this type of game in a couple of years. I agree it's worth considering, but I just can't believe a civ would have made the post I highlighted from Luna.
I also misread it. I was begging anyone early on in the game to explain how a matrix worked, so I didn't get it until literally the moment when i was posting such in the thread.

I've literally never seen matrix in a game before, so thought we used the whole 3x3 since they are nearly that many players (at the start anyway).
Mongoose, I am reading your ISO and didn't see any posts in the game where you are begging people to explain the matrix. Did I miss that? I'm worried that you maybe begged your partner in btsc to explain it to you.
it may have been the abbreviations I asked about instead. I didn't get the matrix until right around Luna did, which is why I believed her on that item. I still don't know what LYLO/MYLO stands for, but I think I know enough what it means. I figured out EOD easily enough, but there's the POE thing that I've still not managed to suss out that acronym. I figured out GTH means Go to Hell after I saw enough examples.

I'm still getting caught up on the thread, but I'm going to pause here for some yoga since I skipped yesterday.
by Mongoose
Sun Mar 17, 2019 8:31 pm
Forum: Previous Heists
Topic: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [END]
Replies: 2279
Views: 82496

Re: It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia [NIGHT 2]

juliets wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 1:16 pm
Sloonei wrote: Sun Mar 17, 2019 1:10 pm I think llama and mongoose coordinated their moves yesterday. I think they deliberately tried to pocket Mac by puffing up his case on nova.

If I’m boiling it down to one issue that makes me think it’s llama/mongoose instead of llama/mac, that’s it.
I am buying a llama is bad theory but I'm still having trouble with Mongoose. Llama himself game me the best reason I've seen to doubt her which is her personality is a good cover for a scum role.
The flip side is that it makes my civ self look as blendy as a Vitamix.

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