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by BigDamnHero
Tue Aug 23, 2016 5:07 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [END]

Now, as for my "info dumping" I immediately apologized to the hosts and confessed I knew I was walking razor's edge, but in my defense, ONLY BWT and Epi (the only two living players I had checked) could've known/understood what I was saying. I figured most everyone else would figure I was talking jibberish or got whammied by an item. BWT then announced about his item, which I was NOT expecting, and asked me what info I gathered that made me think he was bad...the answer was exactly as I had been yammering about, I received NO info that night. More than anything, I was hinting at Epi (who I thought was civ at the time) that the 5 questions he previouly answered did not get a response from BWT...and I made sure that during the fallout that while THAT particular case against him fell through that it in NO WAY exonerated him from scrutiny.

Also, I updated my sig at the start of the game for 2 purposes:
A) just to brag...
B) As a wink to my role without blatantly saying it. :feb:

All-in-all, I had a blast playing....and now it's back to mafia retirment for me...PEACE OUT!
by BigDamnHero
Tue Aug 23, 2016 4:56 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [END]

All I can really say is....WOW!!!! I'm amazed I was able to pull out that win for Civs everywhere...Really, it ALL came down to luck during the last couple phases.

First off, I was gathering NO info from my nightly polygraph checks (and night 2 or 3 I didn't even get one cuz I was trying to PM from my phone and apparently didn't submit the PM to hosts). There wasn't enough info to assertain anyone's role in the early going. I was really REALLY hoping taht some civ, ANY civ would realize they should lie on ALL 5 QUESTIONS so I would know the full truth from them (keep that in mind for the future, folks). That's why I said in one of the later days that Timmer may be one of the SMARTEST players because he told me 4 lies...which turned out to be equally as disguising and only slightly easier to figure out he was bad, but by then he was killed and revealed anyway.

Now Epi's response basically called me out as being Lassie...which I kinda figured meant he was civ after I lived for so many night's after. Obviously he used this to his advantage to keep me in his side pocket...well played sir!...but when it came down to the last few days, I basically threw out ALL previous feelings and looked solely at Epi's response and the roles left and realized he MUST be one of the baddie roles.

So on about night 5 or so (shortly after the safe combo had been reset), my guess came back with 2 of 3 correct numbers. The next night I changed the one up a number....nope...then chaged it down a number the next night...nope...finally got it on the third try, and it COULDN'T have come at a better time. Here's what was inside:

Ankle Weights: This item does something! But the player who uses it won't know what until they use it.

Apple: Using this item will allow the player to be told the actual vote tally

Baby Monitor: The player who uses this item will learn the result of Madeleine’s psychological profile without learning the identity of the player being checked.

Cup of coffee (three cream, four sugars): Keeps the player awake for a stakeout; that player may watch one player and track their night target. (Carlton Lassiter can use this twice)

House Keys: The player who uses this item can protect another player from kills for one night.

Necklace: If a player holds this item when Carlton hooks them up to his polygraph, the necklace will allow them to get out of it, giving him no results.

Pistol: The player who uses this item gets a one time kill, but it only has a 25% chance of being successful. Each player can only use this once.

Psych Profile: If a player uses this item, they can remove one other player from the poll, but not him/herself.

Roller Skates: If a player uses this item, they can choose 25% of the living players to be in the next day’s poll, but there is a 50% chance one of those names will be randomly replaced with their own. This item can only be used once in total and since it has been used once already they are now useless.

Straight Jacket: This item does nothing! For you anyway...

Threatening Photograph: A player can use this item to role block another player.

I began asking the hosts TONS of questions: can any be used immedaitely, can I use the items before giving them away until I get down to 3 befre the end of the night phase, can I give them to the lynchee RIGHT BEFORE they are lynched so the more dangerous items go back in the safe, etc? That's when I came up with my final plan: I would dole out the more inoccuous items to the other players and give three to epi so he would take them with him to his grave and thus be unusable. I can't remember what I gave to who, but I kept the pistol (25% chance of an NK), Threatening photo (night block) and Psych profile (remove other player from poll). I decided to use my night ability to check Eloh, use the pistol on Russ (my thought here was that Epi was trying to eliminate the cops and so since he wanted us to take out Russ, this would be a good target), and use the block on BWT. Best case scenario: Russ would be the cop and the game would be over (providing the bullet hit its mark). But...well, we know how it turned out....knowing the game wasn't over but BWT had been blocked, it was easy for me to cast my vote and just HOPE AND PRAY Eloh wanted to win an epic victory with the civs...
by BigDamnHero
Sat Aug 20, 2016 5:39 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 9]

Sorry Russ/Henry...but your death WON'T be in vain.

ELoh, I cab get past yesterday. You didn't follow me and look at the results. I'm asking you to follow me now and to help make history in what will be transcribed in the hallowed halls of mafia as one of THE SINGLEMOST epic comeback wins ever!

BWT is the final cop...well, the final CROOKED cop, at least. If you want the civs to win (and win with US), you gotta vote as I do.

*votes BWT*
by BigDamnHero
Fri Aug 19, 2016 11:31 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Night 8]

Follow me civs...I got this!
by BigDamnHero
Fri Aug 19, 2016 5:11 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 8]

If that's not protecting a partner I don't know what is...
by BigDamnHero
Fri Aug 19, 2016 5:01 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 8]

Elohcin wrote:But, if your vote stays, so does mine.
Fine. Guess I'm getting lynched guys...I won't be threatened. I'm good letting things play out. :noble:
by BigDamnHero
Fri Aug 19, 2016 2:14 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 8]

Or else I'm gonna get lynch cuz Russ hasn't changed his vote off of me which leaves me vulnerable to ANYBODY else switching their vote last minute to me...
by BigDamnHero
Fri Aug 19, 2016 2:10 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 8]

Just a hunch...I'm the only person who is relatively established. Take me.out and NOBODY is sure of anyone left in the game.
by BigDamnHero
Fri Aug 19, 2016 1:28 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 8]

I think I'm Yin's target. Eliminating me keeps everyone at odds with everyone else.

And if yin is lynched, the game is NOT necessarily over.
by BigDamnHero
Fri Aug 19, 2016 11:04 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 8]

Elohcin wrote:
BigDamnHero wrote:I don't think INH is a cop nor is he yin.
Can you elaborate? B/c I think he looks pretty bad when he tries to defend himself against accusations.
To take Epi's approach from earlier today, I could but I won't. I've gone over everything at my disposal and it all points to Epi being a baddie role and INH not being a cop or Yin. I have no firm grasp.on you, BWT (who I don't believe has posted in the past 24-48 hrs., which is disheartening) or Russ. I'm either right or I'm wrong. Admittedly, I'm quite frustrated at this point but it's only a game (which while I've enjoyed playing serves as a reminder why I don't play mafia anymore) and not worth giving myself an ulcer over any longer. Here's to hoping my logic has added up, but if not, congrats to all those who've outplayed me.
by BigDamnHero
Fri Aug 19, 2016 9:25 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 8]

I don't think INH is a cop nor is he yin.
by BigDamnHero
Fri Aug 19, 2016 12:05 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 8]

BigDamnHero wrote:and FUCK ME....did I miss the post where Russ changed his vote to ME?!?!?!!? Or even an explanation why??? Suddenly I am well aware of how a mexican stand-off feels...why don't we all just vote a different person and leave it a whatever-way-tie..SHEESH!!! :huh:
goddam linkitis BULLSPIT!!!!.... :fist: I see it now, I get what's happening...I don't see why anyone EVER thought it was a good idea to make votes changeable...I really, really don't...
by BigDamnHero
Fri Aug 19, 2016 12:02 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 8]

and FUCK ME....did I miss the post where Russ changed his vote to ME?!?!?!!? Or even an explanation why??? Suddenly I am well aware of how a mexican stand-off feels...why don't we all just vote a different person and leave it a whatever-way-tie..SHEESH!!! :huh:
by BigDamnHero
Thu Aug 18, 2016 11:56 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 8]

There's SOOOO much stuff pinging me here, it ain't even funny...
Russtifinko wrote:
BigDamnHero wrote:So obviously Epi got whammied by an item or else he wouldn't install vote one person and then recommend several other vote another. I'm gonna take time to :ponder: which one of you other bastards I can trust. ATM, I'm leaning Russ, but that could very easily change.

To my civ counterpart, don't give up hope. I had previously thought that our victory was already squashed, but we've got a Hail Mary shot at taking the baddie teams out.
:confused: Soooo, I'm the one you can trust most, but then Epi says "You should vote Russ." and you vote Russ? Are you that easily swayed? Color me perplexed, at best, and a little frustrated.

Keep in mind, this is the same Epi who's been wrong 4 times in a row, and who has been so convinced I'm bad he's come up with 3 different baddie teammates for me, 2 of whom are now dead civs.
I earlier thought this was signs of him being yang, but I think there's another role that could explain his cavalier attitude here...

I got some small validation with that timmer death, so I'm now 1/2 on calling baddies. I think you can do the math here.
so basically your record is a coin flip...and that's somehow supposed to give you civ cred?
BDH, to answer your question, Elo is definitely bad in my book right now. She voted me yesterday, reread us, and decided to vote DF. Then she voted me again today as soon as Epi said jump. Which, honestly, is the same you did, but circumstances being what they are, I don't really buy that you're bad regardless. I figure her for a probable Cop.
if Elo is definitely bad then in your book why didn't you just vote her right away? ESPECIALLY because of your next statement...

I think BWT is likely bad as well. Between Epi and INH I'm really torn on the final baddie; my vote for Epi yesterday was admittedly reactive and somewhat emotionally-driven, and INH has been agreeing with me a lot, which is making him harder for me to judge. So I am actually open to changing my vote, no matter what Epi says. (Preferably to Elo or BWT, but to INH if I feel there's a compelling-enough case against him.)

And speaking of pretending to be willing to change your vote, this strikes me as funny in hindsight:
Epignosis wrote:
Elohcin wrote:
Epignosis wrote:Voted Russ again.
B/c of DF's last post?
Of course not. I was always voting Russ.
There was an earlier post where Epi stated the fact that there's no way to keep Yin from killing....then INH quetioned if this was a role claim (which he then later stated he didn't buy it). But either way, this makes no sense!!! Why the hell would anybody claimed to be the last member of a baddie team during a lynch phase??? It wuold serve no purpose other than to pain a target on themself and stand to gain nothing in return.

No I had early been working under a potential theory with the hypothesis of him being the independant, but him saying he thought Eloh was kinda pokes a hole in that. So stripping away ALL of the he-said-she-said, this case, that case, opinions, etc. and looking at things PURELY through a logical filter, Epi is the one coming up as one the last 3 baddies.

linkin @Epi: say we lynch a cop...that leaves 2 civs (who can't be sure of each other), an indy (who is out for himself) a cop and a serial killer. The serial killer has already (presumeably) decided who dies after the lynch. That killer is the ONLY person who can basically guarantee a kill since there are still condtions attached to the cop NK and the civs don't have one. Then come Day 9, we are just right back where we started.

The only power (aside from a conditional NK) the cops have is to vote together. so IF we can lynch Yin today and not spilt vote tomorrow, this defuses that advantage considerably.
by BigDamnHero
Thu Aug 18, 2016 11:31 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 8]

Spoiler: show
why dont any 3 of you just tell me who you are and make this easier on everybody! :nicenod: :sigh: :goofp: :wall:
I've gone over things and over things until my EYES have bled (I actually popped a blood vessel in my eye :noble: ) and nothing is adding up for me. Moreover, there are thing that basically EVERYONE has said/done/behaved which makes me call into question ALL y'alls allignments.

INH's point about Russ flipping civ would mean INH is a baddie.

Epi said in his plea to BWT, Eloh and myself that we have to get a cop lynched today...but realistically it'd be more of a priority since Yin can kill indiscriminately whereas the cops have failed several times at killing.

While my case against BWT was blown away, this also kinda gave him a blanket of protection of sorts while in no way confirming or disproving his actual allignment.

And if Eloh is the civ, the item I traded with her should've shown SOME sort of results, imo, and I haven't seen any sign of that happening.

As for Russ, his only credit is making a case against timmer who turned out to be yang, but that doesn't mean Russ ain't a crooked cop....

:confused: :stare: :omg: :shrug:
by BigDamnHero
Thu Aug 18, 2016 1:42 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 8]

timmer wrote:Wait, I was bad? Wattttt? :mafia:
I kinda figured you were
by BigDamnHero
Thu Aug 18, 2016 1:42 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 8]

I need everybody to respond (don't make a case, just assign the names):
Crooked cops are....?
Yin is...?
by BigDamnHero
Thu Aug 18, 2016 1:11 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 8]

I'm voting Russ FOR NOW....definitely just a place holder...BWT, ELOH I really need to know are gonna follow...let's NOT end today early and really hash things out...
by BigDamnHero
Thu Aug 18, 2016 12:23 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 8]

So obviously Epi got whammied by an item or else he wouldn't install vote one person and then recommend several other vote another. I'm gonna take time to :ponder: which one of you other bastards I can trust. ATM, I'm leaning Russ, but that could very easily change.

To my civ counterpart, don't give up hope. I had previously thought that our victory was already squashed, but we've got a Hail Mary shot at taking the baddie teams out.
by BigDamnHero
Wed Aug 17, 2016 10:59 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 8]

Okay baddies, you've pissed off the wrong Civ and now I'm coming for ya!
by BigDamnHero
Wed Aug 17, 2016 10:38 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Night 7]

Elohcin wrote:
Russtifinko wrote:Geez, so it was 2 civs on that poll...brutal.

BDH, who do you most feel like spoiling? haha
I can't wait to read end game and see the ins and outs of all the items. It had to be an item in the hands of a baddie, or I guess possibly a misguided civ.

Now, b/c we are still playing, that must mean that civs still have a chance, right?
...only if one of the items is a bag of magic beans leading to a castle in the sky where a giant lives that can squash both baddie teams in one fell swoop.

@Russ: I'm just proud that I'll make it as one of the last civs standing.
by BigDamnHero
Wed Aug 17, 2016 1:35 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Night 7]

INH, if you're a civ, gimme a high five sometime tonight.
by BigDamnHero
Wed Aug 17, 2016 1:29 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Night 7]

I'm all but convinced that epi is yang. He's been a mouthpiece all game because he knows no matter how many cases false were otherwise he builds he can't be Lynch. And given the in ineptitude this of the crookes cops, he didn't have a fear of being night killed. Also, if young and yang are responsible for doing their own riddles, it would go a long way to explain why Sean was able to solve so few of them. And it's our own fault for letting him lead us around like a puppy on a leash of game long. Well played sir!
by BigDamnHero
Wed Aug 17, 2016 12:51 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Night 7]

I am, of course, speaking to the ONE of you who is left besides me...
by BigDamnHero
Wed Aug 17, 2016 12:48 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Night 7]

We suck civs
by BigDamnHero
Tue Aug 16, 2016 11:21 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 7]

I'm really thinking epi is bad at this point. I'm at work and can't go through the thread, but she seems to have been changing his votes frequently especially as of late. And I'm thinking that might be a special condition rather than him fainting indecisiveness.
by BigDamnHero
Tue Aug 16, 2016 8:20 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 7]

I'm voting against the status quo....just cuz...I've been one in the crowd and it hasn't produced good results, so I'm switiching strategies....
by BigDamnHero
Tue Aug 16, 2016 3:55 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 7]

DFaraday wrote::sigh:

BDH, I promise you, I am one of the last remaining civs, and it seems you are as well. I don't know what Russ is, but I strongly believe he is Yin/Yang. If we lose this lynch the game is basically over for us. I'm imploring you, you can't vote me today. We will lose. Please trust me this one time.

Like the Temptations, I ain't too proud to beg.

Does my vote even matter at this point? It's already 5-2 against you. Plus, if you are a civ and I am, that just leaves one other....presumably Epi. But that would mean both other baddie teams have organized...and I don't see that. Part of me is now thinking you and Epi have been a baddie duo all along and using my gullibility as your pawn. Epics most recent quote to me "Don't get cute." stark a strange tone with sounded like a threat than dunno...I go to work in a few hours so I'll vote before then. Again, I feel the civs have already lost and we are basically deciding which baddie team gets the W.
by BigDamnHero
Mon Aug 15, 2016 10:29 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 7]

goddamn....I didn't realize how utterly HOPELESS it is for the civs to win...there's friggin' THREE OF US and 5 baddies left (if you include Despereaux). We fucked this up good....and I have a strong feeling that this vote basically is gonna decide the game because the civs have no kill ability, Y&Y can't be stopped and the crooked cops can barely hit water falling out of a boat...I need to review the case Russ2 has made against timmer because I feel if timmer is bad, then Russ needs to be spared and DF gets today's vote...
by BigDamnHero
Mon Aug 15, 2016 12:19 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 7]

Hols.on....I rescind my opinion of timmer....I'm drunk and not thinking correct logicly....I'm making gonna repost in the morn I ng
by BigDamnHero
Mon Aug 15, 2016 12:12 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 7]

insertnamehere wrote:Russ, assuming you make it out of Day and Night 7, would you want to lynch Epignosis?

@Everyone who is not Epignosis: Would you be open to considering Epignosis for a Day 8 lynch, and if not, why?
I could potentially be for that...I'm increasingly feeling a knife being twisted in my back...and he was quick to jump onto my BWT lynch...I suddenly lyrics feel like I'm the puppet to his master...the pawn to his...uhhhmmmm....chess guy?
Things have not worked out well for the civs so I'm rethinking EVERYTHING about this game....

But it's moot for now since he's not even on the poll...nor is timmer, who I don't think I'll EVER vote for again, btw...he Maya be quiey, but quite possibly the SMARTEST player in the game....
by BigDamnHero
Sun Aug 14, 2016 12:45 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 6]

birdwithteeth11 wrote:BDH, I know how you think you got info on me. The item I was holding at the time was the necklace. It was an item that was auto-activated based on you using your ability on me. I did not actively choose to use the item at that time, so it wasn't like I was holding it for some strategical moment to happen and then me use the item because it benefited me in a certain scenario.

Based on what information you received, what specific part of it makes you believe I am bad?
After talking to the host, I feel I need to proceed with caution and discretion. Sufficed to say, BWT's explaination of things 100% satisfies my conflict towards him effectively going for Defcon 1 all the way back down to Defcon 5. Unfortunately, without further violating the rules, I can't really answer your question. Now let me be clear that this in NO WAY confirms/clarifies his allignment in any way. There's a lot of baddies out there and we haven't scored so much as a whiff of one during our lynches.

The next point I wanted to address was my vote for timmer. Basically it was a vote of urgency. Since my case against BWT was found to be baseless, I needed to switch to someone else. Earlier I made a plea that the lynch against Scotty needed to be stopped because I believed he provided evidence showing his civiness (which turned out to be 100% correct). Both SCotty and Eloh were tied at the time and I didn't want either to go down so I felt moving my vote to timmer may cause others to do so as well and thus potentially saving a couple civs.
by BigDamnHero
Sat Aug 13, 2016 11:58 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Night 6]

Russtifinko wrote:
BigDamnHero wrote:I'm in b the middle of a football game...BWT explaination satisfies my quarries. Changing my vote to timmer...I'll post a longer explaination later...if I'm still around. Apologies for any part I may have played in the current situations.


RIP Scotty. Now you guys can clearly see there was nothing going on between me and him. So, can we PLEASE:

1) Stop listening to Epi
2) Lynch timmer
3) In all honesty, probably lynch Epi at this point. Let's be real, he's led like 3 bad lynches and shown no sign of letting up.
Larger explaination later but I had to switch my vote from BWT quick and didn't wanna go with eloh or Scotty (both of whom I posted about earlier today)
by BigDamnHero
Sat Aug 13, 2016 10:15 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 6]

I'm in b the middle of a football game...BWT explaination satisfies my quarries. Changing my vote to timmer...I'll post a longer explaination later...if I'm still around. Apologies for any part I may have played in the current situations.
by BigDamnHero
Sat Aug 13, 2016 9:12 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 6]

insertnamehere wrote: Blink twice if I'm right.
by BigDamnHero
Sat Aug 13, 2016 8:55 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 6]

birdwithteeth11 wrote: So because you know something you can't publicly reveal, you have to vote for me?

I mean, I'm not really sure what I can say to defend myself against that. And there's nothing in-thread that you can point to that has made you come to this conclusion?
You're right...there's nothing you really can say...not do I expect you to...but at the same time, I'm not taking up a call to arms and rallying everybody to vote the same way either.
by BigDamnHero
Sat Aug 13, 2016 8:37 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 6]

birdwithteeth11 wrote:
BigDamnHero wrote:
Epignosis wrote:If you want to go in that direction, I will support you. I went through (half of) bwt and gave my opinion, but if you feel differently, I'm willing to back you up.

Plus it'd be a relief for someone else to get shit if you're wrong. ;)

FUck it...I'm just throwin' it out there: I have a STRONG indication that BWT is a role with secrets attached to's the ONLY explaination I can come up with. That leaves me to believe thag if he's not civ, then he's a crooked cop or Despereaux (who may or may not be able to assist the civs). The problem is all the damn secrets and we don't know what we don't know...
What makes you think my role has secrets? I'd prefer to hear your thought process on this, because right now there's NOTHING I can say to any of this.

I mean, if you really do think I'm bad, I'd at least prefer to hear why before you stick a vote on me. :shrug:
We'll that's the trick, isn't it...IF I received any info or Intel, I couldn't says so as it would be in violation of the rules. As it stands, I received NO INFO WHATSOEVER on you...of this were a 5 question pop quiz, I got ZERO. And that's why I'm concerned...and that's why I think your role has secrets. And your avoidance, while neither confirming nor denying the claimed role secrets does not instill confidence in my of your civiness. I think I have to vote you this round...
by BigDamnHero
Sat Aug 13, 2016 6:07 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 6]

Epignosis wrote:If you want to go in that direction, I will support you. I went through (half of) bwt and gave my opinion, but if you feel differently, I'm willing to back you up.

Plus it'd be a relief for someone else to get shit if you're wrong. ;)

FUck it...I'm just throwin' it out there: I have a STRONG indication that BWT is a role with secrets attached to's the ONLY explaination I can come up with. That leaves me to believe thag if he's not civ, then he's a crooked cop or Despereaux (who may or may not be able to assist the civs). The problem is all the damn secrets and we don't know what we don't know...
by BigDamnHero
Sat Aug 13, 2016 5:34 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 6]

Now some of you may be wondering where my seemingly sudden suspicion of BWT came from...while I don't have any direct info to provide (nor would I be able to even if I had per violation of the rules set forth by the host), I can say that I have valid reason to raise some caution flags about him. In and of itself, this means nothing, and the reasons I have COULD be interpreted in a couple different fashions (good for the civs, possibly helpful to the civs or really, REALLY bad for the civs). What it comes down to really is do you have trust in ME. I'm a civ and believe I have conducted myself in such a manner throughout this game, or at the very least HOPE I have. I'm not asking you to follow me blindly (or at all even), but IF you believe I have the best interests of civ-nation at heart, then help me suss-out my concerns about extra-set of fresh eyes and all that...

@Epi: :bighug: Hosting is SOOOO much harder than playing...
by BigDamnHero
Sat Aug 13, 2016 5:24 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 6]

Scotty wrote:
BigDamnHero wrote:If my trust in Epi has been misplaced in this game, then I am well and truly BONED because I'm fairly certain he has deduced my identity. That being said, I do believe I may have been one of the ?????? failed NK attempts. I received no notification/confirmation that I was , but if so, I have NO IDEA how I would have survived it.
I don't understand your relationship with Epi but both of you seem to have a little secret and I hate not knowing secrets.

My aunt is named Chatty Kathy for two reasons: her name is Kathy, and she loves to talk. LOVES it. Which is great when I need to know how many cousins I have this year, and not great when the discussion focuses on her girlfriends' menstrual cycle syncing.

I don't know why I brought that up.
as for part 2 of that...eeewwww...Image

As for our "relationship," for me it's about respect. I know Epi is a seasoned veteran with umpteen games under his belt....look at the badges fer cripe's sake...pertaining to this game however, he just seems civ to me. As I stated earlier, I believe he's pinpointed me and aside from one unconfirmed attempt on me (possibly) I haven't suffered any ill-effects. As a semi-seasoned (albeit retired) mafia player myself, I would think he would want me eliminated ASAP.

ow that being said, I've been in a game before with someone I cosider of equal ilk/calibre to Epi (*coughLONGCONcough*) who I played a Star Wars mafia game with. LC and I were on a Jedi team together with I think 3 other people. Unbeknownst to all of us, he had a secret aspect to his role, namely if he SLAUGHTERED the rest of us, he would gain immense powers! Well guess what friggin' happened...Hence my recent questioning/reluctance about fully trusting Epi. I still do, but I'll always be wary of thatturning of the tide that I just don't see coming until it's too late. Epi I think is one of the few players who culd pull something like that off...

@INH: I don't go for "flip-flopping" theories really...especially if it's within the same day. Over the longer course of the game, has relevance.
by BigDamnHero
Sat Aug 13, 2016 5:07 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 6] all y'all who are playing mafia on your phones with your outrageously long posts: you are SICK IN THE FRIGGIN' HEAD!!!!!! My wife used to do this from a blackberry when she first began and I even called HER crazy. There's enthusiasm, dedication and enjoyment, but posting some of these long diatribes on an itty bitty screen and even ittier bittier keypad is like crack-addict mafia playing right there, yo!

@INH: I'm old-school mafia, so the fact the we have the ability to change our VOTES has just wrinkled my brains this entire game. I mean, what bigger form of fli-flopping is there than to commit to one verdict and then literally change it when the tides turn or a more prevailing wind blows...
by BigDamnHero
Sat Aug 13, 2016 5:00 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 6]

@SCotty: That last question about me thinking Eloh is a certain role comes down to process of elimination. I feel she is civ and so there are only a few civ roles left. No, I don't think she's Shawn. But I know who I am (duh), and I believe I may know who Epi is, which leaves only a couple that Eloh could potentially be. Now granted, if even one assumption is wrong, the whole philosophy falls like a house of cards, but that's the game.

I'm leaning towards voting either BWT or timmer today, tbqh...
by BigDamnHero
Sat Aug 13, 2016 4:52 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 6]

Scotty wrote:I'm not questioning your gift exchange. Hell, I gifted you an item last night (this isn't breaking rules afaik) so if anyone wants an item, it's me, should I still be alive.

Rabbit had Multiple items in his possession when I inherited the role. None of them benefited me so I gifted them our to who I thought were civs. Hope y'all use it to your advantage. :beer:

And what about Elo strikes you as a certain civ role? Do you think she's Shawn?
This makes me think we should bring a lynch against Scotty to a SCREECHING hault...there's SOOOOO much truth in here it's not even funny. The reason I know this FOR A FACT is because I gifted rabbit something before Scotty took over. Last night, I got that EXACT item sent back to me...what possible reason would a baddie have to send out an item to someone rather than give it or hoard it amongst his baddie teammates? Even more, what reaason would he then have to openly admit to having gifted it not knowing where/who it came from to begin with...

@INH: because of the way one of those posts was seemed quite pointed in my direction...
by BigDamnHero
Sat Aug 13, 2016 4:45 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 6]

Elohcin wrote:
insertnamehere wrote:
@BDH, Elo, and BWT, name one person you suspect that Epignosis didn't influence you towards.
I would go with BWT too...not because Of Eloh saying it, but because earlier this day phase I brought up concerns I had with him.
by BigDamnHero
Sat Aug 13, 2016 4:44 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 6]

If my trust in Epi has been misplaced in this game, then I am well and truly BONED because I'm fairly certain he has deduced my identity. That being said, I do believe I may have been one of the ?????? failed NK attempts. I received no notification/confirmation that I was , but if so, I have NO IDEA how I would have survived it.
by BigDamnHero
Sat Aug 13, 2016 1:53 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 6]

I worked from 6pm to 4am yesterday, got 2 hrs sleep and now I'm transferring my mom from one nursing center of day is pretty full...

That's being said, I'm reading the thread and WILL vote before poll closes. Russ' recent pleas kinda strike a chord with me, though. I need to :ponder: for a bit. We NEED to get this right to get back in this game or have any hope of achieving a civ victory.

Someone earlier, I think Scotty maybe, questioned my gift exchange w/ Elo. I.hope.ots not crossing a line but I'm gonna say it anyway: there's no danger in the gift I'm exchanging. It CAN ONLY HELP if Elon is a civ (and the civ I think she may possibly be) or else do absolutely nothing if she's one of the baddies. I've tried to be active with items but nothing I've done seems to have produced any results, unfortunately.
by BigDamnHero
Sat Aug 13, 2016 7:22 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 6]

Scotty wrote:Just look at those votes pile up.

Eerily reminiscent of early game, ain't it?

No one finds that suspicious that I'm having no resistance, once again? Timmer got resistance.

I mean, you can't all be bad, but apparently you can be lazy.

:sigh: I'm done putting up a resistance. Once again, I'm trying too hard in the game and it's making me irritable. Next time I replace in, I'm just gonna pop in every now and then and say "hey, I agree with the majority, that person is bad". Sounds like a winning strategy.

No, I'm not gonna talk to the mods. I've got it out in my past life and over the past day. It's just a game, I know, but it just sucks. Someone just tell me who to vote, I'm over making cases right now, it's just not worth it.
Do you thing Epi could be a silver-tongued baddie leading us astray, Scotty? If so, who would you have me vote for instead? The "evidence" presented against you does look bad, but as always in mafia, it's purely can you explain away those circumstances?
by BigDamnHero
Sat Aug 13, 2016 7:09 am
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 6]

Elohcin wrote:Yeah, I had forgotten about it too until I reread the rules the other day. BDH has offered to trade/gift me his item while I gift him mine, but I haven't heard from him since. I'm a little afraid he will forget and then I will have given him my item for nothing in return.

BDH, please confirm with me about our agreement as we get closer to EoD.
I sent my PM to the hosts after we agreed to the trade.
by BigDamnHero
Thu Aug 11, 2016 10:46 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 6]

birdwithteeth11 wrote:
BigDamnHero wrote:Epi, what is your take on BWT? I can't seem to get a read on him. It's like I send feelers out and get NO RESPONSE back...
What feelers have you sent out? If you have questions, I will answer them.
That last part was more metaphorical, than literal...cuz I really haven't asked you anything directly. I just read through your posts and can't infer/decipher/pick-up-on anything. You just read as a complete blank to me and I've never realy had that happen before. I usually get SOME glimpse (whether correctly or incorrectly) about something. And I should make it clear, this is more about ME reading you than anything directed at you/your actions. But since we are having this discourse, what are your thoughts about our inability to seek out baddies in this game? Are we being manipulated?...Do we just suck at it?...Are the civs just more active making it harder to find the mafia crews?
by BigDamnHero
Thu Aug 11, 2016 4:46 pm
Forum: Previous Side Missions
Topic: Psych Mafia [END]
Replies: 1523
Views: 40467

Re: Psych Mafia [Day 6]

Elohcin wrote:Now....anyone willing to gift me their item and I will gift you mine?
I'll take you up on this offer...

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