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by bea
Sun Feb 08, 2015 12:30 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]

If it.had.been anyone else but sabie or Sawyer I would have freeked out. As it was, I just kept my freekout to myself. I kept waiting all game for you to double cross us. I know how much you love :Feb:
by bea
Sat Feb 07, 2015 2:14 am
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]

Thanks llama - I am pretty cool in lots of things -but I'm not great at mafia - and I never claimed to be. I do however, love to learn and welcome instruction. :)

you're cool too sir! :)

TH - you would have been fun to have back too! I voted where I wanted to there. I couldn't believe anyone who picked Abed is Batman was bad. :noble:
by bea
Sat Feb 07, 2015 2:08 am
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]

I feel very torn and upset by this whole thing. Because I guess I keep thinking I know where the line is and then I over step it. I honestly don't think I did anything wrong this game. If anyone wants to search my posts and PLEASE tell me where I did anything wrong. Do it and PM it to me because I want to be a better player and I *though* was was becoming one.

I literally feel sick to my stomach that I helped make this game so unenjoyable for so many people. I want to get better but if I'm not shown better ways of playing things, I can't learn. Show me how civ bts was played better. Then I can learn.
by bea
Sat Feb 07, 2015 1:39 am
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]

epi - who would have come back if the other poll options for the dead players had won?

I'm dying to know who put Abed is Batman. :D

Marshy - for what it's worth - I did actually want to die so we could bring someone back. I was going to try to bring you back if it happened. Sadly no one tried to NK me.
by bea
Sat Feb 07, 2015 12:30 am
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]

DharmaHelper wrote:Early on in our chat LC said "rumour" instead of "rumor" so I had to narrow it down between the non-americans that were actually playing. :haha:

I can't recall when I stopped thinking "I want to win" and started thinking "I want LC to win"
That's sweet.

Till about the time he dropped his suspish on you, I thought LC was Boe because he was the only other one that thought you were bad. I figured he was so sure he HAD to have info. Then he dropped it and I was all IDKWTF anymore.
by bea
Sat Feb 07, 2015 12:23 am
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]

great job host - good game guys. Sorry I wasn't a champion player. Please don't not play Timmer and DH because I suck. You'd think after all this time, I'd be better, but alas, that is not so.

So thank you all for taking the high road and dealing with me anyway. :hugs:
by bea
Thu Feb 05, 2015 11:38 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Night 11]

LOL so I should have just waited. Doh.
by bea
Thu Feb 05, 2015 11:37 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Night 11]

I'm not sure what point you are trying to make with the boom quotes socky. Please esplainy to me. :)
by bea
Thu Feb 05, 2015 11:01 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Night 11]

Elohcin wrote:Cool. Anyone know why the day ended early? Do we know how many baddies we have left? Bea, you seemed to think the game would end if Mongoose was bad. Why's that?
If boom was a seemer - he would have been on the sorceeeers team - thus two sorceeeera left - two killed. Tbh I wasn't sure if the game would end or not.
by bea
Thu Feb 05, 2015 10:39 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Night 11] point dh
by bea
Thu Feb 05, 2015 9:23 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Day 11]

Well, Mr. Ghost, I'm not gonna lie - if the game doesn't end with goosey - I'm going to fall into paranoia mode and see shadows and conspriacy everywhere.

It would be DH-JC -LC I think would be the ones I'd look at more closely.
by bea
Thu Feb 05, 2015 7:15 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Day 11]

oh that reminds me, might as well vote goosey now.
by bea
Thu Feb 05, 2015 7:14 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Day 11]

Mr Ghost -

If the game doesn't end with goosey's lynch - where do you recommend we look next and why?
by bea
Wed Feb 04, 2015 10:43 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Day 11]

No death is good. So Mr or Ms ghost - I'm listening. :)
by bea
Tue Feb 03, 2015 7:04 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Day 10]

yea - I'm cool with boom I guess. between of him and mongoose it's six of one half dozen of the other for me.....
by bea
Sat Jan 31, 2015 9:14 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Day 9]

Fwiw - I am slow but.see.what.Timmer and seek.are.talking.g.about.
by bea
Sat Jan 31, 2015 7:43 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Day 9]

This is too intense for me. Off to work voting goosey of the propel I felt question marky about she has most flown underthe radar IMO.
by bea
Sat Jan 31, 2015 7:06 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Day 9]

OMG - so much stuff going on and I have no clue about. I never got something from SVS - but then she knows that.

I've not been one of the cool kids to receive a message so no idea what that's about either. Nor did I get anything from the hat poll.

MP - I'm curious how this recruitment would work in your theory - it sounds like the messages are asking people to vote a certian way. Does conforming and voting that way then mean said person is recruited? IE - is DH now recruited to team hat because he voted for LC when pressed? Is it a more traditional recruitment?

SVS - is it possible your prezzie was double targeted? As in someone on team sorcerrer redirected it - (Can that team do that? I don't even remember the roles right now. Sucky lack of cofee and time.) - and then Rouge caused some shenanagans and it went somewhere besides where you were told it went?

As far as Eloh goes, I've trusted her since I recieved my role pm. IDK if roles went out during the sign up thread or not as I was late to the party as usual. For timmer and anyone else that may doubt my very civ reasons for trusting eloh - by all means, lynch me and have it verified. Death is not the worst thing for me this game and if it helps clear things up it helps clear things up. I'm not affraid of that in the slightest. It's just kinda a time waste is all.

I work a bit backwards so - I most trust Eloh
Next is SVS.
I'd put Timmer and LC on the next rung. I don't have anything as solid, as I do for the first two, but they have been very active and have been important in snagging a few baddies.
Zeek and JC are on the next level for me - I'm not positive but I lean more towards civ than I do baddie. It's getting murky here though. Can't really point to anything that makes me feel they are civ outside of gut.
Daisy - She's read genuine to me these past few cycles. I lean civ here too.
MP - I'm all Mulder here - I want to believe socky. I really do. Then I get paranoid and start doubing - then I want to believe again. It's not you it's me baby. It's REALLY difficult for me to trust indy's. Even helpful ones. And I've played indy both ways.
DH - who the eff knows anymore? At times, I've found myself agreeing with him even while I was suspecting him. I'm dropping that feeling that he's super bad though. Which is either a very good thing or a very bad thing.
That leaves - blooper, goosey, and boom as ????

Of those three - goosey seems the most blendy and hidey to me. I know blooper is a low poster, but without a reread my general memory of her posts is that she points out things and gives a pretty decent feeling of where her head is at in that moment. I don't have the same non-reread feeling about goosey. I barely remember her posts outside of the bit about not being born with a wand and the squee over the felt hats. I go back and forth on boom. I feel like I suspect him when he's not around then he posts and somehow I'm thinking Oh, I was wrong.

Outside of that - I think the only other people left are the inactives - of which I have no read on because they are inactive.

Not sure about my vote today. I have about an hour before work clocked out last night at 45 hours and I have tonight and superbowl sunday then open on monday to go before my next day off. :( I'll follow along on my phone and vote when I can. I'm curious to see how this shakes out.

well - crap that was a lot of linki while I was typing. IDK how valid that list up there is in light of this new stuff.
MOre linkie -
more linkie x3 - Outside of saying I trust eloh - I've not said anything more about my role. I've neither confirmed nor denied any role being assigned to me and she. Specificly because I can't think of a way to do it without infodumping.

x4 - ya'll are killing me.

x5 - DH - i agree - we can lynch me if you like. :)
by bea
Wed Jan 28, 2015 11:30 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Night 8]

I'm thinking fedora because you know who wore a fedora? Indiana Jones that's who.
by bea
Wed Jan 28, 2015 10:59 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Night 8]

Awesome-o! !!!!

Awe....the.Cockney.was starting to grow on me.

My first thought is Hattie but I didn't glance at the.poll yet...
by bea
Wed Jan 28, 2015 10:08 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Day 8]

Man.....My phone don't speak rap :(
by bea
Wed Jan 28, 2015 10:07 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Day 8]

I'm willing to listen to suggestions. I still like a dh vote but me n lc seem to be the only ones giving that way.
by bea
Wed Jan 28, 2015 7:31 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Day 8]

LOL yea - my in the first place. Tack on my extreeme.tired and yea....enjoy my typos all :)
by bea
Wed Jan 28, 2015 7:01 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Day 8]

I am gonna vote made now. I will try to check back later to see if we change our minds and decide to go with dh. Dunnno if I will be able to make it back or not.

Tinker's curse is finally starting to help me understand Cockney rhyme a bit. So there's that..
by bea
Wed Jan 28, 2015 11:21 am
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Day 8]

I have to open close today so I will prolly be fairly quiet. I'm still cool with a dh case - I like the made case.made - boom prolly after that.

Daisy - thank you for that input. Like I saod, I feel most sure mmmt Eloh is civ. Second about svs - lc and Timmer are the ones I'm putting faith in. Do you think my faith is misguided?
by bea
Wed Jan 28, 2015 3:39 am
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Day 8]

Daisy - I'm it.out. I really am. But.I know I'm a.civ and I've.trusted.Eloh since.the.start.of.the game. Help me understand.
by bea
Tue Jan 27, 2015 3:53 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Day 6]

Daisy - Just one question: Why do you think I'm bad?

I went back and looked. You've never said why you think I'm bad. This is the first and most detailed mention of me you have made. It was Day 6. Since then every post in which you mention me you say you think I'm bad. It has been a general progression of suspecting SVS less and me more.

But you never say why you think I'm bad. What did I do to get you to that conclusion? It's really hard for me to not read your suspicion of me as just throwing out a name you think will stick.
Spacedaisy wrote:I'm sorry guys, I started a new job yesterday, I've been kind of busy, thus the lack of posting here recently. I've skimmed the past couple pages and I can't say I am happy...
timmer wrote:Exactly, Alex is trying to cast himself as this big savior but he was just trying to get out in front of a situation that was already starting to unfold. He's very carefully playing the woe is me card to control the narrative. It makes me feel that I'm right about SD being bad SND her being the narrator.
You are absolutely wrong about my alignment. I am civ. I don't know if Alex chose me as the narrator but I would be really surprised if he did. He is a smart player, he would make a careful choice here.he would want someone he thought had the best chance to make it to the end. I am not that player, and we all know it. I would not even think he would recruit me this early in the game, maybe later, I don't know.

Lynching me will only help the baddies. don't do it.

That said, this stupid narrator accusation has made me a mark, I will likely get NKed at some point, I woud rather get lynched. At least that way the civs will get some information from my death.

Now, I want to say I think either SVS or Bea are bad. I don't know which I a suspect more right now, and it's far from being certain. I could be wrong, but I tend to subscribe to the idea that the simplest explanation is the likeliest and right now that points in my mind to either Bea or SVS being bad. That is my two cents on that. I Still don't trust DH or TH either frankly. For all the reasons we've been over a million times.
by bea
Mon Jan 26, 2015 10:45 am
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Night 7]

zeek wrote:I understand the weaknesses in the arguments that got Snowy lynched, so voting elsewhere is not by itself that worrying. Obviously, however, that also meant his teammates could now use that as cover for not voting for him. I haven't forgotten about the Suits but I think this lynch will be helpful, in combination with Bass-Dom, in determining who the Sorcerers are. But then I thought Snowy was a Suit using this type of analysis!

bea, you seem very civ on the surface but obviously you're still on the Sorcerer list. I'm starting to really pay attention to your closeness to Elo in this game as well. I'll be re-reading both of you.
Please pay attention to my closeness to elo - ask yourself when did i start trusting her and why? :D

If you sill think I'm bad. Then by all means lynch me. I'm not afraid of death this game. I've been more outspoken than I normally play because I'm not afraid of death this game :)

I am however super afraid of my hubster - I am as usual - the fail in all things important :sigh: But at least I make mafia posts almost reguarly!! right?!
by bea
Mon Jan 26, 2015 5:04 am
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Night 7]

zeek wrote:
timmer wrote:You know, I actually had Snowy down as a probable suit, not a sorcerer lol. So snowy took a chance and voted his own teammate in the Dom/Bass lynch. I've got to revisit some ideas before tomorrow!

The whole basis of the case against him turned out to be wrong but he was bad anyway :noble:
That would explain why his play this cycle reminded me so much of Who.

I want to go back and re-read DH tonight. That's my goal. I have good feels about timmer and svs and they both seem to see good that I'm not seeing. I'm willing to admit I could be wrong here, so I want to go back and give him a good careful read.

I'd also - for giggles, like to take at the dom/bass lynch vs - the lc messup - vs today's lynch. As far as voting goes, I think there's some things to see here. I'm curious if anyone else besides me - didn't vote dom and didn't vote bass. I have tomorrow off so - hopefully - my weekly sleep catchup time doesn't interfere with much needed mafia time.

And yes - zeek - I know - this still makes me look bad to you. I get why. I can't say anything more than I'm not bad to defend against why you would think I could be a sorcereer. I know the fact that I was the last person Dom silenced looks bad and I understand why it looks bad. It looks like he was trying to throw cred to a teammate on his way out. All I have is, that based on his reaction in the thread when MP made his "I was targeted by both silencers" post, he wasn't expecting to be outed as soon as MP could speak again so he had no reason to throw any teammate cred.

I'm 4 beers in and at the end of the first of 2 60+ hour work weeks. :sigh:
by bea
Sun Jan 25, 2015 11:21 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Night 7]

Awesome.result! Nice job guys!!!!!
by bea
Sun Jan 25, 2015 9:12 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Day 7]

I agree.with.rusty's agreement re: boom.wth? Totes wanna
by bea
Sun Jan 25, 2015 6:39 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Day 7]

Fair enough on both counts.Timmer - just.different philosophy I suppose.on I'm not of the.changeable.votes. I will if it makes you feel better.
by bea
Sun Jan 25, 2015 6:18 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Day 7]

Have to go to work now, so yay my awesomely bad punctuated posts when/if I can. I'm keeping hold of my vote as long as possible because well - wow. wonky lynch yesterday was wonky.
by bea
Sun Jan 25, 2015 5:56 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Day 7]

EBWOP - and yes - I am not on the list. Because I know I'm a civ. I figured ya'll didn't need to hear me say it.
Elo's not on the list because I've trusted her since day 1. SVS is not on the list because I believe who she says she is.
by bea
Sun Jan 25, 2015 5:54 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Day 7]

Elohcin wrote:
DharmaHelper wrote:I still think the Made Case is something to consider. Also, we should look at the Dom/Bass lynch very carefully. Two baddies being the only options, stands to reason that Suits voted Dom and Sorcerers voted Bass
Yes, I almost forgot about the case on Made. I remember it being a good one but forget what was said. I will look into that again.

As far as the Dom/Bass are the results.

Bass_the_Clever (9 votes) -
Elohcin (3), Dom (4), Boomslang (10), zeek (11), bea (12), nijuukyugou (14), Russtifinko (16), juliets (17), Roxy (19)

Dom (7 votes) -
Long Con (5), Spacedaisy (6), DharmaHelper (8), timmer (9), Turnip Head (13), S~V~S (15), Snow Dog (18)

Only 16 people voted. I assume some of the non voters were baddies. What do y'all think we can glean from this poll?

DH - can you recap you made case or post a link?
Ok - So in the Bass voters: Boom, zeek, blooper, rusty, and JC.

I think it's unlikely that boom and Dom were on the same team given their heated back and forth. I also don't know that boom would vote his baddie teammate in a lynch that close when no one would have batted an eye if he'd voted Dom. I think boom is either civ or indy.

Zeek and JC I've been reading as likely civ but I can't say I'm positive.

Blopper and Rusty I feel like I don't know as well as I should. I keep reading their posts as genuine, but I don't know that I've seen enough of their game play to be able to trust my feels if that makes sense?

Dom voters: LC, DH, Timmer, and Snowy and Daisy.

I think it's likely that LC and Timmer are civ.

I've had the heebies about DH since D1.

If the other suit voted made the vote, I would think it was snowy or daisy before Timmer.

Snowy's posts the past few days have read to me like he was playing in Who. I get the frustration in them and I could see a civ Snowy being just as frustrated. So I'm not sure it is fair of me to assume that he is playing like he did in Who for frustration. Does that make sense?

Daisy raises my brow only because she put me on the defensive by suspecting me and SVS. Dunno if it is warnted or not. Hard to read her when she's busy and doesn't get to spend as much time as I know she'd like to actually playing the game. Big huge IDFK here.

linkie - ask and ye shall recieve.

I know it's pretty wishy washy Timmer. I'm sorry about that. I feel like Daisy and Snowy are near the same on the scale of could be bad.
by bea
Sun Jan 25, 2015 5:34 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Day 7]

Russtifinko wrote:
Elohcin wrote:
zeek wrote:She said YES!
YAY! Congrats!
Bets thing that's happened so far during this game. Congrats! :fiesta:

Awesome news zeeky! You need to head over to the pictures thread and show us you and she and the ring and all that jazz! Super happy for you sir!! :D
by bea
Sun Jan 25, 2015 5:32 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Day 7]

I agree with JC and SVS's analysis of LC.

FWIW - his blow up during his lynch read genuine and out of character for the baddie LC I know and love to hate. I think if he were bad he would have been much more collected and guarded.

I meant to spend some time this morning looking things over more and my BFF from back home called this morning. Hadn't talked to him in more than 6 I was on the phone like a long time. I still have about an hour though before work.

It feels like the thread has been pretty focused on finding suits and not socrerers. I have to wonder if that's because the suits have an easier trail to follow (since DF and Bass were both suits) or if it's because vocal players don't want us to find sorcerers.

Not sure where my vote is going. Feels like we need to be really careful with this one.

linki - JC - I lean toward a DH vote. If anything to finally put it and my bad feelings about his game this time around to bed one way or the other. I'm worried though as we don't know the results of the fight poll last night and that somehow voting DH could lead harm to LC whom, I think is civ this time around.
by bea
Sun Jan 25, 2015 5:15 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Day 7]

Elohcin wrote:
zeek wrote:Voting Snow Dog for now, but open to a DH vote as well.

Elo - I'm not bad, why am I on that list?
Process of elimination. Basically, out of the dom/bass lynch voters, you are in my unknown category like Juliets. You were the only two left to pick from that had voted. But....I would put Made being bad before you for sure. Russ had just made a stink about how he thought EVERY baddie would have voted in the dom/bass lynch.
bea wrote:I believe.that.svs.can only snape and voldy - it makes much more.sense.with it.does voldy - if you go.back and look at.what.happened when after.the makes sense.
I thought you said you were almost sure SVS was civ, now you are saying you think she could be Voldy?
Yes Elo - I think that SVS is civ. Pretty darn sure about it actually. The only person I'm more sure of is you. ;)

I was trying to summarize *how* we got to that conculsion for made because he asked for it.
by bea
Sun Jan 25, 2015 2:27 am
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Day 7]

I'm on my phone from work. Sometimes.I hit.the wrong button instead.of.the.spacebar. :p I phone btw
by bea
Sun Jan 25, 2015 12:11 am
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Day 7]

I believe.that.svs.can only snape and voldy - it makes much more.sense.with it.does voldy - if you go.back and look at.what.happened when after.the makes sense.
by bea
Sat Jan 24, 2015 7:12 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Day 7]

@ elo - that actually is a pretty good idea. I will try to do that tonight when I get home.
by bea
Sat Jan 24, 2015 7:11 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Day 7]

No lc - you are not alone. Itsnone.of the.reasons I never.really quit suspecting dh. When I asked him specificly what he learned from it his answers were less than compelling as.well.
by bea
Sat Jan 24, 2015 5:54 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Day 7]

I think pretty positive. matter of.fact.

LOL at Linkie.
by bea
Sat Jan 24, 2015 12:53 am
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Day 7]

Long Con wrote:Nailing down the Hatter is a fun pasttime, but I don't really see the usefulness of it. Well, except that we could strike another person from the "baddie we have to kill" list.

I don't know what the Russ thing is yet - I think it happened while I was at work, when that lynch that I had all those votes happened. I was catching up in secret on my phone at work, and missed the Russ roleclaim theory. Care to tell me about it?
Daisy pulled.a.quote.of his.thinking it.leaned him to being a.particular role. Russ.came.back and said.he.wasn't hinting
by bea
Fri Jan 23, 2015 10:31 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Night 6] hatter and posting.....
by bea
Fri Jan 23, 2015 7:32 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Night 6]

Lots.of.luck and.warm you zeeky!
by bea
Fri Jan 23, 2015 5:58 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Night 6]

RIP Rox. I had good feels about you.

The end of that lynch. Wow. I just can't even.... Definately need to spend some time re-reading and thinking to see how that went down.

I went with Rey for the fight thingie.
by bea
Thu Jan 22, 2015 9:59 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Day 6]

Going with my gut and voting dh. :(
by bea
Thu Jan 22, 2015 8:16 pm
Forum: Previous Sit Downs
Topic: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [ENDGAME]
Replies: 3897
Views: 88001

Re: The Syndicate 2014 Game of Champions [Day 6]

MovingPictures07 wrote:I'm so glad I took the time to look at them. Because his
posts paint a rotten picture.

Add the fact that he's avoided discussion for so long and bingo. I bet we've got a baddie. Also a potential DF, DH, and even Dom connection -- first due to his weirdness in voting Boom over DF and trying to discredit the DF case, the second due to finding him super suspicious and then backing off, and the third because he voted Bass over Dom despite being pinged by Dom.

Linki w/ Snow: Fair enough, even though half my votes were jokes, lol, but seriously look at Russ's posts. I bet you he's bad.
Df and domain were not.on the same team. Df was.a.suit. domain was.a.sorccerer. ibdont know how or why a baddie would try to.protect.someone on

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